  • 8/14/2019 Behavioural Competencies Co IMPORTANT


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    Behavioural Competencies Seasonal Conservation Officer (N18)Conservation Officer, Field Operations (N21)

    The following document is your reference for identifying:

    behavioural competencies and their definitions ; and the competency scale for each behavioural competency.

    Behavioural competencies refer to personal attributes or characteristics (i.e. motives,attitudes, values) that describe HOW a job or task is performed as opposed to the particularsof the job or task. For instance, competencies like flexibility , integrity , teamwork or self- confidence are personal characteristics, demonstrated through on-the-job behaviours, whichcan be applied in any number of job-related situations as compared to a specific technical skillor knowledge set.

    The definitions provided below are not exhaustive and are intended to give an overview of thetypes of behaviours associated with each competency. These behaviours are organized alonga hierarchical scale, or a series of statements that expand on a generic description andprovide detail about what the behavioural competency looks like at increasing levels ofperformance. In other words, each level is noticeably more complex and more difficult toperform than the previous. As well, if an individual has demonstrated behaviours at a higherlevel on a given scale, it is assumed they are capable of the behaviours outlined in the lowerlevels.

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    Expertise includes the motivation to expand and use technical knowledge or to distribute work-relatedknowledge to others.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Answers Questions: - Answers ques t i ons a s an expe r t when

    asked .

    - Share s w i th peop le abou t cu r r en tunde r s t and ing o f t e chn ica l i s sues .

    Is there evidence that the candidate responded toquestions with technical information? Was thecandidate able to answer questions that others werehaving difficulty finding the answer to?

    2. Provides Extra Knowledge: - Offe r s one s knowledge t o o the r s when

    one s ee s an oppor tun i ty t o add va lue ,even i f no t a sked .

    - Tr ie s t o answer deepe r i s sues , spendst ime he lp ing o the r s r e so lve t echn ica lp rob l ems .

    Was there evidence that the candidate spent timehelping resolve a technical issue? Was there evidencethat the candidate understood how their knowledgemight impact the organization?

    3. Demonstrates Depth of Knowledge: - Demons t r a t e s i n -dep th knowledge o f

    one s a r ea o f expe r t i s e .

    - I s ab l e t o speak knowledgeab ly andanswer ques t i ons abou t r e l evan t i s suesand cons ide ra t i ons . I s pe rce ived andsough t ou t by o the r s a s an expe r t .

    - Advi se s o the r s i n con t en t a r ea .

    Did the candidate use his/her expertise to demonstratehow various solutions could impact the organization?Was the candidate sough out as an expert because of his/her ability to apply their expertise in practicalways?

    4. Advocacy:- Advoca t e s u se o f t he mos t e f f ec t i ve

    app l i ca t i on o f con t en t a r ea knowledgewi th in t he o rgan i za t i on .

    - Works t o ge t new app roaches accep t ed .

    Did the candidate demonstrate leadership indeveloping support for the implementation of newapproaches? Did the candidate achieve effectiveapplication of content area knowledge throughout theorganization?

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    FLEXIBILITY - is the ability and willingness to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of diverse situations, and with diverse individuals or groups. Flexibility entails understanding and appreciatingdifferent and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting ones approach as situations change and acceptingchanges within ones own job or organization.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Values Need for Flexibility: - Accep t s t ha t o the r peop le s po in t s o f

    v i ew a re r ea sonab le o r va l i d .

    - Acknowledges t ha t peop le a r e en t i t l ed t othe i r op in ions , and accep t s t ha t t hey a r ed i f f e r en t .

    - Steps i n to co -worke r s t a sks whenneeded o r r equ i r ed .

    Did the candidate express willingness to adapt the waythey approached an issue without actually adaptingtheir tactics? Did the candidate consider alternativeapproaches or the other persons point of view? Toscore at this level, the candidate does not have to alter his or her own opinion, he/she merely has to recognizeand acknowledge that other peoples views arelegitimate.

    2. Demonstrates Flexibility: - Works c r ea t i ve ly w i th in s t anda rd

    p rocedure s t o f i t a spec i f i c s i t ua t i on .

    - Under s t ands po l i c i e s and can work w i th in t hem to mee t b r anch , work g roup ,t eam o r i nd iv idua l goa l s .

    Did the candidate provide examples of where he or shechanged the way in which he or she accomplished a taskincluding bending the rules or altering standard

    procedure? To score at this level, the candidatedeviates slightly from the normal process, and offers areasoned explanation of why it was necessary or appropriate to deviate from standard practice.

    3. Adapts Approach: - Changes one s app roach a s r equ i r ed t o

    ach i eve i n t ended ou t comes .

    - Pr io r i t i z e s ac t i ons e f f ec t i ve ly i n o rde rto r e spond to numerous , d ive r secha l l enges and demands .

    Did the candidate re-assess tactics based on changes or shifting priorities? Did the candidate reprioritize, yetkeep the end goal in mind? To score at this level, thecandidate achieves the end goal or objective bysubstantially altering the originally planned approach.The need for change comes about throughcircumstances beyond the candidates control.

    4. Adapts Strategy:

    - Changes t he ove ra l l s e rv i ce p l an andimp lemen t s new p rac t i ce s when o r ig ina lapp roach and a s sumpt ions a r e no l onge rva l id .

    - Able t o sh i f t s t r a t eg i c focus andac t iv i t i e s qu i ck ly i n r e sponse t ochang ing o rgan i za t i ona l p r io r i t i e s .

    Was the candidate able to change priorities and plans

    quickly and appropriately when more urgent mattersrequired attention? Was she/he able to exerciseappropriate judgement in determining timing and

    priority of strategy shifts? To score at this level, thecandidate thinks about others and the impact any issuesand changes would have on them in the long run.

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    INFORMATION SEEKING - it implies going beyond the questions that are routine or required inthe job. It may include digging or pressing for exact information; resolution of discrepancies by asking aseries of questions; or less-focused environmental scanning for potential opportunities or miscellaneousinformation that may be of future use.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Asks Questions:- Asks d i r ec t ques t i ons o f t he peop le who a r e

    the re , o r who a r e supposed to answerques t i ons abou t t he s i t ua t i on , such a s peop lewho a r e d i r ec t l y i nvo lved even i f no tphys i ca l l y p r e sen t .

    - Uses v i s ib l e i n fo rma t ion , o r consu l t s o the rava i l ab l e r e sou rces .

    Did the candidate use regular information sourcesto obtain answers? Did the candidate provideevidence of seeking out required information? Toscore at this level the candidate gatheredinformation from those directly involved, or whoare obvious sources of information.

    2. Personally Investigates: - Gets ou t t o pe r sona l ly i nves t i ga t e t he

    p rob lem o r s i t ua t i on , when no rma l ly wou ld

    no t do so .- Finds and ques t i ons t hose c lo se s t t o t he

    p rob lem.

    - Asks Wha t happened?

    Did the candidate seek out individuals with firsthand knowledge of a situation or problem? Did thecandidate use less easily available informationsources by becoming involved and seeking out therequired knowledge? To score at this level, thecandidate must have put some effort into trackingdown information and sources.

    3. Digs Deeper: - Asks a s e r i e s o f p rob ing ques t i ons t o ge t a t

    t he roo t o f a s i t ua t i on o r a p rob l em, o rpo t en t i a l oppor tun i ty be low the su r f acei s sues p r e sen t ed .

    - Cal l s on o the r s , who a r e no t pe r sona l lyinvo lved , t o ge t t he i r pe r spec t ive ,backg round in fo rma t ion , expe r i ence , e t c .

    - Does no t s t op w i th t he f i r s t answer, f i ndsou t why some th ing happened .

    Did the candidate provide evidence of havingresearched an issue by getting beneath the surface,obtaining background information from those not

    formally involved or by uncovering backgroundinformation? Did the candidate gather information

    from different sources and those not readilyavailable? To score at this level, the candidatemust have gathered information from those notdirectly involved or obviously related to thesituation.

    4. Does Research: - Makes a sy s t ema t i c e f fo r t ove r a l im i t ed

    pe r iod o f t ime to ob t a in needed da t a o rf eedback , o r i n -dep th i nves t i ga t i on f romunusua l sou rces ; o r does fo rma l r e sea rchth rough newspape r s , magaz ines , compu te rsea rch sys t ems , o r o the r r e sou rces .

    - Thi s may inc lude l ega l , f i nanc i a l and /o rcommuni ty r e sea rch .

    Did the candidate describe a process used to obtainknowledge or feedback to keep information up todate? To score at this level the candidate must

    provide evidence of an actual project to collectinformation being in place, even if it is for a limitedtime (e.g., daily reports from a manager with a

    particular problem, forming a task force to keep thecandidate informed).

    5. Uses Own Ongoing Systems: - Has pe r sona l ly e s t ab l i shed ongo ing sys t ems

    or hab i t s t o ge t i n fo rma t ion ( managemen t bywa lk ing a round , r egu l a r i n fo rma l mee t ings ,o r t he s cann ing o f ce r t a in pub l i ca t i ons , e t c . ) ,i nc lud ing s e t t i ng up i nd iv idua l s t o do r egu la rin fo rma t ion ga the r ing fo r h im o r he r.

    Did the candidate provide evidence of establishingan in-depth, continuous system of gathering neededinformation (such as on-going monthly luncheswith key personnel, reporting structures)? Did thecandidate give evidence of the efficacy of thissystem? To score at this level the candidate mustdescribe an on-going system or have doneconsiderable background research, with those notusually involved in the process to gain requiredbackground information.

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    LISTENING, UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING - is the desire and ability tounderstand and respond effectively to other people from diverse backgrounds. It includes the ability tounderstand accurately and respond effectively to both spoken and unspoken or partly expressed thoughts,feelings and concerns of others. People who demonstrate high levels of this competency show a deep andcomplex understanding of others, including cross-cultural sensitivity.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Listens and Responds to ExpressedEmotions:

    - Under s t ands wha t peop le s ay and r e spondsacco rd ing ly.

    - Asks ques t i ons t o c l a r i fy wha t i s exp re s sed .

    Did the candidate ask questions and respond toothers feelings or concerns? Did the candidate makean effort to clarify the expressed message?

    2. Understands and Responds toUnexpressed Emotions:

    - Reads body l anguage and o the r non -ve rba lcues accu ra t e ly and use s t ha t unde r s t and ingto s t ruc tu re and g ive an app rop r i a t er e sponse .

    - Rei t e r a t e s i n fo rma t ion t o check unde r s t and ing be fo re d r awing conc lus ions .

    Did the candidate solicit input, paraphrase theindividuals words, mirror body language and tone of voice? Did the candidate find out information

    pertinent to a situation or decision and use thatinformation when responding?

    3. Understands and Responds toUnderlying Issues:

    - Demons t r a t e s t he ab i l i t y t o s ee t h ings f romano the r s pe r spec t ive .

    - Under s t ands why peop le behave i n a ce r t a inway in g iven s i t ua t i ons ; a ccu ra t e ly a s se s se s

    roo t causes o f i nd iv idua l s behav iou r s .- Responds t o peop le s conce rns i n a

    p roac t ive manne r t ha t p romotes l ong t e rmso lu t ions .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an understandingabout the other persons behaviour? Was the candidateaware of how others would react in a situation becauseof past behaviours, or experiences with the person?Did the candidate use knowledge of peoples

    perspective and concerns when responding?

    4. Anticipates and Plans for FutureInteractions:

    - Ant i c ipa t e s and unde r s t ands peop le s l i ke lyreac t i ons t o even t s o r s i t ua t i ons .

    - Uses t ha t unde r s t and ing t o p l an fo re ff ec t i ve i n t e r ac t i ons and to fo s t e r l ong -t e rm pos i t i ve r e l a t i onsh ips .

    Did the candidate understand the underlying reasonsof a persons behaviour? To score at this level, thecandidate has an accurate understanding of deep-rooted issues affecting others, and takes specificactions to prepare for and manage those.

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    ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT - is the ability and willingness to align ones ownbehaviour with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization, and to promote organizational goals tomeet organizational needs. It also includes acting in accordance with organizational decisions and behavingwith integrity.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Behaves in a Professional Manner: - Acts i n acco rdance w i th S t anda rds o f

    Conduc t and r e spec t s t he o rgan i za t i on sbus ines s agenda ; fu l f i l l s j ob r equ i r emen t s

    Was the candidate aware of the organizationalculture and norms, and acted accordingly? To scoreat this level, the candidate made an effort to followinformal and formal procedures, including theStandards of Conduct.

    2. Actively Supports the Organization: - Act ive ly suppor t s t he o rgan i za t i on ' s

    mi s s ions , va lues and goa l s .

    - Makes cho ice s and se t s p r io r i t i e s t o mee to rgan i za t i on ' s needs and f i t w i th t heo rgan iza t i ona l mi s s ion .

    - Co-ope ra t e s w i th o the r s t o ach i eveo rgan iza t i ona l ob j ec t i ve s .- Pub l i c ly suppor t s t he mi s s ion and

    promotes a pos i t i ve image o f t heo rgan iza t i on .

    Did the candidate help others get the job done? Didthe candidate respect what others valued asimportant? To score at this level the candidatedemonstrated loyalty to the organization bymodeling respect for the organization goals andnorms.

    3. Demonstrates Personal Commitment:- Able t o manage and ba l ance pe r sona l

    needs and co rpo ra t e needs , bu t i s w i l l i ngto pu t o rgan i za t i ona l needs be fo re one ' sown .

    - When neces sa ry, makes pe r sona lsac r i f i c e s i n o rde r t o mee t t heo rgan iza t i on ' s needs .

    Did the candidate go out of his or her way to supportthe organizations goals and mission? Was thecandidate able to set aside his/her own personal

    preference to meet the organizations goals? Toscore at this level the candidate put a high priorityon organizational objectives.

    4. Takes Tough Stands:- Stands by dec i s ions t ha t bene f i t t he

    o rgan iza t i on even i f t hey a r e unpopu la ro r con t rove r s i a l .

    - Acts i n acco rdance w i th o rgan i za t i ona lva lues , even when cha l l enged o r i ns t r e s s fu l s i t ua t i ons .

    - Speaks up and con f ron t s managemen t o ro the r s i n au tho r i t y when o rgan i za t i ona lva lues a r e be ing compromised .

    Did the candidate champion decisions on behalf of the organization, even when they were unpopular or difficult to support? To score at this level, thecandidate maintained resolve even when faced withconflict or opposition.

    5. Acts for Greater Good of Organization:

    - Acts fo r t he l ong - t e rm good o f t heo rgan iza t i on , even when sho r t - t e rmper sona l o r depa r tmen ta l s ac r i f i c e s maybe neces sa ry.

    - Asks o the r s t o makes s ac r i f i c e s i n o rde rto mee t t he l a rge r o rgan i za t i on ' s needs .

    Did the candidate generate commitment in others by

    modeling organization support? To score at thislevel, the candidate ensured that group tasks andactivities were aligned with the organizationsmission and goals, even if it meant a short-termsacrifice.

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    REFLECTING ON DIFFICULTIES - is the willingness to work through the personalexperience of having contributed to an unsuccessful outcome. It is expressed by how individuals explainproblems, failures or negative events and what they have learned from those difficulties.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Recognizes Lack of Success:- Acknowledges a r ea s whe re expec t a t i ons

    a re no t me t and p rov ides r ea sons wh ichmay o r may no t i nvo lve s e l f .

    Did the candidate acknowledge an area or activitywhere they failed to meet expectations? To score atthis level, the individual only needs to acknowledge thelack of success, and doesnt need to analyze it any

    further.2. Remains Positive:- Re-ene rg i ze s a f t e r l o s s o r f a i l u r e o r

    a f t e r encoun te r ing a s i gn i f i can t hu rd l eto r eadd re s s t he s i t ua t i on and toove rcome i t .

    - Approaches new s i t ua t i ons w i thcon t inu ing pos i t i ve ou t look , de sp i t ep rev ious d i s appo in tmen t s .

    Did the candidate maintain a positive outlook despite previous disappointments? Did the candidate taketime to re-energize or refocus after a loss or failure?

    3. Takes Responsibility: - Acknowledges pe r sona l r e spons ib i l i t y

    fo r ou t comes , even when no t a l le l emen t s o f a s i t ua t i on a r e w i th in d i r ec tcon t ro l bu t cou ld have been pe r sona l lymanaged .

    Did the candidate take accountability for addressing problem areas, even though all elements of a situationwerent under their direct control? Did the candidateacknowledge this personal responsibility for achievingthe outcome?

    4. Learns from Mistakes and Successes: - Ana lyzes s i t ua t i ons on an ongo ing bas i s

    to improve own pe r fo rmance .

    - Des igns a pe r sona l ac t i on p l an t oadd re s s own i s sues cons t ruc t i ve ly anddec i s ive ly.

    Did the candidate demonstrate that he/she regularlyanalyzed situations in order to improve on his/her own

    performance? Did the candidate create a plan for action after having completed his/her analysis?

    5. Shares Learning with Team: - Dea l s open ly w i th f a i l u r e by b r ing ing

    t eam toge the r t o de f ine spec i f i cp rob l ems and p re sen t so lu t i ons .

    - May invo lve t eam in d i agnos i s and indeve lop ing so lu t i ons t o e f f ec t i ve lyt r ans fe r knowledge i n to t heo rgan iza t i on .

    Did the candidate bring the team together to developsolutions with the specific intent of transferring/ developing knowledge within the organization? Didthe candidate bring the team together in order to dealwith a very specific problem? Did the candidate sharehis/her knowledge with the team while it was engagedin identifying solutions?

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    SELF-CONFIDENCE - is a belief in ones own capability to accomplish a task and select an effectiveapproach to a task or problem. This includes confidence in ones ability as expressed in increasinglychallenging circumstances and confidence in ones decision or opinions.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Presents Self Confidently:- Works w i thou t need ing supe rv i s ion ,

    appea r s con f iden t i n pe r son , p r e sen t s s e l f s t rong ly.

    Did the candidate provide evidence of being capable of

    working on his/her own? Did the candidate present themselves well?

    2. Demonstrates Autonomy: - So lves p rob l ems a s t hey a r i s e and t akes

    app rop r i a t e ac t i on , w i thou t hav ing t oconsu l t w i th o the r s .

    - Makes dec i s ions and t akes app rop r i a t eac t i on .

    Did the candidate describe making decisions to solve

    problems in a timely manner? Did the candidate take

    appropriate actions and express confidence is these

    actions? Did the candidate step in to make a decision

    or act appropriately when faced with a situation that requires this (e.g. supervisor is not available and makes correct decision in their place)?

    3. Has Confidence in Own Ability: - Wil l ing t o vo i ce an op in ion and t ake a

    s t and on c r i t i c a l i s sues .

    - Exp l i c i t l y s t a t e s con f idence i n own judgemen t and ab i l i t y.

    - Stands up and de fends dec i s ions i f cha l l enged .

    Did the candidate offer an opinion on critical issues?

    Did the candidate stick to their opinions? Did the

    candidate state their confidence in their ability? Did the candidate provide evidence of confidence in their

    expertise, ability to perform and decision making or analysis?

    4. Chooses Challenges: - Likes cha l l eng ing a s s ignmen t s , i s exc i t ed

    by a cha l l enge .

    - Looks fo r and ge t s new r e spons ib i l i t i e s .- Speaks up when d i s ag rees w i th

    managemen t o r o the r s i n power, bu td i s ag rees po l i t e ly, s t a t i ng own v i ewc lea r ly and con f iden t ly, even in a con f l i c t .

    Did the candidate demonstrate excitement when

    discussing challenging tasks? Were difficult

    assignments viewed as an opportunity rather than a

    threat? Did he or she volunteer for new and

    challenging duties? Did the candidate present their opinion in the face of opposition, maintaining


    5. Remains Confident in DifficultSituations:

    - Dea l s pos i t i ve ly w i th s i t ua t i ons t ha t cou ldbe s een a s s t r e s s fu l o r t h r ea t en ing .

    - Can ma in t a in con f idence and se l f - image inthe f ace o f s t r e s s o r d i f f i cu l t y.

    - Se ldom g ives up be fo re f i n i sh ing ,e spec i a l l y i n t he f ace o f r e s i s t ance o rse tbacks .

    Was the candidate willing to face conflict to present

    their viewpoint? Did the candidate maintain

    composure during a very difficult situation? Did the

    candidate persevere, when others might have been

    deterred due to resistance or setbacks?

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    SELF-CONTROL is the ability to keep ones emotions under control and restrain negative actionswhen provoked, faced with opposition or hostility from others, or when working under stress. It also includesthe ability to maintain stamina under continuing stress.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Restrains Emotional Impulses: - Fee l s an impu l se t o do some th ing

    inapp rop r i a t e and r e s i s t s i t .

    - Res i s t s t emp ta t i on t o ac t immed ia t e lywi thou t t h ink ing bu t does no t t ake pos i t i veac t i on , o r f ee l s s t rong emot ions ( such a sange r, ex t r eme f ru s t r a t i on , o r h igh s t r e s s )and ho lds t hem back .

    - May l eave room o r o the rwi se r emove se l f f rom the sou rce o f t he em ot ions .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an ability to restrain emotional impulses? Did the candidate describe

    dealing with a strong emotional response by removing themselves from the situation? To score at this level,

    the candidate must talk about a strong emotional

    response, and that they recognized they couldnt or

    shouldnt act on it.

    2. Responds Calmly:

    - Fee l s s t rong emot ions i n t he cou r se o f aconve r sa t i on o r o the r t a sk , such a s ange r,ex t r eme f ru s t r a t i on , o r h igh s t r e s s , ho ldsthe emot ions back , and con t inues t o t a lk o rac t c a lmly.

    - Igno re s ange r ing ac t i ons and con t inues aconve r sa t i on o r t a sk .

    - May l eave t empora r i l y t o w i thho ldemot ions , t hen r e tu rn immed ia t e ly t ocon t inue .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an ability to restrain

    strong emotional responses while maintaining anoutward appearance of calm? When facing anemotional situation, was the candidate able to completethe task calmly? To score at this level, the candidatemust talk about a strong emotional response, and thatthey managed to not let it show.

    3. Calms Others: - Not on ly con t ro l s own emot ions , bu t a l so

    ac t s t o de fuse t he s i t ua t i on and ca lmo the r s .

    - May r emove o the r s f rom a s t r e s s fu ls i t ua t i on t o a l l ow them to r ega in t he i rcomposu re .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an ability to calmothers in an emotional situation? Was the candidate

    able to help others manage a stressful or emotionalsituation?

    4. Manages Stress Effectively: - Withho lds e f f ec t s o f s t rong emot ions o r

    s t r e s s ove r t ime ; keeps func t ion ing o rr e sponds cons t ruc t i ve ly desp i t e ongo ings t r e s s .

    - May app ly spec i a l t e chn iques o r p l anac t iv i t i e s ahead o f t ime to manage

    emot ions o r s t r e s s .

    Did the candidate demonstrate techniques he/she usesto manage anticipated or current stress on an ongoingbasis? To score at this level, the candidate mustdemonstrate an ability or method that theyvedeveloped to deal with ongoing stress.

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    ANALYTICAL THINKING is the ability to comprehend a situation by breaking it down into itscomponents and identifying key or underlying complex issues. It implies the ability to systematically organizeand compare the various aspects of a problem or situation, and determine cause-and-effect relationships(ifthen) to resolve problems in a sound, decisive manner. Checks to ensure the validity or accuracy of all information.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Breaks Down Problems: Breaks p rob l ems in to l i s t s o f t a sks o r

    ac t i v i t i e s , w i thou t a s s ign ing va lues . Makes a l i s t o f i t ems wi th no pa r t i cu l a r

    o rde r o r s e t o f p r io r i t i e s .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an ability to recognizea problem, and break it into specific tasks? To score atthis level, the candidate thought briefly about theshort-term solutions and took steps to address eachtask.

    2. Sees Basic Relationships: Takes apa r t p rob l ems in to p i eces . Links t oge the r p i eces w i th a s i ng l e l i nk :

    A l eads t o B ; can s epa ra t e i n to twopa r t s : p ro and con .

    Sor t s ou t a l i s t o f t a sks i n o rde r o f impor t ance

    Did the candidate link together pieces of information tosolve the problem or break apart the problem to identifythe solution? Was the candidate able to identify simplecause and effect relationships to understand issues or


    3. Sees Multiple Relationships: Breaks down a p rob l em in to sma l l e r

    pa r t s . Makes mu l t i p l e causa l l i nks : s eve ra l

    po t en t i a l c auses o f even t s , s eve ra lconsequences o f ac t i ons , o r mu l t i p l e -pa r t cha in s o f even t s (A l eads t o Bleads t o C l eads t o D) .

    Ana lyzes r e l a t i onsh ips among seve ra lpa r t s o f a p rob l em o r s i t ua t i on .

    Ant i c ipa t e s obs t ac l e s and th inks aheadabou t nex t s t eps .

    Did the candidate take the time to analyze the problemand what led up to the situation? Did the candidatelook at the problem by breaking it down anddetermining causal links between the pieces? Did thecandidate think of the consequences of actions andanticipate any obstacles? Was the candidate interestedin finding a solution to the problem and applied his or her knowledge to resolve the issue? To score at thislevel, the candidate not only thought about the problemand its immediate impact but also thought about all

    possible options and obstacles.

    4. Makes Complex Plans or Analyses: Uses s eve ra l ana ly t i ca l t e chn iques t o

    b reak apa r t complex p rob l ems in tocomponen t pa r t s .

    Uses s eve ra l ana ly t i ca l t e chn iques ( e .g .r i sk a s se s smen t , bu i ld ing bus ines scase s ) t o i den t i fy s eve ra l so lu t i ons andwe ighs t he va lue o f each .

    Did the candidate use several tools or techniques toanalyze the situation, and identify the relationships?Did the candidate thing about the possible impact abouteach part of the problem and how it would impact other issues? Was the candidate able to deal with complexissues and manoeuvre adroitly through large amountsof data? To score at this level, the candidate has tounderstand the themes or patterns which emerge fromthat particular problem and which would impactspecific or organizational issues. The candidate has tobe able to identify what other problems may be involvedin the situation.

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    CONCERN FOR IMAGE IMPACT is an awareness of how ones self, ones role and theorganization are seen by others. The highest level of this competency involves an awareness of, and preferencefor, respect for the organization by the community. Concern for Image Impact is particularly appropriate forsenior management positions.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Expresses Concern about Image of Role: - Expres se s conce rn abou t how one i s pe rce ived

    wi th in own ro l e and ac t s t o c l a r i fy du t i e s ,accoun tab i l i t i e s and impor t ance o f ro l e whenro l e i s m i sunde r s tood o r d i s coun ted .

    Did the candidate recognize when there was a perception issue with his/her role? Did the candidate act on this information by clarifying

    duties and accountabilities of own role?

    2. Sets Boundaries of Role: - Exp l i c i t l y de f ine s wha t t he ro l e i s , and how

    othe r s may o r may no t i n t e r ac t w i th h im o rhe r.

    - Desc r ibes behav iou r t ha t i s and i s no tapp rop r i a t e fo r t ha t r o l e and ac t s acco rd ing ly.

    Did the candidate explicitly communicate to others

    expectations about how they would interact with

    his/her role? Did the candidate explain the behaviours required in his/her role beyond duties

    and accountabilities?

    3. Recognizes Impact of Own Role: - Demons t r a t e s unde r s t and ing o f t he way in

    wh ich ac t i ng i n own ro l e ha s an e f f ec t on ab road aud ience .

    - Cons ide r s imp l i ca t i ons fo r pub l i c image o f ro l e be fo re ac t i ng .

    - Also r ecogn ize s t he impac t o f i n t e rna l andex te rna l even t s on t he pe rcep t ion o f t he ro l e .

    Did the candidate describe a situation in which

    he/she had to consider the implications for their role or the organization of certain actions? Did the

    candidate describe the impact that their own role

    can have on a broader audience?

    4. Describes Public Impact of Organization: - Recogn izes and a r t i cu l a t e s t he ro l e o f t he

    o rgan iza t i on and the e f f ec t s o f t h i s on t hepub l i c i n gene ra l .

    - Cons ide r s t he imp l i ca t i ons o f t h i s r e l a t i onsh ipwhen dec id ing on a cou r se o f ac t i on .

    - Sees s e l f a s a r ep re sen t a t i on o f t heo rgan iza t i on and ac t s i n a way wh ichma in t a in s a pos i t i ve pub l i c image fo r t heo rgan iza t i on .

    - Also r ecogn ize s t he impac t o f i n t e rna l andex te rna l even t s on t he pe rcep t ion o f t heo rgan iza t i on .

    Did the candidate describe a situation in which

    he/she communicated the impact of the

    organization on the public? Did the candidate have to consider the public impact when deciding on a course of action? Did the candidate describe having

    to act in a way that maintained the positive public

    image of the organization?

    5. Works to Promote Organizational Image:

    - Acts t o c r ea t e a pos i t i ve image fo r t heo rgan iza t i on , o r a pos i t i ve impac t on t hecommuni ty, e . g . , s e l ec t s we l l -known h igh -p ro f i l e i nd iv idua l s fo r pub l i c ly v i s ib l epos i t i ons t o improve image , c r ed ib i l i t y, and /o rp re s t i ge o f t he o rgan i za t i on , ensu re s pub l i cp roces se s a r e t r anspa ren t and accoun tab i l i t y i sc l ea r when dea l ing w i th con t rove r s i a l i s sues .

    Did the candidate describe having to put a significant amount of time and thought into

    promoting the public image of the organization?

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    DECISIVE INSIGHT - combines the ability to draw on ones own experience, knowledge and trainingand effectively problem-solve increasingly difficult and complex situations. It involves breaking downproblems, tracing implications and recognizing patterns and connections that are not obviously related. Ittranslates into identifying underlying issues and making the best decisions at the most appropriate time. Athigher levels, the parameters upon which to base the decision become increasingly complex and ambiguousand call upon novel ways to think through issues.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Responds to Situations at Face Value: - Uses no abs t r ac t concep t s i n t he f ace o f

    unce r t a in ty o r l a ck o f i n fo rma t ion .

    - Requ i r e s some gu idance o r suppor t t ode t e rmine i f and when ac t i on i sapp rop r i a t e .

    Did the candidate make a decision based solely onexisting facts, without confirming the completeness of those facts? Did the candidate not break the problemdown in order to analyze it? To score at this level, thecandidate needed some guidance in order to make adecision.

    2. Breaks Down Problems to Reach aDecision:

    - Breaks p rob l ems in to s imp le l i s t s , t a skso r ac t i v i t i e s w i thou t a s s ign ing va lues o rp r io r i t i e s .

    - Uses common sense and pas t expe r i encesto app roach p rob l ems and make adec i s ion .

    - Able t o ove rcome mino r obs t ac l e s andsugges t a c t i ons t o make a dec i s ionwi thou t hav ing a l l t he i n fo rma t ion .

    Did the candidate demonstrate an ability to recognizea problem, and break it into specific tasks? Did thecandidate provide evidence of having made a decisiondespite not having all the information? To score atthis level, the candidate thought briefly about the shortterm solutions and took steps to address each task.

    3. Sees Patterns or Basic Relationshipsor Connections when Problem-Solving:

    - Breaks apa r t a p rob l em and l i nkstoge the r p i eces w i th a s i ng l e l i nk .

    - Iden t i f i e s a l t e rna t i ve app roaches o rac t i ons t o a p rob l em.- I s ab l e t o make a dec i s ion and t ake

    ac t ion qu i ck ly and dec i s ive ly when the rei s no t enough in fo rma t ion t o p r ed i c t t heconsequences w i th ce r t a in ty.

    Did the candidate link together pieces of information tosolve the problem or break apart the problem to identifya solution? Was the candidate able to identify simplecause and effect relationships to understand issues or

    problems? Did the candidate provide evidence of taking decisive action quickly?

    4. Sees Multiple Relationships and CanMake Effective Decisions withLimited Information:

    - Makes mu l t i p l e causa l l i nks : s eve ra lpo t en t i a l c auses o f even t s , s eve ra lconsequences o f ac t i ons , o r mu l t i p l e pa r tcha ins o f even t s .

    - Ana lyses r e l a t i onsh ips among seve ra lpa r t s o f a p rob l em o r s i t ua t i on .

    - Ant i c ipa t e s obs t ac l e s and th inks aheadabou t nex t s t eps .

    Did the candidate take the time to analyze the problemand what led up to the situation? Did the candidatelook at the problem by breaking it down anddetermining causal links between the pieces? Did thecandidate think of the consequences of actions andanticipate any obstacles? Did the candidate examinethe present information in order to consider if any

    critical pieces were missing? To score at this level, thecandidate not only thought about the problem and itsimmediate impact but also thought about the possibleoptions and obstacles as well as considering that someinformation might be missing.

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    5. Makes Complex Plans or Analysesand Reaches Effective Decisions inAmbiguous Situations:

    - Uses s eve ra l ana ly t i ca l o r c r ea t i vet echn iques t o b r eak apa r t complexp rob lems in to componen t p rob l ems o ri s sues .

    - Draws on complex l ea rned concep t s whenexamin ing pa t t e rn s o r t r ends andrecogn ize s unde r ly ingi s sues / imp l i ca t i ons o f dec i s ions o rcou r se s o f ac t i on .

    - Cons i s t en t ly makes t he r i gh t dec i s ionwhen the re a r e compe t ing and ambiguousp r io r i t i e s .

    Did the candidate use several tools or techniques toanalyze the situation, and identify the relationships?Did the candidate think about the possible impact abouteach part of the problem and how it would impact other issue? Was the candidate able to deal with complexissues and manoeuvre adroitly through large amountsof data? To score at this level, the candidate has to beable to identify what other problems may be involved in

    the situation and must demonstrate that despite theambiguity of the problem, an appropriate decision wasmade.

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    INNOVATION - indicates an effort to improve performance by doing or promoting new things, suchas introducing a previously unknown or untried solution or procedure to the specific area or organization.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Challenges Status Quo:- Cons i s t en t ly ques t i ons and cha l l enges t he

    adequacy and qua l i t y o f t r ad i t i ona l t h ink ing( i . e . , t he way th ings have a lways been done )by engag ing in ac t i ve and r e spons ib l e d i a logue .

    - Uses d ive r se pe r spec t ive s t o improve t hee ff ec t i venes s o f a cu r r en t ly ex i s t i ng bus ines ss t r a t egy.

    Did the candidate discuss current practiceswith the intent of trying to improve them?Did the candidate improve a current practiceby using diverse perspectives? To score atthis level, the candidate must have positivelyimpacted a business process.

    2. Takes Action New to the Job or Area: - Impac t s j ob e f f i c i ency and ob j ec t i ve s by do ing

    some th ing new and d i f f e r en t w i th in t he a r ea bu tno t neces sa r i l y new to t he work un i t / o rgan i za t i on .

    - Takes e s t ab l i shed p rac t i ce o r i dea u sede l sewhere w i th succes s fu l r e su l t s and adap t s i ti n a new way to mee t t he c u r r en t s i t ua t i on .

    Did the candidate come up with newapproaches within their area? Was thecandidate able to successfully apply a

    practice or idea from another area to their current situation?

    3. Does Things New to the Organization/ Government:

    - Improves pe r fo rmance by do ing some th ing t ha tmay be new and d i f f e r en t i n t he o rgan i za t i on ,bu t no t neces sa r i l y new to t he pub l i c s ec to r.

    - Adop t s a c ro s s -bounda ry men ta l i t y i n own work and encourages i t i n o the r s .

    - Proac t ive ly sha re s i n fo rma t ion and r e sou rcesac ros s a r ea s t o be t t e r l eve rage t he capab i l i t i e so f Organ iza t i on /Gove rnmen t .

    Did the candidate come up with newapproaches for the organization? Was thecandidate able to successfully apply a

    practice or idea from another jurisdiction totheir organization? Did the candidateencourage others to utilize and adopt

    practices from outside the organization?

    4. Does Things New to the Government/Publicor Private Sector:

    - Improves pe r fo rmance by do ing t h ings t ha t maybe un ique , l e ad ing -edge o r new to t hegove rnmen t /pub l i c o r p r iva t e s ec to r.

    - Takes ca l cu l a t ed r i sk s i n t r y ing some th ing new.

    Did the candidate come up with newapproaches for the organization that are newto government or public/private sector? Wasthere an element of calculated risk in theapproach that was used?

    5. Encourages Innovation in Others: - Encourages c r ea t i v i t y on t he pa r t o f o the r s by

    h igh l igh t ing t he bene f i t s o f i nnova t ion andchange on t he ove ra l l pe r fo rmance o f t heo rgan iza t i on and /o r t he pe r fo rmance o f a

    spec i f i c a r ea .- Uses i nnova t ive me thods and t ac t i c s t o fo s t e r

    c r ea t i v i t y i n o the r s and an env i ronmen t t ha tsuppor t s i nnova t ive e f fo r t s .

    - Acts i n a way wh ich he lp s o the r s t o gene ra t eb reak th rough ideas , f r e sh pe r spec t ive s and newoppor tun i t i e s .

    Did the candidate involve others indeveloping new approaches and ways of looking at things in the organization? Didthe candidate create an environment wherenew ideas are welcomed and encouraged?

    Did he/she champion and support innovationby highlighting the business impacts?

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    PARTNERS WITH STAKEHOLDERS - is the desire to work co-operatively with allstakeholders to meet mutual goals. It involves an awareness that a relationship based on trust is the foundationfor success in delivering results.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Maintains Contact:- Meet s r egu l a r ly w i th s t akeho lde r s t o keep

    them in fo rmed o f new deve lopmen t s o rcon t inu ing p rog re s s .

    - Expres se s expec t a t i ons o f t he s t akeho lde rg roups and the i r i nd iv idua l member s .

    - I s op t imi s t i c abou t t he r e l a t i onsh ip and i t sp red i c t ed accompl i shmen t s .

    Did the candidate describe meeting with stakeholders regularly in order to keep them uptodate on progress

    or new developments? Did the candidate describe an interest in interacting with stakeholders?

    2. Uncovers Stakeholders True Needs: - Works t o uncove r t he r ea l unde r ly ing needs

    o r conce rns o f t he s t akeho lde r g roups andind iv idua l member s .

    - Recogn izes t ha t t he o r ig ina l i n fo rma t ionrece ived does no t t e l l t he who le s to ryand seeks add i t i ona l i n fo rma t ion t o c l a r i fy.

    - Makes mino r mod i f i ca t i ons t o ex i s t i ngwork p l an t o accommoda te newly su r f acedrequ i r emen t s .

    Did the candidate speak directly with the stakeholder

    groups to gather information? Did the candidate put

    some effort into identifying underlying issues of the stakeholder groups?

    3. Provides a Broad Perspective: - Discusse s changes o r oppor tun i t i e s i n t he

    wide r env i ronmen t wh ich may a ff ec t o rbene f i t s t akeho lde r s .

    - Works w i th a l ong t e rm pe r spec t ive andmay t r ade o ff immed ia t e cos t s fo r t he s akeo f t he pa r tne r sh ip .

    Did the candidate consider a broader perspective during discussions with the stakeholders? Did the

    candidate identify and bring forward for discussion big picture issues that might impact the stakeholder?

    Was the candidate focused on developing a longterm relationship with the stakeholder? Did the candidate

    take risks on the part of his/her organization in order to provide more value to the stakeholders?

    4. Acts as a Trusted Advisor: - Bui ld s an i ndependen t op in ion on

    s t akeho lde r needs , p rob l ems o roppor tun i t i e s and pos s ib i l i t i e s fo rimp lemen ta t i on .

    - Acts on t h i s op in ion ( e .g . , r e commendsapproaches wh ich a r e new and d i f f e r en tf rom those r eques t ed by t he s t akeho lde r ) .

    - Becomes i n t eg ra l l y i nvo lved ins t akeho lde r s dec i s ion -mak ing p roces s .

    Did the candidate provide an independent opinion to

    the stakeholder that was valued? Did the candidate

    present a different perspective to the stakeholder beyond what the stakeholder was originally

    considering? Did the candidate demonstrate that they were a valued input in the stakeholders decision making process?

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    Relationship Building - is working to build or maintain ethical relationships or networks or contactswith people who are, or may be, potentially helpful in achieving work-related goals and establishingadvantages. These people may include customers, clients, counterparts, colleagues, etc.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Builds Rapport:- Makes a consc ious e f fo r t t o e s t ab l i sh and

    bu i ld r appor t w i th o the r s , i nc lud ingd i scus s ion abou t wea the r, cu r r en t even t s ,e t c .

    - Iden t i f i e s and r e f e r s t o a r ea s o f mu tua lin t e r e s t a s a means o f e s t ab l i sh ing ape r sona l r e l a t i onsh ip .

    Did the candidate mention chatting with customers,

    colleagues and others regarding nonwork issues with the purpose of creating relationships? Did the candidate mention using knowledge of common

    interests to guide conversation?

    2. Develops Longer-Term Relationships: - Meet s r egu l a r ly w i th o the r s w i thou t

    spec i f i c ob j ec t i ve s ; ma in t a in s c l ea r con t ac t

    w i th o the r s t o ma in t a in r e l a t i onsh ip .- May in i t i a t e oppor tun i t i e s de s igned to

    improve t he l onge r- t e rm work ingre l a t i onsh ip w i th t he cus tomer.

    Did the candidate express a desire to strengthen non

    work relationships with the intent of potential future use for business? Did the candidate initiate

    interaction with customers for the express purpose of building the relationship? To score at this level, the

    candidate is working on developing existing


    3. Uses Relationships: - Cal l s upon e s t ab l i shed r e l a t i onsh ips t o ga in

    en t ry t o h ighe r l eve l s /dec i s ion -make r s o r t oach i eve an impor t an t goa l .

    Did the candidate demonstrate relationships with

    others that have been useful for the organization? Did

    the candidate provide evidence of having used existing

    relationships to gain access to additional


    4. Creates Opportunities to InitiateRelationships:

    - Iden t i f i e s s i gn i f i can t oppor tun i t i e s fo rcon t r i bu t ion , i den t i f i e s key con tac t s i nt a rge t o rgan i za t i ons and f i nds ways t omake pe r sona l connec t ions .

    - Nur tu re s t he r e l a t i onsh ip ove r t ime to bu i ldr appor t and t ru s t and deve lop a ba s i s fo rfu tu re i n t e r ac t i ons .

    Did the candidate provide examples of social events

    that were organized specifically to strengthen business

    contacts? Did the candidate give evidence of giveandtake with business relationships? Did the

    candidate provide examples of scanning the environment for potential partners? Did the candidate

    accurately assess the business benefit of pursuing alliances? To score at this level, the candidate is

    strategic in the relationships that are initiated.

    5. Builds a Network of ExternalRelationships:

    - Deve lops and ma in t a in s a p l anned ne twork o f r e l a t i onsh ips w i th in t heex t e rna l / s t akeho lde r communi ty.

    - Uses t he ne twork t o i den t i fy oppor tun i t i e s ,ga the r i n fo rma t ion , and s eek i npu t t op rob lems , w i th a v i ew to sus t a in ing Pub l i cSe rv i ce exce l l ence .

    Did the candidate provide evidence of relationships

    that are useful for business purposes, or for expanding ones network of relationships? Did the candidate

    specifically mention creation a network of


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    Results Orientation - is a concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be onesown past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation);challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continuousimprovement). Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Results Orientation.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Works to Do Job Well:- Tr ie s t o do t he j ob we l l o r r i gh t .- May exp re s s f ru s t r a t i on a t was t e o r

    ine ff i c i ency, bu t does no t i n i t i a t e spec i f i cimprovemen t s .

    Did the candidate demonstrate a need to perform at ahigh level, without solid evidence that this level of

    performance was achieved?

    2. Creates Own Measures of Excellence: - Uses own spec i f i c me thods o f measu r ing

    ou tcomes aga ins t a s t anda rd o f exce l l ence .

    - May focus on new o r more p rec i s e ways o f mee t ing goa l s s e t by managemen t .

    Did the candidate successfully meet performancestandards set by management? Is there evidence of specific action taken to ensure managements targetswere met?

    3. Improves Performance: - Makes spec i f i c changes i n t he sys t em o r i n

    own work me thods t o improve pe r fo rmance(e .g . , does some th ing be t t e r, f a s t e r, a tl ower cos t , more e f f i c i en t ly ; improvesqua l i t y, cus tomer s a t i s f ac t i on , mora l e ) ,w i thou t s e t t i ng any spec i f i c goa l .

    Did the candidate discuss trying to improve performance without setting a specific goal? Did thecandidate describe how he/she specifically improved a

    process without reference to a definitive goal (e.g. performance was improved but with no specific targetlevel of improvement in mind)?

    4. Delivers to Meet Challenging Goals: - Cha l l eng ing means i t i s a de f in i t e

    s t r e t ch , bu t no t un rea l i s t i c o r imposs ib l e .

    - Del ive r s t o spec i f i c goa l s and improvespe r fo rmance .

    Did the candidate set and meet a challenging goalwith a specific outcome in mind? Did the candidatedescribe that others believed such a goal was verydifficult or impossible? Was the candidate responsible

    for achieving a new performance standard? In order to score this level, the candidate needed todemonstrate that a significant level of planning andeffort was required to accomplish the goal.

    5. Makes Cost-Benefit Analyses: - Makes dec i s ions , s e t s p r io r i t i e s o r chooses

    goa l s on t he bas i s o f ca l cu l a t ed i npu t s andou tpu t s : makes exp l i c i t cons ide ra t i ons o f r e tu rn -on - inves tmen t o r cos t -bene f i tana lys i s .

    - Ana lyzes fo r r e l evan t o rgan i za t i ona lou t comes .

    Did the candidate specifically calculate costs andbenefits of a possible goal and use this analysis as thebasis for choosing goals? Did the candidate use dataand trends to make goal related decisions (includingnot pursuing a goal because it would be too costly)?

    6. Takes Calculated Entrepreneurial Risks: - Commi t s s i gn i f i can t r e sou rces and /o r t ime( in t he f ace o f unce r t a in ty ) t o i nc rea sebene f i t s , ( i . e . , improve pe r fo rmance , r eacha cha l l eng ing goa l , imp lemen t s i nnova t iveso lu t i ons , e t c . ) .

    Did the candidate demonstrate that considerableeffort was involved in the venture? Did thecandidate state that substantial resources werecommitted in order to achieve the goal? To score atthis level, evidence of risk taking must be clear.

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    Self Development - involves proactively taking actions to improve personal capability. It also involvesbeing willing to assess one's own level of development or expertise relative to one's current job, or as part of focused career planning.

    Behavioural Level Interpretive Guide LevelObserved

    1. Updates Job Knowledge/Skills: - Keeps ab reas t o f new in fo rma t ion and

    deve lopmen t s o r be s t p r ac t i ce s i n ownf i e ld o f expe r t i s e ( e . g . , by r ead ing ,l i a i s i ng w i th o rgan i za t i on and bus ines sco re g roup con tac t s , o r by a t t end ingea rn ing even t s ) .

    - Stays cu r r en t w i th new too l s , me thods ,t echno log i e s o r app roaches t ha t maypo ten t i a l l y impac t t he ove ra l l bus ines s o f t he o rgan i za t i on .

    Did the candidate demonstrate that he/she reads aboutmaterials, practices and methods identified as new inhis/her filed? Did the candidate demonstrate anunderstanding of which tools, methods, technologies or approaches in his/her field might impact the overallbusiness of the organization?

    2. Initiates Self-Development:- Ana lyzes own pe r fo rmance t o unde r s t and

    pos i t i ve expe r i ences and se t -backs andtakes spec i f i c sho r t - t e rm ac t i on t oimprove pe r fo rmance i n cu r r en t j ob .

    - Appl i e s l e a rn ing on t he j ob .

    Did the candidate review their own performance

    explicitly for developmental purposes? Did thecandidate demonstrate an ability to learn fromexperience and modify performance?

    3. Actively Seeks Feedback forPerformance Enhancement:

    - Act ive ly s eeks f eedback f rom o the r sinc lud ing co l l eagues , cus tomer s / c l i en t sand manage r s , and i n t eg ra t e s t he r e su l t si n to pe r sona l deve lopmen t e f fo r t s .

    Did the candidate as for feedback from others explicitly fro development purposes? When the candidate received feedback, did they build it into current development plans?

    4. Takes Responsibility for PersonalCareer Development:

    - Seeks ou t new in fo rma t ion andoppor tun i t i e s t o enhance compe tenc i e s andin t eg ra t e s t he r e su l t s i n to own ca ree rp l ann ing .

    - Takes ac t i on t o improve own ab i l i t i e s i nl i ne w i th ca r ee r goa l s , i nc lud ingvo lun t ee r ing fo r s t r e t ch a s s ignmen t s andt ak ing on i nc rea sed r e spons ib i l i t i e s .

    Did the candidate seek additional development feedbackbeyond that offered by colleagues, customers/clients andmanagers? Did the candidate initiate developmentalactivities aligned with career goals?

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