
Being Minimalista short education

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism is:

• a trend in sculpture and painting.

• an avant-garde movement in music.

• a form of architecture and decor

• a simple lifestyle.

– Hans Hoffman

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary

may speak.”

What is a minimalist?

A minimalist is:

• one who intentionally chooses less.

• purposeful in their buying habits.

• mindful of the environment.

• one who loves experience more than stuff.

Minimalists focus on practical needs.

Minimalists care about their surroundings.

Minimalists seek experience.

– Cedric Bledsoe

“Simplicity is the essence of happiness.”

A minimalist is:

• one who appreciates the value of time.

• an individual who puts people over things.

• an intelligent financial planner.

• thankful for what they already have.

Minimalists value open schedules.

Minimalists build relationships.

Minimalists understand smart investing.

– Confucius

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

Benefits of Minimalism

– Lao Tzu

“He who is contented is rich.”


• Smaller homes cost less.

• Smaller homes equal lower utility bills.

• Economical cars use less fuel.

• Fewer purchases equal less expense.

Minimalists prefer small homes.

Minimalists conserve energy.

Minimalists walk and ride when they can.

– Richard Bach

“The simplest things are often the truest.”


• Smaller spaces require less work.

• You’ll have more time for travel.

• You’ll have more time for relationships.

• You’ll have more time for hobbies.

Minimalists make time to see the world.

Minimalists spend time with the ones they love.

Minimalists make time to be more productive.

Minimalists never stop learning.

– Leonardo da Vinci

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”


• Spend more time exercising.

• Eat more healthy.

• Spend more time outdoors.

• Get more peace and relaxation.

Minimalists practice low-cost fitness.

Minimalists eat healthy.

Minimalists spend more time outdoors.

Minimalists find a greater sense of peace.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupe

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is

nothing left to take away.”

Learn more about being minimalist?

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