

What parts/organs of plants do you remember and what do you think they do?

(Name and explain at least 3)

Plant PartsChapter 21


Plants are photosynthesis machines.They depend on sunlight and store

chemical energy (usually in the form of sugars) to be used later.

Later you will see that all plants and animals are closely related by used the same products and reactants.

Processes in plants

There are 5 physiological processes for plants:◦Photosynthesis◦Cell respiration◦Transpiration◦Growth◦Reproduction

All plant organs are used for one of these purposes.

4 Plant Tissues

The dermal tissue is the outer layer of cells of the plant/leave.

Special epidermal cells, called guard cells, surround pores in leaves.

The pores in leaves are called stomata (singular stoma), this is where gas exchange occurs.

The gases are water loss, CO2 uptake, and O2 release or uptake

4 Plant Tissues

Meristematic – tissue in plant cells that are designed to reproduce and grow.

Ground – provides most of support in interior of plants. Stores materials as well.

Vascular – surrounded by ground tissue and transports water in the plant. (Made of xylem and phloem.)


Root cap – Tip of a root that has growing tissues and has the newest cells.

Root hairs – Small hairs that come off of the root that draw more water into the root (more surface area)

Xylem – carries water and dissolved minerals up from roots.

Phloem – carries products of photosynthesis around cell.

Reproductive Organs

Stamen – Male sexual organ of plants (made of filament and anther)

Pistil – female sexual organ for plants (stigma, style, ovary)

Egg – contained within the ovarySepal – supports the petalsPetals – attract insects to plant (flowery


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