Page 1: BELLS Charles W. ·  · 2014-05-05to you to blow your bothersome ... out the Wind brothers. You do not know what yon

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*T*HE Weathercock on top of a pole * on the Barn was swinging about

as the wind blew it back and forth. "Row tiresome yoa areP* said the <5orh. "Mr. Wind, did It ever occur to you to blow your bothersome breath In another dlreotionr'

"Very well," gayly laughed Mr. Wind, "that Is the way I blow, but if you do not like my way I will be off and send my brother; he blows In another direction.1'

Before the Weathercock could reply, Mr. Wind bustled away and In. a few minutes his brother was there swing­ing the Cock another way. But this

Up Jumped the Wind Brothers. the Cock did not like, either. "Oh, dear; I do wish yon tiresome Wind brothers would he off and stay..away. Ton are 99 tmpolite,id6wmg ttttTway and that. Do you think I never wish to be quiet r

"Very well," replied- the Wind, just as his brother had done. "If you do not like my way, I will be off, bqt I •warn yoo *t will be a dull life with­out the Wind brothers. You do not know what yon are asking."

"Oh, dent you bother shout me,** replied the Weathercock. '1 shall do

wen enough withe** the Wind broth- "**«* *» ttofymw-^»*se taka Pottf era. I am on here where? I ceui «ee tli-the world. Now, run along, and float1

hurry about returning, fJor I shall be glad to he rid of your baa manners.".

out for a tvafifc j0ijjfs®i me a tj^mm to get ttfygfo\M^at -mo? miA mother. '....- -r"4 ' . ;>,

Father smoothed hack his gray hair So a-vnts went the Wl«d brotbew $> *«* «»»* B» Wft #0W% ^ f e ^ g ^ r

the top of a mountain ana} for d»js they left the fantt-flndlBg Wcttthe^ cock to get along as best It could, for, of course, it did not toow that the ftwnlture abwat the toonol'lu ah ainv Wind brothera made It j»osalWe for it to see all azvoud the world,

So there it^tood on t i» pole qutle still, looking only- in one direction for days, and then one morning It sighed: "I wish I could see whua Is going.on behind me. I am tired of standing still."

"What Is Wat you »re saying*'

near. "I thought you wanted to be quiet Shall I tell the Wind brothers to jeturn j that yon miss thjem, andj&ra lonely***

The Weathercock did act fe»l as haughty as It did on the d»y It dl»v strode down toe Rtreetr together. missed the Wind 'brothers, very meek. Indeed.

It was

"les, -Misty Cloud," It said, «tell the ^oWy- wlstfttH . Wind brothers I wish to turn around."

Little Misty Cloud floated off to the mountain, where the \T3nd tirerthers v®re now asleep In a galea, aad awak­ened them. "Get np!" it said. "The Weathercock wants you to come back. It Is tired of standing

Up Jumped the Wind twothera with a roar; down the valley they ran, and in n few minutes Weatiiercock was swinging merrily, as the Wind broth­ers blevr It first one way and then -aaiajAer. *ttfc-*nft*ec. agtty-<*ad ft coia* 3W|^,-J^jw;.^|ttBB^Mi-^ ,-fe^«^'^ plain. o£.their, rada manaien- or -that it wished to be still. '

Thongb the Wind brothers did- not make any remark about being "sent away, they W»w their baatieat. and if Weathercock's tall feathers h»d wt been made of tin It woutld not have had one feather left when at laaHhe

papeiv His wife was alrea^be^ajajg; her housework. She had tftkeij mj *fc», ruga to sjjake, she was moving t^«

less sort of way, sad ^eie was a woe* rled look upon her JSace,

"Qome along, iPolly girt»w ««W rather. ' s

Be took his little daughter's hand, Mapped on his hat, and they went out, The house was exactly like three dwteu other houses alotrg tSe street, a small, wooden structure w$t*r=a~tlny-

asked a misty little clo»nd hovering P*B tod. seven rooins. There was the same strip of draggled lawn in front of each* '

But to.the,d|s^!PJ%^ere^e^sjtM hills, erowned with gnsm, che wttd country was all about them. They

"Wither, I don't like fwdays, fa use mother's always cleaning,* said cause

••Cleaalngt Oh, well, she's got to clean, I suppose," said father, Be was thinking of a girl be had known be­fore he was married, who was rather untidy, and would never have both­ered 'about cleaning 'more than two or three times a year. What good times they bad bad together l tt was, strange how vividly Her face came back to him after ten years of mar-rlnge.

"How'd yon like ui to run; awayi

..-^eally^-!J^ulred.PeUy,^c3utdaBf his hand mora tightly; -- ,5teanyi-PeKy.-aan-~aw«y -SOSHK wnere'wTiere" "IfieWaTievet'ipy cteiu^ tng." He {rled not to show fall bit-terneM, VJtut you and saa, wanderlag tlong^the roads..Or.mayha'?-!^*-train whistled'in tba drifanc«--^enr"1i)i;a

^^j i_S l± lS . - '^_3^- '

All-Around a . t la fat tory - Caler - H«!a»

W i n d , b r o t h e r s r a n awsijr—to—their- Ji-tealarj8Piae3Eh,trft anit,, nfcyer,„xoma

r mountain bed to rest

<© br UcClnra Nowipijur BjrniJo***.)


Keeping Cool

In Hot Weatker la largely a matter of aSaving

a good Nantucket Hananaock

at your servica.

S M O a r Diaplay ei Nantoekata a a d Summer Furmltura

o n t h e "Samnarlaml" Floor.

Everything for thtHommat 'Hochmmtir'M Horn* Stert"




The Effcff Shoj»p€

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Trousseaus Made To Order Buttons Covered—Stinaping; D»k« Bnllding Clinton Are, South M«lB«t47a

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dea«rt tlmt aU-nround.sna »aHit:«jtory

long, and aWM»*t WwftW >n**' MiH some ^ t of draping at one atftr^t

much, qejoiff Jht hanj of iltia--^mm

io_»trike j h e 'MHt«Cl5»:».'ifeflL&R! that ate -e*t*em«iy 'latije- at mm, wftfr Uttirtrimml^^t-Tirlirr |W*|

back. Wo'll go and see foreign parts, where the palm trees grow, -and big Mrusratt-l^^^ and red fly through the branches." - "Oh, Jthacn.^ be; ^THBflWTlSsntt Polly, clapping her hands. and see all the ruiha arid the pjclura galleries. Then "Wit gb^oa'tdTBgypT and^see tfie;i'dea<fHr"tnT,tne,^inBl< going by with packs of rugs.oo ttielr baefca What d'you say to that!** —"oh. -#oiftite,^ir*w;^{SiilL Polly. " '""" - •"• ' "'- »- "•"'

They had began -to^»rad"33bV hltr hehtad the to«n. They tolled.up «nd|h a»eiferisoit«iaitf a vwif «brese~~

"Maybe well Just walk on and <io till the forest'a all about os. Aad theo we'll camp in tho woods and light a fire, opd eaten some trout and cook them for dinner. And sleep under the stars. Bow about that?"

"Wonderful." sold Polly. "But sup­pose it enmo on to rain, fatherT'

"The leaves will bo so thick that not n drop of rain can come through. Besides, who twos for a little rain* Not W0i» Anywfijvltf* nicer"than stay* lag at. borne whora~ there's cleaning going on. Isn't It?'

"Much nicer," anld Polly. "Maybe I'm taking you too far.

You're tired, deaf?' "A little bit." said Polly. "Ohr-fath-

er, what "a pity." "What's a pity?" - • — "Did y6u know mother, haa duck

ahd green pea* fop dlaneff5 -.? ''Tih'oBIa i attW

, "N—nothing." laid Pony, a llrfle wistfully. . , - '-.-..

"Maybe we had better D»' B^tteig hack and start next Sunday Instead.*' suggested father, "ft I* a Uttlelite, isn't it, Toltl"

Such a deltdons smeil came from the dining room. And there stood mother at the door.

"Welt, you have been for a liong walk." -aaid nibther,,, smilliSgi /"And you're. Just In Itlme, for dinner's on the table." , .- . . . _ . „ _ . . _^Cara

They went in. The Interior was as spick and span as a new pin. the odors that came from beneath the dish cover wera simply.indescribable,

"Duck Ishlce with green peas, Kn'f it, fatherr suggested Polly.

"Tou momerti a pretty good 'ctfok* answered father.

Mother smiled. She knew ail about the man about the house.

8cene of Much Warfare, fthti»p iito m. f jtwrpnfp 1* fbJ* bona*

dary separating Csinada and the Unit­ed States, it was only natural that;f»: tlie wars between tfie'FreBch and ttfl' English, and between England and (he American colonists, the Thousand Is­lands were the scene of Important campaigns. ,

Some of. the early, struggle* tweea the IroqttoI&aBd the Atg-bw Irefe fought ift tfttf'nelghborpBC': 1$ the B reneh-fengllsh war jn^ny battte* took place" among theJstffids and. oil ate adjoining shoTes^fu tlhe Bevoltt-tfon and ia tbejgpir of 1812, the dp-ferise of theje^iob was considered of declded_te^rtance, In ate Patrjob' war, j?iff Its re Miitent outbreak* In

18m, many of tb^,oiomitW' t dajsnesi toofe place m this parr

of .the riyer. Notable among tilesf weT€fifcaeaptare,»f fbe fi^sh Irt|^r •$fc 'gqbHt ,Pee%^eai|*|ij%. " ' "antf t b e ^ t t l e ' & ' W W 8 8 8 ! & ' t e A

' •-•—•••• - • - • ' • ' - " • • - " • ~ • psqstot^ '


t,Triffi»iiiiHi.'i^tt«muaiy •riff ...'•a" A5

,.,Tlii»M«dsi«i»,ni«|alt«r^fttri taf airatt wsfy? 1» inajjla if aavy aafrai t a t ©oftar, caffs, and Wt a n MfwwsHi with caracul fur, sld» pan*) and satK trimmed w^h «ut ataal aabaetiiiiat

wtfwjww'wuwuff l i j^i ' 1

tugM«« >iu«tter». n'ou can »ee it la few fttttSf" " j 9* "i i " *

»-*aji*_J>eft^^a—babiv *rat^^tott«1y-br*atlilng< All t h e r*at tif t h e p * * w &

F»r* -iftdi-«oa* is^m wnffc i*» «i%: Iftm nt ft^ tloto.

Kllhu R « d adopts her. HU ^tf»

*m~m sta»yta m* m M&M «*| ther, cwkad.for .him, kapthotm-Blltm

itmigth and Mown at tfc# **a m W* ^ i S ^ »oal, He nater understood Jittw-' * 3 P B «

h».-Vould detpaduwnan the flrl-waa Inmteot, nV9 tm tooitjpj^l^r-prt * aj^Mftraw* le^l aarwga" m***' tfnttVf 1 *mpit y^tt. I*.** «*jr4»)*>

*% dw't Itta4 iter it.baraf *wa*|S-*S2, mtttfar*4 *l «piiKt to at* tim tUfa !fi»t l Uttla t»a."

LMn<sa#«n--flirRi>:'i ~-^,-i

'Msay^juf'-fw- d'4' HH'Rv"JP!Wtt

tber0 i»ja^^arai^li)JtJ*wa,|»t«ft 4at iB%iai i iWAi^.J«i^

X^v*c«a»» where aooa«wo«W»ia^ IttoaMLfw-JtlJiiJlitlDa^.j^^ Is^latr^^iWIiW^l^f"*- 'tiMUm

IH» ware dastlaed aetfr «

or%<v^ k^aa-ambi*

Tola• I t K M f ^ - ^ M ^ l H i f l i .....

tpra*d • tlirouflt I*»d*» Kad* . | a a flatltfJ^aa^wtejh^^ j & t f ^ j p ^ furne„Bj|fi;*^»al1r^M*#a?.%C. ...

Some frocks "ofToularo «in*&t Iftry

Mack, and -iir1)l^#-^s^-pfuit>ju$^ white print* when.^ejf; ara;v»a'«a along formal 1 1 ^ pajr^Vf*^- air* draped, wlthtjhe "eS^tfonr 0^'a -iea* little bit!? of iaca tisea^ast'ai fAglnt that are left to # o w t&elr iiftttajfjl tralte untnterriiptedlj^ Gael •at those was of a Wnck.nn^ whlta print, tjSo design being of couventlonil^fejr jn white that twifted over the fjinrie W sprays. Tjje sktrf -waiiVio: Jtjtrjcaiejj!: flrap|N|lttul«;Xtffl!i,haiaiaMt^ What* tfip lcnfema"*f ~}p??iiffl$^#ii fodttiledw*upo»r •aM%'itiriwl^o,'* Stilti ughtiy fttted\»ha| &wwi a * ^ to carry out the .Ifnjar pmfc Wfo*L 'tit* frock ;Wa$ . oaflded. , | W f l t t : « * i worn a wJiir^ fr^Silpli^t-ftWlf a,M trimmed mtil' vmi$i& sito^llng *%0W of ifhm TJiqira-fibboA*«TO«i*n]|jg'0

fl •droofiea'dver ffi§ fetealdig y a Lii&hafsiaedi ^ l a t

-The: « a p . # r ^ # a i f ^r^Wlj^Jf beglhtttng'te apiniir*. Ap''&q*,mmi%.

few coats and sktrta of thai tailored type whjeh. linen used so. often to be. Bat the 'liaenv dreasbs?foll6w tbosa _HsLdtdda^ueutaar-ris*«a-1 •A, Ufife father," answered Polly,. S ' T s r - T ^ B S r ^ T ^ f f - - ^

Thepstarted back, very slowly «ridT5'[i«K c o T o n r » « « » t****1* « « P * wistfully, but m» they neared the bouse they went faster and faster.

lished, and then they . aire kept to the eoat-dress type, with large sleeves and big pearl buttons, and shawl or au* pllce collars to add distinction to Ifcelr cut and majte,

mms FQRJrHEJSTOlttBRIDE Sheala i a Taktn t» Avaia

Vstdly Ov#rdr*Mlnflf Long, Utu taraksn Una tdltabls. '

.There are stoat.bridei to b* dresaed as well aa slim oheaand for them are suggested panels, long, tmfiroke* IJnes of fine /draperjea 4hH^ 1fatt with «i certain weight, t>nt aeter should a plump figure call attention to ifaelf hy overdressing or by trying to follow, same fashion, chattnmfr In M^]U per­haps, but only adapted to the ua iy fait and thin,

• Sometime!, by hoidiy^a^eratia* curyes, onfe can make.thm appear aic* tuaiiy less mt iar^m^jMi, in; tn* *utl pertlcoata dtjfea Hme of -t*ul» 3CVL when a Arfr 'dp was well dlsgul'sed and SjsafnBr, however ample, aplpeattd

comjsrijttm. ^ ^ 1 111 ^ n » . m ^ i i p ^TT 1

H"'lM: =«»fc#-y*V. •.a'V-«2EK a-

these gowns, which are usualiyfmadt of organdie, go^hata tot<im# $m»

mm, of HoHna ititffm<*m<f*m ;sH^d 611k sfimflM**' *» ' » Nhsfi*

a S W ^ ^ ^ ^ ( t K ^ » » ^ W * ^ ^ 5 = ^ ^ ^

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f^ ^toaa

i?fte iunmbMMc -:

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wi|a . rtcjalmjtoi laad, ranmng ap a ftK»f-l» " • ' ^ j " * '*"*•?•'' *• — •' " -* ' * - f f P ^ WWW-IT

' one day ia a«onlthto| ronior 'ran-

recaitiq-- $.!»«•>• iim tiif Jbwclem' 'c^l l t»»t ' - ' . |*af lM e , .W ; I f « f ( | , ' ^ - - JPJSaS: enc«v©t! ona ofrthc>sf outlaadj 'lupai p'iraaitgi n||'baaa4riica^r: H Ij$p^e4;-4h|0uflt- a vw*frl wlijp- um»: spending- tff* summer; at T aao R»d pa i«l )&afoj»(-#A;|ir it:pfr|«tB{a4

«ii(ii»: rj<i^y«Nl^^^^'^^1aMra JinaVu&loa^'-ldt^/WfJitWy. fjWJ -

;#*ra ^»iM«d/tao»':; Tnay.;aid lowt:*

ia! 8»lW ;,a1i^,p#ie* ;«^-#ft* ceeding to Washragtoa, wbtta taa »*sl b«d ft"rtl|a<inutte- »M>olatm«fc -Thl* < ##f;*)i«^;'1fir;iterjr.^a*' •'•' '*""' '• ' •*


:*ia4a^V;a^*«g.-- * * - TB».-,' *#: " ~

^f:ik#jt ; .r^-W^^*«ftJri* __ . toned' yon, -fit soafli, frogs* legs i mlca^ and w*rtga«*ral»y tm*t>'

"Tbaray' are, Jfona, mjr gal^h* Ml4 flinging the letter down an theiaata "Kow yoti csitt do what yoo,,ri> ioa§ had a mlrtd to do, Toa'/« aJ kicked ugalnat tha prteki l a fijd* .60 and taki whatsrarH log »>!«•** * - * , ,

teasa lipped, Then Toai'i, t hearq- sttd'aha MJttddera* TOtn'wta comfng |ta>

"iM't 1*t tip*- Jtiiv«tw whlaowd june. » ? ^ *

^ gqeaf Hell hare to know," a«J0

mm* ( _ ' , . - ^ "I—rfo not rung," said J

1 only wanted the rirhtrtd' 'go, (I I cheaer-aot to .g^^rf^lota , Tjaada

Tow jwf i t lilt, looking nncertltaiy at bi«' betrcrtbwl; be fwred Iwr ,f#to-

June filing tha fetter }at* tba

^gelltt, Toml" W said., kliaing alfg*- „ , }«^-J* — v1- • r*»»'"«*is*i

Just that. Bat the look In b*r eyes fold him that the; p**t w«» deafl and forjotten. With arms linked tary ati the eostagfr'iafld paraded: a*ro#a the ^un« toward the sea. " I "Well, I'm' twt»hedr said Itllbtt.-"June slwaysi *aa tpiear. fra fl>*t the** foreign btrtod f n Jfifer,w * '

•>"•• V MM IrMitillry^ •f' ^ "8ar, «h»t%^app^a*0^t6it Wdf8

demanded Gap Johjwtfif of B a a M Ujdge. 'BeJ^i^tjrfreat^ra^ «#»*

v «r*<^«t made film acruh his fa«r

' J B W B I H B I n

^T- Wa v|

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-aUst^MfekttsUai • as^P/ ^sai ps^Bj

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_ ^ . -

fl!ajsa\;pt'-:as*A 'iisjPl^^T

! * '"'•««»• "'-*.rt' W ^ J * * •'

Bia taanwsa "afi, ^aAaaflkgk - ftia. ;



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a-JWelr :

tnraao aaeu' and fflfttt UMt' aroand

• f W '^PBSBlaT^ p iSr l i '

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CTr1 adyimtag a fit' JaH|Wyi i*S

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11 >«s fc^ow*1


Favorsd shsdle.-;#alft jrettow** georgettp ovser whWa, the georgette 4eri}h«0ld«redj ;ttb ^htte ioutache braid, ia otic of the popuitor combinations of themoraent. The yel­low is not so deep as the dent de Urn of early spring nor ret so faint as the serai ivory. It lg„ more a fenwn y$U low, refceahlog and summaay.ln ap* ^ ^ , . _ ^ , pearaace, and looking rts h e 4 whek^Jw » f t w »nd ty'mfak\*qmt>. contrasted with * cleat whiter JlMm ^**^<»wH5«' Ifflat 10? A, Whit wa» yoar idyl

Yot> hniD't «tpi«lng that bril M p j

t w t% h?mr a t t jHN i ^ •"

• • - ( •

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