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June 2014

Hard copies of the Parish News are available locally, please buy a copy and support our advertisers to make continuance of this magazine possible

VICAR: Canon Andrew Menniss

Tel: 872175 – [email protected]

ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev’d Linda Bushell

Tel: 400261 – [email protected]

METHODIST MINISTER: Revd. Frances Watson

12 Gordon Cl. Sandown Tel: [email protected]

CATHOLIC PRIEST: Fr. Anthony Glaysher

Tel: 812127 - [email protected]

Editor: Anna Driver 1 The Ruskins, Kings Road, PO35 5NYTel: 873283 – [email protected] – Copy deadline - 8th of the preceding month

Distribution Secretary: Mrs Jenny Austen 31 Beachfield Road Tel: 872701, [email protected]

Advertising Manager: Mrs Olive Light 1 Trelawny Way, PO35 5YETel 874218 – [email protected]

Please inform the clergy of sick persons and other needs for visiting and prayers

The Birdham Hotel c1950

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Bembridge Parish News No. 583

St Michael’s Golden Jubilee 2015

Early Summer is a good time to be in Bembridge. The village comes alive with activity. Everyone seems to be involved in some way with the Bembridge Village Fayre. Co-operation and goodwill is evident all around. People use their talents to enhance the enthusiasm, vitality and creative fellowship of the Christian faith. Similarly, the Ecumenical Songs of Praise in the Parish Church, encourages people, despite their differences, to praise and give thanks to God as a Christian body. Let us remember that true religion points us towards the wholeness of Christianity; towards “whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious“ [Philippians 4:8].

The church calendar at this time is full of celebrations. From Easter onwards, we have the Feasts of the Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity Sunday (Patronal Feast of our parish church and, consequently, a focal point for our Christian community). For many Christian churches, this is the time for the reception of First Communion and Confirmation; representing a growth in the spiritual development and the faith journey of our young people.

These celebrations and anniversaries are important in encouraging us to look back with pride and affection, but also to look to the present and the future, as we ourselves make history, which will one day be scrutinised by others.

The community at St. Michael’s are conscious of the fact that their (present) church is 49 years old on 21st June. They are preparing enthusiastically for the celebration associated with their golden jubilee next year.

When one looks back at the history of any church, school or community, you can always find certain individuals who are (or have been) stalwart pillars of the community. People who give without looking for anything in return or seeking any recognition for themselves; tireless workers for charity; people who are conscious of the needs of others; and leaders who inspire others by their vision and determination in adversity. For their anniversary next year, St. Michael’s will record and acknowledge the work and achievements of such people in an updated church history booklet. These people are the “unsung heroes” of the past. They are there in every church, school, society and group, not only from days gone by, but they are here today, visiting the sick and the housebound, collecting for charity, collaborating in all aspects of village life, with an outstretched hand to the poor, the needy and those less fortunate than others. We should recognise and celebrate such works of charity in our community. These people live the gospel message through the words of the Lord: “when you  did  it  to the  least of my brethren, you did it to me”. (Matthew 25: 40).

Peter D. Clarke (Chairman, IoW Catholic History Society)

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The sun shone, the bride and groom looked wonderful and the whole parish shared Helen and Andrew’s enjoyment of their special weekend. On Saturday Bishop Christopher, arrived to conduct the wedding service, with five minutes to spare after the cancelation of his ferry and the late departure of the following one. However once here things went

according to plan and I think that Helen, Andrew and their families all had a wonderful time.

On Sunday the ‘Thank God It’s Sunday’ service was combined with the blessing of Helen and Andrew’s marriage, when the youngsters of the parish presented the couple with potatoes, washing powder and wine to remind them that God would journey with them in all areas of their married life. The congregation then joined Helen and Andrew

Congratulations Helen and Andrew

in the Cloisters for an excellent less formal, social celebration.

Rev’d Linda Bushell

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Notice of RaceThis event is being organised by Brading Haven Yacht Club on Sunday the 27th of July 2014 as part of the Bembridge Harbour Family Fun Weekend. The event is open to members of BHYC and BSC, residents of Bembridge and St Helens and pupils attending any of the Schools in those villages. The Juniors Final will start at 11.45am followed by the Adults Final as soon afterwards as practical.

RulesBoats may be multi or single hull craft the hulls of which must be constructed solely of paper and/or cardboard and may be painted or varnished to improve their resistance to water. Other materials such as wood, metal, plastic and fabric may be used for spars and sails etc. The only means of propulsion is wind; engines of any description are not permitted! The hull length must not exceed 18 inches (46 cm.).

Entries Copies of the Entry Form, may be downloaded from the BHYC web site ( They will also be available from Brading Haven Yacht Club, Bembridge Sailing Club, The Lifeboat Shop and Station as well as the Harbour Office by mid April. An Entry Fee of £5 (£2 for Juniors who must be under 15 on Race Day) per boat must accompany each entry form which must be received by BHYC no later than Monday the 14th of July 2014 to allow time for heats to be scheduled in advance of the Final should the number of entries received make this necessary. The funds raised from the Entry Fees will be used to pay for any administration costs and a prize fund; any remaining balance will be donated to the RNLI.

The CourseThe course will be between two of the BHYC pontoons access to which will be limited to one person per boat (except that under 15 year olds should be accompanied by an adult), and the Judges. As far as possible the races will be down wind and tide! People going onto the pontoons will be required to wear life jackets: a limited number will be available on the day against a £10 deposit!

The Great Bembridge Paper Boat Race 2014

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The Lane End Court group of shops has had many changes of ownership, selling many different commodities, since the Court was first built by Weaver Bros. in the 1960s. Long-time shoppers at the Court will remember some of the past shopkeepers: Freddie Wood, David Harris, Tony Crutchlow, Andrew Naylor, Laurie Parker, Colin Firth, Carol and Tony Willing etc. etc.

The Birdham Hotel c1950 Then the Vectis buses to Shanklin and Ryde terminated here, hence the seats

Memories of past shops and businesses

The pictures in this month’s magazine shows Parker Hardware, an Ironmonger and Hardware Shop, which was run by Alf and Diana Knight. (Alf was known affectionately as Arkwright from Open All Hours). The shop sold everything from timber, glass, paint and even canaries… a shop where nothing was too much trouble and, with a motto of “if we haven’t got it, we will get it”, there were plenty of customers.

The other picture shows another sadly missed business, the “Windmill”, still fondly remembered as “The Birdham” by those that can remember. In business for almost a century it has had many landlords and landladies. In the 1920s Mrs Harry Weaver was proprietress and in a brochure I have, a week’s stay would cost £9.9.0 with dinner at 5/-.

In the 1950s when The Birdham was run by Sid and Shirley Gully, many organisations had their annual Dinner and Dance there, the music supplied by local bands. The hotel was badly damaged by fire in 1965, resulting in its closure for many months.

“Arkwright”.... Parker’s Ironmongery and Hardware

Past landlords and landladies that come to mind are Tudor and Marjorie Williams,Linda Cass and George etc….

It is so sad to see the old place empty and forlorn, let’s hope it will re-open again soon...

John Woodford

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Bembridge Heritage SocietyThe Heritage Society is well into the 2014 season with three meetings and a coffee morning already behind us.

The Centre has been updated with new displays; one of which shows the work done so far at Bembridge Fort.

Particular attention has been given to First World War items to complement John Woodford and Peter Frankland’s new book

Bembridge 1914-1918

This lists those local residents who were involved in that conflict.

We have a wide variety

of publications for sale so it is always worth popping into the Centre to see what’s new.

As well as books we have DVDs covering the take-over of Harbour Farm by the Environment Agency, Bembridge Fort restoration and, our best seller, The Pluto Story.

We have so many items showing the history of our village which we constantly rotate in our displays, but we have so much more held in our archives. We are having to limit what artefacts we can accept at the moment but please don’t hesitate to contact our curator, Noel Stimson, if you have something of especial interest or an item that

might be destroyed or lost if a home cannot be found for it.Noel’s number is 874204 or email [email protected]

The Heritage Centre is situated behind the Bembridge Library on Church Road.

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Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat NewsMedical evacuation for “tall ship” crewmemberAt 1.36 am Sunday morning, 13th April, the all-weather lifeboat “Alfred Albert Williams” was launched to evacuate a 53 year old crewman with suspected appendicitis from the sail training ship “Roald Amundsen”, at anchor off Ryde Pier. The casualty, once transferred to the lifeboat, was taken to the Camber dock at Portsmouth where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital.

Coffee morning, Saturday, 14th June: There will be a coffee morning at the Village Hall on Saturday, 14th June from 10am to 12 midday. There will be sales of cakes, books, jewellery, bric-a-brac and lifeboat souvenirs as well as a raffle. As always, all proceeds will go directly towards the lifeboats and help to save lives at sea. Despite being a quiet morning, with other events taking place in the village, the coffee morning on the 26th April was a success, with well over £300 going towards the lifeboats. The Lifeboat Guild thanks all those who came and supported the event and look forward to seeing you on the 14th June.

June opening timesThe offshore boathouse and the RNLI souvenir shop will be open every day throughout June from 2 to 4pm. The only exceptions will be Sunday, 1st June, Saturday, 21st June (for the “Round-the-Island” yacht race) and Monday 30th June, when they will be open from 11am to 4pm.

Just a reminder - if you have any foreign stamps, old or new, the RNLI shop at Lane End will be pleased to take them to help raise funds for the lifeboats.

Ken Orchard – 01983 873139Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat Guild Press Officer.

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Bembridge in Bloom Competition 2014I am delighted the popular Bembridge in Bloom Competition will take place again this year with welcome help from Doreen Thomas. Administration will be undertaken by Parish Clerk Emma Goldring and Assistant Clerk Jacqui McDade on behalf of the Village Partnership. If you have not yet entered, forms are available from the Parish Office, the Community Library and Welcome Co-op store, Lane End. The closing date for entries is 31 May, the same as entries for Wight in Bloom.

Mrs Peggy Jarman, who has been involved with Wight in Bloom since its inception, has secured sponsorship from Red Funnel for 2014. This is great news. As one of the 16 group members we have been allocated £200 to buy plants to enhance our environment. Locally, Hose Rhodes Dickson has again kindly agreed to sponsor the Bembridge in Bloom Competition. We are most grateful to all our sponsors

Members of the voluntary “Bembridge Weeders” group continue to work throughout the year in the village centre and together with the Parish Lengthsmen help maintain a high standard of care in the village.

Bembridge was successful in gaining the Best Kept Extra Large Village Award in the Best Kept Village Competition (BKV) in 2012 and 2013 and in 2012 were overall Island winners. Besides a Certificate and our name inscribed on the Shield Award displayed in the Parish Office window, we received cheques for £100 and £150 respectively from IW County Press, sponsors for our category – an honour and welcome financial boost.

The BKV awards are judged in 15 categories including condition of trees and verges, front gardens, tidiness of notice boards, absence of litter (very important), condition of public places including toilets. Judges will be impressed by the splendid upgraded and refurbished Toilets at Station Road and Steyne Park undertaken by the Parish Council this year. They have been greatly appreciated by residents and visitors. The Parish Council have also organised Litter picks of Public Footpaths and regular Beach Cleans take place by volunteer groups and individuals. Every effort helps.

Please do enter you garden or premises in the 2014 Competition. It will give pleasure to you and all who pass by – ensuring that Bembridge continues to be one of the most attractive locations in which to live or visit. Let’s keep it that way. Happy Gardening!

Barbara Clough Bembridge in Bloom Co-ordinator

Henry Harris would like to thank all his friends for their kind thoughts and wishes during his recent illness, he is now recovering at home after his operation and hopes to be in circulation again in the summer.

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Bembridge Evening Townswomen’s Guild

The hall at the Methodist Church has heard sound before but nothing like the “sound” of our members gathering for their meeting. It may have been due to the subject of the speaker for the evening - chocolate. Phyl our Chairman introduced David Sarson from the Chocolate Apothecary in Ryde. Mr Sarson showed us pictures of the cacao trees with the 20inch pod which ripen to a red orangey colour explaining that chocolate was first taken as a bitter watery drink in the 16th Century until it evolved through the years. A Dutchman Conrad van Houten designed a machine to separate the cacao butter from the cacao producing different percentages of cacao content thus producing different chocolate.

The Apothecary is a family run business and was started seven years ago by Sue Van Praagh. They supply not only customers at the shop in Ryde but also other outlets and receive orders from other organisations in turn promoting the Island. Members asked questions and were treated to samples with many members making the decision to visit the Apothecary for a total chocolate experience. Mr Sarson was thanked for his interesting talk.

After coffee the business of the day followed by viewing photos of the Bumann Shield an Island wide competition, we entered unfortunately we were not in the top three places this time, congratulations to Newport Guild for winning.

We will be holding a T at 3 in aid of the Hospice on the 28th June in the garden of Yenhay, Darts Lane, off Love Lane. All welcome to come along to enjoy a cake and cup of tea for a very good cause from 2pm until 4pm.

Various outings were discussed including Ten Pin Bowling, a walk from Ryde to Seaview possibly including the Chocolate Apothecary, trip to Nunwell House in June, a trip on the Isle of Wight Railway at Havenstreet in July not forgetting our Craft Group meeting in May. Our next fund raising is for John’s Club when we will have a tombola stall for children at the Street Fair on the 26th May.

Meeting was closed following a discussion that will be voted on at the National AGM in Cardiff, whether the voting age should be reduced to 16, quite a subject with differing opinions.

Competition winners for Old Recipes for sweets were Verena Sparrow, Jill Offer and Phyl Liddiard

Best Bloom with beautiful flowers from Phyl Liddiard, Gilly Chubb and Verena Sparrow

Any lady wishing to join our happy band will be most welcome. We meet at the Methodist Hall in Foreland Road on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.

Annette Halls Temporary Press Officer

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WALLS ROAD, BEMBRIDGEParish Priest: Fr. Anthony Glaysher

(Catholic Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Ryde with St Michael’s Bembridge)

Tel: (01983) 812127 E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Office E-mail: [email protected] web site:

WEEKEND SERVICES ALL YEARSaturdays: 6.00 pm Vigil Mass at Ryde

Sundays: 7.45 am (said) Mass at Ryde 9.15 am (sung) Mass at Bembridge 9.15 am Mass at St Mary’s, Ordinariate mass – Father Jonathan 10.00 am Mass - at both Quarr Abbey and St. Cecilia’s Convent 11.00 am (sung) Mass at Ryde

Mondays: 2.00 pm Rosary – St Michaels, Bembridge

Tuesdays: 9.30 am Rosary & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00 am (said) Mass at Bembridge

St Michael's Report Sunday 1st June at mass First Holy Communion Day for all children of parish

Mondays 4 pm. House Study Group At the home of Carolyn Holbrook Tel: 875744

See weekly bulletin for dates in June.

Saturday 21st June St Mary’s Hall 10am – 4pm

Day of Recollection for Readers, Servers and Ministers

St Michael’s is looking forward to the golden jubilee of the church next year and planning has already started. An updated history of St Michael’s church will be produced.

The fund for new hymn books has almost reached its target. Many thanks who everyone who donated so generously. It was a great response.

Yvonne Rowles

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HOLY TRINITY CALENDARVicar: Canon Andrew Menniss (01983) 872175E-Mail: [email protected] Priest: The Reverend Linda Bushell (400261)E-Mail: [email protected]:

SUNDAy SERVICES8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (Book of Common Prayer)10.30am Parish Communion with STEPPING STONES for children at Holy Trinity (Common Worship)

1st SUNDAy OF EACH MONTH10.30am Thank God it’s Sunday! Worship for all ages

JUNE 2014SUNDAY 1st THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Thank God it’s Sunday! Worship for all ages

Monday 2nd 9.00am Monday Meditation

Wednesday 4th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

SUNDAY 8th DAY OF PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

Monday 9th 9.00am Monday Meditation

Tuesday 10th 7.00pm Taizé prayer and worship at St Luke’s

Wednesday 11th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

Saturday 14th 12.00noon Wedding at Holy Trinity

SUNDAY 15th TRINITY SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion at at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

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Monday 16th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 18th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

Saturday 21st 2.00pm Wedding at Holy Trinity

SUNDAY 22nd THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

Monday 23rd 9.00am Monday Meditation

Wednesday 25th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

Saturday 28th 2.30pm Wedding at Holy Trinity

SUNDAY 29th THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

Monday 30th 9.00am Monday Meditation

BAPTISMS13th April Jasmine Cosette Sophie Powell

WEDDINGS12th April David Layfield and Naomi Abell12th April Oliver Keyworth and Harriet Hawkins3rd May Andrew Menniss and Helen Turner

FUNERALS22nd April Joan White22nd April Elsie Ashman28th April Tony Weil


GARDEN PARTYSaturday 19th July

from 2 – 4 pmIn the Cloisters Garden

Children’s games tombola, books, etc.

bric-a-brac, raffle and refreshments

Lots of funAll welcome

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Our church is situated in Foreland Road



Sunday 1st 10.30am Local Arrangement, Church Worship Group

Sunday 8th 10.30am Rev Frances Watson Sacrament of Holy Communion

Sunday 15th 10.30am Multiplex Worship, Gwen Brailsford, Local Preacher

Sunday 22nd 10.30am Local Preachers, Mrs June ParsonsSunday 29th 10.30am Local Preacher, Margaret Potts, Sacrament of Holy Communion

ACTIVITIES AND GROUPS IN THE CHURCHEvery Monday inmonth 2.00pm Monday Prayer Hour

Every Wednesday in month 10.00am Café Church 2.45pm Wednesday Welcome 8.00pm Nite Lite (For teenagers – during term time)Every Thursday 10.00 am to in term time 12 Noon Tots (During term time)

Rev. Frances Watson Ph. 01983 404804Email: [email protected]

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Exercise, Weight Management and Motivational Coaching for people whether you are 20 years old or 80 years young. Amanda & Dee Fun and Fitness offers a wide variety of classes including Bootcamps, Interval, Fitsteps, Circuits, Salsa, Aerobics and Chair Aerobics. Having been in the industry for 12 years+, their skills have been developed to deal with all abilities, aliments and ages, every class is adapted to suits the client’s individual needs!

Work at your own pace

Set your own goals

Have pride in yourself

Weigh in Optional

All while having fun!

Each class has a designated weigh in time, a 5 minute motivational talk, followed by three quarters of an hour exercise. The talks are designed to help promote healthy eating, portion control while maintaining a balanced diet. Over the years they have both helped many members reach their weight loss and fitness goals.

We will guide you to change your life and start you on your road for a healthier life style in a friendly way.

Please call Amanda 402030. [email protected]

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The Ramshackle CinemaA new cinema is popping up in the Village Hall once a month that simply cannot be missed. The Ramshackle Cinema is a new non-for-profit pop-up cinema run and organised by James and Judith Vaux that hopes to draw the community together once a month for screenings that will appeal to a range of ages.

Despite the beautiful weather, the first screening, Saving Mr Banks had a great turn out. People of all ages from around the village came together in the cosily decked-out village hall to see a reworking of a film close to many people’s hearts. The film itself tells the story of how Walt Disney adapted Mary Poppins into a film, inset with flashbacks of P.L. Travers’ childhood. Part comedy and part heart-wrenching biography, there were tears and laughter all round.

The picture and sound quality were far more than ‘ramshackle’ and everyone was met with a very warm welcome by James and Judith who were ‘responsible’ for organising the event. It had a very friendly and cosy feel to it with drinks, crisps, popcorn and ice cream available. The next films scheduled to be shown are films ‘you’d actually want to see’ that are all fairly modern, have received high critical acclaim and are suitable for those over the age of fifteen. The next screenings will cost £4 each, and for an experience superior to any normal cinema it is highly recommended.

The confirmed upcoming screenings are:

Rush Sunday 15th June (perfect for Father’s Day)Blue Jasmine Sunday 27th JulyAll is Lost Sunday 24th August

The Ramshackle Cinema can be contacted via social media on Twitter and Facebook or on their website:

Helen and Andrew say a huge thank youto you all for your prayers, cards,

good wishes......and that amazingly generous wedding gift!

We had a fabulous, wonderful andmemorable wedding weekend.

God bless you all.

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Bembridge Cloisters Lunch Club

We would like to invite mature people from the Bembridge community to join us for lunch....

Do you like to meet new people?

Are you new to the village?

Feel a little lonely?

Fed-up with eating on your own?

Cannot be bothered to cook for one?

Simply like company and a chat?

Then the Cloisters Lunch Club could be for you...

We meet throughout the year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from around midday until 1.30 pm and commence serving lunch around 12.30 pm. We use the newly refurbished Cloisters main hall, behind the Library. A fixed two course freshly cooked meal (eg. Roast’s, Cottage Pie, Fish Pie and delicious desserts) is prepared by our chef Michael and served by our cheerful team of volunteers.

The cost is £5.00 (special dietary requirements can normally be accommodated).

We have 20 to 30 diners and the atmosphere is convivial and relaxed.

Transport can be provided for a nominal fee to/from the Cloisters.

So if you would like to join us, or simply want further information then phone either Christine on 872032, or Diana on 874527

– we would love to see you.

We would love to see you

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The Bembridge Horticultural Society Members’ Showtakes place on Saturday 21st June in the Village Hall

Doors open to the public to view the exhibits from 2.30pm andrefreshments are available also a raffle.

Presentation of prizes is at 4.30pm. Doreen Harris - Show Secretary

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Bembridge Community Library

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Bembridge Windmill W.IOur April meeting commenced with President, Brenda Reynolds, welcoming members and reporting on current matters. Reports were also given by our Secretary, Winifred Ratcliffe and Treasurer, Chris D’Arcy.

We had a very interesting talk by Gwen Glover, volunteer co-ordinator for Age UK Isle of Wight, who spoke specifically about the Good Neighbour Scheme in which local volunteers assist older people on the Island who have no-one else to turn to for help with items such as shopping, transport, companionship and small household tasks.

On show at the meeting was the work in progress of the Craft Club, led by Chris D’Arcy, this being a number of sensory cushions which members have been working on to give to The Elms Nursing Home. It is hoped that the cushions will be helpful to some of the residents due to their tactile and interesting nature effected by the use of different textures, colours and themes.

Our April monthly activity was a visit to Quarr Abbey and a tour of the Abbey by Father Luke, taking in the pilgrim chapel and the church. Our May visit will be to a local garden centre who are going to demonstrate planting up hanging baskets. In addition, tea and cakes will be consumed and plants purchased, no doubt.

Our meetings are held at 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month at The Cloisters, High Street, Bembridge. Visitors and new Members are always welcome.

Contact Brenda on 811022 or visit our web site for further information

The Speaker at our June meeting will be Judi Griffin who is going to talk to us about the last 100 years in the life of Briddlesford Farm.

The Friends of Holy Trinity BembridgeInvite you and your friends to enjoy

The Secret Garden of The Watch HouseBeach Road, Bembridge PO35 5NQ

Saturday 7th June 3pm – 7pmAdmission £3 per person Accompanied children free

No dogs please – dog créche providedNo parking on site, people with mobility problems

may be dropped off at the gate On Number 8 bus route Refreshments on sale

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Meetings:  Saturday June 21st 2.30‐ 4.30pm – Members’ Show at the Village Hall                                  If you’ve never been along to one of our shows, make this the year to come. There are always plenty of entries to fill the village hall – from many talented gardeners, cooks, photographers and flower arrangers. And also from the enthusiastic pupils of the primary school. Tea and cakes are served, there is a raffle, and presentations are made at the end of the afternoon. 



Allium (ornamental onions which often have a distinctive “oniony” smell) are really popular now. They’re easy to grow, long‐lived and come in lots of different varieties. Colours vary from purples and blues to white and even yellow. Many have enormous flower heads which make a really dramatic display. Pollinating insects love them and their seed heads are brilliant for cutting or just leaving over winter. They look best combined with herbaceous perennials or grasses which hide the often untidy foliage. Plant deeply in early autumn on a layer of grit in well drained soil and in full sun. They look good in pots too! 

ThingstodoinJune1) Time for one of my favourite jobs – 

planting up hanging baskets. There are so many suitable basket plants now that it’s hard to choose. I like to include a combination of upright and trailing plants with a pelargonium or fuchsia as centrepiece and trailing lobelia planted through the sides of the basket.  

2) June is the month when apple and pear trees “drop” their surplus fruits. But in a heavy‐cropping year, it’s as well to thin them further – you’ll end up with fewer fruits but they’ll be much larger. 

 3) If time is short, make the effort to cut 

the lawn regularly and trim the edges – that will keep the garden looking neat.  

4) French and runner beans can be safely sown directly outside now. Make a wigwam of garden canes and sow one or two beans at the base of each cane. Tie them in as they grow and keep them well watered. 

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