Page 1: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine


Page 2: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine


Coffee is consumed in the world at a rate of 12,000 cups every second. Over 25 million farmers supply the beans needed to make this level of consumption possible.

Page 3: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine


Nearly 51 percent of coffee drinkers drink the beverage while at home. Making coffee at home means choosing a brewing method.

One of the most common methods is a drip machine that uses filters. A much better method is to use a simple French press. A French press has several advantages over drip machines.

Page 4: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine

Temperature Control

Drip coffee machines are designed primarily for convenience. The machines are intended to make preparing coffee a simple and foolproof process.

One of the ways manufacturers have attempted to make using the machine more convenient is to include automatic heating elements in the reservoir.

Page 5: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine

Temperature Control

The machine uses a simple heating element to heat water quickly before it is passed into the brewing chamber.

The temperature of the water is very important. Water that is not heated correctly will not brew a good cup of coffee. A French press allows users to control the temperature of the water since it is heated separately.

Page 6: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine

No Filters

Every drip coffee machine has some type of filter in the brewing chamber.

These could be disposable paper filters or reusable plastic mesh baskets. The filters have a few negative effects on coffee.

Page 7: Benefits to choosing a french press over a drip coffee machine

No Filters

They add flavor to the water that can become detectable with delicate roasts.

The filters also absorb or hold back the natural essential oils that are released from the beans during the brewing process. A French press does not use a filter.

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Simple Brewing Process

The brewing process when using a French press is actually much easier than using some drip machines.

Brewing coffee with a French press involves pouring grinds into the coffee pot and then covering them with hot water.

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Simple Brewing Process

The press is placed on top and pushed downwards. After a few minutes, the coffee is ready.

Drip machines require fitting a filter, putting grinds in the filter, filling a reservoir and then waiting for the machine to cycle through the different stages.

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Simple Brewing Process

The only exception is a programmable drip machine although this would require leaving the beans in the machine overnight where they will oxidize and change flavors.

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Coffee Strength

Drip machines can only brew coffee in one way so that it always comes out the same strength no matter what.

The automatic brew cycle drips water into the filter where it passed down through the grinds and out into the coffee pot.

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Coffee Strength

This is not really considered brewing. A French press allows the coffee to brew in a real way. The hot water and grinds sit in the press without any interference.

This allows the oils and flavors of the coffee to enter the water fully. A French press also allows variable brewing times. The coffee can steep for seconds or minutes as desired.

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Easy To Clean

A drip coffee maker is not always easy to clean. It is normally very difficult to reach inside of the water reservoir.

The brew cycles stains the coffee basket.

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Easy To Clean

The actual pot is exposed to heat that can cause the coffee to burn into the surface. A French press is very easy to clean. The coffee pot is just a simple glass cylinder.

The press is made from only a few simple parts that are removable. Cleaning a French press takes very little time when compared to a drip machine.

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