

Berliner’s interest

• Berliner's interest in the airlift remained constant throughout the many months of the Blockade.


• Halvorsen's bunk becomes a factory for miniature parachutes weighted with Lyons chocolate

Miniature parachutes • Miniature parachutes can be seen dropping from

Halvorsen's C-54 as he brings the plane in for a landing at Tempelhof.

Happy Berlin children• A group of Berlin

children try to express their appreciation to Lieutenant Gail S. Halversen, the orginator of "Operation Little Vittles," for the thousands of packages of gum and candy he and his friends dropped over Berlin in tiny parachutes.

Care packages

• Care packages being distributed to Berliners.

Airlift flour

• A four-year old girl who lives in one of Berlin's Western Sectors, totes her family's weekly bread ration from a bakery near her home. The bread was baked from American flour and is wrapped in a Soviet-licensed newspaper which carries a banner headline reading: "AIRLIFT USELESS."


• Rail and barge traffic begin to stack up as the blockage begins in earnest. Before the currency reform, black-market activity was common throughout Germany.

Berlin, 1948• May Day demonstrations in Berlin, 1948. Part of the crowd is

turning left to the Reichstag rendezvous of anti-communists while others continue to a Soviet demonstration. This photo was taken from the border of the British and Soviet Sectors at a point where the Berlin wall would later be constructed.


• Soviet troops returning to their sector after a ceremony at the Soviet War Memorial, 9 May 1952. Nearly a decade later, the Berlin Wall was erected roughly half way between where the British soldier is standing guard and the Brandenburg Gate.


• Berlin wall shortly after its construction begins in 1961.

Berlin Wall comes down

• Berlin wall comes down in November of 1989.

• Began unifying the country immediately.

• By October of 1990 the 2 nations joined as the Federal Republic of Germany.

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