
7/27/2019 Bernat Satinweb29 Cr Vest.en US 1/2

B® S

CoCh vS wh Shwl Coll


ft bust measurement

xtra-Sma/Medium 28-38" [71-96.5 cm ]large/xtra-large 40-46" [101.5-117 cm ]

2/3 xtra large 48-52" [122-132 cm ]

Finised bust

X-Sma/Medium 39 " [ 99 cm ]

large/xtra-large 46 " [ 117 cm ]

2/3 xtra large 52 " [ 132 cm ]


Bernat® Satin (100 g/3.5 oz; 182 m/200 yds)

Sizes XS/M l/Xl 2/3 Xl 

04732 (Maitai) 6  7  8 bas

Size 5 mm (U.S. H or 8) crochet hook r size needed t btain tensin.

So: 14 dc and 7 rows = 4" [10 cm].


t = Alternate.

Beg = Beginning.

C = Chain(s).

Dc = Double = Increase(ing).

ep = Repeat.

nd = Round(s).

S = Right side.

Sc = Single crochet.

S st = Slip stitch.

Sp = Space(s).

St(s) = Stitch(es).

wS = Wrong side.

Y = Yarn over hook.

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3

“home style… life style… your style.”

CoCh vS wh Shwl Coll

7/27/2019 Bernat Satinweb29 Cr Vest.en US 2/2

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3

“home style… life style… your style.”


The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary 

for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ). Numbers for each

size are shown in the same color throughout the pattern. When only one

number is given in black, it applies to all sizes.

tes: Body is worked in one piece from neck edge down to armholes.

Ch 3 at beg of row counts as dc.


Beg at neck edge, ch 46 (52-62).

1st r: (RS). 2 dc in 4th ch from hook (counts as 3 dc). 1 dc in each of 

next 5 (6-6) ch. 2 dc in each of next 2 ch. 1 dc in each of next 27 (31-41)

ch. 2 dc in each of next 2 ch. 1 dc in each of next 5 (6-6) ch. 3 dc in last

ch. Turn. 51 (57-67) dc.

2nd r: Ch 3. 1 dc in rst dc (inc made). 2 dc in each of next 2 dc. 1 dc

in each of next 6 (7-7) dc. 2 dc in each of next 2 dc. 1 dc in each of next

29 (33-43) dc. 2 dc in each of next 2 dc. 1 dc in each of next 6 (7-7) dc.

2 dc in each of last 3 dc. Turn. 61 (67-77) dc.

3rd r: Ch 3. 1 dc in rst dc (inc made). 1 dc in each of next 2 dc.

*2 dc in next dc, placing marker on last dc worked. 2 dc in next dc,

placing marker on rst dc worked.* 1 dc in each of next 8 (9-9) dc. Rep

from * to *. 1 dc in each of next 31 (35-45) dc. Rep from * to *. 1 dc ineach of next 8 (9-9) dc. Rep from * to *. 1 dc in each of next 2 dc. 2 dc in

last dc. Turn. 71 (77-87) dc.

4t r: Ch 3. 1 dc in rst dc (inc made). *1 dc in each dc to next

2 marked dc. 2 dc in each of next 2 marked dc. Rep from * 3 times more.

1 dc in each dc to last dc. 2 dc in last dc. Turn. (10 dc inc).

5t r: Ch 3. *1 dc in each dc to next 2 marked dc. 2 dc in each of next

2 marked dc. Rep from * 3 times more. 1 dc in each dc to end of row.

 Turn. (8 dc inc).

Rep last 2 rows 5 (6-7) times more. 179 (203-231) dc.

ext r: (WS). Ch 3. 1 dc in each of next 25 (28-29) dc (Right Front).

2 dc in each of next 2 marked dc. 1 dc in each of next 32 (37-41) dc

(Right Sleeve). 2 dc in each of next 2 marked dc. 1 dc in each of next

55 (63-81) dc (Back). 2 dc in each of next 2 marked dc. 1 dc in eachof next 32 (37-41) dc (Left Sleeve). 2 dc in each of next 2 marked dc.

1 dc in each of next 26 (29-30) dc (Left Front). Turn. 187 (211-239) dc.

D nt fasten o.

Diide fr left Seee: With RS facing, join separate length of yarn with

sl st into last marked st of left Back. Ch 5 (6-7). Join ch with sl st in rst

marked st before Left Sleeve (after Left Front). Fasten o.

ext rnd: (RS). Join yarn with sl st in marked st before left sleeve. Ch 1.

1 sc in each of next 36 (41-45) dc of sleeve. 1 sc in each of next 5 (6-7) ch.

Join with sl st to rst sc. 41 (47-52) sc.

ext rnd: Ch 1. Working from eft to right instead of from rigt to left,

as usual, work 1 reverse sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to rst sc.

Fasten o.

Diide fr igt Seee: With RS facing, join separate length of yarn

with sl st into last marked before Right Sleeve (after Right Front)

Ch 5 (6-7). Join ch with sl st in rst marked st of right Back. Fasten o.

ext rnd: (RS). Join yarn with sl st in marked st before right sleeve. Ch 1

(counts as dc). 1 sc in each of next 36 (41-45) dc of sleeve. 1 sc in each

of next 5 (6-7) ch. Join with sl st to rst sc. 41 (47-52) sc.

ext rnd: Ch 1. Working from eft to right instead of from rigt to left

as usual, work 1 reverse sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to rst sc.

Fasten o.

Bdy: 1st r: (RS). Ch 3. 1 dc in each of next 27 (30-31) dc (Left Front)

1 dc in each rem loop of next 5 (6-7) ch. 1 dc in each of next 59 (67-85

dc (Back). 1 dc in each rem loop of next 5 (6-7) ch. 1 dc in each of nex

28 (31-32) dc (Right Front). Turn. 125 (141-163) dc. Place markers a

each end of last row

2nd r: Ch 3. (Yoh and draw up a loop in next dc. Yoh and draw through

2 loops on hook) t wice. Yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook – dc2tog

made. 1 dc in each dc to last 3 dc. Dc2tog. 1 dc in last dc. Turn.

Rep last row 6 times more. 111 (127-149) dc. Fasten o.

Car and dging: 1st rnd: (RS). Join yarn with sl st at left front ‘side

seam’. Ch 1. Work 63 (73-91) sc across back to right front ‘side seam, 16

(18-21) sc across straight edge of right front, 18 sc around curved edge

of right front to marker, 35 (39-41) sc up right front edge, 29 (33-38) scacross back neck edge, 35 (39-41) sc down left front edge to marker

18 sc around curved edge of left front and 17 (20-23) sc across straigh

edge of left front. Join with sl st to rst sc. 231 (258-291) sc.

2nd rnd: Ch 4 (counts as dc and ch 1). 1 dc in same sp as last sl st

*Miss next 2 sc. (1 dc. Ch 1. 1 dc) – V-st made in next sc.* Rep from * to *

25 (29-36) times more. (Miss next sc. V-st in next sc) 9 times. Rep from

* to * 33 (37-40) times more. (Miss next sc. V-st in next sc) 9 times. Rep

from * to * 4 (5-6) times more. Miss last 2 sc. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of

ch 4.

3rd rnd: Sl st across to ch-1 sp of next V-st. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last

sl st. *(3 dc. Ch 1. 3 dc) – shell made in ch-1 sp of next V-st. 1 sc in ch-1 sp

of next V-st. Rep from * around, omitting sc at end of last rep. Join with

sl st to rst sc.

4t rnd:Sl st across to ch-1 sp of next shell. Ch 1. 1 sc in same sp as last sl st*Ch 3. V-st in next sc. Ch 3. 1 sc in ch-1 sp of next shell. Rep from *

around, omitting sc at end of last rep. Join with sl st to rst sc.

5t rnd: Ch 3 (counts as dc). 2 dc in same sp as last sl st. *1 sc in next

ch-3 sp. Ch 2. 1 sc in ch-1 sp of next V-st. Ch 2. 1 sc in next ch-3 sp. 3 dc

in next sc. Rep from * around, omitting 3 dc at end of last rep. Join with

sl st to top of ch 3.

6t rnd: Sl st in next dc. Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch-1). 1 dc in same sp

as sl st. *Ch 1. Miss next dc, sc and next ch-2 sp. V-st in next sc. Ch 1. Miss

next ch-2 sp, sc and next dc. V-st in next dc. Rep from * around, omitting

V-st at end of last rep. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch 4.

7t t 9t rnds: As 3rd to 5th rnds.

10t rnd: (inc rnd). Sl st in next dc. Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch-1). 1 dc in

same sp. *Ch 1. Miss next dc and sc. V-st in next ch-2 sp. Ch 1. V-st in nex

ch-2 sp. Ch 1. Miss next sc and dc. V st in next dc. Rep from * aroundomitting V-st at end of last rep. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch 4.

11t t 18t rnds: As 3rd to 6th rnds twice more.

19t rnd: As 3rd rnd. Fasten o.

CoCh vS wh Shwl Coll

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