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Woman’s Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large, 2XL, 3XL).


Bust: 39½ (42½, 49, 52, 58, 61)" [99.5 (108, 124.5, 132, 147.5,

155) cm].

Length: 24  (24¼, 24½, 24¾, 25, 25)" [61  (61.5, 62, 63, 63.5,

63.5) cm].


Sheep(ish)™ by Vickie Howell (85 g/3 oz, 153 m/167 yds)

Sizes 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) and 5.5 mm (U.S. 9) knitting needles or

size needed to obtain gauge. Size 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) circular

knitting needle, 32" [81.5 cm long]. Stitch markers. Yarn needle.


18 sts and 23 rows = 4" [10 cm] in stitch pattern using larger needles.


Note: Body of garment is worked in one piece beginning at

lower back, dividing at shoulders and ending at lower front.

Sleeves are worked separately.

Large Rib (multiple of 7 plus 5):

Row 1 (WS): P5, *k2, p5, rep from * across.

Row 2 (RS): K5, *p2, k5, rep from * across.

Rep Rows 1 and 2 for Large Rib.

Opework Rib Pattern (multiple of 7 plus 5):

Row 1 (RS): K5, *yo, k2tog, k5, rep from * across.

Row 2: Purl.

Row 3: K5, *k2tog, yo, k5, rep from * across.

Row 4: Purl.

Rep Rows 1-4 for Openwork Rib Pat.

2x2 Rib (multiple of 4 plus 2):

Row 1 (WS): P2, *k2, p2, rep from * across.

Row 2 (RS): K2, *p2, k2, rep from * across.

Rep Rows 1 and 2 for 2x2 rib. Teal(ish) (00016)  6  7  8  8  9 10  balls

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Beg = Begin(ning)K = Knit

K2tog = Knit 2 stitches togetherM1-L (Make One-Left) =  Insertleft needle from front to backinto the horizontal strandbetween the last stitch workedand the first st on the leftneedle. Knit this strand throughthe back loopM1-R (Make One-Right) = Insertleft needle from back to frontinto the horizontal strandbetween the last stitch workedand the next stitch on the leftneedle. Knit this strand throughthe front loop

P = PurlPat = PatternRep = RepeatSsk   = Slip next 2 stitchesknitwise one at a time. Passthem back onto left-handneedle, then knit through backloops together.WS = Wrong sideYo = Yarn over needle

COMFORT ZONE | KnitDesigned by Margret Willson

Sizes S M  L  XL  2XL  3XL

Page 2: Bernat Sheepish Web29 Kn Zone.en US



With larger needles, cast on 89 (96, 110, 117, 131, 138) sts. Rep

Rows 1 and 2 of Large Rib twice, then rep Row 1. Beg Openwork

Rib Pat and work even until piece measures 23¼ (23½, 23¾,

24, 24¼, 24¼)" [59 (59.5, 60.5, 61, 61.5, 61.5) cm] from beg,

ending with a WS row.

Shape neck 

Next row (RS): Work in pat across 28 (30, 36, 39, 46, 49) sts,

k2tog, k2 for right front, join new ball of yarn and cast off next 25

(28, 30, 31, 31, 32) sts for back, k2, ssk, pat to end for left front—

31 (33, 39, 42, 49, 52) sts each front.

Next row: Purl.

Next row: On right front, work in pat across 27 (29, 35, 38, 45, 48) sts,

k2tog, k2; on left front, k2, ssk, pat to end--30 (32, 38, 41, 48, 51) sts

rem for each front.

Next row: Purl. Mark this row as shoulder.

Work even until piece measures 7" [18 cm] above back neck

cast off.

Inc row (RS): On right front, work in pat to last 2 sts, M1-L, k2;

on left front, k2, M1-R, pat to end. Maintaining pat, rep inc row

every 4 rows 0 (0, 2, 4, 0, 3) times, every 6 rows 11 (15, 14, 13, 16, 14)

times, then every 8 rows 3 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) times--45 (48, 55, 59,

65, 69) sts each front. Work even until front measures same as

back from shoulder to beg of rib, ending with a WS row.

Next row (RS):  On right front, (k5, p2) 6 (6, 7, 8, 9, 9) times, k 3

(6, 6, 3, 2, 6); on left front, k 3 (6, 6, 3, 2, 6), (p2, k5) 6 (6, 7, 8, 9, 9)


Work in Large Rib for 5 rows. Cast off in pat.


With pair of needles, cast on 47 (54, 54, 61, 68, 68). Work Large

Rib for 2", ending with a WS Row. Change to Openwork Rib Pat,

inc 1 st each end of row every 6th row 7 times working added

sts into pat — 61 (68, 68, 75, 82, 82) sts. Work even until piece

measures 10¾ (10¾, 10¼, 10½, 9½, 9¾)" [27.5 (27.5, 26, 26.5,

24, 25) cm], ending with a WS row. Cast off all sts.


Matching center st of sleeve to shoulder marker, sew sleeves to

body. Sew sleeve and side seams.

Front Band

With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at right front lower

edge, pick up and k 258 (262, 266, 270, 270, 274) sts up right

front, around back neck and down left front. Do not join. Work in

2x2 rib for 5 rows, ending with WS row. Cast off in rib.

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COMFORT ZONE | KnitDesigned by Margret Willson



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