

gnus k gi ii in sacBssion *m' tub surhUBXantaW *Y IN WHICH BULLS SABA! HKKMIAItUr 1IKV

t rn TUB sr.Asos.A instill Pl BJrOBSfSBCBwu icu coBPuorrn wita hik boan may.m'sH'S.II lt! T11K KIMI Cl" T1IK Ult KV Rs Il Kit 1111-


Iraoai rna Banunda ooaaasaoaiBBwr os in rarsoaB.]I.onuon. June iii..If tho theatre were a mat¬

ter ls ba taken as seriously aaseng EnglishSpeaking seopla nu it is anioiiR the French,it is cilia n tbst ibo events of tho last fort-iiiniit nt the Gately would have a Chapter IO them¬

selves in dramatic history, In onesenee that story

turns on the Coquelin incident-iui incident which

produced m> little excitement In Parla Ia anotherlt turns on the amazing re-ourccs and energy which

Mlle. Sarah lln.hardt found herself poaaeSSed Pfwhoa the Midden mci.--mn of CoQoelin leftthe whole binden of tin* season BOOB BOC

Rhoiihhis. As for ht Coqiielui ho was

more or le-s bet ween the hruiitncr lind

anvil, bound te ht Mayer and tlie Gaiety Theatreby a written eoatraet; bound to the ComedicFrancaise by the terms of biasocietatreshtp, andcanfraatiag ineffectually tba bitter resolve ol M.Perriathat no member of the Corneille Francaiseshould act on any Biaga la company with Mlle.s.,i h Bornbardi so long ss she mslatslned herresignation. The saason ns origlos ly nrraaged was

te last a nunn h. of which tbs first fortnight onlydepended oa Mile. sar.di Bernhardt alone, lier

repertory for that fortnight included "Adriennel.ecouv rei!!," " lion-Fiou," " Phedra," and "LesEufants d' Edouard,* and tba last piaos hod proveda failure. Upoa M Coq nelia's arrival, thelist woiri be enlarged by "Ruy lilas,"" l.'r:r,im.i re," "Mlle, d** ia Beigiiere,"" L'Avciiiiu,!.: .." and others. Thc public badsnbschbedon tuc faith of tins promised variety.Without M. C *! 1*1 ni none of them could be alvon,sud *\ heii it became certain thal M. Coquelin wouldtut come tbe question bad to be faced: How tocarry throuah the enterprise 1 tn the lirsi placeM. Mayer and Mr. Hnlliagsbead agreed thal tbelubscribers mn t have their money back If theyWanted it. They had paid to bbs Coquelin, andCoquelin was do! lo he seen. In the next pince,Mlle, narah Bernhardt bod to say whether abewould ondertake to complete tbe season by herselfami without nd,linc to thc exlating repertory,since serious additions wen- hardly possible.. l : lo-Fron " had not yet been played, and mightor might not bc s. on.

The nows of the Coquelin disaster arrived on 8 it-nrday. Onthat day Mlle. Sarah Bernhardl'ii .m. a iiun exhauatlni part, in the aftor-nooi. ai ti .'iL'.iin in tue evening, and al midnight be-iran a rehearsal ot "Frop-Froo," winch loated nil f»n'lh il: next BMirning. On Sunday she woseogsgedin the cimt i v. On Monday, again a rehearsal, andnu Monday evening tbe performance, and ihe tri-

umph I described at the time, limn ibm dav on

abe bus continned to play Adrienne and Fro*-Fro*-, mutely, iilli'ic th'* bouse nightly, A certainnumber of snbscribi rs returned their places, winchthe public ii nckly bought up. lt is an aston¬ishing thing thal thc public should throngtho theatre for ho many nights In sucression to see the same pieces. Tbe public which

t French plays is. after alt but limitedLeal ..earlie whole Come he Francaise, mid thewhole repertorj ol the Cop edie, were thought none

too mach to insure a continuing sneoess.with theunprecedented excitement ol tbat season, toola!phenomena included.'.!) help. This year tbe t ti .--

mn il and social excitement alike had subsidedniioa decorous interest; the Comedic Fran; Iso isre;.; .cd hy b single societalre and a troupe ot mo le¬ran ability; two pieces only are played, and yetthc houses continue excellent.lem over-crowdedthan hud year tm doubt, but invariably full, lt is

a more astonishing tbing still that Mlle. SarahBernhardt should herself unaided have found tbeenergy f n - ion a task, supplying meantime to hercomrades the cnthoaiaaoi so sadly wanting amongthem.On Wednesday afternoon Mlle. Sarah Bernhardl

took s benefit at the Gaiety. Commercially thebenet,t was a sue .--, m is' of the bouse beingsold privately, and the pablic finding some diffi¬culty in obtaining boxes or stalls. Ii happened,bow* ter, tbal tbe .-ame day bad bean chosen for tbeLord Mayor's luneh to the Kiag of tba Hellenes in

tho Guildhall, where otoo hundred persons feasted.Many ol tbe guests were among tbs subscribersto tbe benefit, but were obliged by considerationsaf etiquette to be al the Guildhall, and make theirbow to royally, when they would have pref ned tohe ** itneasiog the performance al tbe theatre. Mr.Lowell, tor example, was due al both place-,'tint ins diplomatic quality oompolled himto sit at meit with tho royalties. Thereore other things beside Guildhall lunchesgoing on of a Wednesday afternoon in June, andnota few boxes and stella were empty in conse¬

quence, though pud ter. It appears thai Mlle.Borah Bernhardt, who, like roost artists, is somewhal ni painui! about business mattera, bad aoltaken the trouble to arraage for s benefit to her¬self in lei original engagement Saturday, whichis thc only afternoon winn Londoners bare tbehabit of going to the theatre, waa a subscriptionafternoon, and Wedoesdey had lo answei os a sub¬stitute, 1 in- Prince and Princess ol Wales, whowen tn bare boen present, were ol ooaree obliged toba at ihe Guildhall. Making all allowance, forthea eoforced abaeooea,the audience was stillsbrilliant on*', it was noticeable also that tbeFrench Colony, which takes by preference to thejut and galleries, bad on t h's occasion turned out infi n e. Ti,, Fri oehmi n al leaal h ul heard of " RomeYumi'ii-.,'' one act oi which was the only novell* on

the bill wiilch fur tho re-t consisted of " JeanMm ie "and the fifth aol of" Hernani."This pl .-,

" lt nile Yaun Ile,'" ls no'. 1 think, on

tbe list el those wbich Mila -urah Bernhardl is tolit* io America Neverthel ss, it you core td forman idea of the range of this lady's talent, you willdo well to persuade ber to give yon Ibo scene fortho sake ol winch she originally undertook tbepert. Milo, Sarah Bernhardt's name is closelyosaoelatad with a series of characters.PAAft-o ex¬

cepted.nutted to th.- display of qualities aol

tinily tu,/ie. In ddrisnat, In Fros Free, in Hernani,there i- ample scope for that mool careening eh armof meansr, that grace, hat distinction, tbat imagin¬ative power, thal canacitj for expressing passionby Intellectual maana, which are among ber mostBtriking characteristics. In thees end all the otherheroines aha commonly represents, nature and an

ga together,.she ha- icily to appear on the stagevith eartaia varieties of costume, as tbeyoung and besntilnl creature she is. BulPeSMSMBt, la "Homo Yinni i,e," i, a binni oldwoman ol ninety, and In tbe fidelity of t Ito make-upthere is soaselLiBg almost oppalli ig, somethingWiiiih .ul also mi tba arl side, slnec tue deceptiveeffect i- obtained by a rei v Bp ii ing bbs of tho e im-

Bsoa appliances of the stage, and bye very subtleartistic knowledge of tbe essential features of oldmu;. As lor tba bUndness ll la bsrdly an illusion.Hy an di' i i, painful to think of as oootioaoas, tbeeyeball is made to perform a partial revolution Inu--, ket, and there remains nothing Ilka a livingBooing eye Tbe experiment is n >t without dangar.Mlle, .-arah Bernhardt played tin-, pan tai manyMeek- al tho Theatre Francois, but there came s

night when the pei tot malice hud to BC Sud¬denly interrupted, tbs actress inn owly escap¬ing a laatlog i ii j n ry lo the «¦*.,.. Tho seana:c ted ea Wsdnes lay is that In which Poninmia1- ima thal ber granddaughter, Qsastia, a vestalVirgin, ih accused of Violating her vow and OOO'damned to deal h. she appears bi fore tba PootifezMaximaa te plead fer the girl's appeal*, tm h ;u hi-i is one lon)/ mouii of pitiful entreaty,

ling the terrible recital ol the mother's tatsnnd hoi own blindness, mding in an outburst ol

V -innate dospair. and a curse upon the Koinetillich demaada the daughter's life us tba price ofilie city's salvation, 'ibero is nothing in Mils(Sarah J; rubordt'a Phedra which teaches greatar

i tragic power than she snows la Pastaada.liur an, thiin: in utiy Othes character nioie stailhnglimn ti di-, i,*( ry ol ii .linc b of ph ilea] powergrind i MnsMsaaetssI bajfess m that sltght frame.

Maternnl love thrills tn every fibre rind rintrs inevery note of the voice as she utters tho famouslines:

LatSSes Home p^rir et mums mon enfant:sad When theflaal ssisatsasW ts Hung at tho im-placnMe pontitex Ihc hist iituin of BSMSTgy is putimo Ihe exnrcssion of mingled love and hale, of tit-lei di -pan. but of a vengeance beyond the grave, as

the haggard and SXhaaelSd body falls buck Iii tho

ground. The hmm* was excited to au extraordi¬nary decree, and thrice recalled tim ac*uss. If Iedd that thia part is a favorite one with her, il isonly lo BOla how the triumphs over thewoman, lt. is a perl winch leaves absolutely bcream whatever for i he sort ci fascination which Mlle.Sarah Hunhardt is wont to exercise inion lier arnh¬em cs. Thc i lim t- gained are purely dramatic.

_U. V. R.


I.ono BRANCH, N. J., July fi..A politicBaatbessterry hn se si ide ihe t irlj patt of the Soy dcUghifaily c 'ol he; c. Later ls Iks day u thick bass esaniap fruin iiu- K.a. began t« tull heavily at 0 p m.

The prospect iso! ¦ asrk aaa stormy sightThe ladies' fair bow helns held nu tuc grounds of tbs

Cbtreodon Hotel is wall attended, ih" prospect i- thalllicir lulioi will bo liiirlj reinuiieiiiieil. Bach of thothies Protestant denomlnatioas nt the Brunahli-uiillv hollis lt flor BU the Blsff BOSBO lune dur-

lag ihe season, Tiio one no** going aa is andsrthssiispiccs of the ladies of tuc Metbodisl is et the Bast Bad of Long Branch. Thc BeforeoedCborcb usini.iy pin-hes Ita lent la uta contle, aad the

i.iu-iopal Obarok at Mst Weal Bod.Mr. rieire LorlUord, with a parly of friends, loadsd

flinn iii- sicitiu >it. nt Lurline ai las pier yesterday, sudsiter dialog at the Wes! Ead returned ta tbe dry. Thoyacht Droadnanghl brought Mr. CharMw Osborn andI arl.*. Tile v.u li! MlSBBSgBBB, 0*009 l'.IIli All I'O.V, with

s psrty of tourists bound for Spring Lake, touched attue pl r ihi- nu iiinc n,r irc*!i water and bn skfOsLThere were l.itin bathers ut Ibe pira yeaterday aaa]

1,000 I" 'ii*, i lahlng frew the end ol the Pl( r is ooo oftin- pepillo sports at the Branch. BlaeSsb sro lakea lauiiiiiid.iiic". iimi (nciisioiiiiiiy a stray sheepshesd golabooked. The reeeipis ai the pti r yesterday wore 10 petout ni nil* ance el Un.v previous day in nc l.'sloi v.

Messrs. J. a. Booth, Chas. Blapbam, Edward Pries,j Bcnnenorn, i>.i*hi Davis sad W. v. Brsekawla areeach oacnnylBg handsome eottaaes os ocean-ate. Allare m tin ut on s eottoges x entlna Slr. Bntokan io, whois oecupj log Theo. Moss's hsadsouis * ll a.

Mr. Iclu-llioiiiier ls in ihe AbeealSlS villa.Mr. W. K. Wilson is OCCUpylag his new coltace on

Cedar are.Tba lion. J ff. Doon, of Elisabeth, N. J., aad the

lion. J. J. Keilly, ol Jersey City, ure at the M.iu.-i, ti

lloll-e.Judge Potts mid Jiuiirc GUderaleeve, of Vow-York,

arrived ai the Wesl li id thtosrenlag.i ho cup which is to ho shot for al Deal B »O0k BhooUng

Pori ison exhibition Bl tho W'st Bod Hotel oBJoe, lt is

ahandsoms aSTalr of solid sliver Hoed **ith gold. Iistiiinis shoal fourteen inches sigh. The cap ls fromI iii.nv'.-. iimi i- reload al is ratlmated that tho nun ncr of pectic attending

IBB races front Looa Brunch to Un*- is in exc-s ol anyil.iv since the memorable nico of LongteOow snd IlsrryBassett, abtbl yean ugo.Tbe Sonet) cf the Cincinnati met at tbe Oseaa Hotel

to-day. Judge John Pitch, nbose Summer boine ls al, wi lenin-.u tiie society lo Lous Brunell.

Judge 1,min- <i < I. mei '.mi- ri eiee.ed president, andFrauen it. Barber 0 d n was j elected siAlb i.n-i1.1 .¦- bad tn u 'i posi d of,tbe socl< t. repairedin n private dining pat tor, w bore dinner wnt which ibe euatouiarj t'lar'a acre uffi rs I. Aboul flftjpersons partook of dinner. Mollei bauer's Oci in Uutelband thin serenaded ihe ci ni' :.*, unii ii .. j>. i:i. i nosociety iel mil UU til July 1. lss|. Must ni lin melaberco ibe sa ety pruposi to spend several dsys in ic.

inc ic v. .ni; ne amour tho latest sinvs ii itte an Until- '.ii Demorest nnd aile, N a Haren;

(;. II. Lilli y iimi i,tinu>'. Wm, Lilley and faintly,i\n.N Y.j i. 8. Thompson, Australia, T 8 Silverman,M. li. Lecbinanl -r. hf. Heh wau, B. Aufbauser, J. V*.i;i. Um ...i.J. 11,'iliuoii, J. Weil, 8. Mein, li Untcineyer,C ss, 1). .iimi ison, J. M I.. Btryker, Oeo. C. Miller,Bum nol Ulfelcher, Ansel llciu, Heyer Herbt, Oeo.k.--ii.i and wile,F. I. Jones, A. P, Horrlsoi and wife,ll. U. li, ,1- r uni ww.'. W. 1. i' Hock, II. Goodman,W. W. Denny, I.. Mandel. A. M. Hnnter, Prank Leo, W.n. .-w,, i, Dr. ( w. Greenough, New Tork,UowUuto C Bussell, 1. H. Ash, P. M. Wai¬

te u. Downing, Cisrence i: Lewis, Phllad<1. A. Grigg sud stator, Hrs. \i amer, Baltimore i .ml -

8. ll ii uni Wile, H. A. ii ..lim-. N v Uinii-ivick, N. .).;li. uiiii.i-,.I. eui.!-, li. Atwood, J. f Trippe, A Hirsch,( ari Hirsch, J. W. A. Dm-. E. M. Platt, UM iver, A,Luders sud **ifc David Milliain and wife,Charles SMilliken, George li iradeld sod wife, Now-York.

Miinsi'in Howse..William C. Hendricks, T, .ronlo ;tit, lion. J. W. Ilium, Elia iiieth ; Ihe lion. M. il .1 J. .1. Keilly, J rsej (iii ; Hoi b Ha ttl fra, ir..I. M. Montgomery, Colonel J. W. Parker sud lainily,Henry Bar-b, J. H. H. Tnomps->n. Colonel \s. R Allen,M. H ,,"ini,n, W. c. Il,-cici. I. Fairchild, Bi Roi AndrewV. Jova. 8 Dor E. M. Barortis, Stfioi Pedro N. Eutenya,Nen , ork.AtlantieHotel.C F. Ii vency, ll. C. Dingee, W. C.

S;,uni, I*.ul id.-lilli a (lillie- ii.'. nml wife, V*. J.Reed, Miss O. Heed. Bars logs springs; the Kev. Jnr.Rylance and wife, W. L. Palmer, Mis. a. i. Hagar, B,llaasr, Mrs. H. A. Tm .*, Mrs. I. i. Daly, W. C.Dougherty, W.H. Porrlene, W.C. Benkinsbaw,N II.II ii , lr., Mrs. ii. C. Beecher, W. P. i\ bitiock, Nev. *, ork.United Slates Hotel.J, I.. 1.. Folsom, Georgi I ., u

lng, Brooklyn) H. Hasten and family, Georgia-Morris Hawley aud family, Ai.ih.uni; il. Ilauua, bauPranciaoo; Mis I J. Raymond and son, I u i. sis,j,lim Blab r mid family, A. Freideutb il, New Yoi...

Hotel Brighton.A. F. Conover, New-Jersey) MissA. Knox and family, C. F. ('i.irk and fsmllr, C.

A. "-in nulli lind t.unii*. Mr.-. Bcarboro, >'. K. Wildman,Mrs, ti. M. Ward, Ne*.TortWeat End Hotel.Vt. g. J.Peters, Boston) Harry P.

Qlbsou, 1. A. Halt, Jule- rh- Xamsuo, J. low nm mi,C. Amory Bfevens, J. ll. Thomas, Mrs, E. Schuyler,p. l). Morse, K wy,uk; Ifred James, M. n., jniuiil. Baird, Alfred li ml.e. Philadelphia; (. ... apia-uer, Li na, Mass.) Judge Potts, Judge Gildersleve.Waanibgiou Welman, of Pnlladelpbia, mi expert

swimmer, while bulbing here thia afternoon was bi ./, uw uh orsmps, and s ink in rn n ol thousands ol sp, otutors congregated on im- bing. A number ol bitherswere near bim, bul noni wini to tbs drowning man'saili. An assistant st a hutbing-iiouse, seeing ibo mau'sphill, put out in a boat just in time u> saveWolman,wini *v:t- Musing for tbe inst ilma Tho mao asaino.u'iii nih. i,i-in.e tn tin ,.jii,ie where doctors aero ovaun hour ni restoring him to life.

LIFE Al NEWPORT.Nbwpobt, li". I, July 5..Tbe weather was

bright mul clear yesterday,and ll waa neither Mm bot norum cold. Tbs fashionsblc oborehes were well an en. led.'i nc Rev. Dr. (oilier, or New York, had unusually Isrgiaudiences nu botk of ins tarmont Tho Rev.Dr, \ iaDyke, ol Brooklyn, wss slso bouoted with s large con¬

gregation al tbe Knited Coagregstlonal Church. To¬llu*- ihe wi liiii-r ni stormy.Tbs following are tbs late arrivals of Hes York peo¬

ple ot the ocean Boase s K. C. Lowry, O. Gals n,P. M.i sb, I bat as J. Marrar, Cbarlaa W, < rosbj aud wife, C.i: Flint,James R. Earle,D. H. Hnntley end wife, M.Remington ami wife J.ft Barrow nnd family,]Bli.,' rd, K. N. Putnam, F. M. M< oroe C K. Monroe, ll.Parker, L.Bellows, M.C.Mengas, F. h. Kelly a'd wi:.-,Heury W. Dsy, F.ankP. Tenney, D. «.. Mangain andfamily, M. Dickey, 8. B. Morgan, Mri. I. Hem, I ll.Whiting and family, W. M. Boebansn and wife, HenryRom ami Mrs. 0. C. Barret, W. I.. Benedict, 0, F.Parley, B. W Monroe, F. A. Lovering, Misses Lovering,M.c DresbSeld.B.B Weld, P. M. Weld, ii., i: Igsr Lom¬bard uni wife, George w. Oregorsoa and wife aadGeorgs M. Kaine* arrived from BostonA large nomber ol transient *i Hors strived yeoti rday

bom Pl nv 'lenee nml v lelulty, iimi several tim.ure ! WI le

t .I., ii io nine,-: Island.Certain narai offteers .-ire making great efforts lo have

ibe training ships located la tun harbor. Political Inllueiice will bares Icadency to keep lae statioo whoreii is ni p- sent New-London.Lite arri val* ut tue ne- .m House Include also tbe fol¬

lowing; Mis*May D. Hill. Cincinnati: George IICharles Brim Hill wife, Providence; A. Hoffman,Bradford, Euglaud) Mia. Booen Campbell, u ,/li; K. (.unii .',..luci - A. Campbell, et I.nil-;Mrs. J, H. Van Dyke and family, Milwuiikee; George W. Parker. H. ll Simmons and wile,I. :, ii; .1 in s R ila ii I.-.m. Glasgow; Moses Fleree.M i.vnii; James G'S 111, Waterford, Ireland: D. Carum Belfast; John F. Molle, Aberde-n: J. H. Pallei.-.on, Edinburgh; c. 8. Robinson, Princeton; A. \.Amii', w.» unii wife,Salem i Mi - Buchanan, BaltimonL, ll. Johnson, Newark; L, A. Miller, Eugiewu d.Among Un bite trrivali al tue Hotel Aquldueckare

thc following: 'i C Clarke, M c. Rogers andwife. Harold Smitb, T. H. Lee and wife. C FreemanII. V. Bord n, W. R, i, iiu.., Now-York) boo, blair.1. A. Loud i. i'm id ip,.ia W. ll. I-', .!¦ i. 1.. A. I, i.e

Brooklyn ; Gsgood Builtn, I'mtl ni ; 8 A .8 ,n.,.I,I abklli) W. il. i !n-!>i unii wife, Pougnkeepsiei MissJa ii Lindsey, Wasbins*tou li. A. Ai ucl, Ji .¦ -e> tiij ;G. P. Kloslej sud wife, Boston.A thousand persons look a si s b itfa .. eaterday.'Hie O can House oiciicaliii will unite BUUiag th"

PIX se wee,..Man* nt the Mends of ( ollector Bodney C. Ward, of

brooklyn, ure calling upon bim ai the 0 u> Hun-e.Miss Ward, bis daughter, ls witta bim, I'be Newportresld ats call to mind Colonel Ward's rial to :» .v;,iuione yesi ago to- bay. whan be headed Ibe -jim Regiment,of tbe City of Churches. Tbs Colonel iv euuUdeui tbatGeneral GarSald win be * ken d Presidenl ol tbe UnitedMales.


.11+1 A LITTLE 77.7 lim «,

Jo tkt i: (I it or of The Tr Ibu n e

Mit: A delegate to the Democratic NationalConvention gavi to-daj tho programmo to bo carriedout ut tho looagarelton ot Q oersl Hancock n easrn raagi d thal Mr. J lldi b M to Ids la ht carri uri *¦. it ii

General Ilsa ocksi the iras tetbins Prealdont. Theelect Kill Ol I l.e (.elli i Bl WSS' il by tie- ,.*-: t-k'lit- olcourse, I did not know bat un- pitos ol loformsileamight be of som ntorast. ss showlag DemoersUs lea-ticie sol thought Yours truly, ii.iiu. hn, A r. July 1. ihhii


MB. OOtXSIBB BalO TO ii wi: ni T:ir. ur-

MoVai, ni a TUBRISfl MISISTBB- M IBS I.UUITon rag sooaoi osottomab vrrtxrrT.

It ls reported nt CoastaatiBople thatMl. (Insclieii, the British Ainliiis-idiir, willrall fur the ftssBissaJ of Abeddia Paebs,Mioister ot Foreign Aft'.iirs. un seeounlof his complicity in the Albanian movementBfounal Qreece. The true natara of the Otto¬man Power, and tin- difficultiea whieta beselreform in Turkey uk- referred tu intbs litter tKim nu Oriental statesman,printed berewitb.



1 KU'- IlKS|(i\AI|ll\.

OoaaTajrrtaorLa, Mooday, .inly .%. 1880It ls rumored that Mr. Goschen, tba Brttioh Am¬

bus dor, **iii demand the disaaiasal ol AbaddinPacha, afiaistar ol Foreign Affairs, in oonoeqaenccof intrigues for fomenting Albanian r siatanee.A fag)live slave demanding asylum boa been re¬

ceived at Ibe Brittan E nbassy.Lokbob. Monday, July 5,1880,

A dispatch tn The Dailn .Vies bom Con-staoMaople tayi euHstntsul of roluahters for Albaabi la

publicly proceeding tn t/oastaatlnopMh Tho Oerern-inciit is givlug Albanian calif- ssoaey um) Inc pass ice

for nil Alimiiiiuis desirous to ll/ht tho Greeks mid

htoateaegrlos. Albeolsn Cbiefi tregneatly rlttl Aleddin 1'ii'h.i, Minister of Poralan Stairs, The bUnlst r nfWar baa seat orders lo Ihi provinces to hasten n,

patch ut troops to Cooatanlioople. Tm- Ballan hasdrawn np a se rel pioclamatlon lutuing tbs Aihunhuit*to ii -isl tin- nu ska,



To the MAI tor of The Tribune.Sir: Tim reassembling ol' the Great Powen

nt Killin to lix some ol' the inanes not settledhy tbe Tn.'Uv of l*7s, relating io Turkey .unithc Eastern question, makes every reallj Im¬portant contribution to thc discussion of thiaengrossing subject Interesting even to Ameri¬can readers. I send yen berewitb a tranala-timi ul' :i remarkable letter from un Ottomanstatesman, which opp sred yesterday in thcJannie! des /'('"(r's'. Yours respectfully,Paris,June 19, 1880, Geobgi


onii.MAN IUUNi'll'l K (if OOVBBXMI N I. I'UKK.Y



PABU, .lune Iii. I--ii.

ra the Editor of the Journal dr* Vebmtt:Enrope is pursuing in tbe Mast three objects : (1)

The amelioration of tbe condition of tbe Christianpopulations: (S) the preventing Russia from abs* ril¬ing tbe East; di' the maintenance of tue TurkishEmpire According tn ordinary ostentations thisprogramme offers nothing wbich is nut entirely

aile. Europe possesses in Ince measure allthe means necessarj for t'iu realisation cf thesethree objects: bow does il happen, then, that t.ur.i-in i-i statesma iship ** it li nil i:s powerful ie.-, urces,Iii- ni * er accomplished aay one of them T*To bs tin- reason i* perfectly clear. The pro¬

gramme in question Inrolves a areal error

strange and imperceptible, il i- true, to Ibe Euro¬pean eye, but of a naiiue tn completely upset niIbo ostentations of Western diplomacy. We willendeavorin a few winds io explain wherein thisstrange erroi In *. We ail know thal there is in tim1.,i-i a coaotry called Turkey, aad ;i people holdinglom n ion lhere called tbe Turka. We ure all in* ne,

also, thal tins people ami tins country constitutewhat is called tbe Ottoman Empire. Hut what Eu¬rope (!'"> imt know, and what it will not readilybelieve, is that for Orientals there does nut exist a

Turkish nation, properly so-called, and it m.iv, infact, be sold tbat there has never existed either a

lurkey or an Ottoman Porte, clothed with tie- at¬tributes of u civil got ci linn itt snell as is estab¬lished in Europe, These names and the thingsvvlmli they represent are utterly unknown in tbeHist.Tm- great Oriental State which European diplo

mai y ha* disfigured ii:uler lim names ol "Tink"and "1 arkey," is imt tie- thing it is supp >sed to lie.This vast Mussulman pnwer, this Turkish Empire,this Ottoman Porte, srhicfa Bumps wishes to save

from destruction, and wbich ii boa md yet learnedeven to define, is tbe great orthodox church of tin;Islam. Europe, deceived by tbe semblance nf cer¬

tain iiistm ic facts, hasmistaken the military papacynf [slam for n simple secular state This error,lying .u the bottom oi all tba relations of Christianstates with Islam, baa given rise in the East tu

tbat frightful confusion of tbiogs and of id< as out ofwhich Euron* au stoteemaoshtp has never been ableto educe aaything Imt misconceptions. Tim timshil come for correcting tins mistake 111111 fm en¬

deavoring, first of all, to examine into the natureami ihe exigencies of thal Mii--iilin.ii) papacjwhich ia falsely styled Turkey, but nf wbich thetine name is the Great nml Holy Caliphate ot

Islam. Fur tho study of tin- essential point wc

Ventura BOW thc following information.tiik Ban uk uk nu: < ai.iun \ tk.

The Caliphate being ;t delegation ol Divine power,

mil having for u« mission the oonquering ami goternlug, ii u is possible, ol tho whole world, it iseasy to perceive thai such a theocracy i- in no wiseBtialagoua to a Christian state, nm yoi to any hu¬man government whatsoever. All other states bareii- a basis a nationality ami a national domain, hut

bore ihiie ia no nationality, no country, Tbe Ca¬liphoto of lalam belongs n> 00territory, te no race, 1,,

1,0 !.milly. At Bagdad, as In Egypt, nuder tbe de-- idanta of Abbas aa woll ns under the family of0 ri, n, it ia always and everya here tho Mu..ul manchinch; ii lathe true and only government In ex¬

istence. Iis territories should be culled neitherTm kev, inn Egypt, nor Arabiai they ore tintries "t Islam. Tbe members of tins 1 bun h are notsud ca 111 mi bo ci her A ra lc or Turks or Ottomans;tiny are only MuslalinaaaUnder the univeraal empire of tho Caliphate, as

historical researches :im,ily establish, tbe socialbond is neither language nor race nor isfaith, lt matters not whether you speak Turkish01 Indian, wbetbei you come from China or Amer¬ica, ii you bare tbe Mussulman faith you are a le¬gitimate oitisen of tbui universal state of Islam.Aid. on tho other band, though you bo h.un a!Medina, though you dwell at Mecca, though youipi uk tim language of the Prophet, ami render themost signsl lervicee to 1 -lam, it ,\mi are imt a Mus¬sulman V"U are ot nee ssity excluded (rom this com¬

munity : \"ii can never he, tin- equal of a believer,Outsido tbe palo of Islam you sro an' impure Infi¬del "; um are only a

" tnuoiir."Whatever may if the opinion of Europe ns to

Hi.- raine ol these principle*!, it in Indubitablyowing io them tbat lalamitm, niter sbutteiiugmany empires, ami grinding together a hundreddifferent peoples, inn boon enabled to found themos! formidable military theocracy wbich humangenius har* ct conceived. When the supremopower oi this theocracy, at ones religiouimilitary, by tbe pursuit ol methods which even io

tins day alf n.--« nit.ihlo to US, wart transmitted to

the lamil] of Oatnan, and when, by that eiream-stuine, the Holy SOS ol 1-I.Uii \tn> 11 an-fc! I. '1 1"

('im-t.ii.ti u'l'ie Christianity, while doing ootbinatn oppose it. and without evin realising ita import,**UllCS-l (I the illcom pl I-h illili t ol um- ol til',.-.' Cd al

events on which ibe destinies ol tho world aro madeto depend. TheChrhUiaa oatioaa of tbal period,ragnely remembering tbal tho oonqneroi ol Con-stiniiuiopl'- waac Turk,ead having,moreover,neexact nit .mi oi tin- Power of tba Caliphate, aan-

poaed tbat tbs] wow witnessing .simply the advent

ol a barbarous tribe wbich had boobs from the

(leptbaof [artery to tako possession of Mm whetsEmpire of tba East.

'I be mysterious springs of tins prodigioas Charesof I 1.un, whieh the labor ol eeatariea and tbe gt-gautu struggles of the world bed helped to install

st Bttaatioopls, reflsslaed eomoletalj bidden fromtl. 1:1 rea al nhrtatian slious. Ami nj tba bm Btbera

of thia conquering church \*ero not concerned lo

enlighten Infidels ai lo tho causes of Mawr great*nena, the latter have continued lu treal tho Caliph¬ate ns if n were ia reaHty only a Mms4o Tarkiahstate, put (hem nie of the Provost, tin- Con*Bander of the a wind, the Caliph baaiiceii miiy ibe tiiiiudTurk..Hnil the BBiveraal Churchnf Islam univ Tink.-v. At a utter period, Europeandiplomacy, aohtrgiag Its Bald of Itnowledga, baa divcovered ia the East an Emperor of Ibe I'mks, a

Sublime' Porte lind a Divan, till at length, inonrtime, W0 have ililli" lo pee ive ililli all these t ll ll WT**

reduce themselves ul li-' to nothing mere than the< ttl man-Porte, or limply Ibe Pone.Happily for Mussulmans, all these designations

have iu Bowiae changed the natara of tho HolyCaliphate. Profoundly despising nil the errors** ho h Infidel Europe noa o immitted in us regard,ami sincerely convinced of tbe divine and lufsllible( h a ruc ier of its constitution, the Caliphate haa al-wayaremained the meat immutable church of h-lamism, and in ante of nil ehangesand nf all re¬forms, ii is thu church nhieb maintains ita sever-eigutj nt (lonatantinople.WHY CHBISIUBa OANKOT n;t BAtSBD to civn.


Now, without pnuoing to dwell longer on thocharacter ni thu Mussulman institution, which is

perhaps the moat extraordioary work winch tbegenius of Asia baa ever invented, we content our¬

selves with thia simple Question: I* it tins Mussul¬man Church winch Europe desiree to uphold iu tbeBoat, sud is thc mainteoance of such an lustita-lion possible I Ami, Brat, if tba Powers arenally Interested in maintaining the temporalsovereigoty of tbe Mussulman Church, it utilitli'-iili to perceive how thu necessity csn be re¬

conciled wiih Ihe emancipation of tba Christians.'I he mai ii tc mi ii ce nf tin <): lonni n I'nwer, such BB Ibisls defined to he, ami Uk- equality of t he in Cu el rsyahswith the Mnssulmane, uri; two objects diametri¬cally opposed to each other. For tbe acceptance oftins truth, so little understood, ll is sufficient to re¬

member that Ihe political power ol liam (lo"s not

admit th" formation nf any idea of nationality ; thattin- whole Muasulmon body is only, os il were, a re¬

ligious congregation, an order of tho mili¬tary chivalry, coamopolitan in character,and that tho principle nf tins n ligioutcluer ls exclusively the Mussulman faith. Kowwould not the introdnctl.ala such an orderon terms of equably ot members of :i hostile re¬ligion, bi tn effect to destroy the principle and tlieexistence oi Hie order il sell 1 lo of tbeCaliph i Lat bc sunn ni ndmu Christians bashan in

inc functions ol bia Governmon I i- ex.nil*- UkoBaking the Pope io keston the episcopal dignityou Mussulmans, Thus it is thu) Mussulmanshavealways regarded tue elevation ni a Christian io

public functions as au aol ol' impiety, ami theynave not hesitated to nd themselves ol such func¬tionaries the moment that aa opportunity to do boha- ptesented it- 'ii.

lt will, doubtless, be objected thai tin- tenure nfa public oiiii e I- not ihe exereise uf a reit ions1 iimi ion ; Inn lin- distinction, though peri, eilyinst elsewhere, does not hold goodin turkey, 'iheMussulman papacy does not admit into Ita constitu¬tion Ibe principle ni mule limn a single power ; andi: i- power, emanating from a divine source, em¬braces ail ihe acts and nil ILe functions of u

universal theocracy, ami repels with horror all dis¬tinction between the spiritual ami ihe temporal.Under this absolute papacy there IB imt, ami therecunno! be, a distinct clergy, nor a civil society, nor

temporal power, aol political order. Tbe soldierillili lin' ai.I:.¦ 1, ihe >1,- ll.-.llil-l -hun alni Ihe (.l.ilnlVizier all fulfil functions ni tim same kind, lu.-.*.¦ne ii,i 'iii.i.ij members ol one common society, or,if you pl ssc, ni one common congregation] ailBro ch'1 leal-, all BTe priests, Iii..min ii* ali ale

Mussulmans, and as iii- cm,ilium ni " believei "


in Udell a priesthood, lu this commuuity all mu-:

le Mussulmans: everything must be done for .Mn.-¦;i, ..: -. .ii.ii lhere is nothing sacred outside thel ao ni I damism.Where, m this exclusively religious field, can a

point lu- lunn'.Ue,I nu which il Would DO pos¬sible to c-iaiiii-ii the equality ol Christiana withMussulman* wubi ni i,vi rlhrowiufl from ton :¦> bot-

.c w hole mi, ol Islam I T qualitywbich lt is sought lo establish beta eeo Chi(ind Mahometan.**, must, ol necessity, destroy ibisMii--.ului.iii power, wuicb Europe lins endeavored iosustain iu ihe coal ol so mau] sacrifices, somediplomatists have mi ii.rm ed thal liv destroying the( liipiiaie. nie civil government would be releasedti >m its religions totters; nnd thal this civil gov¬ernment wi.en reformed on European principles,wo lld he precis* ly BUCb it nounal powol a- lan ipels seeking io establish and to in a rn tam in tho East,rbis conclusion would he quite natural il therewere in lin Caliph.ii.-, besides ino reiitfiuus older, a

civil order, a clement, a I'ursey and a

Turkish pcplc, holding par imouutly io us nation¬al tty, and desirous of going forward ni a career ol pro¬gress. Hi', wc repeal ouce more. Ibis i'uraista nationaiiil this Turkey, such os Kurope conceives them tobe, have never existed; the* ate only designationsin*i mi d in d in .mtuine I through un lake, or fromthe mere uecessitj of diplomatic lauguage.REFORMS Wini ll Will. PBSTBOY ABO MUT SAVS THS

BUPIBR.Search thmaah the archives of what you suppose

in In tho 1'urkisfa Empire, and you will never lindtlu-re thc word 1 nrk. In no official document, in no

I.h. in no Turkish Journal will you ever lind theword Turkey, lt is a European invention which theI ml.-have themselves finally accepted, without Inany manner departing from their principles. 1 in- ideaof nationality, and tbe naun) of country are \et to

he in veli ted iii the u ic lunar r ni' l-laii,!-m. Besides,what relation of n tionolity could exist, for exam-

pl i, bel ween the Greek Mussulmans of Crete ami the

Amu niau Mussulmaoi "I K: zer.iiun f And what canKc ti.e national hoad between the Mussulmans nf

Bagdadand the Mussulmans ol Bosnia f Thal whichunites all these strange races iu a oommnoity ut"

Ideas and of sentiments is simnlv ami solely theMussulman faith; thu is the base of the edifice ofwhich the aummit i* tim Caliphate. Destroy thisreligious bond, ami all that will remain of tinsMussubaan community will ho the heterogeneousdeiiiis nf a dispersed congrogatlouAhl if the Caliphate wen- in Arabia, it might be

possible to de-tiny Itu: Caliphate and pic-crve (heStale or tim Government, because in Arabia, dis¬tinct from the Mussulman religion, then- is au Arahpeople. And ii at Borne it haa been possible to re¬

place the state ol tbe Pope by un isbecause in Italy, quite distinct from ibo Papacy,aol apart from the Catholics, there iaanltuliauna non. But in this religious empire, formed hy thereunion ni al! Mussulmans mulei tlc sceptre uf theCaliph, m tin- coamopolitan Empire, in a blch th rcneither >-, nor can in-, an] national idea, and nherolin--tate you destroy the Btate,which is religion, what will he lull ul' Un- oilier ito-

.. ,',..,'. niueul fv.., Mn I m..-, nnd in n tu;.U, all enlightened

Mussulmans, do not share ii cse generous illusli ns;they perceive with terror tbal European reforms,'.',. i ;¦ tn Kiln: from ih -ni religious authority, will ai

tbo same time cause the who.I ni ce ni their pres¬ent existence to crumble Hilo iiu t. Wo observe,therefore, with what tenacity tim "Autoneili'1 "t

Constantinople defends fool hv lue domsin oftie Mussulman papacy. Waal is more naturalthan tbat mea ol superior intelligence line Fund

Ui should bare used all their latents In ac¬cepting witb a good grace Un- anti-Mussulman re¬forms which I kristian Europe has sought to imposeanon the faliphau uni* io J rstroy :..r to failIn applying tbem wiieu acceptedf ls n not abmevident thu t u- Mussulmans oi Constantinople owe

ii io themselves io rci»el with horror these Eui ¦; sanreforms wbich caa only be realised bj ino downfallol He ir' moire .'

llie train, then, is that tbe Powers find them-I i, i. in ii,. tat face to fae-, md with a secular

o, susceptible of reforms, hut witb a religiousand military theocracy, absolute in its priuoiplea,

,-.*i ii its rights and condemned either to re¬main nu in ni ii hie,or indie as it has lived. In mistak¬ing i h is i lice i.o i ii r a s. ciiar ko* ci a m. ni Europei. committed a grave error, and as its political

Easl has been founded on i.ii*

ci,ii. ml us efforts h.ue leaded o il* to ihe destruc¬tion "f Unit Winch lt SOUgbl lo Nave.


To the Editor of Ihe Tribune.

Bibi A Bepublicsn snxious for tbs successof ih- part] lo tbs campaign oa nbiob woore shout to

euler mai '" pardoned lu Intruding oa you wlu u mik,. Oar people should try and esnsolldsts all

BepubbCBUB' rogulaTi liberal nnd independent. Theii rtlssfeilillis l- now out nf thc way, lind there la

no excuse for our porty Isoders m IgBOl tag filbsrsls and

lodepeudeori Wa noel sll pull together or cse ue

si,.ill lal'. United v.c. -hall wai. Tlu-u lei mn- ,-i ir,,Committee take the trouble to hool up tooee who leftthe fold aad secure them for Ihe csaipshra. There uroseveral who un- i.I speskera and whisu serviceswould ne ol * line. S*onra ui.y,Hem lurk, July S, 1880. Bl 0T/1 ak Bl iiIBUOAB.

sunniist, A RIVAL IS BUSINB8B.

Chillies Schick. Bgs twenty-two, was shotlu bia Billson, Jiu. 310 8. i cullin* c., hud Bight, by Pat-llcli Men*, wno live, lu Iweiii* MVOathah betweenSeventh ami Bunstk aves. Merry k.-eps a btger mer sit-

in, m, and hus fcnwn Jtoleas of BeblOtfl buslnrsspm-ipcritv. He satarei Schick's ssloos rsaterday,i'rd.ileil B ill-ta: h lii.-e, niel WOS 'J- ct eil. In (lie , Veilingle- wein back iiii'i,il* Mhot bctilctt In tho back.Wldlo nu Un: alilcWiilk h" lli'-'l a milliner ot aholit

the windows mid doora nut w.i. loallyar-I-- ,i in Ambrose attended the sick mao, but couldlint Ulnl Hui Ujij lu Ula ko ll j1.


IS ukniiiai, OSABV mi: victim I.ami, ii BO,WI!',SK VU HM BJ III. T.A I1TIKU FilOM fRO-


To th* I. tl i tor of The Tr lb tine

Bibi Dr. Liebeg wrote in Ins volumn on

iu rn, in un.a, .. 11.nula or ,t iini.-r surprising raataatefhave I" i n practised in Bltertngaad falsifying texts,"sod footed only trsaostlsntts llhtstrotieas. lim mostrici ni edlinr, Chain "llor William Q, II imruoiiti, linsadded ta thea lbs well-kaowa Aawtieaa "Bosasaekv,"nnd the i,>s known, hut msesrentsrksbto,eomassa-lohsol parsoraph m Grant's DesMohwo speeek la 1878,Circumstances fsetlrtsli d tbe creation anti the popularcnd"nee ni tin, fi,ni ii pertaining Ul tbs ls dorian Poorslalo snd Hw vviiis ,,f Cassi sad firer t':- Gnat, aadlinnie the mythi of Tell and Pocahontas Beatty credible;vii ii ls mm li hardoi to behave tbOl B President of tue

United .states eouhl dillter s sp»och bsfore Ihoassnds.that that speech could be proaplly priuted wlnie il,

livered aad teleampbedhydifferentperooni to nil th<ilarger to ti cs of tbe Nation, uni iu tbs terr issse words,thal lt eonht be republished In pamphlets and booka,lind ve! I|. it, five ft ll* StU Wild, not OOO 111 t'll of thoNanon's readers bas svsi seen scything bal s shrewdlyInterpolated and grossly ntlslOed copy, Tba norval MIncrrosi d by tbe fact tbat thc spe ch, as oi Iglnslly pub-lishe,!, WSS welch rep: mince,I in ('.is emmtrv Bod IBEngland, whoa the Oockonlana gav.- itsoatbor thalgeatle blot thal he aeed aol call aa them in ina tourround the World, and Inc IBSC BO WSS s a ithnr.Tbe foliowing paragraph, withoal u.c broakated por¬

tion, I- wk ii (iiiiui **i its iii'i ri sd; -.Hill them it la whatw, iir-i pul, nhed ni d telegn phi 11Resolve, thal [n] either tho ile or NaMon, [¦,] ur

hoiii c.cellini ¦!. -a,iii -np'..ort Institutions ol les uiug[o h i- than those] sumcleol io afford rn cv ryobiidgrowing un in the laud tue opportunity of s good, com-luoo-scbool education, unmixed with rc tarlan, pu^.iu,or at betotlcal tenets.The ebonee la inoinlng is oh* leas arni intiOSfS an in¬

ri nunn iimi ;t motive, bat,as no ono has eoufssssdotexplsiaed, ll will bs eaonab btstats bow tho later-

speech g.iine.1 publicity aad i.ow its ermrwasdoti cri'i aad demonstratedTho n-iei, mic copy of tbe tpeeek ans rural bodia

rhs Dei afoinss Register by some person, slips wen¦truck if. an l Mr. WaUrer Olvoa, imo ol Tnt lura Oily)Bepvbitt ia, trave one ol these to ihe telegraph op* rator(oi //"¦ .\ i ir-\ ni i: Herald, and some other person took

thea i". iii-.I Press. Attention was calledto Un- error bj tbs mi res) roai se. A eoUege psastdeat,embarrasaed by tie growing -icc. -- ol high nc in mis mutritiiie ualversitles, seised opoa this report sad aa-n iiii- il -ii'-h a llatemenl limn such s min

Shows "il tlll'll (fte l .il, "a um list tho e pm il lc III 11-

tattons. A anlverslt] profeoeo gas Moued tho aeea-no f ti." report sod denied the Inti renee Arawa fruinlt. rn nt'- assumed words were either "curiously oulof plnco " or .. ccriiiinly Infelicitous," n nea un inquiry,nml tbs positive proof of interpolation was fund as

!n lu'..First General Grant wrote in November, 1878, that

he nu, mild to express oo such opinion against pubUssupport O' anythingabove common .-(linois, uni held BO*-:>¦**. uf iii it sort, lui! OOUld not give his wolds, fur

General L.M.Dayton,seerel 117 of tbe80 Mt] of theArmyol tho Tenoeaeee afore which he spoke), bad his man¬

uscript, ile also wrote: "My Ides of what 1 1this:'Resolve, Hist the State or Natloo, 01 hoi com-lu.I, slia.l tuiulsn tn evil* child glowing ilpili Un'land the means of acquiring a /.nod common icboollue lion,' " etc.Second.General Dayton's report, tho first sod prob¬

ably only om- ever primed from Grant's own

rcrint, contained none of the Draekoi letters or words,and the General hlmse f assured the writer by personalhu r ol February 'J.!, is7u. Mutt tba report nos

.. *, luini," ¦. l.,,11 the : 1 ,.tThird.General Dayton seut the original manuscript

to G ie 1.1I ..! 11 ul General Babcock's request, whena lithograph ol a photos apl of ll Metued to have beenlukin ami circulated, and ihe litbograpb agreed iv iiii. nerain an 's menning, with bbl memory and withi., 11 ral Da 1 lou's n |k>iFourth.Hi. Weston l ot furtheroonflrmed the above

ii v .1,1, iimi.- toe origil o manuseripi in pencil theHouse. Mareb ti,'7(1, and tbe Hon N. J Norton,

then In Couure - from w-York, sdJo bli testimoujthat while other purts had iu ocoaaioual line lineatwnor rasure, "th - paragi apb r, maim untouched."Tin- ps rairrap ti n rei ed to came tor lie nurfaoela belate

unii Tic-i< len 11.ii campaign sLso,aud tbe orb luali rrorwasbi 11 iii d bj 11 -ii.l ;i- the truth, and evi n Ihe Vet MoinesUegiaUr seemed t-> think ll had sci its reporilroni(.iani'k 1,w n manuscript, aud noi lunn - ime reporter'scopy, though it. 1: -. f.said tu Pah.y, "76. teal it" would iro011 ihe w Ituesa stand " to aili, m tue iain r.

Borne future editor ol L.eoeriuav bave occasion to re¬fer io lin puru .-ra h .is a die .tum. also, h .t false¬hood h is -ev,-i,..,-,.true boots au,t it tenacious life/oira City, June Ul, 1*80. L. F. I'akki.h.

THREE BRAVE MEM.r 11 the K il 1 tor or The Tr io n ni

hm: It ls but right that s'tentton should beeslledtothc bi m.-1 of Ja mes Ford. Edward J. Daffy a nd DanialToohey, all ot v. ard 1 1 Maud, wbi Be noble t Sorts ..t tbshorrible disaster of tbe Beawwohsks have receivedno recognition from tbe Press. Ford sod Tuohey wererowlac on tbe Ilarlem River In a Hunt working boat ss

twanhaba approached tbe Sunken Meadow, TheyImmediately pulled taranah Liuie Hell Gatefor tbs *.i, :ind wit.' tba tlr.-t ut

the selie to rendel ssalstaae-f. 'lin; river

seemed iwsrmtng wita struggling bnmaaity winn

they rein hid Hie wreck, and' Poid, who lsun expert swimmer, SSW that their lillieboat would bo BWamped IS it 111,'lin iii,

if anyone attempted to climb Into it. De thereforedropped his oars, and jnmpin1 into tbe aster seized a

dim* nine; wuinan by the Brm, I ruck out fol shore, andresched lt In time to save ber Ufa Thea be rushed lsagata, caaghi soother sad dragged ber ashore, Tins 110

repeated uni .1 be bod resew *i six poisonsTuohey, m the meantime, wss aol stow in compre

boadlog the iltnation. Hs saw it was Impoaslbls to pollsny ooo Into bis boat as she would upoet, bal bo rowedwu hui rtiicli of 11 victim, told him to Oitagto the stern, but not to attempt to climbup, and hold on lill ho reached shore,Tbs ic low Uni ii- be waa ordered, n is eartled to shai-loa wstei iimi .-.ivci. Tuohey repeated his expsrim alwith like suoceaa, and oo Ins third trip bad the grant)cation ol rescuing three more. Nextl me a* brought1 c.v.', making In nil seven saved by hun.Duffy arrived liner. Seeing a boat near the Wartl'iIsland, manned bj two little fellowa abo wereafraid ol approacblog ai ur.-:- to thc buraing Hi amor, becalled to iii,.m to give him their hostliny d .I so, nnd he immediately palled forthe wnck. Ali mt midstream bs picked optbe body ot a dead oblld, and a tow minutes stet racreeded In rcscul naman who na* almost exhausted,but wlioafi: I'w.rii recovered. Ue also ph ked uptbe u- nyol a wnm iii,:¦ ml witta bis freight of dead ami llvlug,puili dfur the -ti am launch Boyd. Mr.i ibase lek them aooar I,bul un- **om,iii died belora restoratives could bs ob¬tained.Tijub sixteen persons, fourteen tiring and two dead,

wore taken from ibe water bi Miese brave fellows.Honor to whom it ls doe. Borne of us hsvs received farin re tban our share, but for Ford, Tn he* aad Duffy;especially Font, who, at th* imminent peril ol hts ownllb jumped liiiu ni- al thal otbers might be saved,-null cannot be said, ii should also be stated thal

lu-. 1; 1;. atanplu.ol the Emigration Huapltal Ht ff, didas iiicicii'. work aa any mau present. Bespectfullyyours, in;. 8.

State Emigrant i:>fitgr amt Hospital, Ward'a Is'uml,New-lark, Jun -i. lbw



mg MMINAlIi'N OP CUNI liAI. li \ lil ll 111.

To the Editor ot the I r i lt ii n e

Sui: There ure two incidents attending thenomination ol Geo* ral 1 (art ti al . Inc igo.ons or a bb h

bas not appeared lo print. The other M related by Slr.n orgo W. Bose, who bas beta for some yew itrn ra

phcr for General Oarfl ld. Hartog the Generaltruce thu Summer from Washington, Mr. Boss far 1 ea

pring hts ri si len.'e. whmh, aa your reeders Busy koonfrom tbsdesertpttoos thal have beengireaef u.issit-u.iied on i aad Thuin 1.1 h -t-, ri,.u lng Fraaklta Park,om- ul Un loos. In iiiltl.ul of Ibo ii. any bcaullii.l paTSIli,at miami ht our city.On tho day ol the General's nomloatiaa for Presldei t,

sad, ss stated, al abom tho very moment os* sbsototstlssetostbe Blsnal Berrica Bureen would sayl that tbsni'uiiniiiion was made, allowing tor the dlffersaos laloBgltuda b'lweeii heic unit CBtoagO, n magUlSeOBlbah] eagle, ufier etrellag round ttie Turk, swoopedSows mid rested oa Mts Gobi d's hausa Ooo of Mr,|{o-c's children was phtyfatg out of doors nt UM MUM sudran 111 lo c.ill tbs nt tent ion ut tba family ts this striking¦psetseto. Savers!ot tba CsmUyaad Hr. Boss hiuisc.iwent nat and saw the source of the child's ivoinler. ilelui.- UtseagMI rose fruin us a' perch sdoseB peoplei.otlcf'1 ii':>l ccuiuieutcd upon it. An old Ho in un wouldhave sn n in this an augury of thc most Inspiring char¬acter. Hut, we Ainrrtoaus are free from Buycrsiluons.and so lt was a mero " coincidence."Aimnig General Garde d's Monds at Chicago was

Major Mwalm, sf PartLsaraawortb, Ksasosb Bwastrtyon Hie General's staff, and now un elli er of thc regularArmy, who helped tu open aud ai runge the telegraphicmessages tbat poured in after the nomination had beenuiaile. Tho Uemrul gut forty or tilt> balure- ho left basball, and before ho slept that night a thousand Badmore had come to BBB, When he was about leafing thocity ho asked Major H. tn ns»ort tho dlspatetie*. letters,etc, thal BS ini'l received, destroy those that were of no

use, and classify thone lb.ti were to bo kept. Ile nm liliedins pm liol* tm t .i) tui'l.- ( unit muong Um tba ooiiloutswuss crumpled blt of naper wirti printing on li, thuhistory ol widen, as asmee BWB1BB taus lt. isevoo moresingular than tim eagle's perch n. re in Witalungtou.As tho (ieneral was on Ula way to the Couventmn on

that memorable Tuesday, tho 8th ot June, naturallylOilaUlaaui aiH)Ul thBprotruCttiil hud CSaUOSt a.n.....ila

the rv.nveotion. and wholly iri*<nsp-oUnp me personallaaue of the day to himself, OBS or MSB 1 il" r-d- sf |h-o-Pie BB tbe streets who wire throating ulvtrfUeiiienta,cu en lu rs, pollitoal aqolba.etr., Into in- bi mis of Baaasre*sr,savebtai aiit'io ince of paper, which be lookuieeli.iiiiiallv. Mini abstract, div glsncd Bl. Ilia,'yueaugiir " Acts Iv. ll" upon lt. Ilia ri oinri.r was " OajHut: is-om,, BBS of tm- .Mundy m.,I Bunker 1,,-npie,'*and. without readies it, sad tbtsklng bs woeM netthrow ., ¦. Intih- i,.. ,f" ii,lo Ihe Bini, he liu-d il up andpat lt lo bbl pocket. B ind by. ss lbs rongratalgtoryislsarsms eamm ta him. ho ibrnsl tiiem imo tb, -nuspocket, md abes bs ism ih aa bsfors fae m. j ,r una bltof pap, r waa with them. Wi.i n ibe Major resd lt ilstruea him with snob loree that instead ol ibrowtagltsslde, he pat lt lo tbe General's bat. And t ara it re-m.linell, illino!.lb* tbs General, nd uncooinnupon nv Ma) i mi*mu:, u:i tbs Ger.eral r-neil, i| h.,ms,sud taking off his hat, for tm IrstUsserasd it, sa fol¬low-"This Ml tbs stone which w»s set at nought

bo i'li'i*. '..'ii is become ihe bead ..: r.Neii.'icr ia lhere salvation la any other: for Mien isLone oilier milne limier brSVCS given Smsag Hun,

we m:i-t in- .-a*- I" Sets Iv., 11-18,Washington, I). C. July 2. l«**i>. a D. a.


GOVERNMENT [NDICATI IVA.Ssiisatfs ra* th' j n'. a 11

WaSftnrOTOB, July G. 1 a. m.-Tho bar-BBister nj blgbesi ta Mts Lower Laka riloton. K.inhas fallen in ail th" shsfrtets, en ipr the Weal OattStates. Nullhw.-sie:iv ninds prevail Bathe ajsefSwestasad asstsrly ta tbs Loka rustoa, sad Ibe OatsValley) elsewhere ihey are nam sooth to essa, lastemperature bas rems I ted se a Ij

hi'tnaiiom.For tlc Middle All mic r-r.tle-. local mina, foll iwi d

by leartog we ubi,, sootberly veering :<i nwinds, stariooary or lower tompera t ure, followed or

li irometeri N,. i !.;,. m ., rains fi.ii iwed by eb ,iibo w.atber.

southwest vciii ir to westerly w.n-,--. .1 u > umperaturc, :;i ling folli wed hy ni cr.

'iMiirv" i.i*' m

i.m KOUBS.Mi rs agiMjiii s tiaiitn ts sss i

"1.1''. Jiiil*' k 9111112 1 1MH; I HilMl rt^z^t^ttjziJz:-'.i °

7dtf[*f1.-?*. -.^Vrr»lr.. .

blr-:"Tl/., -rrr^Thrrrrf-^2iSlarisl -i Pulu a'.. .! by tiia ti ....a

PhanBB y. ii Braadws)

(BlBOBB OrVtCB, Ju'v fl. 1 a m.- Tue rn,.*euii ni Inriie bsrometei yesterday was steadily i ¦. 1 ¦: mum- ,-i. m. Cleat weat!,er was followed by p«rt 11 eloo>lysad cloiiiiy **e ubi r, wita raia Sm rag tv- third nu :t pa' i ,,t u.e ii.nilli, rsa te ;.tweeaS7 sad S3 , Um aversen (71S | Bama 1V burhsfthanou the eorrcspoodiBg day hasysai aad iT- rosn in o'i Bandar.Cloud) Wi ulner. Willi oci'iisionu' raina, folium il by

parti) cloudy and fall weat bel and lower temperate**,may DOBXpeCtSd i"il'i iii tu's, Uv uni vicinity.


Hen munn &. Co., enritr iiiantif.ietiners, at thefoul .U Ic-Line, i-.-! iBfarSBSd ( pt,lin C |.i mini BSBlOUtht tini! ll.ev loiliy cmp h. .' n ..

ruin nnd ih,.t they anti pated trouble nub IbeMeui emplotet. They r,unrated tbat offlrirs bsthen tor ihe proteetton ol their property.


priRTOf BKW-TOBS ...ARRtVBO ft'iv Isir Nitsinytliinr), Vi'Xlev, Kio J.uiii.i J.i,. !', tn .. *

Jerona,mi- isaragnsss. Hooper, ii tltimors leOaHilia r

Ship Kuby of Yarmouth. N "n Ha* mo ni, 1 ji|With ni's-, f,, tinier: Teasel to J..VI Kl wei ¦- n

Stu 8 S Weldon (ot Dorchestei N li. « right, llreiii.11 a. won old non alni smpty barn 1- lu ordsi v,... ii, j ,v1 karOCa,iVivii - 11 mi. m -an ly Bosh, ¦sStrais, SW, vsry hssp

ana Ulick offshara.I"'!'.".! i\ po IT*

Lobb vi: -, trr stra citv ol Usaftish (Bri, from Bsa*Tort, snd Msttbi urtiafi nu s*le plus

i.ivein'".'!.. .luh ArrstrHrasI isa I »ni Boston-.-; iv s, 111 1 .V -tr iii* nf lie ii h.m.1, tmra New-

York for Ll verp "... iisaaed ¦. hsvenBbisrot I:.:-. ',. Arr atr Bristol City fr ibb Ssw-Var*1,1 .*.-. iw, .in'-. .'.. a.i -11 isiral 11, ly fro.1 Montreal.Hottbsoam.iaiya..'ArrOatob stis csstsa *n.i I'Caisnd

bani now x. July ."> -Arr str Enxine fiom Prill i-lrlpBtB

MARRIED.NKWIIM.l, BALL In this Hiv. June "fl. by the Ile*,

ll, wu il Crosby .li. li.. I il wm V* N willer Baa Inn.claro, SS Fa.Uni.- -.. ijij-ii-io V. 1. Ul.,, of .Nev* Yura.

AV notion o'' Ifs nagei stsi ht btion / .cith. rallKami' anit address.

DI Lit.ALBBBT-OaSstorday luiv-i, ia ri,'u'.-pin, di.i-f Ku.ginsei Jobs B. Alb* ni > H.,

Funcra stills tau ;.7i:i Wslnuuat,, I'lii nhip'iia,0.1 Wednsadar J aly 7, al 11,1 m.

At a in n y -1 tn- r.1.1 Mrvtcnsof Mrs -i..-, \n,-den",aid aldaoirhierof Nathsul I *V. ami Killin *;.¦ ,v llworn held privately ai tbaicaid.:eofboi pa 0 I-... :, .. 1 sr., Ur. o -ii'iii.c, Uni I. st A p. Ba,

Hatti, lt. Y., ii.i.iii'i.UKua,-N. V., an I SagSto, N. i ii ri

p ,' :»,.

Bl hi .ai Woodabnrg, f. f.,SaadaymoraiBg, Jail 1. *n ism.. .1 !-¦ us ,' e. si alni 11 mash *t kV

ltd iii*,--and fi cnn- f ila- lim,m ie, :n\ 1.rn i,1 attifuneral on ** ednea lay, Tib Ina., si -' .- .¦ 11 p. bi front 1 ¦«

re- in,- Bf bel slater, 1-. ll. PstubBli.',7 i>' Ml ii si N.- York etty, wiUioa fnrth

:i. vf vu- In Whits P lins, B v., j.; ,» ii.«denni n. la tbs b d 1 ear "t hts

y utera] si iv..¦-. ..1 in,- .'!. ni ,1 ai M K. bari h,Whits 1 .j.h».1 ue-il i .Inly 0, st 1:30 . h..

DONNELLY tnHatar.lay Inlr 3. at hit late ri 1v\ st Jilli si. Hennas 1. J'o!.mllv. in Hu; -* .t ii v. ai ni Inssue.

Funeral will taksnlac* on Wednesday, Inly 7..ul! o'eloek.Irani Church oi Bb vince it ile Pani, v*ct di-., uesr otb-in e.

mu-uv On Monday -i"1- ". ¦'¦ VH by, torsssrlr «f\, .1 .rnrim g. L. , lats of Milburn, tl..'-. lats -.tti>..ire! Illa .1

lui, rm- nt, i'ednssday, Julr 7,stRverg terr. L. I.Kiniviii' Ob sunday. Juli WIIUjiu Intaws.

ni nf ibe Newsboys1 Hjubm, iii PopUi »t.. iiiiM)ki)u, ace.1 tl* ir-.

!.' inersl on rn, ¦-! e.. ar .",:ii p. nim. ads sis in, a- 'I io ai sad wltaoot fsrthar 1

M.'.* l.'dlU'LI. lil N, ,v U.uni, I li.ii., July |g, Al. xamlorMcWIi'T 11 a.rc I BB i e..i s.

KESMITB In Ma il nm is. Mexico. M v ll*. ISSIl "f cob-

gestl .11 of th brun. AatboayiKutfsr* So»bu|Ii, bl UM hv ;.,. o! his ssa

Pl l's 1M At Nevi Hr tritton. S I. en s,t,,,,;ir ju!T \ll.iliili, inliiiil sou of Ila* ara I ami Ul ll S n >< le I'

Been ¦'. nina 1 lia.BIPIjEY -Al bli lat., r.-r.-.,-ur,, iii .'th In.,' I | -so,et :i 1.gnu pi 1 Oi- '.. rn I Ul| 1, J M.. IC, Ill IBB 7 sill yrs!ni in- sm

!.'.., at the iou-1, ct tbs Messiah, ins Rev. Dr. Collililli -1. .m.! 1 11 k ii*,-., ai o', lock n ii 'ie--1 tv. July 7.

i.e.ii...-., aad friends sis iBvttad loatls i wIMsssa taitsssinline.

sm 1 in- Baddsery ss Msosay.JsasxS, M m. gsahaassaiin ii... 'lilli resi "f ttl

Fun-ral services at tn^ residence of lc sw, a.\i sm 11 Hm :. i. Nu l.l Prospect 11 s, on'I u.silav. Ii li ti hi .1 :',(> .. m. it.-iiiiivi", au-.; :. ar- r

qui aloa DOI to s.a.ilV Ann-Os PHdav, July '-' 1080, ». Onssa, M. .fAnns Wliitteruoie, Widow Ol CBptolS Jaine, ll WSfS, I'B v

Funeral asrvleeafrom Sr. Mark's imri-ii on Tneadav. Jul.- S,1.ll " Lavina Lan a. alli UBrlttSpbOr BtlwBtS

ISSI ll '.

Carnages m **uit n^ al Orang* htatloa.

$ NoticeiAdvertisements Intended lor tba natt i««'ii si TUB

\v l.t.n 11 1 1.1 Bl . 1 'a- li¬lla*

Hot preimral'Min of I o,lI Liver OM ever Bl le :..i,' ii !,-. Kn

hi.! pe| ired b C liWI I.I M ', I<li-iiiisij, 1.1 1." lin.:» 1* aili .,'s .una,.-, BBS lui*, and>', v. eeii, ;:. I Noun oin, r genni >.

flingress Water,Thia bUBBBS *i stcr is I \> II tn.ivi!, -|n ric f.vr ci lUBSO rt,

Indiaestion snd al ul or rs ol tbs atouiBcIt, hvei, kldus a.rugs Ullin: ,1 ¦¦ '¦ .. d

andfartisn. not oul 1 iteaUwrsilal, out bili ; Irritants wtittt 1 Induce them bon the mucous in mbraae. til miners) waler» hal mw Sta

. in ,1 l.e kiin-v ii ie. .1 ,!¦ id11 v nv ii .1 1.a --il

!..;. , Congress and Kmptre stir og co., r-araui \ *.

tioioi- Made Pr - ¦(..»ca.

1'ini.i CBItAS 1 JELLY.BPI! KO amt INKED PBOJA U-. III I.IK>, Ml ll--. I

i- -,.....- sgthSS ovc.uil aiiiti.-ir -n I fash-,.1 iv i|,:s, ai I v* 11 p'llia lil p 1

tils mi i.i.i. * Dsgrawa .' saty 1,1. 1.

lars with rsfsiaiices au.' prices seot on<TII. Al ii mn ** iii -.

I'osi i> Bea BsuesTbs fir,.'Ti milli li" BBllBf .''' I t 1'

Jiiiv lil 1-- Bill - Vi , -Jp. m.. foi n,-si-1 a. m. Wyoming vii *.- 1 'i*»n:

I'M -UAV, at l'.'.ao ti in ur Kltiope, inishlf',.

1-. ,1 Jt p .1. llH ., ll

aiili, Ml...m. ut, via llavie .ni lill Usu**.

C o a .I..I ll nu aili: ¦>, ¦" ¦. 1111*1 dtuc ( oiiiin.'iii iinio h.--|« i ah}' sddresaed sud ai IS in. I.*

nv atntmaluii city ol llruaaeta. >i t (Jureuriown 1 SO-.*: 1 ivDAV.ul .u a. ni . nu I ii ,",¦ lu ft, .tu-'..11 Hr tas¬

ia.', sib Qnsenstown tcorresnoudsu e fm ,1- st-Isinl nni<r o<- sneoia ly addnaswed aadal 1 als ¦uutd du ok by slea um j( a,11, 101 lui'iiie b* "lei ,-lull I) na 1. via noaihaniptoa sudm,-iii.-n. ino maua tor Hennara, swede.! aaa Norway aretl ap itel,cl li. ll. 11 ml li' I "nu Ilia

for the Windward Isla dal ,. Mew York July r. msmah* foi Hain katvs Si a Vuii lull 7 rna atslla mr Bsltssand Bay fstanaa 1 tva Nea *.,:».).A .' I'ha sis 1 f"i laiiiHiia. -ar ml:,ii, e'e I-- iv » ben Yoirtt JbIj s 1 ba a rn* f.»tHavana*.- Nea-\orS Jaly O. ibu iii un lat * . ¦.. i

sndCnrs* a bsvs New Yort Julr IC Tn m. ann -\ ipia-wall sud Hourn I'aelflo leave. N>» Yara lui* lu Ina n.ailslot Poi to ul,., andiaa Weal Itidississva Nsw-i ort Jun itt!tia 11 ai a for Mesloo vtol Nsw-OrlBSni inars Msw Vorkiabf

1. lbs maj in los Chlnaaad Jaoau loa» in lra:i,.», o Ju f0. lue uiaua tor Auaiiaiia. . I. ,1 .».- -.a I ian¦ .*. ,1 J ulr Si.

in >s U JA 'li-' Poaiiuasisr.Psst oiB'e. Bsw-Tara. lui. a. iBtaj_

Mendy Thia Morutna

I'HK Ht.MIWIillKl.Y TRtBUNKPilceun wrspisus ic*i* loi uialliuifi, n*- ,. 1., e > if

sasssag, sosysse sj nv., ssfSBtail (to sss .* itt sstsbbu^Sbw, Nstosabi sn sasss Baa kathe 11 Si ir

eitrlcture. loipolenee sod Diseases ,,I .va ot

gaus j,tn,liv Slid "lie.«,1 ly ,-uied. Moirs, s ta a i ,-. J

liUMU .i.l'A.NlKLs,il.ll.. Ut Ls» ai » b. 41 list al

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