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 September 2011

Volume 20, Issue 1

Editor:Jerrie Dooley



Monday, September 26 4:00 p.m., Social 

4:20 p.m., Meeting 


Elementary Library 


Dolores Klussman,chairman

Beth Luckenbach

Lucille Rochs

Janalee Hannemann

Elizabeth Bispo

Carolyn Regan

Linda Kesler

Leatrice Haley 

Program : “  Appealing ”   Fun-Getting to Know our 


Presented by Tammy 

Vitek and Program Committee 

Purpose 1: To unite women educators of the 

world in a genuine 


Service:  Items for the 

Boys and Girls Club 

Music:  The Apple Song 

DKG Song 

Chapter website:

State website: 

International website: 


President’s Message 

Don’t Miss the Big Picture!Sometimes I get so bogged down in the many details

of life that I miss the big picture. Between my son Andy‘swedding, my daughter Katy‘s pneumonia, moving both adult

children to new locations, the beginning of the school year,and helping Andy prepare for his first teaching assignment, Ihave failed to enjoy life! Help! I have gotten mired in themuddy details and have forgotten to take care of my needs.  

DKG is one of my needs. It is a HUGE picture! Ienjoy DKG so much because I believe in its purposes,especially the ones about genuine FELLOWSHIP,giving HONOR to women educators, and ADVANCING theposition of women in education. DKG is a place where I canbe a leader and, at the same time, physically help others. Atconventions, I meet women who are so KEY, they are so

PROFESSIONAL and so GREAT that I am in awe of them!I'm inspired! Then I realize, ―Hey, those women are in MYOWN CHAPTER!‖ 

At this month‘s meeting, each committee will havetime to work on the details of their committee. As you workon the details, don‘t get mired down in them. The detailspromote the huge picture  – we are advancing women ineducation; therefore, all students in the world are affected.When it all comes together, each of us will fit into the DKGpicture, and it will be even more beautiful! 

Mission statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International 

promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and 

excellence in education. 

Vision statement: Leading women educators impacting education.


Beta Zeta---First Meeting of 2011-2012

Let‘s get together! In honor of Johnny Appleseed‘s b-day, join us for

some Appealing Fun. Renew friendships, meet new initiates, get

to know your committee, and preview the new year in DKG. Plan to

be there—we miss you when you are not there!

Monday, Sept. 26, 4:00 Social, 4:20 meeting

Fredericksburg Elementary School Library

Bring dues and $7.50 for the October dinner/fundraiser.

Your Beta Ze


for anoth



Tammy Vitek



Karen Loeffle



Andrea Hudso

Rec. Sec.:

Amy O’Neil 

Corres. Sec:

Janet Hext


Tisha Clemen


Jerrie Dooley

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Flanked by her Beta Zeta sisters, Joanne Davis beams after her installation as president of the Texas State organization of Delta Kappa Gamma. Celebrating with her are (l to r) Beta Zeta president, Tammy Vitek and members Beth Luckenbach, Karen Loeffler, past TX State president Catherine Davis, Jerrie Dooley, Andrea Hudson, Helen Usener, and Carolyn Otto.

Memorable McAllen: State Convention 2011In a heavy downpour of unfamiliar rain, the first group of the nine Beta Zetas arrived in McAllen

for the 82nd

Annual Convention of the Texas State Organization of DKG on June 23rd

. They were joinedby more than 800 DKG members from across the state for a lively, invigorating three days of music,dancing, dining, meeting, discussing, and learning. The ladies of the Rio Grande Valley made sure itwas worth the long trip by putting on an unforgettable convention.

The highlight of the convention was the installation of our own Joanne Davis as state DKGpresident for 2011-2013. In a lovely formal Founders‘ and Presidents‘ banquet, Joanne assumed thisleadership role with enthusiasm and determination. (See story on Page 4.)

Pictured and named above is the entire delegation from Beta Zeta. Each member also assistedin many ways at the convention, serving as ―hummers‖ (convention hostesses), program presenters andfacilitators, salesmen, photographers and so much more.

Tammy Vitek was presented as a chapter president and accepted the prestigious President‘sAward for Chapter Excellence (PACE). Beta Zeta program committee led by Karen Loeffler won theAnnie Award for our outstanding program and participation in Special Olympics. The Beta Zeta Buzz,written by member Jerrie Dooley, won the Five Star Award, and our yearbook by Andrea Hudson, wonthe Early Bird and the Excellence Awards.

We also earned the Rosebud award for maintaining membership at 64 this year with Janet Hextleading that committee. Our chapter website by Carolyn Otto, webmaster, was recognized as well.

Entertainment at the convention was an outstanding display of traditional Mexican costumesand dancing (The dancers also led us in a rousing Zumba dance.), Indian dancing, and Mariachi music.

Participants all agreed that this was a convention like no other. Now Las Colinas in Irving isbeckoning us to come again for our next state convention to be held on June 21-23. Mark yourcalendars and plan to join the Beta Zeta delegation for this convention. Guaranteed: A great time!


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More Fun in McAllen


hapter of Delta Kappa Gamma

Joanne Davis, New State PresidentWhat a magical night as Joanne was installed as theTexas State DKG president for 2011-2013 at the conventioin McAllen. As her proud family, chapter members, ansisters from all over the state watched, Joanne took the gavefrom Vicki Davis and addressed the crowd.

Joanne‘s journey to this moment began with heinitiation in 1978 in Beaumont. Who knew then what a hugpart that DKG would play in her life? She has been chaptepresident (twice!), area coordinator, chairman of a stateconvention, state parliamentarian, and served as a membe

and chairman of many state and even internationacommittees. Most recently, Joanne captured the admiratioof all as the state editor/photographer of the Lone Star NewsShe rightfully earned the honor of being our state president bher hard work and dedication to the mission of DKG.

Joanne‘s theme is  ―Explore the Possibilities: Let OuVision Light the Way.‖ She chose a lighthouse and its beamas the symbol of going forth to light the way to newpossibilities. She says, ―We must find new ways to impaceducation throughout the global society.‖ 

Beta Zeta wishes Joanne much success in her new

role and pledges our support as she leads us in the nexbiennium.

Tammy presents Joanne with a corsage

before her big night. We are proud to

claim Joanne as our Beta Zeta sister and

new Texas DKG president!

Being silly with Annie Webb Blanton,Tammy and Karen ask, “Which way toconvention?”The Founders were strategically placedaround the beautiful convention centerin vintage clothes with clues to help us

guess their identities.

The Mexican dancers in McAllen were dazzling! The youdirector‘s proud mom is a DKG member in the Valley.  

Texas Treasure BoxesAt left, Helen, Jerrie, Carolyn, Beth, Karen, andTammy pack Beta Zeta’s 22 treasure boxes withentertaining items our members donated. Over 11boxes were donated to south Texas children’shospitals for injured or seriously ill children. Read

more in the Lone Star News online.

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Beta Zeta Chapter

Delta Kappa Gamma

April 25, 2011 Minutes

President Vitek called the meeting to order and Margaret Bierschwale gave a

devotional. Hostesses (Abban Lastovica, Marsha Weatherford, Carolyn Kuhlmann, MariaRobertson, Carolyn Regan, Olga Peacock, Catherine Davis, Katie Shafford) were thanked fora wonderful assortment of food.

Karen Loeffler introduced our Program entitled ―Green Living in the Hill Country‖ givenby John Watson. He quickly reviewed 10 slides/steps for more sustainable living. One ofwhich is to use reusable water bottles instead of plastic bottles/styrofoam cups. He let us knowAce Hardware has stackable recycling bins. Rainwater collection that many of our ancestorspracticed is a ‗green‘ practice that is coming back. One of the services Mr. Watson provides issetting up rainwater barrels at your home. He is also available to assess your home andprovide ways to make it more ‗earth-friendly‘. He helped the Fredericksburg Middle SchoolSkills for Living Class with rainwater collection for their new garden. John can be reached at

 [email protected]  or see his website:  . Also

check out an online local farmers‘ market— John also recommended thefollowing books: Hot, Flat, and Crowded, In Defense of Food, Deep Economy, Serve God,Save the Planet.

Abban Lastovica moved to approve Beta Zeta Minutes from Feb. 28 and March 28 assent electronically and motion carried. Tisha Clements‘ Treasurer Report was filed for Audit.Janet Hext read a Thank You from Alpha State Convention Treasurer for our contribution of$75. to the Cultural Street Fair to be held at the 82nd State Convention. Our Grant-In-Aidrecipient is from Junction and a mother of four, Kim Braiza. Jo Dodd said Boys and Girls Clubcontinues to be appreciative of our gifts to the children. She also (along with Tammy Vitek)said how wonderful Special Olympics was in Marble Falls and encouraged more members togo next year. Lucille Rochs urged us to keep communicating with our Legislators. Elevenmembers were recognized as having Perfect Attendance for 2010-11 year (Lindy Haley, JanetHext, Andrea Hudson, Delores Klussmann, Karen Loeffler, Amy O‘Neil, Carolyn Otto, HelenUsener, Tammy Vitek, Suzanne Wessels, Eileen Whited) and 5 new prospective memberswere voted in and will be initiated in the Fall. New prospective members are Floye Burnett,Barbara Heinen, Judy Mayo, Marsha Pape, Patricia Rivera.

Amy O‘Neil presented about the CTAUN conference she attended in Austin. Manywonderful ideas were given by CTAUN (Committee to Teach About the United Nations). Oneinitiative she invited members to was the ―Purple Pinkie Project‖at Fbg. Middle School on May12th 7:30AM—a fundraiser to help Rotary END POLIO NOW.

Join us for the State Convention June 23-25, 2011 in McAllen…more information canbe found on our website (or on Delta Kappa Gamma‘s Alpha State website). If you still want toprovide items for the Treasure Boxes for Convention (that will be given to children in thehospital), drop items by Tammy Vitek‘s house.

Helen Weiss was gratefully acknowledged for donating her President‘s pin to Tammywho was honored to accept the pin from her former college professor.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy O‘Neil, Recording Secretary 

Tammy Vitek, President 

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