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Trends in Government and Web 2.0eMitch Jason Tonelli

Vivid / Rodeo Rita ArrigoMicrosoft Jon Barrett & William CornwillVivid Group Nick Butler

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AgendaThe Business Case for Online Investment

Key Scenarios for delivering eGov and The Social Web

Intranet - StaffInternet – Citizens & Stakeholders

Case Study – National Native Title TribunalWhy Choose SharePoint

Q&ALight Lunch

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Trends in Government and Web 2.0

The Business Case forOnline Investment

Section 1

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Trends in Government Online Services

“Interacting with Government”

December 2008Australians use of satisfaction with e-government services

Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO).

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Business Case for online investment

4 in 5 people use the internet, including most people under 44. The take-up rate among the older population is increasing¾ of those are aged 55 to 64

2 in 5 aged 65 or older, are now internet users

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

People that use the internet

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Business Case for online investment

In 2008 nearly 2/3 of people had contacted government by internet at least once in the previous twelve months.

More than 3 in 10 now use the internet for the majority (all or most) of their contact with government, double the rate reported in 2004–05.

In 2008 the internet replaced “in person contact” as the most common way people had last made contact with government.

Younger people are more likely to use the internet to contact government

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

People who have contacted Government via internet.

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Business Case for online investmentAges 25 to 34 having the highest rate of use. Growth has been strongest.In older age groups. Since 2004–05, rates have doubled for those aged 55 to 64

Tripled for those aged 65 or more.More people would prefer to use the internet to contact government than actually do so. Since 2007, the internet has been the most preferred way to contact government.In 2008 the gap between preference and actual use still exists, but is decreasing.

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

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Business Case for online investmentThe majority of people are satisfied with the ease of using the service and finding information.

Internet contact has the highest levels of satisfaction followed closely in 2008 by “in person contact”.

Those who used mail to contact government had the lowest levels of satisfaction.

Less satisfied with the amount of time it takes to receive a reply to an enquiry made online. Focus groups also highlighted some areas for improvement.

Commonly reported frustrations included Difficulty in finding information and services Language government websites use Not knowing if and when a response to email correspondence would be received.

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

Satisfaction with using the internet to contact government

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Business Case for online investment

Convenience is the prime motivator for over four in five of those choosing to contact government by internet. The benefits mentioned include ;

Being able to use the internet at a time that suits Time savings compared with other options, particularly time savings in finalising a transactionThe ability to avoid queues.

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

Convenience continues to be a key factor

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ChallengeE‑government will continue to evolve and grow.

Adoption of newer technologies means that changes in use and take-up of e‑government services are occurring quickly and are likely to continue to expand in the future. These changes, and the increasing blurring of boundaries between technologies, will present challenges for government service delivery.

Australian Government Information Management Office - “Interacting with Government – December 2008”

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Key Scenarios for Delivering

eGov and Social Webusing

Microsoft SharePoint

Section 2

Trends in Government and Web 2.0

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#1 Portal VendorForrester

100M+ Licenses, 17k+ Customers, $1B Revenue

Leader in Gartner ECM MQ, Leader in Gartner Search MQ

Leader in Gartner Portal MQLots of 2007 Books in market!

3300+ Partners 325k Portals, Sites and Sub-Siteson MS Intra\Extranet 15TB DB!

Top Fortune 500 websites: Viacom, Starbucks, etc.

SharePoint Blog in Top 5

HP, Accenture and EDS useSharePoint as their web platform

Leader in Gartner Portal MQ

Strong Business Momentum

Tested to 20 million hits per day with 4 WFEs

Large developer eco-system and community

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SharePoint for Internet at 55% Year-on-Year growth

SharePoint is Leader in Magic Quadrant for Portal, ECM and Search

Increase in number of companies using SharePoint for WCM

SharePoint in the Magic Quadrant

Page 15: Better Online Strategy Presentation Melb 22 Oct tracks SharePoint Internet sitesNot all inclusive, but includes top-rated sites350 Significant sites listedSpanning a wide range of industriesTop 100 SharePoint Sites

Success with SharePoint on the Web


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Microsoft SharePointAudiences and Integration

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Key Scenarios

• Train & Retain Staff

• Find Experts• Capture Knowledge

• Interactive Internet Sites


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Scenario – Find Expertise, Capture Knowledge

Find an Expert through simple SearchExperts maintain their own ‘Expertise Page’Project / Program Teams have a ‘Team Site’

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Scenario - Train & Retain StaffLearning Management System

Online Course RegistrationOnline TrainingRole-based CurriculumOpt-in Extensions

End-users Create their own Knowledge to SharePodcasts, Webinars and Vodcasts

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Scenario - Train & Retain StaffLearning Management System

Online Course RegistrationOnline TrainingRole-based CurriculumOpt-in Extensions

End-users Create their own Knowledge to SharePodcasts, Webinars and Vodcasts

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Scenario – An Interactive IntranetDrive your staff to the Intranet to avoid“Email Exhaustion”Have Senior Managers create ‘Blogs’ to broadcastnews and PolicyOne-stop-shop (e-Kiosk)for staff HR, Payroll & Admin functionsPersonalize it for Functions and RegionsHave staff contribute content DirectlyExample: WA Dept. for Communities Intranet

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Scenario – An Interactive Intranet

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Key Scenarios

• Train & Retain Staff

• Find Experts• Capture Knowledge

• Interactive Internet Sites

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Interactive InternetSouth East Water

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Interactive InternetCity of Joondalup WA

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Interactive InternetCity of Sterling WA

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Vivid Group Case Study

National Native Title Tribunal

Section 4

Trends in Government and Web 2.0

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalCustomer Profile

The National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) helps resolve competing claims to land in rural areas of Australia

NNTT provides a data repository accessible by a range of stakeholders including lawyers and students

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Problem Solution Results/Benefits

Case Study: National Native Title Tribunal

NNTT’s existing website had been developed as a public information resource.• It was difficult to update, and the search function would not reliably cope with the fast-expanding volumes of documents that the tribunal needed to make publicly available.

In 2008, NNTT launched a new portal that included access to a Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server - based document repository. • Its online service became dynamic so that claimants and the public could get hold of better information faster.

• Agency portal is easier to use .• Public has easier access to a larger number of documents.• Staff spend less time assisting the public by phone.

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalEnterprise Platform

• The NNTT solution needed to be adaptable to evolve and accommodate changing audience

• MOSS provides a common platform to manage both NNTT’s Internet and Intranet sites

• Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 so staff can track enquiries and target specific audiences

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalEnterprise Content Management

Natural integration with MS Office means high user uptake

Intuitive master page template which removes empty content zones eliminating the need for multiple page templates

Customised workflow from out of the box parallel to serial. Development of re-usable workflow tool enabling client to select a specific workflow and apply new sub-sites.

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalEnterprise Search

• Extensive content migration from static HTML pages and associated documents (unstructured data) into MOSS

• The solution is highly involved due to the number and complexity of the search requirements

• Business Data Catalogue provides connection to ORACLE data repository

• Advanced Search: Applications, Determinations, Registration Test Decisions, ICUA’s etc.

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalGeoSpatial Mapping

• The challenge was to provide a search function that could encompass the entire agency’s index of documents, yet still get site visitors quickly and reliably to the information they require

• The solution provides a Visual Search tool which integrates with Microsoft Virtual Earth, enabling users to zoom into geographical map areas to perform their searches which are automatically filtered by the location on the map

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalIntuitive Interface Design

• NNTT required a contemporary looking site which was easy to modify in-house

• The finished design is one which is appealing and easy to use for all NNTT’s constituent user groups including:

Indigenous AustraliansLawyersLandownersCommercial OrganisationsGovernment DepartmentsResearchersStudentsGeneral Public

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalRich Media Delivery

• The website allows the tribunal to bring Native Title to life through interactive maps and video rather than just text and static images

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Case Study: National Native Title TribunalAccessibility

• Accessibility features such as “skip to content” and text-only version of site which is not a separately managed site

• AGLS meta data compliant

• 30 – 40 different searchable key words for every document

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SummaryCitizens are more and more looking to interact with government via online Services.Currently high level of satisfaction in finding information online.Low satisfaction in reply and response times to online enquires.SharePoint is a platform to enable Government to provide online services.SharePoint is a mature technology for providing online services.

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About Vivid/Rodeo

• Rodeo and Vivid Group offers Award Winning Creative & Interactive Services combined with excellence in Microsoft based technologies.

• Together Rodeo and Vivid Group are a leading Australian creative and technology services company delivering innovation in Online Marketing Strategy, Design, Digital Solutions.

• Vivid Group has invested in the development of a range of rapid deployment solutions for Enterprise Web CMS, eCommerce, Extranet and Intranet Services . The grant from AusIndustry was $997,000.

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Microsoft SharePoint Features



Portal SitesBusinessForms


Workspaces, Mgmt,Security, Storage,

Topology, Site Model


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Vivid OfferFree Vivid web site review and report for E-Gov compliance


SharePoint Planning Services QualifiedTalk to Vivid to help establish eligibility viaMicrosoft SA Benefits

Sharepoint Quick Start offer from WebCentral

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Evaluation FormsYour feedback is greatly appreciated and needed so that we can improve these sessions, please fill out the feedback form and we do have a fun prize!

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© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.43

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