Page 1: Beverly Hills LASIK – When to See a Los Angeles Cataract Surgeon or Have Refractive Surgery

Beverly Hills LASIK – When to See a Los Angeles Cataract Surgeon or Have Refractive Surgery

If you live in southern California and are tired of wearing bulky glasses or dealing with contact lenses, you might be considering laser eye surgery. One of the most popular options is Beverly Hills LASIK. This is the most common type of refractive surgery, because it can give you good vision within a matter of hours and involves very little pain or discomfort. Another reason to seek out eye surgery would be to help get rid of cataracts. This is something that a Los

Angeles cataract surgeon can take care of. Before you decide that surgery is the best option for you, however, it's vital to learn more about how it works and what your options are.

In the case of Beverly Hills LASIK surgery, the surgeon will use a laser to make a thin flap in the cornea of your eye. This hinged flap is then backed out of the way, so that another laser can use ultraviolet light to remove the tiny bits of tissue from your cornea to reshape it. This can help treat near or farsightedness. A Los Angeles cataract surgeon will use a similar procedure these days, because laser surgery has become so popular in contrast with more old-fashioned methods of cataract removal.

One of the main benefits of Beverly Hills LASIK surgery or going to a Los Angeles cataract surgeon is that the use of lasers is far more precise than traditional surgical methods. In the past, patients could fall victim to human error. With a reshaped cornea, the eye is better able to focus light, providing clearer vision. To complete the LASIK procedure, the corneal flap is laid back into place. With nearsighted patients, the goal is to make the cornea flatter, while farsighted people will need a steeper shape to their cornea. Laser surgery can also correct astigmatism through this same reshaping process.

Before you visit a doctor for a Beverly Hills LASIK procedure, you will need to determine whether or not you are a good candidate. This could involve getting an eye exam to determine if you have healthy enough eyes to withstand the procedure. If you have dry eye disease, for example, this will need to be treated first before you can go to a Los Angeles cataract surgeon or have LASIK surgery. During this initial consultation, you can ask any questions you have about the procedure and recovery, for best results. Most people will achieve 20/20 vision after surgery.

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