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Financial Freedom 

Fighter by 

Stuart Goldsmith 

Foundation Course

Lesson One 

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Welcome And so we begin our journey together...

Savour this moment because you may look back upon it as a unique turning point in your life. One day in the future you may even read these words again and remember that it was this simple (and free!) course which set you on the path to financial freedom.

In a moment I will tell you a little about myself, just in case you know nothing about me. But for now I would like to make a few guesses about you and what brought you here.

Where You Are at Now Of course, I don't presume to know details of your life. But after 20 years of teaching the

secrets of financial freedom to well over 32,000 students, I have built up a pretty good idea of what brings somebody eventually to my door.

So with your permission, let me make a few assumptions...

Before I do that I need to say that honesty on your part is hugely important. We can all pull the wool over other people's eyes but we should never fool ourselves!

So financially, it is likely that your circumstances are similar to one of the three below. My guess is that you are either:

1. Deeply in debt and sinking fast with little hope of getting out of the mire.

2. Stuck with a ‘typical’ level of debt which you can just about service. Whilst not sinking, a huge amount of your life efforts are spent on bills and on paying down your debt (mortgage, credit cards and other loans). You probably cannot see a way out of this right now.

3. Moderately comfortable; jogging along, able to pay your bills and with a certain amount left over for luxuries, but you feel dispirited and resentful that there seems no way to improve this situation.

Without urgent and immediate action, your future AT BEST consists of a modest life, with modest income and looking forward

to a modest retirement.

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I may not have got that exactly right of course. You are a unique and special person — something I will be majoring upon in this course. But I doubt if I'm far wrong about your financial circumstances. A small percentage of my students are very comfortably off and are searching for more meaning in their lives. I can help with that too.

Wage Slavery So to continue with my guessing game, I'm guessing that employment-wise you also fall

into one of three categories.

1. You are unemployed (or retired with a minimal pension) and this is exacerbating your poverty.

2. You are employed in a job you barely tolerate and which is well beneath your talents and abilities. It is also an insult to your dignity and values. It only pays modestly.

3. You are employed in an ‘okay’ job; you like it on a good day and dislike it on a bad day. The salary is mediocre and just about enough for you to live a modest life. You feel a bit stuck and cannot really see a clear progression path from here on in. In your darker moments you wonder if this is perhaps ‘it’ for life.

Again I'm probably not too wide of the mark. It is just possible that you're in a job you absolutely adore. But this is very rare. Only one in a hundred jobs gives this kind of satisfaction. The reason why will become clear as you study with me. Without wishing to spoil the plot, the system is absolutely stacked against you. It is carefully honed to mould tame consumer/producers who will accept their lot and not rock the boat.

More of that later.

Finding Meaning Now I want to turn to meaning and purpose. Again I'm going to be presumptuous and

guess. Forgive me if I'm not precisely on target, but cut me some slack if I’m close.

I'm guessing that you long ago abandoned any fancy notions of doing something special. It may be that you had some childhood fantasies about creating a marvellous machine; crafting something utterly beautiful; writing a powerful book; journeying to the moon; discovering a lost tribe – or any one of a thousand similar ‘childish’ dreams. From time to time perhaps they pop-up in your consciousness and you think “one day...” before falling asleep again!

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Yes, you are yearning for financial freedom, but I bet that underlying the yearning is the desire to do something meaningful. Perhaps you haven't thought about this. It's possible you have no idea what I'm talking about. I just want to leave that seed with you because this is an integral part of what we will be talking about together.

Had Enough of Poverty and Powerlessness Yet? Next I'm hoping that you are getting pretty sick of it all. By that I mean the relative

poverty, the tedium, the relentless struggle just to keep your head above water and the lack of any real meaning, purpose and passion in your life.

If I'm very lucky, you will also be feeling angry about your situation. That's good. I like anger (in this context) because you’re going to need plenty of it to break free. I'm not going to pretend that it's easy to escape from ‘The Matrix’. It isn't. The entire system– everything you know and believe in has been set up to prevent your escape. So if you have a

lukewarm, half-hearted desire to be free ‘one day’ then I'm afraid that day will never come, luck to one side.

The bottom line truth is...

…you have to be mad as hell at what has happened to you.

What ‘they’ have done to you, yes and what you have allowed to be done to you, for we are not only in the blaming game, looking at outside forces to excuse our mediocre lives. We need to look ourselves squarely in the mirror and place a portion of the blame on the person staring back at us.

Tired of Get Rich Quick Trash? My final guess concerns the route you have taken so far in

your search for financial freedom. I’m guessing that you've tried a few things and none of them have worked. It is also likely you’ve spent a fair bit of money in pursuit of financial freedom. If this course is your first port of call, then congratulations because you have saved yourself a fortune! But it is far more likely that you’ve paid good money for books, CDs, DVDs, seminars and courses all purporting to show you how to become rich and... none of them have made much difference.

Again, honesty here please. It's tough to realise you’ve wasted maybe thousands of pounds with very few tangible benefits to show for it. That's okay. Chalk it up to experience. You never need to spend money on ‘get rich quick’ promises again. This was all part of the illusion you subscribed to in the past. You're on a different track now.

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The Course Style

Now a word about my advanced Beyond Wealth financial freedom teachings.

This course is very different. For a start it is written by a genuine multimillionaire. Most other courses and ‘make money’ products are written by broke people trying to scam a few quid from the gullible. Harsh but true. The gullible are seeking instant cash for no effort – the marketers are happy to oblige them in their fantasies. Put like that it is ridiculous isn't it? Yet people continue to fall for it and part with their hard-earned cash.

Because I've made my own fortune already, I have the luxury of being able tell it like it is, even if I think you will find it unpalatable. In other words I don't have to keep you sweet because I need your subscription money!

That gives me an amazing amount of freedom to train you quickly and point you in the right direction without worrying about stepping on your toes. The result is that I write in a fairly hard-hitting style. I'm not trying to be arrogant writing like this. I am passionate about waking you up – for reasons I will explain in a moment. I also think you need to wake up urgently. You don't have unlimited time to ‘make it’. The pace of change is accelerating and we are moving into a whole different world financially speaking.

It's a world in which the middle income earners are going to be systematically stripped of their wealth to pay down the debts of the profligate and pander to the demands of the masses for handouts

and protection.

It’s happening right now, as you read this. That means you urgently need to protect yourself and find a way of becoming free as soon as humanly possible. If you don't take this step, you will be facing a very stark old age. That may seem a long way away to you at the moment but let me tell you it comes around fast. And anyway you won't have to wait until then for the pain. It's highly likely you’re feeling some already and I can promise that it will only accelerate unless you take decisive action.

One final point on style. Normally my lessons are approximately 50 pages, single spaced. I have been persuaded that this is just too long. We live in an information-rich culture and people simply do not have the attention span they had even 10 years ago. I’m sad about that but cannot change it. So I'm making these lessons fairly short.

I hope you approve!

There are twelve lessons which form this Financial Freedom Fighter Course. The first lesson is free and this is the one you are reading now.

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One of the main purposes of this lesson is to make sure we are both on the same sheet of music. It’s possible you have not heard of me and so you need to convince yourself you are with the right teacher before proceeding.

Imagine yourself at a junction where many roads meet, and you are unsure which way to take. Think of this course as orientation on the correct path.

Advanced Course If you pass through this introductory lesson, you will be

eligible to take the advanced Beyond Wealth course. This is where your wealth training begins in earnest. You will be allowed a copy of the limited edition Beyond

Wealth ‘bible’ – a beautiful faux leather-bound book containing ‘The Teachings’. It has been called “The world's most expensive book on wealth creation”. You will also be enrolled onto the advanced course and receive the advanced training lessons and a lot more besides.

After completing the advanced Beyond Wealth course, you will be invited to access the final level. This is by my personal invitation only so please don't worry about it at this stage. If you gain access to this higher level you will also be invited to meet me personally.

Who Am I? Now with those preliminary thoughts out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about

myself and my background in case you have never heard of me. I'm doing this for one reason (after all, there are few things more boring than other people's autobiographies!). You can skip this section if it’s of no interest or you know me already, but I put it here to convince you that you are going to learn from someone who walks the talk.

In fact there are two things you need to know before considering studying with someone.

1. Do they walk the talk or are they full of hot air?

2. Is this person ‘one in a million’ – someone you could not possibly emulate or someone incredibly lucky?

I hope point 1 is obvious. Particularly when it comes to learning about making money, you don't want to be learning from a broke person! You may have already read one of my books or courses, but in case you haven’t, let me make a straight statement of fact. I am a multimillionaire. And I started from nothing.

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In fact I had less than nothing. My debts, excluding mortgage, were the equivalent of £100k in today’s money. When I decided I was angry enough (and boy was I pissed) I became a Financial Freedom Fighter.

I vowed to blast free from poverty and into wealth. I achieved that and now I am going to share those secrets with you, if you want to follow my path as thousands have before you.

I know you can do this because I am not a special person. I am no better than you. Not so long ago I was fixing cameras for the BBC at Television Centre in London. But all that changed when I got mad and decided to fight.

If you’re ready, I will share with you what I learned becoming a multimillionaire.

You can then apply it to your own life and have a genuine shot at becoming free, just like me. I never need to work again – that’s what financial freedom means.

I wonder if you've had the experience of a friend or relation advising you on money? Maybe they were advising you not to get into this or that business, or which investments to avoid. Yet their own lives hardly reflected financial prowess!

Yes people are full of opinions and will endlessly give you advice, whether you want it or not. If you wanted to become a millionaire, I hope you would at least listen to somebody who was made a few million and you would completely ignore someone who's never managed to amass more than a few thousand.

Unmatchable Guru

Point 2 is a little bit more subtle. It may be that the person walks the talk and has indeed made several million pounds. Good for them. But when you look at their background, talents and abilities, you find someone you would struggle to emulate. The person has a first-class mind, two first-class degrees, brilliant financial acumen, not to mention a family situation or background which propelled them to almost inevitable success. Plus a heaping helping of solid good luck and possibly a nice chunk of cash to get started with!

Many of my students have commented in the past that one of the reasons they chose me as their mentor was because of my ordinariness. Err... I think that's a compliment...!

So this next short section is aimed at convincing you that I walk the talk and that I am a pretty ordinary sort of bloke. In other words if I can do it, so can you.

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The Beach at Weston

“If you are new to my teachings and would like to know a few things about me, please read on…”

That way you will know a little about me and my vision so you can judge if I have anything useful to offer you...

For the last 20 years my passion has been helping people to achieve financial freedom. I will explain why in a moment. Over 32,000 people have received my personal training, aimed at showing people how to get to a stage in life where they never have to work again. I hold over a thousand testimonial letters, many of which can be seen here:

Many of my students have become millionaires as a result of my help although this isn’t something I promise!

I assist people mainly through my writings. My best-selling titles include The Midas Method; Seven Secrets of the Millionaires; The Inner Circle; The Way of the Warrior; Real Life, 77 Tips to Help You Become Wealthy and several others. My books and courses have sold hundreds of thousands of copies in a dozen countries worldwide. I also

train people one-to-one in seminars here in the UK where I have charged as much as £3,000 per ticket!

My background was fairly modest. Whilst not poor, both of my parents worked full-time in jobs to support us and money was always tight.

I grew up in Weston-Super-Mare, and went to the grammar school there (recently demolished). I wasn't a great student: I was usually in the bottom half of the class.

However I managed to scrape seven ‘O’-levels (mediocre grades) enough to go on and do A-levels. Again I scraped three of those with very modest grades (B, C, D) but they were enough to get me into Reading University where I studied electronics. I graduated from there with a 2.2 in 1974.

I mention all this just so that you know I had no silver spoon in my mouth, neither did I have any particular talents or abilities – certainly no more than you have, I feel sure. I hope you agree that whilst not a total dunce, my school career was hardly stellar!

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After graduating in electronics, I landed a job at the BBC repairing studio equipment. After a few years of that I realised I was getting nowhere. The debts were mounting up and I could barely pay my way.

I drove a scrap yard on wheels, a rusty old minivan with gaping holes in the wings. It used to fill up with water on a rainy day!

I also lived in the roughest area of town (Reading, Berkshire). There were cars up on blocks, dumped fridges in the front gardens and frequent 2am drunken brawls – and that was just at my house!

Here is a photograph of the actual terraced house I lived in (the one with the skip in front)...

Again I am mentioning this just to show you that I probably started in a worse situation than you. I won't bore you with any more life history, but you need to know something important...

I took a life-changing decision back then in that terraced house – and it's one I've never regretted.

Quite simply I decided to become financially free and then become a wealthy man. At the time I had no conception of how I might achieve this. I was an ‘oily rag’ engineer at the BBC on a middling salary, but I took an important decision which changed my life.

Are YOU at the stage where you are ready to make some life-changing decisions?

I vowed back then that if I ever did become rich I would help others out of the mire too. Well, my dream came true and I made millions. So that's what I've been doing for the last 20 years. Yes of course I get paid for my services, but I enjoy what I do and it is also my passion – which is why I keep on doing it long after I’ve made my fortune.

Why I have This Passion You may be reading this because you believe that having me as your mentor can help

you to achieve a similar result. Certainly I would be very pleased to guide you to your own financial freedom just as I have done for thousands of others. But you need to be sure you are choosing the right teacher (I’ll also be checking I have the right pupil, please be clear about that!).

It's fairly likely that you're reading this with an open mind on who this Stuart Goldsmith bloke is, and whether he has something to offer you. You’re maybe not sure if you are even going to continue studying with me.

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You’re probably ‘giving me a trial’.

To help you in your decision about becoming my student, let me tell you why I'm doing this. You may find my reasons a little bit unusual and they may even put you off.

My passion isn't actually to help you to become wealthy – that’s a mere stepping stone.

It is human freedom that I am passionate about. In particular... your freedom. I need you to be passionate about that too of course, otherwise I can't help you.

You see, I believe the country and the world are in a bit of a mess right now and only free humans can sort it out. War,

poverty, famine, naked greed, environmental disasters, debt crises, disease, overpopulation... I could go on and on as a list is a very long one. I believe that you have something unique to offer which will be a small part of solving one of these problems. If I free you up from wage slavery, I’m gambling on you doing something worthwhile with your new life. That is entirely your choice of course, and my gamble.

I also believe that most people live in a bubble of illusion – never achieving freedom, not really understanding what’s going on – believing the media, politicians, adverts, religions, films, TV… living powerless ‘dream-lives’ of quiet desperation.

Wasted Lives Most people's waking lives are squandered in work, consumption

and ‘entertainment’. The work is usually some tedious or pointless job which they do just to pay the bills. The ‘entertainment’ is often to ease the pain of such an impoverished existence. People behave like docile consumer/producers who, like a spent battery, will be discarded when they have outlived their usefulness.

I hope that is not too uncomfortable for you!

You have so much to contribute, so much to give, so much that the world is desperately in need of right now but… the harsh truth is

you struggle to give it because of your slavery.

To put it simply, by the time you've done your 40-50 hours a week you don’t have the spare time or energy to do much more than relax and entertain yourself. This is what I mean by slavery.

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Very pretty I’m sure. But this Rolex will set you back £350,000. The ultimate ego

indulgence! Think what else you could do with that kind of money!

Joining me, means vowing to break free of slavery, just as I vowed all those years ago.

So I have an ulterior motive for showing you the way to financial freedom. It is to release you to be all you can be. Then, finally you will be free to shine. At last you can step out into the light as a free man or woman. That's why I do this.

Ego Games I should say straight away that if you're seeking

my guidance on money in order to ‘treat’ yourself to a new Porsche, two holiday homes, a wardrobe full of ‘designer’ clothes, a stupidly expensive kitchen, jewelry, watches, trinkets and so on, then I'm probably not the teacher for you.

Of course I want you to have a comfortable life. I live a very comfortable life myself! But I don't believe the purpose of money is to buy silly toys, to lord it over others and to indulge in greedy consumerism to assuage one’s ego. I have done all these things in the past by the way so I'm not preaching! Money is much more important and serious than that. I’m hoping you are above such greedy trivia.

Money is for buying your freedom and then putting your dream out into the world and making it a better place.

Of course if I help you to make money I cannot dictate what you do with it, and neither would I presume to do so. With the money I helped them make, many of my students failed to see further than a fancy watch and a few five-star holidays. One even bought a helicopter! I just want you to know where I'm coming from so that you can assess if you want to continue your studies.

The Definition of Financial Freedom

Now that you know little bit about me, one of the first things I should do is to define financial freedom. After all we need to know what we are aiming for!

I define financial freedom as having enough income, without needing to work for it, to cover your chosen lifestyle forever

(barring dramatic changes).

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I added the ‘dramatic changes’ bit to cover any unlikely scenarios such as you suddenly requiring £1 million in medical support due to a serious injury, or a meteor striking your house etc.

As an approximate rule of thumb you need between half a million and one million pounds in spare cash to achieve this status in the UK (so we do not count our home equity).

When you have this amount of money you are free at last (basically because you can live off the interest). Your days are finally yours to do with as you see fit.

Maybe you've always wanted to travel the world, learn to paint, play the piano, write poetry or study quantum mechanics. Well now you can. Maybe you have wanted to devote yourself to quiet contemplation or meditation but have been too busy. Well now you can.

If you have a dream, you can now start to think about putting your dream out into the world. You may not know what this is yet... and why would you? Nobody told you it was possible or allowed. They wanted you consuming and producing, not having fancy ‘dreams’! To achieve your dream you may need some more money over and above this ‘financial freedom figure’. Some dreams come with a small price-tag, some dreams come with a very large price-tag. I can show you how to get this money too.

Are You With The Right Teacher?

So to summarise, you are with the right teacher if:

1. You want to learn from a genuine multimillionaire with over 32,000 satisfied students spanning 20 years.

2. You’ve ever thought you were worth more, that you could achieve more, do more, be more free, wealthier, more powerful – but that something seemed to be stopping you.

3. You are struggling for money, by your own definition.

4. You are feeling a little bit bleak about the future. You're probably ‘okay’ but life seems a little bit ‘ho-hum’ and you're wondering if it's going to be like this forever.

5. You've tried a few things, spent some money and nothing seems to have worked.

6. You value your freedom over and above the greedy acquisition of more things (cars, kitchens, sofas, gadgets, second and third homes etc.). You would rather have your life back than a second car. You would rather have your days free than have the liability

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of a holiday home. You would rather work a two-day week than have a wardrobe full of ‘designer’ clothes and a drawer full of trinkets and baubles. I'm not saying these things are mutually exclusive. I'm just testing you for your preferences.

7. This is really important. Something nags away in the back of your mind. Something you long to do. Someone you long to be. Some project worthy of you. This may stem from childhood. I'm talking about a desire which might manifest itself as a heartache; a longing to live a more meaningful, more fulfilled life. You balk at prostituting your days in slavery to outcomes which do not serve your values.

If this last point has absolutely no resonance with you whatsoever, and you honestly have no clue what I'm talking about, then I think you should consider abandoning your studies with me at this early stage. I'm not looking for fully formed dreams at this point. I'm after an inkling, an urge, a buried desire, an emotional twinge in response to what I am saying.

8. Whilst not mandatory, I would also be pleased to hear that you are somewhat disgusted by the state of the world – the greed, corruption, environmental damage, grinding poverty, injustice, creeping Big Brother statism, death, disease, religious idiocy and general mayhem. I'm hoping you long to do something to make things better rather than worse, but haven't until now because (unsurprisingly) you feel a little impotent and are not really sure how you can help or change things.

If this doesn't resonate, I’ll settle for you wanting to help your close friends and family. If neither of these things resonate, and you are solely interested in filling your boots, building our own ego empire and getting ‘loadsa’ money for yourself to greedily consume as much ‘stuff’ as you can, then again respectfully, you may want to reconsider studying with me.

9. Finally, it should be really getting to you. Your situation. It might even be making you angry. You are at a stage in life where you are prepared to give up your illusions, get your sleeves rolled up, and really learn from someone who has ‘been there and done that’. In short you are ready for change. Desperate for it, maybe?

The more of those nine points you find yourself nodding in agreement with, the more likely it is that I can help you.

In contrast, if, after reading those points, you feel they do not describe you, then now is the time to part company. If, like an impatient child, you want money right now and you are anxiously scanning these pages for ‘the instant cash secret’ then again I respectfully suggest I can't help you. There are plenty of ‘get rich quick’ marketers out there who will be delighted to take your money.

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When I get into the hard-hitting stuff in the next few lessons of the advanced Beyond Wealth financial freedom course, you are likely to become hot under the collar and angry with me if we are not on the same wavelength right now. I can then expect a stiff email or a letter written in green biro on lined paper telling me I am so, so wrong, or pleading for something you can make £20,000 from by next weekend!

I'm also hoping that what you’ve read so far has reassured you.

I hope this is obvious, but you also need to allow a little time to achieve financial freedom. You have spent years or maybe even decades getting into your current stuck situation. You’ve worked at it, you’ve created it, you’ve crafted it to perfection. You owe it to yourself to allow time to turn the corner and head for sunnier shores.

What Money is For and What it is Not For You will have noticed that the primary function of this initial lesson is for you to count

yourself in or out. Even though it's free, I don't want to waste a lot of your and my time if my message doesn't resonate with you.

To complete this weeding-out process, let me tell you what I think money is for and what it is not for. I have touched upon this already but this usually sorts out the serious from the dreamers, in my experience.

Your Freedom is Everything I've already hinted at this when I said that my passion was not only to make you a lot of

money. My passion is your freedom – and money can buy you that.

This is how I multiply my efforts in line with my own values and vision. I have released thousands of people from wage slavery. Although I can't dictate what they do with their newfound money and freedom, it is my belief that when people's creative energies are freed up, they are able to contribute to making the world a better place. At the very least, because they are happier, they are usually not hell-bent on consuming their way through the planet!

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Putting it simply, my game-plan is to do what I can personally to make the world a better place, but also to multiply my efforts by

releasing thousands of others to follow a similar path if they choose.

I hope that doesn't sound grandiose. I’m really quite realistic about what can be achieved. But I also think you are either part of the problem or part of the solution. In the past I've been a big part of the problem. These days I try to be part of the solution.

So how does that affect money and your financial freedom?

I have very clear ideas about what money is for.

I believe many people fail to generate wealth because their reasons for wanting it are very shallow.

In other words they don't have a big enough ‘why’.

It is possible, even likely, that you want a lot of money right now. If you're anything like my previous students, it is also highly likely that after you’ve paid off any debts, you want the money for ‘stuff’. That usually equates to bigger houses, faster and shinier cars, new kitchens, sofas, conservatories, even swimming pools, or dare I say it, helicopters! Not to mention a holiday home or two; wardrobes stuffed full of expensive clothing; fancy five-star holidays; truckloads of consumer toys – iPhones, iPads, HD flatscreen TVs, £10k surround sound systems and on and on and on… for we are never satisfied no matter how much we buy.

In case you hadn't noticed!

Let me repeat that I'm not against living comfortably and even having a few toys if you really must. It depends on the percentage of your wealth that these things consume. For example if you have £10 million, and the kitchen is looking a bit weary, then spending £30,000 on new kitchen may be justifiable if your imagination stretches no further than this (although these days I would spend £10k on the kitchen and invest £20k in some deserving project). But if you have £50,000 in savings, then spending £30,000 of it on a new kitchen is utterly ludicrous. And as for taking more money out on your mortgage for your new kitchen… well I hope I hardly need say anything about that!

Also you need to start waking up and realising what a ‘new kitchen’ (or whatever else you have in mind) represents. There is a vanishingly small chance that you need a new kitchen because your present one lacks the facilities to feed you and your family. It is a racing certainty that you desire a new kitchen to show off or just to tell yourself that you’re ‘living the dream’. The same is true of all status possessions of course.

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Go for it... IF it represents a very small percentage of your net worth.

If you have £3 million in the bank and your car is five years old, by all means buy yourself a new BMW if it pleases you. The amount of money it will cost is almost insignificant to you. But if your salary is £30k a year and are looking to spend £37k on a fully loaded BMW on finance, then this makes no sense whatsoever. It is a pure ego play and one that is contributing to your ongoing poverty. That car, of course is not an asset, it is a liability.

No Hairshirt!

I'm not preaching asceticism or minimalism. Very far from it. I live in a £1 million house and always drive a new car so I can hardly preach minimalism! But here's the key point: these things represent only a modest percentage of my wealth. In other words they are sensible in proportion to my total wealth.

For your interest, since I changed my ways I do not live extravagantly. I do not have holiday homes (although I have had two in the past); I only have one car; I rarely buy new clothes and I do not eat in fine restaurants or take £20k holidays. I eat simply, rarely drink and do not smoke. I could go on, but my point is not to be ‘holier than thou’, it's to say that I have unmasked all these indulgences for the ego games that they are. So have many other multimillionaires by the way. You would be surprised at how many of them live quite simply. George Soros is a good example.

Let me say again that I’m not preaching. In the past I've wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds on all kinds of trivial toys in an attempt to boost my ego and make others think more highly of me. How very sad! But I'm wondering if this is a little part of your story too? The cost of acting in this way is truly mind-blowing. Far from helping you towards financial freedom, these ego toys keep you in debt and poverty – which is what the marketers want of course!

So it won't come as a surprise to you when I tell you what I think money is NOT for:

It is not for bigging yourself up; bolstering your weak ego; trying to feel superior to, or better than others; wanting to get ‘one up’ on people, to show

them that you are something really special because you have all this money. It is not for generating jealousy in others so that you can feel smug and look down upon them. Money is not for indulging in mindless consumerism — basically

filling any little want that pops into your mind by going out and buying it. It is not for greed – buying anything you want, when you want it, indulging your

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whims and fantasies. It is not for buying self-respect, or the illusory respect of others, or even trying to buy salvation from existential angst or release from the

fear of death.

All of these things and more are what people traditionally waste money on and this is why they stay broke and powerless. Mostly they are unconscious about why they behave this way.

People are manipulated and programmed by the advertising and media industry whose sole existence is to make big money from

people's naive stupidity.

This, of course, is why people ‘go shopping’ with no clear idea of something they genuinely need. A more pathetic pastime it is hard to contemplate!

What Money is For

Having covered what money isn't for (in my humble opinion of course) let me now say a few words about what I think money is for.

Some want money for security and survival. Some want it for comfort. Some want it for lifestyle and status. These are very little ‘whys’ and not worthy of your greatness. They are survival whys. They are ego whys. They are comfort whys.

Of course the money you make from being my student will buy you comfort and security, there’s nothing wrong with that, but you are also bigger than this.

You are more magnificent than these poor aspirations – but you do not yet realise it.

It may be that you stay asleep never realising it. We shall see.

Some want money for space just to be free and to explore their inner world. This is the beginning but not the end of wisdom.

Some want money to make the world a better place and aid their fellow travellers. This is wisdom.

You may question the assertion that survival is a trivial reason for wanting money. It was not always so in our past, and is not so in many poorer countries today. But here, in the first world, it is almost trivially easy to get your basic survival needs met.

What consumes the bulk of your precious time is striving for luxuries, comfort, status and prestige.

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Okay let us now turn to this business of ‘how much’ money.

The two main levels of wealth are:

Level One: Financial Freedom. Your life has been handed back to you.

You have enough money to live modestly without ever having to work again. You're not rich, you are merely free. However, this is a very enviable state and one enjoyed by less than 5% of the population.

Level Two: Beyond Wealth. You are financially free and have enough money to live exactly the sort of life you choose. You also have enough to put your dream out into the world, if you have one. You are engaged in work that is meaningful, purposeful, and which almost certainly aids your fellow travellers. This brings immense happiness.

The 12-part Financial Freedom Fighter course aimed at getting you financially free and then showing you the way to Beyond Wealth.

Why do You Want Money?

You need to decide at this early point in your studies what you want money for.

Again be honest with yourself. If your imagination doesn't stretch much further than some luxury toys, then fine, that's where you are at the moment and we can work from there.

The ‘why’ precedes the ‘how’.

By that I mean that step one of your financial freedom program is to work out why you want money.

Most people want to launch straight into ‘how’ and this is where they go wrong. They are desperate for money, greedy for money, yearning to be ‘rich’. That makes them easy prey for any ‘fast cash’ hokum aimed at separating them from what little they have.

This is a practical course, not just dry theory. I can only help you to the extent that you are willing to take action based on what I tell you. If you are reading this for light entertainment, you will not change your financial circumstances.

So the first exercise I want you to do is to write down the list of things you want money for.

To aid you in this, just imagine you've won the lottery and you're sitting down to work out what to do with the money.

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I Want Money For











Please don't skip this exercise. You'll get out of this course exactly what you put in.

I don't have a magic wand to make you wealthy. That's more mystical thinking, similar to the idea that you can ‘attract’ wealth to you like a magnet! You cannot. That's more fodder for the gullible. It certainly sells CDs, DVDs and books though! People absolutely love the message “get wealthy by doing nothing”. They can't get enough of it. There’s

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nothing they like better than being told they can ‘channel’ wealth just by visualising riches which will then ‘manifest’ in their lives. The authors of these programs are laughing at these people!

No, in order to make a significant change to your finances you're going to actually have to do something. Sorry about that! In my experience this is another huge parting of the ways.

The harsh truth is...

Many chatter about wanting wealth but are not prepared to do anything at all to make it happen in their lives.

They are looking for others to make that happen for them.

I'm hoping you're different. I'm hoping you realise it doesn't work like that.

Make a start right now by doing that simple exercise. Don't put it off until later. It's too important for that.


As I said earlier in this lesson, I do not want these releases to be too long. I'd like you to be able to read each one in well under an hour.

It’s main purpose is for you to see if you like my style and want me as your teacher; also to find out if you are serious about becoming financially free, or if it is a mere pipe dream.

Serious people invest in their training.

Let me finish by saying there are several reasons why you are not free and not wealthy.

The Beyond Wealth teachings expose those who seek to enslave you and keep you powerless and poor. Knowing this allows you to take avoiding action. They do this out of unconsciousness, not enmity, but you still must protect yourself, just as you must protect yourself from a physical assailant. You will be shown how to leave them far behind as your true power is released to guide you to the wealth and freedom which you seek. You must also conquer some inner demons and these teachings will show you how.

Due to programming since birth, most people have defaulted into becoming greedy and lazy. They want money for no effort so that they can buy more ego and status-driven consumables. And... they don’t want to DO anything or RISK anything to make that money. In short, they are deluded and are dissipating their life-energies. Soon they will die having achieved little of note and leaving the planet in a worse condition than when they arrived.

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They are trapped deeply in the debt and credit illusion with the result that they sacrifice their lives in the (usually fruitless) pursuit of cash and consumables. Their lives consist of work, survival and ‘entertainment’ (the bar, TV, sport, internet, shopping, eating out, holidays, computer games, etc.). In this way they drift and dream their lives away whilst rushing towards death.

If this is even a tiny bit your own story, you are with the right teacher and together we can work at putting you on the path to

financial freedom.

The rewards are huge. Apart from being completely free for the rest of your life, your real reward is self-respect. If you get the fickle, temporary respect of the herd or your friends, then that's a bonus, but don't count on it for long!

You will look back on a happy life of achievement whilst others recall a lifetime of impotent drudgery.

Most importantly, you will be fulfilling your true potential, and this is the greatest pleasure a man or woman can experience. I believe it is really difficult to do this until you become free from worker-drone drudgery. You’re just too tired after work has sucked the best out of you.

The rest of humanity is content to live way below their potential, and this is the greatest misery a man or woman can experience. So really it's a choice between a life of poverty and misery… or a wonderful life of wealth, achievement and the power to make a difference.

Your choice.

You have started on the road to power, wealth and fulfillment, just as others have before you. These teachings can guide you to a rich and satisfying life in which you fulfill your true potential and become everything you were born to become.

To do that you need time (freedom from wage slavery) and money (most dreams come with a price-tag).

Don’t you owe it to yourself to have a shot at it?

So if you are serious about making a dramatic improvement in your finances, and you want the guidance of a wealthy individualist who has trained 32,000+ students over the last 20 years, please go to the advanced portal below and sign up for the advanced program.

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I am not going to ‘heavy sell’ this to you. You’re either ready to make a dramatic change to your life, or you’re not.

I look forward to guiding you to the wealth and freedom you seek.

Best Regards

Stuart Goldsmith

If you think you are made of ‘the right stuff’ and wish to progress to Phase 2 of the Beyond Wealth programme, you can go to

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