Page 1: Bi-monthly Publication September-October 2014 · 11-09-2014  · St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139 Free and Accepted Masons Bi-monthly Publication September-October 2014 Worshipful Master

2014 Lodge Officers

St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139

Free and Accepted Masons

Bi-monthly Publication

September-October 2014

Worshipful Master Thomas R. Quay 727-465-4195

Senior Warden John E. Ferguson 727-906-9303

Junior Warden Nicholas L. Mamalis 781-307-5191

Treasurer Michael A. Mignone, PM 727-527-3110

Secretary John B. Livingston, PM 727-418-3356

Chaplain Anthony Griffon, PM 727-434-1114

Marshal Jeffrey J. Morris, PM 727-420-5692

Senior Deacon John D. Sloat 727-642-3380

Junior Deacon Clyde L. Clause, Jr 727-656-8488

Senior Steward Stephen P. Hillis 727-421-1539

Junior Steward Thomas J. Weber 727-550-7380

Tyler Charles D. Clinker, PM 727-735-4952

Organist Bob Davidson, PM 727-392-7518

Page 2: Bi-monthly Publication September-October 2014 · 11-09-2014  · St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139 Free and Accepted Masons Bi-monthly Publication September-October 2014 Worshipful Master


Greetings Brothers,

The past two months have again been very busy here at St. Petersburg Lodge

No. 139, we have three new Master Masons, one new Fellow Craft, and two new

Entered Apprentices. We can use anyone and everyone open and willing to help, aid,

and assist these Brothers with their Catechisms. Although the Lodge does assign

coaches, it is the responsibility of every Brother to be a coach and a mentor.

We accomplished quite a bit at our Lodge work day on Saturday, August 16th,

and I would like to thank Brother Bob Votta, and our S.W. John Ferguson for being

there to help get our Lodge ready for our next Fire inspection in September. I would

also like to thank Brother Craig Carrico for replacing the broken window in our

Secretaries office. There is still a lot of work to be done Brothers, and any time you

may have to help is greatly appreciated. The Safety and wellbeing of our Lodge and its

Brothers should be of the utmost importance to each of us.

I would also like to report that so far this year we are leading the District in

Masonic Education and I hope other Brothers will answer the three simple SA

questions that I forwarded you via e-mail so that you can complete the L.O.T.C.

“Module I” that we as a Lodge completed in a Masonic Education workshop. This is

important information Brothers, and as each of us grows in Masonic knowledge, it

helps our Lodge to become more solvent and have more informed and educated

Brothers not only in the chairs, but around us.

Our Lodge website is well behind the times and this too my Brothers will be

updated during September. So please check the website site from time to time for new

information. As always my door is open to all and my cell phone does receive

messages, if I should be busy when you call. Please feel free to call or e-mail me

anytime with any questions and hope to see more of you at Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Worshipful Master, Thomas Quay

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Left to right front row: WDavid Rosenthal, Installing Chaplain, RWWilliam B

Garrett Jr. Installing Marshal, W Charlie Clinker, Tyler, Nick Mamalis, Junior Warden,

Thomas Quay, Worshipful Master, John Ferguson, Senior Warden, WJohn

Livingston, Secretary, Tom Weber, Junior Steward, RW Alan Rosenthal, Installing

Officer, WAnthony Griffon, Chaplain. From right to left second row: John Sloat,

Senior Deacon, Clyde Clause, Junior Deacon, WMike Mignone, Treasurer, Steve

Hillis, Senior Steward. Not pictured WJeff Morris, Marshall and WBob Davidson,


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From the West

Summer is coming to an end and it is still hot and muggy here in the burg. The new air conditioning system has made it nice and chilly in the building and in the West, I’m happy to have had a jacket on last week. So, my message for this Trestle Board is that it is safe to come back to the Lodge! With the longer days of summer, vacations, activities and the hot weather it is easy to get into another habit on Tuesday evenings. And, sometimes it is hard to get back into the habit of attending Lodge. I would also like to make a suggestion that you write the word “Lodge” on your calendar every Tuesday. We usually have something going on. Stated Communications are the third Tuesday of every month, when we have degrees dinner is at 6:30p and the Lodge is opened at 7:30p. Other Tuesdays we usually have degree practices or Officer’s meetings where you will always be welcomed. So make Tuesdays special and spend time with your Brothers. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces in our Lodge room. With Brotherly Love and Affection, Bro. John Ferguson


A ragged tramp stopped a Mason on his way home from the lodge and

asked him for money for food. “I’ll do better than that!” said the Mason.

“Come into the pub, and I’ll buy you a drink!” “Thank you!” said the beggar.

“But I’ve never drunk and I never will!” “Well, let me buy you some cigarettes

then!” said the Mason. “No, thanks!” said the tramp, “I’ve never smoked and

I never will!” “Okay”, said the Mason. “Come back to the lodge with me and

I’ll see you get a meal!” “No, thanks”, said the man. “I’ve never entered a

masonic lodge and I never will!” “Right, then”, said the Mason “Will you

please come home with me and meet my wife!” “Why?” asked the tramp.

“Well”, said the Mason. “I just want her to see what happens to a guy who

doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke and hasn’t joined the Masons!”

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From the South

Brothers, I don't have a message this time but more of something I would like to share

with you. I happened to read this and thought that it applies heavily to us. Please enjoy

When is a Man a Mason?

When he can look out over the rivers, the hills and the far horizon with a profound

sense of his own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet have faith, hope and

courage, which is the root of every virtue. When he knows that down in his heart every

man is as noble, as vile, as divine, as diabolic and as lonely as himself; and seeks to

know, to forgive and to love his fellow man. When he knows how to sympathize with

men in their sorrows, even in their sins - knowing that each man fights a hard fight

against many odds. When he has learned how to make friends and to keep them and

above all, how to keep friends with himself. When he loves flowers, can hunt birds

without a gun and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy when he hears the laugh of a

little child. When he can be happy and high-minded amid the meaner drudgeries of life.

When star crowned trees and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters subdue him like

the thought of one much loved and long dead. When no voice of distress reaches his

ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without response. When he finds good in every

faith that helps any man to lay hold of divine things and see majestic meanings in life,

whatever the name of that faith may be. When he can look into a wayside puddle and

sees something beyond mud, and into the face of the most forlorn fellow mortal and

see something beyond sin. When he knows how to pray, how to love, how to hope.

When he has kept faith with himself, with his God; in his hand a sword for evil, in his

heart a bit of a song; glad to live, but not afraid to die! Such a man has found the only

secret of Freemasonry, and the one which it is trying to give to all the world."

From "The Builders" by Joseph Fort Newton


Bro. Nick Mamalis

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The Perfect Points of Entrance

From Coils Masonic Encyclopedia we find the Guttural is representative of the Northwest corner of the Lodge and come from the Latin guttur, or the throat. The throat is the avenue of the body which is most employed in committing the sins of intemperance, and is suggestive of the symbolic instructions relating to the virtue of Temperance. The Mason, who appreciates the secrets which he has solemnly promised never to reveal, will not to yield to the temptation of divulging these secrets nor speak ill of any fellow Brother or man.

Pectoral is representative of the Northeast corner of the Lodge and comes from the Latin precuts, or the breast. Since the heart has always been considered the seat of fortitude and courage, this would seem to suggest Masons should bear the hardships of life without compromise to his fidelity and resolve to safeguard and follow the secrets and beliefs of the fraternity.

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The Perfect Points of Entrance


Manual is representative of the Southeast corner of the Lodge and relates to the hand, from the Latin manus. We are reminded of the necessity and prudence to the careful observance of all pledges and duties we vowed to follow within the fraternity and is symbolic of the virtue of Prudence. Prudence, being one of the four Cardinal Virtues, the practice we were first introduced to in the First Degree where we found Prudence to be the true guide to human understanding, and consisting of judging and determining with propriety what is to be said or done, what dangers we should avoid, and how to act in any difficult situation. Pedal is representative of the Southwest corner of the Lodge and relates to the feet, from the Latin pedes. As just men and Masons, we are to firmly plant our feet on the principals of right, while maintaining that upright position, as a man and Mason, among all mankind, and should never fail to act justly to himself, to his brethren and to the world. This principal point is reflective of the Cardinal Virtue of Justice.



For the third quarter in a row this year, St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139 will

purchase, prepare, and serve Breakfast for the families at our Local Ronald McDonald House. Please join us on Saturday, August 30

th for our next

scheduled breakfast. Meet at the Lodge at 6:30 AM. St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139 had also adopted the Art Class at Skyview

Elementary. Mrs. Cathi Addison has been the art teacher at Skyview Elementary for 25 plus years and our donation will touch every student.

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My Brothers of Saint Petersburg Lodge 139

Throughout our lives we celebrate and hold in the highest regard specific

dates on the calendar that have special significance to us, either as a group

bound together by a common thread or as individuals. Our children learn at

a very early age how special these days are as we celebrate their birthdays

with cake and candles. We look forward to the special holidays honoring our

faith and embrace the season with the spirit of generosity and goodwill. We

celebrate our freedom as a nation and pay tribute to those who gave all to

ensure we may live as free men. I hold these special days of the calendar

close to my heart, as I’m sure my Brothers do. They are foundational to

each of us, the togetherness they foster, the pride and respect they

command, and the memories we forever retain.

I’m proud to add another special date to my own calendar, July 22, 2014, for

this is the date I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. For

me, this date represents the summit of my current travels towards the East

that started a little more than thirteen months ago, as I humbly entered Saint

Petersburg Lodge 139 and was initiated an Entered Apprentice. I indicate

this as the summit of only my current travels, since in my heart I know the

road towards the East doesn’t end as a Master Mason; it simply paves the

way for a new journey. It is a journey in which I meet with both anticipation

and enthusiasm.

Upon embracing the tenets of Freemasonry, I’ve found a comfort among my

Masonic Brethren, and continue to gain from them a wealth of knowledge

and understanding of immeasurable value. I most sincerely appreciate the

support and brotherly love given to me as I was initiated, passed and raised

to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. I humbly write this as one of our

Lodge’s newest Master Masons and can only hope that my written word will

appropriately capture and convey, with the utmost sincerity, my respect for a

truly great society of men, my Brothers of Saint Petersburg Lodge 139.

Most Sincerely and Fraternally

Brother Bob Votta

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Greetings Brothers: I am sorry I missed the last degrees, but I hope to make

any future ones. I think as Brother Masons we should strive to take part in

the degree process even if only to attend and watch. If you’re new there is

so much to learn just by listening. Maybe in the future you would be willing

to start as a Junior Steward and work up through the Chairs. As always

there are many of the other Brothers who are more than willing to help any

way possible. So please come to Lodge and be part of our Masonic Family.


Brother John Sloat, Senior Deacon

Masonic Humor

Have you heard of the Lodge that was holding its meetings in the ball room

of the local hotel while its building was undergoing renovations?

One night a traveling salesman asked the desk clerk who all those men

going into the room were.

The desk clerk replied: "Oh, those are the Masons."

The salesman said: "Oh, I've always wanted to join that lodge. Do you think

they would let me in?"

"Oh, no," said the clerk. "They're awful exclusive. Why, you see that poor

guy standing outside the door with a sword? He's been knocking for six

months and they still won't let him in!!!"

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R:.W:. Earl Ray, PDDGM has spent a lot of time and diligent efforts with the Masonic Services Association ( to raise funds and assorted items needed by our Veterans who are receiving care at the various VA Medical facilities in Florida. R:.W:. Ray has delivered boxes to each of the Lodges throughout the district for the collection of various items including: phone cards, new tee shirts and underwear, socks, flip-flops, sweat shirts and sweat pants, toiletry items, etc. They also have need of items that can be best purchased from the general fund and provided to the Veterans, such as $5 canteen books, phone cards, wheelchair gloves, etc. Donations of items can be made at each stated or called communication in the box located in the dining room or check contributions can be made as follows: Please make checks payable to: Bay Pines Healthcare Systems, MSA Donation Memo line: Mr. Nathan Witt, MSA Donation Address: Department of Veterans Affairs Bay Pines VA Healthcare System P.O. Box 5005 Bay Pines, FL 33744 Attn. Dir. Volunteer Services Mr. Nathan Witt Thank you Brothers and have a great summer!

Brother John Ferguson

Lodge Charity Committee Chairman

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Schedule of Upcoming Events

Sept 2nd

… Dark for Labor Day

Sept 9th

… First/Second half Master Mason Degree rehearsal…7:00 P.M. Sept 16

th… Stated Communication... Dinner 6:30 P.M. Meeting 7:30 P.M.

Sept 21st… Masonic Home Board Meeting, Chapel Service 10:00 AM Board Meeting 11:00 AM. Breakfast at Northside Lodge Sept 23rd… Master Mason Degree Dinner 6:30 P.M. Meeting 7:30 P.M. Sept 30th… Officers Meeting 6:30 P.M., Masonic Education 7:00P.M. No Family night Oct 7th … Ritual Practice 7:00 PM Oct 14th… Ritual Practice 7:00 PM Oct 19

th… Masonic Home Board Meeting, Chapel Service 10:00 AM Board

Meeting 11:00 AM. Breakfast at Northside Lodge Oct 21st… Stated Communication... Dinner 6:30 P.M. Meeting 7:30 P.M. Oct 27th… Ritual Practice 7:00 PM




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Welcome Brothers Craig Carrico, Bob Votta and Jim Hoyt.



Welcome Brother Darin White

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Entered Apprentice Degree


Welcome Brothers Matt Smith and Benjy Blankenship

Masonic Poetry

Fraternity, Author Unknown

If I could write one little word upon the hearts of men, I'd dip into the fount of love and write with golden pen One little word and only one, And feel life's work on earth

well done: For every heart would speak to me that one sweet word "Fraternity".

The angel throng would sing a song, the sweetest ever heard, if they could read in human hearts that precious little word, for kindly thoughts and Masonic Poetry kindly deeds Are the treasures more than crown and creeds: In these the angel host would

see the children of "Fraternity"

A man will need no other creed, to guide him on life's sea if he embarks upon the ark of true Fraternity. For love divine will clasp his hand and lead him to the Promised Land;

Love to his fellow-man shall be His passport to eternity. So Mote It Be

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09/03 Harold Pearce 10/05 John Livingston, PM

09/07 George Dietz 10/08 Richard Hugel, PM

09/07 Donald Langmyer 10/09 William Johnson, PM

09/09 Jonathan Barnes 10/09 Brockwell Murch

09/14 Cecil Jackson, Jr. 10/11 Charles Black, PM

09/17 Daniel Spencer 10/13 Wesley Callahan

09/17 Ted Wieder 10/16 Matthew Smith

09/18 Kenneth Edwards 10/17 Anthony Griffon, PM

09/19 Scott Kuebler 10/18 Michael Jernigan

09/21 William Paul, PM 10/22 William Miller

09/21 Robert Ashe, Jr 10/24 Paul Crook

09/22 Richard Daniel, PDDGM 10/27 Martin Bankard

09/23 Urban Channell 10/28 Christopher Breton

09/23 Ernest Costa, Jr 10/29 Frank Boore

09/29 Robert Kirkpatrick, PM 10/29 Rick Renn

09/29 Sergio Rodriguez 10/31 Robert Metcalf

09/29 Valentino Pine

09/30 Paul Jones

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09/08/1953 Reed Brown III 10/01/2005 Michael Payne

09/10/1968 John Cappa 10/03/1998 Gregory Kobin

09/12/1989 Paulo Demesquita 10/08/1974 Robert Metcalf

09/14/1965 Paul Jones 10/08/2013 Thomas Weber

09/16/2006 Miguel Beltran 10/13/1975 Richard Metcalf

09/16/2006 Roderick Bertoncini 10/13/1975 Raymond Sylvia

09/16/2006 Scott Burton 10/13/1981 Alan Hays

09/16/2006 Earl Ray, PDDGM 10/13/1981 William Smith, PM

09/16/2006 Daniel Washer 10/20/1965 Monte Cash

09/19/1977 Charles Black, PM 10/25/1977 Wayne Brown

09/19/1984 Roger Renn 10/25/1977 Richard Hugel, PM

09/20/1977 Barry Rosenthal, PM 10/25/1988 Jeffrey Wenzelburger

09/26/1978 Ceccil Jackson, Jr. 10/25/1994 James Simmons

09/26/1995 John Johnson 10/26/1954 Hugh Prine, Sr.

09/26/1995 John Johnson 10/26/1976 James Hassel

09/26/1995 Curt Tingley 10/26/1996 Steven Aspinall, PM

09/27/1980 Charles Tabor 10/26/1996 Glenn Bacon

10/26/1996 Charles Ellison

10/26/1996 Woodrow Ellison

10/26/1996 Charles Lambeth

10/26/1996 Dale Steele

10/26/1996 Donald Tyson

10/28/1980 William Bennett

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St. Petersburg Lodge No. 139 Past Masters

1894- 95 W. W. Coleman* 1951 E. B. Tully* 1998 Edwin Smoak 1896-

97 G. L. King* 1952 W. B. Griffith* 1999 G. Robert Gaston 1899 H. W. Hibbs* 1953 C. G. Robinson* 2000 Chave S. Aspinall 1900 W. A. Sloan* 1954 J. E. Burke, Jr. * 2001 Steven W. Aspinall 1901-

02 D. Murray* 1955 C. E. Curtis* 2002 Alan S. Rosenthal, PDDGM 1904 H. Miner* 1956 F. R. Dunham* 2003 William D. Paul 1906-

09 W. B. Pope* 1957 S. B. Hettig* 2004 Michael A. Mignone 1910-

11 E. C. Howard* 1959 J. E. Burklew* 2005 Ronald C. Newton 1912 W. H. English* 1960 J. A. Barnes* 2006 Alan S. Rosenthal, PDDGM 1913 G. Presstman* 1961 J. R. Fulkerson* 2007 James F. Bradbury, Jr 1914 H. D. Edwards* 1962 G. B. Low, Jr. * 2008 Charles D. Clinker 1915-

16 W. W. Birchfield* 1963 M. S. Haines* 2009 V. Timothy Long 1917 F. B. Duryea* 1964 R. A. Lampe* 2010 Earl C. Ray, DDGM 1918 C. H. Bon* 1965 F. J. Kaufman* 2011 Anthony Griffon 1919 C. D. Scroggs* 1966 K. T. Gage* 2012 David Rosenthal 1920 A. H. White* 1967 C. R. Newcomer, Jr. 2013 Jeffrey J. Morris 1921 T. D. Orr* 1968 O. Bradford* 1922 W. D. Brinker* 1969 E. E. Willy* 1923 L. D. Lambert* 1970 L. L. Feulner 1925 G. V. Lingle* 1971 William B. Regenhardt* 1926 R. R. Walden* 1972 Roy L. Bryan* 1927 T. C. Weaver* 1973 William C. Shadley, Sr*. 1928 R. J. Black* 1974 Leland M. Daniels* 1929 L. D. Stallcup* 1975 James E. Bryan*

1930 L. F. Beard* 1976 William C. Shadley, Sr. * 1931 G. Bush* 1977 Robert L. Brownell* 1932 W. B. Tippetts* 1978 G. Joe Gray 1933 C. W. Major, Sr*. 1979 Robert A. Marino* 1934 J. Dickinson* 1980 Don G. J. La Spina* 1935 P. L. Bartow* 1981 Charles L. Black 1936 L. D. Goheen* 1982 Jon E. Dupes 1937 C. B. McCartney* 1983 John W. Harris* 1938 C. F. Molt* 1984 James W. Thomas 1939 P. R. Marsh* 1985 William G. Smith 1940 N. B. Ellison* 1986 William E. Johnson 1941 C. W. Major, Jr. * 1987 Richard E. Hugel

1942 C. B. Strickland* 1988-

89 Richard A. Aarts 1943 W. W. Reichelderfer* 1990 Stanley H. Szemer 1944 H. L. Sauers, Jr. * 1991 Richard E. Hugel 1945 F. E. Graham* 1992 James W. Thomas

1946 L. E. Williams*, PDDGM 1993 Fred P. Gunn

1947 R. E. Strawn* 1994 Dennis J. Thompson 1948 A. A. Vahldiek* 1995 A. Curry Hopper, Jr. * 1949 R. Ed Goodale* 1996 V. Timothy Long 1950 R. P. Hamblin* 1997 John B. Livingston

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Sickness and Distress

WJeff Morris recovering from hip replacement

WTony Griffon who is recovering from a needed procedure

Brother William L. Sineath Jr. passed to the Celestial Lodge above on Thursday,

August 21st.

Brothers, please submit any reports of sickness or distress that you would like to put

out to the Craft for Prayer.



Note that the online version of the new Trestle Board has much more information than our mailed version. Please contact the Worshipful Master, Tom Quay via e-mail at [email protected], or contact the Lodge Secretary with any submissions or suggestions. Also to those of you have sent in your updated contact information and e-mail address, we thank you. For those whose cable tow has not allowed this to happen, we look forward to hearing from you. Use of An E-mail Trestle Board saves your lodge money in the cost of printing and mailing and frees up more funds for the Lodge’s use.

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