  • 8/9/2019 Bi Suite - Oracle Bi Foundation Suite Technical Overview






    JANUARY 2011

  • 8/9/2019 Bi Suite - Oracle Bi Foundation Suite Technical Overview



    © Oracle 2011 2


    INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 5 

    Enabling Enterprise Business Intelligence ................................................................................................ 5 

    Product Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 6 

    Server Components .................................................................................................................................. 6 

    End-User Delivery Components ............................................................................................................ 7 

    Systems Management Components ....................................................................................................... 7 

    Oracle BI Product Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 8 

    FOUNDATION SUITE SERVER TECHNOLOGY .............................................................................. 9 

    Oracle BI Server ............................................................................................................................................ 9 

    Common Enterprise Information Model .................................................................................................. 9 

     The Oracle BI Server Provides the Following Key Capabilities .......................................................... 10 

    Query Parsing and Compilation ........................................................................................................... 10 

    Code Generation ..................................................................................................................................... 11 

    Parallel Execution Engine ..................................................................................................................... 11 

    Information Reliability ........................................................................................................................... 12 

    Oracle BI Database Gateways .............................................................................................................. 12 

    Mission Critical Performance, Scalability, and Reliability ................................................................. 12 

     Accessing Oracle BI Server Information ............................................................................................ 14 

    Multiple Layers of Security .................................................................................................................... 15 

    Physical Data Storage Independence ................................................................................................... 15 

    Complex Business Measures ................................................................................................................. 16 

    Integrated Segmentation Engine .......................................................................................................... 16 

    Oracle Business Intelligence Administration ...................................................................................... 17 

    Multi-User Development Environment .............................................................................................. 18 

    Oracle Essbase ............................................................................................................................................. 19 

    Component Overview and Deployment Architecture ...................................................................... 19 

    Optimized Multi-dimensional Storage ................................................................................................. 20 

    Performance, Scalability and Availability ............................................................................................ 21 

    Flexible Business Model Development ............................................................................................... 22 

    Multi-Dimensional Calculation Engine ............................................................................................... 23 

    Essbase Application Administration .................................................................................................... 24 

    Oracle BI Server and Essbase Integration ............................................................................................... 26 

    Oracle Essbase Analytics Link for Oracle HFM .................................................................................... 26 

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    Oracle EAL Architecture Overview .................................................................................................... 27 

    Benefits of EAL ...................................................................................................................................... 28 

    FOUNDATION SUITE END-USER CAPABILITES .......................................................................... 28 

    Oracle BI Presentation Services ................................................................................................................ 28 

    Features of Oracle BI Presentation Services ...................................................................................... 29 

    Homepage .................................................................................................................................................... 30 

    Integrated BI Search ................................................................................................................................... 30 

    BI Analysis and Reporting ......................................................................................................................... 30 

    Using BI Analysis and Reporting ......................................................................................................... 31 

    Features of BI Analysis and Reporting ................................................................................................ 31 

    Blended Relational and Multidimensional Analysis ........................................................................... 32 

    BI Visualizations ..................................................................................................................................... 33 

    Interactive Dashboards............................................................................................................................... 34 

    Features of BI Interactive Dashboard ................................................................................................. 34 

    Using BI Interactive Dashboards ......................................................................................................... 35 

    Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management ........................................................................................... 36 

    Features of Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management ................................................................. 37 

    Suite-wide Integration ............................................................................................................................ 38 

    Oracle BI Publisher ..................................................................................................................................... 38 

    Highly Formatted and Interactive Output .......................................................................................... 39 

    Data from Anywhere .............................................................................................................................. 39 

    End User Reporting with Choice ......................................................................................................... 40 

    Deliver to Anywhere .............................................................................................................................. 40 

    Communicate Globally .......................................................................................................................... 41 

    Unsurpassed Performance ..................................................................................................................... 41 

    Open Standards. Easy Integration........................................................................................................ 41 

    Pre-Delivered Content ........................................................................................................................... 41 

     ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE ............................................................................................................. 41 

    Oracle BI Delivers ....................................................................................................................................... 41 

    Using Oracle BI Delivers ....................................................................................................................... 42 

    Features of Oracle BI Delivers ............................................................................................................. 42 

    Guided Analytics with BI Interactive Dashboards ............................................................................ 43 

    BI Action Framework ................................................................................................................................. 43 

    BI ON-THE-GO............................................................................................................................................. 44 

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    BI Briefing Books ........................................................................................................................................ 45 

    Oracle BI Mobile ......................................................................................................................................... 45 

    BI Office Integration .................................................................................................................................. 46 

    BI Office Plug-In .................................................................................................................................... 46 

    Oracle Smart View for Office ............................................................................................................... 47 

    CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION .......................................................................... 48 

     Application Development Framework Views ......................................................................................... 48 

    Collaboration, WebCenter and Portals .................................................................................................... 49 

     Web Services ................................................................................................................................................ 50 

    Sample Application (SampleApp) ............................................................................................................. 50 

    SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 51 

    BI Systems Management ............................................................................................................................ 51 

    SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................... 53 

    Integrated Foundation ................................................................................................................................ 53 

    Oracle BI Foundation Suite Key Differentiators ................................................................................... 54 

    Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 56 

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    Many organizations today use a collection of Business Intelligence (BI) tools and applications toallow experts to gather information from a variety of sources, analyze it, and share it with managersand staff. However, ever-increasing business dynamics and increased competition means businessesnow require a much higher level of value from their BI investments. BI must now help driveprofitable growth, change, and many other operational and financial performance goals. Not onlydoes BI need to deliver significant Return on Investment (ROI), but it also needs to be deployed ina manner that minimizes Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

    Enterprise Business Intelligence must give managers and staff much more than tools that accessinformation. It must provide a broad set of capabilities, from self-service monitoring ofperformance and processes to driving action based on insights. Enterprise Business Intelligencerequires not just a comprehensive BI tool set, but pervasive BI that provides insight to all employees within the context of their workflows. It needs to unify the many fragmented systems into a

    coherent enterprise view, while aligning forward-looking information to real time and historical data.It must be integrated ensuring accuracy and integrity of information across all delivery channels andresulting in lower cost of ownership. It must be open, meaning it will plug into the company’sexisting middleware architectures and data infrastructure. It needs to be fully secure to protect allenterprises information assets. It needs to support BI applications that scale from single-nodedepartmental to multi-node enterprise-scale solutions regardless of user population or whether on-premise or on the cloud is the desired deployment model.

     To achieve this vision the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Foundation Suite delivers the mostcomplete, open, and integrated business intelligence tools and technologies on the market today. The Oracle BI Foundation Suite provides comprehensive and complete capabilities for businessintelligence, including enterprise reporting, dashboards, ad hoc analysis, multi-dimensional OLAP,

    scorecards, and predictive analytics on an integrated platform. The Oracle BI Foundation Suiteenables access to information through multiple channels such as web-based user interfaces, industrystandard portals, mobile devices, and the Microsoft Office Suite of applications. A powerfulenterprise information model unifies disparate data systems within an organization and provides aplatform for BI tool integration. The Oracle BI Foundation Suite is completely open: (1) supportingboth Oracle and non-Oracle data sources ranging from file-based data, to all popular relationaldatabase management systems, and to leading multi-dimensional sources; (2) supporting prevalentmiddleware solutions including application servers and security systems; and (3) providing open- APIs for integration with a range of enterprise systems.  A strong and flexible security modelensures that information is accessed and delivered by those with the appropriate privileges. TheOracle BI Foundation Suite simplifies systems deployment and management through integratedsystems management tools that offer single-click scale out capabilities that can support a range ofdeployments with proven capabilities for applications that reach tens of thousands of users accessingmulti-terabytes of data. Finally, the Oracle BI Foundation suite offers best-in-class capabilities formanaging the development lifecycle for BI applications with proven support for hundreds ofgeographically disperse developers.

    In summary, traditional BI tools are not designed to enable the insight-driven enterprise. Afundamentally different infrastructure and business intelligence solution set is required to meet thisneed. The Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation with its complete, open and integrated modern

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    architecture and broad range of analytical capabilities is the only business intelligence solutiondesigned to meet the needs of today’s insight-driven organizations.


     The Oracle BI Foundation Suite provides powerful capabilities that offer significant value for BI

    applications across the enterprise. The Oracle BI Foundation Suite consists of Oracle BusinessIntelligence Enterprise Edition 11g, Oracle BI Publisher, Oracle Essbase, Oracle Scorecard andStrategy Management, and Oracle Essbase Analytics Link (EAL). Following is an overview of thekey components and features of the Foundation Suite.

    Server Components

    •  Common Enterprise Information Model: The semantic model of OBIEE. It is accessed via anopen API, making it available to any Oracle or non-Oracle delivery channel, thusproviding a common version of the truth for all Business Intelligence users andapplications.

      Oracle BI Server:  A highly scalable, highly efficient query and analysis server that integratesdata via sophisticated query federation capabilities from multiple relational, unstructured,OLAP, and pre-packaged application sources, whether Oracle or non-Oracle.

    •  Oracle Essbase:  The industry-leading multi-dimensional online analytical processing(OLAP) server, providing a rich environment for effectively developing custom analyticand enterprise performance management applications.

    •  Oracle Essbase Analytics Link:  Enables the delivery of effective management and financialanalytic reporting to a broad user community by facilitating the real-time or on-demandtransfer of financial information from Oracle Hyperion Financial Management to OracleEssbase.

    Figure 1 - Oracle BI Foundation Suite Overview Architecture

    Common Enterprise Information Model

    BI Server EssbaseBI Publi sher Scorecard & Strategy Management

    Essbase Analytics

    Link for HFM


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    End-User Delivery Components

    •   Enterprise Reporting:  Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher (formerly XML Publisher)is an enterprise reporting solution for authoring, managing, and delivering highlyformatted documents, such as operational reports PDF forms, shipping labels, checks,sales and marketing letters, and much more. Built on open standards, reports can bedesigned using a feature-rich online layout editor or through familiar desktop products

    and viewed online or scheduled for delivery to a wide range of destinations. WhileOracle BI Publisher is fully integrated with OBIEE 11g, it can also be deployedseparately.

    •   Ad hoc Query and Reporting:  A powerful ad-hoc query and analysis environment that worksagainst a logical view of information from multiple data sources in a pure Webenvironment. This single interface is designed to seamlessly handle both relational andOLAP style analysis.

    •  Interactive Dashboards:  Rich, interactive pure Web dashboards that display personalizedinformation to help guide users in effective decision making.

    •  Scorecard and Strategy Management:  Extends the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) with capabilities that enable strategic goals to be communicated across the organizationand monitoring progress over time. Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management includes visualizations that graphically communicate strategy & strategic dynamics using Strategymaps, Cause and Effect diagrams, and Custom views. Scorecard metadata objects and visualizations are treated just like any other OBIEE 11g metadata object and can beeasily embedded in dashboards, ad-hoc query and analysis views and can be monitoredas alerts.

    •   Actionable Intelligence:  Consists of an Action Framework that provides the ability to invokea workflow, web services, web content, additional BI content, java method, and othercustom procedures from any delivery channel and an alerting engine that captures and

    distributes notifications via multiple channels in response to pre-defined business eventsand/or data exceptions to speed exception based decision making.

    •  Integrated Search: Ability to search existing content based on full indexing of Dashboards, Analyses, Views, Prompts, KPIs, Scorecards, Publisher Reports, Agents, Actions,Catalog, and Folders. Ability to drill into BI with context; Index metadata & prompts.Search results can be secured via SSO integration.

    •  BI on the go:  Consists of capabilities to provide Business Intelligence content when theuser is not directly connected to the enterprise network. Includes Briefing Books —reports that capture a series of snapshots of an Oracle BI Dashboard or report allowingthe information to be viewed offline in presentation style; rich integration with MicrosoftOffice allowing for interaction with BI content and access to pre-built analysis andmobile from Office products.

    Systems Management Components

    •  Oracle Enterprise Manager Integration: Providing centralized, comprehensive web basedmanagement of small to enterprise level systems. This enables an Oracle BI systemadministrator to manage a multi server enterprise system from a single interface.

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     The Oracle BI Foundation Suite is designed to meet the requirements for a new class of enterprisebusiness intelligence solutions. It consists of a broad set of capabilities including ad-hoc query andanalysis, interactive dashboards, scorecards, reporting, proactive intelligence and alerts, mobileanalytics, and more. The Oracle BI Foundation Suite is designed around the following principles:

    • Unified Enterprise View of Information:  Virtually every organization has informationfragmented in multiple repositories and enterprise applications. The Oracle BIFoundation Suite enables organizations to define a single, consistent, and logical view ofenterprise information across these heterogeneous systems such as data warehouses,multidimensional sources, and operational transaction systems. It provides the business with a unified, enterprise view of their information.

    •  Unified Semantic View of Information:  The Oracle BI Foundation Suite allows anorganization to model the complex information sources of their business as a simple,semantically unified, logical business model. It provides facilities to map complexphysical data structures including tables, derived measures, and OLAP cubes intobusiness terms - abstracting how a business user expresses calculations. It translates

    familiar, easy-to-understand business concepts into the technical details required toaccess the information. The Oracle BI Foundation Suite is unique in the market becauseit defines an enterprise semantic layer that spans across the unified enterprise view ofinformation.

    •   End User Self Service:  The Oracle BI Foundation Suite provides business users with theability to access the information they need without for the need for assistance fromprofessional analysts. Because end-users work with the unified, semantic view of theinformation, they are provided with self-service access to analyses across multiplesources via multiple delivery channels while maintaining a consistent definition of theinformation. Business users only need to understand a single, business-oriented view oftheir information.

    •  Real-time Information Access:  With technologies like trickle feed ETL, Business ActivityMonitoring, Business Event Management and federated data access directly fromtransaction processing systems, the Oracle BI Foundation Suite allows users to combinehistorical and real-time information to get an up-to-the-minute view of their business. Inaddition, Oracle BI can combine data from real-time systems with data in the Data Warehouse to give unparalleled insight into the business.

    •  Insight-driven Action:  The proactive intelligence facilities of Oracle BI Delivers and theGuided Analytics facilities of the Interactive Dashboards are designed to help businessusers navigate information quickly and to effectively troubleshoot problems and takeaction proactively in response to business events.

    •  Unified Platform:  The Oracle BI Foundation Suite is an integrated suite sharing a service-oriented architecture; integrated data access services; integrated analytic and calculationinfrastructure; integrated metadata management services; a common semantic businessmodel; an integrated security model and user preferences; and integrated administrationtools which improve access to information and lower operational costs.

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     The Oracle BI Foundation Suite features the industry’s best-in-class server technologies forrelational and multidimensional analysis. This section describes the rich capabilities of the Oracle BIServer and Oracle Essbase as well as the associated tools to develop and maintain applications andmetadata.


    Oracle BI Server is a highly scalable, highly efficient query, reporting and analysis server thatprovides services that enable the other components of the Business Intelligence Suite such as Analysis & Interactive Reporting, Dashboards, Data Mining and Analytic Applications.

     The Oracle BI Server exposes its services through standard ODBC and JDBC-compliant interfaces.Clients of the Oracle BI Server see a logical schema view independent of the source physicaldatabase schemas. Oracle BI Server clients submit “Logical” SQL, which ultimately gets translatedby the server to native, source-specific data source query languages like SQL and MDX.

    Intermediate processing to calculate complex business metrics and integrate multiple data sourcesoccurs within the Oracle BI Server Execution Engine. The Oracle BI Server infrastructure includesfacilities such as session and query management, cancellation, statistics logging, monitoring, andother server administration functions.

    Figure 2 - BI Server Functional Components


     The advanced semantic layer structure used in the Oracle BI Server is called the CommonEnterprise Information Model. This model provides a single version of truth for all BI system usersand applications. It takes advantage of all the features of the BI Server. This model is layered toprovide flexibility and maintainability:

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    •  Physical Layer:  models each physical source’s connection parameters and schema. In thecase of a relational source, the schema would include tables, columns, joins, and securityparameters. Metadata rich multi-dimensional sources like Oracle Essbase, Oracle OLAPMicrosoft SQL Server Analysis Services or SAP BW, the full metadata models areimported including measures, dimensions and hierarchies. This is the only layer that isaware of the physical nature of the source, such as whether it is relational 3rd normal

    form, star, snowflake, multidimensional cubes or XML. If the source is a database, thislayer is the only one that is aware of what brand and release the database is, and whatfunctions it does or doesn’t support.

    •  Business Model and Mapping Layer:  models the way the business elements function:conformed dimensions and hierarchies, measures (including aggregation rules, complexbusiness calculations, dimensionality and time series), data security rules, and human-readable attributes and dictionary definitions. The mappings from the semantic objectsback to the physical objects define the federation and aggregate navigation acrossmultiple sources. Because of this layering and mapping, the physical source can migrateto a different brand of database, or even add an aggregate, without impacting thebusiness model, presentation layer or reports.

    •  Presentation Layer:  organizes the semantic objects, or “logical columns,” into “logicaltables” that can be exposed to users by role. Presentation tables and columns arecompletely localizable allowing a single implementation to consistently support usersacross languages around the globe. These are normally the only objects in the semanticlayer that are exposed via the ODBC and JDBC interfaces, whether the client is OracleBI, a custom program or a 3rd party BI tool. This allows the administrator to providesubject organization to make objects easy for users of Oracle BI Foundation clients orother third party client tools to find, as well as to apply role-specific security.


    Query Parsing and Compilation

     At a simplified level, the internal layers of Oracle BI Server have two primary functions: (A) compileincoming query requests into executable code, and (B) execute the code. Query compilation iscomposed of the following five phases: (1) parsing, (2) logical request generation, (3) navigation, (4)rewrites, and (5) code generation. The final output of the query compiler is executable code. Thiscode is passed to the execution engine that is then responsible for executing the code in parallel. TheOracle BI Server has ground breaking innovation in query parsing and compilation techniques;content aware data federation; parallel execution; connectivity adapters; custom memorymanagement and latch contention.

      Parsing:  In the first compilation phase, the multi-threaded parser accepts the full ANSISQL compliant syntax (including sub-queries, derived tables, set operations, etc…) andgenerates a parse tree as its output. Subsequently, the logical request generationcomponent is responsible for instantiating the inferred aggregation in the simplified SQLsupported by the Oracle BI Server.

    •  Logical Request Generation:  The navigation and rewrite phases do the bulk of the work incompiling a query. The output of these two major phases is an execution plan that isthen fed into the code generation phase. The navigator is responsible for the “content-

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    aware” data federation capabilities, such as partitioning by source, partitioning by valuerange, and aggregate navigation; the input to the navigator is a logical request treedescribing the precise semantics of the requested data while its output is the initialphysical execution plan. The navigator exploits knowledge of content to eliminate thepredominant majority of traditional multi-database joins. It also has built-in support forcommon business analytics such as time series comparisons, shares, and dimension-

    specific aggregation rules.•  Rewrite/Optimizations:  Once the navigator generates the initial physical execution plan, the

    rewrite phase of the compiler is responsible for distributed relational query optimizationand optimal native SQL or MDX generation. This phase covers (i) Multi-database joinplan generation; (ii) Function shipping; (iii) Functional compensation analysis; and (iv)Optimized SQL or MDX generation. (Functional Compensation means the BI Serverexecutes the query function when the physical source database does not support thefunction requested by the logical query, such as RANK() against a Microsoft Accessdatabase.) The Oracle BI Server’s join engine is seamlessly invoked when necessary, asdetermined by the following: physical location of tables, SQL functionality supported bythe source database(s), and analytical complexity of the original logical query. Join plans

    are constructed to maximize collective function shipping down to the source databases. Two types of internal join strategies are currently supported: (1) sort/merge and (2)parameterized nested loop joins (PNLJ). (PNLJ optimizes cross-database joins byfetching a small result set from database A and joining it to a large table in database Busing a parameterized query, thus avoiding the slow operation of fetching the large resultto the BI Server to join it there.) The BI Server further supports federated lookup tablesallowing disparate systems to lookup values across one another and merge result on thefly. Optimal function shipping reduces loads on the source database and the network. The most important query processing elements to function ship include GROUP BYand aggregation; Filters; and Multi-pass SQL operations.

    •   Equivalence Preserving:  aggregate and filter rewrites may push aggregates and filters through

    the tree (past operators such as joins, UNION ALLs, etc.) down to the database, thusreducing database load and network traffic. Both WHERE and HAVING filters mayalso be pushed to the database, depending on the GROUP BY clause.

    Code Generation

    Code generation is responsible for producing the native query processing language directives tocommunicate with heterogeneous, remote databases (i.e. physical SQL or MDX generation). It isalso responsible for generating the code for any remaining query processing that has not beenfunction shipped to remote databases. This includes the insertion of parallel execution directives forthe Analytics execution engine.

    Parallel Execution Engine

    •   The Oracle BI Server execution engine is a state-of-the-art; parallel SQL executionengine extended with analytical execution operators. It leverages the sophisticatedtechnology and architectural concepts developed over more than 20 years in the databaseresearch community. Some of its key features:

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    •  Function-Shipping: The Oracle BI Server ships directives for native SQL or MDX querystrings; directives to execute one or more aggregation passes; and directives for varioustypes of filters to the source database.

    •  Parallel Query Execution: The Oracle BI Server allows multiple queries to be submittedand executed in parallel, perhaps on different machines. Any cancellations would also bedone in parallel.

    •  Sort Optimizations: If sorts required for the FULL OUTER JOIN cannot be pushed tothe databases, the Oracle BI Server has facilities to allow sorts to be done in parallel. Itensures that no rows are lost between the two queries.

    •  Merge: The Oracle BI Server has sophisticated join facilities to merge two or more resultsets from several parallel queries.

    •  Ranking and Filtering: The Oracle BI Server can rank and filter rows efficiently.

    Information Reliabilit y

    Oracle BI Server defines and stores all the elements of analytic calculations as metadata in a central

    repository. This provides a centralized, consistent definition of measures for all users. Should thedefinition of a measure need to change, it needs only be changed within the central repository and allanalyses and existing reports automatically use the new definition. This eases the maintenanceburden and lowers cost of ownership.

    Oracle BI Database Gateways

    Oracle BI Server has an extensible and open connectivity layer with a set of adapters that areresponsible for communicating with source data servers. An Oracle BI Gateway is a dynamicallyloaded library that can be configured to run within the Oracle BI Server process itself or in anexternal process. Individual adapters have been built to communicate with for the following systems:

    •  Relational Database System including Oracle Database, Oracle Exadata DatabaseMachine, Oracle TimesTen In Memory Database, DB2, DB2, , Microsoft SQL Server, Teradata, Netezza, Informix, Sybase and other ODBC compliant data sources

    •  OLAP Sources including Oracle Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, OracleDatabase OLAP Services, Oracle RPAS, Microsoft Analysis Services Cubes, and SAPBW Infocubes.

    •  XML Data Sources including access to other types of data servers (e.g., other non-relational servers), Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Web Services.

    Mission Critical Performance, Scalability, and Reliability

    Oracle BI Server has a number of performance, scalability, and reliability optimizations to provideoptimal performance and scalability whether users are constructing new analyses; changing the visualization of an existing analysis; or refreshing several analyses embedded on a single dashboard. The most important performance and scalability features are described below.

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    Highly Effic ient Oracle BI Server Design

     The Oracle BI Server offers several performance and scalability optimizations including custom heapmemory management to avoid memory contention issues; hashing to avoid central locking;specialized synchronization mechanisms such as spin latches; parallel query and computationexecution engines; and high-throughput connectivity adapters. When performance requirementsexceed the capability of a single server, Oracle BI Servers can be clustered together with sessionreplication and automatic fail-over. Oracle BI is architected to leverage the capabilities and scalabilityof modern 64-bit operating systems.

    Highly Efficient Data Sourcing and Aggregation

    Oracle BI Server minimizes data retrieval time by selecting the most efficient data sources to satisfyuser queries. It is aware of and automatically selects "aggregate tables" in relational databases orcubes in multidimensional sources like Oracle Essbase or Oracle OLAP. Pre-aggregating and storingadditive information is the standard practice for improving the query performance of relationaldatabases. When users request information at a high "grain" of aggregation, the Oracle BI Server canuse the pre-aggregated sources instead of requiring the database to add up the detail at report time.Oracle BI Server can select appropriate summary tables in lieu of the detail table based on where therequested columns are located in their respective hierarchies.

    Oracle BI Server further builds its own summary aggregates through its data mart automationfeature. This feature builds, refreshes and queries summary data stored in standard relationaldatabases or in memory databases like Oracle TimesTen Database.

     Aggregate navigation or transparent query rewrite across federated relational, in memory andmultidimensional data sources ensure that the entire available data architecture is fully leveraged.

    Exploiting Database Facilities

    Oracle BI Server also optimizes performance and minimizes network traffic by exploiting the nativecapabilities of the available relational and multidimensional database platforms. When generatingSQL (or other query languages such as MDX), the Oracle BI Server is aware of the functions andlanguage constructs that the database supports and generates highly optimized target-specific queries.

     The Oracle BI Server “function-ships” this optimized SQL or MDX to the database conducting asmuch processing as possible in the database itself. Examples of such differences between databasesinclude string processing, statistical and mathematical functions; logical if-then-else statements;expression maps in HAVING clause; and others. Conversely, if the database platform does notsupport a function or a SQL feature, the Oracle BI Server will itself compensate for the missingfunctionality using its own computation and data processing engine. By doing so, it exploits theadvances in query optimization, indexing, data partitioning and other technologies in relationaldatabases. Note that the Oracle BI Server can perform a superset of the data manipulation andcalculation capabilities of SQL compatible database products. This ability to customize the querylanguage to the platform and to compensate for missing functionality is unique to the Oracle BIServer.

    Oracle BI natively (or via ODBC) supports virtually all major relational and multidimensional datasources but has unparalleled optimizations for the industry leading Oracle Database and OracleExadata Database machine. Oracle BI’s Oracle Call Interface (OCI) integration, query gateway,extensive use of Oracle SQL grammar and integration with other defining features like Oracle VirtualPrivate Database, Oracle Spatial and Locator, Oracle OLAP Option and Oracle Data Mining makeOracle BI the industry’s standard for Oracle Database. No 3rd party BI vendor has the capability orknowledge to integrate better with Oracle Database than Oracle BI.

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    Connection Pooling

     The Oracle BI Server can be configured with one or multiple connection pools for each database. The administrator can specify a maximum number of database connections to keep open until theyare unused for a specified period. As the query load increases, the number of open connectionsincreases in the connection pool. When the maximum number is reached, the server will queue newconnection requests. This prevents database servers from being overloaded. With more than oneconnection pool configured per database, specific users or groups of users can be assigned to specificconnection pools. This allows an administrator to give certain groups higher priority.

    Query Reuse and Caching

     When multiple users access the Oracle BI Server, many queries will have similar content allowing theOracle BI Server to intelligently re-use previous query results, a capability called "query caching".

     These are the caching methods available:

    •  Web Server:  Oracle Analytics’ Web Server caches queries and query results. When a user submits aquery, the web server examines the logical SQL to see if it matches an existing cached query. If itdoes, then the Web Server uses the results without re-submitting logical SQL to the Oracle BIServer. As a user generates new data views, manipulates a pivot table, or returns to a recently

     viewed dashboard page, the Web Server uses cached results. The user can explicitly "refresh" the

    query if needed.

    •  Oracle BI Server:  Query caching is a highly differentiating feature that also occurs inside the OracleBI Server. The Oracle BI Server saves each component of a logical query, the text of the logicalSQL component, the time and date of the query, the list of physical tables used in the SQL (orother query language), and the results of the query. The Oracle BI Server will analyze each newquery it receives and determine whether it can answer it using cache. Oracle BI Server willrefresh reports leveraging a mix of on the fly data source queries and cache, when available, toprovide the fasted possible end user query experience.

    •  Database Server:  The Oracle BI Server also allows queries that require extensive databaseprocessing to be pre-scheduled to run so that results are already available when users open theirdashboards.

     A frequently experienced benefit of caching is improved dimensional browsing performance. Since ithas been estimated that 80% of user queries to a data warehouse are pure dimensional browses, thisresults in a significant reduction in database activity and improves the responsiveness of the system.

    Scalability and Availability

     The Oracle BI Server supports clustering for high availability and scalability. The clients themselvesmay be active-active clustered, as in the case of the Oracle BI Presentation Services, BI Publisher orDelivers.

     The BI Server cache is cluster-aware in order to maximize the performance benefit of cache seeding. Also, on-line metadata changes can be made against the BI Server designated as the Master, and thenautomatically synchronized with the other BI Servers in the configuration to maintain information

    reliability. Oracle BI publishes benchmarks on industry leading hardware and operating systemsdemonstrating linear scalability for 10s of thousands of concurrent users.

     Accessing Oracle BI Server Information

    Oracle BI Server presents itself to other applications as ODBC or JDBC data source or also as webservices. This means that virtually any ODBC or JDBC-capable report writer or web service enabledquery tool can use the Oracle BI Server as if it were a relational database. When it does, the

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    query/reporting tool: (i) does not need connectivity to underlying data sources; (ii) is completelyinsulated from changes in source tables and database platforms; (iii) benefits from BI Server caching,aggregate awareness, and other performance accelerators; (iv) automatically takes advantage of thebuilt-in security and connection pooling of the Oracle BI server, and (v) can use all the tables andcolumns of the Presentation Layer subject area of the Common Enterprise Information Model as ifthey were stored in a single simple database schema. This enables reporting tools to leverage all the

    derived measures contained in the logical data model the same as any other column. Users of thesetools are insulated against returning erroneous results as a result of incorrect table joins or missingdata – SQL traps sometimes known as chasm traps, fan traps, or missing data traps.

    Multiple Layers of Security

    Oracle BI Server enforces multiple layers of security across objects and data: Data access at row-level (implemented either in the repository or in the database), object permissions and query limits(governors). Oracle BI Server will leverage session or user level variable to dynamically applysecurity rules to each incoming query. This enables fully personalized environment and secured dataaccess for each end user.

    Physical Data Storage Independence

     The Oracle BI Server and its Common Enterprise Information Model eliminates the need forbusiness users to understand physical data storage and enables them to combine data from multipleenterprise information sources quickly and easily. Some of the key features of Oracle BI Server inthis area are:

    •  Combining Structured Data from Multiple Sources:  Oracle BI Server allows users to combinedata from multiple applications or databases in a single calculation. For instance, tocompare sales forecasts, quotas, and actual revenue to accurately predict revenue growth,a business user may need to combine data from three sources – the forecasting system,the sales system, and the general ledger. Within the Common Enterprise Information

    Model and Oracle BI the three sources appear as one logical source to the business user.•  Combining Relational and OLAP Data Sources:  Oracle’s Common Enterprise Information

    Model allows users to combine data from a relational system and an OLAP source in asingle calculation. For example, a user can compare sales forecasts from an Oracle CRMSystem with budget data from an Oracle Essbase planning application. To clients of theCommon Enterprise Information Model, the forecast and budget data appear to be fromthe same logical source.

    •  Combining multiple Relational databases, in memory databases, or Relational and OLAP, for Aggregate Navigation:  Pre-building measure aggregations during the load window is themost important data warehousing practice for achieving good query performance on

    large datasets, usually producing three or more orders of magnitude improvementoverall. The Oracle BI Server has sophisticated “aggregate navigation” features to takeadvantage of all available aggregates transparently - users see the performanceimprovement without being aware of the extra tables. The BI Server uniquely allows theaggregate tables to exist in a different database than the detail tables, or for theaggregates to use a multidimensional source such as Essbase for lower TCO.

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    •  Combining Relational and Spreadsheet Data Sources:  Oracle BI allows users to combine datafrom relational databases with non-relational data from Excel spreadsheets, for example,in a single calculation to compute a complex metric.

    •  Combining Transactional Data with Data Warehouse Information:  Finally, the CommonEnterprise Information Model allows users to combine data from a data warehouse withinformation from transaction processing systems in a single calculation to get the most

    up-to-date value of a metric.

    Unlike the Common Enterprise Information Model, many business intelligence tools restrict usersby allowing access to only information from a single data source for a specific calculation or analysis.In addition, some of these tools even restrict a user’s access to a single data source during an entiresession. The Common Enterprise Information Model uniquely enables pervasive access toinformation to answer a business question that may require data from one or more sources.

    Complex Business Measures

    Oracle BI’s Common Enterprise Information Model allows users to define complex businessmeasures — such as market share changes versus a year ago or sales percentage changes versus a

    year ago — in calculations. Some of the key features of Oracle BI business measures are:

    •  Complex Business Measures:  are a challenge to compute in SQL or in most commonly usedreporting products because they either: (i) involve "row to row" comparisons, somethingSQL was not designed to do, or (ii) involve queries that combine multiple levels ofaggregation. The Oracle BI Server allows complex business measures to be calculated atquery execution time without having to pre-calculate and store data.

    •   Eliminates Time-based Reporting Tables: The Oracle BI Server eliminates the need to createand store complex time-based reporting tables. For instance, most organizations havetables structured with N*M columns representing the last N periods of data for Mmeasures plus N*M more showing the variance from last year and so on. Oracle BI

    Server makes these measures available by simply defining them in Common EnterpriseInformation Model metadata, thereby eliminating the need to build and physicallymaintain such tables.

    •  Derived Measures:  Oracle BI Server simplifies the use of derived measures, i.e. measuresthat are computed on a query result set, such as ranks, Ntiles, standard deviations,running totals, moving averages, and moving medians. These derived measures aredifficult to compute in SQL but are very useful — moving average and moving medianare valuable functions for smoothing data and discerning trends. Oracle’s CommonEnterprise Information Model allows users to define new formulas using existingmeasures.

    Integrated Segmentation Engine

    Oracle BI Server includes a flexible segment and list designer engine that leverage the CommonEnterprise Information Model to build highly targeted and sophisticated lists or segments, Oracle BIServer optimizes the complex SQL generation and dynamically persists relevant information. Theresult is an optimal query design for retrieving of lists, samplings and record counts of complexfiltering operation made on extremely large datasets.

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    Oracle Business Intelligence Administ ration

     The BI administration tool is used by administration-role users to create, manage and maintain theCommon Enterprise Information Model described above. The administration tool has beendesigned with wizards, utilities, and interface design elements to help the administrator workefficiently with real-world, large-scale enterprise metadata.

    •  Calculation Wizard:  helps administrators write formulas (e.g. percent share) and assurestheir correctness

    •   Metadata Import Wizard:  connects to each type of data source and populates the physicalcatalog metadata for that source. In the case of multidimensional sources such asEssbase and Hyperion Financial Management, even business model semantics such asdimensions, hierarchies and aggregations are imported and populated.

    •  Open BI Server XML Metadata API:  Oracle BI provides an XML based API for CommonEnterprise Information Model metadata exchange. This API enables conversion of theentire OBIEE 11g repository to XML and back. This open API enables extraction, reuseand manipulation (add/update/delete) of OBIEE 11g metadata.

       Aggregate Persistence Wizard:  enables the administrator to use the Common EnterpriseInformation Model metadata to design and automate the deployment and loading ofaggregate tables, and to automatically create their mappings in the metadata. Thissignificantly lowers the TCO of the very important performance technique of pre-aggregation.

    •  Global Change Utilities:  A rename wizard makes it easy to change the tech-oriented namesof multiple physical data objects to more human-friendly names at once, substitutingtext, changing case, and adding prefixes or suffixes. Similarly, the administrator can setthe aggregation rule for dozens of measures all at once, rather than one column at a time.

    •  Dependency and Impact Analysis within the Common Enterprise Information Model:  A query utility

    allows the administrator to find metadata objects by type, while filtering on propertiesand relationships to other objects. For example, an administrator could find all logicalcolumns that are dependent on specific physical table or column to determine whichsubject area columns will be affected if a certain physical column is deleted in thedatabase.

    •  Dictionary:  The administration tool provides facilities to export Common EnterpriseInformation Model metadata, such as formulas and human-readable object descriptionfields, to create dictionary functionality for end users. Answers users will see dictionaryinformation in roll-overs of catalog objects, with links to the HTML dictionary pageassociated with the object. Links on that page lead to definitions of other objects it isderived from.

    •  Session Management:  The administration tool offers a way to view (and terminate) currentuser sessions; see the variables being used in each session; list the available cache entriesby subject area, user, or physical table; and report on the recent history of cache usage.Usage logs written by the Oracle BI Server(s) can provide a basis for understandingusage patterns, response times, and load variations. This information is useful fordiagnosing and tuning systems. Security rules enforced in the source databases can beused together with security rules enforced in Oracle BI.

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    Figure 3 - BI Administration Tool

    Multi-User Development Environment

     Two distinctive features of the Common Enterprise Information Model are its enterprise scalability,and its support for portable BI applications. The Administrator environment provides the ability todevelop and manage applications of this scale and portability.

    •  Three-way Merge:  One reason why the Oracle BI Server is the only BI platform with asuccessful set of BI applications is its powerful three-way merge. This enables customersto update a configured application to the next release without losing their changes. The

    rule-based algorithm automatically resolves conflicts when possible, and presents thedeveloper with a simple decision list to resolve the remainder.

    •  Branching:  As in code development, organizations can use branches to manage parallelprojects on different schedules. Project check-out ensures each branch or sub-branch isself-consistent and unit-testable. A streamlined form of three-way merge is used to checkbranches back in so they can be integration-tested with other projects and migrated toproduction.

    •  Development Sandboxes: Individual developers can check out smaller projects to do theirdevelopment and unit testing on their own, private BI stack.

    • BI Server XML API:  The Common Enterprise Information Model has an XML schemaand utilities to enable export, import and altering of individual objects.

    •  Patch Creation and Application:  Developers can create XML patches to incrementallymigrate content from one model to another.

    •  Bug Fixing:  When a production bug must be fixed without impacting large projects underdevelopment for the future, the developer can either use an XML patch to apply a few

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    individual object changes, or check out a new branch from production to make biggerchanges.

    •   Migration:  Enterprise Manager migrates new repository versions from development toproduction, and enables a zero-downtime rolling restart. The XML API provides theability to automate any parameter changes required.


    Oracle Essbase is the market-leading multi-dimensional OLAP server that enables the developmentof advanced forward-looking analytic applications that enable speed-of-thought analytics. Byleveraging its self-managed, rapid application development capabilities, business users can quicklymodel complex business scenarios. For example, line-of-business personnel can simply and rapidlydevelop and manage analytic applications that can forecast likely business performance levels anddeliver "what-if" analyses for varying conditions. Oracle Essbase supports extremely fast queryresponse times for vast numbers of users, large data sets, and complex business models.

    Component Overview and Deployment Architecture

    Essbase incorporates powerful architectural features to handle a wide range of analytic applicationsacross large multiuser environments. The following illustration provides a high-level view of theinformation flow between the three tiers of the Essbase architecture. The client tier (on the left)includes Essbase Server clients, such as the Oracle BI Server, Oracle Hyperion Smart View forOffice, and administration interfaces. The middle tier (in the center) includes services, such asOracle Hyperion Provider Services, Oracle Essbase Administration Services, and Oracle EssbaseStudio Services. The database tier (on the right) is made up of the Essbase Agent and EssbaseDatabase. Communication between the client and middle tiers, and the middle and database tiers, isthrough HTTP. Communication between the client and database tiers is through TCP/IP or HTTP.Clients access is through an open API interface that includes support for the MDX language.Communication between data sources and the metadata catalog with the middle and database tiers isthrough ODBC and JDBC drivers.

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    Figure 4 - Essbase Functional Architecture

     All Essbase application components, including database outlines and calculation scripts, applicationcontrol, and multidimensional database information, reside on a server. With Essbase, you canconfigure server disk storage to span multiple disk drives, enabling you to store large databases.Essbase requires a server to run a multi-threaded operating system so a server can efficiently managesimultaneous requests. A server also runs a server agent process that acts as a traffic coordinator forall user requests to applications managing communications and security. The Essbase Server

    leverages Oracle Process Management and Notification Server (OPMN) to manage starting andstopping agent processes. OPMN also enables Essbase high-availability services.

    Optimized Multi-dimensional Storage

     The Essbase server provides advanced multi-user read and write capabilities, including data updateand multi-user recalculation. Business users with front-end tools can write data back to a server andrecalculate the data on a server using calculation scripts—key functionality to support sophisticatedmodeling and planning applications.

     The Essbase database is a multi-threaded OLAP database that takes advantage of symmetricmultiprocessing hardware platforms. The server acts as a shared resource, handling all data storage,caching, calculations, and data security. The Essbase Server client needs only to retrieve and viewdata that resides on a server.

     The Essbase database provides multiple storage options with unique and complementarycapabilities:

    •  Block storage option (BSO) arranges dimensional members into dense and sparsedimensions and stores data in dense hyper cubes that are indexed by sparse dimensionmembers. BSO is optimized for write-back and procedural calculation operations.

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    •   Aggregate storage option (ASO) is designed to handle high-dimensionality sparse datasets and supports rapid aggregation of the data. ASO can calculate aggregate valuesdynamically or as needed administrators can materialize aggregate views for frequentlyaccessed dimensional levels.

    •  In addition to ASO and BSO, Essbase also provides a hybrid storage model calledXOLAP. With XOLAP metadata is stored in an ASO outline and the data itself resides

    in relational. The benefit of XOLAP is reduced data redundancy. The trade-offs includesome feature limitations, including lack of write-back capabilities and performance isdependent on RDBMS abilities.

     ASO databases complements BSO databases and enable dramatic increases in databasedimensionality. Using aggregate storage, Essbase serves a wide range of analytic needs—financialanalysis, planning, budgeting, sales analysis, marketing analysis, supply-chain analysis, andprofitability analytics—all from a single analytic infrastructure. Essbase partitioning capabilities allow ASO databases to be combined with BSO databases to create a single application view allowing end-users to take advantage of the benefits of both storage models.

    Essbase provides for several compression options that optimize the use of physical storageincluding, bitmap compression, run length encoding (REL), zlib compression, and Index Value paircompression.

    Performance, Scalability and Availability

    Essbase is a true enterprise-class multi-dimensional OLAP server offering unparalleled user and datascalability on a high performance infrastructure. Essbase applications have been successfullydeployed in departmental BI solutions and have also demonstrated scalability to tens of thousandsof users and billion cell databases. Essbase supports both 32- and 64-bit computing across both Windows and Unix operating environments. Essbase includes a number of features that support

    high availability and scalability.

    Efficient Cache-Architecture

    Essbase offers a number of memory caches to improve performance for query, load, and calculationoperations. Essbase provides default size settings for each cache; however cache settings can beadjusted as necessary to optimize performance needs based upon available memory, database size,service level commitments, and batch windows.

    High-Availability Options

    Essbase provides both active-passive and active-active clustering capabilities. Active-passive Essbaseclusters support failover with write-back to databases. Essbase failover clusters use the service

    failover functionality of the Oracle Process Manager and Notification (OPMN) server. A singleEssbase installation is run in an active-passive deployment, and one host runs the Essbase agent andtwo servers. OPMN stops, starts, and monitors the agent process. Active-active Essbase clusterssupport high availability and load balancing. An active-active Essbase cluster supports read-onlyoperations on the databases and requires the use of Provider Services.

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    Essbase offers a number of techniques to load incremental data into databases while minimizingmaintenance windows. Database slices in ASO allow data to be trickle-fed into a database whileonline. With database slices, data can be stored in multiple slices. For example, a real-time slice canbe loaded without impacting the historic slices, allowing users to remain active in the database andimmediately see data as it is updated. In addition, by loading into a specific slice of data, incrementalloads performance is optimized.

    Flexible Business Model Development

    Essbase offers many key advantages to help business users develop effective multidimensionalapplications. Business analysts can quickly develop forward-looking applications and quickly modelcomplex business scenarios. For example, line-of-business personnel can simply and rapidly developand manage analytic applications that can forecast likely business performance levels and deliver"what-if" analyses for varying conditions.

     The basis of an Essbase analytic application is a business outline which defines the dimensions,dimension members, hierarchical relationships, member attributes, calculations, and business rulesfor an application.

    Figure 5 - Essbase Outline

    Using out-of-the box tools that are delivered with Essbase, business users can:

    •  Use graphical interfaces to define and manage a business outline

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    •  Quickly add dimensions, change calculations, and modify hierarchies to reflect newbusiness developments. In addition, the business rules interface automatically definesand dynamically loads large amounts of data, including data from spreadsheets, flat files,and supported relational database tables directly into a database.

    •  Define key calculations without having to write a program.

      Define data security rules for individuals and groups and customize views and retrievalprocedures for each user without writing a program.

    Multi-Dimensional Calculation Engine

    Essbase includes powerful calculation features for demanding analytic requirements.

    Essbase ASO supports MDX member formulas. MDX is a specialized language for querying andmanipulating data stored in the multi-dimensional OLAP servers. MDX is a feature-rich languagesupporting capabilities ranging from member selection to advanced multi-dimensional calculations.

    Essbase BSO includes a rich library to define advanced and sophisticated procedural business logicand relationships. The Essbase calculation engine supports straightforward aggregations to complex

    cross-dimensional allocations and includes built-in financial and time series intelligence. The Essbasecalculator delivers premium performance and breadth of functionality. The Essbase calculationlanguage features:

    •  Conditional and Logical Operators

    •  Boolean Functions

    •  Relationship Functions

    •  Calculation Operators

    •  Mathematical Functions

    •  Member Set Functions

    •  Range and Financial Functions

    •   Allocation Functions

    •  Forecasting Functions

    •  Statistical Functions

    •  Date & Time Function

    Essbase gives users the flexibility to build, customize, and extend the calculator through custom-defined macros and functions, as well as the ability to span calculations across databases. On

    multiprocessor systems, an administrator can configure a single calculation request to use multiplethreads to accomplish the calculation, providing enhanced calculation speed.

    Several methods are employed to calculate an Essbase database:

    •  Outline Calculation:  The Essbase outline is metadata that describes the hierarchicalrelationships between dimensional members. Calculations can be determined by outlinerelationships. For example, assuming a member “Operating Income” with children“Gross Revenue” and “Operating Costs”. The Essbase outline can specify a metadata

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    relationship where “Operating Income” is the result of subtracting “Operating Costs”from “Gross Revenue”. Outline members may also be defined as formulas, for examplea member “%Variance” may be defined using a calculation function with inputs of“Actual” and “Budget”.

    •   Member Formula:  A member in an Essbase outline may have an associated formula. Theresult of the formula may be stored or may be dynamic, i.e. executed upon end-user


    •  Calculation Script Calculation:   A calculation script can be used to define procedure thatleverages the rich Essbase calculation language for simple to complex operations that canbe executed on a dynamic or batch basis. For example, a financial analyst may create acalculation script that projects a forecast to aggregated members using a regressionmodel and then allocate that forecast to lower level members.

    Essbase Application Adminis tration

    Essbase offers two interfaces for application construction and management. Essbase Studio is theprimary interface for developing new Essbase applications and refreshing existing applications.

    Essbase Administration Services is the primary interface for managing and maintaining the Essbaseapplication environment.

    Features of Essbase Studio

    Essbase Studio simplifies cube construction by delivering a single environment for performing tasksrelated to data modeling, cube designing, and analytic application construction. With a wizard-drivenuser interface, Essbase Studio supports modeling of the various data source types from whichEssbase applications are typically built.

     The two core components of Essbase Studio include the Studio console which is the graphicalinterface used to model and build Essbase applications and the Studio Catalog, a common metadatarepository that captures all metadata related to Essbase applications built in the enterprise and allows

    the reuse of metadata at the lowest level of granularity. The catalog gives Essbase Studio knowledgeof the common metadata that is shared across the various applications enterprise-wide.

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    Figure 6 - Essbase Studio Console  

     The Essbase Studio Console interface consists of three main work areas:

    •  Source Navigator:  The Source Navigator consists of two tabs: (1) The Data Sources tab is used to view, create, and manage data connections to physical sources for Essbase applications. (2) TheMinischemas tab is a graphical representation of the tables and relationships from one or more

    data connections.

    •  Work Area: The Work Area, by default in the middle pane of the Essbase Studio Console, is usedto display and work with metadata elements and graphical representations of source andmetadata elements.

    •   Metadata Navigator: The Metadata Navigator, displayed by default in the left pane of the EssbaseStudio Console, contains the metadata elements derived from the physical data sources when youcreate a data source connection. Metadata elements are used to create cube schemas and modelsthat work with Essbase. Essbase models are used to create and deploy Essbase cubes.

    Essbase Studio supports several drill-through options: relational databases, Oracle BI Server, URLs,custom SQL, and Java methods. Drill-through functionality is supported from data cells and membercells and is dynamically linked to cubes with matching metadata context.

    Essbase Studio also supports lineage tracking through a rich graphical view of the metadatarelationships, allowing users to follow application lineages to their metadata components and throughto the data sources from which they were sourced.

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    Features of EAS

    Essbase Administration Services (EAS) is the cross-platform administration tool for Essbase. EASconsists of a Java middle-tier server (Administration Server) and a client console (AdministrationServices Console) which can be launched either as a Java application or from a browser.

     The Administration Services Console makes Essbase administration tasks easy to perform. Theconsole provides wizards, editors, dynamic menus, and other tools to help you implement, monitor,

    and maintain Essbase. The EAS console provides capabilities that include:

    •  Manage Outlines and formulas

    •  Load data and build dimensions

    •  Monitor Essbase applications

    •  Manage caches

    •  Create and execute calculation scripts

    •  Create and execute administrative scripts

    •  Create and execute MDX scripts

    •  Create and manage partitions


     The BI Server and Essbase provide powerful semantic integration, specifically:

    •  Essbase as a provider to the Common Enterprise Information model - Essbase’s richmetadata model and powerful calculations can be integrated into the CommonEnterprise model allowing for (1) Federation with other data sources and (2) End-userinteraction using the MOLAP capabilities of BI Presentation Services. OBIEE 11goffers a complete understanding of Essbase semantics.

    •   The Oracle BI Administration experience is as simple as importing the Essbase outlinesemantics and drag-drop actions to create the Business Model and Presentation layers. Within minutes, OBIEE 11g users can access information from Essbase. In addition, asnecessitated by changes in the Essbase outline, incremental update is available.

    •  Essbase as a consumer of the Common Enterprise Information model - Essbase Studiocan leverage the Common Enterprise Information model to build Essbase applications.Essbase Studio can read the Oracle BI Server XML metadata schema to build businessoutlines and load data from Oracle BI Server supported sources. This provides a furtherability to promote a single version of the truth within the enterprise.


    Oracle Essbase Analytics Link for Hyperion Financial Management enables the delivery of effectivemanagement and financial analytic reporting to a broad user community. It integrates and mergesmultiple operational data sources into a single data model, providing detailed information foranalytical measurements (KPIs) and the application of advanced analytics. Merging financial andoperational information in a single platform makes it easy to deliver a comprehensive managementreporting environment.

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    Figure 7 - Essbase Analytics Link Functional Architecture

    Oracle Essbase Analytics Link for Hyperion Financial Management facilitates the seamlessintegration of Oracle Hyperion Financial Management with Oracle Essbase. It delivers real-time oron-demand financial information from Oracle Hyperion Financial Management to Oracle Essbase. The result is a single reporting solution that incorporates Oracle Hyperion Financial Managementinformation within a market leading OLAP solution enabling users to customize the financialdimensionality, merge additional data sources and create advanced analytic KPIs and by doing sohelp provide more detailed analysis of the reported GAAP results.

    Oracle EAL Architecture Overview

    Oracle EAL consists of these software components:

    •   Analytics Link Application Server:  Manages the metadata extraction from FinancialManagement, initializes the creation of the Analytics Link application, creates theEssbase outline, and provides Web services for Analytics Link Administration ServicesConsole Plug-in.

    •   Analytics Link Repository:  Stores the metadata that is extracted from Financial

    Management, which is used to create the Analytics Link application and the Essbasedatabase and ensures consistency between Financial Management and Essbase.

    •   Analytics Link Data Synchronization Server:  Creates the Analytics Link application (which isthe replication of the Financial Management application), performs data aggregation ondemand, synchronizes Data Synchronization Server data with Financial Management,and serves queries coming from Essbase.

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    •   Analytics Link Administration Services Console Plug-in:  Provides the user interface to manage Analytics Link Servers nodes and Analytics Link bridges. All administration activities arebased on Web Services.

    •   Analytics Link Financial Management Connector:  Enables Analytics Link Application Serverto access Financial Management data.

    Benefits of EAL

    •  Delivers continuous operations for Financial Management by eliminating previouslyrequired downtime.

    •  Reduces IT costs by eliminating high implementation costs and the deployment ofadditional servers.

    •  Improves efficiencies through improved performance and scalability of real-time datasynchronization.

      Reduces risk by ensuring data integrity and reliability between source and target systems.•  Improves business insight through real-time Business Intelligence reporting based on

    current financial information.

    •  Reduces barriers to sharing data by offering standard Business Intelligence access toapplication-proprietary data.


     The Oracle BI Foundation Suite provides a fully integrated suite of complementary productcomponents to deliver the complete range of analysis functionality and styles. Described below arethe technical underpinnings of these capabilities as well as detailed information on specific end-userproduct capabilities supporting dashboarding, ad hoc analysis, search, enterprise reporting andstrategy management and scorecarding.


    Oracle BI Presentation Services generates the user interface such as dashboards and analyses whichare used to visualize data from the Oracle BI Server. This server interacts with the Oracle BI serveras an ODBC client and: (i) generates the dashboards, analysis and reporting user interface; (ii)responds to user selections, generates logical SQL for the Oracle BI Server, and caches logical SQLstatements and their results; (iii) records the specifications the user makes about how data should bepresented and interacts with the charting engine to create graphs; (iv) pivots and aggregates dataafter the Oracle BI Server generates the result set and (v) provides user and group security for all ofthe Dashboards and Dashboard objects (reports).

     When a user session begins, Oracle BI Presentation Services submits the user’s identity (eitherusername/password or some other token) to the Oracle BI Server; authenticates the user; and then

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    requests the Oracle BI Server to provide the "databases", "tables", and "columns" that the user isentitled to use. These objects are displayed in the user interface as subject areas, folders, andcolumns. A Subject Area is a logical business-based grouping of pre-defined columns. The Oracle BIServer also provides metadata information to Presentation Services about column properties such asdata types, aggregation rules, and whether or not the user can drill on the column – each of theseelements also affect how data is displayed in the user interface. Naturally data security is enforced


    Features of Oracle BI Presentation Services

    Oracle BI Presentation Services provides a rich interactive user experience within a 100% pure Webenvironment based on HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript only — no client downloads, plug-ins, Active-X controls, or applets are used. This intuitive browser-based environment allows businessusers with very little training to define new analyses and create new queries. Some of the additionalimportant features of Oracle BI Presentation Services include:

    •  Logical SQL Generation:  Oracle BI Presentation Services allows users to visually definequeries by presenting a graphical representation of the query as the user selects andmanipulates columns and adds filters (constraints) to the query. The Oracle BI interfacealso allows users to enter logical SQL directly – the results can then be formatted anddisplayed within the Oracle BI interface. Once the user submits the query, Oracle BIPresentation Services sends logical SQL to the Oracle BI Server. As mentioned above, itis at this point that highly-complex requests to respective data sources for reports likethose blending relational and multidimensional queries are generated. Years of researchand testing have gone into optimizing these unique queries.

    •  User Interface Personalization:  Oracle BI users can personalize the structure of their userinterface including defining views, layout specification, properties of individual graphs,tables, and pivot tables. Oracle BI Presentation Services stores these personalizationdefinitions in a metadata catalog called the Presentation Catalog as an XML Schema that

    includes metadata about the user interface and security information such as users,groups, and roles.

    •  Web Catalog and security Administration:  Oracle BI Presentation Services provides a purebrowser-based administration tool to administer all functions in the Web Catalog. OracleBI Presentation Services complement Oracle BI Server security with extensive set ofcontrols, configuring privileges to access functionality in the Oracle Business Intelligenceuser interface. Administrators can control which users access what dashboards; set userprivileges; create and manage groups and roles; change group membership lists; re-nameor delete catalog folders and saved analyses, and view and manage sessions.

    •  Performance, Availability and Scalability:  Oracle BI Presentation Services can be clustered

    and also allows web servers to be clustered for scalability and availability. If web serverprocessing capacity becomes a bottleneck to system performance, an administrator canconfigure and leverage multiple Oracle BI Presentation Services and HTTP servers(Please see the “Oracle BI Systems Management” section). A variety of load balancingfacilities are supported to distribute user sessions and maintain session affinity with theHTTP server.

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    Described above are the core features of Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI Presentation Services. Thenext sections of this document will explore functional sub-components of these servers likedashboards, reporting and analysis capabilities in more detail.


     While Interactive Dashboards are ideal for the consumption of pre-created BI content, a unified BIHomepage provides a starting point for an open-ended approach to access saved content and createnew BI content. From this launch page an intuitive, task-based interface leads the user to theappropriate builder interfaces. Helpful documents and links are presented for users ramping up onnew skills.

     Also shown are a listing of the most-recently accessed content and the most popular as well. Mostpopular content shines a light on what users are accessing most frequently and often indicates best-practices. A unified taskbar present at all times permits quick access to product capabilities as well assearch and account settings.

    UI-based integration is also supported by seamless product integration at the catalog level. All BIcontent resides in a common catalog enabling search, archiving, migration, unified dev-to-prodactivities and the re-use of common objects across any number of personal and shared catalog items.


    Oracle BI Search is a powerful new searching capability that leverages Oracle’s Secure EnterpriseSearch (SES) technology to allow end users to perform full text searches on items in the BI catalog.Dashboards, reports, scorecards, KPIs and actions are all fully searchable objects and can beretrieved by fields that include author, title, type, and popularity.

    In Addition to searching metadata attributes, Users can also search for dimensional and report data.

     A few simple examples of possible BI searches:

    •  Find all reports  authored by Jacques  

    •  Find sales  related KPIs  that are authored by Susan  

    •  Find all dashboards that have customer  sales  data on them and specifically filtered on ‘ AcmeInc’  

    •  Find Net Income  reports for year 2010 and Acme Inc  


    BI Analysis & Reporting provides end users with broad ad-hoc query, analysis and reportingcapabilities. It is a pure Web-based environment that is designed for users who want to create newanalyses from scratch or modify and change existing analyses that appear on dashboard pages. Usersinteract with a logical view of the information — completely sheltered from data structurecomplexity. Users can also easily create a range of interactive content types which can be saved,shared, modified, formatted, or embedded in the user’s personalized dashboard or enterprise portal.Oracle BI Analysis & Reporting is designed to handle both relational and OLAP style(multidimensional) interactions in a single comprehensive, easy to use user interface.

  • 8/9/2019 Bi Suite - Oracle Bi Foundation Suite Technical Overview



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    Using BI Analysis and Reporting

     An intuitive interface and the fact that business users work entirely within understandable models ofinformation completely expressed in business terminology allows Oracle BI Analysis & Reporting tobe learned quickly.

     The BI Analysis & Reporting user begins by choosing a subject area — such as "Marketing", "Sales",or "Inventory." The user then sees within that Subject Area folders containing “semantic businessobjects” that define the business terms against which the user can define calculations or analysis. Forinstance, if a user

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