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  • Bible code research by Frank Colijn

    There are many different codes in the bible. All these codes are related with numbers. The English langue is already telling

    it: recount-count. Or in French: raconter-conter, in German: erzhlen-zhlen, in Dutch: vertellen-tellen. Since longtime

    people seem to know that there is a connection between langue and counting. Most of the time it is called numerology or

    Kabbalah (Jewish mystics) or simply biblecode. But none of these terms is the right term for this bible code research.

    Moreover this has nothing to do with the research of Michael Drosnin or the Da Vinci Code. And many people ask

    themselves if it is necessary that there are codes in the bible. About sense and nonsense we can have all kind of thoughts,

    fact is that there are codes in the bible and specially in the Torah, the first five books of the bible. In Hebrew each letter has a

    number value so that every word has a number value too; this is called gematria. With these values are all kind of codes

    embodied in the Hebrew text. Even by means of letter and word places all kind of things are fixed in the bible text. It's

    recommended to read the chapters in the given order.

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    Last pages added: 19-09-2010 Search


    1.Counting with the

    alphabetIf we start to count we have to know how to count. An introduction to the use of the letter

    values of the Hebrew alphabet (Gematria).

    2. Sophit letters A research of the placing of the sophit letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

    3. The acting of God With the Creation the first acting of God becomes visible.

    4. The circle and the time The circle is the symbol of eternity: a line without beginning and without an end. With thecreation of heaven and earth also time appears. The calculation of Pi with the help of

    Gen.1:1 by Vernon Jenkins. last update 29-10-2012

    5. The Star of David The Star of David or hexagram is a mathematical working out of numbers. The bible writerhas used this fact very often. Learn here how the star of David is build up.

    6. Truth The number value 441 of the word 'truth' appears in different ways in number systems.Prime numbers play a large roll.

    7. The prime table The properties of primes and their mutual relations. 8. The use of prime numbers Primes are used in many ways in the bible text. Some examples.

    9. Pythagoras' Theorem

    In the openings verse of the bible appears Pythagoras' Theorem to be hidden. There also

    seems to be a relationship with the alphabet and the prime table. last addition 20-08-2009

    10. God speaks The speaking of God and the relation with the Hebrew alphabet and Truth.

    11. Structure chapter 1 The first chapter of the bible appears to be divided with the numbers three and seven. Asuchlike phenomenon we know also in poetry in the structure of sonnets.

    11a. Gematria chapter 1 Besides the structure in the number of letters, words and verses there are also structures inthe gematria. But these structures are much more complex.

    12. Jesus ELS 22 With Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) are all kind of things coded in the bible text. So is

    the name of Jesus with an interval of 22 letters, the measure of the Hebrew alphabet, coded

    in the first chapter of the bible.

    13. Jesus ELS 86 Also with ELS 86 a code of Jesus can be found. The coordinates are 26x26.

    14. The mem The mem appears to have a special relationship with codes concerning Jesus.

    15. Elohim ELS 26 Jesus is our spiritual water and bread. In the first chapter is hidden/revealed with 37 memsthe birth place of Jesus: Bethlehem, the House of the Bread.

    16. The prime jump Also with the so called prime jump the coming of Christ is encoded. Gen.22:9-14 is aforgoing reflection of the sacrifice of Christ.

    17. Three-seven The three and the seven are used in many different codes. In this chapter 3/7=0,428571...Also the 3rd and 7th generation, Enosh and Hanoch, hide/reveal the number 1480 of


    18. The perfect number 496

    Perfect numbers are numbers of which the sum of the dividers is equal to the number itself.

    The bible writer used this fact to order letters, words and verses.

    19. The first word A mathematical approach of the first word 'berashit' of the bible.

    20. The aleph and Elohim The relation between the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the aleph, and Elohim.

    777The three nouns God, the Heaven and the Earth of Gen.1:1 have together the number value



  • 666-2368 The relation between the number 666 of the beast, and the number 2368 of Jesus Christ.

    Three The word 'three' can be found in Gen.1:1 with ELS 7 starting on letter 4, the number of thedoor. Jesus claims to be the door.

    Abram-Abraham In Gen.17:5 Abram gets the name Abraham. This change of name is related with the squareroot of 5.

    The center of the Torah In this chapter mathematical proof that there is no letter is added or lost from the TorahThe Creation of the Heaven The Heaven and the Earth are created with the five, according to a mathematical pattern.

    Amicable numbers 220 and 284 Also the phenomenon 'amicable numbers' turns out to be applied in the bible text.

    The 5678 phenomenon The sequence 5678 appears to have special properties in the Number Universe and in the


    Isaiah 53 This chapter of the bible appears to have a special relationship with Jesus.

    The Hebrew alphabet The Greek alphabet 500 prime numbers Palindromes Composite numbers Triangular numbersThe timeline HTML code Hebrew HTML code Greek Factor and prime factor calculator

    If you have questions or when you find mistakes in my research, a missing link, or wish to contribute with ideas, please mail me:

    email: [email protected]

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    1. Counting with the alphabet

    When we start to count with the Hebrew alphabet then it is useful to know something about numbers and the alphabet. In

    principal there are only nine ciphers. All other numbers are shaped out of these nine ciphers.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

    The zero has no independent function. Zero apples is nothing. So the zero is in principal not a number. With these nine

    ciphers we will count the letters of the alphabet in the first instance:

    This way of counting is called: gematria Katan. So we see that there are 3x9=27 characters in the Hebrew alphabet. The

    zeros are added to make a difference between the letter values:

    Gematria Ragil is most used way of gematria. But it is a bit more complicated, because Hebrew knows five sophit letters.

    They are used at the end of a word, like we use capitals at the beginning of a sentence. These letters have sometimes an own

    value, but most of the time not.

    These five sophit letters can be found on the end of the alphabet:

    The sophit letters become placed with the letters from which they are derived and have in the most common used gematria

    the same number value. About these sophit letters I will write in the next chapter. Finally the Hebrew alphabet looks thus

    like this: the 27 letters have now 22 number values.

    Now we know how the number value of the alphabet is build up, we can approach the bible text with this knowledge. We

    start at the beginning: Gen.1:1. Apart from that, the writing direction in Hebrew is from right to left:

    Gematria Ragil Gen.1:1

    the earth and* the heaven * God created In the beginning

    90-200-1-5 400-1-6 40-10-40-300-5 400-1 40-10-5-30-1 1-200-2 400-10-300-1-200-2

    296 407 395 401 86 203 913


    The word God in Hebrew is: Elohim= =40+10+5+30+1=86. This is so with gematria Ragil, that always is used unless

    otherwise is mentioned.

  • God=86

    God is the starting point of the Creation. Fist the nine ciphers become created. With the created ciphers God tells how it is

    going with the Creation. Therefore we approach the openings verse of the bible with the gematria method Katan, the simple

    method with the nine ciphers 1 till 9:

    Gematria Katan Gen.1:1

    the earth and* the heaven * God created In the beginning

    9 - 2 - 1 - 5 4 - 1 - 6 6 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 4 - 1 6 - 1 - 5 - 3 - 1 1 - 2 - 2 4 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 2

    17 11 19 5 16 5 13


    The nine created numbers tell us that God the starting point of the Creation is. The sum of the seven words of Gen.1:1 is:

    17+11+19+5+16+5+13=86. Out of 86, out of God originates everything, or saying it in a different way: in the beginning

    God. With the normal gematria, gematria Ragil, the alphabet with 22 letters, is the number value of word 1 and word 3 of

    Gen.1:1 together:

    In the beginning God= =(40+10+5+30+1)+(400+10+300+1+200+2)=86+913=999.

    These three nines express the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet, with which the 'Word' is formed. John1:1 tells us: In the

    beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (divine). 999 in factors is 27x37. The 27 (or

    3x9) stands for the 27 units (letters) that the Hebrew alphabet counts. The Hebrew word means unit or unity and has

    the number value 37:

    unit= =5+4+10+8+10=37

    Twenty seven units form the starting point of the alphabet. The sophit letters are taken out of the alphabet and replaced and

    joined together with the alphabet of 22 letters. The word together is in Hebrew: (Deut.33:5)

    Together= = 4+8+10=22

    Both words and are derived from the root word echad, , one.

    One= = 4+8+1=13

    In the world of numbers is the 13th prime 37 and the 13th composite 22. This indicates that numbers and langue are highly

    integrated in each other.

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    Prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    Composite 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40

    The Hebrew alphabet and the bible are determining how our society developed itself. Our written langue and our norms and

    values like we know them, wouldn't be there if we hadn't the bible. The first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are: aleph

    and beth. The sound of those two letters tells us that our alphabet originates here. The Greek have adopted this alphabet

    around 1200 BC and made alpha and beta out of it. The junction of the first two letters, , ab, means 'father'. The Hebrew

    alphabet is like a father of our alphabet. I think that it is important to get more insight in the origin of our langue and culture.

    Many people say 'I judge for my self what good is or wrong', but don't realize how deeply our culture and norms are

    involved in the bible and the Jewish culture. And the man made judgments fail most of the time. The destruction of the Jews

    has a lot to do with the destruction of the roots of our culture and probably a jalousie towards that what is greater then

    ourselves. And if you ask me 'do you believe in God' then I answer: 'tell me who or what God is, then I will tell you if I

    believe in it'. The concept 'God' is far to big for us people to understand. We just make 'images' of God and that is what God

    asks us, by means of the bible, not to do. We can't limit God.

    A Hebrew alphabet table can be found under this link: The Hebrew alphabet

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    Frank Colijn 2005


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    1 - 250

    Priemgetallen en hun numerieke plaats/primes and their numerical place.

    n P n P n P n P n P

    1 1 1 51 229 101 541 17 151 863 201 1223

    2 2 52 233 102 547 152 877 202 1229

    3 3 53 239 103 557 153 881 203 1231

    4 5 54 241 104 563 154 883 204 1237

    5 7 55 251 105 569 155 887 205 1249

    6 11 56 257 106 571 156 907 206 1259

    7 13 57 263 107 577 157 911 207 1277

    8 17 58 269 108 587 158 919 26 208 1279

    9 19 2 59 271 10 109 593 159 929 209 1283

    10 23 60 277 110 599 160 937 210 1289

    11 29 61 281 111 601 161 941 211 1291

    12 31 62 283 112 607 162 947 212 1297

    13 37 3 63 293 113 613 19 163 953 213 1301

    14 41 64 307 11 114 617 164 967 214 1303

    15 43 65 311 115 619 165 971 215 1307

    16 47 66 313 116 631 166 977 216 1319

    17 53 67 317 117 641 167 983 217 1321

    18 59 68 331 118 643 168 991 218 1327

    19 61 69 337 119 647 169 997 219 1361

    20 67 70 347 120 653 170 1009 220 1367

    21 71 71 349 121 659 171 1013 221 1373

    22 73 4 72 353 122 661 172 1019 222 1381

    23 79 73 359 123 673 173 1021 223 1399

    24 83 74 367 124 677 174 1031 224 1409

    25 89 75 373 125 683 175 1033 225 1423

    26 97 76 379 126 691 176 1039 226 1427

    27 101 77 383 127 701 177 1049 227 1429

    28 103 78 389 128 709 178 1051 228 1433

    29 107 79 397 13 129 719 179 1061 229 1439

    30 109 5 80 401 130 727 180 1063 230 1447

    31 113 81 409 131 733 181 1069 231 1451

    32 127 6 82 419 132 739 182 1087 232 1453

    33 131 83 421 133 743 183 1091 233 1459 37

    34 137 84 43 134 751 184 1093 234 1471

    35 139 85 433 135 757 22 185 1097 235 1481

    36 149 86 439 136 761 186 1103 236 1483

    37 151 87 443 137 769 187 1109 237 1487

    38 157 88 449 138 773 188 1117 238 1489

    39 163 7 89 457 139 787 189 1123 239 1493

    40 167 90 461 140 797 190 1129 240 1499

    41 173 91 463 141 809 191 1151 241 1511

    42 179 92 467 142 811 192 1153 242 1523

    43 181 8 93 479 143 821 193 1163 243 35 1531

    44 191 94 487 144 823 194 1171 33 244 1543

    45 193 95 491 145 827 195 1181 245 1549

    46 197 96 499 146 829 196 1187 246 1553

    47 199 97 503 147 839 197 1193 247 1559

    48 211 98 509 148 853 198 1201 248 1567 40

    49 223 99 521 149 857 199 1213 249 1571

    50 227 100 523 16 150 859 200 1217 250 1579

  • 251 - 500

    Priemgetallen en hun numerieke plaats/primes and their numerical place.

    n P n P n P n P n P

    251 1583 301 1987 351 2357 401 2741 451 3181

    252 1597 302 1993 352 2371 402 2749 452 3187

    253 1601 303 1997 353 2377 403 2753 453 3191

    254 1607 304 1999 354 2381 404 2767 454 3203

    255 1609 305 2003 355 2383 405 2777 455 3209

    256 1613 306 2011 356 2389 406 2789 456 3217

    257 1619 307 2017 357 2393 407 2791 457 3221

    258 1621 308 2027 358 2399 408 2797 458 3229

    259 1627 309 2029 359 2411 409 2801 459 3251

    260 1637 310 2039 360 2417 410 2803 460 3253

    261 1657 311 2053 361 2423 411 2819 46 3257

    262 1663 312 2063 362 2437 412 2833 462 3259 77

    263 1667 313 2069 363 2441 413 2837 463 3271

    264 1669 314 2081 364 2447 414 2843 464 3299

    265 1693 315 2083 365 2459 415 2851 465 3301

    266 1697 316 2087 366 2467 416 2857 466 3307

    267 1699 317 2089 367 2473 417 2861 467 3313

    268 1709 318 2099 368 2477 418 2879 468 3319

    269 1721 319 2111 369 2503 419 2887 469 3323

    270 1723 320 2113 370 2521 420 2897 470 3329

    271 1733 321 2129 371 2531 421 2903 471 3331

    272 1741 322 2131 372 2539 422 2909 472 3343

    273 1747 323 2137 373 2543 423 2917 473 3347

    274 1753 324 2141 374 2549 424 2927 474 3359

    275 1759 325 2143 375 2551 425 2939 475 3361

    276 1777 326 2153 376 2557 426 2953 476 3371

    277 1783 327 2161 377 2579 427 2957 477 3373

    278 1787 328 2179 378 2591 428 2963 478 3389

    279 1789 329 2203 379 2593 429 2969 479 3391

    280 1801 330 2207 380 2609 430 2971 480 3407

    281 1811 331 2213 381 2617 431 2999 481 3413

    282 1823 332 2221 382 2621 432 300 482 3433

    283 1831 333 2237 383 2633 433 3011 483 3449

    284 1847 334 2239 384 2647 434 3019 484 3457 80

    285 1861 335 2243 385 2657 435 3023 485 3461

    286 1867 336 2251 386 2659 436 3037 486 3463

    287 1871 337 2267 387 2663 437 3041 487 3467

    288 1873 338 2269 388 2671 438 3049 488 3469

    289 1877 339 2273 389 2677 439 3061 73 489 3491

    290 1879 340 228 390 2683 440 3067 490 3499

    291 1889 341 2287 391 2687 441 3079 491 3511 81

    292 1901 342 2293 392 2689 442 3083 492 3517

    293 1907 343 73 2297 393 2693 443 3089 493 3527

    294 1913 344 2309 394 2699 444 3109 494 3529

    295 1931 345 2311 395 2707 445 3119 495 3533

    296 1933 346 2333 396 2711 446 3121 496 3539

    297 1949 347 2339 397 2713 447 3137 497 3541

    298 1951 348 2341 398 2719 448 3163 498 3547

    299 1973 349 2347 399 2729 449 3167 499 3557

    300 1979 350 2351 400 2731 450 3169 500 3559

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    Composiet getallen/composite numbers


    Composiet getallen zijn getallen die meerdere delers hebben. In feite

    zijn het alle getallen, de priemgetallen uitgesloten. Het getal 4 is de

    eerste composiet. Hier enkele voorbeelden van het gebruik van deze

    getallen in de bijbel.


    Composite numbers are numbers that have more than one divider.

    In fact it are all numbers, the primes excluded. Some examples of

    the use of these numbers in the bible.

  • NL EN

    ***Enkele composiet getallen zijn in de bijbel structuur verwerkt.

    De frase in Gen.1:1 'In den beginne schiep God de Hemel' heeft de

    getallenwaarde 913+203+86+401+395=1998. De delers van dit

    getal zijn 37 en 54(1x2x3x3x3) In de tabel kunnen we zien dat 54 de

    37ste composiet is.

    ***De Schepping wordt in tegendelen geschapen. Dit is ook een

    van de redenen dat de bijbel met de letter beth, de 2, begint. Het tot

    voltooiing komen van deze dualiteit, van deze 2, wordt uitgedrukt

    door 2 tot de macht 7 of 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. De 128ste composiet

    is 168. De som van deze getallen is 128+168=296, de

    getallenwaarde van het 7de woord van Gen.1:1: 'de aarde', .

    ***296 is de 233ste composiet. 233 is het getal van de 'boom des

    levens', , 73+160=233. Deze boom is in de hof van Eden

    geplaatst op deze aarde. 233+296=529 (23x23) Het 529ste woord

    van de bijbel is het eerste woord van Gen.2:8, daar waar God de Hof

    van Eden plant met de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin.

    ***Some composite numbers are applied in the structure of the

    bible. The phrase in Gen.1:1 'In the beginning God created the

    Heaven' has the number value: 913+203+86+401+395=1998. The

    dividers of this number are 37 and 54 (1x2x3x3x3) In the table we

    can see that 54 the 37th composite is.

    ***The Creation becomes created in contrary parts. This is also one

    of the reasons that the bible starts with the letter beth, the 2. The

    completion of this duality becomes expressed by 2 raised to the

    power of 7 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. The 128th composite is 168.

    The sum of these numbers is 128+168=296, the number value of the

    7th word of Gen.1:1: 'the earth', .

    ***296 is the 233rd composite. 233 is the number of the 'tree of life',

    ,73+160=233. This tree is planted by God in the garden

    of Eden on this earth. 233+296=529 (23x23) The 529th word of the

    bible is the first word of Gen.2:8, there where God planted the

    Garden of Eden with the tree of life in the midst of the garden.

  • ***De aarde, 296, op zijn beurt wijst 370 aan. De som is

    296+370=666. De frase 'als het stof der aarde', , in

    Gen.13:16 als God aan Abraham een nageslacht belooft, heeft deze

    getallenwaarde en ook de structuur van 296 en 370 .

    ***De 355ste composiet is 441. In hoofdstuk 15 heb ik de relatie

    tussen deze twee getallen beschreven. Overigens zijn de factoren

    van 3773 (de som van 2701 en het gespiegelde getal

    1072)=1x(7x7x7)x11, som 1+343+11=355. Zoals je weet is 441=


    ***De getallenwaarde van de frase 'Gods Woord is Waarheid',

    , is: 441+86+206=733. Het 733ste

    composietgetal is 888, gelijk aan de getallenwaarde van ,

    Jezus. Het is Jezus die het Woord van God wordt genoemd en hij

    zegt zelf de waarheid te zijn.

    ***The earth, 296, appoints on his turn 370. The sum is

    296+370=666. The phrase 'as the dust of the earth', , in

    Gen.13:16 when God promises to Abraham an offspring, has this

    value and also the same structure of 296 and 370.

    ***The 355th composite is 441. In chapter 15 I have described the

    relation between those two numbers. By the way the factors of 3773

    (the sum of 2701 and the reversed digits 1072) are 1x(7x7x7)x11,

    sum 1+343+11=355. As you know 441 is (1x)3x7x7x3.

    ***The number value of the phrase, 'Gods Word is Truth',

    , is: 441+86+206=733. The 733rd composite is

    888, equal to the number value of , Jesus. It is Jesus who is

    called the Word of God, and he himself claims to be the truth.

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  • Frank Colijn 2007

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    2. The sophit letters

    There are five sophit letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In the English langue we don 't know this phenomenon. But in Hebrew

    five letters have a different writing form at the end of a word, then when they are used in the middle or beginning of a word.

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

    I questioned myself why there are five and not seven or eight sophit letters. Or all letters like we know the capitals at the

    beginning of a sentence (the Hebrew langue doesn't do that) A possible explanation I found in the sequence of ciphers from

    1 till 9.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

    In this sequence I searched for changeable and unchangeable numbers. This because there is a change of form at the sophit

    letters and sometimes also a change of value. The prime numbers I call unchangeable because they only can be divided by

    themselves. The primes in the sequence are 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    We see that the sum of the five primes in the sequence of nine is 1+2+3+5+7=18, equal to 2x9, and the sum of the four

    composite numbers is 4+6+8+9=27, equal to 3x9:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..............................................................9

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.................................18

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9......27

    We can see that in the prime sequence the order number 4 is not available for the 5, because four isn't a prime number. And

    in the composite sequence the 4 is the only order that's available, namely for the nine:

    5x Prime 4x Composite

    Prime 1=1

    Prime 2=2

    Prime 3=3

    Prime 4=5

    Prime 5=7

    Composite 1=4

    Composite 2=6

    Composite 3=8

    Composite 4=9

  • 1+2+3+5+7=18=4+6+8

    In the alphabet the last nine becomes replaced by the four and this generates an alphabet of 9+9+4=22 letters. The fourth prime is five and these

    five become inserted into the alphabet:

    9+9+4 9 9 4 5

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

    5 4

    18 +4 22 -5 27

    These are the numbers with which the alphabet is build. The alphabet of 27 letters is build up out of three times a group of

    nine numbers and the properties of those nine tell how the 27 should be classified. 27 is the 17th composite. In the alphabet

    we find 17 unchanged letters and 5 changed double letters. 17 normal letters and 5 letters with a sophit form, together 22

    letters. (N.B. In Gen.17:5 Abraham gets the hee, , the 5 in his name)

    Now the sophit letters are inserted into the alphabet, it is the 22nd letter, the tav, , that closes the alphabet. If we count the

    original order numbers of the sophit letters 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 two by two until one number is left, the sum is 400, equal

    to the number value 400 of the tav. The tav is the fourth letter in the third group of nine. The four is connected with the five,

    for the fourth prime is five. Coming to completion becomes expressed by the multiplication of the squares of the four and


    42 x52=16x25=400=

    The sum of the order places of the sophit letters, counted two by two, is 400, equal to

    the number value 400 of the letter tav that closes the alphabet.


    196 204

    96 100 104

    47 49 51 53

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

    9 9 4 5

    The sophit letters are now replaced, but why on the positions 11, 13, 14, 17 and 18? Also here a mathematical calculation

    brings order. To make this visible we roll out the prime sequence along the alphabet. The 22nd prime turns out to be 73. It is

    the tav, , that closes the alphabet:

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    When we count the order numbers of the five replaced sophit letters, then the sum turns out to be also 73:


    There are other combinations possible to get the sum 73. I think the explanation is to be found in the prime sequence. If we

    count the 11th, 13th, 14th, 17th and 18th prime, respectively 29, 37, 41, 53 en 59, than is the sum:


  • 219=3x73

    We see that the sum of the prime numbers that correspond with the sophit letter places is a trinity of 73. The trinity is also a

    part of the building of the alphabet (3x9). This Trinity is also an essential part of the bible. Also in all kind of mathematical

    realities the three pays a roll. This will become more clear as my story proceeds.

    Sum of the letter places of the sophit letters is

    73:11 + 13 14 + 17 18 = 73

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    gematria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

    prime 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    Sum of the primes on the position of the

    sophit letters:29 + 37 41 + 53 59 = 219 ................. ...............219=3x73

    Also the letter places of the replaced sophit letters we can count two by two in a triangular count until one number is left.

    The sum is 233. The difference is 125-73=52. The 52nd prime appears to be 233.

    233 400

    109 124 196 204

    51 58 66 96 100 104

    24 27 31 35 47 49 51 53

    11 + 13 + 14 + 17 + 18 = 73 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 = 125

    233 is the number value of the tree of life. The part of life has the number value 73. Also the word wisdom, chokmah, has the

    number value 73.

    233 the tree of life Gen.2:9

    73 of life, the life Num.17:13

    233 light of Yahweh Is.2:5

    73 wisdom Ex.28:3

    The alphabet and the written word can become a tree of life. This becomes expressed not only by this sophit letter

    construction, but also by the alphabet of 22 letters: 9-9-4 or:


    The alphabet is a composition of numbers. The 100th composite number is 133; together they are: 100+133=233. The Word

    of God becomes written by the alphabet and is a tree of life.

    For whom this is a to quick conclusion, I will show how also the first vers uses this construction.

    The first verse of the bible describes the creation of duality. The world of opposites. The creation of heaven and earth.

    Therefore the verse starts with the letter beth, , a two. The letter has the symbolic meaning of a tent or a house. The world

    of opposites is our house. With word seven, the earth, the duality comes till completion. The word the earth, , closes

    the first verse. This can be expressed as 72 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=128. The 128th composite is 168. The sum of these two

    numbers is 128+168=296, equal to the CV of word seven, ,90+200+1+5=296. And by the way 296 is composite 233. I

    can not emphasize enough that Gen.1:1 contains genetic codes for mathematical structures that we also find elsewhere in the



    128=2x2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2 2x2x2 2x2 2

    7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

    the earth and* the heaven * God created In the beginning

    28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    90 200 1 5 400 1 6 40 10 40 300 5 400 1 40 10 5 30 1 1 200 2 400 10 300 1 200 2

    296 407 395 401 86 203 913


    Composite 128=168.....128+168=296=

  • And pay attention to the fact that also the seventh letter of the verse is a beth, a two.


    An other possible approach of this subject can be found with the triangular number of 5. This number is: 1+2+3+4+5=15. So

    the triangle of 5 has 15 units. Where the triangle of 4 has a singular center of gravity, there are 3 units in the center of the

    triangle of 5. The sum of these units is 5 + 8 + 9 =22. The sum of the 'corner stones' is 1+11+15=27, and the sum of the

    individual digits of these corner stones is 1+(1+1)+(1+5)=9 (for more information about triangular numbers see chapter 5)

    T4 T5 T6

    The center of gravity of the triangle of 4 is 5. Furthermore is the fourth prime five. This is a relation that exists in the

    Number Universe. If we count the first four primes the sum is 11 (1+2+3+5=11) and the sum of the first five primes is 18

    (1+2+3+5+7=18) This are the order numbers of the first and the last replaced sophit letters, the kaf (11) and the tsadee (18).

    The other three order numbers of the sophit letters we can find with the center of gravity of the triangle of five:

    5 + 8 =13 (mem), 5 + 9 =14 (nun) en 8 + 9 =17 (peh).

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


    The first and the last are together: 11+18=29 (prime 11=29). The sum of the order numbers of the three sophit letters in

    between is 13+14+17=44. If you check out the table of composite numbers you will find out that the 29th composite is 44.

    There are more mathematical relations and possibilities but I think this will be enough for the reader at this moment.

    The bible writer(s) have built the present Hebrew alphabet with help of the primes and the composites and let's not forget the

    triangular numbers. But we have to realize that the sophit letters not existed in Old Hebrew. These letters are only added to

    the Late or Modern Hebrew alphabet. The Tenach, or Old Testament, already existed as far as I know.

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    3. The Acting of God.


    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

    Genesis 1:1 expresses the first visible acting of God. A Creation appears. When a human creates something he is doing that

    with his hands. The bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. That is why I thought that this acting would

    express itself in one or an other way in the first bible verse. That's the reason I looked at the anatomical structure of our

    hands and arms and counted the parts of the skeleton. The resemblance with the verse is striking. To make this visible the

    values of the seven words of Gen.1:1 have to be counted till their reduced number. I will show that from example with the

    first word In the beginning, berashit:

    In the beginning= =400+10+300+1+200+2=913



    So the reduced number of the first word is 4. Then we proceed to count in the same way the six other words till their reduced


    The reduced number 4 of the first word happens to be the number of our fingertips, whereby we should realize that the

    thumb has one bone less and gets counted in the following sequence (see the picture). This counting is going well with all

    the other words and bones until we reach the upper arm (out of sight) The upper arm has only one bone, and the basic

    number of the earth is 8. What is going on here? Well, imagine you are in a grocery shop and there are standing some

    articles on the counter. The grocer types the amounts on the cash desk. To control if he has done well, the grocer counts the

    number of amounts and the number of articles. When the numbers are corresponding, then he didnt overlook something. In

    my point of view the bible writer did so. There are seven sequences to be counted, and this number is added to the one of

    the upper arm bone. I think it is coded in this way, and this is probably (one of) the reason(s) that the basic number of the

    earth is 8. But there are other reasons for adding the seven to the one. The 6-1 patron of the six days of creation and the

    seventh as rest day (Shabbat) is also present. To the seventh day God adds something extra. That day He blessed and

    sanctified it. But later more about this issue.

    Counting numbers till their basic or reduced number is mathematical or practical seen of course nonsense.

    But, if done consequent, it can function as a code. Nothing is wrong with that. But a coding that holds in one

    case does not necessarily have to hold in an other case. There are variations possible like flowers in the field.

    The total of the reduced numbers of the words of Gen.1:1 is: 4+5+5+5+8+2+8=37. Because we do not have one but two arms,

    this number will be doubled. This needs to be done symmetrically like our hands mirror themselves, so we find 37-73. The

    activity of Gods acting, creating heaven and earth, is expressed by the multiplication of these two numbers. It appear to be

    the factors of the number value of Gen.1:1, for 37x73 is 2701:

  • Gen.1:1

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

    296 + 407 + 395 + 401 + 86 + 203 + 913 = 2701

    The 11th letter of the alphabet, the kaf, , has the meaning of hand. The kaf written full is: (Gen.40:11). The sum of the

    letter places of the letters of the word in the alphabet is 26+11=37. This number is equal to the sum of the reduced

    numbers of the words of Gen.1:1.

    The plural form of hand is kefim, . But is often used in de bible text (Ex.29:24); this way of writing can also be

    translated as from my hands (Gen.20:5) The sum of the letter values is: 10+80+20=110. This number is equal to the sum of

    the factors of Gen.1:1: 37+73=110.


    My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand has

    spanned the heavens; when I call to them, they stand up together.

    Foundation of the earth= =(90+200+1)+(5+4+60+10)=370 (10x37)

    foundation (mosad)= = 4+60+6+40=110 (Jes.28:16)

    The original letter symbols in old Hebrew of the word kaf, , are these: , the mouth and the hand palm. God acts,

    creates, by means of the mouth, by speaking. By God speaking and acting are one.

    37x73 expresses Gods acting, and 37x37 expresses the activity of Gods Spirit (Ruach Elohim).


    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

    And the Spirit from God moved upon the face of the waters.

    95 140 100 728 86 220 451 140 100 334 19 411 420 302

    1369=37x37 + 2177(7x311)


    The connection between thoughts (spirit) and acting is speaking. With the 22nd word of the bible in Gen.1:3 starting on the

    81st letter God speaks for the first time in the bible. 81 is the number value of the name of the 17th letter of the alphabet, the

    peh/feh, , with the meaning mouth, written full: =1+80=81. With 22 letters the Hebrew alphabet is ready. The speaking

    of God starts on the 22nd word: = and said. The speaking of God brings forth Creation: when I call to them, they

    stand up together (Is.48:13)

    Like the number values of the words of Gen.1:1 can be counted to their smallest reduced number, so they can be reduced to

    their smallest basic prime.

    Primes are the smallest dividers of whole numbers and they can only be divided by themselves or by one. I call

    it numbers that cannot lie. They are good nor bad, but they can't deny what they represent. Therefore they

    represent the truth.

  • Also the counting till the smallest prime has again a remarkable result. I will show from example with the first word how to


    In the beginning= =400+10+300+1+200+2=913


    Should 13 be counted further then is the result: 1+3= 4, and 4 is not a prime. So at 13 we stop counting. Although the fourth

    word with the value 401 is already a prime, it can be counted until 5 as smallest prime: 4+0+1=5.

    The sum of these smallest reduced prime basics is: 13+5+5+5+17+2+17=64. This is the number value of the plural form for

    an other word for hands, jadim (Is.13:7): =40+10+4+10=64. Also the expression from my hand(s), , has the number

    value 64 (Gen.21:30).

    In Greek gematria the number value of the word truth is 64:

    truth: =1+30+8+9+5+10+1=64

    Together with the common reduced number 37 of Gen.1:1 it contributes to a remarkable possibility. The multiplication of

    64 and 37 is:


    the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ:



    So seems Gen.1:1 to hide the activity of God by mean of Jesus Christ. This is very remarkable when we do realize that

    Genesis is written about 1450 before Christ. So has the first bible writer Gods Plan hidden in the first verse. John 1:3 states

    in fact that Jesus has participated in the creating process:

    John 1:3

    All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    And about the truth said Jesus about himself: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life:

  • John 14:6 22 words, 81 letters

    Jesus said unto him: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father,

    but by me.

    If we see this and can accept it, God can place the light in our live, for Gen.1:3 begins on letter 81 and on the 22nd word,

    there where God begins with the making of the light. When we look further, we see that the 64th word of the bible the first

    word of Gen.1:7 is:


    and God made the firmament,......

    67 66 65 64

    385 401 86 386



    , 'and made' is an anagram of = Jesus/deliverer/386

    Also in this way seems to be hidden the fact that God by means of Jesus Christ made Creation.

    When we look for the 37th word in the bible then it appears to be the word the light, .


    Word 37, letter 137 ( ), in verse word 10, in verse letter 34 Prime 34=137

    And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

    The word the light seems to be pinpointed in a special way in the bible text. The 37th word starts on letter 137. Now is 137

    the 34th prime. In the verse Gen.1:4 the light starts on the 34th letter. In this way the first letter of the light, the hee, ,

    becomes pinpointed in the text. The factor 34 of the phrase and God made the firmament (34x37) seems to be referring to

    the 37th word of the bible.

    On this point I've got an email from Steve Coneglan. He recognized in this part of the bible text the 'fine structure

    constant'. This is a number that relates to the interaction between photons and electrons, between light and matter,

    between light and darkness. A better place to hide or to reveal this number can not be found in the bible. You can

    find his email here.

    John 1:4

    In verse word 3 starts on letter 7 and word 7 ends on letter 21 (3x7), word 10 starts on letter 26 ( )

    In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    In Isaiah 46:10 God announces that he tells from the beginning what will happen in the end:


    Declaring the end from the beginning, and from old times the things that are

    not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure;

    If we take this saying by Isaiah from Is.46:10 seriously, than we don't have to be surprised that we can find Jesus Christ

    hidden and coded in Gen.1:1.

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    Frank Colijn 2005


  • Het Griekse alfabet

    1.Alfa 2.Beta 3.Gamma 4.Delta 5.Epsilon 6.Zeta 7.Eta 8.Theta

    AaAa BbBb GgGg DdDd EeEe ZzZz HhHh QqQq

    1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9

    9.Iota 10.Kappa 11.Lamda 12.Mu 13.Nu 14.Xi 15.Omicron 16.Pi

    IiIi KkKk LlLl MmMm NnNn XxXx OoOo PpPp

    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

    17.Rho 18.Sigma 19.Tau 20.Upsilon 21.Phi 22.Chi 23.Psi 24.Omega

    RrRr SsVSsV TtTt UuUu FfFf CcCc YyYy WwWw

    100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

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    4. The circle and the time.

    By the acting of God, creating heaven and earth, something changes on the eternity: time appears. This is the consequence

    of the acting of God. History teaches us that there was a lot of misunderstanding about the explanation of the seven days of

    creation. How literally or symbolically should our interpretation of the bible text be?

    Eternity can be imagined as a circle: a line without beginning and without an end. In mathematics a twisted circle is used as

    a symbol of an eternal line (lemniscates): . Time can be seen as a classification of eternity. The bible tells us that there are

    six days of creation and one day of rest. This pattern can be found in the mathematical division of the circle. A circle can be

    divided by it's own radius in six equal parts. This can made visible by joining seven equal coins together. There can be

    drawn a larger circle through the centers of the six coins or circles on the outside. This larger circle becomes divided in six

    equal parts. The seventh circle plays no roll in dividing, you might say he is in rest. I think that the six days of creation and

    the seventh as a day of rest are based on this mathematical pattern. This thought is supported by the fact that the six days of

    creation are secured in the first chapter and the seventh day in the second chapter. So we find here a 6-1 division of the

    seven days.

    This way of looking seems to me very logical. It is an open door to say that the dial plate of the clock is derived from this

    too. With the circle as starting point the clock with the twelve ours can be constructed, like we use to measure time. The

    circle is probably also the base of the dozen. You can find this 6-1 pattern in many different ways in the bible. Also in

    gematria. In Gen.1:1 you can find different examples. By means of primes this 6-1 division becomes visible. Both the

    gematria methods Ragil and Katan show this pattern. With gematria Katan six words out of the seven are prime:

    With gematria Ragil it is just the opposite: six words are not prime and one word prime:

    Also with the sum of the letter places we find one prime and six composites:

    And with gematria Millui, gematria full, this pattern can be found too: (gematria Millui: a=aleph, = =80+30+1=111,

    b=beth, = =400+10+2=412 etc.)

    The partition of the six alephs over the seven words has a similar pattern. Six words with an aleph and one word without an

    aleph. It is God who established the Sabbath as day of rest and God himself fulfils this condition too. The bible writer has

    woven this very carefully in the text. If we look to the letter places of the six alephs then we will see that God controls the

  • text. The aleph represents God in the bible. This is what the first verse is telling us:

    The sum of the letter places of the six alephs is: 26+23+15+10+9+3=86: God. The primes in this sequence have the value:

    26+23+15+10+9+3=26. This happens to be the number of the name of God, Yahweh, , 5+6+5+10=26. It is as if God

    places his signature. The not primes that remain have the sum: 26+15+10+9=60. This is also the sum of the letter places of

    word three: God, Elohim, in Gen.1:1: 14+13+12+11+10=60. So God and his name are here committed in different ways.

    One and other points out that the 6-1 relation, based on the circle, and with that time, put it's stamp on the bible. From this

    point of view we don't have to be surprised that the number Pi, which is needed for calculating the circumference of a circle,

    can be calculated with help of Gen.1:1. It is correct till 5 ciphers. Why not totally perfect? Couldn't the bible writer(s) that? I

    think they could. The simple division 355:113 gifs already a more accurate number for Pi, correct till 7 ciphers. The bible

    writer used these two numbers to make codes. I'll write later about that.

    The next calculation is not found by myself, but as far as I know by Vernon Jenkins in cooperation with Craig Paardekooper

    and Peter Bluer. The calculation is miraculously simple.

    The calculation of Pi with help of Gen.1:1.

    The 28 letters of Gen.1:1 have 28 number values. These letter values we multiply with each other x28. This gives a large

    number of 43 ciphers. This number becomes divided by the multiplication of the seven word values x7 (19 ciphers) In total

    there are 43+19=62 ciphers. Now we remove 26 zeros so that the amount of numbers above the line is the same as the

    amount under the line. (2x18 ciphers) Here by can be noticed that 62 mirrors 26 (62-26=36=2x18) The result of the division

    is the number Pi, 5 ciphers correct: 3.141554....

    Aleksander Litto, a researcher from Poland, found recently also in Mat.20:5 the number Pi , also with five digits correct. He

    was searching for the Creation number 2701 of Gen.1:1 in the Greek New Testament. Only one word with the number value

    2701 can be found in the NT. And that is the last word of Mat.20:5: , likewise:

  • Mat.20:5, 9 words, 50 letters

    Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

    171 959 195 383 31 464 951 428 2701


    The number value of the verse is 6283, which is a digit anagram of 2368, the CV of Jesus Christ (Gr.). The calculation that

    is applied is 'likewise' the calculation in Gen.1:1. Only this time the number value of the verse becomes multiplied with the

    number of letters of the verse:

    number of letters of Mat.20:5 x number value of Mat.20:5



    We see indeed that the calculation has as outcome the first five digits of Pi.

    Pi is an irrational number, which means that there are infinite ciphers after the point. The exact number pi we cannot

    measure even if we find a billion ciphers after the point. Possibly this is one of the reasons why the bible writer has chosen

    this number, for God can't be measured. God is infinite and eternal.

    So Pi is related with eternity. From out of eternity God is/becomes active. This activity can be expressed by the

    multiplication of God (86) and time. For time I have chosen the length of a year as an objective time measure. The

    encyclopedia gives for a year 365.2422 days. The activity of God with time can then be formulated as follows:

    God x time

    86 x 365.2422=3141168

    This activity of God with the earthly time has as result the number Pi, 4 ciphers correct. The calculation ignores the decimal

    point. That I have chosen a year for time measuring is because the year has a fixed measure namely 365.2422 days. One day

    is one turn of the earth around its own axis. This is a fixed time. The time of revolution of the earth around the sun is also a

    fixed time. Now we can also express the activity of God and Pi by multiplication. We use the four correct ciphers that we

    found with the multiplication of God and time:

    God x Pi


    The outcome of the multiplication points to the number value of Gen.1:1, for that happens to be 2701....

    The diameter of the Circle of Creating of God is 86; the radius is than 43. We also might say that the diameter 2x43 or

    43+43 is. If we multiply these factors we find:

  • 43x43=1849

    word 478 477

    On letter 1849 appears Yahweh, the name of God, for the first time in the bible:

    In the beginning I was surprised about this construction, but the bible appears to be full with these kind of mathematical

    jokes. Specially when a word appears for the first time in the bible text or when an important statement is made, it becomes

    pinpointed with numbers. And it doesn't stop here. There can always be found more witnesses. Let's look further: the jod,

    with the number value 10, the first letter of Yahweh, letter 1849, appears to be the 260th jod of Genesis, or 10x26. The

    number value of the word Yahweh is: =5+6+5+10=26. Or if we 260 factorize further: 260=(2x2)x5x13 4+5+13=22 (In

    Gen.2 it is the 22nd jod!!!) So in Gen.1 there are: 260-22=238 jods. In factors: 238=2x7x17 2+7+17=26.

    The factors of 238 can also be expressed with an one: 1x2x7x17 1+2+7+17=27. By researching the third verse (Gen.1:3)

    we will see that the verse starts with 22nd word of Genesis and ends with the 27th word. The gematria of the 26th and the

  • 27th word together is 238 (and there was - light = = 207+31=238). So points the name Yahweh, when he appears for

    the first time in the bible, to the light..... The 27 and 22 who play a roll in building the alphabet, seem to play here a roll too.

    By the way: 1849 is 1+8+4+9=22.

    With the measure of a year (365,2422 days) I want to go to the bible text. Word 36524/ 36525 we can find in Ex.39:17 the

    sixth and the seventh word: =two rings.

    Well the ring or circle that's the orbit the earth describes around the sun in 365,2422 days. Ex.39:17 is speaking of two rings.

    And there are two rings needed to measure the year.

    But now I want to return to the number Pi calculated with Gen.1:1. The 5 correct ciphers we use as starting point to go to the

    bible text. We look for word 31415. When we use a longer sequence of Pi to search a word number it would be out of the

    Tenach (O.T.), for the Tenach has 305485 words. Word 31415 is located in Ex.28:15 the 15th word: : to weave, woven,


    We see that the number Pi and other numbers are woven in the bible text in many different ways.

    An other reason that one can calculate Pi with Gen.1:1 is the fact that everything in creation is based on the round or ball

    form. In the micro cosmos the atoms are round and in the macro cosmos sun, moon and stars are round like our earth. But

    not exact round, the earth is flattened:

  • flattening of the earth

    The difference between Pi (exact) and Pi (Gen.1:1) is that Pi Gen.1:1 is about 0,000038.. smaller. The difference between

    both Pi numbers is for the calculation of the flattening of the earth mathematical not quite correct. The deviation of Pi is

    than a bit larger. Pi is than about 3.138(difference 0,0035..) But maybe there are other calculations possible.........time will


    It is also possible that the difference has a more symbolic meaning. If we place the digits of Pi along the first verse, that's to

    say one digit per word, than we see that Pi is correct until the heaven:

    The number value of these five words is: 913+203+86+401+395=1998. This is 54x37. These five words have 21 letters;

    composite 21=33, the sum is 21+33=54. This number is the 37th composite. Also the sum of the individual digits of the

    values of the first five words is: (9+1+3)+(2+0+3)+(8+6)+(4+0+1)+(3+9+5)=54. And who doesn't know the phrase: so in

    heaven, so on earth. We see that word 6 and 7, and* the earth, correspond with the digits 5 and 4. The number value of

    these two words is: 407+296=703. This is the triangular number of 37 (1+2+3+3+37=703) But that's not all. De factors

    of 1998 can also be expressed with an one: 1x54x37. The sum of the factors is then: 1+54+37=92.(1998 in factors:

    1x2x(3x3x3)x37; the sum of these factors is: 1+2+27+37=67) The digits of this number 92 correspond with the word places

    6 and 7 of the exact number Pi!!! Moreover the 67th composite is 92, and the 37th composite is 54! This can also be

    approached in an other way. If we take the text of Revelation 22:13: I am the Alfa and the Omega, the first and the last, the

    beginning and the end, and apply the text on the factors of 1998 than we find 1x(2x3x3x3)x37. The 1 and the 37 are of God

    and the 2x3x3x3=54 are for us, for the earth. This can be a clue how heavenly things are brought to earth. But it is difficult

    to give an exact meaning or explanation for this kind of calculations. Maybe the difference between 92 and 54 can explain it:

    92-54=38. This can be an expression of three eights: 888, , Jesus. He will make the earth perfect. The factors

    1x2x3x3x3x37 that belong to God have the sum 1+37=38. If God becomes active with this number than that can be

    expressed by the multiplication: 38x86=3268. This is an anagram of 2368, , Jesus Christ.

    Of all the creation days says the bible: it became evening and it became morning, day one; a second day, a third day etc. So

    the days of creation become closed. Only about the seventh it's not said. This day becomes not closed. Because man is

    created in the sixth day and this day is closed, we now have to live in the seventh day. The Fall of Adam and Eve plays in

    the transition time of the sixth day to the seventh day of creation.

    The circle of time can be classified in the same manner as the great creation cycle. In this small cycle usually 1000 years are

    taken for one day on ground of different bible texts. (Ps 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8).

    2 Peter 3:8: But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand

    years is like a day.

    Because there has passed almost 6000 years since the creation story of Adam, you might say that we are living now in the

    transition time of the 6th and the 7th millennium. According to some calculations we have already passed the 6000th year;

    but according to the Jewish calendar we are now in the year 5765 (ann. begin 2005) I think the transition of the 6th to the

    7th millennium is not very far any more. I will make a calculation for this later. This is the time about which Jesus says that

    wars, famine and earthquakes will increase, like a woman in labor. (Math.24) The bible tells us that Jesus returns

    immediately after the tribulation. (Mat.24:30) He will bring all things in order, and then starts a millennial kingdom on earth

    where right will rule (Revelation 20:4). Nobody knows that day, even Jesus didn't know exactly (Mat.24:36), but look for

    the signs of time then you know it's standing at the doorstep. I will do another chapter on this issue. In the meantime you can

    find here an interesting site.

  • Also on the site of you can find interesting information about how pi is integrated in the bible text.

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    5. The Star of David.

    The six points on the circle of time can be connected in some different ways. The most common known ways are the triangle

    and the Star of David or the hexagram.

    Infact two triangles are the basis of the hexagram. Triangles can be expressed with numbers. So for instance the triangle

    number of four is ten: 1+2+3+4=10. This triangle can be expressed with an image:

    The most perfect triangle is the triangle of three, because there are 3 angles, 3 sides and 3 units on each side. And we might

    realize that the first triangle is only potential a triangle. All the other triangles connect the center of the circles. It may be

    clear that the triangles of triangular numbers are equilateral triangles.

    So the triangle of 7 is 28. The bible writer used this fact by starting the first verse of the bible, Gen.1:1, with 7 words and 28

    letters. Besides that has the first word 6 letters (T3=6) and has the phrase 'In the beginning God created the heaven', 21

    letters (T6=21).

    The triangle of 7 with 28 places is the starting point for making the Star of David with 37 units.

    When we look how the hexagram develops than we see that the first hexagram or Star of David in principle can be found in

  • one circle, the second has 7 places, the third 13, the fourth 37 and the fifth 73.

    Although there is some difference of opinion about the counting of the hexagrams, I stick to the counting like I described.

    The reason of this difference of opinion is the fact that the second hexagram is turned on its side, and is not build up out of

    triangles of triangular numbers. And mathematicians don't like departure from a rule. But I see a Star of David, so I count a

    Star of David. And the first hexagram is of course only potential. The formula to calculate the number of units of a Star of

    David is:


    So H(3+2)=(12xD3)+1.....H5=(12x6)+1=72+1=73

    This formula makes clear that the third Star of David with 13 units is the first star that satisfies the formula. (The H stand for

    Hexagram and I made the 2 grey, because there are different interpretation possible. I could not yet determine if the counting

    of the Hexagrams is important for interpreting the codes in the bible. For the numbering of the primes and composites it is

    important) So in the opinion of some people the Star with 13 units is the first star. The Hebrew word echad means one and

    has the number value 13: , 4+8+1=13.

    The reader will have seen that the fourth and the fifth Star of David have respectively 37 and 73 units. This are the factors

    with which the number value 2701 of Gen.1:1 is build up. Also appears the core of the fifth hexagram, the hexagon, to have

    37 units, thus is equal to the fourth hexagram. The formula for the number of units in a hexagon (h) is:

    hn=(6xDn) h3=(6xD3)+1=(6x6)+1=36+1=37

    Not only in the number structure of the number of letters and words the triangle plays a roll, also in the number value of the

    first verse the triangle plays a roll. 2701 is namely the triangular number of 73. Vernon Jenkins has written about this

    phenomenon, but it is necessary to mention it here to get a good understanding of the mathematical structure of the bible

  • text.

    7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    the earth and* the heaven * God created In the beginning

    296 407 395 401 86 203 913

    703 1998=3x666


    The seven words of Gen.1:1 can be divided in two groups of words with special properties. The first group has five words:

    In the beginning God created the heaven, with the number value 1998. And the second group contains word six and seven:

    and* the earth, with the number value 703. This number happens to be the triangle of 37. This triangle can be placed in the

    triangle of 73, so that each corner of T37 touches one of the sides of T73, for the middle between 1 and 73 is 37.

    T73=2701 T37=703

    The number 1998 of the first five words appears to be divided in three triangles and each triangle has 666 units, and is the

    triangle of 36. This are now the cornerstones that keep the earth on its place. The Hebrew word for cornerstone or head of

    the corner is: , (5+50+80)+(300+1+200+30)=135+531=666.(Ps.118:22)

    The Star of David seems to nest itself in the beginning of the bible. The text must have been written by

    Moses about 1450 year B.C. Yet there are no archeological findings of Stars of David from the beginning

    time of the bible. The oldest finding, as far as I know, is dated approximately the 3rd or the 4th century

    B.C. And not before the 15th century after Christ the magen David, the shield of David, was used as a

    symbol for the Jews. Therefore it's the question if Moses was aware of the fact that when he wrote down

    the bible text, he also wrote down the mathematical laws of the hexagram. From creation point of view it's

    logic, for with creation of heaven and earth appear also the Laws of Nature and of course the mathematical Laws too. It

    doesn't have to surprise us that other cultures know the hexagram as a symbol too: it's a part of Creation. And therefore we

    don't have to be surprised that we can find Pi with Gen.1:1. Later I will demonstrate also Pythagoras's Theorem in Gen.1:1.

    From the number value 2701 of Gen.1:1 can be drawn a mathematical pattern of 37x73. A star of stars. Maybe Revelation

    22:16 is here on its place:

    I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright

    morning star.'

    But for putting the reader on the wrong leg, or maybe to put the reader on two legs, I add a text from Isaiah. In the bible you

    can always find this double pattern. The text is sometimes like a two cutting sword.

    Isaiah 14:12 How are you fallen from heaven, O bright star, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the

    ground, you who ruled the nations!

  • 37 73

    the only (son) Zach.12:10 x wisdom Ex.28:3

    unit (dictionary) the life Gen.2:9

    I have also added an image of a star of 73x37 units to show that AxB is not always equal to BxA. This phenomenon is also

    known in the quantum mechanics. If we look in the world of atoms we see the same thing. Atoms contain protons (p),

    neutrons (n) and electrons (e). When we call an atom A then we can formulate the third element as: A3=(3.p+3.n+3.e)

    However this not equal to 3.A=3(p+n+e). The same amount of protons, neutrons and electrons. It are different elements with

    different properties:

    We have to consider that in the word of numbers this phenomenon also occurs.

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    Frank Colijn 2005


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    6. Truth.


    The number value 441 of the word truth appears in different ways in the bible and number systems. Prime numbers play an

    important roll.

    Primes are numbers that only can be divided by themselves. I call them numbers that cannot lie. Therefore

    they represent the truth.

    Sometimes it becomes formulated as 'numbers that only can be divided by themselves or one'. However one doesn't divide

    anything and is therefore not a real divider. But also 1 can only become divided by itself and fulfils the theorem mentioned

    above. In the spirit of the law one is a prime, but it takes a unique position in among the primes. In mathematics 1 becomes

    seen as a divider and therefore primes have then always two dividers and 2 becomes seen as the first prime. In my vision

    that's not correct. Like the sequence 'n' can become divided in odd or even numbers, you can divide the sequence 'n' in

    primes or composites; and one is definitely not a composite.

    I will show now some relations by means of the table of the Perfect Primes. First we make a table of the first 27 numbers

    (n) These numbers are the starting point of the Hebrew alphabet:

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    Then we make a table of the first 27 primes (P) Although not everybody considers 1 as a prime, I see 1 as the first prime.

    You can find an other comment on this issue here. But here is the table:

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    Both sequences we join together:

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    And we look in the number sequence (n) for the primes too:

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    The primes in the P-sequence that become appointed by the primes in the n-sequence I call Perfect Primes. (PP). Then they

    get their own number; in this sequence there are exactly ten:

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 4 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    Those ten numbers of these three sequences (3x10) we isolate from the table and count them together. The sum appears to be

    441, the number of truth:

    Then we can divide the primes in this table in Super Perfect (3) en Perfect (7) Primes. I call the first three primes Super

    Perfect because they are equal to their appointers, to their order number, you might say here like above, so beneath, like

    in heaven, so on earth.

    So we see that there are three Super Perfect Primes. In Hebrew the word three is: , and can be found coded in the

    first verse with an interval of seven letters, starting on the fourth letter (7-3=4). When Gen.1:1 is placed in a matrix of seven

    letters per line we see the word three as the central axis appear in the text.

  • The 3 and the 7 are the essential elements from which the factors of Gen.1:1 are build up (2701=37x73) When we look

    closer to the word three we see that the sum of the letter paces is: 4+11+18+25=58. This number is related with the

    Theorem of Pythagoras. (See chapter Pythagoras.) 58 is also the sum of the factors of the word truth:

    441=32x72 9+49=58

    So it seems the truth is hiding itself in de genes of Gen.1:1. The word grace, gan, , has the number value: 50+8=58.

    Grace is one of the central themes of the bible.

    If we express the number 441 in a mathematical figure, we can do that with a rectangle with one side of 3x3 and the other



    The outline of this image appears to have 112 units, what exactly the value is of the words Yahweh Elohim, ,

    86+26=112. Yahweh God embraces and encloses the truth:

    441 embraced and enclosed by 112

    The surrounded part has 441-112=329 units. 329 is the number value of the word (I) shall be surety of him (Gen.43:9),

    , 6+50+2+200+70+1=329. So: Yahweh Elohim-shall be surety of him=truth. Also in the table of the Perfect Primes

    441 is locked up by 112. These kind of parallels can be seen as a God given mathematical reality and are used by the bible

    writers very regularly.

    This parallel is also present in the relation between the Perfect Prime table and the alphabet. Here the 22 letters get locked

    up by 112 on the 23rd place, there where the sophit letters start. It reminds me of the story of the garden of Eden that

    becomes closed after the Fall by Gods angles with the flaming swords.

    Because there are only 9 ciphers, at 10 a new cycle starts. In the sequence of the nPP's, this is on the place where the sophit

    letters start. The ten Perfect Primes are placed like this in a 9-1 relation. Because the first three primes are Super Perfect,

    there are 7 normal Perfect Primes left, so we find there a 6-1 relation.

  • According to the bible text Creation becomes created in 6 days; on the 7th day God rests. The sum of all the numbers in

    the sophit environment, after the 22 is 646. This is the number value of Elohim with the mem sophit( ):

    nPP 10+14+15+16+17+23+24+25+26+27+79+83+89+97+101=646 10 14 15 16 17

    n mem sophit, =600 23 24 25 26 27

    P God, Elohim= =600+10+5+30+1=646 79 83 89 97 101

    Maybe we have to conclude that God controls with the sophit letters Creation (the alphabet, the langue), and has the final

    word in the end. I rather not jump into such conclusions, but somehow I feel it points out in that direction.

    In the prime table there is an other way to find the number 441, the number of truth. Therefore we look to the Super Perfect

    Primes. These are the first three Primes. This is the world of like in heaven, so on earth. This is the world where the lie is

    not possible. The appointers are equal to the primes they appoint:

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    The sum of these Super Perfect Primes and their appointers is:




    With these 18 out of the world of the Super Perfect Primes, where the lie is not possible, we are going to count the primes;

    aren't that the numbers that cannot lie? The sum of the first 18 primes is:


    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    And there is an other nice phenomenon: in the numerical sequence (n) from 1 till 18, the sum of the primes is equal to the

    18th prime: 59


    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 =59

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 Prime 18=59

    Now have the factors of the truth, of 441, also a relation with the number 59. The factors of a number can be expressed

    with an 1. For the multiplication it makes no difference, but for the sum of the factors it does:

    441=32x72 441=1x32x72

    9+49=58 1+9+49=59

    Now represents the 1 as factor God. Out of one all the other numbers spring off. Out of God originates everything; the

    Creation where the imperfect also finds a place. We see that in the sequence n from 1 till 18 the sum of the 10 imperfect

    numbers, the 10 not primes, is 112, the number of Yahweh Elohim, God Yahweh, , 86+26=112. You might say

    that God Himself takes the blame for the imperfect.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 =112

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 P18=59

    The sum of the 10 normal primes in the prime sequence is 296, the number value of word seven of Gen.1:1, the earth,

    harets, , 90+200+1+5=296:

  • 5+11+17+19+23+31+41+43+47+59=296

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 =112

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 =296

    With this it becomes clear that God goes as Yahweh Elohim along to the earth with Creation and closely related is to the

    earth. This becomes consolidated in the vertical count of the two groups of 10 numbers:

    26 86

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 =112

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 =296

    37+75=112 75+221=296

    For whom 10 is only an arbitrarily number: the bible text gives a possible indication. The first time God appears in the bible

    text it's on the 10th letter. This is the third aleph of the bible. With the prime jump we find three numbers whose sum is

    together 112. Prime 10=23 and prime 23=79:

    10+23+79= 112

    Besides this is the number value of the phrase Spirit of God, , with sophit value: 646+214=860 or 10x86.

    And there is an other nice phenomenon to be found with the number value 441 of the word truth. Therefore we search all

    dividers of the number 441:

    all dividers of 441 are:

    1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 49, 63 and 147

    the sum of the dividers is:


    Truth is related with the Spirit of God. Now is the number value of the phrase Spirit of God, =86+214=300. The

    square root out of 441, out of truth, , is 21. The 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the shien, , and has the value 300.

    We have seen that the of the first 18 primes add up to 441. Also in the number 18 is the number 21 hidden. To make this

    visible we look for the dividers of 18. The sum of all dividers of 18, the 18 itself excluded, is: 1+2+3+6+9=21. And then we

    see that we find on the 18th letter place of Gen.1:1 the shien, the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its the second letter of

    the heaven, ha shamajim, . The heaven contains the Spirit of God (300). The letter places of the heaven in Gen.1:1

    are: 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21; the sum of these letter places is 95. And so is the sum of the number value of the Spirit of God,

    and the place where we find this Spirit: 300+95=395, the CV of the heaven.

    And there is an other important phenomenon: the sum of all indicators of the 18 primes, plus 441 of the 18 primes theme

    selves, is 703. The number value of the last two words of Gen.1:1, and* the earth, is:

    And* the earth = 296+407=703

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 36+55= 91

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 59+112=171

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 145+296=441


  • or

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3x18=54

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59

    296+407=703, and* the earth= =296+407=703

    This number value 703 is formed by (3x18=) 54 numbers. We have seen that the number Pi can be generated with Gen.1:1,

    correct until heaven. For the last two words and* the earth with the value 703 we find then 54. In this way Pi, the Prime

    table and Gen.1:1 are integrated with each other.

    Who wants to make his conclusions can think hat the bible writer(s) used all these mathematical facts to create the bible.

    But it is also possible that the bible writer humanly spoken was unaware of these facts and that the text was written

    inspired. Who knows may tell.

    112 296

    Yahweh Elohim Gen.2:4 De aarde Gen.1:1, woord 7

    An other nice aspect is that God embraces and encloses the earth. The earth, 296, has the factors (2x2x2)x37 or 8x37. If we

    express that as an rectangle, the circumference happens to be 86:

    8x37=296, circumference is 86.

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    7. The prime table.

    Primes are the smallest dividers of whole numbers. It will be clear that the factors 37 and 73 of Gen.1:1 are primes. The

    definition of these numbers is:

    Prime numbers are numbers that can be divided only by themselves.

    I call them numbers that cannot lie. This because they can only represent themselves. Their divider is unchangeable. They

    are good, nor bad, but they can't deny what they represent.

    Here is the table with the first 27 prime numbers (P) and their numerical places (n).

    Table of primes and their numerical place

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 6 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    In the numerical sequence n I have marked the primes yellow. That are exact ten numbers. The sum is:

    1+2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23=101. We see now that the sum of those ten primes is equal to the 27th prime, namely 101.

    The bible writer used this fact by starting 27th word of the bible on the 101st letter, the 27th prime. Also the 26th word starts

    on its own prime namely on the 97th letter. These are the last two words of Gen.1:3: and there was light,


    As far as I know these are the only two words, without mentioning the first word of course, that from the beginning of the

    bible text start on their own prime. Therefore the light is the third word that starts on its own prime. An other important

    fact is that the light, the 6th word in verse three, starts on the 21st letter, its own triangular number:


    We can realize that the sum of the factors of the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ, 2368=64x37, also 101 is: 64+37=101. Word

    37 of the bible is , the light, and word 64 is , and made. Together point the factors 37 and 64 of the Greek

    in the Hebrews text to the making of the light( ). Word 64, and made, , is at the same

    time an anagram of the Hebrew , Jesus. Remarkable, isn't it?

    But let's go on with the prime table. The ten primes in the prime sequence I called Perfect Primes. This because their

    place in relation to the numerical sequence is prime too.

    nPP 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 8 10 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17

    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    P 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101

    The first three primes, 1, 2 and 3, I called Super Perfect Primes, because they are equal to their indicators. They are

    symbol for the Super Perfect World. Like above, so beneath. Like in heaven, so on earth. Thought, word and acting are one in

    this world. Probably therefore the three has an important symbol function. If God says in Gen.1:3: there will be light, than

    it's there in the very same moment. The Thought of God becomes reality by His Speaking the very same moment. The

    light is word 27 or said in a different way 3x3x3, the perfection raised to the third power: Super Perfect. It's a place where

    man cannot exist: if our thoughts would be transformed in acts, this world would be destroyed very quickly. Only the

    innocent man or the man with insight can exist here. God knows this and therefore he creates a world where the imperfect

    man also can exist. After the 3 comes the 4. This is not a prime. And the fourth prime is five (P4=5). Now there is space

    between the numbers, now there is place for the imperfect.

    The 4 has, because it is not a prime, no entrance to the Super Perfect world. But because God is Perfect and His Creation

    too, we count the first four Perfect Primes. The sum is 7+13+29+37=86, the value of the word God, Elohim, ,

  • 4






    40+10+5+30+1=86. But 86 is also the number value of Creation, of Gen.1:1, calculated with the starting point of the

    gematria system: Gematria Katan(1 till 9). [Possibly the Greek word odos, the way (Joh.14:6), is related to this starting

    point: = 70+4+70+200=344 of (4x86)]

    It can be characteristic that the word God in this system has the number value 16, or 42. And four was the starting point of

    the sum of the four Perfect Primes that leaded to 86. A square expresses the coming to completion of a number. Try to see it

    like this: when we have a room of 4 by 4 meter and we walk trough that room we step on each square meter and we get to

    know the whole room. We have been on each of the 16 square meters. God knows His Creation.. We will see that the square

    has very often this function.

    We started to count from the forth Perfect Prime. In the table we can count not only horizotal, we can count vertical too.

    The forth prime is 5, and the fifth prime is 7. The sum is: 4+5+7=16. This way of counting seems to confirm the square of

    4 and connects in this table the 16 with the 86, like God (16) and his Creation (86) are connected.

    The next step after the four is the five. The five is indeed a prime and can't lie. Therefore the five has entrance to the

    Super Perfect world. That's why we count now the first five Perfect Primes. That includes the three Super Perfect Primes:

    The sum is then 26. This is the value of the name of God, Yahweh, , 5+6+5+10=26.

    There where four numbers, that form 86, start on the 4th Perfect Prime and the vertical count 42 is, so end the five

    numbers that form the 26, on the 5th Perfect Prime. The vertical count is there: 5+7+13=25 or 5x5. This seems to

    consolidate (confirm) the perfection of this count. With 25 and 16 we can go to the bible text. We find word 16: , and

    the Spirit (of God) and word 25: , light. Word 16 and 25 together: , and the Spirit of light. This is one of Gods

    most important attributes. When we do count 16 and 25 together than is that: 16+25=41. Word 41 is: , God (6th in the


    When we now also count the numerical places of the Perfect Primes (nPP) of these 4 and 5 PP's than we find for the four:

    4+5+6+7=22, and for the five: 1+2+3+4+5=15. Together: 22+15=37. This is one of the factors of the Creation. 22 and 15

    are numbers that play a roll in building of the alphabet. With these the Word and the Creation becomes build.

  • 3



    The Super Perfect world of the Super Perfect Primes comprises 9 numbers. This world becomes closed vertical by:

    3+3+3=9 or 3x3. The 9 ciphers with which the alphabet in the first instance becomes counted, correspond with this and can

    be grouped in a ratio of 5-4 , namely in 5 primes and 4 not primes.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    5 4

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    (1+2+3+5+7) (4+6+8+9)

    18 27

    The sum of the prime numbers in the sequence is 18 and corresponds with the sum of all numbers in the Super Perfect

    world: (1+2+3)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3)=6+6+6=18. The highest number in that world is 3. That world gets closed (vertical) by

    3+3+3=9. The coming to completion of the three can be expressed as: 3x3x3=27. This number is equal to the length of the

    table, the starting point of the alphabet, and the sum of the not primes in the sequence of 9. Now the following attracts my


    18+4=22 and 27-5=22


    18 4 22 5 27

    27 is the starting point of the alphabet, 22 is finally the size of the alphabet with which we work. The division of the alphabet

    is: 1 till 9 10 till 90 100 till 400) The five sophit letters get replaced in the alphabet at the letters from with they are derived

    and get the following places: 11, 13, 14, 17 and 18. The sum of the letter places of those finals is 73, equal to the 22nd prime.

    This is a parallel between the sophit letters and the closing of the alphabet. With the 22nd letter, the tav, , the sighn or

    cross, the 400, the alphabet gets closed: 400=42x52.


    The circumference of 42x52 is 78.The gematria of Yahweh Elohim in n is 78:


    78 corresponds with the sum of the primes in the sequence from 1 till 22:

    1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 = 78

  • 78=3x26

    The letters and the letter values that correspond with this prime sequence are:


    The sum of all numbers after the closing of the alphabet is:


    This number is the value of Elohim with the final value 600 of the sophit mem:

    Elohim= =600+10+5+30+1=646

    You might say God has the final word in the end. He starts and He closes. And He is doing that by means of His Word, by

    means of the alphabet. With His Word He makes His Creation.

    The Creation (Gen.1:1) embraces the alphabet, but the alphabet embraces Creation too.

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    8. The use of prime numbers

    Nowadays primes are used for coding too. For instance they are used in military applications. With computers very large

    prime numbers can be calculated; they are known already with a billon digits. How large the largest prime is that is used in

    the bible I don't know, but the first three verses of the bible point out that the 813th prime already was known. The image

    below shows how that is hidden. The first thing that attracts our attention is the fact that the gematria of the first two verses

    contain all numbers from 1 till 7.

    When we count primes it's important that we start to count wi

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