
15th February 2016

NSS Camp Bidhyang Busty, Kalimpong


Salesian College NSSers at Bidhyang Busty Camp, Kalimpong.

15 February, 2016, Salesian College Siliguri : The NSS unit of Salesian College Siliguri Campus

organised a seven days annual camp 2016 at Bidhyang busty, Kalimpong from 15th February to 21st

February. The journey began at around 7:30am with 14 volunteers and two accompanying faculty

members. The programme was organised by NSS programme Officer Mr. Sandeep Sundas. The camp

focussed on social service, community outreach and a service learning experience for the volunteers.

Varied types of community services, keeping the discipline of time management and shared duties

were keenly insisted upon by the Programme Officer.

The camp was an enriching experience for all the volunteers with interactive sessions, firewood

cooking, game sessions and community services.

The camp was also intended to raise awareness among people on different issues through a skit and a

cultural programme. The Programme officer congratulated the volunteers for their responsible

cooperation, collaboration and hard work. The camp came to an end with cleaning the surroundings

of the community hall where the volunteers stayed during the week and came to a close with words of

mutual appreciation and applause by NSS clap. The team reported back to the campus at 2:45pm.

Reported by

Pooja Sharma (Mass Comm and Journalism)

Nidhi Singhal (B.Com General).

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