Page 1: birds on a mothafuckin wire


Screenplay bySara Federico

(617) 939-8801 © WGAe [email protected]

Page 2: birds on a mothafuckin wire


The river is still, sans a few bubbles.

A dirty, rugged man wades in. He stops near the middle and puts the cigarette he has in his mouth. He reaches in and retrieves a coughing, cursing girl named Annie.

Reminiscent of a young British officer, she dawns as many pocket-lined articles of clothing possible. Her boots are tied together.

The man holds her under one arm and reaches into every pocket and returns the stones back to the water. He mutters a few curses back at her as he wades out of the river, dragging her behind.

This is nothing new.


The bathtub is still, sans a few bubbles.

Drops of red seep into the water. Blonde hair caresses the top of the water.

Someone bangs on the door.

Camilla’s bright blue eyes sit on the edge of the water. She shifts them in the direction of the door.

An angry mother shouts.

She sighs, letting out bubbles. The mother manages to break in. In a fit of rage she shouts and grabs her daughter by the underarms to lift her. One arm, holding a straight edge, bleeds out into the water following the squeeze.

Her horrified mother shrieks and cries for her husband.

This is nothing new.


A blaring ambulance drives up.

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A curtain divides two chambers. Annie and Camilla each sit on the edge of a bed wearing scrubs, unknowing of the other’s presence.

They are strikingly different, but all the same. They’re both typical teenage girls- each of their own style, stature, and issues.

ANNIEWhat the hell does it take for someone to just kill themselves in peace?

The girls sit amongst the quiet rattling of hospital carts.

Camilla cracks up.



Annie kneels on her bed, hanging over the window sill. She dangles out, cigarette in one hand and screen in the other.

Camilla reads French Vogue on her bed across the room.

CAMILLAI’m not covering for your ass.

ANNIEEat a fat one.

Camilla shakes her head and continues reading.

A knock on the door startles them both. Camilla chortles aloud and Annie curses under her breath as she fights back inside.

DR. CARMINE (O.S.)It’s Dr. Carmine, I’m coming in.

He enters as Annie flops onto her bed. She gives him a goofy smile.

ANNIEGood morning.

The doctor fiddles on a clipboard.



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DR. CARMINEI’m just here to check you both in. You’ll be here for...3 weeks.

Annie scoffs.

CAMILLA3 weeks? Last time I was only here for 2.

DR. CARMINEYou’re both here for 3 because there was a last time.

The two mope. The doctor tapes a schedule to their wall.

DR. CARMINE (CONT’D)You have group therapy at 3:00. The rest of your activities are right up here. I’ll be back in a week.

The doctor exits. Annie mocks him as he leaves. She looks over at Camilla.

ANNIEWhat say you, roomie?

Camilla gives her a snobby look.

CAMILLAI just want to get out of here as quickly and painlessly as possible.

ANNIENo shit, that’s how we ended up here in the first place.


Annie, Camilla, and two other girls- Rose and Kayla sit in a semi circle. In the middle is a sappy counselor, Abby, who scribbles on a clipboard.

ABBYWhy don’t we introduce ourselves?

ANNIEOh, you’re a patient too then?

The girls chuckle. Abby bites her cheek.




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ABBYYou first, Annie.

ANNIEYou just did it for me!

ABBY(ignoring her)

Name, how old you are, where you’re from, why you’re here...this is an open environment girls.

(points to Rose)Go ahead.

Rose, a doe eyed and thin girl, slinks back in her chair. She’s obviously painfully shy.

ROSEOh, oh, um, I’m Rose. I’m 16 and I, I’m from the West End. I, um, I have an eating disorder.

Abby smiles.

ABBYThanks, Rose.

She nods to the next girl, Kayla, a large girl with fire engine red hair.

KAYLAM’names Kayla. I’m 18, from Hounslow. I burned me house down.

ANNIENo shit! My house burned down too!

Kayla, without budging, holds her hand up. Annie high fives it.

ABBYYou, you, um...on purpose?

KAYLANaw it was just me cigarette, totally on accident.

ABBYOh, thank god.

KAYLAI’m here ‘cause I enjoyed it.




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ABBYEnjoyed it? know.

Kayla lets out a sigh. The girls stifle smiles.

ABBYI, I, well, um-

KAYLAIt gets me off.

Annie keels over and puts her face to the floor. Camilla’s face is buried in her sleeve. Abby stares at the floor. She takes in a deep breath.


Annie sits upright.


ABBYIntroduce yourself please. Your name, your-

ANNIEOh, my name? Bathsheba, 18 years old from Dartford.

ABBYWhy are you here?

ANNIEI tried to drown myself.


ANNIEYeah, drown- like Virginia Woolf. Filled my pockets with stones and found out the hard way that the River Darent isn’t so deep.

The girls chuckle once again. Abby angrily stares back.




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How very poetic.

ANNIEWell, I’ve always wanted to be a great writer. I failed at that so I figured I’d go out like one and my oven hadn’t been working so well-

The girls can barely contain themselves. Abby, completely frustrated, turns her attention directly to Camilla, who shuts up instantly.

CAMILLAOh, my name is Camilla. I’m 19 and I live in Belgravia. Um, I attempted too, I guess.

ABBYYou guess?

CAMILLAWell it didn’t quite work out...

Abby sighs quick relief before managing a smile.

ABBY.Thank you, girls, for sharing. You’re all here for help and we’re here to help you. Just remember that. You’re never alone.

Annie scoffs loudly.


Camilla sits on her bed, reading per usual. Annie paces around the room, tinkering with things on their dressers.

ANNIEI think that woman is more nuts than we are.

Camilla chuckles quietly and keeps reading. Annie starts whistling.

CAMILLASo were you being serious about that river thing?




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ANNIEHm? Yeah.


Annie sits on the edge of Camilla’s bed.


Well, how’d you do it?

Camilla leans forward and lifts up her sleeves, revealing bloodied bandages on her forearms and wrists.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Amateur.

Camilla leans back and continues reading.

CAMILLAI’ve already tried everything else.

ANNIEYou’ve walked into a river leaded with stones too?

Camilla dismisses her. Annie jumps onto her bed and walks to the window sill, kneeling and lighting a cigarette.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Do you live in one of those white stuccoed houses?


ANNIEIn Belgravia. Those imposing houses.

CAMILLALived in one all my life.

ANNIEI imagine the inside looks just like this.

CAMILLAYeah, I guess so.




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ANNIEThat’s horrible. No difference between here and there. I’d be damned if I forgot where I was half the time.


Why do you think I want out?

ANNIEBecause you’re normal.

Camilla glances over at her.

CAMILLAI wouldn’t say that.

ANNIEWhat would you say then?

CAMILLACutting your wrists isn’t normal and neither is drowning yourself.

ANNIEI’ll say the action might be drastic but the thought isn’t so.

CAMILLANone of it is normal.

ANNIEAlright, if being a special snowflake gets you off then have it your way.

Camilla scoffs and shakes her head.

CAMILLAYou think you got it all figured out, huh?


Annie and Rose play cards. Camilla and Kayla sit in chairs, reading.

Annie spots Rose’s wrists. She reaches out and gently touches the cuts.




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ANNIEIf you want to be taken seriously, you cut the other way.

(motions on her own wrist)You cut side to side for attention. Down the road, not across the street.

Rose’s sullen face curls to a slight smile and chuckle. Camilla doesn’t take it as lightly.

CAMILLAOh, just shut up, Annie.

ANNIETake it easy, Girl Interrupted.

CAMILLASome of us aren’t as serious as you, John Bender.

Annie ignores her. The tension in the room rises tenfold. Rose, obviously uncomfortable, attempts to break it.

ROSEI don’t cut to kill. It’s just for the release, I guess.

ANNIETo each their own. I envy you- I can’t stand the sight of blood.


Annie looks over her shoulder at Kayla, who winks and grimaces.

ANNIEYou’re the proper Ally Sheedy of this Breakfast Club, huh?

They chuckle.


Why’ve you got such a chip on your shoulder?

Annie glances at the other two girls, then back to Camilla.




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ANNIEYou seem to be the only one upset by my presence.

CAMILLAWell that can’t be true if you’ve felt the need to try and end yourself so many times.

Annie’s buttons are pushed. She gets up and into Camilla’s face, who instantly recoils. Rose slinks under her chair.

ANNIEYou’ve made it pretty clear you think you’re something special and important, and perhaps maybe in Belgravia you are, but here you’re shit- just like the rest of us.

CAMILLAIt sucks here already, I don’t need to hear your constant yammering all day long.

ANNIEDo you think I’m enjoying myself? I have do to something to keep from being miserable since you’ve already taken that job.

Camilla stands up, getting in Annie’s face now.

KAYLAFucking stop it. You’re both adults, act like it.

(they look at her)You can leave if it’s that fuckingbad, you know.

Abby, at the doorway and muddled in her clipboard, makes herself noticed.

ABBYOh, it’s not that easy.

The four look over.

ANNIEBeat it, Nurse Ratched.

ABBYNeither of you are going anywhere, regardless of what you think.




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CAMILLAYou’re not serious. Kayla has a point, we’re legal adults- we can leave after our mandatory few days.

ABBYYou’ll have to get past me. You’ve both been here enough where myself and other doctors are considering putting you in the halfway house program.

CAMILLALike that’ll help!

ABBYThe intensive therapy and supervision might be necessary.

ANNIEOh, please. If I could roll my eyes any harder, I’d be an epileptic.

ABBYI suggest you both keep yourselves and your behavior in check if you want to keep this short term.

ANNIEThat’s well and fine but speaking my mind isn’t bad behavior.

Abby scribbles on her clipboard intermittently.

ABBYWebster defines behavior as-


Spare me the commencement speech, Abby. If you leave me alone, I promise I’ll be a perfect angel to you for the rest of my days, and when my time is up- you allow me to hatch from my cocoon and flutter on out of here and I’ll never have to bother you again, okay?

Abby stares them down for a few moments before continuing to scribble.

ABBYI’m here for one-on-ones. Rose?




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Abby looks around for Rose, who bolts up from under the table. She motions for her to follow and the two walk into a private room.


Annie sits on the couch while Abby sits on a chair. Annie picks at her nails while Abby waits for her to speak. She doesn’t.

ABBYAnnie. Just talk to me, please.

ANNIEI don’t have much to say.

ABBYWhat’s going on with you?

ANNIEWell for starters, my fucking house burned down last year. I’ve been living in a trailer with a family of 14 alcoholics. Even the 7 year old can’t get by without a nip.

ABBYHow do you get away from that?

ANNIEI hang out in the library and think.

ABBYWell, what do you think about?

ANNIEI mostly think about killing myself. And sex.

Abby sighs and smiles.

ABBYIt might feel better if you talk about all this.

ANNIEThere isn’t a lot to say about it.

ABBYAnnie. I know you don’t like me but just pretend, for your own sake.




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ANNIEI do like you, Abby.

ABBYDon’t flatter me, I know you want to leave. It’s not happening. Now, let’s have at it again; tell me what’s on your mind.

ANNIEOkay, fine.

(exasperated sigh)I’d rather talk to a vibrating dildo than talk to you.


ANNIEIt’s alright now. Just write me another prescription and I’ll be on my way.

ABBYYou aren’t alright. You’ve been here more than a few times, you’ve tried everything in the book besides igniting yourself in flames. I can’t let you go any further.

ANNIEWhy do you care?

ABBYIf it’s any of my patients lives’ I care about, it’s yours.

Annie stares at her.

ABBY (CONT’D)I’ve seen you in here with cuts, a pumped stomach, a laceration on your neck.

Annie looks at the ground.

ABBY (CONT’D)I’m doing this for your own good. It will be alright.



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The same setting, swap Camilla for Annie.

ABBYWhat’s on your mind, sweetie?

CAMILLAHow much I want to get away.

ABBYFrom here?

CAMILLAFrom here and from home and from England and from Earth. Everywhere looks the same- lifeless and uninviting.

ABBYIt doesn’t have to be that way- you just have to experiment with different perception.

Camilla shrugs.

ABBY (CONT’D)What thoughts occupy you?

CAMILLAI mostly think about killing myself. And sex.

Abby sighs loudly.

ABBYLook, I know you don’t want to be here, I know I know I know. But you’re only making this hard on yourself.

CAMILLANo, I think I feel better this time.

ABBYDon’t try and convince me otherwise. I know you just want to leave and it’s not happening.



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CAMILLAAbby I just don’t want to be here. I screwed up and I’ve learned my lesson I think.

ABBYYou’ve been here too many times for me to believe you, Camilla. I can’t let you get it right the next time.

CAMILLAWhy is my life any of your worry?

ABBYIf it’s any of my patients’ lives’ I worry about, it’s yours.

Camilla stares at her, almost convinced.

ABBY (CONT’D)I’ve seen you in here with cuts, bruises, lacerations- I can’t see you in a body bag next.

Camilla sighs.

ABBY (CONT’D)It’s going to be alright.


ANNIE is sitting on her bed doing a crossword puzzle. CAMILLA enters, back from her one-on-one. She falls face-forward onto her bed.

ANNIEWhat’s your beef? On the rag or something?

Camilla rolls over.

CAMILLADon’t even mention that. I’m sure that would make this ten times worse.

ANNIEGetting your period during anything automatically makes life miserable.




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CAMILLAI remember my first period. My mum gave me this really embarrassing lecture and then she threw a small party. It was awful.

ANNIEI didn’t know what a period was so when I got it I dialed 999 because my vag was bleeding and I thought I was going to die.

Camilla cackles. Annie continues her crossword.

ANNIE (CONT’D)A 6 letter word for British sausage.

(counts on her fingers)P-E-N-I-



CAMILLAWhat’s a 6 letter word for ‘get me the fuck out of here’?

ANNIEWe can leave, you know.

CAMILLANo, we can’t. Abby just got done telling me that it’s not happening and she won’t let there be a next time.

ANNIEYeah, did she also tell you that if it’s any of her patients’

ANNIE (CONT’D)Lives, she cares about mine the most. Everything will be alright.

CAMILLALives, she cares about mine the most. Everything will be alright.

ANNIE (CONT’D)She’s like a broken record every time.

CAMILLAYeah, but this time we can’t go.




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ANNIEOh yes we can.


Annie puts down her crossword.

ANNIEWe just check out without telling her.

CAMILLAThe whole places probably knows by now.

ANNIEI doubt it. She says the same bull shit to us every time we see her. Do you really think she’s not just threatening us?

CAMILLAWell what if she’s setting it up?

Annie looks at her for a moment before a lightbulb goes off.

ANNIEWe have all the time in the world here, probably.

CAMILLASo we just leave at the right time.

Annie nods.


Annie and Camilla both read travel books and maps. Rose and Kayla sit nearby, playing cards.

KAYLAIf you two go, yer secret is safe with us.


Let’s go to Gibraltar!




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ROSEOh, I’ve always wanted to go to Gibraltar. It looks so beautiful there.

ANNIEWell, let’s just make a caravan then shall we?

KAYLAYou’ve got to go somewhere unexpected, at least first.

CAMILLAWhat do you mean ‘at first’?

KAYLAYer goin’ on the run, you can’t stay in the same place forever. ‘aven’t you ever seen Bonnie & Clyde?

ANNIEYou’ve got a point there, except that we just plan on ending it once we get the peace.

CAMILLAYeah, by the time anyone gets on our trail we’ll be long gone.

KAYLAStill, I wouldn’t go anywhere obvious.

ROSEWhat if you change your minds?

ANNIEIf we were to have any second thoughts, I’d think we’d have already had them in the last 10 attempts.

They laugh.


The four girls sit in the same semi circle with Abby sitting in the middle.




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ABBYAlright, this is mandated, we have to discuss drug use...

The girls boo the notion.

ABBY (CONT’D)It’s just for statistics, don’t worry. Have any of you ever done any hard drugs- not including marijuana or alcohol.

All of them but Rose raise their hands.

ABBY (CONT’D)Okay, any of them involve syringes...

No hands.

ABBY (CONT’D) about psychedelics...

Annie’s hand flies up.

ABBY (CONT’D)Just you, Annie?

ANNIEYeah, I took LSD once.

ABBYOh, really?

ANNIEI thought I was a shipwreck.

ABBYA shipwreck?

ANNIEYeah, turns out I just laid prone in a corner making whooshing noises for hours.

Everyone giggles except Abby.

ABBYAlright, and the last one is prescription drugs...

Three raise their hands, minus Rose.




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ABBY (CONT’D)Any that weren’t your own?

Annie’s hand goes down.

ABBY (CONT’D)You two, were they painkillers or antidepressants or-

Camilla and Kayla nod.

ABBY (CONT’D)Antidepressants?

KAYLAWell’m I figured if mine own didn’t work, maybe someone else’s would.

ABBYAlright, well, thanks girls. Today we’re going to talk about writing as a form of release.

Abby hands out small journals.


Are you fucking serious?

Abby is visibly fed up with Annie’s constant sass.

ABBYYes, I am fucking serious.

ANNIEI feel like I’m in god damn primary school. Writing my feelings and tut-tutting drugs.

ABBYWhere did you go to primary school, Annie?

ANNIEI went to parochial school. Strikingly similar environments.

ABBYDid you enjoy it?

ANNIEWell, my mum always said that if Jesus can’t save me, nobody can.




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The girls chuckle. Abby notices and decides to exploit it.

ABBYWere you the class clown in parochial school, Annie?

ANNIEClass sarcastic bitch, maybe.

ABBYDid it work for you?

ANNIEWhy, yes, yes it did. In fact, I hung out with so many people that I almost ended up in a convent by accident.

The girls laugh. Abby leans in her face.

ABBYYou think you’re pretty damn funny, don’t you?

ANNIENow, Abby, there’s no need to swear. You’re the normal one and I’m the screwball. You’re the professional here.

ABBYNo, no, Annie- you are. Professional sarcastic bitch. And you love that, don’t you? It’s gotten you so very far in life. So very far away from ‘the convent’, your alcoholic family, your friends, and it’s even driven you to the edge of your life. It’s driven you away from all of the things you hate.

Annie glares at her, attempting to figure her out.

ANNIEYeah, maybe. Now bring me back. Wave your psychology degree over me 3 times and maybe I’ll be able to love again.

Abby’s anger is apparent.




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ABBY(grits her teeth)

Not even magic could help a bitter little girl like you.

Annie’s eyes widen.

ABBY (CONT’D)Worthless.

Annie locks eyes with her enraged stare. Abby quickly turns away. She composes herself and looks at the other girls, who make no eye contact.


Annie and Camilla laugh hysterically.

CAMILLAI can’t believe it.

ANNIEI finally broke that bitch’s back.

Camilla flops onto her bed.

CAMILLAYou think she’ll say anything now?

ANNIEHah! I’d be surprised. I got something over her head now. She was a catty girl once, she knows how to play the game.


ANNIEYeah, she won’t say shit.

Annie lights up a cigarette out the window.

CAMILLAShe was pretty wretched though.

Annie shrugs. Birds are chirping out the window. Annie gets up and stares at them.

ANNIEBirds never shut up.




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She bangs on the window. It doesn’t stop them.

ANNIE (CONT’D)I bet they’re talking about me.

Annie leans on the window frame.

CAMILLA(after awhile)

Are you alright?

ANNIEYeah. I’m used to it.

Camilla bolts upright.

CAMILLAWe can leave.



CAMILLAWe can leave. We’ve got something over her head! She can’t keep us from leaving now, she knows we’ll rat on her and exaggerate it. We have Kayla and Rose to back us up.

Annie ponders it.

ANNIEYeah, but she knows us all too well.

CAMILLASo she knows she screwed herself then.

ANNIEBut she also knows we’ll try and use this as our getaway.

Camilla slumps back.

CAMILLAThe longer we wait, the more time she gets to find ways to keep us here.

Annie ponders more.




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ANNIEWe need to break her more.

CAMILLAWithout getting reprimanded?

ANNIEYou’re right that we have this over her head, but we need to make it worse. When she finally bites, we’ll remind her of the way she treated me.

CAMILLAWouldn’t that only give her a reason to go after us? If we leave now, we haven’t said anything at all. We can’t be blamed.

They both hang their heads in thought.

Annie looks up at Camilla with a smirk and a glisten in her eye.


Annie cries incessantly in a bed. A couple nurses stand over her and try and sedate her with an IV, but she begins to kick and scream.

A doctor enters and the nurses hold her down while he gives her an IV.

Camilla stands in the doorway looking on. The medicine calms Annie down a bit.

The doctor turns to leave and notices Camilla in the doorway.

DOCTORWhat got into her?


I don’t know. She just started crying out in her sleep. Something about not being able to breathe, bubbles, guns-

(shakes her head)You know, things like that. It just sounded like a bad nightmare.




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The doctor takes a breath in and exits, nearly bumping in Abby as she makes her way in.

Abby approaches a sedated Annie, who lays in bed half asleep and very out of it.

ANNIENot you. I hate you.

Sullen and a bit of hopelessness in her eyes, Abby peers down at Annie in a cheap attempt to look caring.

ABBYWhat happened Annie?

ANNIEGet away.

The nurse nearby glares at Abby. She knows her well.

ANNIE (CONT’D)You’re making it worse.

ABBY(to nurse)

Could we have a moment, please?

The nurse hesitantly leaves, guiding Camilla out as well. She shuts the curtain.

Abby’s forlorn eyes examine Annie’s face. The gaze quickly turns to a glare.

ABBY (CONT’D)(leans in, quiet)

Well done, Annie; a sure-fire academy award nomination.

Annie knows how to play her game. She looks up at her with a sparkle in her eye.

ABBY (CONT’D)So many people are worried about you- what you’ve done to yourself.

ANNIE(through her teeth, quiet)

Keep talking.

ABBYYou like the attention, don’t you?




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Yeah, you caught me.

ABBYYou like the drugs, don’t you?



ABBYYou like the rush?


Oh, of fucking course.

ABBYThey numb you, huh? You hate your home, you hate your life-


Tell me all about my life.

ABBYYou hate your miserable little life-



ABBYYou just want the attention, the love, the affection-


Oh, hell yeah!

ABBYAnd when you come here, you get it.


Say it.

ABBYYou’re nothing but a wretched little snot-




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ANNIE(practically screaming)

Say it. Say it!

ABBY(shouting back)

You failed on purpose!

Abby promptly sits up straight, a bit shocked at what she’s said, and at what volume.

Annie cackles quietly.

Abby pins an evil glare on her. They hang, caught in the stare, while Abby fumbles for words.

The doctor and the nurse, who were obviously nearby and heard everything, shove open the curtain and walk in. The doctor points at the door.


Get out.

Abby takes in a deep breath and doesn’t say a word.

Annie starts to howl with laughter. Camilla stands outside the door. She tries to conceal a smirk as Abby walks outside in a huff.


The doctor escorts Annie back to her room. She thanks him and he leaves.

Camilla looks up from her magazine and smiles.


A truly academy winning performance.

Annie bows. She promptly walks over to her bed and grabs her backpack out from under it.

ANNIELet’s get to it then.

The girls start packing.

Camilla holds up the journal that Abby handed out days before.




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CAMILLAI feel like I should bring my journal. Write in it just to spite her.


Make a guidebook or something.

Camilla laughs.

CAMILLAA how-to guide?

Annie laughs back.


101 stylish and original ways to end your own existence on earth and send your soul to a burning eternity in hell.

Camilla laughs and starts writing.

CAMILLAI’ll dedicate it to her.

The two laugh as they continue to pack.


Camilla sleeps on a bench. Annie is face down on the ground. A faint train whistle goes off.

Camilla stirs and starts to nudge Annie with her foot.

CAMILLAAnnie. Annie get up. Get up.


Fuck off.

CAMILLAThe train is here.

Camilla sits up and waits for Annie to do the same, but all she does is roll her head over. She fiddles in her pocket and pulls out a cigarette. She gets up to light it.




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CAMILLA (CONT’D)What the hell are you doing?

ANNIEOh, me? I’m just lunging a horse.

CAMILLAWhy must you smoke so much?

ANNIEBecause that’s what depressed people do.

CAMILLAAre you really that much of an idiot?

ANNIEAre YOU really that much of an idiot?

Camilla glares at her.

ANNIE (CONT’D)You want one then?

Camilla raises an eyebrow as Annie takes out her cigarette holder, filled with many different kinds of cigarettes.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Oh, come on, Camilla. You mean to tell me you’ve never had a fag before?

CAMILLAIt never appealed to me, you know, the lung cancer and all that.


You’ve tried to kill yourself but you’re afraid of getting lung cancer from one fucking cigarette?

Camilla snarls and grabs the cigarette from her hand. Annie smiles triumphantly. She lights Camilla’s cigarette, who coughs instantly.


Oh my god, that’s dreadful.




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ANNIEYou’re really bad at hating life, you know.

CAMILLA(takes a drag)

It makes my head feel woozy.

ANNIEYeah, it’s almost as invigorating as sticking a cold, steel barrel to your temple.

Annie makes the motions of a gun to her head with her cigarette in hand. Annie laughs.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Can’t believe you’ve never smoked a fag.

Camilla laughs too.

CAMILLAShut up, alright?

They finish smoking and walk to the train.



Camilla puts coins into the telephone while Annie stands aside, reading a tube map.

ANNIEWho the hell are you calling?


Annie looks at her, confused.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)My boyfriend.

Annie’s interest is peaked.

ANNIERudy? Like, rude boy?




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CAMILLANo, as in Rudolph.

Annie chuckles and starts to make a retort before Camilla cuts her off.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Yes, like the reindeer.

Annie laughs. Camilla waits and then scoffs after a few moments.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)(leaving a message)

Hi sweetie, it’s Camilla, um...Ijust wanted to tell you that I love you very, don’t get worried. I’ll try to keep in touch, alright? I love you.

Camilla hangs up. Annie is mocking her and stops when she notices.

ANNIEAre you done now? You can’t tell everyone about this or we’ll be found out.

CAMILLAHe’s the only person I trust, okay? Let’s just go.

Camilla takes out the journal to write.

ANNIEOh christ, you aren’t serious with that thing.

CAMILLAIt’ll help keep us organized, Annie. If we’re really going to pull this off we can’t screw up.

ANNIEOkay, fine, let’s buy some cyanide and keep it on us just in case we get found out.

CAMILLAIf it’s that easy then why can’t we just blow our brains out in this telephone booth?




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ANNIEI’m not opposed to that. Hand me your gun, then.

Camilla glares. She starts writing.

ANNIE (CONT’D)What are you putting there?

She finishes writing while Annie tries to read over her shoulder.


If you’re reading this, you’ve realized that cyanide is too easy, guns are too quick, and you might have a fetish that isn’t socially acceptable.


The girls stand at the platform, hidden among others.

CAMILLA(leans, whispers)

Where are we going to go?

ANNIELet’s just focus on getting out of London.

The train approaches.


Annie and Camilla sit across from two slightly older women that bare a striking resemblance to them. They stare at each other with smiles.

Camilla raises her eyebrow at noticing their passports and wallets in their pockets.

After a few stops, the two women get up to get off. Annie and Camilla swiftly grab the women’s belongings out of their pockets as they walk by and sneak them into their own pockets.

The women smile at the girls as they exit the train.




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The girls stare them down until the train pulls off and the women are out of sight. They quickly look at each passport.


Margaret Cavendish, age 24. (shrugs)

Not bad. Looks enough like me.(to Annie)

What’s yours?

Annie looks up at her with a snarl.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Come on, it can’t be that bad.

Annie rolls her eyes.



Mary Christmas, 24-

Camilla starts laughing hysterically while Annie menacingly stares into space.

ANNIE (CONT’D)You idiot!

CAMILLA(controls laughter)


ANNIENobody will ever believe my god damn name is Mary Christmas.

CAMILLAJust roll your eyes like you’ve been dealing with it your whole life.

Annie thinks about it.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Where should we go then?

ANNIEWell, we can’t go to Heathrow- too crowded.




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CAMILLAWe’ll go to Gatwick... where should we go?



ANNIEFinland is the suicide capital of the world!

CAMILLAThat sounds too cold.

ANNIEWho fucking cares? It’s completely random. Besides, there’ll be reindeer there for ya!

CAMILLAWill you shut up?


The girls stare at departure screens. An entire screen is filled with departures to Stockholm.

CAMILLAThink we’ll be able to get to Stockholm?

Annie laughs and looks around.

ANNIEWhatever, close enough. Let’s just get out of here and figure out a bus or something when we get there.

They walk in the direction of a kiosk.


Annie fidgets in a seat while Camilla reads a magazine. Eventually, she picks up on Annie’s uneasiness.

CAMILLAWhat’s the matter?




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ANNIENothing, I just had the stark realization that I’m running away with you under the name ‘Mary Christmas.’

Camilla puts the magazine down.

CAMILLAYou’ve never been on a plane before?

ANNIENo! I haven’t.



Yes, really. My parents spent all their money on booze, not holidays.

CAMILLASo you’ve been stuck in England your whole life?

ANNIEI’ve been to Scotland and France.

Camilla looks at her with an awe and smiles.

CAMILLAYou’re nervous the plane will go down!

ANNIEIs that such a weird thing to be nervous about?

CAMILLAIt’s just weird to see Virginia Woolf looking this sick over a little mechanical bird.

ANNIEShut up!

Camilla shakes her head.

CAMILLAI know what will calm your nerves.




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Annie raises an eyebrow as Camilla fishes through her backpack. She finds what she’s looking for and grasps it. She grabs Annie’s hand and discreetly passes it along.

Annie looks at her with a bit of confusion and awe.


Annie sits by the window with Camilla next to her. She’s shaking noticeably. The pilot announces take off.

A small child is kicking the back of Camilla’s seat. She flings back and forth as she tries to comfort Annie during takeoff. She seems pretty unsure herself.

CAMILLAIt’s not so bad.

(opens window shade)See?

ANNIE(shuts it)

Shut that, shut that! I don’t want to look.

Camilla continues being flung around. Annie glances up at her, pale.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Move. I need the toilet.

CAMILLAYou can’t get up while the plane is taking off.

ANNIEI need the fucking toilet!

CAMILLAWell I can’t move until this little shit stops kicking me.

Annie rises and tries to time Camilla’s movement, but she’s obviously weary. She miscalculates and ends up getting head-butted by Camilla. She vomits on impact.


Annie leans back in her chair, clutching a bloody mary, in first class seats. Camilla is right next to her, beside the window this time. She’s writing in the journal.




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CAMILLAThis is much better.

ANNIEWhat are you writing now?

CAMILLAI’m thinking of 101 stylish and original ways to end your existence and send your soul to a burning eternity in hell.

ANNIE#1: Get very drunk, load your car with explosives, and drive at 100 miles an hour into a Betty Ford clinic.

Camilla laughs aloud and writes.

ANNIE (CONT’D)#2: Jump off the second story of a shopping mall. Aim yourself accordingly so you skewer onto the top of the wishing fountain. Fill your pockets with coins.

CAMILLA(still laughing)

You’re sick.

ANNIESo aren’t you. Pretty pill popper.

Camilla glances out the window.

CAMILLAIt’s weird to think that we won’t ever see England again. Or our families. Didn’t even get to say bye to them.


Did you say bye to them before downing a full bottle of your hellish xanax?


ANNIEThen what’s the difference?




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Camilla looks out the window again.

CAMILLAIt’s just a lot more dragged out this time.

ANNIEThe best part of the horror movie isn’t when the person gets killed- it’s all that suspense and whatnot that leads up to the death.

CAMILLAThere’s no point in just simply dying is what you’re saying.


CAMILLASo why have you tried it so many times?

Annie thinks on that one. She pops a chocolate in her mouth.

ANNIEI never had any thrill.

(swallows)For you, the suspense was right after you took the pills- were you going to ever wake up or not? For me, the suspense was when I jumped into the river- would I float back to the top face down? All of that shit is pretty mundane. It happens every damn day. Plain old suicide is boring.

CAMILLAI wouldn’t have called it ‘suspense’.

ANNIEWell now we’ll get an adventure out of it and no misguided cunts will step in to try and save our souls.

Camilla looks out the window again for a bit.

CAMILLAHave you ever thought about what the last thing you’d ever see would be?




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The world passes underneath.

ANNIEStaring down a barrel. Like a dark tunnel with no light at the end.


Ooh, how deep.(thinks)

The white wall of my bathroom, a parallel to what my entire life was.

They giggle.

ANNIENope, never thought of that. I guess if I did maybe I would’ve done something different.

CAMILLAI think I would have, too.


TITLE OVER: Stockholm, Sweden.


Annie and Camilla sit at a bus stop, reading maps.

CAMILLAI have to find a toilet.

ANNIEHurry up then or I’ll get on the bus without you.

Camilla looks around for a restroom and sees one on the corner.

CAMILLAThere’s one. Hold on.

Camilla walks over to a public restroom and tries to open the door, only to see that it’s locked. She notices a slot for money- Swedish Krona.





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A woman, nearby, notices Camilla’s struggle.

WOMANIt’s 5 Krona.

CAMILLAOh, I don’t have any Krona.

(pulls out 5 Euros)Want to trade?

The woman looks at Camilla as if she’s an idiot.

WOMANYeah, sure.

The woman hands Camilla 5 Krona in exchange for her 5 Euros. The woman snickers as Camilla uses the bathroom.

Annie waits at the bus stop, impatiently. Camilla returns and she breathes a sigh of relief.

ANNIEWhat took you?

CAMILLAI had to pay to use the toilet. Thankfully, a woman nearby had Krona so I gave her 5 euros for the 5 krona to use the toilet.

Annie’s face wrinkles.

ANNIEAre you fucking stupid?

CAMILLAI had to go!

ANNIEA fucking krona is barely worth half a euro! You gave that woman 40 krona to piss in a can!



God damnit.

Two boys, Lars and Viggo, both of 18 and shaggy blonde hair, are whispering and chuckling at their conversation on the bench behind. Annie hears them and turns around.




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ANNIE (CONT’D)Shut up.

(turns back around)God damn Iggy Pop wannabes.

The two are slightly taken aback.

VIGGOWe were just talking about how sexy British women were.

Camilla lets out a snobby laugh. Annie’s mouth curls into a devious smile.

ANNIEYou two fancy a quick one then?

They both stop dead. Annie sneers at them. Camilla notices her sarcasm.

LARS(acting cool)

What’re your names?

CAMILLAMy name’s Margaret.

LARS(nods to Annie)

What about you?


VIGGOAre you students?

ANNIENo, we’re lesbians.

LARSDidn’t you just ask if we wanted-

ANNIE(feigning surprise)

You’re not women?


ANNIE(to Camilla)

Ruh roh!





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(she laughs)Get a fucking haircut, Shaggy.

Lars chuckles nonchalantly.

LARSYou’ve got quite the tongue.


You’d never know.

Lars turns his head.

LARSMaybe I will.

ANNIEOh, I don’t think so.

Lars reaches behind Annie’s head and caresses her neck.

LARSI don’t think you have a choice.

Camilla is shocked.

CAMILLAExcuse me-

ANNIE(cuts her off)

Ignore it.

Lars smirks and turns around. He waits patiently for a reaction. The girls fight to ignore him, but continue to do so.

Growing bored and stiff with tension, Lars pulls out a Bandy club from underneath his side of the bench. He gets up and swings it over his shoulder as he and Viggo waltz over to the girls’ side of the bench.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Oh, what the fuck?

Lars smiles at them. The girls realize they’re blocked in.

LARSAw, speechless now, are we?




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ANNIEOh please, who the fuck do you think you are? A fucking bat and all- bugger me.

Lars leans in her face.

LARSDo you want to play Bandy?

Annie spits in his face. He laughs. She tries to get up. He grabs Annie’s collar. Viggo grabs Camilla’s collar before she can make a move.

Lars tucks the bat under his arm and slides his free arm up Annie’s thigh. She smacks him with rage. He laughs.

LARS (CONT’D)(mocking)

‘Who the fuck do I think I am’, right?


A home video compilation of the boys’ rape escapades- with either one of them behind a camera. It shows them hiding the camera in their pocket, how they accost and restrain their victims, and their various explicit acts with them.

The boys very obviously find this humorous and have issues, and are also well known criminals. They document all this for their own sick pleasure.


The boys drag the kicking and screaming girls to a nearby alleyway.

It’s dark enough where nobody is out in about in Stockholm.

They walk behind a dumpster.


Oh, how very fucking typical. You’re going to rape us behind a dumpster.

Lars drops her on the ground, hard, before straddling her and placing his hands over her face. Viggo places Camilla on the ground and gets in the same position.




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Annie immediately start to kick and try and escape but she have no strength over Lars. Camilla is motionless.

It becomes obvious to the girls that this is their routine.

Annie, still fighting, turns her head to Camilla and notices how devoid she is. She realizes that this isn’t new to Camilla either.

She screams even harder- enough for the both of them. Lars hastily blindfolds her and sticks a ball gag in her mouth. The event unfolds.


Annie wanders around, still blindfolded, holding the now bloodied Bandy club that Lars once had.

Her clothes have rips in them, but strangely enough; they don’t look as shabby as expected.

She beats in the windows and doors of parked cars. Some alarms go off.

Camilla sits on a bench with her head down. She holds a video tape and the boys’ broken camera in her hands. She’s unscathed, with the exception of a couple scratches and tears.

Annie stops and catches her breath. The frosty air makes the adrenaline quite noticeable.

She screams at the top of her lungs and starts violently beating a parking meter. Camilla shoves the items in her backpack and then gets up and to fight Annie for the bat.

Grabbing hold of the bat, Camilla fends it off and pushes her away. She starts meandering around.

Camilla grabs onto Annie’s shoulders and directs her across the street and down further, away from the chaos she started. She pushes her toward a bus stop bench, where she sits.

CAMILLAJust shut the fuck up and wait for the bus.

Camilla sits on the other end of the bench.

She clutches the bat, examining the blood on the end of it.




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CAMILLA (CONT’D)(quietly)

You really fucking hit em.

Annie sits in silence. She scratches at the violent hickeys on her neck.

ANNIEThose bastards had it coming.

She wipes small amounts of blood coming from her nose.

The two sit in silence.

CAMILLAYou don’t think they’ll catch us?

Annie shakes her head.

ANNIECatch us? No. They can worry about being caught now. Who knows how many girls they’ve done that to before? You got that tape right?

CAMILLAGot the camera too.

ANNIEThey knew exactly what they were doing. They were criminals.

Camilla looks at the bat for a long while.

CAMILLAIs it a crime to kill a criminal?

Annie stares blankly. She takes off the bandana to reveal only a slightly blackened eye.

She holds the bandana and examines the pattern.

The roaring of a bus is in the distance.

ANNIEGive me that stuff.

Camilla hands it over and Annie grabs the Bandy club from her grasp. She smashes it over and over again until the bus pulls up. She tosses the pieces in the garbage. They board the bus.



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Fatigued, the girls stare out the window as the city fades to suburbs and then to rural tundra.

Camilla paints her nails while Annie scribbles mock-Satanic drawings and bits of poetry in the journal.


I need a nap. Wow. Saying that makes me feel old.

Annie says nothing.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)It’s kinda funny that when you get older you start to enjoy things you hated as a kid, like naps.

ANNIEAnd getting spanked.

Camilla laughs, satisfied that she got a normal reply. They go back to their respected activities.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Have you ever read Mrs Dalloway?

CAMILLAWhat did she write?


No, the novel, Mrs Dalloway.

CAMILLAWho wrote it?

ANNIEVirginia Woolf.

CAMILLAI should’ve known.

Annie glances at her while she paints her nails.

ANNIEWell, anyway, you remind me some of her.



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Of Virginia Woolf?

ANNIENo! Of Mrs. Dalloway.

Camilla goes back to impassively painting.

CAMILLAWhy then?

ANNIEShe’s a high class twat from London that spends the entire book planning a party.

CAMILLAGee, thanks.

ANNIEWell, during the party, she finds out about this war veteran that was put in a psych ward and then commits suicide by jumping out a window.

CAMILLAGood christ.

ANNIEYou’d think her character would be appalled but she really admired the man for putting so much effort in preserving his happiness.

CAMILLAI wish everyone could be a Mrs. Dalloway.

ANNIEWhat I’m saying is more are than we probably notice. That’s what you’re like, I mean, and I never would have guessed it.

Camilla raises her eyebrows.

CAMILLAYou know I don’t know a damn thing about you.




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There’s nothing to know.

CAMILLAI’m sure there’s something. You hold a lot of something.


CAMILLAIn your eyes.

Annie glares at her before batting her eyelashes.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)(more sarcastic)

In your attitude, mostly.

Annie returns a laugh. Camilla glances up and looks out the window and notices snow on the ground.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)I’ll bet it’s perfectly cold out.

Annie stares straight ahead, at the bus driver.

ANNIE(to driver)

Hey how far up north does this bus go?


ANNIEIs that close to Finland?

BUS DRIVERAre you camping up there?

The girls look at each other.

ANNIEIs it cheap?

BUS DRIVEROh yes. It’s a great time of year for camping and skiing. Rent a car in Lulea. A few hours drive only.




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Camilla shrugs and puts her nail polish away.


Sven, a blonde man in his 30s, sits behind a counter. Annie and Camilla walk in hesitantly.

SVENGod kväll!

CAMILLAHello. We’re trying to get to Finland.

SVENAh, not far from here. It’s a great ski season.

ANNIEGot any maps?

Sven points to a small pile of maps and brochures on the end of the counter. Annie nods.

Sven hands Camilla some paperwork and points out the window.

SVENWe have that Volvo, that Volvo, that Volvo, or that Volvo.

ANNIE(sarcastic bite)

Damn good selection for being so far up north, eh?

Sven smiles proudly.

CAMILLAWe’ll take the cheapest one.

SVENAh, I don’t think my cheapest one will make it there. But, I can give you second best for same price.

ANNIEWhat a guy.

Sven grabs some paperwork and begins writing.




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SVENNow, what is the name of the man who will be driving?

CAMILLAUh, we will.

Sven looks up at them, as if waiting for the real answer.

ANNIEOh come on.


I just can’t picture two young girls driving those roads. It’s very dangerous.

ANNIETrust me, we don’t give a damn about danger.

SVEN(continues writing)

If you insist.

Sven finishes the paperwork, slowly and peculiarly. He looks back up at the girls again.


SVENI’m sorry. I feel as if I’ve seen you two somewhere before.

The girls furrow their brows.

SVEN (CONT’D)(laughs)

I don’t know, maybe you look like people from television or something.

He goes back to writing.

SVEN (CONT’D)May I see your passports please?

The girls hand them the passports. He looks at Camilla’s, looks back at her, back to Annie’s passport, and he cringes. He sheepishly smiles at her.




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ANNIEI know, I know, my parents were bastards.

He giggles and signs the paper.

SVENAlright, will one of you just sign here and here...and the price comes to-

ANNIE(cuts him off)

Ah, here’s the thing, Sven- we haven’t been able to convert our money. I’ll give you, say, £50.

Sven shrugs.

SVENThat’s fine with me. Here-

(hands papers)The address where you can drop it off is at the top. Your receipt is stapled to the second sheet, that’s yours, and I’m pretty sure the gas tank is full...

Annie shoves her pockets full of maps.

SVEN (CONT’D)I take you out to the car.


Sven walks around and inspects a 1989 navy blue Volvo. They trample in about a foot of snow.

SVENLooks good, looks good.

Sven scribbles on a clipboard and hands Camilla the receipt.

SVEN (CONT’D)Alright, thank you ladies. Enjoy your trip.


Sven walks back inside. Annie stares intently at the car.




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How the fucking hell do we get this thing out of the snow?


The girls drive down a snowy road. Camilla is behind the wheel and Annie reads brochures.

ANNIEI can’t believe you managed to drive out of that. I would’ve never guessed.

CAMILLAFather has a new car every six months. I always take them out for a spin.

ANNIEWell isn’t that nice.

CAMILLAWhat do you parents drive?

ANNIEThey don’t.

CAMILLAHow do you get around?

ANNIEI have an older brother and an older sister that drive.

CAMILLAYou’ve got 2 siblings?

ANNIEFive. 2 older, 3 younger.

CAMILLABusy parents.

ANNIEDrunk parents.

(Camilla snickers)Have you got any siblings?

CAMILLANope. One big house for 3 people.




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ANNIEWe should trade. 14 alcoholics living in my house.


ANNIE3 siblings, 2 parents, 3 uncles, 2 aunts, 2 great aunts, 1 grandma, and a dog.

CAMILLAHoly fucking shit. Do you ever get privacy?

ANNIEWhen I’m neck deep in a fuckingriver, sort of.

Camilla shakes her head in awe.

CAMILLAI couldn’t stand that.

ANNIEI spend a lot of time at the library.

After awhile she starts up again.

CAMILLASo who found you?

ANNIEThe librarian used to call up my m-

CAMILLANo, no- I the river. Who found you in the river?

ANNIEMy dad. Came in and plucked me right out of the water. Made the mistake of taking the galoshes when it wasn’t raining. He came to fetch me and figured I must’ve been at the river. Saw me right before I stepped off.

CAMILLADamn. All because of galoshes?




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ANNIEThat’s it.

A beat.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Who found you then? I’m not even sure I knew what you did.

CAMILLAI was in the bathtub. I spent an hour in there before even thinking to do anything. I was just taking a bath. After a bit I thought about it so I took the blades out of my shaving razor. Then my mum came in. She’s caught me each and every time. Suspicious of everything I did.

ANNIEWas she pissed?

CAMILLARightfully as pissed as your dad was.

Annie shrugs.

ANNIEYeah. It’s never concern. Maybe it was the first time but it’s when there is more than a first time that it’s just anger.

CAMILLAMy mum used to say it was the psychiatrist’s job to be concerned and her job to be angry, because a professional isn’t going to get angry.


Ha! Even we proved that one wrong. Everyone is afraid of a teenage girl.

Camilla nods. They both reflect for a moment. Camilla glances over.




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CAMILLAYou look tired. Take a nap before I need one.

ANNIEI always look like that. It’s just how I look I think.


ANNIEIt’s not new. The days that I spent getting in trouble and I had a really bad haircut.


You mean worse than now?

Annie laughs.

ANNIEYeah, worse than now. Heroin chic like Kate Moss is what I was trying to be.

(Camilla giggles)So I always had these sleepy eyes. My dad used to tell me to go to bed all the time, whenever I did anything. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead, dad!”

(a beat)Finally one day my dad just walked up to me and he was like, “You need to get some fucking sleep.”

Camilla’s lighthearted smile and giggle dies off once she realizes what Annie said. She sits in a somewhat stunned silence.

Annie’s in somewhat of a solemn state- it’s clear why she’s distant.

CAMILLAFind anything on that map yet?

ANNIEGo north for about 8 hours.

CAMILLAThat’s it?




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ANNIEWho really cares, drive until you find a campground and then we can just get this over with.

Camilla stares at the road ahead as spacious streetlights start to turn on.

CAMILLAI still can’t believe we’ve managed to come all this way.

Annie doesn’t speak.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)(lighthearted)

And to think, I hardly know more than your name, age, where you’re from, and why you’re here.

Annie manages a laugh.

ANNIEI don’t want to get to know you.


ANNIEI don’t want to get attached. I don’t want to care about you.

Camilla is taken aback by the blunt statement.

CAMILLAWell, I don’t care abut you either.

ANNIEI’m not saying it to be mean, it’s the truth! Do you really want to see someone you’ve grown to be friends with take their own life?

Camilla takes in a breath. Annie waits for a response.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Let me know when you want me to drive.

VIGNETTES of a driving scene:The outdoors, the girls laughter, silence, crying, fearing, night, darkness, candids, snapshots, etc-




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It fades to morning light.


Aulis, a young man who owns the diner, cleans beer steins while he watches a news report. He hears an engine and notices a beat up old Volvo pulling into the lot.

He slowly puts the steins down and watches with curiosity, as if a customer hasn’t walked in the door in ages.

The girls get out of the car, cursing and shouting; he immediately recognizes them as travelers. He rushes to the front and grabs menus.

The girls enter- weary, tired, and dirty.



The girls glare at him apprehensively.

AULIS (CONT’D)Just the two of you?

They nod. He brings them to a booth where they sit.

CAMILLAI’m afraid we’re a bit strapped for cash...

AULISDon’t worry about a thing. Have a seat.

Camilla sits in the booth across from Annie.

Aulis walks over to the bar.

AULIS (CONT’D)You two look very tired. Come here for ski season? You’re a bit early.

ANNIELike to beat the crowds.

CAMILLAWe’re here on a bit of a holiday.

He comes back to their table with glasses of milk.




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They glance down at the menus, confused.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)I’m afraid I don’t know what to order.

ANNIEHave you got any chips?

AULISI think I have something you may enjoy. One second.

He scuttles back to the kitchen.

Annie sips her milk.

CAMILLAWhere’s that brochure for the cabins?

Annie reaches into her pocket and pulls out the crumpled brochure. She hands it to Camilla, who gives her a disgusted look.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)I just need the address...

Aulis returns with two pasties and places them on the table.

AULISJust simple pasties.

They instantly devour them.

ANNIEThese are damn good.

AULISIt’s like you two haven’t seen food in years.

ANNIEYou’d think. We spent the last 2 days getting here.

CAMILLAWe’ve really only had snacks and water.

Aulis raises an eyebrow and returns to the kitchen.




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CAMILLA (CONT’D)Don’t get too friendly with him.

ANNIEI’m not.

CAMILLAYou tend to blabber on.

ANNIEI do not!

CAMILLAYes, and if you’re not careful you’ll say too much. Now shut up.


The girls have plates stacked at the end of the table, both of them now working on finishing a pastry. Aulis returns with two shots of vodka with cranberries.

AULISYou look like you might need this.

He grabs the two stacks of plates and brings them back. Annie picks up hers and holds it out for a cheers. Camilla takes hers.

ANNIETo death.


To death!

They drink and then pucker.

ANNIEThat’s pretty tough.

Aulis returns.

AULISSo what really brings you two up here? It looks like you have come a long way, and by car to boot.

Annie and Camilla glance at each other. Annie looks around at the empty restaurant.




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ANNIEWe’re camping.

AULISCamping? In your car?

ANNIEWe’re on our way to a campground.

Aulis nods, skeptically.


Two, young girls in the middle of nowhere going to a campground-

ANNIEIf you think we’re going to some drug crazed sex orgy rave then you’re wrong.


Well, I don’t know...

The girls are laughing along now.

CAMILLAWe’re not!

AULISOh no? I’m not sure if I believe you...

CAMILLAI promise we’re not. In fact, we’re here for an entirely different reason.

AULISFinland is a stark, lonely, drunk place- what would two young and pretty friends want out of that, hm?

He smiles at them.

ANNIEWe’re not friends.

AULISYou’re not? So you’re just two strangers going camping together-




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CAMILLAWe made a suicide pact.

Aulis plays along, not even giving a second thought to what Annie said.

AULISWhy would you make a suicide pact with someone who isn’t your friend?

ANNIEMakes it easier.

The girls have no reaction. Aulis’s face turns to stern in an instant. He cracks and laughs after a few testing moments.

AULISGood one! You had me there.


No, really.

Aulis looks at them, skeptically again.

AULISKill yourselves, hm? What’d you do- get yourselves so deep into a lie that you decided to leave and stage a crisis? How many of your gossipy little friends have you told that?

CAMILLAOh, you think you’ve got this all figured out, right? Just because we’re two teenaged girls means everything we do is just for the turning heads.

Aulis glares at them.

ANNIEWe’ve got no reason to lie to you. We’re hundreds of miles from home, odds are you know nobody that we know.

Aulis looks at them both realizing your serious. The girls eventually break their gazes from him.




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Why- why, why the fuck would you do that? Don’t you even give a shitabout your families or your friends? Jesus christ you’ve got a lot to learn.

Annie gets up and gets in Aulis’s face.

ANNIEYou have no idea of our families, our friends, or what we know.

Aulis takes a deep breath and backs up.

AULISYou’re right, I’m sorry; I’m just a waiter and I wouldn’t want you judging my life when you came through my diner doors.

Annie sits back down.

AULIS (CONT’D)I won’t meddle in your business.

The girls sit in silence.

ANNIEWe could use some help.

AULISHelp? Help with what? You want my steak knives? What? I really don’t think I should involve myself.

ANNIENobody wants to get involved unless it’s to be some kind of savior and help us. Unless you want to do that, we don’t really care.

Aulis rubs the back of his neck.

AULISI will help you if you so promise me to take some time and clear your heads. Maybe think a little.

Aulis turns and goes behind the bar and grabs some papers. He brings them back to the table.




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AULIS (CONT’D)(writing)

There is a good campground about 15 minutes from here, north. I know the owner, Jan-Erik, he’s nice. You can tell him that Aulis sent you.

He writes down names and numbers and addresses.

AULIS (CONT’D)I want you to promise me that you will stay there for a few days before you do anything. Do things that you never got the chance to do-

The girls look at him in inquisition. He stands up and wipes his face as if he were tearing up. They wait for an explanation, but he starts cleaning up.



Title over: Levi, Finland.

Jan-Erik and his wife, Elina, a 40 year old average couple, sign papers on a clipboard. The girls look sheepishly around the cabin.

JAN-ERIKI’m glad Aulis sent you, he’s a fine young man. A good friend.

ANNIEYeah, he’s pretty nice.

JAN-ERIKWe’ll come by in a week to see you check out alright.

He hands the clipboard to Camilla.

CAMILLAThank you.

ELINAIf you girls need anything, feel free to call us at the office. You’ll find fishing gear by the lake that you can use.




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Annie takes Elina’s card and nods. Camilla hands the clipboard back to Jan-Erik.


Enjoy your vacation!

ANNIEOh, we so will.

They exit. The girls watch them walk past the window until they’re a safe distance away. They each breathe a sigh of relief.

A faint radio is heard. Camilla whirls around to see it in the living room, still on, with a strange station playing.

CAMILLAYou hear that?

ANNIE(walks over)

Yeah. A bit grainy.

Annie plays with the settings and the volume. A small song starts playing.

CAMILLA(recognizing the tune)

Is that the Swedish Rhapsody?


It’s coming from this station-

A child’s voice cuts in and starts repeating numbers. Annie’s eyebrows raise.

ANNIE (CONT’D)It’s a numbers station.


ANNIEA numbers station. They’re stations for the spies out in the field. All codes and shit. There’s one in England that plays the Lincolnshire Poacher.

CAMILLASpies? That’s rather creepy.




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The tune starts playing again. Annie gets up and plays with the volume.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)You don’t think Aulis would say anything.

ANNIEI sure as hell fucking hope not.

CAMILLAYou shouldn’t have said anything.

ANNIEI don’t even know why I did.

CAMILLAHe seemed to have gotten, like, upset over it.

ANNIELet’s just get it over with then.

CAMILLAWith what, then?

Annie starts looking through the kitchen.

ANNIEFucking find something! This is what we came here to do anyway.

CAMILLAYeah, and now somebody knows it.

ANNIEI told you I don’t know why I said it, I figured it didn’t fuckingmatter. By the time if and when he does say anything we’ll be dead.

CAMILLAAnd what if he blames himself?

ANNIEOh, since when have you become a great bastion of other peoples’ fucking feelings?

CAMILLASince you decided to involve somebody!




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ANNIEYeah, and you told your boyfriend or whoever that we fucking ran away. It doesn’t even matter-

Annie finds a drawer of a few steak knives. She tests one on her wrists. The radio tune keeps playing.

CAMILLAWe committed crimes! We fuckingstole and lied and killed and we did a bunch of illegal shit and now somebody knows our plan!

They both stop to catch their breath. The argument dies when Annie holds up a decent sized knife.

ANNIEWe shouldn’t get all worked up over stupid shit that won’t matter in the long run.

Camilla nods.

ANNIE (CONT’D)We have our out at, like, any time.

They hang in the tension. The radio voice starts repeating numbers again.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Let’s go get some fuckingcigarettes.


The girls walk in the poorly-lit town center. All of the signs are in Finnish.

ANNIEWe’re gonna have to find someone to buy em.

CAMILLAWhy? We’re of age.

ANNIEWe don’t speak Finnish! Besides, I don’t want to be known to a shop owner, they have those missing kid milk cartons all the time.




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There are a few people sitting on the side of a building.

ANNIE (CONT’D)There’s some drunks over there.

CAMILLAOh, no, I’m not asking them.

ANNIEWhy not? They’re probably the only people that would do it.

CAMILLAAside from already having pre natal alcohol syndrome, they look like they were born next to a nuclear disaster area. They freak me out.

ANNIEI’ll talk then. I like freaks.

The girls approach them. As they get closer, they realize it’s a couple of metalheads. They seem lazily euphoric.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Hello, any of you speak English?


(smiles)Here on vacation?

ANNIEAh, sort of, we’re just looking for someone to buy us cigarettes.

The guy shakes his head.

GUYAh, we’ve got better.

He flashes them a syringe he has hidden in his glove.

ANNIEOh, no thanks, my mother always said not to take syringes from strangers.

GUYIt’s cheaper than cigarettes.

CAMILLAWe can’t.




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GIRLWhy not?

ANNIEWe’re Catholics.

The couple laughs.

GUYHas Jesus touched you between the legs?

The girls are noticeably uncomfortable with an air of ‘not-again’. The girl pats the guys shoulder- she gets their message.

GIRLSorry about him. We can get you a pack.

ANNIE(takes out money)

I’m not sure how much they are.

GIRLHow old are you two?

CAMILLAJust shy of 18.

GUYPretty young things shouldn’t be smoking cigarettes.

ANNIEI’m flattered but that’s the least of our worries.

The couple looks at each other.

GIRLSit down. Sometimes it’s better to talk to people you’ll never see again.

ANNIEWell, ah, we had a bad spat in Stockholm so we’re just sort of uncomfortable...


We’re right next to a store!




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The girls feel a bit pressured.

GIRLWhat’s got you two down? You’re young, you have nothing to worry about.

CAMILLAI wish it was that easy.

ANNIEYeah, don’t you remember how much everything sucked when you were young?

The guy chuckles sheepishly.

GUYYeah, I guess so.

GIRLAre you runaways?

ANNIEOn the adventure of a lifetime.

GIRLSo don’t waste it worrying about shit! You have the rest of your life to worry.

Annie giggles.

CAMILLAI guess we can’t help it.

The girl sighs.

GUYHave you ever gotten high before?

ANNIEJust with MJ.

GIRLYou say you’re on an adventure of a lifetime, right?

They nod. The girl shrugs, implying.

GUY(to Camilla)

You’ve got scars.




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He puts his finger on Camilla’s sleeve, just as she stopped itching the marks. She looks embarrassed.

GIRLThe greatest scar is your absence. Remember that.

Camilla won’t make eye contact.

The guy, despite being obviously doped up, looks at both of them with an omnipotent inquisition.

GUYWhat’s your passion?

Annie rolls her eyes.

GUY (CONT’D)No really, what do you truly love? What do you love?

The two look at him like he’s started speaking Finnish.

ANNIEThe feeling of impending doom has always satisfied me.

GIRLYou two want to come hang out? Get us out of the cold. Come on.


Annie is sitting in a reclined leather chair while Camilla sits nearby on a couch next to a cracked out boy her age.

The atmosphere is relaxed, but Annie is obviously on the edge.

Annie gives Camilla a nervous look. She gives her a reassuring thumbs up.

The girl from outside is standing beside the chair, preparing an IV. Annie looks around at the people meandering about the house.

She looks around at the crackheads hanging out with a curiosity. It gets broken when she realizes where she is.

GIRLGrip onto this bar as tight as you can.




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Annie leans back in the chair grips the nearby bar tightly. The girl ties off her arm and searches for her vein. Annie looks at Camilla, who is passed a joint- which she takes.

GIRL (CONT’D)You ready?



The girl smiles.

GIRLJust relax! You said you enjoyed impending doom, right?

The girl injects a the mixture into Annie’s arm. She watches the needle go into her arm and the injection slowly wear in. Her eyes roll into the back of her head.

She closes her eyes and submits to the nothingness.

The guy picks her up and places her on the couch next to Camilla. Annie looks at her with the same euphoric laziness their two new friends had when they met outside. They laugh.


It’s pitch black; very early in the morning. Camilla fidgets for the key in her pockets. Annie is upchucking in the bush.

ANNIEFuck. Me.

CAMILLAHave you got the key?


The what?


Annie barfs again. Bent over, she shoves her hand in her pocket and tosses the key at Camilla, who waits for her to finish.

Annie leans up and wipes off her mouth. She turns and takes a step forward before instantly turning back to vomit again.




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CAMILLA (CONT’D)Just stay out here then.

Annie falls face first into the snow. Camilla shuffles over and pushes her with her feet.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)At least roll on your side so you don’t choke on your own sick.

Annie rolls over and sticks a thumbs up in the air.

Camilla goes inside.


Camilla wakes up and moseys to the bathroom, only to find the door locked. She knocks on it.


Nothing. She knocks again.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Annie are you in there?

A faint gurgle is heard; enough to spark alarm in Camilla.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Open the door! Are you alright?

A small kick and a louder gurgle. Camilla is now using herself as a battering ram to the door. She pushes it open.

On the ground is a fucked up Annie, gurgling remnants of vomit. Camilla grabs her by the collar and hangs her over the toilet.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)(getting increasingly upset)

What’s the matter? What happened to you?

She smacks Annie on the back, returning a heave but nothing more. Annie attempts a breath but only a rattle comes out.




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CAMILLA (CONT’D)(shaken)

You’re dying, what the fuck have you done? You’ve got the death rattle.

She whacks Annie on the back again in hopes of her vomiting up whatever she has left. Annie’s breath continues to rattle.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)(violently upset)

You can’t do this to me! You can’t go without me, we made a pact- you promised!

She weakly continues to hit Annie’s back, unknowing of anything else to do. Annie starts haphazardly smacking her away.

She stares up at Camilla, who is now sobbing. Annie takes a few hastened breaths.

ANNIEI’m fine. I don’t have the death rattle you moron.

CAMILLAWhat happened to you, why didn’t you wake me?

ANNIEI’m alright. I’m just really fucking sick! That’s what that shitdoes.

Camilla controls her sobs as if they didn’t happen.

ANNIE (CONT’D)You’re really upset.

CAMILLAYou look awful. You look awfully weak, you look sicker than I’ve ever seen a person.

ANNIEShut up. You don’t look so stately yourself.

Camilla looks at herself in the mirror and wipes makeup off of her face.




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ANNIE (CONT’D)Go and make some tea or something. I’ll be right in a minute.

Camilla gets up without looking back at her.


Annie is wrapped in blankets on the couch, cuddling a mug of tea. Camilla sits nearby reading a magazine. The radio is playing the same numbers station, softly.

ANNIEWhy do you read those damned things?

CAMILLA(doesn’t budge)

Keeps my mind off reality.

Annie goes back to staring at the fireplace.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Was the heroin any good?


CAMILLAI said, was the heroin any good?

ANNIEDid it look like it was fuckinggood?

CAMILLAWell, no, but- what’s it like?

ANNIEIt’s like being knocked out, really. IV goes in, mind goes out. I didn’t think about anything, really. Just waves of nothingness. No stress, no thoughts, no cares really.


That sounds rather nice.




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ANNIEBut if you move it’s like getting sea sick on a rickety old ship.

CAMILLAI noticed that part.

Annie sips her tea.

ANNIEDid you get your hands on anything good?

CAMILLANo. Just that joint. I’m really not a drug person.

ANNIEBut you’ve got pockets full of pills.

CAMILLAThat’s different.

ANNIEThose are fucking drugs you idiot.

CAMILLAMore control with those ones though.

ANNIEWhat, you don’t like to be out of control?

CAMILLAIt terrifies me. I always have to know things are controlled. That’s why I freaked out so bad.

ANNIEWhy? Isn’t the fun in life the unknown?

CAMILLANot when you live around my mother. You want to talk control? I have to control everything I do just so that she doesn’t get thrown off during her own rampages.




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ANNIEThat’s so strange. You have to have a hideous amount of control just because someone else is a control freak.

CAMILLAThat’s how it goes. You have to be in control.

Annie looks at her.

ANNIECan I ask you a sort of intruding question?

CAMILLAWell yeah, go ahead.

ANNIEIf you have so much control come your attempts didn’t work?

CAMILLAI don’t think control means success. Usually it’s the exact opposite. Too much control backfires easily. Just think about World War II.

Annie shrugs, satisfied with the answer. Camilla waits for a retort from her, and is a bit surprised when she gets nothing.

They sit.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)Remember when you called me an amateur?


CAMILLAYeah, you do- it was after I told you I exhausted all the ways-

ANNIEOh right, right, yes. I remember, yeah.




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CAMILLAI wouldn’t ever be able to just walk into the river like that.

ANNIEYou’re just meticulous where I’m spontaneous.

CAMILLAI thought that was interesting.


CAMILLATwo people aiming for the same goal but taking the complete opposite approach.


It’s like, we were made for each other or something.

Camilla laughs and bats her eyelashes in return.

CAMILLA(mocking back, dramatic)

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star crossed lovers take their life /

(Annie laughs)Whose misadventured piteous overthrows / Doth with their death bury their parents strife.

They laugh

ANNIEAh- I know what you mean, though.

(sips tea)Like some people would look at one of us and pick out which is serious and which is a drama queen.

Camilla nods with a sentiment. Annie sips the last of her tea.

ANNIE (CONT’D)We’re both drama queens until we actually do it.

Annie sits up slowly. She puts her fingers through her hair.




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Camilla tosses her magazine to the side. Annie glances over.

They exchange a knowing stare. The numbers station is still on.

CAMILLACan’t you tune that to a different station?

ANNIEI tried, it won’t budge.

CAMILLAWell can’t you turn it off? It creeps me out.

Annie loudly places her cup on the table. She gets up and turns the radio off.


Annie and Camilla walk along the edge of the woods.

They walk and walk

and walk and walk.

They say nothing.

Sticks and leaves and frozen snow crackle beneath their feet.

They listen to the howls of the wind through the icicles on the branches.

Two Finns walking in the opposite direction nod to them. They returned the gesture and keep walking.

They walk by small shops and cafes where the people go about their daily routines, quietly.

They walk in a store.

They walk out with hot tea.

For a moment, they stop and look out onto a horizon.

They take in breaths of the fresh, cool air.

ANNIEI love the smell of the mundane in the morning.



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The girls are in a store full of trinkets. They each marvel at all of the things, shouting to each other to show off something.

Annie picks up a cap gun and points it at Camilla, who is captured within a picture book.

Curious, Annie walks over. It’s an atlas book, quite similar to the ones they had been reading at the hospital. It’s full of pictures of the world.

They flip the pages and look at pictures of great cities: New York, Paris, Shanghai, Brazil. They look at pictures of the countryside, the rural, the urban, the suburban.

These places look different now than they did before.


The girls are picking up some food. Annie looks at all the pricing labels, disgusted. Camilla walks over with a basket.

CAMILLAIsn’t this all a bit expensive?

ANNIEI’ll say. We just need a bit of shit for like a day.

They look at what they’ve picked out. Annie pulls a few crumpled bills out of her pocket.

ANNIE (CONT’D)How much money have you got then?

Camilla checks her pocket and pulls out a 5 euro note. Annie looks around the store. Camilla starts putting a couple apples in her jacket pocket.

Annie walks over to a display of soup cans. She looks around to see if anyone is paying attention. She calmly tips over the stand.

She grabs a few of the most dented cans and fills the basket with them.

They walk towards the front. Annie stops and lines her pockets with tea bags.


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The girls sit on their respected beds. Camilla is writing and pondering and smacking pages with her pen. She has a mug of soup in her lap. Annie puffs on a cigarette, trying to balance the end of a steak knife on her index finger. She drops it numerous times but doesn’t give up.


The girls sit on their respected beds. Annie is scribbling and writing bits of poetry in the journal. She eats soup with the other hand, spilling it all the while. Camilla is puffing on a cigarette now, periodically making burn marks on her arm.


The girls prepare to go ice fishing.

ANNIEAulis said to do something fun.

CAMILLAYeah, he said something fun.

ANNIEIt’s ye ole Finnish past time, it must be some fun.

CAMILLAPeople here drink vodka with cranberries at 9 o’clock in the morning for fun.

ANNIEYeah well, people here also kill themselves for fun, so...

Annie starts to make a hole in the ice with an auger, but it’s too thick. She hands the tool to Camilla.

ANNIE (CONT’D)Here, you keep at this one and I’m going to go find some lighter ice.

CAMILLADon’t go too far out.

ANNIENo shit!



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Annie takes a saw and walks a few inches away and the ice is no different. She walks a few yards away and finds it to be thinner.

Brushing away the snow, she notices a good amount of fish underneath the ice. She saws out a decent hole before standing over it triumphantly.

She pushes the end of her boot along the sides to make sure it doesn’t crack. She turns around to retrieve a fishing rod.

Camilla is gone. Annie looks out towards the land and begins walking before she starts to hear cracking under her feet. She stops and looks down, seeing the large hole that Camilla had fallen in.

Annie inches as close to the edge as possible, not moving her stare.

A mitten pops up over the ledge. Annie swiftly grabs the wrist it belongs to and starts to pull, before hearing cracking again. She unintentionally lets go and jumps back.

She stares at the bubbles coming up as she circles around the hole.

She takes Camilla’s auger and dangles it over the edge. The mitten grabs hold of it again and Annie pulls Camilla out.

Camilla lays on the ice, shivering and crying. Annie, emotionless, looks down on her.

After a long moment, Annie grabs her under the arms and drags her to the shore.


Annie sits alone at a table. Aulis comes up to her with a shot of vodka with cranberries and a pastry.

AULISI’m glad to see you.

Annie nods and knocks back her shot.

AULIS (CONT’D)Where is your friend?

ANNIEShe’s at the cabin.




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ANNIEShe fell through the ice earlier, when we were fishing.


Is she alright?

ANNIEI spoke with her before I left. She’s under lots of blankets. I think she’s okay.

AULISAre you okay?

ANNIEI don’t think I should’ve pulled her out.

Aulis takes a breath.

AULISI think you did the right thing.

She stares out the window before looking up at him.

ANNIEWe’re criminals, you know.

She looks back out the window. Aulis looks confused, waiting to hear more.

ANNIE (CONT’D)If I had any mercy on her, I would’ve let her go. I would’ve taken the blame for everything. It was my idea.

AULISNot so much. She came with you. It was very much her idea as it was yours. And letting a criminal die isn’t giving them mercy, it’s letting them off the hook.

Annie swallows hard.




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ANNIEThe other day I tried some drug and got right fucked up. She found me getting sick and got really emotional, like she didn’t say she needed me exactly. But she told me I couldn’t die then. That I couldn’t break my half of the pact.

AULISIt seems neither of you want to hold your half of the bargain.

Annie shakes her head.

AULIS (CONT’D)You don’t have to go through with it, you know. Nobody is forcing you to kill yourselves. You’ve made the effort to survive bad situations, why didn’t you just give up then?

ANNIEWe had this great dream of an adventure. A mystical suicidal haven, you know? A place where we were finally able to do it without being dragged back off to Maudsley.

AULISAn adventure is exactly what you got! You don’t mean to tell me all of this hasn’t been exciting.

ANNIE(shakes her head)

It’s like the buildup. The pregaming. The preshow jitters. The butterflies before the kiss of death.

Aulis cracks the smile.

AULISSo just exhaust this, then. There’s no reason to get upset if the big bang is right around the corner.

Annie shrugs. She looks out the window before rising from the table.

ANNIEI’d better go.




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Aulis holds up a finger and jogs to the back, returning with a small box.

AULISHere, bring these home for her. Some for you later, too.

Annie nods and takes the box.


AULISCome back before you-

Annie looks back at him. Aulis tries to make light of it.

AULIS (CONT’D)(singing)

Wake me up, before you go go / Don’t leave me hanging like a yo yo-

Annie cackles.


Annie, in her pajamas, makes a Molotov cocktail over the kitchen sink. Camilla sleepily walks over and watches.

CAMILLAWhat’re you making?

ANNIEMolotov cocktail.

CAMILLAWhat kind of booze is in that?

ANNIEUh, petrol.

Camilla shrugs and walks away. Annie shakes her head. She finishes making it and carefully pushes it toward the wall on the counter.

She gets cigarettes out of her backpack and lights one up. She sits on the couch across from Camilla.

CAMILLAGive me one.




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Annie presses the lit cigarette to her wrist. She holds in her breath.

ANNIEThey’re on the bed.

Camilla retrieves one and joins her on the couch. Annie hands her a lighter. She continues to make burns. Camilla reaches over and starts smacking away her hand.

CAMILLAJust stop it.

Annie takes a drag.

ANNIEYou feel better?

CAMILLAI feel like I was hit by the assisted suicide train.


She lets out a half-assed chuckle.

ANNIE (CONT’D)I left some water by your bed.

CAMILLAI drank it.

ANNIEAulis gave us some pastries. They’re in the fridge.

Camilla takes a long drag. She stifles a cough.

CAMILLAWhat did he say?

Annie takes a drag.

ANNIEHe hasn’t told anyone, that’s for sure. He’s a good guy.

Annie gets up and starts to light the fireplace. Camilla gets up and stretches. She turns on the radio.

CAMILLAWant some tea?




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The girls sit, holding mugs of tea and wrapped in blankets, in front of a fire place.

They sip their tea. The radio plays the numbers station quietly.

Camilla brings her mug to her raw, cracked lips. Her eyes are dead.

Annie stares at the fire with an intent, like at any second she’d throw herself onto it.

CAMILLAWe need to make the best of this.

Annie looks over at her, fighting her gaze from the fire.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)There’s no need for us to sit here and mope and wait.

ANNIEI know.

CAMILLAWe just need to get it over with.

Annie turns her head back to the fire.

ANNIE(ignoring it)

You know it’s so cold here.

Camilla listens.

ANNIE (CONT’D)I figured in a place that’s so cold I’d be more numb than I was in the first place.

Camilla sighs. The numbers station stops the song, but rather than the child’s voice repeating numbers, an INTERPOL warning comes on.

Annie reaches over and turns it up, after they both realize it’s finally playing something different.




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RADIO (V.O.)(in French)

...aucune information sur cespersonnes, s'il vous plaîtcontactez la police de Londres. Attention: two female youth missing from London area hospital. Annie J Ableton, 18, Dartford, blue eyes, brown hair. 5 foot 4. Camilla D St. James, 19, Westminster, brown eyes, blonde hair. 5 foot 7. Both missing from the psychiatric inpatient ward at Maudsley Hospital in South London. Last seen at GatwickAirport. Likely they have left the United Kingdom. Both are considered a danger to themselves. Any information on these persons, please contact the London Police at-

The girls eyes are saucers.

ANNIEYou have got to be shitting me.


The girls bang on the door of Aulis’s diner. They shout his name over and over again. He leans his head out from the back room. Shocked, he runs over to the door and quickly unlocks it and ushers them in.


The girls rush inside, shivering from the night cold.

CAMILLAAulis, there’s an -

AULISI heard it. I keep the radio on while I do inventory. Just go back and I’m sure they’ll understa-

The girls are too frantic to listen.

ANNIEI told you we were criminals, Aulis!




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AULISNo, it’s alright, just-

ANNIENo it’s not alright! We stole those passports, that’s how we got on the plane. We’ve been stealing food and we got assaulted-

CAMILLAWe stole food, we stole razor blades; we killed some boys in Stockholm ‘cause they tried to take advantage of us-

ANNIEWe don’t know what happened to them but that’s where that bat came from, we took it from them...

Aulis, wide-eyed, puts his hands to their mouths.

AULISStop. Take a deep breath.

They try and catch their breath. Aulis looks at both weary and teary eyed girls. His hands fall back. He shakes his head.

ANNIEWhat the fuck do we do?

Aulis fights for words.

Annie has tears in her eyes.

CAMILLAAulis, we are criminals.

He finally looks both of them in the eye.


Do what you came here to do.

They look at him, almost defeated.


The girls stand out in front of the cabin, zipping up jackets. They seem happy, as most right before the final deed do. It’s unsettling.




Page 90: birds on a mothafuckin wire

They go for a walk in the snowy woods.

CAMILLAI’ve never been in this much snow.

ANNIEMe neither.

CAMILLAWe should build a snowman.

Camilla stops. Annie keeps walking a bit before turning and then turning back.

Camilla falls backwards into the snow. Annie laughs.

ANNIEIsn’t that fucking cold?

CAMILLAHah! Not even.

Annie falls backwards next to her. They make snow angels. The snow glistens on the trees above them.

They see a few reindeer up on a path ahead. Annie starts shoving Camilla, who laughs.

Camilla takes the journal out of her pocket and writes while Annie tries to read over her shoulder.

Annie makes a snowball and tosses it up in the air and hits it with the Louisville slugger.

Camilla finishes writing in the journal and tosses it to Annie. She nods.

Annie points the bat towards the lake. She throws the journal up and hits it toward the water with all of her might. It flies out in the distance.

Annie runs and throws the bat out onto the lake. It crashes through the ice and sinks to the bottom.

Running back, the two now stand in front of the cabin door.

They take a long hard look at it.

CAMILLA (CONT’D)You ready?




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ANNIEBeen waiting for this for a long while.

Annie pulls the Molotov cocktail out of her jacket pocket and lights the wick. She throws it through the window and they walk inside.


Obviously some minutes later, the cabin is in flames.


Aulis stands at the counter, watching the news report, cleaning beer steins.

The sounds of car doors opening and closing is heard. An engine roars and pulls away.

Fluidly, Aulis puts the steins down and grabs the large lighter for the grill. He walks outside.


Aulis gets into the girls’ blue Volvo. The keys are already in the ignition. He drives away.


Aulis pulls up to the flaming cabin.

He stares at the scene, as if it were the last thing he’d ever see.

Calmly, he takes the lighter and ignites the passenger seat’s material.

He allows the fire to start, making sure it keeps, before he gets out and walks off.

Sirens blare in the distance.


The funeral for Annie and Camilla.




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The headstones are side by side. A priest reads out passages from the bible.

A taxi pulls up to the back of the service.

Aulis gets out and walks to the last row.

PRIEST...It’s not wrong to feel pain or sorrow. It’s not wrong to want to end your time here on earth. They simply chose a different path and now they reside in an eternal place of peace. Don’t think of them as sinners; for they left this earth with far too much innocence.

Aulis chuckles.

AULIS(under his breath)

The greatest fucking sinners that ever lived.


Aulis’s red car comes around the corner.

INT. CAR62 62

Annie is behind the wheel, Camilla in the passenger seat. They sit content.

The car slows up and allows them to stare out on the open road.

ANNIELike staring down the barrel.

They speed off.




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