  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    22 00 11 00 BB SS CC FF OO OO TT BB AA LL LL


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    2010 SCHEDULEBirmingham-Southern College

    9/4 LaGrange College Panther Stadium 1 p.m.

    9/11 Faulkner University Montgomery, AL TBA

    9/25 Huntingdon College Montgomery, AL 1 p.m.

    10/2 Trinity* Panther Stadium 12 p.m.

    10/9 Centre College* Danville, Ky TBA

    10/16 Austin College* Panther Stadium 1 p.m.

    10/23 Sewanee* (HC) Panther Stadium 1 p.m.

    10/30 DePauw University* Greencastle, IN TBA

    11/6 Rhodes College* Memphis, TN TBA

    11/13 Milsaps College* (Senior Day) Panther Stadium 1 p.m.

    *SCAC Games

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL



    This manual was written so that you have a blueprint for your success as a BSC

    Panther. The most important thing for you to do is read it from cover to cover beforebeginning and make sure that you ask any questions that you may have. This key tohaving a successful 2010 season is to work as hard as possible this Summer. Pleasecall Coach Ryan Sheppard at 205-226-4897 or email him at [email protected] foryour questions. All exercises for each section of this program are demonstrated on ourwebsite at and look under the Athletics drop down menu and clickon Strength and Conditioning and click on BSC Workout Instructional Videos onYoutube.


    At BSC we are going to train with free weights and do barbell exercises that require agreat deal of concentration and effort. These exercises are total body exercises andrequire you to exert a great deal of energy every time you step into the weight room. Itis important that you understand that we are not bodybuilders, weight-lifters, or powerlifters, but we will perform a great deal of the same exercises that many of these greatathletes do. These exercises are arranged, sequenced and prescribed in a manner thatis designed for you to be the very best FOOTBALL PLAYER that you can be.Therefore, it is very important for you to follow the program exactly as it is written andperform every exercise, set and rep to the fullest of your ability. There are severalareas that you must play close attention to this summer. Too much emphasis in onearea will leave you deficient in another.

    Your Commitment to ExcellenceOnly you can make yourself do the program when no one else is around. Only you canmake yourself give it all youve got when no one else is watching. Only you can makeyourself do it when youre so tired that you dont think that you can take another step ordo another rep. Take responsibility for your own actions and be the best that you canbe!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    NutritionNutrition is often the most overlooked aspect of an athletes preparation. You are what you eat! You must put the correct foods into the body in the correct amounts in order tocontinue to grow, recover and get leaner. Check out and look underthe Athletics drop down menu and click on Strength and Conditioning and print off

    the NUTRITION GUIDE . This will be a guide as to how to properly fuel yourself to beable to train and compete as a athlete should.

    Endurance The BSC Panther must be relentless competitors and play with toughness for sixtyminutes and WIN THE 4 TH QUARTER. To do this we must be in better shapephysically than our opponents. Work as hard as you can for as long as you can andnever quit. Come to workout with an attitude, a purpose, and a goal: TO WIN!

    Muscular Strength and PowerThis area is the base of your athletic pyramid. It is the one component you must

    develop by lifting weights. We have selected exercises that require you to concentrate,strain, and put forth large amounts of force. Lifting heavy weights requires a great dealof mental toughness; go to the weight room with a serious attitude. Make sure that youdo these exercises correctly and always concentrate on good technique. Strength gainsare gradual, so you are unable to take long breaks from training and show consistentgrowth in this area. Do not miss workouts !

    Speed Development Maximum running speed or sprinting is the ability to run at max or near max speed for 5to 6 seconds. Not everyone is born with incredible speed. Improvements take adisciplined effort day after day, week after week, and year after year. Speed ofmovement is the primary goal in improving performance. Your speed is very muchdependent on your flexibility and strength work on these areas and the runningworkouts will be much more productive. Do the running warm-ups with great techniqueto improve your flexibility. Lack of flexibility causes your body to work against itselfinstead of being like a well-oiled machine. If you lack flexibility its like you driving yourcar and never changing the oil, eventually youre going to damage something.

    Agility Agility defined is the ability to rapidly change directions without loss of speed and/orcoordination. You must be able to move and change directions in college football.Straight-line speed is not very helpful if you cant change directions. Learn to controlyourself in and out of the drills and always be in control. Agility training is just like speeddevelopment. You must perform each rep at maximum speed, rest, and do it again.Concentrate on keeping your center of gravity low and change directions as rapidly aspossible.

    Flexibility Generally speaking, most people think of flexibility as a means of warming up for anathletic event or workout. This is very true but flexibility also plays an important role in a
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    persons ability to be a good football player. You must be able to bend and moveeffortlessly on the football field. Flexibility gives you the ability to do this.


    1. The most important thing is to begin each workout with the proper warm-up. Ifyou do not have time to warm up, you do not have time to train. Prepare thebody thoroughly before beginning each workout. Your warm-up will set thetempo for the workout to follow. Refer to the Running Day Warm-Up forrunning days and Lifting Day Warm-Up for weight lifting days .

    2. Refer to the Summer Running Program Calendar for, Speed, Agility, andEndurance Development. Perform all drills at the distance or duration indicatedevery day. Pay attention to the reps and recovery times for each individual drill.

    3. Refer to the Weight Training Section of the manual for your weight-training

    program. The most important thing you can do is find a place to lift and dontwaste time getting started. Also refer to the Abdominal Training for the Ab workat the end of each weight training day.


    We will use free weight exercises as the core of our strength program. These exercisesrequire a great deal of effort to perform and you must concentrate a great deal whileperforming them. We divided these exercises into five categories.

    1. Exercises used to enhance explosive power Power clean, hang clean, cleanpull, push press, split jerk, hang snatch. The power clean is one of our threecore exercises and it is extremely important to work very hard at perfecting thetechnique of this exercise. Speed of movement and timing is the key to successwhen performing explosive exercises. We are not just heaving weights whiledoing the exercises. Learn to do these exercises with flawless technique beforeslapping a bunch of weight on the bar. When doing the explosive exercises,concentrate on your timing and focus on your explosion from the power position.Remember to control the weight. Never let the weight control you.

    2. Exercises used to develop maximum strength Back squat, front squat,bench press, pull-ups, dumbbell incline press, step-ups, and barbell press. The

    back squat and bench press are two core exercises from this category. Thetempo and nature of the exercises for maximum strength are more controlledthan the explosive exercises. Control the weight while lowering it and drive theweight up when pressing or locking it out. Never bounce the weight on yourchest or from the bottom position while squatting. The nature of these exercisesallows you to lift a great deal of weight. It is important to select an optimal weightthat will allow for the completion of the set without failing in your attempt to finishthe last rep with perfect technique. It is the sum of all the work that you do that

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    determines the training effect. Perform all reps in a deliberate and controlledfashion.

    3. Auxiliary exercises used to develop mass This group of exercises is used toenhance the core lifts and develop muscle mass. Exercises such as push-ups,

    dips, pull-ups, shrugs, glute/ham, leg curls and many other assorted shoulder,tricep and bicep exercises are used. We will do these exercises at the end ofeach workout. Work these exercises hard! They are very important and shouldbe done with maximum intensity. Train every set of every exercise to failure.Concentrate on good technique and focus on the muscle group being trained.

    4. Exercise for the abs and lower back Everyone wants a large muscular upperbody and a big powerful lower body but many refuse to do anything for themuscles in between. You must train your abs and low back. Do not neglect these exercises! Train your abs and low back with a passion. Do them at theend of your workout. We will do some type of ab work every lifting day!

    5. Exercises used to develop the neck and traps We will do neck work everyday we lift. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A NECK MACHINE, DOMANUAL NECK EVERY DAY! Make sure that you find someone to help you dothis.


    A college football player should come into camp in the best possible physical conditionand at his strongest. The purpose of our weight lifting, and strength program is to makeyou the strongest and most powerful football player that you can be.

    Hard work is necessary to develop strength and power. Do not confuse hard work with showing up! It does not take a great deal of time to develop strength and power ifthe time spent in the weight room is done with great intensity and effort.

    Developing Strength An Introduction Resistance the first ingredient. This can come from barbells, dumbbells, bodyweightexercise and/or machines. You must lift heavy weights in order to get strong!

    Progressive overload the second ingredient. You must make the muscles do morework than the previous workout. Performing more reps and/or lifting more weight will

    take care of this.Sets and Reps Simply stated sets of 5 reps or less are used to build maximalstrength and power and sets of 6-20 reps are used to build strength endurance andmuscle mass. Follow all of the sets and reps exactly as is laid out and NEVER MISSREPS ! One of the fastest ways to halt your strength development is to becomeimpatient and use more weight for a given number of reps than you should and end upnot completing all your reps. On the other side of that if you are doing power shrugs

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    and you are doing sets of 15 reps and you use 225 lbs. and you can complete the setwith ease, then add weight! Push yourself but stay within the guidelines that have beengiven to you in this program.

    Variety the third ingredient. The human body strives to reach a constant state of

    homeostasis. Weight lifting disrupts the bodys homeostasis. The bodys response tothis disruption is growth (increased strength and/or size). Once growth occurs, a newdisruption must occur in order to insure additional growth. Changing reps, weights, setsand/or the exercises provide the necessary variety for growth to continue.

    Rest the fourth ingredient. The body gets stronger and faster when it recovers fromwork, not during work. There are several ways to insure proper growth andimprovements in the weight room. Make sure you eat a diet high in quality protein (1gram per pound of bodyweight per day), sleep at least 8 hours every night and drink agallon of water a day. There will also be days in the program where you will be asked tolift heavier weights and there will be days where you are asked to lift lighter weights.

    Follow these guidelines and constant growth is guaranteed.Determining your Max

    There are two ways to determine your max for the core lifts. The first and mostaccurate method is to warm up for 5 or 6 sets until you reach a weight that you can onlylift for one rep. If you dont have a workout partner or partners DO NOT MAX OUTALONE ! You could seriously get hurt, so be smart! If you dont have a partner or youhave never done a one rep max and are uncomfortable doing it heres another way.Warm-up for 5 to 6 sets and 2-5 reps per set and whatever weight you can do for goodtechnique but is still very heavy for 2-5 reps that weight is your max for that exercise.This is not a true one rep max but will still be a good starting place.

    ProgressionThis program works with the progressive overload principle stated earlier. Notice that atthe top right of the weight lifting sheet in the maxes box with your power clean, backsquat and bench press, there is a number to the right of maxes in parentheses. Forweek 1 this number is -20%. What this means is that you are going to subtract 20% ofyou max weights for these three exercises and go by those numbers as your maxs forweek 1. For example, if my power clean max is 300 lbs. then for week 1, I will subtract20% from that and get 240 lbs. This is my power clean max for week 1. I would do thissame procedure with bench press and back squat for week 1. After you havedetermined you Back Squat, Power Clean and Bench Press maxes for week 1 you willneed to use the Core Lifts Calculations sheet to determine the rest of your liftsmaxes based on these week 1 maxes. Once you have written down all of your maxesfor all of the core lifts on your weight training sheet will need to refer to theProgression Charts for the weights that you will be lifting each set. All you need todo to determine your weights is to look at right side of the weight training sheets to seeif a lift is using the Heavy, Medium or Light progression. After you determine that lookat whatever your max weight is for that lift and then fill in the weights for each set acrossthat row. For example, if I want to look at Week 1 on the weight lifting program and

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    figure out my Hang Clean weights on Mondays workout. Since my Power Clean1-repmax is 300 lbs., and -20% of that is 240 lbs. then I know by looking at the core liftscalculations sheet that my hang clean max is equal to 100% of my power clean max. Inthis case the hang clean is using the medium progression chart so I will look at 240 lbs.on the medium progression and know that my weights are 120, 145, 170, 180 pounds

    for 4 sets of 3 reps (Just round to the nearest 5 pounds on the progression charts).Week 2 is -10% so I would look at 270 lbs. for the medium progression for my hangclean and I would lift 135, 160, 190, 205 for 4 sets of 3 reps. Week 3, max is written inparentheses and I will not subtract anything and look at my last max which is 300 lbs.on the power clean to figure out my hang clean weights. For week 3 my 4 sets of 3 repswould be 150, 180, 210, 225. If I complete all my reps with good technique then mynew hang clean max is 305 lbs. I will use 305 lbs. for the next 3 weeks as my max forhang cleans.

    So, with any lift this is how you would calculate your weights for the given week andevery third week you will go very heavy and if you complete all your reps on a given

    exercise you move your max up 5 pounds. So, for week 4 I would calculate my hangclean weights by looking at the medium progression chart for 305 lbs. because it is mynew max and then subtract -20% and find that my max for hang cleans that week is 245lbs. This program will follow this 3 week cycle of -20%, -10%, Max through theremainder of the Summer program.

    This is how you will progress every exercise that has a Heavy, Medium or Light out tothe right side of the weight lifting sheet. You may progress faster on some lifts thanothers, just be patient and keep working hard.

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    Running Day Warm-Up

    Part 1 - Warm-Up/Mobility

    Exercise RepsHip Flexor Lunge w/Twist 5

    Quad Pull 5Lateral Lunge 5

    Inchworms 5Single-Leg Ankle Stretch 10

    Spiderman w/Kickback (scap and regular push-up) 5

    Cradle Stretch 5Fire Hydraunts 10

    Fire Hydraunt Circles (both directions) 5Mule Kicks 5Leg Swings 10

    Scorpions 5Iron Cross 5

    Glute Bridge 10Standing Leg Swings (front and side) 10

    Part 2 - Dynamic Flexibility

    Exercise DistanceHigh Knees 10 yds.Backpedal 10 yds.

    Carioca 10 yds.Shuffle 10 yds.

    Soldier Walks 10 yds.Soldier Walks (Dynamic) 10 yds.

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    Lifting Day Warm-Up

    Complex AClean Pull

    RDL High Pull

    Hang CleanFront SquatPush Press

    Complex BSnatch Pull

    Hang SnatchOverhead SquatGood MorningSnatch Balance

    Pre-Lift Mobility RepsHip Flexor Lunge w/Twist 5 Set 1

    Spiderman w/Kickback (scap and regular push-up) 5 Set 2Rockers 5Cradle 5


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    BSC Football Summer 2010 RunningThis is the running format for each week of the running program. Refer to the calendarto see as reps change.*See "Running Day Warm-Up" to do before each running workout.


    A - Linear Speed (walk-back rest after each sprint)10 x 10 yds., 4 x 20 yds., 2 x 30 yds., 2 x 40 yds.

    B - Jumping (rest 60 sec. after each set)Broad Jumps - 2 x 20 yds.Vertical Jumps - 2 x 5Prisoner Jumps - 2 x 5Lunge Jumps - 2 x 5/leg

    C - Agility Conditioning (rest 30 sec. after each sprint)Go to the right and then the left on each drill, that counts as one rep, 1 rep = 2 sprints.

    4 Corners x 3 repsM-Drill x 3 repsIn and Out x 3 reps

    ThursdayA - Agility Speed Go both ways on each drill, that counts as one rep, 1 rep = 2 sprints.

    5-10-5 Drill x 3 (rest 45 sec. after each sprint)L-Drill x 3 (rest 45 sec. after each sprint)Illinois Drill x 2 (rest 90 sec. after each sprint)

    B - Linear Conditioning (with a running clock start each sprint every 90 sec.)

    Gassers x 10Skill - R, DB - 16 sec.Mid Skill - RB, LB, QB, TE, K - 18 sec.Big Skill - OL, DL - 20 sec.

    Friday (after weights)

    Sled Pushes and Pulls (Hill Sprints if you don't have a sled)

    50 yds. w/90 lbs. x 4 Pushes (rest 90 sec. after each push)50 yds. w/90 lbs. x 2 Pulls (rest 90 sec. after each pull)orRun up a steep hill x 5-10 sprints

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    May 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15


    Week 1


    Weights #1

    18 Run #1A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 3 reps of each


    Weights #2

    20 Run #2

    A-3 reps of eachB-10 Gassers

    21Weights #3,

    Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 2


    Weights #4

    25 Run #3A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 4 reps of each


    Weights #5

    27 Run #4

    A-3 reps of eachB-12 Gassers

    28Weights #6,

    Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 3


    Weights #7

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    June 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Week 3

    1 Run #5

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 3 reps of each


    Weights #8

    3 Run #6

    A-3 reps of eachB-10 Gassers


    Weights #9,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 4


    Weights #10

    8 Run #7

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 3x5C 4 reps of each


    Weights #11

    10 Run #8

    A-3 reps of eachB-14 Gassers


    Weights #12,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 5


    Weights #13

    15 Run #9

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 3x5C 5 reps of each


    Weights #14

    17 Run #10

    A-3 reps of eachB-16 Gassers


    Weights #15,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 6


    Weights #16

    22 Run #11

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 3 reps of each


    Weights #17

    24 Run #12

    A-3 reps of eachB-12 Gassers


    Weights #18,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 7


    Weights #19

    29 Run #13

    A-10x10, 4x20,

    2x30, 2x40B 4x5C 5 reps of each


    Weights #20

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    July 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Week 7

    1 Run #14

    A-3 reps of eachB-16 Gassers


    Weights #21,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 8


    Weights #22

    6 Run #15

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 4x5C 6 reps of each


    Weights #23

    8 Run #16

    A-3 reps of eachB-18 Gassers


    Weights #24,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 9


    Weights #25

    13 Run #17

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 3 reps of each


    Weights #26

    15 Run #18

    A-3 reps of eachB-14 Gassers


    Weights #27,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 10


    Weights #28

    20 Run #19

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 4x5C 5 reps of each


    Weights #29

    22 Run #20

    A-3 reps of eachB-16 Gassers


    Weights #30,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 11


    Weights #31

    27 Run #21

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 4x5C 6 reps of each


    Weights #32

    29 Run #22

    A-3 reps of eachB-18 Gassers


    Weights #33,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10



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    August 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Week 12


    Weights #34

    3 Run #23

    A-10x10, 4x20,2x30, 2x40B 2x5C 7 reps of each


    Weights #35

    5 Run #24

    A-3 reps of eachB-20 Gassers


    Weights #36,Sled Pushes andPulls or Up-hillSprints x 5-10




    Week 13


    Weights #37

    10 Run #25

    15 Gassers


    Rest Day


    Rest Day


    Reporting Day




    TestingDay !!!

    16 17 18 19 20 21

    37 weight workouts, 25 running workouts with a total of 62 workouts. Excluding serioussituations you need to make a CHAMPIONSHIP EFFORT this Summer and complete all 62workouts with 100% INTENSITY. If you miss a workout you might as well call up one of theguys on the team and tell him, You dont mean that much to me as a friend or a teammate soIm just going to list off a whole line of excuses today and not workout because Im selfish.Learn to be unselfish by working out when you dont feel like it and work hard for the guys wholine up next to you. Man up this Summer and do whats right when no one is watching!

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    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 1 (May 17, 19, 21)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Clean 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 5 5 5 5 5 HeavyC - Bench Press 5 5 5 5 5+ HeavyD - BB Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 5 5 5F - BB Skull Crushers 10 10 10G - Plate Pinch max max max

    H - DB Side Raise 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Snatch 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Step-Up 5 5 5 5 Medium ( )C - Clean Pull 5 5 5 5 5 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 5 5 5E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 10 10 10G - DB Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 5 5 5 5 Light ( )D - Bench Press 5 5 5 5 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Dips 10 10 10+G - DB 1-arm Rows 6 6 6H - BB Power Shrugs 15 15 15 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Maxes (-20%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 5Set 4Set 3

    Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2

    Set 2Set 1

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    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 3 (May 31, June 2, 4)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Clean 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 5 5 5 5 5 HeavyC - Bench Press 5 5 5 5 5+ HeavyD - BB Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 5 5 5F - BB Skull Crushers 15 15 15G - Plate Pinch max max max

    H - DB Side Raise 15 15 15Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Snatch 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Step-Up 5 5 5 5 Medium ( )C - Clean Pull 5 5 5 5 5 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 7 7 7E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 15 15 15G - DB Incline Press 7 7 7Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 5 5 5 5 Light ( )D - Bench Press 5 5 5 5 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Dips 10 10 10+G - DB 1-arm Rows 8 8 8H - BB Power Shrugs 15 15 15 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Maxes (Max)

    Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2

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    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 4 (June 7, 9, 11)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Clean 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 4 4 4 4 4 HeavyC - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 4+ HeavyD - BB Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 5 5 5F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 10 10 10

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #4Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 3 3 2 2 Medium ( )B - Step-Up 4 4 4 4 Medium ( )C - Clean Pull 4 4 4 4 4 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 5 5 5E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 10 10 10G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #5Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 4 4 4 4 Light ( )D - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 6 6 6H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #6, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Maxes (-20%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 5 (June 14, 16, 18)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Clean 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 4 4 4 4 4 HeavyC - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 4+ HeavyD - BB Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 5 5 5F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 15 15 15

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 3 3 2 2 Medium ( )B - Step-Up 4 4 4 4 Medium ( )C - Clean Pull 4 4 4 4 4 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 6 6 6E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 12 12 12G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 4 4 4 4 Light ( )D - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 7 7 7H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Bench Press

    Maxes (-10%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 6 (June 21, 23, 25)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Hang Clean 3 3 3 3 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 4 4 4 4 4 HeavyC - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 4+ HeavyD - BB Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 5 5 5F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 20 20 20

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #4Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 3 3 2 2 Medium ( )B - Step-Up 4 4 4 4 Medium( )C - Clean Pull 4 4 4 4 4 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 7 7 7E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 15 15 15G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #5Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 4 4 4 4 Light ( )D - Bench Press 4 4 4 4 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 8 8 8H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #6, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Maxes (Max)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 7 (June 28, 30, July 2)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 3 3 3 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 3+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - BB Skull Crushers 10 10 10G - Plate Pinch max max max

    H - DB Side Raise 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 5 5 5E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 10 10 10G - DB Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Dips 10 10 10+G - DB 1-arm Rows 6 6 6H - BB Power Shrugs 15 15 15 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Bench Press

    Maxes (-20%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 8 (July 5, 7, 9)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 3 3 3 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 3+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - BB Skull Crushers 12 12 12G - Plate Pinch max max max

    H - DB Side Raise 12 12 12Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #4Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 6 6 6E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 12 12 12G - DB Incline Press 6 6 6Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #5Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Dips 10 10 10+G - DB 1-arm Rows 7 7 7H - BB Power Shrugs 15 15 15 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #6, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Maxes (-10%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 9 (July 12, 14, 16)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 3 3 3 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 3+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - BB Skull Crushers 15 15 15G - Plate Pinch max max max

    H - DB Side Raise 15 15 15Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 3 3 3 3 3 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 7 7 7E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 15 15 15G - DB Incline Press 7 7 7Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Dips 10 10 10+G - DB 1-arm Rows 8 8 8H - BB Power Shrugs 15 15 15 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Bench Press

    Maxes (Max)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 10 (July 19, 21, 23)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 2 2 2 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 2 2 2+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 15 15 15

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #4Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 5 5 5E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 10 10 10G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #5Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 6 6 6H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #6, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Maxes (-20%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 11 (July 26, 28, 30)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 2 2 2 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 2 2 2+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 20 20 20

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 6 6 6E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 12 12 12G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #2Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 7 7 7H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #3, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Bench Press

    Maxes (-10%)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Set 1

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 12 (August 2, 4, 6)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Back Squat 3 3 2 2 2 HeavyC - Bench Press 3 3 2 2 2+ HeavyD - BB Push Press 5 5 5 5 Light ( )E - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3F - Close-Grip Bench 10 10 10G - Fingertip Push-Ups 25 25 25

    H - DB 1-arm Press 10 10 10Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #4Tuesday - See Running WorkoutsWednesday - Warm-Up: Complex B - 2x3 w/65, 75 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Snatch 2 2 2 2 Medium ( )B - Front Lunge 5 5 5 5 Light ( )C - Clean Pull 2 2 2 2 2 Heavy ( )

    D - Glute/Ham Raise 7 7 7E - Leg Curls 10 10 10F - BB Curl 15 15 15G - DB Alt. Incline Press 5 5 5Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #5Thursday - See Running WorkoutsFriday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )B - Split Jerk 2 2 1 1 1 Heavy ( )C - Front Squat 3 3 3 3 Light ( )D - Bench Press 3 3 3 3 LightE - Pull-Ups 10 10 10+F - Push-Ups 20 20 20+G - DB 1-arm Rows 8 8 8H - BB Power Shrugs 20 20 20 100% of CleanRotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #6, Sled Pushes and Pulls

    Maxes (Max)Power Clean

    Back Squat

    Bench Press

    Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Set 1 Set 2

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Name: ______________________________

    BSC Football Summer 2010 WeightsWeek 13 (August 9, 11)

    Monday - Warm-Up: Complex A - 2x3 w/85, 95 lbs., 4-Way Neck - 1x10Pre-lift Mobility: Hip Flexor Lunge w/Twist, Spiderman w/Kickback, Rockers, Cradle x 5 reps each

    R W R W R W R W R WA - Power Clean 3 3 3 3 LightB - Back Squat 5 5 5 5 LightC - Bench Press 5 5 5 5 LightE - Weighted Pull-Ups 3 3 3 3

    Rotator Cuff Work - T, Y, L, W x 10 reps each w/5-10 lbs., Ab Work #1

    Tuesday - See Running Workouts

    Back Squat

    Maxes (-20%)Power Clean

    Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    Bench Press

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Abdominal TrainingAll of these movements are online on youtube.

    Ab Workout # 1Front and Side Pillars

    Do front pillars for 60 sec., then side pillars for 30 sec./side. Do this 3 times, withperfect technique. Keep your back flat.

    Ab Workout #23 min. Abs

    Do V-Ups for 20 sec., switch to Russian Twists for 20 sec., then front pillars for 20 sec.Rotate through each one of these 3 times as fast as you can for as many reps as you can.Keep moving for the whole 3 min.

    Ab Workout #3BB Twist

    Do 3 sets of 8 reps on each side with good technique and power. Use your legs.

    Ab Workout #4BB Rollouts

    Do 3 sets of 8-15 reps with a flat back and elbows straight.

    Ab Workout #5Ab Circuit

    Sprinter Sit-Ups, V-Ups, Reverse Crunch, Toe Touches and Windshield Wipers.Do 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise. Do 10 reps on each side of the Windshield Wipers.

    Ab Workout #6Suitcase Deadlift

    Do 3 sets of 5 reps on each side with as much weight as possible while notsacrificing technique. Keep your spine straight up and down and chest up.

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    100 55 65 75 80 85105 58 68 79 84 89110 61 72 83 88 94

    115 63 75 86 92 98120 66 78 90 96 102125 69 81 94 100 106130 72 85 98 104 111135 74 88 101 108 115140 77 91 105 112 119145 80 94 109 116 123150 83 98 113 120 128155 85 101 116 124 132160 88 104 120 128 136165 91 107 124 132 140170 94 111 128 136 145175 96 114 131 140 149180 99 117 135 144 153185 102 120 139 148 157190 105 124 143 152 162195 107 127 146 156 166200 110 130 150 160 170205 113 133 154 164 174210 116 137 158 168 179215 118 140 161 172 183

    220 121 143 165 176 187225 124 146 169 180 191230 127 150 173 184 196235 129 153 176 188 200240 132 156 180 192 204245 135 159 184 196 208250 138 163 188 200 213255 140 166 191 204 217260 143 169 195 208 221265 146 172 199 212 225270 149 176 203 216 230275 151 179 206 220 234280 154 182 210 224 238285 157 185 214 228 242290 160 189 218 232 247295 162 192 221 236 251300 165 195 225 240 255305 168 198 229 244 259310 171 202 233 248 264

    Progression Chart (Heavy)

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    315 173 205 236 252 268320 176 208 240 256 272325 179 211 244 260 276330 182 215 248 264 281335 184 218 251 268 285

    340 187 221 255 272 289345 190 224 259 276 293350 193 228 263 280 298355 195 231 266 284 302360 198 234 270 288 306365 201 237 274 292 310370 204 241 278 296 315375 206 244 281 300 319380 209 247 285 304 323385 212 250 289 308 327390 215 254 293 312 332395 217 257 296 316 336400 220 260 300 320 340405 223 263 304 324 344410 226 267 308 328 349415 228 270 311 332 353420 231 273 315 336 357425 234 276 319 340 361430 237 280 323 344 366435 239 283 326 348 370440 242 286 330 352 374

    445 245 289 334 356 378450 248 293 338 360 383455 250 296 341 364 387460 253 299 345 368 391465 256 302 349 372 395470 259 306 353 376 400475 261 309 356 380 404480 264 312 360 384 408485 267 315 364 388 412490 270 319 368 392 417495 272 322 371 396 421

    500 275 325 375 400 425505 278 328 379 404 429510 281 332 383 408 434515 283 335 386 412 438520 286 338 390 416 442525 289 341 394 420 446530 292 345 398 424 451535 294 348 401 428 455540 297 351 405 432 459

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

    545 300 354 409 436 463550 303 358 413 440 468555 305 361 416 444 472560 308 364 420 448 476565 311 367 424 452 480

    570 314 371 428 456 485575 316 374 431 460 489580 319 377 435 464 493585 322 380 439 468 497590 325 384 443 472 502595 327 387 446 476 506600 330 390 450 480 510605 333 393 454 484 514610 336 397 458 488 519615 338 400 461 492 523620 341 403 465 496 527625 344 406 469 500 531630 347 410 473 504 536635 349 413 476 508 540640 352 416 480 512 544645 355 419 484 516 548650 358 423 488 520 553655 360 426 491 524 557660 363 429 495 528 561665 366 432 499 532 565670 369 436 503 536 570

    675 371 439 506 540 574680 374 442 510 544 578685 377 445 514 548 582690 380 449 518 552 587695 382 452 521 556 591700 385 455 525 560 595705 388 458 529 564 599710 391 462 533 568 604715 393 465 536 572 608720 396 468 540 576 612725 399 471 544 580 616

    730 402 475 548 584 621735 404 478 551 588 625740 407 481 555 592 629745 410 484 559 596 633750 413 488 563 600 638755 415 491 566 604 642760 418 494 570 608 646765 421 497 574 612 650770 424 501 578 616 655

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    100 50 60 70 75105 53 63 74 79110 55 66 77 83

    115 58 69 81 86120 60 72 84 90125 63 75 88 94130 65 78 91 98135 68 81 95 101140 70 84 98 105145 73 87 102 109150 75 90 105 113155 78 93 109 116160 80 96 112 120165 83 99 116 124170 85 102 119 128175 88 105 123 131180 90 108 126 135185 93 111 130 139190 95 114 133 143195 98 117 137 146200 100 120 140 150205 103 123 144 154210 105 126 147 158215 108 129 151 161

    220 110 132 154 165225 113 135 158 169230 115 138 161 173235 118 141 165 176240 120 144 168 180245 123 147 172 184250 125 150 175 188255 128 153 179 191260 130 156 182 195265 133 159 186 199270 135 162 189 203275 138 165 193 206280 140 168 196 210285 143 171 200 214290 145 174 203 218295 148 177 207 221300 150 180 210 225305 153 183 214 229310 155 186 217 233

    Progression Chart (Medium)

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    315 158 189 221 236320 160 192 224 240325 163 195 228 244330 165 198 231 248335 168 201 235 251

    340 170 204 238 255345 173 207 242 259350 175 210 245 263355 178 213 249 266360 180 216 252 270365 183 219 256 274370 185 222 259 278375 188 225 263 281380 190 228 266 285385 193 231 270 289390 195 234 273 293395 198 237 277 296400 200 240 280 300405 203 243 284 304410 205 246 287 308415 208 249 291 311420 210 252 294 315425 213 255 298 319430 215 258 301 323435 218 261 305 326440 220 264 308 330

    445 223 267 312 334450 225 270 315 338455 228 273 319 341460 230 276 322 345465 233 279 326 349470 235 282 329 353475 238 285 333 356480 240 288 336 360485 243 291 340 364490 245 294 343 368495 248 297 347 371

    500 250 300 350 375505 253 303 354 379510 255 306 357 383515 258 309 361 386520 260 312 364 390525 263 315 368 394530 265 318 371 398535 268 321 375 401540 270 324 378 405

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    545 273 327 382 409550 275 330 385 413555 278 333 389 416560 280 336 392 420565 283 339 396 424

    570 285 342 399 428575 288 345 403 431580 290 348 406 435585 293 351 410 439590 295 354 413 443595 298 357 417 446600 300 360 420 450605 303 363 424 454610 305 366 427 458615 308 369 431 461620 310 372 434 465625 313 375 438 469630 315 378 441 473635 318 381 445 476640 320 384 448 480645 323 387 452 484650 325 390 455 488655 328 393 459 491660 330 396 462 495665 333 399 466 499670 335 402 469 503

    675 338 405 473 506680 340 408 476 510685 343 411 480 514690 345 414 483 518695 348 417 487 521700 350 420 490 525705 353 423 494 529710 355 426 497 533715 358 429 501 536720 360 432 504 540725 363 435 508 544

    730 365 438 511 548735 368 441 515 551740 370 444 518 555745 373 447 522 559750 375 450 525 563755 378 453 529 566760 380 456 532 570765 383 459 536 574770 385 462 539 578

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    100 50 55 60 65105 53 58 63 68110 55 61 66 72

    115 58 63 69 75120 60 66 72 78125 63 69 75 81130 65 72 78 85135 68 74 81 88140 70 77 84 91145 73 80 87 94150 75 83 90 98155 78 85 93 101160 80 88 96 104165 83 91 99 107170 85 94 102 111175 88 96 105 114180 90 99 108 117185 93 102 111 120190 95 105 114 124195 98 107 117 127200 100 110 120 130205 103 113 123 133210 105 116 126 137215 108 118 129 140

    220 110 121 132 143225 113 124 135 146230 115 127 138 150235 118 129 141 153240 120 132 144 156245 123 135 147 159250 125 138 150 163255 128 140 153 166260 130 143 156 169265 133 146 159 172270 135 149 162 176275 138 151 165 179280 140 154 168 182285 143 157 171 185290 145 160 174 189295 148 162 177 192300 150 165 180 195305 153 168 183 198310 155 171 186 202

    Progression Chart (Light)

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    315 158 173 189 205320 160 176 192 208325 163 179 195 211330 165 182 198 215335 168 184 201 218

    340 170 187 204 221345 173 190 207 224350 175 193 210 228355 178 195 213 231360 180 198 216 234365 183 201 219 237370 185 204 222 241375 188 206 225 244380 190 209 228 247385 193 212 231 250390 195 215 234 254395 198 217 237 257400 200 220 240 260405 203 223 243 263410 205 226 246 267415 208 228 249 270420 210 231 252 273425 213 234 255 276430 215 237 258 280435 218 239 261 283440 220 242 264 286

    445 223 245 267 289450 225 248 270 293455 228 250 273 296460 230 253 276 299465 233 256 279 302470 235 259 282 306475 238 261 285 309480 240 264 288 312485 243 267 291 315490 245 270 294 319495 248 272 297 322

    500 250 275 300 325505 253 278 303 328510 255 281 306 332515 258 283 309 335520 260 286 312 338525 263 289 315 341530 265 292 318 345535 268 294 321 348540 270 297 324 351

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Max Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

    545 273 300 327 354550 275 303 330 358555 278 305 333 361560 280 308 336 364565 283 311 339 367

    570 285 314 342 371575 288 316 345 374580 290 319 348 377585 293 322 351 380590 295 325 354 384595 298 327 357 387600 300 330 360 390605 303 333 363 393610 305 336 366 397615 308 338 369 400620 310 341 372 403625 313 344 375 406630 315 347 378 410635 318 349 381 413640 320 352 384 416645 323 355 387 419650 325 358 390 423655 328 360 393 426660 330 363 396 429665 333 366 399 432670 335 369 402 436

    675 338 371 405 439680 340 374 408 442685 343 377 411 445690 345 380 414 449695 348 382 417 452700 350 385 420 455705 353 388 423 458710 355 391 426 462715 358 393 429 465720 360 396 432 468725 363 399 435 471

    730 365 402 438 475735 368 404 441 478740 370 407 444 481745 373 410 447 484750 375 413 450 488755 378 415 453 491760 380 418 456 494765 383 421 459 497770 385 424 462 501

  • 8/7/2019 Birmingham Southern_2010-FOOTBALL


    Core Lift Calculations

    All core lifts with a Heavy, Medium or Light out to the side will be based off of these 3 lifts.

    Back Squat 1 Rep Max =Power Clean 1 Rep Max =Bench Press 1 Rep Max =

    When you calculate the lifts below put the training max out to the right in the parenthesesto keep track of the number.

    RDL Max = 100% of Power Clean MaxFront Squat Max = 100% of Power Clean MaxBB Press Max = 70% of Power Clean MaxBB Push Press Max = 100% of Power Clean MaxHang Snatch Max = 70% of Power Clean Max


    Up Max







    Clean Pull Max = 100% of Power Clean MaxSplit Jerk Max = 80% of Power Clean MaxFront Lunge = 50% of Back Squat MaxHang Clean = 100% of Clean MaxBB Power Shrugs = 100% of Clean Max

    For example:

    If I am trying to calculate my RDL weights for Week 1 and my power clean max is 300 lbs.I would look at the chart above and see that my RDL Max is 100% of my Clean Max and write myRDL Max out to the far right in the parentheses. I would then look at the Medium progression chartfor 300 lbs. to fill in my weights for RDL. See below.

    Hang Clean Medium (300)Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5150 180 210 225

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