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    Chapter Three Bits and Pieces Objectives Define and review the geometric shapes of the semicircle, ellipse, and

    hyperbola from the perspective of modelling and migration. Define and evaluate instantaneous, interval, average, stacking, RMS, DMO, and

    migration velocities. Gain insight to the Fourier transform and aliasing. Become acquainted with the wave equation and be exposed to some methods

    of applying it to seismic data. Identify the differences between time and depth migrations.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.2

    3.1 Circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas Some simple observations of a circle center of a circle represents the location of a source and receiver reflections from any part of the circle have the same traveltime circle is a special form of an ellipse in which the foci are co-located the circle and hyperbola are directly related a triangle whose base is a diameter and whose apex lies on the circumference

    will have a right angle opposite the diameter.

    x z r2 2 2+ = (3.1)

    Figure 3.1 The circle and its geometry.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.3

    3.1.1 Some observations of an ellipse The foci are special points for an ellipse, and in seismic processing, they

    represent the locations of the source and receiver. A ray through one focus (source) will reflect off the ellipse and pass through

    the other focus (receiver). Length of the raypath from one focus to any location on the ellipse and on to

    the other focus will always be constant. Similarly, a raypath of fixed length that starts and ends at the foci will describe

    an ellipse. An ellipse will tend toward the shape of a circle when the distance between the

    foci is much less than the raypath.

    2 2

    2 2

    x z 1a b

    + = (3.2)

    Figure 3.2 The ellipse and its geometry.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.4

    3.1.2 Some observations of an hyperbola A diffraction pattern has the shape of a hyperbola as defined below. The depth of the apex is Zo, and the half offset is h. Slope of the hyperbola (diffraction) tends to 45o asymptotes when h >> Zo, Asymptotes intersect at the surface and for all diffractions on the zero offset


    A hyperbola also has two foci and may be defined as having the same difference in length from each of the foci.


    22 zxz = (3.3)


    o2 xzz += (3.4)

    For two way times,




    v4xTT += (3.5)

    Figure 3.3 The hyperbola and associated definitions.


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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.5

    3.1.3 Relationships between the circle and hyperbola A diffraction hyperbola with its apex on a semicircle will also pass through the

    bottom of the circle. The apex of a diffraction hyperbola and any other point on the diffraction

    hyperbola will lie on a semicircle with a center at time-zero above the point.


    b) Figure 3.4 Relationship of the diffraction hyperbola and the semicircle (a)

    showing the angles and (b) the intersections.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.6

    3.1.4 Relationships between the ellipse and hyperbola The ellipse defines a constant total distance from the two foci, i.e.

    d1 + d2 = d3 + d4. The hyperbola defines the difference in distance between the two foci, i.e.

    s2 - s1 = s4 - s3.

    Figure 3.5 The relationship between the ellipse and hyperbola.

    Figure 3.6 Two orthogonal antenna systems used for navigation. The difference

    in time from each antenna system will locate four positions on corresponding hyperbola.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.7

    The two following figures illustrate non-geophysical applications of the ellipsoid.

    Figure 3.7 The Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City has an ellipsoid shape with the pulpit at one focus. People sitting near the other focus can hear a whisper at 200 ft.

    Figure 3.8 Lithotripsy: A method for breaking gallstones uses an ellipsoid cavity with a fluid that matches the velocity of tissue. A spark at one focus will reflect energy to the focus within the patient and break the gallstones [97].

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.8

    3.2 Velocities (instantaneous, average, RMS, stacking, interval, migration, and DMO)

    It will be assumed that a geological formation has one acoustic velocity that is defined by the instantaneous velocity and that a well log is a good source for interval velocities.

    At this time we assume P-waves in an isotropic medium.

    Other types of velocity are defined for convenience and are described as follows: Average velocities are used to convert directly from time to the corresponding

    points in depth (or visa versa). RMS velocities are defined to simplify the computation of raypath traveltimes

    or moveout correction. . Stacking velocities are used to create the best-looking stack. For isotropic

    horizontal layers with small offsets, they should be equal to the RMS velocities, VNMO = VRMS.. Dipping areas of the section Vstk require the stacking velocities Vstk to be higher than the RMS velocities [115]. When the effects of dip have been removed, moveout velocities are often considered equivalent to RMS velocities (for all offsets), allowing the estimation of interval velocities.

    Interval velocities are assumed constant over a small range. They may be derived from well-log velocities using either an average or RMS computation, depending on the application. Interval velocities may also be estimated from RMS velocities (by way of stacking velocities) using Dix equation [442] [443].

    Migration velocities produce the best-looking migrated section and should be either RMS or interval velocities and not the stacking velocities. Other factors that effect 2-D migration velocities are sideswipe and oblique reflectors [4].

    When applying NMO prior to the DMO process, the NMO should use RMS velocities and not the stacking velocities.

    Transverse anisotropy may occur in horizontally layered media, where, at a given location, the velocity may vary from 10% to 20% with dip. Conventional processing ignores the effects of transverse anisotropy. Its effect on traveltimes may be partially absorbed into stacking and migration velocities. Azimuthal anisotropy may be caused by depositional environment. Its effect in 3-D processing may require gathers to be formed using an azimuthal parameter. Shallow azimuthal anisotropy may also effect weathering analysis.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.9

    Typical seismic processing defines a stacking velocity to give a best fit for NMO. Occasionally, these velocities are assumed to be RMS with interval velocities computed using Dixs equation [442] (see Figure 3.12). This method is subject to serious error in structured data where the stacking velocities are increased by the cosine of the dip to produce the best stack. The inclusion of DMO and migration in the velocity analysis loop removes the effects of dip on stacking velocities. These stacking velocities will tend toward RMS velocities from which the interval velocities may be estimated.

    Velocities are picked at discrete points. It is assumed RMS velocities are linearly interpolated between picks, and that interval velocities are constant between picks. Linear interpolation is considered accurate enough for standard processing even though it may not be strictly accurate relative to the constant interval velocity assumption. RMS velocities, Vrms are defined from interval velocities for the purpose of simplifying the computation of raypath traveltimes or moveout correction. They enable the curved raypaths on an isotropic horizontally layered medium to be approximated with linear rays on a time section [56]. These linear rays form triangles, allowing the hyperbolic assumption of traveltimes. This definition is strictly for small offsets as the real traveltimes are more complex and may require a polynomial approximation for larger offsets. A best hyperbolic fit to the traveltimes in an isotropic horizontally layered medium with any offset will use a velocity defined as the normal moveout velocity VNMO , often equated to Vrms. In the presence of anisotropy, it is the difference between well-log estimates of Vrms, and VNMO that leads to estimates of the anisotropy. The diffraction shape may be quite complex, even in horizontally layered structures. Hyperbolic moveout that achieves a best fit using a stacking velocity may have a zero-offset time that varies from the actual zero-offset time. See Yilmaz [83] pages 159 to 168 for additional information. Questions: What type of velocity does the speedometer in a car read? What type of velocity may be calculated from the odometer reading and

    elapsed time?

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.10

    3.2.1 Instantaneous velocity (Vins) The true structure is defined by the instantaneous velocity. The instantaneous velocity should be similar to the well-log velocity and represents the actual velocity of the subsurface at a specific location. It is defined as a small increment of distance divided by the time required for the acoustic wave to travel across that distance.

    insSmall dist. d zVTime inc. d t

    = = (3.6)

    Figure 3.9 Instantaneous velocity.

    Remember that we are assuming isotropic media.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.11

    3.2.2 Average velocity (Vave) The average velocity relates a total distance with a total traveltime, and is not concerned with what happens within the measurements. An average speed of travel does not require knowledge of refueling stops or the maximum speed traveled, but only with the total distance and total time. In geophysics, the average velocity is used to relate a specific depth with a specific time in time/depth conversions.

    ( ) ( )( )


    n N

    t T int nn 0

    ave ins n Nt

    nn 0

    V n tspecific dist. 1V T V t dt

    time required T t




    = = (3.7)


    Figure 3.10 Average velocity of the defined instantaneous velocity.

    Average velocities are only valid for vertical velocity variations, and it should not be used for structures with significant lateral velocity variations. When lateral velocities are present, image-ray conversions should be used. See work by Hubral [3].

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.12

    3.2.3 RMS velocity ( Vrms) The RMS velocity is an apparent velocity that takes into account Snell's law of refraction and enables a simple calculation for normal moveout and diffractions. RMS is derived from "root mean squared" and is defined in [56], [83] and [442] as

    ( ) ( )t T

    2 2rms ins

    t 0

    1V T V t dtT



    ( )n N

    nn 0


    n N2

    int nn 0

    V n t=



    = (3.8)

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1

    22 2 2 2int 0 int 1 int 2 int n

    rms0 1 2 n

    V 0 t V 1 t V 2 t ... V n tV n

    t t t ... t + + + += + + + + (3.9)



    Figure 3.11 The velocity diagram showing the RMS velocity.

    RMS velocities defined above are accurate for small offsets when computing NMO correction. Larger offsets may require more terms in the MO equation (as given in section 3.2.1 in [83]).

    The term RMS velocities will also be used (in an approximate sense) to refer to: best fit velocities for horizontal reflectors, Vrms Vstk, (isotropic media) velocities extracted from stacking velocities in which the dip-dependent factor

    has been removed, i.e. Vrms Vstk cos(dip), or NMO velocities used prior to the application of dip moveout (DMO).

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.13

    3.2.4 Stacking velocities (Vstk) Stacking velocities Vstk are chosen to obtain the "best looking" stack from the NMO equation (3.10), where T and T0 are two-way times and h is half the source-receiver offset. The double quotes emphasize that velocity picking is subjective and that stacking velocities are not necessarily equal to theoretical RMS velocities.

    ( )2

    2 2nmo o 2

    stk o

    4hT TV T

    = + . (3.10) The use of the word "robust" is very applicable for stacking velocities. These velocities cover many approximations that are made in seismic processing and have enabled the processing of complex data structures well beyond the original assumptions of NMO and stacking. Anisotropy is one approximation that is partially absorbed into that stacking velocity. Another robust feature of stacking velocities is its ability to improve the appearance of dipping data by increasing the stacking velocities with

    ( )rmsstkVV

    cos = . (3.11) Equation (3.11) enables NMO to stack energy of a dipping event at a CMP location; however, this process does smear data along the dipping event. This equation is derived in Volume II, Section 7.0.9 and is attributed to Levin [115].

    Since the stacking velocities incorporate dipping information, care must be taken when using them for other processes such as interval velocity analysis, migration, or inversion. If used for velocity analysis, the results may be unreliable and absurd to the point of negative interval velocities (Figure 3.12).

    Remember that the stacking velocities are defined for a best-fit hyperbola, and that T0 of the hyperbola may not be exactly the same as the actual zero-offset time. See Yilmaz [83] pages 159 - 166 for more detailed information.

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    Page 3.14

    3.2.5 Interval velocities (Vint) Interval velocities combine the instantaneous velocities over a defined interval. The actual definition of interval velocities depends on the application. If the application involves time to depth estimations, then an average velocity over the interval T1,2 from T1 to T2 is used, i.e.

    ( ) ( )21


    int 1,2 insT1,2

    specific dist. 1V T V t dt time required T

    = = . (3.12) When the use of interval velocities are associated with NMO or migration applications, the RMS definition is used, i.e.,

    ( ) ( )21

    T2 2int insT


    1V T V t dtT

    = . (3.13) Interval velocities may be estimated from seismic processing using Dixs equation and the RMS velocities that are derived from stacking velocities. Dixs equation for interval n may be derived from equation (3.9) and is

    ( ) ( ) ( )1

    122 2

    rms n rms n-1int

    n n

    V n t V n -1 tV n

    t t

    = . (3.14) The interval velocities derived in this manner tend to be continuous along events and aid in the velocity analysis process. When the interval velocity is estimated from stacking velocities of dipping data, inaccurate results occur. The stacking velocity for dipping data is increased by equation (3.11), and repeated as (3.15), i.e.,

    cos( )rms


    dip= . (3.15)

    Using the stacking velocity of equation (3.15) as RMS velocities in equation (3.14) will produce interval velocities that may vary in an extreme manner, i.e., they may be very high, or very low, and even negative as illustrated in Figure 3.12.

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    Page 3.15

    a) b) c) d)

    Figure 3.12 Illustration of errors in interval velocity when estimated from stacking velocities in area of dipping geology. Part (a) shows the instantaneous and RMS velocities of the geological structure in (b). The resulting stacking velocity is shown in (c), with the incorrect interval velocities in (d) estimated from (c).

    Always convert stacking velocities to RMS velocities by removing

    dipping effects before estimating interval velocities.

    We typically use Vrms for Vstk when the structure is horizontal. This assumes no anisotropy present. When anisotropy is present, Vrms obtained from well information is not equivalent to Vstk.

    Processing that includes DMO has significantly improved the science of velocity analysis and by passes the "dip" problem. Velocity analysis that includes DMO derives RMS-type velocities and has helped automate the process.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.16

    3.2.6 Assumption of linear raypaths In a constant velocity medium, the travel times for NMO or a diffraction are hyperbolic. When the velocity increase with depth, as illustrated in Figure 3.13a, the raypath curves, adding complexity to the problem. The raypaths in Figure 3.13a are curved because velocity increases with depth.

    The traveltimes of the NMO or diffraction curve in Figure 3.1a is described by a polynomial 2 2 2 4 60 1 2 3




    t a x a a x a x a x=

    = = + + + + . The NMO or diffraction curve is usually approximated by the first two terms of

    the polynomial giving a hyperbola 2 2 20 1t t a x= + , i.e. equation (3.10). The hyperbolic assumption is possible when using the RMS velocities defined

    in equations 3.8 and 3.9. The hyperbolic and RMS velocity approximation assumes horizontally layered media and is accurate for small offsets.

    The hyperbolic approximation is shown in (b), and from Pythagorean theorem, the raypaths on the time section are linear.

    The time section is often superimposed on top of the geological structure with the vertical time T0 scaled to coincide with a reflection at depth z as illustrated in (c).

    Estimating the true depth z from T0 must use the average velocity Vave. The use of the RMS velocities with T0 will only estimate a pseudo depth z0. The assumed linear raypaths will have errors in the angle of incidence and


    The hyperbolic approximation of traveltimes is one of the most significant developments in exploration seismology. The travel time from any location on the surface to a scatterpoint, or from any scatterpoint to any point on the surface, can be approximated by using the RMS velocity and the geometry. At this point we still assume horizontally layered media. Dipping events are approximated using stacking velocities. Even in structured media, the traveltimes of specula reflection energy tends to be hyperbolic. NMO correction and Kirchhoff time migration are based on this assumption.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.17



    T 0 Diffraction



    T 0, z 0 Hyperbola




    T 0

    a) b)

    T0 True depth z z0




    Figure 3.13 Raypaths and traveltimes in a) are for the actual the depth structure and b) the assumed linear raypaths on the time section. The actual diffraction in (a) is approximated by the hyperbola in (b). Part c) illustrates overlapping time and depth sections that confuse the pseudo depth with the actual depth. Assume that the raypaths in Figure 3.13b are zero-offset to the scatterpoint. Define the equation for the two-way traveltime T in terms of T0, x, and Vrms. Assume the raypaths in Figure 3.1b are to the same midpoint. Define the two-way traveltime T in terms of T0, h, and Vrms.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.18

    3.2.7 The power of the RMS assumption In a review, I emphasize that in a multi-layered media, where we would normally have to do raytracing to get the travel times; we dont. We simply use the RMS velocity Vrms defined at the time T0 of the scatterpoint, then assume that the rays are linear on the time section, and compute the traveltimes with a hyperbolic equation of the form:


    2 2 10 2


    a xt TV

    = + . (0.1) Figure 3.14 illustrates the general concept in (a), a CMP gather in (b), post-stack Kirchhoff migration in (c), and the double square-root equation in (d). For a CMP gather, we compute the normal moveout correction for horizontal reflectors by using the hyperbolic equation:


    2 20 2



    ht TV

    = + . (0.2) Dipping reflectors require the RMS velocity to be replaced by stacking velocities. For a post-stack Kirchhoff migration, we compute the two-way traveltime with the hyperbolic equation:


    2 20 2



    xt TV

    = + . (0.3) Prestack Kirchhoff time migration computes the individual one-way traveltimes of the source and receiver ray paths to give the double square-root equation:

    2 2 2 2

    0 02 24 4s r

    s rrms rms

    T h T ht t tV V

    = + = + + + , (0.4) where hs and hr are the offsets from the location of the migrated trace to the location of the source and receiver.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.19







    h h

    CMP gather



    t b)

    Post-stack migration







    S Rhr


    Pre-stack migration Scatterpoint




    Figure 3.14 RMS velocity assumption for a) any rays to or from a scatterpoint, b) a CMP gather, c) zero-offset migration, and d) prestack migration.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.20

    3.2.8 Fermats principle What is the shortest path from P to S?

    Figure 3.15 Direct and refracted raypaths.

    Fermat's principle: The seismic raypath between two points is that for which the first-order variation of traveltime with respect to all neighbouring paths is zero (Sheriff [543],[550]).

    In simple terms a ray will usually follow the path of shortest time. (A maximum path is optimum for zero offset rays to a buried focus.)

    Even though the raypath PQRS is longer in distance than PS, the traveltime for PQRS will be shorter as the raypath spends more time in the higher velocity portion than in the lower velocity portion.

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.21

    Consider Figure 3.16 below. What path would a lifeguard take to reach the person crying for help? What path should a lifeguard take to reach the person crying for help? What are the two main parameters that determine the path?

    Figure 3.16 Lifeguard path.

    We encounter the application of Fermats principle many time in nature, and our intuition usually is correct. Consider:

    Hiking across fields that may be hard and easy to walk on and ones that may have been plowed, and difficult to walk on.

    Driving across a city: o Do you take the shortest and most direct path, or a free-way that may

    have a longer distance to travel. o Do you want to optimize with respect to time, distance, fuel economy, or

    some other parameter such as alternate shopping locations? o Do you include probabilities in you plans such as the times of possible

    traffic congestion.

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  • A Practical Understanding of Pre- and Poststack Migrations

    Page 3.22

    An additional concept of Fermats principle deals with the minimum (or maximum) traveltime. Consider Figure 3.17. The thicker ray path in (a) represents the actual raypath with alternate paths shown on either side. The traveltimes (T) for the various paths are shown by the curve in (b). From (b) we can observe that the minimum traveltime along paths between A and B is the actual raypath, verifying Fermats principle.

    At the minimum, the slope of the curve is horizontal. A small error in the refraction point location has negligible effect on the

    traveltime. (See construction in Figure 2.28).

    a) b)

    Figure 3.17 Minimum traveltime illustration with a) showing possible raypaths and b) the corresponding of traveltime verses the refraction point location.

    Fermats principle also tells us that small errors in the raypath location will have negligible effect on the estimation of the traveltime.

    Traveltime computations for depth migration may be simplified by using an approximate raypath location to save on computational overhead. Some contractors have even used straight raypaths when estimating traveltimes for depth migrations.

    Actual raypath

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  • Chapter 3 Bits and Pieces

    Page 3.23

    3.2.9 Exercise for velocity estimation. The structure is defined as shown below by its instantaneous velocity.

    Figure 3.18 Structure for velocity calculations. Compute the traveltimes TB, TC and TD at the depths B, C, and D (one-way time). Instantaneous times TAB, TBC, and TCD are,

    = = =ABT dist 1000 0.5 secvel 2000

    = = =BCT 1000... 0.25 sec4000

    = = =CDT 1000... 0.167 sec6000

    =BT 0.5 sec , =CT 0.75 sec =DT 0.917 sec

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    Page 3.24

    Compute the average velocities at B, C, D.

    ( ) = = =aveV B dist 1000 2000 ft/sectime 0.5

    ( ) = = =aveV C 2000... 2667 ft/sec0.75

    ( ) = = =aveV D 3000... 3272 ft/sec0.917


    Figure 3.19 Plot of Average velocity.

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    Page 3.25

    Compute the RMS velocities at B, C, and, D using equation (3.8).

    ( ) ft/s20000.5

    0.52000 21



    ( ) ft/s28280.25+0.5

    0.254000+0.52000 21



    ( ) f/s36140.167+0.25+0.5

    0.1676000+0.254000+0.52000 21




    Figure 3.20 Plot of RMS velocity on simple structure.

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    Page 3.26

    3.2.10 Construction for time response of rays The following constructions plot the traveltimes of rays that first ignore, and then apply, Snell's law. The first construction uses shortest distance raypaths and ignores Snell's law: the second includes refraction for a relative comparison. Traveltimes using the RMS velocity and offset are computed to be plotted for comparison with the construction. Construction: Time response of straight rays (incorrect) In Figure 3.21: Equate a velocity of 2000 with unity. In the first layer, use a time measure equal to the distance. In the second layer, use a time measure that is one half the distance traveled

    (two times the velocity or half the slowness). In the third layer, use a time measure equal to one-third the distance traveled

    (three times the velocity or one-third the slowness). The horizontal dashed line in the figure represents one half and one third the

    distance across the respective instantaneous velocities and should be used to construct the traveltimes.

    Construct the traveltimes by: Measuring the incremental traveltimes of each ray in the different velocity

    bands. Plot the accumulated times for each ray on the time graph (b) below the

    surface location of the ray. The traveltimes on (b) define the straight raypath diffraction shape that is to be

    compared to the true shape.

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    Figure 3.21 Construction of incorrect diffraction shape found by assuming a direct raypath; (a) shows the ray paths and (b) area for plotting travel times.

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    Page 3.28 Construction: Time response of refracted rays (correct) Use the same time to distance principles from the previous construction Use a time measure equal to distance in the top layer. Plot the incremental and total times in Figure 3.22b. In the second layer use a time measure of one half the distance. In the third layer use a time measure of one-third the distance. Plot the five raypath traveltimes. Add the traveltimes from Figure 3.21 to Figure 3.22. Add to the plot, the computed values using RMS velocities that are found on

    the following page. Note how well the RMS velocities allow the NMO computation to match the actual traveltimes. (They should if constructed accurately).

    One interesting feature that may be observed from this construction is that minimum distance raypaths also appear hyperbolic. An adjusted stacking velocity would allow reasonable NMO or migration of the data. This concept is used in some modelling based processes to improve run times.

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    Figure 3.22 Construction of diffraction shape with refracted raypath.

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    Page 3.30 Computation of traveltimes using RMS velocities Using the zero offset traveltime T(D) from page 3.23 (which should be the same time on both constructions), the RMS velocity at D from page 3.25, and the various offsets in Figure 3.22, compute the traveltimes using the one-way NMO equation,

    ( )

    ( )2

    2 2h 0 2

    rms 0

    1 hT T

    V T= + (3.16)

    T(D) = 0.9167, Vrms(D) = 3614

    ( ) = = + = T h122


    10001000 0.9167 0.9583614

    ( ) = = + = T h122


    20002000 0.9167 1.0713614

    ( ) = = + = T h122


    30003000 0.9167 1.2373614

    ( ) = = + = T h122


    40004000 0.9167 1.4373614

    Add these times to the plot of Figure 3.22 and compare their locations with the times found from the construction.

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    Page 3.31

    3.3 The Fourier transform 3.3.1 Introduction The Fourier Transform (FT) deals with continuous time and frequencies. We often use this term when we are really using the discrete Fourier transform. The Fourier Series (FS) deals with periodic and continuous time, but discrete frequencies. The Discrete Fourier Series (DFS) deals with discrete time and frequencies such as that stored in a computer. This is what we really use. The length of one domain defines the sample interval in the other. As the length approaches infinity, the other domain has a very small sampling interval and may be considered to be continuous. When the length of a domain is shorter, then wrap-around or aliasing may occur and the DFS is a poor match to the FT.

    The Fourier transform is a mathematical process that converts a signal such as time recording, into another form such as a frequency spectrum. Some advantages of the transformed data are: the complex process of convolution in the time domain but becomes a trivial

    process of multiplication in the frequency domain, derivatives and integrals also become multiplication in the frequency domain, in the 2-D space events with the same dip transform to one location. Some interesting points of the transform are: the Fourier transform samples represent the magnitude and phase of a range

    of sinusoidal signals, the summation of these sinusoids reproduce the input signal, a temporal, or time series of samples, (e.g., a trace) is transformed into a

    sequence of frequencies which are designated by F or , a spatial, or distance series of samples is transformed into wave numbers that

    are designated by K. The wave number may also be referred to as frequency.

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    3.3.2 Examples of summing sinusoids to create signals. The following figures illustrates the summation of sinusoids to produce various periodic waveforms, note: The relative amplitude and phase of the sinusoids, The periodic sinusoids produce periodic waveforms, Adding more sinusoids with higher frequencies will improve the approximated


    a) b)

    Figure 3.23 Summing a) two and b) three sinusoids to approximate a triangular periodic waveform.

    a) b)

    c) d)

    Figure 3.24 Summing five sinusoids to produce periodic waveforms; (a) a triangular, (b) a square, (c) a rectified sine wave, and (d) a ramp.


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    The magnitude and phase of the sinusoids can be varied to have special effects. In the figures below, time zero is indicated at the center of each image, with the left image containing only cosines that sum to approximate a sinx/x wavelet, while the right side is composed of sines to produce a wavelet that has been phase shifted by 90o.

    a) b)

    Figure 3.25 Summing a) cosines to create a zero phase wavelet t = 0.0, and b) sines to create a 90 degree wavelet. Zero time is at the center. (FOUTIERexamples.m )

    The phase may also be modified to change the location of the wavelet. Figure 3.26 shows two images with a positive and negative phase shifts that vary linearly with frequency. The phase-shift is measured at t=0 on each plot.

    a) b)

    Figure 3.26 Two linear phase shift applied to the cosines to displace the wavelet.














    T = 0

    Phase shift

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    More frequencies produce a narrower wavelet as illustrated in Figure 3.27. (Time in now plotted vertically and frequency horizontal.) Note in all these figures that the lowest (non zero) frequency is always one complete cycle. This fundamental frequency is also the interval between each frequency. Therefore, the frequency interval f is related to the duration T of the waveforms or the total time of the trace giving the relationship,


    = . (3.17) At this point we could consider the time traces to be continuous, but in reality there are closely separated points with a sample interval t or a sample rate of Fsamp. The maximum frequency Fmax that can be recorded must be less than the Nyquist frequency, Fnyq that is half the sampling frequency Fsamp i.e.,


    2 2samp


    FF F

    t = = . (3.18) We can write the summation of these sinusoids f(t) over the time interval T as

    ( ) 0 1 2 3

    1 2 3

    2 4 6cos cos cos ...

    2 4 6sin sin sin ...

    t t tf t a a a aT T Tt t tb b b

    T T T

    = + + + + + + + +

    . (3.19)

    or ( ) 01

    2 2cos sinn N

    n nn

    n t n tf t a a bT T =


    = + + where the Fourier Series coefficients an and bn are computed from (assuming continuous time)

    ( )( )



    1 2cos

    1 2sin





    n ta f t dtT T

    n tb f t dtT T

    = =

    . (3.20)

    The coefficients an and bn may be expressed as magnitude and phase where

    n n nc a b= + and . 1tan nnn


    = giving,

    ( ) 01

    2cosn N

    n nn

    n tf t c cT =


    = + + .

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    Frequency Frequency

    a) b)

    Frequency Frequency

    c) d)



    Figure 3.27 The size of the frequency band contributes to the shape of the wavelet. More frequencies produce a narrower wavelet that will allow higher resolution between similar wavelets. The number of sinusoids are 4, 9, 14, 18, and 50.


    e Ti




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    The previous used sinusoids with the same amplitude. In general the amplitudes vary as illustrated in the following figures. The amplitudes (cn) are plotted above the corresponding sinusoids. Figure 3.28a shows the sinusoids with an amplitude weighting of sinx/x (really sinf/f) that produces a box-car weighting of a sinusoid. Figure 3.28b weights the sinusoids with a triangular shape that produces a time trace that has a (sinx/x)2 weighting of a sinusoid.





    Figure 3.28 The amplitudes of the sinusoids were multiplied in a) by a sinx/x function that was centered over the central trace, and b) with a limited triangular shape window.


    e Ti




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    The amplitudes of the sinusoids, shown in the red box in Figure 3.29, is called the spectrum. The magnitude and phase of the spectrum contain the complete information that is needed to create the summed trace indicated in green. We do not need to show the sinusoids as their information is entirely contained within the spectrum. Fourier processing enables us to use the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to convert directly from one domain (say time) to the other domain (frequency) . The process can be reversed by using the inverse DFT (IDFT) to convert the spectrum back to the time trace.






    Figure 3.29 Illustration of a) the spectrum and trace in sinusoidal format and in b) the conventional form without the sinusoidal traces.

    The an and bn coefficients may also be expressed in a complex form allowing the sines and cosines to be expressed as an exponential. The exponential form is very convenient when working with differential equations as the derivative of an exponential is simply itself.





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    3.3.3 Examples of 1-D Fourier transforms pairs

    Figure 3.30 Examples of Fourier transform pairs waveforms from Lathi [560].

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    3.3.4 Fast Fourier transform The FFT or Fast Fourier Transform is a fast algorithm for computing the Discrete Fourier Series. It requires the number of input samples to be a power of 2, such as 256, 512, 1024, etc. In geophysics, we often have a trace that is say, two seconds long, and sampled at two milliseconds, giving 1000 samples. It is therefore necessary to add 24 points to this trace to make 1024 samples before it can be Fourier Transformed with the FFT. An input trace with 1024 real samples will produce 512 complex samples in the transformed space. The complex samples may be expressed in a real and imaginary format, or as a magnitude and phase.

    Sometime the input trace is complex, both real and imaginary, and in this case 1024 complex input samples produces 1024 complex samples in transformed space. As each sample represents a "variable," the number of variables before the transform must equal the number of variables after the transform.

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    3.3.5 Fourier transform of seismic data The discrete Fourier transform requires the input signal (trace) to be periodic. We therefore assume the input trace itself to be periodic, with a period that equals the length of the input trace that includes the padding to make it FFT compatible. Figure 3.31 repeats a figure introducing the Fourier transform and a periodic seismic trace to emphasize the periodic.


    t = 0 ??? Seismic trace


    Figure 3.31 Seismic trace is assumed to be periodic when using the DFT. The fundamental frequency of the seismic trace f0 above will have a period that is equal to the inverse of the maximum time Tmax, i.e. f0 = Tmax. This frequency is also the frequency interval f on the discrete Fourier transformed trace, i.e. f = f0.

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    Figure 3.32 below shows in (a) a trace and (b) the corresponding amplitude spectrum.

    Amp t



    Frequency b)

    Figure 3.32 A seismic trace showing in (a) the time domain and in (b) the amplitude spectrum in the frequency domain.

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    3.3.4 2-D Fourier transform A real time domain trace is transform using a 1-D Fourier transform into a two sided Fourier transform. Each side (positive and negative frequencies) are conjugately related. Consequently we usually only consider one side of the spectrum. A similar relationship occurs in the 2-D Fourier transform (FT). Data in the 2-D FT should normally be considered with positive and negative wave-numbers and frequencies as illustrated in Figure 3.33a. Because the input 2-D data (x, t) is real, there is diagonal conjugate symmetry in the transform space (kx, f). Because of this symmetry, only two quadrant are displayed. The origin of the (kx, f) space can be located in a number of locations, as illustrated in (b), (c), and (d). Displays with the origin in the center of the upper or lower space are typical in the industry. The boundaries of the (kx, f) space are the Nyquist wave number and frequencies, and energy should not cross that boundary. Great care is taken to ensure that a 1-D trace is not aliased. However, when a number of traces are combined into 2-D space, 2-D aliasing can and quite often does occur. Consequently, I like to locate the origin located in the upper right of (d). In this display, the spatial Nyquist wavenumber is in the vertical center and 2-D aliasing is easier to comprehend. Note that the vertical scale is considered to be positive frequencies. (Data in the fourth quadrant is often considered to have positive kx and f values.) 2-D FFTs may swap the energy in the quadrants because of the different methods of defining the Fourier transform; i.e. the sign on the exponential. Consider testing a dip in (x, t) space and identifying which quadrant it is transformed to.

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    Ist quadrant fnyquist



    2nd quadrant

    3rd quadrant 4th quadrant




    Ist quadrant


    2nd quadrant fnyquist



    3rd quadrant 4th quadrant

    -knyquist knyquist

    b) c)



    4th quadrant 3rd quadrant

    -knyquist knyquist


    Figure 3.33 Various views of the (kx, f) space and the orogin.

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    3.3.5 Exercise comparing data in (x, t) and (Kx, ) transform domains.




    Figure 3.34 2-D Fourier transform pairs in (a) to (f).

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    3.4 Aliasing in one and two dimension. 3.4.1 Sampling in one dimension Numbers stored in a computer may represent many different things and must be interpreted by the user for what is intended. Consider the following figure:





    Figure 3.35 Interpretation and interpolation of samples in (a) depends on the application, such as (b) a staircase, (c) a picket fence, or (d) a continuous multi-valued signal.

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    The samples of Figure 3.35a may be interpreted to represent a staircase, the tops of a picket fence, or a multi-valued function. One logical approach would be to join the samples with straight lines. Another approach may use a more complex method to interpolate the point between the samples. How the points are interpolated may have a significant effect on: the sampling rate, how data is stored, or the way programs are written to interpolate the data. Complicated shaped signals must have a sufficient number of samples to define the desired shape. If not enough points are used, the implied interpolation will not represent the desired signal. This error is called aliasing. The data must be sample with a high enough sampling frequency Fs to prevent aliasing. This is referred to as the Nyquist criteria. One-half the sampling frequency is referred to as the Nyquist frequency Fnyq, and to prevent aliasing, the maximum frequency of the signal must be less than the Nyquist frequency.

    12 2


    FFt= =

    The Nyquist criteria requires: The sampling frequency to be greater than twice the

    maximum frequency. or

    "There must be at least two samples for the period of the highest frequency in the signal."

    The Nyquist criteria sets a theoretical limit for the lowest possible sampling frequency. It is possible but difficult or expensive to recover the original signal when sampled at this rate. Usually a much higher sampling rate is used to enable the interpolation to be easier and faster. There becomes a compromise between a higher sampling rate that requires more memory but has a faster run time, verses a lower sample rate that requires less memory but a more elaborate interpolation scheme that may require a longer run time.

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    3.4.2 Aliasing construction Aliasing is illustrated by the construction in Figure 3.36. Sinusoids are sampled at various rates.

    1. Connect the samples with straight lines. 2. Compare the interpolated curve with the original curve and note the

    appearance of any new apparent frequencies. 3. Estimate how many samples are required per cycle for linear

    interpolation. Comments and conclusions Linear interpolation may be adequate for seismic traces if the sample rate is

    more than six times the maximum frequency. The Nyquist theorem states that the sample rate must be at least two samples

    per period, but from the construction, linear interpolation will fail at these rates.

    When sampling below the Nyquist rate, a sinusoid will appear at a lower frequency.

    The original continuous time signal with a maximum frequency that is close to the Nyquist frequency can be exactly recovered if a Sinx/x is used.

    Software could be written to take advantage of a reduced sampling rate. It would be a compromise between speed and size of storage. Sinx/x interpolators may take ten times as long as linear interpolators.

    Linear interpolation may be OK is the sampling rate is greater than six times the

    maximum frequency.

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    Figure 3.36 Exercise to illustrate aliasing; connect the dots with straight lines to

    evaluate linear interpolation.

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    3.4.3 Sampling and signal recovery (interpolation) Assume we have continuous time signal that is band limited in Figure 3.37a and the amplitude spectrum in (b). Now assume a periodic sampling in time (c) with its periodic sampling in frequency (d). Sampling is accomplished by multiplying the two continuous time signals in (a) and (c) to get (e). The sampled spectrum in (f) is obtained by convolving the corresponding spectrums in (b) and (d). We can recover the original continuous signal in (a) exactly by applying a box-car filter in the frequency domain to isolate the original spectrum, as illustrated by the dashed box in (f). Multiplying by the box car in the frequency domain is equivalent to convolving the sampled signal in (e) with a sinc or sinx/x waveform as illustrated in (g). The main points:

    1. A un-aliased sampled signal can reconstruct the exact continuous original signal by convolving with a sinc function.

    2. The sinc waveform extends to infinity in each direction and requires a very long sampled signal.

    3. Convolving with a very long operator will require a large computational effort.

    4. Data stored in a computer has a finite length and will require the sinc interpolator to be truncated.

    5. Sampling at a higher rate will enable the use of a shorter convolutional waveform.

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    Convolve Multiply

    Figure 3.37 Sequence of figures illustrating the sampling and reconstruction of a

    continuous signal from Lathi [560].

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    3.4.4 Increasing the sample rate A larger sampling frequency fm = 1/dt, will separate the periodic spectra as illustrated in Figure 3.38a below which contains twice the sampling frequency of Figure 3.37d. The increased separation makes it easier to isolate the central spectrum with an interpolation operator that is not a boxcar in the frequency domain. The interpolating filter is continuous in the time domain and therefore is not periodic in the frequency domain. It therefore attenuates all the periodic spectra beyond the central spectra.



    b) Figure 3.38 Illustrating a) double sampling frequency of that shown in Figure 3.37d producing in b) an increased separation between the periodic spectra for easier isolation.

    We desire the interpolator to have a spectrum that is reasonably flat in the area of the signal spectrum, but tends to zero by the time it reaches the other periodic spectra.

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    3.4.5 Sinc function in the discrete domain Our discussion about a sinc function is only correct for the Fourier transform of continuous functions. In the discrete world, where sampling has produced a maximum frequency, the infinite extent of the sinc function will wrap around in either domain, .i.e., the sinc function is replaced with its periodic form

    ( ) ( )( )sin


    F tN x

    = . (3.17)

    ( ) ( )( )21


    sinsin xN

    AN x

    A NxN


    == =

    Figure 3.39 Comparison of the continuous sinc function and its corresponding discrete function. This figure can represent both time and frequency domains. (2005\SincSinNt.m) The sinc function has infinite extent, while the discrete form is the sinc function convolved with the periodic impulse train. The discrete function contains the overlapping tails and is only slightly different from the continuous sinc function over the first half of the spectrum as illustrated in Figure 3.39. When N is smaller, the difference increases. Note that N should be an odd value.

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    3.4.6 Interpolation operators The sinc interpolator is very efficient in the frequency (wavenumber) domain by isolating the desired spectrum with a box-car shape. However, it is inefficient to apply in the time domain. We will now consider the interpolating functions defined in the time domain that have a finite extent as illustrated in Figure 3.40. A boxcar interpolator in the time domain is chosen to be the width of the sample interval then convolved with the data resulting in a blocky interpolation (a). The effect in the transformed domain is to multiply the periodic spectra with a sinc function. The attenuation of the periodic spectra is quite poor as there is significant ring to the sinc function. A triangular interpolator has a base with of two sample intervals and can be formed by convolving a boxcar with itself (or convolving the data twice with a boxcar). The effect on the time data is a linear interpolation (b) between each point. In the transformed domain, the spectrum is the product of the two sinc functions or sinc2. There is a better attenuation of the higher frequencies, but the pass band is smaller. We can also convolve the triangle interpolator with the boxcar to produce a quadratic interpolator (c) that produces a smooth curve. The spectrum is sinc3. There is excellent attenuation of the higher frequencies but more attenuation in the pass band. These three interpolators and their transforms are illustrated in Figure 3.41. Note the location of the line at a relative frequency of 0.1 that represents 20% of the Nyquist frequency. The relative attenuation of the higher frequencies in this band can be observed from the three sincn spectra. When n > 2, smoothing occurs and the interpolated points will not pass through the original sample points.

    A spline interpolator fits a polynomial curve to the samples. A trivial cubic polynomial

    ( ) 2 3i i i i iy x a b x c x d x= + + + , (3.**) could use four point 1 1 2( , , , )i i i i iy x x x x + + to define a curve that is only used in the window between the two central points 1( , )i i iy x x + . However, the curvature would be discontinuous from one window to the next. The cubic spline uses the two central points to fit ( )iy x and two additional constrains that use the second derivative ( ( )i i iy x c d x= + ) to ensure continuity of curvature at the two central points 1( , )i i iy x x + . A set of equations from each window is inverted to get the corresponding coefficients for each ( )iy x . Each equation is then used to fill the corresponding window. This method ensures a fit at each point. A feature of the cubic spline is that the matrix is tri-diagonal for easier inversion. All spline interpolators can also be used with arbitrary intervals between each sample.

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    a) b) c)

    Figure 3.40 Interpolation illustrations using a) boxcar, b) linear, and c) quadratic functions

    F a) b)

    Figure 3.41 Three interpolators in a) with a boxcar, linear, and quadratic shape, and b) their corresponding Fourier transforms. (N = 11)

    Continued convolution of boxcar with itself produces interpolators that tend to the shape of a Gaussian function (Central limit theorem). A three point boxcar interpolator is self convolved up to nine times with the results illustrated in Figure 3.42. Convolving with a box car a number of times (say three) is also an efficient method of smoothing that is often used to smooth elevations to produce a floating datum: the size of the boxcar would equal a spread-length.

    Figure 3.42 Continued convolution of a three point boxcar with itself produces an

    interpolator that tends to the Gaussian shape. (N = 3)

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    3.4.7 Wrap around effects of aliasing Use of the Discrete Fourier Series assumes both time and frequency domains are periodic. When the Nyquist criteria is violated, the periodic nature of the spectrum causes overlap with some of the frequencies as illustrated in Figure 3.43 and Figure 3.44. A seismic trace sampled with 2-millisecond sample rate, or 500 Hz sampling frequency will have a Nyquist frequency Fnyq of 250 Hz. The usual seismic signal has a frequency content less than 100 Hz, well below the Nyquist rate and has about five samples per cycle (of the maximum frequency). When the maximum frequency is 80 Hz, there are 6 samples per cycle. If a signal is sampled at a rate such that the Nyquist frequency is less than the maximum frequency, the frequencies above the Nyquist rate will appear to be reflected back at the Nyquist frequency as illustrated in Figure 3.43.



    Figure 3.43 Aliasing in the frequency domain with (a) a normal sample rate, and (b) when the sampling frequency is halved.

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    The aliased frequencies may also be illustrated by the periodic spectrum illustrated in Figure 3.44 with a comb filter illustrated in (a) and in (b) a two-sided spectrum repeated over the interval Fs1. When Fs1 is halved to Fs2, the spectra overlap as shown in (c). The arrows show the periodic locations of the new Fsamp. The periodic nature of the spectrum may also be considered as a single spectrum wrapped in a circle with the circumference defined by the sampling frequency, as illustrated in (d). Shrinking the diameter will cause the spectrum to overlap.


    Fs1 Fnyq-Fnyq Freq



    2Fs2 Fnyq Freq -Fnyq -Fs2

    Lower sampling frequency




    Fs2 Fs1


    Figure 3.44 Aliasing viewed from repeated spectra, with a) the comb filter of sampling theory, b) normal sampling, c) half the sampling frequency, and d) illustrating the circular wrap-around concept where the circumference defines the sampling frequency.

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    3.4.8 Aliasing in two dimensions Two dipping events are shown in Figure 3.45. The positive dip 1 contains higher frequencies than the negative dip 2. Data in each time trace is well sampled, and not aliased. However, horizontal traces will be aliased as illustrated by the horizontal traces at the bottom of the figure. It shows amplitudes taken from the position indicated in the main figure. Only one sample defines the aliased dip.

    2 1

    Figure 3.45 Two dipping events with different bandwidths. The horizontal trace across the bottom shows the amplitudes taken from the main figure.

    Aliasing energy can be identified in the 2-D Fourier transform of the above figure. A schematic representation of the FK domain is shown in Figure 3.46. Note: The aliased event 1 crosses over the spatial Nyquist frequency Kn. The aliased frequencies are indicated in gray. The maximum frequency before spatial aliasing is Fc. The maximum frequency after aliasing is F1.

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    Fc or Kc

    F1 Fmax

    Figure 3.46 Examples of FK data illustrating spatial aliasing.

    Aliasing could be prevented by limiting the frequency content of the dipping event to Fc. The frequency Fc may be defined from

    ( ) nc


    = , (3.21) where is the dip before or after migration, Kn is the spatial Nyquist frequency, and Kc the cut off frequency expressed in depth parameters, i.e.


    1K2 CMP

    = , and c c2K FV= , (3.22) giving a cut-off frequency fc by the aliasing equation:

    ( )c xVf

    4 CMP tan = . (3.23) This important equation is also used to define the station interval (2 * CMPx) in field designs. Some alternate forms of this equation replace q with a, then tan(a) with sin(). Care must be taken to know whether fc is before or after migration.

    Additional information on aliasing may be found in Bancroft [554], [555], [625], and Lumley [310], [445], and [462].

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    3.4.9 Time domain aliasing in two dimensions Aliasing and wrap-around also occurs in the times and space domain as illustrated in Figure 3.47. This time domain image shows an input structure and the resulting section obtained from Fourier Transform modelling. Note that energy of the dipping event departs from one side of the model and re-enters on the other side. This effect is more pronounced when the figure repeated many times and with higher amplitudes as illustrated in Figure 3.48. Events are seen leaving one section and appear to enter the neighbouring section, which in reality is the same section.





    a) b)

    Figure 3.47 Time domain wrap-around illustrated by (a) showing an input structure and (b) a model formed by using the Fourier transform.

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    Figure 3.48 The wrap-around in Figure 3.24 is repeated many times illustrating

    wraparound when using the Fourier transform.

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    The following figure contains an example of a poor FK migration algorithm that contains many artifacts of wraparound when using the mod50.sgy data.. The main migrated event that is encircled by the widest blue line has many other pseudo events at the same dip. Three are identified by the thinner blue lines. Also note the numerous smiles and frowns with various radii that result from the lower spike on the input section.

    Figure 3.49 FK migration (very poor quality) that illustrates spatial wrap-around.

    The FK migrated section is repeated tile fashion in Figure 3.50 to aid in identifying the source of the artifacts. The energy in each tile is migrated relative to the neighbouring zero depths; both upper and lower. Exercise:

    1. Locate the relative source of the artifacts in the encircled events. 2. Locate the center of curvature for the many smiles and frowns that

    originate from the lower spike on the input section. 3. Note that the reflection and the reflector intersect at the apparent surface.

    4. Blue reflectors indicate the apparent surface is above the actual surface, while green indicates an apparent surface below the actual surface.

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    Figure 3.50 Tiled version of the FK migration on the previous page to illustrate


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    3.4.10 Examples of aliasing and its effects on migration Figure 3.51 shows three images of a) an input section, b) the 2-D Fourier transform, and c) the 'frequency' domain migration. Note The origin is at the upper left corner. The Nyquist wave-number occurs at the center of the horizontal transform

    space. The energy of the dipping event crosses the Nyquist wave number in (b). After migration, only the left portion of the dipping energy in (c) is correctly

    migrated. The remaining energy is distorted by the migration and becomes noise to the remaining part of the migration. (A full discussion of this effect is given later in section 4.4)

    x kx t


    a) b)




    Figure 3.51 Illustration of aliasing or wraparound in the frequency domain showing (a) an input time section, (b) the 2-D Fourier transform and (c) the migration in the frequency domain. Spatial aliasing occurs at the center vertical line.


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    One method of controlling aliasing is illustrated in Figure 3.34 in which the aliased frequencies are removed with a high cut filter that is applied to the temporal frequencies.

    x kx

    a) b)



    Figure 3.52 Similar to Figure 3.51 except that the input section has been filtered with a low pass frequency filter to prevent aliasing.

    t f


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    Figure 3.53 illustrates an extreme case of aliasing with temporal frequencies extended to the Nyquist frequency (as well as the Nyquist wave-number). Now the effects in the frequency domain migration are more apparent. The migrated time domain in (d) displays the migrated noise close to the original positions of the diffraction and dipping event.

    x kx

    a) b)

    x kx

    d) c)

    Figure 3.53 Illustration of the consequence of aliasing. The input section (a) has a very high frequency content, in (b) the aliased energy visible in the transform domain is severe, with (c) showing migration and (d) the migrated time section showing aliasing noise.





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    Figure 3.54 Repeat of Figure 3.53 illustrating a) the correctly migrated and b) aliased dipping energy.



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    3.5 Trace interpolation to reduce aliasing The design of an acquisition project requires the trace spacing to be close enough to prevent aliasing. However, some 3-D projects are deliberately acquired with a larger trace spacing for to reduce costs, with the anticipation that aliasing effects may be reduced with trace interpolation. Kirchhoff and FK methods may be written to deliberately migrate aliased data, thereby preserving the frequency of the aliased data, however, aliasing noise will be present [445]. Choices are made between acceptable noise and desired frequency content of dipping events. It is also possible to insert or interpolate traces to reduce aliasing. This may be accomplished by a number of methods Inserting a dead traces between existing traces Linear interpolation between neighboring traces Dip interpolation by cross correlating neighboring traces, 2-D Fourier transform methods X methods Use of DMO The worst form of trace interpolation, adding dead traces can preserve the frequency of dipping events with a controlled addition of aliased noise. This is illustrated in Figure 3.55 which shows the xt and FK domains a) before and b) after one dead trace was inserted between the live time domain traces, while c) show an ideal interpolation. Note: Dipping event in the input data (a) is aliased, where the maximum usable

    frequency is F1, and the aliased portion shown in red. Adding dead traces in the time domain causes the FK domain to double, with

    the original FK transform repeated twice, as illustrated in (b). The left dipping event in (b) is still aliased. The right dipping event is not aliased and has a maximum frequency of F2. FK filtering (or migration) should remove a large amount of aliased noise

    above 45 degrees.

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    Aliased energy



    Aliased noise





    Figure 3.55 Illustration dead trace interpolation, a) is the original xt, and FK domain of an aliased dip, b) the result after adding dead traces between each live trace in the time domain, and c) an ideal interpolation.

    Interpolation should be performed before migration when the reflection energy is less than 45 degrees. The migration process itself should help to remove the noise. Some migration algorithms, such as finite difference, are unable to remove dipping noise and an FK filter may be required before migration.

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    3.6 The wave equation(s) There are many forms of the wave equation and many assumptions that are made to derive these many different forms. The most common assumptions are the medium is acoustic and that only P-waves exist (no shear waves) and that energy is propagated in one direction (no multiples). The following is a brief introduction to various types of the scalar "wave equations". Using Kosloff's [295] notation, the acoustic two dimensional wave equation, with velocity v(x, z), pressure P(x, z, t), bulk modulus K, and density (x, z) is,

    1 2

    21 P 1 P P

    x x z z K t

    + = . (3.24) The usual form of the wave equation expressed with constant density is,

    2 2 2

    2 2 2 2

    P P 1 Px z v t

    + = (3.25)

    Another form is represented in the Fourier transform domain with second order partial derivatives of P with respect to x, z, and t, giving,


    2 22k kx z v

    + = , (3.26) where the k and terms are the Fourier transforms of distance and time. The paraxial wave equation, or single square root equation may be written as,


    2z x2k kv

    = , (3.27) or when inverse transforming kz to the derivative we get




    zP 2







    = 2



    . (3.28)

    Approximate solutions to the square root in the above equation lead to the development of the parabolic wave equation, also known as the 15 degree solution, where the variable P is now replaced by a time shifted Q, i.e.,


    Q iv k Qz 2

    = , (3.29)

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    = . (3.30)

    Another approximation to equation 3.28 yields the 45 degree approximation,







    = . (3.31)

    The above methods solved for the depth derivative dQ/dz. This derivative may be used with the wavefield at depth z to compute a new wavefield at depth z+z. Using the following definition of the derivative, i.e.,

    ( ) ( ) ( )



    + , (3.32)

    the terms may be rearranged to solve for the wave field at P(z+z), i.e.,

    ( ) ( ) ( )zzPzzPzzP

    ++ . (3.33) Many other solutions exist that are based on alternate approximation to the square root found in the above equations. Some are in Appendix 1.

    The Eikonal equation is similar in some manners to the wave equation 3.25 and is included for a comparison.

    2 2


    t t 1x z V

    + = . (3.34) The Eikonal equation does not involve the pressure wave P but is an equation of slowness used for computing local travel times for depth migration.

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    3.7 Derivatives and an approximate solution to the full wave equation

    The wave equation is a partial differential equation that is usually solved with advanced mathematical principles. The basics are quite simple to understand and simulate in a computer. This following is a brief introduction to illustrate the finite difference method. (A 15 degree solution is presented in section 5.6.1, with additional solutions in Appendix 1). Differential equations relate "things" such as position, velocity, and acceleration, or other "things" such as temperature, and the rate at which temperature changes. Recall Velocity is the rate of change of distance with respect to time. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. The rate of change of "something" such as x relative to time t is defined by the derivative with the mathematical symbol,

    dxdt , (3.35)

    where dx approximates a small part of x, and dt approximates a small part of time t. The small distance divided by a small time gives the velocity. Similarly, a small change in velocity divided by a small change in time gives the acceleration. i.e.,

    distance = x,

    velocity = dxvdt

    = ,

    acceleration = 2


    dv d dx d xadt dt dt dt

    = = = . The wave equation relates the rate of changing pressure in the x and z directions with the rate of changing in pressure over time, i.e.,

    2 2 2

    2 2 2 2

    P P 1 Px z v t

    + = . (3.36)

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    The relationship between two "things" may be plotted on a graph as illustrated in Figure 3.56 The geometry for a) the first and b) the second derivatives.When relating distance with time, the slope or first derivative would give velocity. The velocity at a point midway between t7 and t8 is approximately,

    ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )x 8 x 7dxvel 7

    dt t 8 t 7= . (3.37)



    t7 t8

    x8 x7 x6




    t7 t8

    x8 x7 x6

    t6 Figure 3.56 The geometry for a) the first and b) the second derivatives.

    The second derivative or acceleration at t7 would be found from,

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



    2 2

    x 8 x 7 x 7 x 6vel 7 vel 6d x t taccel 7

    dt t tx 6 2x 7 x 8 T x 7

    t t

    = = + =

    , (3.38)

    where T is the second derivative operator (1, -2, 1) on three equally spaced values.

    Now back to the wave equation, each of the second derivatives may be approximated by

    2x 1 x x 1 x

    2 2 2

    P 2P P T Pd pdx x x

    + + =

    with z, and t constant,

    2z 1 z z 1 z

    2 2 2

    P 2P P T Pd pdz z z

    + + =

    with x, and t constant,

    2t 1 t t 1 t

    2 2 2

    P 2P P T Pd pdt t t

    + + =

    with x, and z constant.

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    These second derivatives are taken at a point (x, z, t) within the volume and along the respective orthogonal axis illustrated in Figure 3.57. In these equations the value of P at (x, z, t) is simplified to Px, Pz, and Pt, relative to the respective axis.














    Figure 3.57 Orthogonal direction of x, z, and t for solving the wave equation.

    The wave equation requires the finite difference terms to balance, i.e.,

    x 1 x 1 t 1 t 1z 1 z 12 2 2 2P 2P P P 2P PP 2P P

    x z V t + + + + + ++ = . (3.39)

    If we know six of the seven points we can find the seventh point by rearranging the above equation to solve for that point. When modelling, we have two vertical planes of P at times at t =0 and t =1 and desire to find the value at the next time plane at t =2. We therefore solve equation 3.39 for Pt+1, first getting

    2 2 x 1 x 1 z 1 z 1

    t 1 t 1 2 2

    P 2P P P 2P PP 2P P V tx z

    + +

    + + + + = + , (3.40)


    2 2 x 1 x 1 z 1 z 1

    t 1 t 1 2 2

    P 2P P P 2P PP 2P P V tx z

    + +

    + + += + + . (3.41)

    The process is repeated for all points on the computed plane P(t=1) and then the process repeated for all points on the next plane P(t=2) and so forth. This method was used in the modelling examples in chapter two. Given the first two "photos," all the points in the next photo were computed using the above equation, and then the next photo, and so on.

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    Equation (3.39) may be modified to solve for P at (t-1) to perform a reverse time migration as in Fricke [98]. It may also be modified to solve for P at (z+1) to compute a new depth layer in downward continuation migration.

    A solution for Pz+1 could be used for full wave equation migration, but is not normally used as it propagates energy in all directions, including multiples from velocity interfaces. This may seem an advantage, but at the present time it is very difficult to define the structure accurately enough to collapse the multiples. The one-way wave equations do not have this problem. An additional problem encountered by this method is the requirement of the two starting layers.

    Note the following regarding differentials: Partial differential equations may also be solved with the aid of the Fourier

    transform where derivatives may be computed exactly by a frequency multiplication and phase shift.

    The first derivative is difficult to accurately represent in the time domain, (why ?).

    The second derivative is easier to represent in the time domain than the first derivative, (why ?).

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    3.8 Time and depth migration 3.8.1 What is time migration? It assumes: assumes a horizontally layered medium the output is defined as a time section relative positioning errors in positioning errors may occur in areas with lateral

    velocity variations, velocities are estimated for a local area to focus the data. A time migration velocity model is based on the RMS velocities that can be extracted from the stacking velocities. Kirchhoff time migration: Usually defines the diffraction shape as a hyperbola from RMS velocities. Assumes the diffraction is symmetrical. Collapses energy to the apex of the diffraction. A higher order polynomial for the diffraction shape may be used. Downward continuation time migration: Slowly collapses a diffraction at the same time location on the time section

    with each downward step. The velocity for each downward step is an interval velocity that is computed

    from the RMS velocity. A band of data from each time section becomes part of the migrated section.

    Time migration is fast. Local or relative positioning is assumed.

    It is usually the responsibility of the processor.

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    3.8.2 What is depth migration? Depth migration assumes: a known complex velocity structure, the output is in depth, correct absolute positioning of the data. Practical depth migration estimates a velocity model by starting at the surface and estimating the velocity to, and the location of, the first horizon. When that horizon is defined, the velocity to the next horizon is estimated, and the location is then defined and then This is known as the layer stripping method. Errors in any shallow layer will effect those below. Kirchhoff depth migration: defines the diffraction shape from ray tracing or wavefront modelling. Downward continuation depth migration: Slowly collapses diffraction on the time section with each downward step. Moves the diffraction towards the top of the time section as the downward step

    is increased. After a downward continuation step to depth z, the top time samples P(x, t=0)

    are copied to form the migrated section at each depth layer P(x, z). FK migration: Tends to a depth migration because of the time to depth stretching. It is only valid for smoothly varying velocities.

    Depth migration assumes a known depth structure. Velocity anisotropy should always be considered. Many iterations may be required to define the depth structure. Usually one depth layer is defined for each iteration. Tomographic solutions enable the velocities of multiple layers

    to be estimated simultaneously. Depth migration is the responsibility of an interpreter.

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