Download - bleeding disorders


PowerPoint Presentation

Prepare a short hand out together with the members indicated of your group, not just a copy of your power point presentation.

Highlight 5 key points about this topic and show its relevance to Paediatric Dentistry.

3) The main part of the handout should be on aspects of Paediatric Dental Management, not in depth medical detail about these patients.

Include references in the handout to show your information sources.

You will then present this as a 10 minute presentation in your seminar.

Each group member should present the part they have prepared.

7) A departmental laptop may be used for your presentation.. The group producing the best handout will be invited for the BSPD Prize Viva. Arifa; Nilusha; Simaab

First slide- get audience attention by-recent media news story: case presentation-rheotorcal qs-audience interaction - there's a question for everyone in here! So I've written 9 questions AimsWhat are bleeding disorders?Classification of bleeding disordersPreop

PeriopPost op5AimsWhat are bleeding disorders?Classification of bleeding disordersMain types of bleeding disordersDental considerationsManagement strategies1. What are the two processes involved in normal haemostasis?Coagulation cascadePlatelet activation pathway

Controlling haemostasis:Local vasoconstriction;Adhesion and aggregation of platelets (this requires platelets to adhere to the exposed collagen in damaged blood vessels [via Von Willebrands factor with its collagen- and platelet-binding sites] and toeach other by cross-linking with fibrinogen which binds to specific fibrino-binding sites on the platelet surface);Activation of the clotting cascade to create a fibrin clot (this has classically been divided into the intrinsic and the extrinsic pathways. Both pathways activate factor V which cleaves prothrombin (II) to release thrombin);Activation of coagulation inhibitors to restrict coagulation to the site of the injury;Fibrinolysis occurs later to restore vessel potency.

Bleeding disorders could affect any or many of these events and could beacquired or congenital in nature. In your handout both pathways are presented with exactly where each disease affects it7AimsWhat are bleeding disorders?Classification of bleeding disordersMain types of bleeding disordersDental considerationsManagement strategiesClassification8

Platelet disorders in generalcould be classified as being quantitative or qualitative (which could be inherited, such as Bernard-Soulier disease and Glanzmanns Thrombasthenia, or acquired, like the altered platelet function after Aspirin or NSAIDs intake). They may present clinically with purpura, petechiae, mucosal bleeding, epistaxis and menorrhagia.Clotting cascade disorders could be divided broadly into inheriteddisorders (like Haemophilia A & B, andVon Wllibrands disease), or acquired disorders (like disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), liver disease and vitaminK deficiency).9AimsWhat are bleeding disorders?Classification of bleeding disordersMain types of bleeding disordersDental considerationsManagement strategiesMain types of bleeding disordersHaemophiliaVon Willibrands diseaseDrug induced bleeding disorders 10Haemophilia112. From BASHD, what are the two types of haemophilia and where does it affect the clotting cascade?

Bruises in little boy - haemophiliaHaemophilia A-more common 1:5000A - factor VIIIGenes encoding factor 8 on X chromosome=X linked(arrow)-only males affected-mothers carriers and all daughters of affected males carriers

Haemophilia B 1:30000B - factor IXHandout case study management optionsHaemophiliaX-linked recessiveClinical presentation severityClinical presentation depends on the severity of the deficiency but isgenerally similar in both types, with easy bruising, muscle and joint haemorrhages and prolonged haemorrhage after surgery or trauma (but no excessive bleeding after minor cuts).

Mild(5-40%)Mod (2-5%Severe (

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