Page 1: Blog for New BCRB Site

Thoughts from Mesa Spades~In the Spring of 2012, I embarked on a cross country trip from Maine to

California. The main thrust of the adventure was to play music for my cousin’s wedding in Mendocino, CA. I felt that this event was an opportunity to take an epic journey: to experience the freedom of driving across country and explore places I had never been before. One of the cities I visited was Nashville, TN. It was early April, and the weather was hot and humid; the trees and flowers were in bloom. The air was permeated by music, flowing from every bar and restaurant downtown.

Nicholas Mather and I had been in contact before I started this trip. I knew he was creating some wonderful music, and I was intrigued by his style. We had gone to school together at University of Maine, along with Matt Johnson, who I had played with in Jazz Band. I had never played music with Nick, but we had gone to a few of the same parties, and I definitely knew who he was.

On my way back to Maine from California, I got in touch with Nick and heard that he and Matt were playing as a duo. I sent him some of my songs and he seemed excited about the possibility of us collaborating. In late July of 2012, I decided to drive from Portland, ME to Portland, CT to meet this mysterious Nicholas Mather. Our connection was strong from the start. The music that he and Matt were working on inspired me and I felt energized by playing with them. I saw a place for myself in the group, and I felt encouraged to share my voice and my songs.

As Big Charlie’s Rubber Band we have played our way from clubs, bars, vineyards and festivals throughout New England. Through snow, thunderstorms, summer traffic and cool fall weather we have driven hundreds of miles to play gigs, many of which we never got paid for. We have squished into a small sedan packed to the gills with equipment, and we have schlepped that equipment up flights of apartment stairs in the wee hours of the morning after a gig. We have recorded two 12 track CDs…the first in a basement with old equipment engineered by a friend of Nick’s family; the 2nd in a recording studio where we were on a tight budget, so we only did a couple takes of everything. We have hiked Mt. Katahdin, with the help of a group of amazing people and we shot a music video on the summit! Our determination and passion as musicians has brought us far, but we would be nothing without the support of our families and friends. Nick’s family in Connecticut was especially helpful in getting BCRB established. We set up our rehearsal space in the basement of Ken and Sue’s home, and they graciously allowed us to rock out at almost any hour of the day. The Trella family came to our gigs and cheered us on; Babci let us stay at the lake house and practice music there. Whatever we were doing, they were behind us and helped us to make it happen. I feel so fortunate to have been welcomed into this family. On December 21, 2013, Nick and I got engaged, and I feel so much joy that we are on this journey together!

Two years later, after visiting the Music City on that solo cross-country trip, here I sit in Nashville, TN with my fiancé and partner in music. We have found a house here that will serve as our home-base while the band continues to grow. Matt is moving down this summer from NYC and we will be creating even more amazing music ….and so the legend grows!

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