
Blog vs Website? That USED TO Be The Question.

If you're a newbie in the online marketing niche, you may be faced with a difficult choice. What should I use as my promotional vehicle? A blog or a website?

It may seem to be an unimportant issue, but in fact it will be a critical factor determining your success or failure, so make sure that you make the right choice.

But how are you supposed to make the right choice if you're new? Look, I'm not a veteran either, and I'm not a guru. But I did my research and I'm here to share with you what I learned.

First, I want to ask you to drop any pre-conceived beliefs that you may have. What do I mean? My only knowledge about blogging was an early recollection from primary school, where I saw girls blogging about their favorite stars. So before I got started myself, I used to believe that it was for wussies. But hey, I ain't no wussy...

CommunicationA website has a one-way communication model, a blog works with a two-way model. What does it mean? It means that a blog allows you to interact with your target market through comments. Compared to a website, a blog allows you to have tens, hundreds of comments under your content.

You want to get your content to rank on Google, right? And guess which of those two models seems more important to Google? Which is more visible on a map, a wide freeway or a narrow country road?

Search Engine OptimizationSearch engines, like Google, literally love blogs. If you regularly feed a dog, it's going to love you, it will obey you, it will protect you.

The same goes with Google. If you blog frequently, Google will love you because through your blog posts, you're constantly giving it (him?/her? I don't know) fresh content to feed on. And it's going to be grateful. And in return Google will give you an exclusive spot on its first page.

It's important to be able to do whatever possible to rank on Google's first page. Did you know that the first position gets 45% clicks? And when is the last time you visited Google's second page?

BrandingIf you want to deliver your product/service to the market or promote a cause, you need to brand yourself as an authority. People need to know, like and trust you if they're going to do business with you. Period. Again, frequent blog posts create that image. When you look at a blog that has 1000 posts, you unconsciously assume that it's author has to know something. That they have authority.

VerdictWhen compared to a standard website, a blog is far superior. With all its features it allows you to brand yourself more successfully and dramatically increases your chances of ranking on Google's first page.

To your success,Lukasz Lokiec

P.S. You may have heard some horror stories about setting up a blog. Yeah, it can be a painful process when you spend 4 hours trying to move an image 2 inches to the left.

With this platform, everything is already set up for you. All you need to do is Log In & Start Blogging. It's that simple.>>Start Blogging Now

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