Download - Blood Pressure

  • Blood pressure

  • Blood pressure = artery pressurepressure of sistolik pressure and of diastolik.pressure of Nadi is among pressure of sistolik with diastolik. pressure of nadi is 50 mmhg

  • Mean pressure is mean pressure during heart cycle.Equivalent mean pressure with pressure of diastolik added one-third artery pressure

  • Method measurement of blood a. Direct methodPressure Artery can be measured directly with mercurial manometer or appropriate stress fundamental norm and an oscilloscope arranged to write directly at peripatetic paper cutting This matter relate at principle of bernoulli

  • b. Teared method

    Method of Auskultasi(Riva-Rocci manset) connective by mercurial manometer (sphygmomanometer) then girded by around and arm of steteskop put down above artery of brachialis above elbow.

  • pressure of Manset when first sound is pressure of sistolik. By decrease of pressure , voice become harderly, ill defined then and lose. This sound is referred as pressure of diastolik. This sound is referred also sound of korotkow. sound of Korotkow yielded by current of turbulen

  • Palpasi way of this palpasi by putting down finger to 2,3, and to 4 examiner above artery of radialis patient to measure pressure of sistolik just patient. obtained pressure at method of palpasi 2-5 lower mmhg from at measured with method of auskultasi

  • Arrangement of blood pressure

    center of Kardiovaskuler in oblongata medulla Arrangement by neuronal there is - Baroreseptor Reflex - Chemoreceptor Initiated reflex

  • Arrangement by hormonal - ANP functioning in degradation of blood pressure and blood volume - ADH: This Hormone work with kidney menstimulasi for the menyimpan of water. - hormone of Medulla adrenal: When period of adrenal gland stress discharge and norepinephrine of epinephrine to result common vasokonstriksi and make-up of CO.Long-Range Mechanism mechanism rennin-angiotensi from kidney

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