
Page 1 of 2 Superintendent Mary Kamerzell shared the following student achievements. Catalina Foothills High School (CFHS) The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced its last group of college-sponsored scholarship winners on July 13. Michelle M. Jaquette, CFHS class of 2015, was one of those winners! At the National Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA)leadershipconferenceformedicalspelling, MeenaVenkataramanan tooksixthplaceatthe conference,whichhadmorethan8,400attendees. Meena went up against nearly 70 competitors. TheArizonaDailyStarnameditsAll-Starsforthe spring2014-2015sportsseason.ThefollowingCFHS athletes were among the honorees. Girl's Track and FieldFirst Team - 3,200 relay team of Richelle Sandin, Mari Bangoura, Katie Watson, and Sarah Lansey; Anita Eichenour, High jump Second Team - Hannah Whetzel, 3,200 Honorable Mention - Alma Rose Jackson, KatiePekarske, Ella Seternes, and Taylor Young Boy's Track and Field Honorable Mention - Bryan Beckon, David Cai, Jordan Chrite, Sam Pershing, Jimmy Stewart, and DeMarques Wilson Girl's Tennis First Team Singles - Morgan Chakraborty First Team Doubles - Kirtana Bhat and Abby Watson Honorable Mention - Katie Watson and Halle Zadro Boy's Tennis Player of the Year - Nate Rasmussen First Team Singles - Mike Lee First Team Doubles - Nate Rasmussen and Dalton Reisig Honorable Mention -George Jiang Baseball First Team - Anthony DeNiro Second Team - Dominic DeNiro Honorable Mention - Dante DeNiro AnnualReviewofCFSDPolicyCBAQualifications andDutiesofSuperintendentandPolicyCBI Evaluation of Superintendent (first reading) Thegoverningboardconducteditsannualreviewof CFSDpoliciesrelatedtothesuperintendents qualificationsandpositionresponsibilitiesandits evaluationprocessofthesuperintendent.Theboard recommendedsomeminorlanguageupdatestoboth policies. Both policies will be brought back to the board at their next meeting. ConsiderationofRevisionstoPolicyGBIStaff Participation in PoliticalActivities (first reading) MaryKamerzell,Superintendent,presentedproposed revisionstothedistrictscurrentpolicytoincludea paragraphwithlanguagethatdefinesroutineschool districtcommunications.TheArizonaLegislature amended A.R.S. 15-511 in House Bill 2613 that added languagerelatedtoprohibitionsontheuseofpublic resources to influence elections. Superintendents Proposed Performance Goals for 2015-2016 (first reading) Dr.Kamerzellpresentedthefirstreadingofher proposed performance goals for the 2015-2016 school year.Thesegoalsareinadditiontoposition responsibilitiesidentifiedinCFSDPolicyCBA Qualifications and Duties of Superintendent.The goals are related to the following areas: 1.Envision21: Deep Learning CFSD Strategic Plan 2014-2020 2.Human Resources3.Arizona College and Career Ready Standards 4.Technology 5.Community Relations 6.Election Selection of Delegate(s) to ASBA Delegate Assembly The governing board approved Ms. Amy Krauss as its delegate and Ms. Eileen Jackson as its alternate to the ASBA Delegate Assembly September 12, 2015. ASu mma r y Re p o r t o f t h e Au g u s t 1 1 , 2 0 1 5CF SDGoverning Board Meeting T h e B o a r d e rAPubl i cati onfortheCFSDCommuni ty Staff Page 2 of 2 CFSD Consent Agenda Items The governing board approved the following consent agenda items. June 23, 2015, regular governing board meeting minutes July 23, 2015, special governing board meeting minutes Expense voucher memorandum Fund raising request memorandum Personnel memorandum Gift and Donations memorandum Approval of increase of expenditures for VVELC expansion project memorandum Upcoming Board Meeting The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting is Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Catalina Foothills High School, Building 4, Room 712. The tentative agenda is: Approval of Policy CBA Qualifications and Duties of Superintendent (second reading)Approval of Policy CBI Evaluation of Superintendent(second reading) Approval of Revisions to Policy GBI Staff Participation in Political Activities(second reading) Approval of Superintendents Proposed Performance Goals for 2015-2016 (second reading) Please welcome new CFSD staff members: Ian Zikler, Special Ed Teacher, OGMS Zoe Reinhardt, Classified Instructor Art, CFHS Alexander Rodriguez, Classified Instructor Math, CFHS Mathilde Westermann, EA Inclusion, ECMS Alejandra Barcel, CARE Assistant Site Manger, Community Schools Caitlin Bird, CARE Activity Leader II, Community Schools Jaclyn Celaya, CARE EA Inclusion, Community Schools Jordan Claussen, CARE EA Inclusion, Community Schools Sarah Huffman, CARE Activity Leader I, Community Schools Miriam Klinger, CARE Activity Leader II, Community Schools Maya Partha, CARE Activity Leader I, Community Schools Nicholas Kovacs, Volunteer-Robotics, Community Schools Alexandra Pierce, English Teacher, Catalina Foothills High Schools

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