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As a Christian we are not to follow the world. We are to live holy and set apart. The Bible is our standard, our instruction guide. When we go against God’s Word then we open ourselves and our homes up to the devil. There are a lot of people that take issue with me because I wear earrings. God doesn’t hate jewelry and He is not against earrings. Let’s look in His Word and lay a foundation for this subject of piercings or body modification. Let’s find out what piercings are spoken of in the Bible, which ones are ok and which ones are not. Genesis 24:22 – And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold; Strong’s 5141 – nose ring Gen. 24:53 – And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment, and gave them to Rebekah: he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things. Rebekah is a picture of the bride of Christ because Isaac is a picture of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit comes bearing gifts for the bride. Some people teach that Rebekah was from a heathen nation, that is true, but Abraham was a servant of the Lord and he is the one who sent the gifts to her. He did not bow down to idols, he served the One True and Living God. Exodus 3:20-22 – And I will stretch out My hand, and smite Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go. And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty: But every woman shall borrow of her neighbor, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.

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Exodus 12:35-36 – And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: And the LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians. God did not tell the people to get rid of the jewelry that they had gotten from the Egyptians. He had no issue with them having it. Exodus 32:1-3 – And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me. And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. Now this was an abomination because they took what the LORD had blessed them with and they made false gods/idols to bow down to and worship.

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I had a good friend that had gotten her nose pierced and I always thought they were pretty when done right or when the right kind of earring was put in. So I thought, if she did it, then I can do it too. Only my nose never seemed to heal up, seemed to always be issues with finding the right type of nose ring and it was just a pain and you had to be careful of it getting caught or snagged on stuff. I wound up taking it out and my nose completely healed and the hole closed so that you cannot tell I ever had one. Again, I think God had a hand in all of this keeping me from it.

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SHARED FROM PASTOR ERUSTUS: Some of the jewelry ladies and even men wear are demonically connected and for one to be free must be destroyed. I remember in 2014 one of the Sundays during a worship service, demons manifested in one of the ladies and she became so violent. For about 30 minutes I tried to cast out demons but they would not go. When I asked God why, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I saw a small ring fixed at the ladies nose. When I moved my hand to touch it she hit me hard and said I should not touch it. We held her hard and removed the ring and then when we cast out the demons, they left her. Be careful with the jewelry you put on. If we don’t cleanse our homes and lives satan will always defeat us in our spiritual


I will be sharing some more scripture from the Bible about nose rings, but I want to caution you about them. Some are of the belief you should not get your nose pierced. Even though this piercing is in the Bible, examine your motive behind it and be sure you are not opening a door if you do it. If you have one already and

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don’t have peace in your spirit about it, then you will want to go through deliverance at the end of this message.

A woman of the matses tribe in the amazon with cat whiskers coming out of her


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Apatani woman with huge nose piercings.

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I would not get this piercing for sure. This is like a ring in an oxen’s nose to lead

him where you want him to go.

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Isaiah 37:29 – Because thy rage against me, and thy tumult, is come up into mine ears, therefore will I put My hook in thy nose, and My bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.

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Not Godly at all.

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Indian Hindu devotees with steel rod piercings through their cheeks take part in a procession to honour the Hindu goddess Maha Mariamman (Sheetla Mata) to mark Mother's Day in Amritsar on May 10, 2015.

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An Indian Hindu devotee walks with a trident rod piercing in her tongue known as Trishula during a procession to honour the Hindu goddess Maha Mariamman in Amritsar on May 13, 2012. Devotees believe that the goddess protects whoever worships her.

This is the goddess they are worshiping with the piercings on mother’s day. Mother’s day is pagan and the catholic church “Christianized it” but it’s roots are pagan and a Holy God does not accept it. We here in America have been

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honoring our mother’s with food and gifts on mother’s day and this is an abomination to the LORD God Almighty. Research the roots of what you are doing. Don’t stay in ignorance. To do what is Biblical is to obey and honor your mother and father every day your whole life according to God’s Word. It is the same with honoring and obeying Jesus and thereby showing our love for Him, we do this every day, not on yule or winter solstice which was Christianized and now called Christmas. You can’t change the name of something that has pagan roots and please and offer it to a Holy God. He does not accept it. Come out of it.

Cutting the tongue to make a split or fork like a snake’s tongue. This is sin and

this person has curses and demonic activity in their life, no doubt.

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This is not in accordance with God’s Word and this is a covenant with satan

formed in sin and blood.

**Please play from 20:24 to 22:19 deliverance from a tongue piercing**

Isaiah 3:13-24 – read out The LORD took Israel’s beauty away as a punishment for how they were living. “The daughters of Zion were haughty” - proud, snotty or snooty. In verse 19 it says “chains” and that is Strong’s 5188 – a pendant for the ears Isaiah 61:10 – I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

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A picture of Jesus and the church which is His bride. Ornaments and jewels. Ezekiel 16:1-24, 36-39 – Read out Again, this chapter shows the love the LORD has for Jerusalem, and how He adorned her. But she cheated on Him so in judgment He took it all away. In verse 12 where it mentions a jewel on your forehead, when you look that up in Hebrew it is the same as over in Genesis 24:22, and it means nose ring. I Timothy 2:9-10 – In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing Godliness) with good works. I Peter 3:1-5 – Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that , if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: SHARED FROM PASTOR ERUSTUS: About women piercing ears for beauty to me it's OK. Woman was created by God quite different from man. She is a beautiful being to please man and man is to make her adorable in his eyes. She is a symbol of the church which is beautiful to Christ to be taken to God the Father at the end of ages. Now women are to make themselves beautiful using nice apparels, ornaments, perfumes etc. But exaggerations should be avoided. In 1Peter 3:1-4 the Bible says women were created to serve and love God and concentrate on developing a good inner godly beauty which is more important to God than the outer beauty which is temporal. The Bible says women put on good apparel, gold, etc but in a modestly manner.

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In Exodus 32:1-4, Aaron asked the women and their daughters to remove their pierced earnings, gold etc. This shows it was okay in the old days and I think still it's for women to Pierce their ears and put on ear rings for beauty. But the motive and intentions must be right. But for evil like immorality, rings or materials prepared in hell to be used for devil worship. Many women and even men today are using tattoos, ear rings, bangles and other objects which are dedicated to satan and his demons to turn many away from God. The devil is now using women's beauty as a tool or scheme to turn man in the world to his kingdom.

***************************** We are to be modest with our adornments and how we dress. But many piercings are not Godly and never were. Much of this piercing is coming from the mystery religions that came from Babylon. We also have fads going on and the church is flowing in the motto of the occult “do what thou wilt.”

This is all about sex appeal and drawing attention to yourself. This is not modest

or Godly. Not to mention that people are piercing their private parts and anything you can think of.

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Snake bite or vampire bite piercing. The very name of this piercing is after satan


Fang piercing.

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Scarring and tissue buildup from piercing.

Piercing an eyegate.

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No. Also, this is not modest makeup either.

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Infected piercing.

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Ear stretching, seems to start off like this.

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This little girl is beautiful. But stretching out a piercing is not Godly.

Deuteronomy 15:17 – Then thou shalt take an awl (sharp pointed tool) and thrust it through (pierce) his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise.

The process of piercing a servants ear to show ownership or slavery was done

with a sharp pointed tool and it said nothing of stretching out the ear lobe.

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What spirit initiated that thought into your mind to get pierced liked this? The

Holy Spirit or a demon spirit?

Just because the world is getting piercings and tribal piercings doesn’t mean we

as Christians do. We are not of the world and we don’t follow the world. Jesus

Christ is our example.

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He has demonic sigils on his hat. Many people with extreme piercings also have


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God never wanted us mutilating our bodies like this. This guy has a stretched out

ear lobe, poked though a cheek piercing.

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Don’t you think if God wanted our earlobes to hang down like this He would have

designed them that way?

In witchcraft and throughout history the demons feed themselves through blood.

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Taken over by ungodly spirits, looks like he’s been sharpening his teeth to points

too. These scales are like a reptile or a fish like the false god dagon or like a

serpent with that forked tongue.

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Is this modest? No.

I Cor. 6:19-20 – What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are brought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

I can tell you without any doubt that demons suggested these piercings.

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These people were rebellious, wanting attention and they got it, just not from the

right source.


Luke 15:22 – But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put

it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:

This is a picture of God the Father and He certainly likes jewels and gold and

precious things and will have wonderful treasures laid up for us in heaven.

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Remember heaven will have streets of gold and it’s foundation is made of

precious stones. God does not forbid us to have jewelry and fine things, but in

modesty and as the Bible describes, not as fads or as worship to idols and false

gods. If it isn’t in the Bible I would not get it, and if you have it, then I would

remove the piercing and go through the steps to break the covenant with satan

off of your life.

The only Biblical piercings are:

Earrings, and the nose ring. As we have heard from Pastor Erustus, even with a

nose piercing or the jewelry you put on, be very careful not to open any doors or

dishonor God in what you do with your body.

Just like with last week’s message when you get delivered from all the piercings

then healing can come in and blessings can flow. When you are delivered and set

free it is important to share because your testimony will help someone else.

Jesus provided for our salvation, healing and deliverance on that cross. Why are

we putting ourselves into bondage to the devil?

*******This next portion is almost the same as for the message on tattoos, but it

is tailored for piercings. If you want to do the deliverance part own your own or

share it with friends and family you can stop the video here and go to the church

website and print it out and pray it and do it at your convenience. **********

Nightmares, visions, voices, sickness, depression, marital problems, etc. All of this

and more can come from one piercing.

Hosea 4:6 – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has

rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me:

seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Jesus said, the gates of hell would not prevail against His church. It doesn’t look

that way to us with what we see in this world right now. The church quit teaching

how to get free, how to cast out demons. We are all supposed to cast out

demons and break off curses in Jesus’ name. Let’s get people out of bondage.

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We are about to do deliverance when you pray this prayer with me. In order to

be delivered you must first be saved. If you do not belong to Jesus Christ and

don’t know Him as your Savior and Lord then this prayer is not for you. You must

first be saved. Deliverance is for those that belong to Jesus Christ.

After deliverance you must be willing and desire to fill yourself with Jesus and the

things of God, with His Holy Spirit. You must feed yourself on Godly things, read

His Word and pray to Him.

Luke 11:24-26 – When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through

dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house

whence I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself;

and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than

the first.

If you get delivered and then blow God off and don’t want anything to do with

Him, this will happen to you, you’ll be worse off than when you started.

In order to be delivered you must get rid of all unrepentant sin, be willing to let it

go. For example: fornication. You cannot continue to live in known sin and

expect to get delivered. You must forgive all others, anyone who has hurt you, if

you don’t or can’t, then God says He cannot forgive you. This all has to be met in

order to be delivered. If you are struggling with an addiction or a stronghold and

you can’t stop on your own, confess it as sin, and ask Jesus to help you to get free

from it, to stop doing whatever it is. If you don’t renounce all sin, then you will

still have a covenant with satan and you cannot expect to get free.

Pause the video and renounce all sin and repent which means stop doing it – ask

the Lord to show you anything that is in your life that you need to renounce.

Break off generational curses as well – what your forefathers did before you

because those curses come on you too. A curse is an assignment that a

demon/kingdom of darkness has against someone. Example: premature death

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Dear Jesus, Please forgive me for all of my sins. Please forgive all the things I did

on purpose and the things I did not know that I did. Of my own free will I choose

to forgive everyone who has ever hurt me. Jesus, I believe that You died for me

on that cross, that You rose from the dead and are seated at the right hand of

God the Father. Please come into my heart and help me to live for You all the

days of my life. Thank You for saving me.


You don’t have to know all of their (your ancestors’) sins. But if you do know

them, utilize them in confession.

Say this:

Lord Jesus Christ, I belong to You. You went to the cross and shed Your Blood and

died for my sins. You took the penalty of sin that was due to me and bore it

Yourself. Lord I accept Your sacrifice by faith I receive Your sacrifice by faith I

receive Your salvation. You told us in Galations 3 that You have redeemed us

from the curse of the law. Having become a curse in our place. Father I confess

all my sins, the ones I know about and the ones I haven’t recognized. I’m sorry for

them all. I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me with Your precious blood.

Father, the law says that You will punish the sins of our forefathers down to the

3rd and 4th generation. I repent of all the sins in my family line on both sides. I ask

You to forgive and cleanse from the effect of all those sins. You promise in Your

Word that whoever calls on Your name will be delivered. I call on You now in the

name of Jesus Christ, set me free.

Now speak this to satan:

satan, I say to you, you have no right to me, no right to my property, my family or

anything that pertains to me. I take authority over you in the mighty name of

Jesus Christ. And by the power that is in His blood I command you to get out of

my life. Every inherited curse is going now in the name of Jesus Christ. In the

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name of Jesus, inherited curses where there were sexual sins, abuse, idolatry,

incest, I command them to go. In Jesus’ name where there was perverseness,

occult, superstition, divination, water witching, worship of sun, moon, stars,

praying to the dead and bowing down to entities – I break these in Jesus’ name

and command them to go. This is not my truth, I belong to Jesus. You spirits of

hindrance and distraction stopping me from receiving what I read in the Word of

God, stopping me from praying – I command you to go now in Jesus’ name.

Spirits of hindrance that keep me from reading my Bible, that hinder the gifts of

the Holy Spirit, that hinder my walk with God – I command you to go in the name

of Jesus Christ. I do not receive that hindrance in my life in Jesus’ name I am free

from all of these things. In Jesus’ name all ungodly covenants that were made by

my ancestors or myself knowingly or unknowingly have now been broken. In

Jesus’ name I break all soul ties off of my life. Anything that is connected to me

that is not of God I renounce it in Jesus’ name and command it to go in the name

of Jesus’ Christ. satan, I have broken up your legal rights to me and my house and

my land and all my possessions and all that pertains to me – you and all your evil

spirits have to go now in the name of Jesus Christ! I plead the blood of Jesus

Christ over myself and my family and my home and land and my possessions and

over all that pertains to me. Thank You Jesus, because whom the Son makes free

is free indeed! Hallelujah! I thank You Lord Jesus for breaking all of that bondage

off of my life. Glory to Your name.


If you are not sorry about it and still don’t feel there was anything wrong with it,

then this prayer is not for you. It is only for those that want to repent and be

delivered spiritually and walk in obedience.

Next you ask forgiveness, repent and renounce it. Dear Lord, I thank You for Your

Word which is true and for teaching me by Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for Jesus

Who is my Savior and Deliverer. I magnify Your holy name Father. Please forgive

me for getting this piercing or these piercings. I know it is sin to pierce my body in

places that are not mentioned in Your Word. I am so sorry for having done this.

Please forgive me for doing this with or without knowledge. I repent LORD (stop

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doing it). I will not get any more piercings and I renounce this piercing or

piercings in Jesus’ name. Thank You for cleansing me with Your blood from these

piercings Lord Jesus.

In Jesus’ name I take all authority and power over you satan and your demons and

fallen angels and over all of your powers and I bind any of your ruling entities over

my house in Jesus' name. In Jesus’ name I bind the spirit that came in with the

piercing (s) and command it out right now in Jesus' name! I come in the name of

the King of kings and Lord of lords and I bind up the strong man and all the spirits

that answer to him. I command the strong man and all spirits out in the name of

Jesus’ Christ. You have no hold on me and no part in me because your legal

contract is broken up and you will leave out of me and off of my life now in Jesus

Christ’s name. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over myself from head to toe.

Jesus' blood is all atoning and cleanses me continually from all sin. Jesus became

a curse so I could be blessed. He is KING of Kings and LORD of lords. I command

all evil spirits out in Jesus' name! In the name of Jesus Christ I break all evil spirits

and power off of my life because of getting this piercing (s). I command all curses

against me to be broken in Jesus' name and to be ground up and blown away as

chaff in the wind. According to Psalm 91 no weapon formed against me shall

prosper in Jesus' name! Thank You Lord Jesus for setting me free. All glory to

God the Most High for delivering me. Jesus Christ, You are my All in All. You are

worthy of all glory, honor and praise. I love You. Thank You for setting me free.

Thank You for Your mercy and compassion on me Dear Father God and thank You

Jesus for Your blood which You shed to set me free. In Jesus’ holy name I pray

and speak all these things. Amen.


Ask Jesus to baptize you into His Holy Spirit. You must fill your house with the

Holy Spirit or these demons can come back and bring more with them and you

will be in a worse state than when you began.

To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit – say Dear Jesus, I am Yours and I am

asking You to baptize me into Your Holy Spirit. I am ready to receive the gift of

Page 42: BODY PIERCINGS BRING in CURSES and DEMONS / GET DELIVERANCE€¦ · Strong’s 5141 – nose ring Gen. 24:53 – And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold,

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speaking in tongues, my heavenly language and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit that

You have for me to fulfill my destiny in Christ. I receive right now by faith the gift

of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen. Dear Father, please fill me up to the top

and overflowing with Your Holy Spirit and help me to keep my house filled with

fresh oil from the Holy Spirit continually in Jesus’ name. Amen.

It is important to read God’s Word every day and pray every day. Keep your

vessel filled with Jesus’ spirit, Who is the Holy Spirit and His Word.

Get water baptized – full immersion.

Tattoos and Piercings are causing spiritual bondage


Keep deliverance alive in the church

Deliverance from a tongue piercing

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