Page 1: Boletin 23 Clan Nouel

NOTICIAS DEL CLAN NOUEL «Tout bien ou rien »

Nouel News-Nouel News-Nouel News-Nouel News-Npuel News-Nouel News-Nouel New

Caracas, abril__2006_________________________________________No.23


La siguiente es una carta enviada por Germaine Nouel a Emilio Nouel, cuyo contenido consideramos de interés familiar, razón por la cual la publicamos.

“Dear Emilio, I was delighted to see your wonderful job of translating the FIRST personal document which we have from François Nouel, our progenitor. As you know this is one of the original documents which was passed down from generation to generation for 200 years. As you know it is in my possession now together with other documents from Adolphe J.B., his mother, Marie Sophie Gobert and his eldest son, François Gustave Ad.  I am proud to be the keeper of this small Nouel archive of old documents passed down from father to eldest son. As you probably remember the story, it was my father, as the eldest grandson of my greatgrandfather, who had taken the family papers to  his home in Aruba after the death of his aunts and after the family home in Curaçao had been sold . Of course these papers belong to all of us.  In the last 15 years I have been doing archive research in Curaçao, Holland and France and I was lucky to find more information with relation to our family (not much). Of all these findings I have sent copies to Luis José including the 250 pages of the "Journal" of Adolphe J.B. and his Testament. Remember? I also gave or sent to you and to Bernardo all the copies you were interested in. So what I mean to say is that I think it is fair to mention that these oldest documents are in my possession, not with Luis José. Who ever is interested in seeing the original documents, is most welcome to come and visit me in Holland.  It is worth while ! and I have given away copies to several members of our family who visited us in the passed years. Of course I still plan to make a proper compilation of all data in my possession (plus the family-tree of the Nouel Blaicon and Nouel Joubert). I promise to be working on it. There is much to be done - and I am slowly transcribing the documents (all in French handwriting) but doubt that I will be able to translate all.”


El primer nieto de Germaine de Puy y su esposo Ron de Puy, nació el día 4 de Marzo. Es hijo de Edgar de Puy Nouel y su esposa Pauline Ellerbroek. Se llama Félix. Felicitaciones a los padres y abuelos.The first grandson of Germaine de Puy and its husband Ron De Puy was born March 4. He is son of Edgar de Puy Nouel and its wife Pauline Ellerbroek. His name is Felix. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents .

Page 2: Boletin 23 Clan Nouel


Año 1903, New York: Mercedes, Herminie, Theliciá y Rose Marie Nouel Nouel. Hijas de Auguste Nouel Colón y Merced Nouel de la Madriz.

New York, 1903. Daughters of Auguste Nouel Colon and Merced Nouel de la Madriz.

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