Page 1: Bolton Home Watch K5 K6 3rd Jan - 10th Jan

Home Watch News LetterBolton Central and Bolton East

(03/01/13– 10/01/13)

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Page 2: Bolton Home Watch K5 K6 3rd Jan - 10th Jan

Operations update

Bolton Central Overview

Bolton Central Update

Bolton East Overview

Bolton East Update

Others News

Letters of Thanks

Upcoming events/Police surgeries

Page 3: Bolton Home Watch K5 K6 3rd Jan - 10th Jan

Op Band stands for Bolton Against Night time Disorder. This is the name we have for the Police Operation we run each Friday and Saturday night in Bolton Town Centre. Each of these nights sees a team of police officer's on Bradshawgate between 9pm and 7am ensuring people are safe and bad behaviour is dealt with effectively.

However, an awful lot of work is also conducted all week engaging with town centre venues to ensure that professional practices are upheld and everyone is working together to identify those that come into Bolton to cause problems. This strong relationship between Police and the Town Centre Licensees Alliance working together to raise standards and work of officer's on the ground has seen improvements throughout the year.

During the 5 week period of Christmas and New Year there has been a 43% reduction in violent crime in Bolton Town Centre compared with the same period last year. This is also mirrored across Bolton's other smaller town centres such as Farnworth, Westhoughton and Horwich.

Rest assured we will not be resting on our laurels and will be continuing to drive this operation throughout 2013 to hopefully continue this downward trend.

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Bolton Central area welcomes Insp Andrew Sidebotham this week and we thank Insp Devallfor the last 18 months successes.

Operation Sherry ran ( town centre Christmas operation) during the month of December, the operation proved a huge success with overall crime down 47%. Sgt Ellis was delighted with the success togethe with Bolton CCTV would like to thank all shop and security staff who contributed to the success of the Operation.

To reassure you, second hand shops are also now checked by PCSO's on a weekly basis for stolen property. I am pleased to say there have been some recent good results where offenders have been arrested for selling stolen property gained from crime.

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Theft from motor vehicles in Rumworth has however been a concern for the last month, residents are still leaving valuables in their vehicles and in some cases they are leaving vehicles unlocked. Officers have been working nights and will continue to work specific nights to combat this growing trend. Can I urge all residents to make sure their vehicles are secure and all valuables are removed.

Regards, Sgt Dave Tann

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There is one burglary to report this week on Colindale Close. Offenders have used an implement to gain entry to the vehicle outside the address taking items and a set of house keys. Offenders have then entered the rear of the property with the keys taking items from within.

There has also been one burglary other than dwelling at Clunton Avenue. Offenders have used keys left in the lock to enter the garden shed removing tools and leaving them outside.

5 theft from motor vehicles have also occurred in this area. On one occasion offenders have gained entry via an insecure rear door, taking property. In 3 of the incidents, offenders have smashed the front offside window to search the vehicle taking items on one occasion. Lastly, offenders have entered the vehicle by unknown means stealing property from within.

There is also one theft of motor vehicle to report. Offenders have removed a scooter from a driveway, using implements to cut 3 cables.

Please advise residents to always ensure vehicles are locked and alarms are set when left unattended. If possible keeping your vehicles in a locked garage over night will help prevent thefts. Also ensure property alarms are set and keys are not left on show as this allows easy access into houses.

Town Centre

There has been one reported theft of person in the Town Centre this week. The offender has bumped into the person distracting her by asking for directions, reaching into her handbag and removing a mobile phone.

There has also been one theft of pedal cycle where the offender has taken an unattended bike, however was subsequently stopped by police and detained.

1 theft from motor vehicle has occurred where offenders have entered via unknown means stealing property from within.

Please advise residents to be aware of their belongings when out in the town centre and that pockets are closed so not to give pick pockets ideal opportunities. When carrying handbags always make sure they are zipped up and secure. Never leave vehicles unsecure and ensure valuables are removed from them when unattended to prevent thefts.

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There is one burglary to report on Cramond Walk. Offenders have entered the property by undoing a chain on a unlocked door. The offenders have been disturbed by the property owner causing them to leave and 2 laptops have been stolen from within.

There has also been one theft from motor vehicle where offenders have approached an insecure and unattended vehicle opening the boot and door however then making off. The offenders then returned to the same vehicle entering via an insecure door stealing a set of keys.

1 theft of motor vehicle has occurred where the offender has used keys to take the vehicle without authority before being stopped by patrols.

Please advise residents to always ensure vehicles are locked and alarms are set when left unattended. If possible keeping your vehicles in a locked garage over night will help prevent thefts. Also ensure properties are securely locked to prevent offenders from gaining access.

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I am delighted to update that hard work is paying off and we have now reduced from having between 10 and 12 domestic burglaries a week across the East area to between 2 and 4. That said we have slight increases in commercial burglaries so I again remain all business operators to be securing buildings, lighting up at night and contacting our Crime Prevention Specialist for advice if required. He is Chris waters tel. 016185 65764

A story I’d also like to share is that of a family from Crompton who were burgled and had all of their Christmas presents stolen. Staff contacted Key 103’s Cash for Kids Appeal who donated replacement presents to the family. This was assisted by appeals via our own Twitter and Facebook pages and led to numerous people from the East area donating to this families Christmas.

For me this is a great example of how the human side of policing and working with the community to turn crime into a positive for the victims. Kind regards

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Tonge Moor, Tonge Fold and The Haulgh

3 separate burglaries have occurred in the area, however all are at Britain's Aquatics Superstore. On one occasion offenders have used an implement to smash a ground window to gain entry removing items from near the window. In the second and third incident offenders have removed a board from the window from the previous break in activating the alarms both times.

There has also been one theft from motor vehicle where the offender has smashed a window to gain access taking a Sat Nav left on the windscreen.

Ensure alarms are activated within properties and buildings as this can deter offenders and raise alarm. Also, remove valuables from vehicles or lock them away securely out of sight.

Breightmet North and South

There is one burglary to report on HollycroftAvenue this week. Offenders have entered the property via an ajar small kitchen window taking items from within and using the keys to exit the property locking the door behind them. Offenders then enter a nearby address to store property where some is later discovered by police. The offenders were arrested a short time afterwards.

There have also been two theft of pedal cycles both at Blenheim Road, where offenders have climbed a wall to enter the garden taking the pedal cycles.

Always ensure houses and vehicles are locked and secure when unattended and throughout the overnight. If possible, keep bikes in a secure garage or shed when they are not in use.

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There is not much to report this week in the area. In one attempted burglary, offenders have entered a church removing a board from a previously secured window to gain entry.

There has also been one theft from a motor vehicle. Offenders have gained entry by forcing the passenger door removing property from within.

Ensure vehicles are secure and items are removed from within when unattended. Please advise residents to report any suspicious behaviour in the area to 101.

Bromley Cross

There are only two theft related incidents to report for this week. Both were thefts from motor vehicles. In the first occasion, offenders have removed the front and rear numbers plates from the vehicle. On the second, offenders have smashed a rear side window removing a handbag and other contents from within.

Advise residents to never leave their car doors unlocked and ensure alarms are set when unattended. Never leave items of value on show either, always take them with you.

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Astley Bridge

There are 3 burglaries to report in the area this past week. The first on Bank Top Grove, where the offenders have climbed onto the flat roof at the rear of the address using an instrument to open the first floor window. Once inside, offenders have removed items from within. The second occurred on Hatton Road, where offenders have forced a garage door to gain entry removing ladders. They have then removed the alarm box from the property. The offenders used an implement to force the ground floor window to gain entry stealing expensive items. In the last incident on Hill Cot Road, offenders have entered the rear of the property breaking the security light. Offenders then used a spade from the garden to attempt to force the window however were unsuccessful. The offenders then broke a large hole in the window using a broom handle from the garden to push the window gaining entry taking items.

No motor vehicle incidents have occurred this week.

Please advise residents to ensure windows and doors are locked and secured on properties. Remove any garden tools from the garden as these can be used to gain access to properties. Always set alarms throughout the night and when homes are unattended to deter criminals.

Crompton and Hall'ithwood Wood

There is just one theft from motor vehicle to report in the area. Offenders have smashed the rear windscreen of the vehicle. The offenders then searched the boot removing property from inside.

Always ensure vehicle alarms are set and items are removed or locked away safely to prevent thefts. If you do notice any suspicious behaviour around vehicles or properties, please report this to 101.

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Two Drug Dealers Jailed Thanks to GMP...Two drug dealers responsible for peddling heroin and crack cocaine on the streets of Rochdale have been

jailed. Aftar Khan of Industry Road, Rochdale, pleaded guilty to possession of a Class A drug with intent to

supply and Dangerous driving at an earlier hearing. Aziz Ur Rahman of Beswicke Road, Royds Street,

Rochdale, also pleaded guilty to possession of a Class A drug with intent to supply. On 9 January 2013,

Khan was jailed for a total of five years and four months and Rahman for two years.

Christmas Drink Drive Results...Greater Manchester Police (GMP) arrested 51 more motorists during this year’s Christmas Drink Drive

campaign than in December 2011*, despite carrying out fewer breath tests. The figure shows that the

tactic of using intelligence to target suspected offenders has worked. During the crackdown, which ran

from 1 December 2012 – 1 January 2013, officers across the region carried out 11,230 breath tests which

saw 464 people arrested for drink driving. This means that 4.1 per cent of drivers breathalysed tested

positive, which is up from 3.5 per cent last year. Of those arrested, 78 were involved in collisions, which is

the same number as last year, and six people were arrested for drug driving following roadside impairment

tests, which is down by 28 compared to December 2011. The work formed part of GMP’s road safety

campaign, Dicing with Death, which was set up after 75 people lost their lives on the roads of Greater

Manchester in 2011, a 42 per cent increase on the previous year. The campaign is helping to reduce

deaths so far, with 22 fewer victims between 1 February and 31 October 2012 compared to the same

period in 2011, a drop of 38 per cent. The drink drive crackdown also formed part of Operation Advent,

which was GMP’s response to tackling the potential spikes in crime in the run up to Christmas.

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Hundreds of toys have been donated to the Key 103 Christmas toy appeal thanks to GMP Officers and staff. Thank you so much to everyone for your help with this year's Toy Appeal there has been a brilliant response. As a force we've collected hundreds of toys and overall the charity has exceeded expectations. Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy visited the warehouse in Trafford Park on Friday last week where thou-sands of toys are being stored by the charity. "The response to the appeal has been truly overwhelming," said the Chief Constable

"I'd like to thank everyone who donated a gift to this fantastic cause - I'm sure they will really make a difference to underprivileged children in Greater Manchester. It's very sad to think that any child should wake up on Christmas morning without a gift but hopefully we can make sure that this is no longer the case."

A letter of appreciation has been received from a member of the public, thanking PCSO 65551 Andrew Hawkeswood for his assistance, sup-port and advice after suffering a long period of anti-social behaviour from neighbours.

The letter states; “We not only respect him as an officer of the law, but also are honoured to class him as a friend. We wanted to let you know how important a role Andrew has played in helping us both and to let you know that he is truly a credit to the Police Force”.

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Please feel free to visit any of the places below to discuss any issues you may be having in

your area. Your local neighbourhood officers will be there to offer advice and listen to any

problems you may be having in your neighbourhood in the following drop in sessions:

Bolton Central

Friday 11th January at Co Op, Brownlow Way from 14.00 – 15.00.

Friday 11th January at Aldi, Higher Bridge St (time to be confirmed).

Bolton East

Wednesday 16th January at Ucan Centre, New Lane from 10.00 – 12.00.

Thursday 31st January at Harwood Library from 17.00 – 19.00.

Wednesday 6th February at Ucan Centre, New Lane from 10.00 – 12.00.

Bolton West

Friday 11th January at Asda, Brackley St from 13.00 – 15.00.

Friday 18th January at Asda, Brackley St from 13.00 – 15.00.

Friday 25th January at Asda, Brackley St from 13.00 – 15.00.

Bolton South

Monday 14th January at Horwich Public Hall, Lee Lane from 16.00 – 18.00.

Monday 21st January at Horwich Public Hall, Lee Lane from 16.00 – 18.00.

Monday 28th January at Horwich Public Hall, Lee Lane from 16.00 – 18.00.

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