
6 Unforgettable





•Places to Visit



ITALY...........................................................3 Culture Rome a good place for your vacations Italian Food ARGENTINA.................................................8 Places to visit in Argentina Argentineans desserts AUSTRALIA..................................................12 Australian Food Visit Sydney in Australia BRAZIL.........................................................16 Culture Rio´s Carnival Foods and places to go MEXICO........................................................20 Mexican beaches Mexican food The Magic of the Mexican Culture EGYPT..........................................................25 The Ancient Egyptian Culture Alexandria “The pearl of the Mediterranean” Traditional Food in Egypt




Culture In this article, we are going to write about the culture of Italy like carnivals of Venice, Birthdays, Christmas and New Year, and Greetings. Carnivals of Venice (January 17-28) The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival, held in Venice, Italy. The Carnival starts 40 days before Easter and ends on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. During the 1970s, the Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice, and used the traditional Carnival as the centerpiece of their efforts. Today, approximately 30.000 people visit Venice for Carnivals. In the carnival, you can see three types of masks, such as: Venetian carnival masks, Bauta, and Volto or Larva. These are a representation of people, and they are differentiated for the colors and style; for example, the Venetian masks are all hand-painted using natural feathers and gems to decorate. The Bauta is the whole face, with a stubborn chin line, no mouth, and lots of "gilding“. Finally, Volto or Larva. The "Volto" was the most common mask used in Venice for centuries. Volto means "face", and it was the simplest mask to be produced.



Celebrations In Italy, there are different celebrations, for example, the custom for Birthdays is pulling the child´s ears as many times as his/her age is. Christmas in Italy begins with the traditional “cenone” the big dinner. At night on December 24, all family is meeting in the dining table. The dinner begins with the antipasti intermeshes after they continue with spaghetti with clams, fish, greens, fresh fruit and nougat.

Venetian carnival masks


Volto or Larva

For the night of “St. Sylvester” on December 31th, the people eat lentils overcoat in Roma because the tradition says: people, who eat lentils will have a lot of money all next year. At midnight, Romans and Naples throw the old things as a symbol to finish with the past and start a new year. Santa Claus gives toys on December 24th to kids, and a good witch called "befana" who flies over the roofs in a broom gives the toys on January 5th.


Rome A Good Place For Your Vacations Do you want good vacations? Would you like vacations on a beach? This article talks about a good place for your vacations: Rome.

People prefer to stay with their friends or family on vacations in a good place and Rome is an amazing city. Located in the middle of the Italian peninsula, the city is easily accessible from most important places both in Italy and abroad. The climate is temperate, with breezy winters and hot summers..

Customs of Greetings in Italy In Italy, for the greetings, people give two kisses but they begin in the contrary side and no matter the sex of the other person. If they aren´t friends, the greeting is shaking hands.

According to the above, Italy is a country with different cultural expressions and these are very interesting to foreigners. We invite you to know more about it reading this article and so you can learn more about Italy and can understand their forms of expression in different occasions.

By María Fernanda Chaves

Rome is today the biggest and most populous city of Italy and there are a lot of things to do, good places, places for sightseeing, and things like that.

There isn’t a natural beach in Rome because all beaches are around Rome, but Rome has an artificial beach. This beach was open in 2005 and it is next to the Tiber River.

This beach has sand, swimming pools, trees, plants, and the people can see the San Pedro Basilica.


Definitely, Rome is an excellent city for your vacations, you can enjoy everything and you will live unforgettable vacations with the most important persons in your life. The Vatican and Coliseum are the most important attractions in Rome, but don’t forget to tour Rome like a local, discovering the neighborhood cafes and charming streets that make the city unforgettable.

By Ingrid Sarmiento

The most important feature of this beach is that you don’t need to pay something because the admission is free. Be sure not to miss this beach, while you`re in Rome. Anyway, you can also go to the famous places for sightseeing like: San’t Angelo Basilica, The Coliseum, The Vatican, Imperial Rome, The catacombs, and other places.

amphitheater that housed the fierce gladiator and wild animal fights. San’t Angelo Basilica is the largest Roman Catholic building in the world; it houses important works by Michelangelo and Bernini. Vatican Museums is the largest museum complex in the world, and here you can see the “Sistine Chapel” with Michelangelo’s frescoes.

The Coliseum is the largest monument in existence from Imperial Rome, and it is a huge

Italian Food We´re going to talk about typical dishes made in Italy; this type of food is included into the Mediterranean cuisine and it is practiced worldwide. The Italian food is extremely varied, which shows the cultural variety and the diversity of history. This type of food is known for its famous dishes like pizza, pasta and different recipes.


One of the most famous dishes is Macaroni; this dish is prepared with macaroni and cheese sauce. Traditionally people used cheddar but they can also make it with another cheese. Sometimes also the people add butter, milk or water, meat, ketchup, sausages, tomatoes and other vegetables. Another dish is the lasagna; this is a delicious dish because it is made of ground beef, pasta, a lot of cheese and tomato sauce. However, you can prepare the lasagna as you prefer for example, you can change the ground beef for chicken or you can combine and add mushrooms, and vegetables. Some vegetables that have a very good taste are thyme and bay leaf; you can add these vegetables at this amazing dish.

Now I’m going to talk about some desserts that you can prepare in an easy way. One of the most famous Italian desserts is Amaretti, and these are cookies made of almond paste, sugar, egg white, sweet almond. Also you can prepare these cookies with honey, milk and yeast. Another dessert is Tiramisu. This is a delicious cold dessert made of layers of coffee and a delicious cream made of beaten eggs and sugar. This dish has cocoa powder too. You can eat this food with a good wine; I recommended Marsala or Chianti, because these are the most famous Italian wines. Just learn these recipes, invite your friends and enjoy.

By Emilia Lopez


Places to Visit in Argentina You may learn about the different tourist places that we find relevant through the different regions and provinces of Argentina NORTHWEST: The Northwestern part of the country is, mostly, a mountainous region with spectacular landscapes. It stands, to the west, as an elevated, crossed by high mountain ranges. In its central part there are gorges (such as the Humauaca Gorge) of a huge slope. To the East, we find sierras that barely exceed the 2000 meters, the tourist Train to the Clouds (one of the highest trains in the world), gives you the possibility of enjoying these landscapes in unforgettable way. In these mountains you will find the contrast of the snow in the highest peaks, and the red, violet and green colors of the living rock.



PAMPA PLAINS: This region is appropriate for the agricultural and cattle farming activities, for it comprises huge areas used for the sowing of seeds and the breeding of cattle. Its tourist potential is mainly reflected in the great metropolis of Buenos Aires, industrial and commercial pole of Argentina, which displays an intense cultural activity concentrated in its cinemas, pubs, theatres, musical shows, shopping, and (all kinds of attractions for the tourists. Besides, it possesses a rich historic past reflected in its buildings of French, Italian and Classical architectural style; as well as in its numberless museums.

Apart from Buenos Aires there are several tourist cities, built mainly on the borders of the Atlantic Ocean. Right from the populated Mar del Plata to the exclusive Pinamar and Cariló beach resorts.

NORTHEAST: it comprises two subregions: The subregion of Chaco is a flat uniform wooded plain, with a mostly subtropical climate. The mesopotamia is surrounded by two big plentiful rivers: the Paraná and the Uruguay. It has, in the Misiones province, rocky formations that break up the course of the rivers giving birth to falls, rapids and cascades. A spectacular example of this are the world famous IGUAZU falls, declared World Natural Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO. Moving southwards, we find the littoral of (the provinces of Entre Rios and Corrientes provinces, with several beaches, islands and suitable places to practice swimming and water sports.


PATAGONIA this a predominantly mountainous region, alternated with natural lakes, glaciers and woods. It possesses one of the most spectacular landscapes in Argentina. Several national parks, most of which can be visited, protect its wildlife and its landscape richness. Among them we can mention the Lanín, Nahuel Huapi, Los Arrayanes, Los Alerces, Puelo Lake, Francisco P. Moreno, The Glaciers and Tierra del Fuego. Many touristic places are visited by travelers from all over the world, who among other attractions, can appreciate one of the most beautiful glaciers in the world: Perito Moreno Glacier

In its part, Tierra del Fuego, you can sail along the southernmost continental canals and reach the Antártida. It has several winter centers ideal for the practice of skiing, among which Chapelco and Cerro Catedral; and thermal centers such as Copahue.

By Carolina Mendoza

Argentineans Desserts Argentina is highly influenced by Europe; Spanish food is the predominant cuisine in Argentina with other food influences like French, German, Italian and English. It is normal that all people refer Argentinean Foods with beef, because here you can find the most delicious beef that you have tried. Argentina is a meat lover country; but Argentina is also home to some excellent desserts that are well accepted by Argentinean people, and foreign those are searching an especial flavor.

This is an excellent place for the adventure tourism, for it includes numberless possibilities for the practice of trekking, rafting, Alpinism, mountain bike, horseback riding, etc.; added to possibility of practicing water sports in its numberless water courses.


Desserts are a quick snack between meals or they are given to dinner. The most important is “Dulce de Leche”; some people or Argentine cooks, say that “Dulce de Leche” should be a national symbol for two things: first, because no one in the world prepares it like Argentineans do. And second, there is a famous legend about its origin: “In 1829 Juan Manuel Rosas was visited by the Gral. Juan Lavalle, he wasn’t his friend. Rosas went out the camp and Lavalle was tired, he fell asleep on the Rosas’s bed. A bondwoman that was preparing the “Lechada” (sugar and milk for the “mate”), didn’t like that Lavalle was sleeping in this side, so she ran off to say that the man was sleeping, and forgot her “Lechada”, it continued boiling, when she come back the “Lechada” had turned like brown, but it was very delicious, in this moment the “Dulce de Leche” was born”. “Dulce de Leche” is known as “Cajeta” in Mexico, “Manjar Blanco” in Peru, Chile and Bolivia, and “Arequipe” in Colombia. You can use “Dulce de Leche” as spread on bread, pastries, cakes, crepes and cookies like alfajores.

The Alfajor is a traditional and very popular sweet , there are two short bread cookies with “Dulce de Leche” in the middle and dipped in chocolate; the most famous Alfajores in Argentina are manufactured in Mar de la Plata, but you can find it anywhere in the country. In Argentina you can find different kind of food and drinks; for breakfast tea, coffee, mate, toast, marmalade and croissant. It is difficult to say what food people might eat in Argentina for lunch and dinner, because the cuisine is so varied by the European influence; obviously you’ll find a lot of desserts that are cooked with the famous and delicious “Dulce de Leche”. If you are going to visit a foreign country, you’ll find new food, so you´ll need to get ready for your trip.

By Viviana Guevara


The typical dish for excellence is the meat loaf. There are other food typical though not consume so much. So also have the Cabanossi as a kind of sausage or incorporated similar to salami. Other common dishes in the diet of Australians are cooked with meat of animals like the crocodile, Kangaroo or Buffalo it. HOW TO PREPARE THE MEAT PIE “MEAT LOAF” In Australia eat much meat of beef and lamb also Crocodile, Buffalo, Kangaroo and camel meat, the national dish is the Australian meat pie and accompanied by a sauce called gravy. To prepare the meat pie, you need: 750 grams of meat minced, 2 cubes of meat stock, 1 and 1/2 cup of water, 1 pinch of nutmeg 2 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoond soy sauce and salt and pepper to taste.



In a casserole put a little water and minced meat. Put the broth and soy sauce after put nutmeg and salt. Let Cook. When the meat is slightly cooked, add starch dissolved in water to thicken. For the base of the cake: 2 cups of flour 60 grams of butter 2/3 cup water salt. Put a little water and butter in a saucepan. Let it melt. In a bowl place the flour and salt. Incorporate the butter melted in water (has to be hot). Mix well with the hands to form the mass. Continue kneading on the table after sprinkle the table with flour and stretch with the stick of dough. Cut circles with a cutting round (of the size of a disk of pie), put everything in to molds for cakes. Put a little cold fill within each. Cover with another disc of dough and close well Cover with another disc of dough and close well and finally put the molds in an oven for 40 minutes.

MOTH EGGS, FACT OR FICTION Australia gastronomy is characterized by different cuisines which reflect its historical past: the native cuisine of the Aboriginal Australians, called bush tucker or bushfood. It's a food traditional of the aborigines, which has been the livelihood of the inhabitants of this land for thousands of years is a traditional food of indigenous Australians, these have an ancestral respect for the Earth and mother nature which airs in their food. The main products that make up the bush tucker are those offered land, without subjecting it to acts of aggression or exploitation. Products such as tomatoes in shrub, the Illawarra plum, quandongs, lilli pillies, berries Muntari, seeds of acacia, plum Kakadu, Bunya Bunya nuts; as well as larvae of Australian moth or "witchetty grubs", with its characteristic taste of Walnut.


Not that there is an Australian cuisine, but rather a mix of cuisines, primarily European and Asian. However, there are Australian restaurants that are claiming a personality, as it is the case of those who offer Aboriginal cuisine-inspired dishes. The truth is in Australia you eat everything: since many fast foods (guilty, probably, of the high rate of obesity and the obsession for the food fat free) to excellent seafood, going through a huge variety of Asian cuisine (Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian...) and European (mainly Italian and Greek).

BY Julian Correa

Visit Sydney In Australia If you want to visit a beautiful place, Sydney is good option. Sydney is the biggest and oldest city of Australia. It has approximately 4,6 million of inhabitants and it is located southeast of Jackson’s Bay. The city comprises a cosmopolitan and international population of people from several places around the world. The metropolitan area is surrounded by national parks, and the coastal regions feature many bays, rivers, inlets and beaches. Within the city, there are many natural parks, and it is also possible to visit many cultural places.

The most famous national park is the Weast MacDonell. It is a zone with stone mountains where Australian aborigines live. They sometimes become touristic guides. Another place is the National Park of the Sydney Bay. Here it is possible to visit Quarantine Station, the Taranga’s zoo and the Park of Koalas. Here, you will find exotic and amazing animals. In the National Park Blue Mountains, taking the cable car is fabulous because since here you can see wonderful landscapes and spectacular panoramic views. About the beaches in Sydney, the most famous are Manly and Bondi. However, there are more than fifty beaches in Sydney. Some of them are quiet and isolated, perfect to rest.

Opera House Sidney


The best hotels in Sidney are Simpsons of Points Pott Hotel and Park Hyatt Sidney between others. These hotels offer several services like gym, spa, building room, swimming pool, and many are close beaches with view to the sea. You can choose between many hotels in the city or on the beaches. There are hotels with high prices and other cheap, but all are very comfortable. Respect to cultural places, the Opera Sydney House is really an icon. The Sidney Harbour Bridge is wonderful and the view from there is dramatic.

Definitely, Sydney is an excellent tourist destination. If you decide to travel on vacations, this city is a good option. This is a cosmopolitan city, with several interesting places to know. There are wonderful landscapes in the National Parks and the beaches are dramatic. The city is famous because it has hosted major international sporting events like for example the 2000 Summer Olympics.

By Neila Velandia Moreno

Koalas Park


Culture Brazil is an important country; it’s full of diversity and fun. The culture is an important aspect to describe this country. You could find different ways to speak and customs in a conversation. At the same time, Brazil has a big variety of music to describe each part of people. You should know how you act in this context. Language is the most important elements of Brazil. Portuguese is the official language. Some families of Indian languages are Tupí, Arawak, Carib and Ge.



Brazilians pronounce vowels more openly than the Europeans. For example, they pronounce o as (u), a as (e) and e as (i). Some colloquial expressions are: Café da manha -> Breakfast Eu te amo -> I love you Por favor -> please Almoco -> Lunch Obrigado -> Thank you Jantar -> Dinner Desculpe -> Excuse me Nao entendo -> I don’t understand Etiquette and customs are so important to be polite in a conversation. It´s usual to shake hands, eye contact and kiss each other. The colloquial greetings are: Bom dia -> Good morning! Oi! -> Hi! Boa tarde -> Good afternoon! Adeus -> Good bye Boa noite -> Good night! You need to bring some gift in a meeting; it’s a good idea to bring flowers, for example Orchids. You can arrive 30 minutes late for a dinner or an hour for a party.

Other important aspect in Brazilian culture is the music; it was influenced by African, European and Amerindian forms. Those are unique and original. You can find Capoeira; it’s the most traditional, Afoxe; it’s a religious music, and Samba; it’s popular music of Rio de Janeiro.

By Maria Paula Diaz

RIO´S CARNIVAL I´m going to talk about the big festival considered the biggest carnival in the world, this is: RIO DE JANEIRO carnivals. This great festival starts at the end of February or at the beginning of the March before Easter. This year the carnival started on fifth of the march. They celebrate, when the Roman Catholic Church made a celebration where the people can give last gasp of music, food, alcohol and sex before the 40 days of personal reflection, abstinence and fasting until Easter.


Today, the carnival is organized by the samba schools, also, we can see beautiful floats surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of dancers, singers and a lot of parades of people get dresses up as colorful outfits. This festival has a typical girl, where we can find in the float and parades, theses girls are called “garotas” beautiful women, when you see their, you going to be mesmerize. The sensual pleasure it’s celebrated and the cult of the body takes up main room in this ceremony. Therefore, when you’ll think in vacation, you may take as an option this place when this beautiful world’s celebration start, would you like to go?

By Julian Pulido

Foods and Places to Go Brazil is known for being one of the most important countries in South America. In this place you find cultures, places to visit. In this time, we are going to talk about many cultural foods, drinks, places to go for eating and traditional Brazilian restaurants. So, In Brazil you find many types of food, especially main dishes. For example Feijoada is a typical dish of Brazil: the preparation of this dish begins the night before. It is made of different kinds of smoke meats, ribs and beef jerky. If you want to taste a very typical food that represents Brazil gourmet, the Feijoada is the right one for you.


If the Feijoada is not enough for you, the Acaraje is another traditional dish that you will enjoy. This food is made with black eyed peas and those are rolled into balls and after this, they are fried in palm oil. Finally, this food is served with shrimps, peanuts and other ingredients depending on the region. I recommend the last dish: picadinho de Jacaré. This one is a traditional Indian meal made of alligator meat. Actually, if you want to taste a really good dish, this plate is for you. Also in Brazil, you find traditional drinks too. For example, the Cachaca is typical Brazilian liquor. It is made of sugar cane and it is very similar to rum. If you like other types of drinks like the cocktails, the Caipirinha is the best option of you. It is made of cachaca, sugar and lime juice. It is very refreshing and delicious.

By Yhan Correa


Mexican Beaches This article talks about the main Mexican beaches: Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Mazzatlan. It describes location, main activities and recommendations. Cancun has one of the best beaches located on the northeast coast of Quintana Roo. Aproximately 1700 km from Mexico City. It had a remarkable transformation since being an island surrounded by fishermen. Actually it is part of the world`s second longest coral reef. It is also the gateway to the Riviera Maya and the Yucatan interior.



It has several hotels to relax which include the best spa services like Hotel Le Blanc Spa Resort Cancun, Golden Parnassus Resort & Spa Cancun and Hilton Cancun, which is recommended to play golf. Also you should swim with the dolphins, whales and sharks, an experience you'll never forget. If you want something different, you could go horseback riding by the beach and through the jungle. Acapulco is one of the oldest tourist destinations. It is sited in the state of Guerrero on the pacific coast of Mexico. It is still famous for its nightlife and still attracts many vacationers. The resort area is divided into two: The north end of the Bay is the “traditional” area, where the famous people vacationed in the mid 20th century, and the south end is dominated by new luxury high rise hotels.

Dancing at one of the hillside clubs with a full view of the bay through floor-to-ceiling windowpanes is an unique experience to Acapulco, there are 2 bars recommended to visit el Alebrije and Hard Rock Café. Puerto Vallarta is a very tourist city in Mexico recognized by many travelers. It is located in the western of the state of Jalisco in central Mexico overlooking the Pacific Ocean. With a lot of different environments to choose from, there are many tours and excursions available in Vallarta. Puerto Vallarta was meant to be seen from the water because it takes you out to see dolphins, manta rays and even whales in season. You can snorkel, kayak, and enjoy pirate shows and more. There are more than 250 restaurants in town. Whatever type of cuisine you like, you will find it in Puerto Vallarta: French, seafood, vegetarian, Mexican, Italian or Asian.


Mazzatlan is known as “Pearl of the Pacific”. It is located on the Pacific Coast with around 15 miles of inviting beautiful sandy beaches. It offers the visitor, a combination of cultural and natural attractive resources that give the perfect touch to enjoy this beautiful destiny. It is recommended to visit Senor Frog's that is a famous Matzatlan night club. Its colorful festive decorations and witty sense of humor make the atmosphere joyful and loose. Mexico has incredible beaches which all of us should visit to relax, it has exotic places to visit like Cancún, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Mazzatlan. Enjoy a wonderful trip when you go to Mexico!!!

By Manuel F. Jaimes F.

Mexican Food Mexican cooking is extremely rich and varied with plenty of color and flavor. Mexico is famous for its typical foods – there are Mexican restaurants in most countries. But for authentic Mexican meal, there is no place like the country itself. Mexican dishes: basic ingredients such as corn, beans, lemon juice and the famous hot chilies. Combinations of these ingredients with fresh vegetables, fish, shellfish, meats, herbs and spices make up the varied typical Mexican meal. Another very common element in Mexican cuisine is the spice, which is used to give them that extra touch. Dishes and Meals TACOS: Is made using the soft corn tortillas filled with seasoned minced meat, lettuce and tomatoes, grated cheese and some sour cream, or chicken or seafood fillings.


TORTILLAS: made of wheat flour or maize, these traditional pancakes formed the staple food of Mexican people for centuries. They are used in the different dishes such as enchiladas or quesadillas and are often served instead of bread. FRIJOLES: This was and still is a primary protein in the Mexican diet. Used both as main ingredients and as garnishes to other dishes. GUACAMOLE: An avocado garnish or dip made with mashed avocado, onion and chilies. ENCHILADAS: Made with tortillas, are folded or rolled tortillas with chicken, pork or vegetables and then baked. QUESADILLAS: Folded tortillas stuffed with cheese and then grilled. SALSA: This is a salsa made generally with tomatoes, onion, chili and cilantro. Mexican Drinks TEQUILA: Mexico’s national drink, most people drink this it in the form of a margarita or as tequila shots. It is mixed with lemon juice in a salt- glass. This is strong.

CHOCOLATE: The cocoa bean was grown in Central America. The native indigenous people of Mexico were the first to make the earliest form of chocolate using the beans, which were very valuable and even used as currency for trading purposes. COFFEE FROM THE POT: Coffee “a la Mexicana”, this coffee literally comes from the pot, where it simmers all day long, mixed with cinnamon and cloves. Traditional Desserts These desserts provide a grand-finale to any Mexican meal: Bread Pudding, Creamy Flan- Custard in a Caramel Sauce. Rice Pudding. Cajeta - Milk Candy No matter how much the food of the Mexicans evolves into the future, it still have all its origins in the simple, food of their ancestors.

By: Ana Beatriz Reyes M.

The Magic of the Mexican Culture Open your mind to the wonders of Mexico. You won´t spend ordinary vacations. You will find a cheerful country, with bright colors and cool people. Live its cultural expressions, and breathe its unique air from its proud past, in every step you will take.


Mexico has one of the Seventh Wonders of the World; Chichen Itza archeologist zone in Yucatan. It also is cultural Heritage of the Humanity by the UNESCO. This is an important vestige of the Maya Civilization. 45 minutes from Mexico City, You´ll find Teotihuacan City, thousands of tourists travel there in the equinox to reload their energy with the pyramid of the moon, because a legend says: “The moon and the sun were born there”. Around this zone there are some luxury hotels and camping zones. But if you want to enjoy the heavenly island of Cancun, you must visit Tulum; the unique archeologist zone by the beach.

Also you can live a Mexican experience in every town, full of festivals, mariachis colors and flavors. During the festivals the people pray and burn candles. Although the most important cultural celebration in Mexico, is the known “Day of the Death” in November; where the people celebrate the lives of their loved parents, who have died.

So, what are you waiting for to visit Mexico?. You´ll be amazed with the perfection and beauty of its spiritual places or you can choose to live the happiness of their colors. Be sure to live a Mexican experience and you´ll never forget it.

By Karol Millán

Their famous “Piñatas” made of paper, are used for every celebration like new year, independence day and patron saints like Guadalupe.


The Ancient Egyptian Culture is famous for its pyramids, wealth, pharaohs, etc. Most people have some knowledge about ancient Egypt, but few people know how relationshiops where in the marriage the woman´s role in the family or the importance of appearance and hygiene for ancient Egyptians. So, this article wants to talk about some customs in the ancient Egypt that few people know. In the ancient Egypt, marriage was very modern and liberal for the time that it existed. Despite man in the marriage ws responsible for supporting the family and providing the family´s income, he didn´t have a dominant position at home. Woman managed her household, she was responsible for taking care of the children, but she had her own business. She could keep their properties after getting marriage and she didn´t habe to share anything of her wealth with her husband.



The two spouses could protect their properties by marriage contracts. However, the contracts stipulated financial abligations for the husband with his wife and sons if the marriage ends. As consequence, it was easy to attain a divorce but ut cost a great postion of wealth for the husband. Maybe, the only important punishment for women could be stoning if she was found guilty of adultery, it was against liberal tendency of ancient Egyptians. Other interesting characteristic of the daily life from the ancient Egypt is appearance and hyfiene. They used to use copper mirrors, combs, tweezars, ointments and perfumes to keep their bodies clean an to get a nice odor. Ij fact, Egyptian´s perfumes were famous in the Mediterranean. Likewise, men shaved facial and body hair for cleanliness and it was a special part of their religious rituals.

Egyptians used a pasty soap made from animal to take a shower in the Nillo River and also, makeup was used on females, males, and even children. Besides the cleanliness, Egyptians used a lot of jewerly to brighten up their outfits. Earrings, bracelets and necklaces were worn frequently. For rich people jewerly was made in gold. On the other hand, poor people used copper or gemstones imitations. Acurious fact in this topic, Egyptians did´n´t have silverware to eat and they ate with their hand.

By Oscar Sosa

Alexandria “The pearl of the Mediterranean” Alexandria is the second largest city of Egypt, known as the “Pearl of the Mediterranean”, extending about 32 km along the cost of the Mediterranean Sea in the north central part of the country. Alexandria is also an important tourist resort, and an important industrial center thanks of its natural gas and oil pipelines from Suez.


If you go to Alexandria, you have many activities to do. I recommend you 3 activities that you can’t miss: • Visit the National Museum of Alexandria, located near the center of the city. You can see the artifacts of the four main ages of Egypt: Ancient, Greco-Roman, Coptic and Islamic. Also, a variety of items such as jewelry modern royal and an interesting collection of coins. You may explore different color cameras, coordinated with the time period shown and see more pictures of each period they depict. • The church is worth a visit for its impressive religious art, you will see a complete collection of religious art murals. You can view images of the life of Christ represented on one side of the walls of the church in the glass.

• Another major attraction is its library, in it, and from the third century BC remained almost 1,000,000 documents disappeared in the mysterious destruction. Since 2003 a new library functions, which is worth visiting. The new library is the largest full reading area of the world, including over 2000 chair readers. The building is covered in the scripts and lyrics of almost all languages of the world. The library houses have four permanent museums dedicated to displaying antiquities and manuscripts. Founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, Alexandria is the main cultural center of the ancient world and has one of the most complete histories of Egypt. Most tourists who visited Egypt described his journey as an overwhelming experience: cultures, nature sights, the history of people of life and cuisine make this trip a wonderful experience.


Traditional Food in Egypt This article is going to talk about different kind of main dishes that the Egyptians eat in a really important date, as it is the Islamic New Year. The Egyptians have a lot of national dishes because approximately 90 percent of Egyptians are Muslims, so they have different customs, also in this article you can learn about this amazing culture and their interesting traditions. In the first place we can find the Irea that is a kind of drink, you need 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 teaspoons sugar, or to taste, 1 cup of cold water and mixed nuts, then you have to put the cinnamon and sugar in a small saucepan with the cold water and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, next you have to Low the heat and allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes, or until it is brownish, then remove the cinnamon sticks and pour the drink into a cup. It is very easy to do, and it is for one cup.

Another important dish is the Gebna Makleyah, the ingredients are, 1 cup firm feta cheese, crumbled, or traditional Egyptian cheese such as labna or Gebna, 1 Tablespoon flour, 1 egg, salt and freshly ground black pepper, olive oil, and finally lemon wedges and bread. Then you have to preheat oven to 400°F, and put the cheese, flour, egg, salt, and pepper in a bowl and mix very well. If the mixture seems too loose to hold the ball shape, add a little more flour. Pour 2 or 3 tablespoons olive oil to grease. Arrange the cheese balls on the cookie sheet, rolling them around to coat thoroughly with the oil. Then remove with a spatula and drain on absorbent paper, this recipe is for 4 or 6 dishes. These two main dishes are really traditional in Egypt, and there are also really delicious, so I hope that you enjoy this article, and maybe you can prepare one of these dishes, in a special celebration.

By Camila Mendoza


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