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    AJR:197, October 2011 W721

    MRI of the Ankle and Hindfoot

    or subentheseal and may resolve or stabilize

    within 18 weeks [5] (Fig. 3). A history of im-

    mobilization and lack of symptoms can aid

    in differentiating this process from transient

    osteoporosis and CRPS. The latter may also

    have distinguishing skin edema and thick-

    ening. Infarcts often involve multiple bones

    but are typically distinguished by their char-acteristic serpentine geographic distribution

    and the double line sign [2].

    A wide range of degenerative and inflam-

    matory diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheu-

    matoid arthritis, and seronegative spondy-

    loarthropathies can produce periarticular

    subchondral bone marrow edema in multiple

    bones. Radiographic correlation as well as

    MRI findings such as osteophytes in osteoar-

    thritis, periarticular soft-tissue edema, syno-

    vitis, and marginal erosions in rheumatoid ar-

    thritis can aid in the diagnosis [6] (Fig. 4A).

    A periarticular bone marrow edema pattern

    predominantly in the midfoot may also be not-

    ed in diabetic patients with acute early neuro-

    arthropathy; if imaging is performed before

    bone collapse, a clinical history may be re-

    quired for distinguishing it from early inflam-

    matory arthritis [7, 8] (Fig. 4B).

    Localized Marrow Edema in Specific

    Bones of the Ankle

    Focal bone marrow edema isolated to a

    single bone is a common finding in the an-

    kle. It is often posttraumatic, related to avul-

    sion fracture or contusion, but other causes

    such as osteoarthrosis, inflammatory arthri-tides, and impingement can also produce fo-

    cal bone marrow edema. Accurate MRI di-

    agnosis is aided by the clinical history and

    by the exact location of the bone marrow

    edema relative to adjacent bones, joints, cap-

    sule, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. The next

    section will focus on various causes of fo-

    cal bone marrow edema in each of the bones

    of the ankle and hindfoot including the tibia,

    fibula, talus, and calcaneus.

    Distal Tibia

    The tibia is susceptible to a variety of bone

    marrow edema patterns, many of which are re-lated to traumatic disorders and their sequelae

    such as contusions, occult fractures, and avul-

    sions of the flexor retinaculum and syndesmot-

    ic and deltoid ligaments and impingements.

    Reactive bone marrow edema related to poste-

    rior tibial tendon (PTT) dysfunction and peri-

    articular bone marrow edema secondary to ar-

    thropathies may also be encountered. Patterns

    of tibial bone marrow edema and their relation-

    ship to adjacent osseous and soft-tissue struc-

    tures are illustrated in Figure 5.

    Diffuse bone marrow edema in the distal tib-

    ia, particularly of the posterior malleolus, may

    reflect a stress or occult fracture [9]. Osteoar-

    thritis may also produce a diffuse pattern, al-

    beit one that is centered at the tibiotalar artic-

    ular surface. Anterior and anteromedial tibialbone marrow edema, usually related to bony

    impingement, may be accompanied by appos-

    ing tibial and talar osteophytes, which are easily

    detected on radiographs (Fig. 6). Anteromedi-

    al and anterolateral tibial bone marrow edema

    may be caused by anterior deltoid or anteri-

    or tibiofibular ligament avulsions, respectively

    (Figs. 2 and 7). The bone marrow edema may

    be mild, as is typical in avulsion injuries [2].

    Posteromedial tibial bone marrow edema

    is frequently reactive in the setting of PTT

    dysfunction [9, 10] (Fig. 8). Contusions and

    osteochondral impaction injuries, also fre-

    quently posteromedial, are often associat-

    ed with opposing medial talar bone marrow

    edema (Fig. 2). Posterior deltoid ligament

    avulsion and flexor retinacular injury are

    other common causes of posteromedial mal-

    leolar bone marrow edema [2] (Fig. 8). Mild

    posterolateral bone marrow edema may re-

    flect posterior tibiofibular ligament avulsion.

    Distal Fibula

    Because the fibula is a small bone, various

    disease processes may cause diffuse edema.

    Nevertheless, focal areas of bone marrow

    edema can occur and can be distinguishedfrom each other based on the appearance of

    adjacent osseous and soft-tissue structures

    such as ligament attachments and the pero-

    neal tendons (Fig. 9).

    The proximity of the distal fibula to the

    coil will often produce artifactual increased

    signal on fat-suppressed fluid-sensitive imag-

    es. Normal fibular T1 signal and poor sup-

    pression of the adjacent subcutaneous fat

    aid in distinguishing this artifact from true

    edema (Fig. 10A). Stress and occult frac-

    tures often produce diffuse bone marrow

    edema. Fibular tip bone marrow edema may

    be caused by an avulsion fracture, calcaneo-fibular ligament avulsion, or calcaneofibular

    impingement (Fig. 10B). Because both stress

    fracture and calcaneofibular impingement

    may occur in the setting of hindfoot valgus,

    the two entities can be distinguished by the

    presence of a fracture line and of perioste-

    al reaction in the setting of a stress fracture

    and by the presence of direct contact, scle-

    rosis, and edema of the opposing surfaces of

    the calcaneus and fibula in the setting of im-

    pingement [11] (Fig. 11).

    Medial distal fibular bone marrow edema is

    often related to ligamentous avulsion or trac-

    tion. Based on our experience, the latter will

    often manifest as cystlike changes similar to

    those seen at the supraspinatus attachment to

    the greater tuberosity; these changes typicallyappear above (posterior tibiofibular ligament)

    or, less commonly, at the level of (posterior talo-

    fibular ligament) the retromalleolar fossa (Fig.

    12). Osteoarthritis may produce medial fibular

    and opposing talar bone marrow edema.

    Lateral and posterolateral fibular bone mar-

    row edema may result from superior peroneal

    retinacular injury or friction due to diseased

    or dislocated peroneal tendons [12] (Fig. 13).


    The talus is a common site for bone mar-

    row edema on MRI studies. The cause is fre-

    quently traumatic because of its key location

    between the leg and the foot. Other various

    disease processes such as impingement and

    inflammatory arthritides can also produce

    talar bone marrow edema (Fig. 14). A large

    amount of the talar surface is cartilaginous,

    therefore, osteoarthritis with bone marrow

    edema can occur at the opposing surfaces

    with the tibial plafond, medial malleolus,

    fibula, calcaneus, and navicular.

    Contusions often produce diffuse talar

    bone marrow edema but are more common

    medially and may be focal in the talar body,

    neck, or head [2] (Fig. 2). Fractures, earlyavascular necrosis, transient osteoporosis, and

    subchondral insufficiency fractures, although

    more common in the talar body, can all pro-

    duce diffuse bone marrow edema (Fig. 15).

    Osteochondral impaction injuries are noted

    typically in either the medial or the lateral ta-

    lar trochlea and less commonly at the navic-

    ular articulation. Bone marrow edema relat-

    ed to osteochondral injury is frequent in the

    acute phase but may also occur later as a result

    of subchondral collapse, cartilage loss, osteo-

    arthritis, or cyst formation [2]. Bone marrow

    edema as a result of avulsion fracture at the

    talar attachment of the deep tibiotalar compo-nent of the deltoid ligament is an uncommon

    cause of medial talar edema (Fig. 16).

    Advanced anterior and anteromedial osse-

    ous and, less commonly, soft-tissue impinge-

    ment can produce opposing tibial and talar

    neck bone marrow edema, usually with eas-

    ily depicted osteophytes [13] (Fig. 6). Dorsa-

    lis pedis penetrating vessels also occur at the

    dorsal aspect of the talar neck. Talar head bone

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    W72 2 AJR:197, October 2011

    Rios et al.

    marrow edema may be caused by contusion,

    impaction fracture, and talonavicular osteo-

    arthritis, but the possibility of an occult dor-

    sal avulsion fracture at the talonavicular joint

    should also be considered (Fig. 17).

    Posterior talar bone marrow edema is typ-

    ically caused by posterior impingement sec-

    ondary to a prominent os trigonum or Stiedaprocess (Fig. 18). Associated findings may

    include capsular thickening, synovitis, soft-

    tissue edema, and flexor hallucis longus te-

    nosynovitis [13]. Cystic changes in the pos-

    terior talus may also result from traction or,

    less commonly, from avulsion of the poste-

    rior talofibular ligament.

    Talocalcaneal impingement, which is usu-

    ally caused by advanced hindfoot valgus and

    PTT dysfunction, may show bone marrow

    edema, cysts, and sclerosis in the opposing

    lateral talus and calcaneus [11] (Fig. 19). Os-

    teoarthritis and occult lateral talar process

    fractures also produce talar facet and lateral

    talar bone marrow edema.

    Bone marrow edema at the roof of the si-

    nus tarsi is frequently associated with liga-

    ment injury and sinus tarsi syndrome but

    may also reflect erosions due to inflammato-

    ry arthritis and deposition disease. Based on

    our experience, prominent penetrating ves-

    sels are also common in this location.


    Calcaneal bone marrow edema is often en-

    countered in the setting of trauma and may be

    related to stress and occult fractures and liga-mentous avulsions. Achilles tendon and per-

    oneus longus tendon abnormalities can also

    produce isolated calcaneal bone marrow ede-

    ma. Fasciitis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory

    arthritides, and impingement are other causes

    of calcaneal bone marrow edema (Fig. 20).

    Posterior calcaneal tuberosity bone mar-

    row edema is usually caused by Achilles in-

    sertional tendinosis with or without Haglund

    syndrome but may also be caused by inflam-

    matory arthritis. A Haglund deformity is a

    bone prominence on the superior posterior

    aspect of the calcaneal tuberosity. A fluid-

    distended retrocalcaneal bursa can be seen inboth processes. Helpful distinguishing fea-

    tures include Haglund deformity in Haglund

    syndrome and erosions in inflammatory ar-

    thritis [14] (Fig. 21). Stress fracture, typi-

    cally with a fracture line, is another cause

    of posterior calcaneal tuberosity edema (Fig.

    22). The fracture line, which is typically ver-

    tically oriented, and associated bone marrow

    edema are often located along the anterior

    aspect of the posterior calcaneal tuberosity.

    Bone marrow edema at the most anterosu-

    perior aspect of the calcaneal tuberosity is

    noted with posterior impingement, often be-

    cause of an enlarged lateral talar process.

    Plantar fasciitis with calcaneal enthesop-

    athy, as a result of either repetitive trauma

    or a seronegative spondyloarthropathy, canproduce plantar calcaneal bone marrow ede-

    ma. Enthesopathy at the calcaneal origin of

    the plantar ligaments can also produce plan-

    tar bone marrow edema. Knowledge of the

    patients clinical history and recognition of

    other sites of enthesopathy and erosions can

    aid in the differential diagnosis [15]. Plan-

    tar calcaneal bone marrow edema is uncom-

    monly caused by occult extraarticular frac-

    ture after a direct fall on the heel.

    Medial calcaneal marrow edema is not

    very common. When present, it may be sec-

    ondary to a fracture, subtalar joint arthrop-

    athy, subtalar coalition, or an os sustentacu-

    lum. A small focal area of lateral calcaneal

    bone marrow edema posterior to the poste-

    rior subtalar joint is noted with avulsion of

    the calcaneofibular ligament (Figs. 2 and 23).

    More anteriorly, lateral calcaneal bone mar-

    row edema may reflect talocalcaneal and cal-

    caneofibular impingements (Figs. 11 and 24).

    Hindfoot valgus, sinus tarsi encroachment,

    sclerosis, and cysts at the posterior subtalar

    joint at the critical angle of Gissane and at the

    distal fibula are additional helpful signs [11].

    Cystic changes and pooling from penetrating

    vessels can also produce increased signal atthe critical angle of Gissane (Fig. 25).

    More anteriorly and inferiorly, peroneus

    longus tendon abnormalities with or without

    hypertrophied peroneal tubercle are addition-

    al causes of lateral calcaneal bone marrow

    edema [9, 12] (Fig. 26). Fractures of the an-

    terior process of the calcaneus, often missed

    on radiographs, present with lateral calcaneal

    bone marrow edema quite far anteriorly.


    Bone marrow edema is a common and

    sometimes confusing finding on MRI studies

    of the ankle. The most common cause is trau-ma and may be related to contusions, stress

    or occult fractures, or ligamentous avulsions.

    Other causes of ankle bone marrow edema in-

    clude impingement, arthropathy, and infarcts.

    This pictorial essay addresses these various

    causes and provides helpful hints for the MRI

    diagnosis based on the clinical history, knowl-

    edge of anatomy, and familiarity with specific

    patterns of bone marrow edema distribution.


    1. Schmid MR, Hodler J, Vienne P, Binkert CA,

    Zanetti M. Bone marrow abnormalities of foot

    and ankle: STIR versus T1-weighted contrast en-

    hanced fat-suppressed spin-echo MR imaging.

    Radiology2002; 224:463469

    2. Weishaupt D, Schweitzer ME. MR imaging of the

    foot and ankle: patterns of bone marrow signal

    abnormalities.Eur Radiol 2002; 12:416426

    3. Shabshin N, Schweitzer ME, Morrison WB, et al.

    High-signal T2 changes of the bone marrow of the

    foot and ankle in children: red marrow or trau-

    matic changes. Pediatr Radiol2006; 36:670676

    4. Schweitzer ME, White LM. Does altered biome-

    chanics cause marrow edema? Radiology 1996;


    5. Elias I, Zoga AC, Schweitzer ME, Ballehr L,

    Morrison WB, Raikin SM. A specific bone mar-

    row edema around the foot and ankle following

    trauma and immobilization therapy: pattern de-

    scription and potential clinical relevance. Foot

    Ankle Int2007; 28:463471

    6. Weishaupt D, Schweitzer ME, Alam F, Karasick

    D, Wapner K. MR imaging of inflammatory joint

    diseases of the foot and ankle. Skeletal Radiol

    1999; 28:663669

    7. Chatha DS, Cunningham PM, Schweitzer ME.

    MR imaging of the diabetic foot: diagnostic chal-

    lenges.Radiol Clin North Am2005; 43:747759

    8. Ahmadi ME, Morrison WB, Carrino JA, et al.

    Neuropathic arthropathy of the foot with and

    without superimposed osteomyelitis: MR imag-

    ing characteristics.Radiology2006; 238:622631

    9. Rosenberg ZS, Beltran J, Bencardino JT. From the

    RSNA refresher course: Radiological Society ofNorth AmericaMR imaging of the ankle and

    foot.RadioGraphics2000; 20:S153S179

    10. Morrison WB, Carrino JA, Schweitzer ME, Sand-

    ers TG, Raiken DP, Johnson CE. Subtendinous

    bone marrow edema patterns on MR images of

    the ankle: association with symptoms and tendi-

    nopathy.AJR2001; 176:11491154

    11. Donovan A, Rosenberg ZS. Extraarticular lateral

    hindfoot impingement with posterior tibial tendon

    tear: MRI correlation.AJR2009; 193:672678

    12. Wang XT, Rosenberg ZS, Mechlin MB, Sch-

    weitzer ME. Normal variants and diseases of the

    peroneal tendons and superior peroneal retinacu-

    lum: MR imaging features.RadioGraphics2005;

    25:587602 [Errata in RadioGraphics 2005;

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    13. Hopper MA, Robinson P. Ankle impingement syn-

    dromes.Radiol Clin North Am2008; 46:957971

    14. Schweitzer ME, Karasick D. MR imaging of disor-

    ders of the Achilles tendon.AJR2000; 175:613625

    15. Narvez JA, Narvez J, Or tega R, et al. Painful

    heel: MR imaging findings.RadioGraphics2000;


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    AJR:197, October 2011 W72 3

    MRI of the Ankle and Hindfoot

    Fig. 1High turnover in 12-year-old girl. SagittalSTIR image shows multiple foci of increased bonemarrow signal associated with increased sports-

    related activity.

    Fig. 2Inversion injury with multiple foci of bonemarrow edema in 36-year-old man. Medial malleolarand talar contusions (straight white arrows) and

    syndesmotic (curved arrow) and calcaneofibular(black arrow) ligament avulsions are seen on coronalfat-suppressed T2-weighted image. Note deltoidinjury (white arrowhead) and fibular coil artifact(black arrowhead). Medial malleolar edema may alsoreflect deltoid or flexor retinacular avulsions.


    Fig. 3Immobilization related to multifocal periarticular bone marrow edema seen on sagittal STIR sequencesof 12-year-old girl.A,Initial MR image shows small talar osteochondral lesion (arrow).B,Follow-up MR image obtained after 6 weeks of bracing shows talar osteochondral lesion (arrow) as seen in Abut also depicts extensive bone marrow edema in multiple bones related to disuse osteoporosis.


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    Fig. 4Arthritis-related marrow edema in two patients.Aand B,Coronal intermediate fat-suppressed images of 66-year-old woman with inflammatory arthritis ( A) and57-year-old man with acute Charcot arthropathy (B). Periarticular bone marrow edema is noted in both cases,but presence of erosions (arrow, A) can aid in diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis. Clinical history, particularly inearly neuroarthropathy, before development of collapse is also useful in B.


    AnteriorImpingement (asterisks)

    LateralATIFL avulsionPTIFL avulsionTibiofibular arthropathy

    Fracture(dark gray area)



    PosteriorContusion or osteochondral injuryOccult posterior malleolar fracture

    ImpingementPTT dysfunction (white oval)

    (black dots)

    Medial and PosteromedialContusion or fractureDeltoid ligament avulsionFlexor retinacular injury (arrow)PTT dysfunction (white oval)

    (white dots)

    Fig. 5Axial drawing illustrates various causes of bone marrow edema in distal tibia. ATIFL = anterior tibiofibular ligament, PTIFL = posterior tibiofibular ligament, PTT =posterior tibial tendon.

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    MRI of the Ankle and Hindfoot

    Fig. 6Syndesmotic ligament injury in 45-year-oldman. Sagittal STIR image depicts anterior tibialbone marrow edema as a result of impingement wi thopposing tibial and talar osteophytes (arrows) and


    Fig. 7Syndesmotic ligament injury in 37-year-oldwoman. Minimal bone marrow edema, typical ofavulsion injury, is noted on axial proton density fat-suppressed image at avulsion site of anteroinferior

    tibiofibular ligament (long arrow) from tibia. Notealso minimal edema (short arrow) in medial tibia as aresult of flexor retinaculum injury.

    Fig. 8Axial fat-suppressed proton density imageof 47-year-old woman. Partial tear of posterior tibial

    tendon (thinarrow) may cause spurring and reactivebone marrow edema in posteromedial tibia and

    medial malleolus (thickarrow).

    Lateral and TipCoil artifact (dark gray area)Fibular tip fracture

    CFL avulsion

    Calcaneofibular impingement

    (white stars)

    MedialATIFL traction or avulsion (black star)

    PTIFL traction or avulsion (black asterisk)

    Talofibular arthropathy (white shaded area)

    AnteriorATIFL traction or avulsion

    (black star)

    DiffuseStress fracturePTIFL





    PosteriorPeroneal tendon dysfunctionSuperior peroneal retinacular injury

    PTIFL avulsion (black asterisk)

    (white asterisks)

    Fig. 9Frontal (top) and axial (bottom)drawings illustrate various causes ofbone marrow edema in distal fibula.Bone marrow edema pattern in fibulais often nonspecific because of smallsize of fibula. Nevertheless, in manyinstances, exact location of bonemarrow edema can aid in accuratediagnosis.PTIFL = posterior tibiofibular ligament,PTFL = posterior talofibular ligament,CFL = calcaneofibular ligament,ATIFL = anterior tibiofibular ligament.

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    Fig. 10Distal fibular tip bone marrow edema.Aand B, Coronal fat-suppressed proton densityimages of 37-year-old man (A) and 25-year-oldwoman (B) show increased signal in distal fibular

    tips related to coil artifact (A) and distal fibular tipfracture (B). Proximity of distal fibula to coil canproduce artifactual increased signal (star, A) on fluid-sensitive images (A) that may be difficult to discernfrom true abnormalities. Normal T1 images of this

    area (not shown) supported diagnosis of coil artifact.Presence of cortical discontinuity (arrow, B) and soft-

    tissue edema in Bconfirm diagnosis of fracture.

    A B

    Fig. 11Calcaneofibular impingement associatedwith flatfoot in 57-year-old man. Coronal fat-suppressed proton density image shows directcontact and bone marrow edema at opposingsurfaces of calcaneus and fibula (stars). Increased

    tibiocalcaneal angle (lines) indicates hindfoot valgus.

    Fig. 12Axial fat-suppressed proton density imageof 35-year-old woman depicts cystlike bone marrowedema (arrow) as a result of posterior tibiofibularligament traction on fibula.

    Fig. 13Superior peroneal retinaculum injury in37-year-old man. Axial T2-weighted image showsbone marrow edema in lateral distal fibula ( longarrow) secondary to old superior peroneal retinacularavulsion. Note thickened superior peronealretinaculum (short arrow). Peroneal tendons are innormal position but were clinically dislocatable.

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    AJR:197, October 2011 W72 7

    MRI of the Ankle and Hindfoot

    Articular Surface and DomeTibiotalar arthropathy


    Subchondral fracture

    Osteochondral talar lesion

    (black dots)


    Talocalcaneal impingementTalobibular arthropathy

    Lateral process fracture (jagged black line)

    Osteochondral injury (black dots)

    (white shaded area)


    Osteochondral injury

    Tibiotalar arthropathy (white asterisks)

    Deltoid avulsion (dotted line)

    Neck and Sinus TarsiVascular grooves (dotted line)


    Anterior impingement (arrow)

    Traction sinus tarsi ligaments (white oval)

    Erosions (white oval)

    (black dots)


    Posterior impingement (white star)PTFL traction (black star)Subtalar arthropathy or coalition (white shaded area)

    Talocalcaneal impingement (black asterisk)

    AnteriorTalar head impaction or fracture (white dots)Dorsal talar avulsion fracture (black oval)

    Fig. 14Drawings depict various causes of bone marrow edema in talus. Lateral ( top) and frontal (bottom) views are shown. PTFL =posterior talofibular ligament.

    Fig. 15Subchondral talar insufficiency fracture.Sagittal ST IR image of 76-year-old woman showsdiffuse talar bone marrow edema associated withfocal flattening and lo w signal of talar articularsurface (arrow). Bone marrow edema resolved 2months later.

    Fig. 16Deltoid ligament avulsion. Axial fat-suppressed image of 37-year-old man shows medial

    talar edema due to avulsion fr acture (arrow) attalar at tachmen t of deep tib iotal ar band of del toidligament.

    Fig. 17Sagittal STIR image shows dorsal talaravulsion fracture (arrow) in 49-year-old man. Thisfracture is often missed on radiographs and on MRimages.

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    Fig. 18Posterior talar impingement. Sagittal STIRimage of 37-year-old man shows bone marrow edemain posterior talus as a result of enlarged Stieda

    process (star) impinging against calcaneus. Bonemarrow edema in opposing posterior calcanealpseudofacetlike prominence (curved arrow) is alsoappreciated. There is also synovitis and soft-tissueedema (straight arrows).

    Fig. 19Talocalcaneal impingement as a result offlatfoot deformity and hindfoot valgus. Sagittal STIRimage of 63-year-old woman shows bone marrow

    edema and cystic changes in opposing lateral talusand calcaneus (arrows).

    Sinus TarsiVascular grooves

    Traction cysts

    Osteoid osteoma

    (white asterisk)

    AnteriorAvulsion injury (black star)

    Subchondral impaction (white dots)

    MedialSubtalar coalition

    FractureOs sustentaculum

    (black dots)

    LateralCalcaneofibular impingement (dark gray area)Peroneal tendon dysfunction (white oval)

    CFL avulsion (black oval)

    Subtalar arthropathy

    Talocalcaneal impingement(white shaded area)

    Peroneal tendons


    Posterior and inferiorAchilles tendinosis


    Haglund syndrome (white stars)

    Stress fracture (jagged black line)

    Subtalar arthropathy (white shaded area)Plantar fasciitis (black asterisk)

    Fig. 20Drawingsdepict various causesof bone marrow edemain calcaneus. Lateral(top) and frontal (bottom)views are shown. CFL =calcaneofibular ligament.

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    AJR:197, October 2011 W72 9

    MRI of the Ankle and Hindfoot

    Fig. 21Haglund syndrome in 55-year-old man.

    Bone marrow edema in Haglund deformity (star),seen on this sagittal STIR image, is associated withretrocalcaneal bursitis (long arrow) and insertionalAchilles tendinosis (short arrows).

    Fig. 22Stress fracture of posterosuperior

    calcaneus in 43-year-old woman. Vertical fractureline (arrows) is outlined by bone marrow edema onthis sagi ttal STIR image.

    Fig. 23Ligament avulsions. Sagittal STIR image

    of 38-year-old man shows two foci of minimal bonemarrow edema as a result of avulsions of bifurcate(long arrow) and calcaneofibular (short arrow)ligaments.

    Fig. 24Hindfoot valgus and calcaneofibularimpingement in 69-year-old woman. Sagittal STIRimage shows that there is abnormal contact betweendistal fibula and lateral calcaneus and reveals markedbone marrow edema and cystic changes of opposing

    bony surfaces (arrows).

    Fig. 26Peroneus longus tendinosis with calcanealfriction in 34-year-old man. Axial T2-weightedimage depicts reactive bone marrow edema (whitearrow) as a result of peroneus longus ten dondysfunction (black arrow).

    Fig. 25Calcaneal vascular grooves (arrow), seenon this sagittal STIR image of 25-year-old woman, atcritical angle of Gissane are common and maybe quite extensive.

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