Page 1: Book 41   hyago ribeiro

CILT – Centro Interescolar de Línguas de TaguatingaHyago Ribeiro

The EvilLaboratory

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This is Mabel’s house, she is a very curious girl andshe is not the witch...

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This is Mabel and she is very curious and courageousalthough this is not the best photo of her...

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This is her brother, Fredy, he is very greedy andfearfull...

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One day, Mabel Fredy found a castle and she, moved by hercuriosity, decided to enter, but Fredy – moved by his fear said:

Fredy: Mabel, you are not thinking of going in, are you?...

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And Mabel replied: Of course yes...Fredy: I’m curious, too... But she looks so scary...

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Mabel: you think that everything is scary...Fredy: ...but we don’t even have flashlight or food...

Fredy: That’s not true, I always take two flashlights and you also havefive donuts...

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...Then they went into the house...Fredy: That person in the future looks very strange, who is he?

Mabel: Do you really think I know?

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Mabel: Is this a laboratory?A strange laugh is heard by them: HAHAHAHAHAHA...

Mabel: What was that?

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Crazy scientist: AHAAHAHA..., now I’m gong to eat your brain to getsmarter and to complete my big robot, then

I am going to destroy this city, AHAHHHAHAHAHAAH...Fred: *Gulp*

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Mabel: AAAHHHH!! NOO!! Are you going to eat his brain?C. Scientis: Oh no, no! I am just going to grind his brain in

the blender and make a magic potion...

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Mabel: Why did you say that?Scientist: It’s just a habit...

Fredy: that’s strange...

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Mabel: Who are you?Scientist: well, it’s about time to introduce myself, I’m Doctor

Arkvsk....Splash! In a moment of carelessly, Fredy bumps into the bottle...

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Dr. Arkivask: Ahhh, oh damn it, you kids... You spoiled everything, nowhis brain is too small to eat, I’m going to eat your brains...

Mabel: Fredy, RUN!!

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Dr. Arkivask: Aaaaaa, I hate kids!!! But I don’t need theirbrains, I’m smart enough to build my own robots...AHAHA...

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Fredy and Mabel: AAAAAhhhh!!The next day they thought everything was a nightmare, but

as the night comes...

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Dr. Arkivaskin’s super robot: AHAHAH!Mabel: Look! That robot laughed, Dr. Arkinvaskin is inside

the robot controlling it...

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Mr. Smith: Did you hear something?Mrs. Smith, no...

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Mabel: Hey, Fredy throw that donut on the donut...Fredy: Why?

Mabel: save the city, what else?...Ok, but you owe me a donut...

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With a stright shot, Mabel hit the doctor and he let the robot’s controlfall down...

Dr. Arkivaski: Nooooooooooooooo...Mabel: Yes!

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After falling in the lake, the police arrested Dr. Arkivask. Mabel and Fredy continued to look for mysteries...

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Author: Hyago Ribeiro

Illustrator: Jevs

Editor: Gerson A. Moura

Publisher: Storybird

Level: 1C

Period: First Semester, 2017.

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