

Book of Abstracts


Content Keynote Speech ......................................................................................................................... 3

Ahmed Shaheed ...................................................................................................................... 3

Panel Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 4

Said Sadek .............................................................................................................................. 4

Dr. Cengiz Günay ................................................................................................................... 9

Tarek Fatah ........................................................................................................................... 10

Session I ................................................................................................................................... 11

Muhamed Ali ........................................................................................................................ 11

Esref Kenan Rasidagic ......................................................................................................... 22

Laurentiu D. Tanase ............................................................................................................. 23

Assoc. Prof. Leila Almazova ................................................................................................ 25

Session II ................................................................................................................................. 29

Brigitte Maréchal .................................................................................................................. 29

Mark Sedgwick .................................................................................................................... 31

Rüdiger Lohlker ................................................................................................................... 38

Bacem Dziri .......................................................................................................................... 39

Session III ................................................................................................................................ 40

Dounia Bouzar ...................................................................................................................... 40

Samim Akgönül .................................................................................................................... 45

Steven Merley ...................................................................................................................... 46

Ronald Sandee ...................................................................................................................... 48

SessionIV ................................................................................................................................. 49

İştar Gözaydın ...................................................................................................................... 49

Moshe Ma'oz ........................................................................................................................ 70

Alessandro Cancian .............................................................................................................. 78

Elmira Akhmetova ............................................................................................................... 87

Session V .................................................................................................................................. 88

Mohammed Ilyas: ................................................................................................................. 88

Hodri Ariev .......................................................................................................................... 91

Dele Ashiru .......................................................................................................................... 93


Keynote Speech

Ahmed Shaheed Abstract:

Islam and the State: Is there a way back to the future?

The decline of the Ottoman Caliphate triggered attempts to regenerate Muslim lands to keep

up with the present. These included efforts to liberate fiqh from blind emulation or to match

European governance structures. The modernization trend comprised a number of legal

codification projects that marginalized the ulema, and came under increasing challenge from

religiously motivated groups, as post-colonial regimes failed to realize the existential

aspirations of the people. The Islamisation projects imagined a utopia of the past as an

antidote for the trials and tribulations of the present. As a general rule, the more recent a

country’s constitution, the greater the pressure from Islamists to make the polity subject to

Islamic law, either as a legal construct or as public morality. These produced polities that

manifestly fail to fulfill the obligations of a modern state, or the aspirations of their people, or

indeed the objectives of sharia they claim to uphold. The pursuit of an imagined utopia has

invariably resulted in a dystopia. The paper will examine the challenges modern Muslim

states face in reconciling the commitments to an imagined utopia with the demands of a

modern state from a human rights perspective and review attempts to escape this dilemma.


Dr Ahmed Shaheed is the Deputy Director of the Human Rights Centre at the University of

Essex, United Kingdom. He has twice held the Office of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Republic of the Maldives, and played a leading role in the Maldives’ democratic transition

between 2003-2012. The Centre for the Study of Islam and Democracy in Washington, DC

named him ‘Muslim Democrat of the Year’ in 2009 while, Amnesty International described

him in 2011 as the ‘leading human rights defender’ in the Maldives. He was awarded the Leo

Nevas Human Rights Global Leadership Award by the UN Foundation in 2015 for a ‘lifetime

of achievement advancing human rights in his own country and abroad’ and ‘for his courage

and conviction and his steadfast support for human rights for all'. Dr Shaheed is the founding

Chair of the Geneva-based human rights think-tank, Universal Rights Group and has been

serving as the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran since



Panel Discussion

Said Sadek CV:

22 Ibn Zanki St., 7th floor, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt


Home : +2-2-735-8088

Mobile: +20-0100-502-1594

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Personal Statement:

Date of Birth: 8.30.1957

Marital status: Widower with one daughter

Nationality: Egyptian



Ph.D. in POLITICAL SCIENCE (First Honors) (specializing in political communication,

peace studies and political forecasting)







Current Professional Experience

1984 – Present:



Providing socioeconomic backgrounds and studies to projects in gender development, the

health sector, industrialization, education cooperation, demography, NGO’s, human rights,

small income generating projects, sociology of labor, urbanization and governance.

Educational and Cultural Advisor, promoter of Finland’s image in Egypt contacting and

influencing local media and government agencies, helping in consular affairs, contacting


relevant government agencies and providing Political Analysis of development in Egypt and

the Middle East. In Addition, worked as a Professional Arabic-English Translator. I also

organized seminars on "Women experience in media in both Egypt and Finland" in

collaboration with the Journalists Union Feb.2007. I also promote higher education

cooperation between Egypt and Finland.

Monitoring trends in Egyptian and Arab media and networking with key political and

intellectual figures in Egypt and the Middle East. My contacts with Arab media are wide and

not limited to Egyptian media but also include regional Arab media. I also made regularly

press releases and media campaigns on various issues and causes.

Representative of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME):

A research center covering Middle Eastern affairs, in Egypt, since the year 1999.

In this capacity I assisted Finnish Graduate students complete their studies on various aspects

of the Middle East. I also promoted Finnish cultural presence and academic cooperation with

Egypt and the Arab World by organizing special cultural exhibitions and academic exchanges.

I organized many academic seminars involving Egyptian and Finnish scholars on politics,

media and history of the Middle East.

AlAhram-Canadian University (Sept.2015- till now):

Teaching the following courses:

Introduction to Sociology

Audience Research

Media and Terrorism

Future University (Feb.2016- till now):

Intro. To Political Sociology

Political Development

Affiliate Professor of Sociology and Political Science at AUC:

Since Feb. 2002-Feb2013, I have been teaching as a part-timer three courses:

Arab Society (Soc.210),

Introduction to Sociology (Soc.201)

Introduction to Political Science (Pol.Sci.201)

Intermarriage in the Middle East(Soc.400 special topics in sociology)

Affiliate Professor at MSA University:

I taught three courses since 2008-2011

Journalism Projects for graduating Journalism Major

Modern European and Middle Eastern History

Communication for Development


Affiliate Professor at California Miramar University:

March 2014 –May 2015

I taught the following courses

Introduction to American Government

Introduction to Sociology

Modern History and Humanities

Introduction to American History

Affiliate professor at Al-Ahram Canadian University (ACU)

October 2015- up till now

1. Introduction to Sociology

2. Audience Analysis and Research

Cultural adjustment Facilitator for multinational Human resources Company Cartus since


I give intensive sessions for foreign companies’ assignees who plan to work in Egypt or the

Gulf about customs, traditions, and Islam, history and work expectations.

Worked as a frequent Lecturer on Journalism, Political Science, Cross-Cultural Relations,

international relations and Sociology for many Local and International NGO's and Academic


In March 2002, I gave lectures at the University of Helsinki and Tampere Peace Research

Center on the impact of the 11th of September on Egypt and the sociology of Egyptian-Finnish


In October 2005 I gave lectures on "Arab Human Rights Movement: Problems and

prospects". In Feb.2006 I gave a cross-cultural presentation for British assignee for Vodafone


In October 2008 I gave a lecture on “globalization impact on Cairo” to a delegation of visiting

scholars from the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London.

Consultant: In the field of Education (Ministry of Education in Egypt and the Gulf)

Consultant for foreign employees assigned to work in Egypt assisting them in adjusting to life

and culture.

Previous Professional Experience:

A part time Media Consultant for a USAID project with ARTHUR ANDERSON and the

EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT to promote Privatization Program in Egypt (1995).

Frequent columnist in several Arab papers and TV guest commenting on current and social

affairs. I appeared on all Egyptian, Channels, AlJazeera, BBC, CNN, Russia Today, Press TV,

and Iraqi channels

A Freelance Writer for an English Language society Monthly, MIRRORS, contributing

articles on Arab-Western Relations (Jan.1990-April 1990).


Arabic-English language Editor-Translator for REUTERS NEWS AGENCY in Cairo


Sales Representative for VARIS Co., a PR firm, promoting and selling encyclopedias and

language labs (July 1983-Octo.1983).

Political Reporter for the ASSOCIATED PRESS in Cairo (Feb.1983-May 1983).

Military Policeman in the EGYPTIAN ARMED FORCES performing obligatory military

service (Apr.1982-July 1983).


INFORMATION SERVICE. I organized press conferences, arranged programs and

interviews for visiting foreign media delegations. I also drafted official announcements and

press releases (June 1981-Nov.1981).

A Special Political Stringer for NEWSWEEK Magazine (Sept.1981) .

Freelance Writer for the English Language Monthly EGYPT TODAY (March 1981-


English Language and Arab History Teacher at a Community Development Project sponsored


at Basaisa Village, Sharqya Governorate (Oct.1980-June 1981).

Reporter for the CARAVAN, the weekly newspaper for students at the American University

in Cairo. My articles dealt with development in Egyptian villages and media censorship

(Feb.1980-June 1981).

Professional Memberships:

Arab Political Science Association

Arab Women Solidarity Association

Egyptian Association for Spreading Scientific Knowledge (Board member)

Special Skills:

Wide Contacts with Egyptian and Arab Media, politicians and academia. I also gave academic

public lectures on politics, society and the media at the National Defense Academy, American

University in Cairo, Rotary Club among others. Fluent in English and Arabic. Some French

and Finnish.

Awards received:

October 4th, 2005 The Medal of the Knight of the Order of Lion of Finland, granted by the

President of Finland Tarja Halonen for my contribution to boosting Arab-Finnish academic

and cultural relations.


August 1980, I became a recipient of SADAT’s PEACE PRIZE for an outstanding research on

Egyptian peace policy. The award consisted of a fully paid tour in Germany for two weeks.



MARRIAGES. (Forthcoming in English)


(Forthcoming in English)

3. Cairo Cosmopolitan : Politics, Culture, And Urban Space In The New Globalized Middle

East. Edited by Diane Singerman, et al - Hardcover (Cairo: AUC Press 2006)

Interests and Activities:

Media in general: improving education standards, conflict resolution and how media can be

used to transform images of enemies.

I am always interested in social, political, feminist, democratic transformation, interfaith

dialogue, social change, sectarian violence, human rights and historical issues.

I enjoy credibility in Arab and Western media in providing objective analysis of current

developments in the Middle East. I also enjoy trust and respect of my students for being

always there when they need me even after graduation.

I am a regular free-lance writer and political analyst in several Arab and international

newspapers , TV and radio channels commenting on current social developments in the Arab

world including BBC World service, CNN, New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Alarabiya

TV, Aljazzera , AlJazeera Mubashir Masr, Aljazeera International, MBC, NILE TV

International, Nile News, Egyptian Space channel, PRESS TV, Russia Today, the Iraqi

AlBaghdadia and AlItijahTV, Mehwar, ONTV,CNN, France 24, CBC, Tahrir, Alqahera Wa

ElNas, Nile TV International, Nile Cultural Channel , Spanish TVE, Nile Family, NPR, Voice

of America and Sawa. My articles and interviews were posted by AUC news. The list is too

long as I appear almost daily on several channels and radio stations plus comment on many

magazines on current developments in the Middle East.

Foreign Travel Experience:

Tourism: France, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Tunisia, Estonia, USA, Italy, Greece

Business and Conferences: Finland, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi A., USA, Latvia, Bulgaria,

Romania, Morocco, UAE and Turkey


Dr. Cengiz Günay CV:

Dr. Cengiz Günay is a Senior Researcher at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs –

oiip - and lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Danube University Krems. His fields of

research are Islamist movements, neoliberal state transformation, the forms of informal state-

society relations and Euro-Mediterranean relations. His regional focus lies on Turkey and the

Arab Middle East. His most recent publications include the monographies: “Die Geschichte

der Türkei Von den Anfängen der Moderne bis heute” and “From Islamists to Muslim

Democrats?” Dr. Günay frequently comments in national and international media on

developments in Turkey and the Arab Middle East.


Tarek Fatah CV:

Tarek Fatah is a weekly columnist for the Toronto Sun and Canada's Post Media group of

newspapers. Fatah is the author of two award-winning books; "The Tragic Illusion of an

Islamic State (2008) and "The Jew is Not My Enemy (2010). He is currently writing his third

book, "The Hindu is Not My Enemy," which will be launched later this year in India.

Born in Pakistan in 1949, Fatah renounced his Pakistani citizenship and describes himself as

an "Indian born in Pakistan, a Punjabi born in Islam; an immigrant in Canada with a Muslim

consciousness, grounded in a Marxist youth." In the 1960s and 70s, Fatah was a student leader

and was arrested twice under successive military dictators in 1968 and 1970.

A biochemist by education, Fatah started his journalism career in 1970 with the now defunct

Karachi Sun and later as a reporter for the state television authority until 1978 when yet

another military coup took place leading to sedition charges and his expulsion from Pakistan


Fatah spent the next ten years as an advertising copywriter in Saudi Arabia before moving to

Canada where he continued with his political involvement with the country's left wing New

Democratic Party, running on its platform in the 1995 elections, which he lost.

After 9/11, Fatah and his colleagues founded the Muslim Canadian Congress as a group of

secular liberal Muslims opposed to the rise of Islamism and Saudi-funded movement to

introduce Sharia and hardline radical Islam in the West. It was the MCC that successfully

stopped the introduction of Sharia Law in Canada's Family Law ultimately managing to

outlaw the practices, a development that led to a number of death threats both in Canada and

his native Pakistan.

Fatah is married to his university sweetheart Nargis Tapal and they have two daughters

Natasha Fatah, a CBC TV journalist and Nazia Fatah who is autistic and they all live in

downtown Toronto."


Session I

Muhamed Ali Abstract:

Islamic NGO activities in secular political systems: the case of Albanian speaking territories

Although the territories of the Balkan Peninsula inhabited by Albanians were introduced to

Islam before their contact with the Ottomans, however the massive conversion into this

religion happened when they became a part of the Ottoman Empire. The period of the

Ottoman Empire was marked with development of the Albanian regions and population in all

life spheres, like the social and scientific ones, and it went up to some leading positions at the

ruling palace in Istanbul. The 20th century marks a new period for the Albanian population on

the Balkan Peninsula. During this time period, besides the wars (during the first part of the

century), economic and social crisis, they also faced the challenges of various political

systems like the monarchic ones (the ones in Albania and Kingdom of Yugoslavia), socialist

ones (Tito’s Yugoslavia) and communist ones (Albania during the reign of Enver Hoxha).

The end of the Cold War, the democratization of the Albanian society in Albania, Kosovo,

Macedonia etc., brought some new changes in the organization of the religious life. Until the

1990’s, religious life varied from place to place, as it was banned in some places (like in

Albania), in some other cases it was organized in a limited manner by the only institution

named Rijaset or Muftini (like in Macedonia and Kosovo), however after the fall of

communism, various NGO’s with an Islamic background were established and they played an

incontestable role in the territories inhabited by Albanians. Besides their positive role, these

NGO’s on many occasions have also had some negative impacts on the organization of

religious life, as well as the relations with the secular countries. Besides the NGO’s, the

respective countries of the territories inhabited by Albanians on many occasions could not

formulate and apply adequate policies towards this new phenomena on these territories.



Ho Shi Min 135 b, Butel, Skopje, 1000, Macedonia

mob: 0038762169723; 0038761762026

e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]



Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, Macedonia


Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, PhD degree in Political Sciences; PhD thesis: “Turkish

Foreign Policy Toward Middle East, Balkans and European Union in the Beginning of the 21.

Century Through The Prism Of Turkish-American Relations”


South East European University, Macedonia

MA degree in Diplomacy and International Relations, Faculty of Public Administration and

Political Sciences; MA Thesis: “Impacts of the Strategic Depth Doctrine in Turkey’s Foreign

Policy in Middle East”


Kuwait University - Kuwait City, Kuwait

BA in Islamic Law & Philosophy of Islamic Law; Administrative Experience:

2014- present

International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vice – Rector for

General Affairs

2014- present

International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; University Senate


2015- present

International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Faculty Council

Member, Faculty of Law


Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty Council Member


Science and Culture Foundation, Skopje, Macedonia

Associate Manager in Student Campus, International Balkan University; Teaching


2014- present

International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Assistant Professor

Doctor in Political Sciences and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Assistant

Professor Doctor in Legal Systems, Faculty of Law


Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia

Assistant Professor Doctor in Islamic Law & Philosophy of Islamic Law


MIT University- Skopje, Macedonia

Visiting Lecturer in Law

Other Experience:



Kuwait City, Kuwait; Interpreter


Muhamed Ali, Issues in Contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy, LAP LAMBERT Academic

Publishing, 2015.

Muhamed Ali, History of Islamic law, Faculty of Islamic Sciences-Skopje, Skopje, 2016.

Muhamed Ali, Turkish Foreign Policy Toward Middle East, Balkans and European Union in

the Beginning of the 21. Century Through The Prism Of Turkish-American Relations, ISPN,

Skopje, May 2016.

Muhamed Ali, Strategic Depth Doctrine and Its Implications on Turkish foreign policy

towards Middle East, ISPN, Skopje, 2016. (Forthcoming).

Muhamed Ali & Mesut Idriz, Istikhbarat in Islam; Legal perspectives, 2017. (Forthcoming).

Chapter in Books:

Muhamed Ali, “ Turkish – Macedonian Relations In The Context Of Foreign Policy Vision

Of Ak Party” in Mesut Idriz (ed.), Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian Relations: Past,

Present And Future, ADAM – ACTOR, Ankara, 2012, p. 199-215.

Muhamed Ali, “Islamic Education In Macedonia - The Case Of The Isa Beg Madresa And

The Faculty Of Islamic Sciences, in Ednan Aslan/ Zsofia Windisch (eds.), The Training Of

Imams And Teachers For Islamic Education In Europe, PETER LANG, Oxford - Frankfurt -

Berlin - Bern - Wien, 2012, p. 203-217.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish cultural expansion in EU at the beginning of the 21 century”, in

Osman Bakar & Mesut Idriz, "Islam in Southeast Europe: Past Reflections and Future

Prospects" Brunei University, 2014 , p.7-25.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Foreign Politics Towards The Balkans At The Beginning Of XXI

Century Through The Prism Of Turkish – American Relationships: The Case Of Turkish -

Kosovo Relations” in Muhidin Mulalic Turkish-Balkans Relations: The Future

Prospects of Cultural, Political and Economic Transformations and Relations, Sarajevo, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Diplomacy In The Western Balkans In One Hundred Years Of The

Balkan Wars, in Ylber Sela (ed.), The Balkans yesterday, today and tomorrow, On behalf of

the 100 anniversary of the Balkans wars 1912-2012”, Dictus Publishing, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “Educational Activities of Turkey in the Balkans in the Post-Cold War Period,

in Aslan, Ednan / Rausch, Margaret (eds.) Islamic Education in Secular Societies” in

Cooperation with Sedef Sertkan and Zsófia Windisch, Series: Wiener Islamstudien - Volume

4, Year of Publication: 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford,

Wien, 2013.


Muhamed Ali, “Education in the Islamic Culture, in Hasan, Cilo, (ed.), Islamic Civilisation,

Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Skopje, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “The Role of the Ataullah Kurtis Efendi in the Process of the Religion

Education of the Albanians”, BFI, Skopje, 2013 .

Muhamed Ali, "Civil Education and Religion in Macedonia" in "Islam and Citizenship

Education" Ed. by Aslan, Ednan and Hermansen, Marcia, Springer VS, January 2015, p. 177-


Muhamed Ali & Šejma Malanović- Adilović “Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Second

World War until the collapse of Yugoslavia”, International University of Sarajevo, 2016.


Research Projects:

Muhamed Ali & Mesut Idriz, Photo Collection From The Post-Ottoman Muslim Religious

Leaders of Macedonia, (2014-2016).

Other Academic Publications in Peer-Reviewed & Indexed Journals and Proceedings:

Muhamed Ali, “Reflections of Davuoglu’s Vision in Balkans”, Journal of Balkan Studies,

Bursa, Turkey, 2010, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 135-162.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Educational Investments In The Balkans In The Beginning Of The

Third Milenium”, Journal of Social Sciences Vizione, Skopje, 2012, No. 18, p. 327-337.

Muhamed Ali, “Islam And Terrorism: Islamic and Strategic Approach”, Journal of the

Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Skopje, 2012.

Muhamed Ali & Argetim Saliu, “Turkey-Albania relations in the beginning of the 21 st

century”, academic journal Diskutime, Tetovo, Macedonia, November, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “Religion Factor In International Relations: The Case Of U.S. Foreign Policy

After The Cold War”, Beder University, Tirana, Albania, 2012.

Muhamed Ali, “Dersiam Ataullah Kurtis Efendi”, Hilal, Skopje, Macedonia, 2010, No.118.

Muhamed Ali, “The Concept and Kinds of Holy War in Islam”, Hilal, Skopje, Macedonia,

2013, no.119.

Muhamed Ali, “History of Religion Factor in International Relations”, Hëna e Re, Skopje,

Macedonia, 2013, no. 264.

Muhamed Ali, “Meddah Madrasa Under The Rule Of Ataullah Kurtis Efendi”, Journal of

Balkan Studies, Bursa, Turkey, 2011, Vol.3, No. 1., p. 85-107.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Beginning of the Thirth Millenium”, Journal of

Social Sciences Vizione, Skopje Macedonia, 2012, No. 17, p. 363-379.


Muhamed Ali, “Terrorist Organisation PKK as Determinant Of Turkish – American

Relations”, MIT University, 2012, Makedonski Brod, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Foreign Politics Towards The Middle East At The Beginning Of XXI

Century Through The Prism Of Turkish – American Relationships: The Case Of Turkish-Iraqi

Relations”, New Balkan Politics, Skopje, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “Islam and Education; Theoretical and Conceptual Aspects”, Hëna e Re,

Skopje, Macedonia, 2013, no. 265.

Muhamed Ali, “Development of education in the period of Prophet”, Hëna e Re, january,


Muhamed Ali, “Development of education after the death of prophet Muhammad”, Hëna e

Re, nr.269, 2014.

Muhamed Ali, & Mesut Idriz, “International Relations in the Blacksea: A Review of Turkish -

Ukrainian Case, ADAM Akademi, Journal of Social Sciences, Ankara, 2013 .

Muhamed Ali, “Ethics of war in Islam”, Hilal, Skopje, May, 2014.

Muhamed Ali, “The concept of diplomacy in Islam”, Hilal, Skopje, November, 2014.

Muhamed Ali & Serap Fiso "The Greater Middle East Initiative and the Turkish-American

Strategies Towards the Middle East at the Beginning of the 21st Century”, Denizli, Turkey,


Muhamed Ali & Mesut Idriz "The Office of Islamic Religious Community of Macedonia: A

Study From the Socio-Legal Framework", INQUIRY, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 2016.

Muhamed Ali & Islam Islami, Meddah Madrasa and its effects on Skopje between two World

Wars, ITSHKSH, Skopje, Macedonia, 2016.

International Conferences:

Muhamed Ali, “Islamic Education in Macedonia, the Case of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences

and Medrese”, International Conference, “Training Of Imams And Teachers For Islamic

Education In Southeast Europe”, Vienna University and Faculty of Islamic Studies, October

2011, Prishtina, Kosovo.

Muhamed Ali, “The challenges for EU neighborhood policies of the Islamist parties in

power”, European Muslim Network, 15 June 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, “Islamic Religious Education in Secular Societies", University of Vienna and

the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University October 05-07, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine.

Muhamed Ali, “International Relations in the Blacksea: A Review of Turkish - Ukrainian

Case, ADAM & Crimea State Pedagogical University, 16- 20 September 2012, Akmescid,

Crimea, Ukraine.


Muhamed Ali: “Turkish-Macedonian Relations in the Context of Foreign Policy Vision of

AK Parti”, ADAM - Ankara Center for Thought and Research & International Balkan

University International Conference, 27-29 May , 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, “Reflections of Davutoglu’s Vision in Turkish-Kosovan Relations”, in 6th

Annual Meeting of Institute Alb-Shkenca, pp. 687. International Conference, Institute Alb-

Shkenca, and

University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, September 2011.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Education Investments in the Balkans in the Era of the

Globalisation”, International Conference Annual Conference of the Albanian Institute of

Sociology (AIS): "Education in turbulent times: The Albanian case in European and global

context", Tirana- Albania , 21-22 November 2011.

Muhamed Ali, “Religion Factor In International Relations: The Case Of U.S. Foreign Policy

After The Cold War”, First International Conference On Humanities “The Spiritual Quest In

Humanities”, 11 – 13 May 2012, Tirana, Albania.

Muhamed Ali, “Terrorist Organization PKK As Determinant Of Turkish – American

Relations”, Annual Scientific Conference “Global Security And Challenges Of The 21 st

Century, MIT University, June 9 2012, Makedonski Brod, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, “The Impact Of United States Factor Within EU Integration Process Of

Turkish State And The Main Challenges Of Turkey - EU Relations Of The Beginning Of 21st

Century”, International Scientific Conference “ Security And Euroatlantic Perspectives Of

The Balkans (States and Perspectives), University “st.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty Of Security,

25 – 26 May 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, “Ottoman Works In Skopje According To Evlija Celebi”, “International


Evliya Celebi’s Balkans”, MANU & Bahcesehir University, 16 – 20 April 2012, Skopje,


Muhamed Ali, “Turkish Diplomacy In The Western Balkans In One Hundred Years Of The

Balkan Wars”, International Scientific And Expert Conference “The Balkan Yesterday, Today

and Tomorrow”, Institute For Political And International Studies, 29- 30 June, 2012, Skopje,


Muhamed Ali & Mesut Idriz, “Turkish-Bosnian Relations in the Context of Foreign Policy

Vision of AK Party”,The 3rd International Balkan Annual Conference (IBAC), “Bosnia and

Herzegovina: in Common History and Multicultural Atmosphere of the Balkans” Sarajevo,

Bosnia and Herzegovina,10-13 October, 2013.

Muhamed Ali, “Citizenship, Education and Islam in Macedonia”, in Citizenship, Education

and Islam, Faculty of Philosophy and Education, Department of Education, University of

Vienna, University of Tirana, Beder University, 1-3 October, Tirana, Albania.

Muhamed Ali, “Turkish cultural expansion in the Balkans at the beginning of the 21 century”,

The International Silk Road Congress: To Rethink a Region of Commerce, Cooperation and


Peace”, Ankara Centre for Thought and Research and Istanbul Commerce University,

Istanbul, Turkey on 27-30 October 2013.

Muhamed Ali & Islam Islami, “The Role of the AKP Party in Turkey's Democratization

Process in the Early 21st Century” in 8th International Conference of the Albanian Institute of

Sociology (AIS), Durres, Albania, November, 2013 .

Muhamed Ali & Islam Islami, “The Concept of Recognition Between Postmodern

Philosophers and Islamic Mystics” in Socio-cultural Issues and Challenges of

Contemporanity, USHT, Tetovo, Macedonia, 18 October, 2013.

Muhamed Ali & Argetim Saliu, “Turkey-Albania relations in the beginning of the 21 st

century”, Tetovo, Macedonia, 28 november, 2013.

Muhamed Ali & Islam Islami & Ziber Lata, “Upper Reka and albanians”, 14 December 2013,

Hotel Radika, Mavrovo, Macedonia.

Muhamed Ali, "Religious Life and Current Issues in the Turkic World: The case study of

Macedonia", Eskisehir, Turkey, 11-12 December, 2013.

Muhamed Ali & Selim Bezeraj, “WWI, the Great Powers and Albanians“, September 17-19,

2014, International University of Sarajevo.

Muhamed Ali, First Sarajevo International Conference on “Global Crisis and Countries in

Transition“, 2014 International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Muhamed Ali, “Terrorist attacks An Islamic Perspective”, Eurasia Law Meeting, 3-7

September 2014, IUS, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Muhamed Ali & Muaz Agushi , “Strategic and political background of identifying Islam with

terrorism” at Law and Values in Contemporary Society, European University of Tirana, 21-22

November 2014, Tirana, Albania.

Muhamed Ali & Serap Fiso, “The Greater Middle East Initiative and the Turkish-American

Strategies towards the Middle East at the Beginning of the 21st Century”, FEBA Conference,

IUS, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Muhamed Ali & Dajana Bogdanovic, “Turkish Foreign Policy Towards The Balkans: A Case

Study Of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, at Turkey and the Balkans, Balkans Studies Center,

Sarajevo, 2015.

Muhamed Ali, “Jail system in Islam and its implementation”, Eurasia Law Meeting, 1-3 May,

Antalya, Turkey.

Muhamed Ali, “The Muslim minorities and phenomenon of Islamophobia", Muslim

Minorities and Contemporary Challenges, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of R.O.C. & MWL, 13

April 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.

Muhamed Ali & Serap Fiso, Meddah Madrasa and its effects on Macedonian Society between

two World Wars, ICECI Confererence, IUS, October 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and



Muhamed Ali, “The impact of ideological war and disasters on the ottoman city of

Macedonian Skopje” at "The Impact of War on Ottoman Era Cities" Workshop, Journal of

Genocide Research, Sarajevo, 2015.

Muhamed Ali & Islam Islami, Meddah Madrasa and its effects on Skopje between two World

Wars, ITSHKSH, October 2015, Skopje, Macedonia.

Organized conferences:

Member of the international scientific and organization committee, International Conference

on “WWI, the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans“, September 17-19, 2014, International

University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Member of the international scientific committee, First Sarajevo International Conference on

“Global Crisis and Countries in Transition“, June 19-22, 2014 International University of

Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Member of the international scientific committee, International Conference on the human

rights and freedoms, FRI and FON University, Skopje, Macedonia, 2013.

Member of the advisory board, International Graduate Conference, 21-22 May 2015,

International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Member of the international scientific and organization committee, International Conference

on “Turkey and the Balkans“, 15-17 May, 2015, International University of Sarajevo,

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Member of the international scientific and organization committee, International Research

Congress on Social Sciences, “, 2-6 May 2015, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo,

Pamukkale University, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Member of Scientific and Program Committee ICSSH 2016,“Challenges: from Diversity to

Synergy”, International Balkan University, Skopje, 13-15 May 2016

Chair of International Scientific Conference, “X. European Conference on Social and

Behavioral Sciences”, Sarajevo, 19-22 May, 2016.

Member of Honor Committee, IUS Graduate Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 22 April, 2016.

Research interests:

Turkish foreign policy towards the Middle East, Turkey’s foreign policy towards the Balkans,

Turkey-USA relations, contemporary issues in the Balkans, legal systems, Islamic law,

history of Islamic law, philosophy of Islamic law, Islamic politics, contemporary Islamic

education, contemporary, political thought, constitutional law, environmental law,

international law.

Professional Memberships and Services:



Columnist in various newspapers

2010 - present: Editorial Board Member, Journal For Cultural Research Hilal , Skopje,


2011 – present: Board Member, Ratio, NGO for Science, culture and education, Skopje,


2012 – present: Editorial Board Member, international peer reviewed Journal of Balkan

Studies, Bursa, Turkey.

2012 – present: Member of International Advisory Editorial Board and Referees, BEDER

Journal of Humanities, Tirana, Albania.

2014 – present : Member of Advisory Editorial Board and Referees, international peer

reviewed journal EPIPHANY, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and


2015 – present: Member of International Advisory Editorial Board and Referees, international

peer reviewed journal INQUIRY, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and


2015 – present: Member of International Advisory Committee, international peer reviewed

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs , Skopje, Macedonia.

2015 – present: Member of International Advisory Committee, international peer reviewed

Medeniyet Law Review , Turkey.

2015 – present : Board Member, Center for Balkan Studies, International University of

Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Full Scholarship provided by the Government of Kuwait for BA degree at Kuwait University


Supervision and Mentorship:

Master Thesis

Dajana Bogdanovic; American and Turkish Diplomacy Approaches in the Balkans: The Case

Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International University of Sarajevo, 2014.

PhD Dissertations

(mentoring two PhD candidates, 2015- ongoing process)

Hikmet Karcic; Detention camps as a tool for cleansing non-Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina



Lejla Demirovic-Mesihovic; State of Albanian Ethnic Conscience in Context of Stability of

the Southern Balkans.

Courses taught:

Undergraduate courses:

Contemporary issues in the Balkans

Legal systems

Constitutional law

Environmental law

Islamic law

Philosophy of Islamic law

History of Islamic law

International Law

Contemporary political thought

Graduate Courses (MA, PhD):

Turkish Foreign Policy Towards the Balkans

Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy


Prof. Dr. Yucel Ogurlu, Rector of the International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia

and Herzegovina; [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bulut, Rector of the Istanbul Sabahettin Zaim University, Istanbul, Turkey;

[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Denko Maleski, Emeritus Professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje,

Macedonia; [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Cathie Carmichael, University of East Anglia, UK, [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Nasir Al Loghani, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait, [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, Vienna University, Austria, [email protected]

Computer Literacy:

Proficient in Microsoft Office



English: fluent; Arabic: fluent ; Turkish: fluent ; Macedonian: fluent ; Serbo-Croatian: fluent

Albanian: fluent; Bulgarian: working knowledge


Esref Kenan Rasidagic Abstract:

Defining what political Islam really means has always been difficult. Islam, like any other

religious system, is an ideology, and as such governs life of its adherents and determines to a

certain extent their position, role and functions in society – i.e. their political behavior.

Renewal movements in Islam starting from the late 19th and early 20th century actually gave

birth to the notion of political Islam in its modern sense, which was due to their overtly

political roots as anti-colonialist and later anti-imperialist movements that sought to establish

the basis for social reform in Islam. In post-9/11 world there has been added urgency to

identify and understand political traits of organized religious group wherever Muslims lived.

In some Muslim countries a number of Islamic or Muslim organizations readily lend

themselves to being categorized as ‘Islamist’, either in the form of educational, missionary,

charitable, etc. outfits, or in the form of more openly pronounced radical, militant, rebel or

terrorist organizations. However, pressure to establish presence of latter kind of outfits in

every region and the country where Muslims live has also occasionally spawned whole new

cottage industries of ‘security analysts’ and ‘experts’ catering to precisely such demand.

When discussing political Islam in Bosnia we could discuss two types of organizations where

such phenomena could be expected to exist: mainstream Islamic Community of Bosnia and

Herzegovina, which is highly structured, hierarchical Catholic church-like institution

grouping great majority of Bosnian Muslims; or variety of independent jamaats scattered

around the country, most of them of local nature. The Islamic Community, being long

established and having its place in society recognized by everyone, inside and outside of the

Muslim community, does not render itself to the definition of ‘Islamist’ organization, no

matter how wide one stretches that concept. Many independent jamaats on the other side have

for a long time been considered by many as harbingers of more radical or even militant sort of

Islam. This is illustrated by the fact that approximately 300 Muslims from the region are

thought to have joined the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria. On the other side, the fact that

no cohesive structure, or even ideology, had been constructed by these jamaats indicates that

jury is still out on whether we can talk about a coherent ‘Islamist’ ideology or structures in

Bosnia, or about groups of dissatisfied individuals aspiring to give meaning to their lives.


Dr. Ešref Kenan Rašidagić is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Political Science,

University of Sarajevo, and Head of Department of International Relations and European

Studies in the International Burch University, Sarajevo. Dr. Rašidagić received his Bachelor's

in Political Science from the International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,

Master’s in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from the American University of Beirut,

Lebanon, and PhD in Political Science from the University of Sarajevo. His primary research

interests include interaction between local and international actors in restructuring post-

conflict societies and political Islam in general. He is the author of several books, articles and

studies published locally and internationally. Besides academia, Dr. Rašidagić also

accumulated significant experience working as consultant for variety of international and


local NGOs and international organization in areas dealing with program management,

education, youth issues and the like.

Laurentiu D. Tanase Abstract:

When is the Islam going to become a political actor?

What’s the reaction of the Christian-orthodox majority?

In Romania, the Islam, has been known and seen, during history, as a balanced religion,

specify both to the ethnic Turkish and Tatar community. Therefore history studies,

demography, political science or analyzes of pluralistic structure of religious life talk about

Turkish-Tatar minority community in Romania, the Muslim. The presence of Islam in

Romania is minority according to statistics from the National Population Census of 2011,

recording a figure of 64.337 Muslim believers, namely a percentage of 0.3% of the total

population of 20.121.641 inhabitants in Romania. The relationship between the Muslim

minority and the Christian-Orthodox majority has always been a relation of dialogue and

peaceful coexistence.

But, despite issues of peaceful coexistence between Religions in Romania, and the good

relations of dialogue between the Christian majority and Muslim minority of Turkish-Tatar,

small but important areas of conflict and of ethnic and religious intolerance began to appear,

when the simple equation of social networking was caused by the introduction of new

premises. Specifically, curious forms of religious radicalism began appearing when Islam

began to be perceived as having domineering interests based on political calculations,

especially, or when Romania was obviously confronted with the reality of groups of Syrians

refugees and immigrants. In this context we ask ourselves, where are the limits of the

contemporary inter-religious peaceful coexistence in Romania? Why the phobias and the

religious radicals are fed up? What kind of relationship is born between Religion and the

contemporary society? These are just a few lines of analysis that I will try to approach from a

historical perspective and especially the sociology of religion.


Laurențiu D. TĂNASE: Ph.D. from the University of Strasbourg, France; teaching Sociology

of Religions at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest, in Romania; State

Secretary for the Religious Affaires – Government of Romania (2001-2004); in the present he

is member of the Parliamentary Commission for the research of the Communist Period in

Romania- CNSAS. He is member of International Society for the Sociology of Religion and

member of French Association of Religious Sociology. He is the founder and he lead as a

director, the Center for Studies”Society, Law and Religion” in Bucharest, Romania. He has

made many television academic appearances, is the author of numerous articles and studies on


the evolution of the field of religious studies, Islam, religious pluralism, religious

communication, globalization, new religious movements and secularization; Laurențiu D.

Tănase, Pluralisation religieuse et société en Roumanie, ed. Peter Lang, Bern, Suisse, 2008, e-

mail: [email protected]


Assoc. Prof. Leila Almazova Abstract:

Islamic Political Organizations and Trends in Contemporary Russia

Leila ALmazova

Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia

There are several stages in the development of Islamic religious society in post-Soviet Russia:

rapid development if 90-es changed to more moderate stage of Islamic institutionalization,

when such institutions as Muslim religious boards, Islamic madrasa, universities and Muslim

parishes were established. Two tendencies in the ideological sphere can be witnessed: on the

one hand there are efforts to revive local Islamic traditions, such as Sufism in North East

Caucasus, and Hanafi school based Islamic tradition in the North West Caucasus, Volga and

Urals areas, and on the other hand there are efforts to spread universalistic versions of Islam.

Among organizations, that has on a certain degree political agenda two organizations should

be mentioned – Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami (prohibited in 2003) and Tabligi Jamaa (prohibited in

2009), both prohibited by law in Russian Federation. There are also so called Salafis (or

Wahhabis), but it is difficult to define then, because they usually have quite different political

agendas – from the demand to impose the Islamic State by force to the idea of gradual

spiritual evolution of the society to the degree of the true Islamic state.

Since the prohibition of mentioned above Islamic organizations dozens of Muslims were

convicted and received punishment, that started from suspended sentences to different terms -

up to 17 years – of imprisonment on the bases the Criminal Code article: «Participation in

extremist organization». The most number of arrests is witnessed in such regions of Russia as

Dagestan, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

There is a special work against political Islam that State leads in the sphere of Islamic

education: through the support of secular education institutions, using their experience,

methodological and organizational capacities the new, adapted to different regions of Russia,

curricula are implemented in some Mosque schools, mardaras and Islamic Universities.

This paper will analyze the tendencies that contemporary Russia has in the diverse sphere of

Islamic ideological agenda including its politicalcomponent.


Name: Leila Almazova1

E-mail: [email protected];Web site:

1 Please note that my publications dated before 2009 are under my married name and appear as L. Tukhvatullina. After divorce (2009), however, I have used my maiden name, L. Almazova



Kandidatskaya (Ph.D.) Degree, 2002. Social Philosophy, Kazan State University (from 2011:

Kazan (Volga Regional) Federal University), Kazan, Russia.

University Diploma (Russian equivalent to MA) with Distinction2, 1998. Department of

History, Kazan State University, Kazan. Russia.

- College Diploma, The Piano Teacher, 1992, Piano Department, Kazan Musical College,

Kazan, Russia.


Deputy Director of the Resource Center for the Development of Islamic Education and

Islamic Studies, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, Kazan

(Volga Region) Federal University (February 2016 – up to nowadays)

Associate Professor, Department of Oriental and Islamic Studies, Institute of International

Relations, History and Oriental Studies, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

(September 2013 – up to nowadays)

Leader/manager of the Program on training specialists with a profound understanding of

Islamic History and Culture, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies,

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (April 2012 – up to nowadays)

Head of the Center of Written Heritage and Archeography, Institute of History, Kazan (Volga

Region) Federal University (September 28, 2012 – September 2013).

Head of the Center of Ethno-Cultural Education, Institute of Philology and Arts, Kazan

(Volga Region) Federal University (April 2012 - September, 2012).

Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Islamic Studies and History of Social

Philosophy Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences named after Schigabutdin

Marjani (2008 – March 2012).

Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences. Academy of Social Sciences

(Kazan Social- Juridical Institute) (2005 - 2008).

Lecturer, and since 2004, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology

(2002-2005) Tatar State Institute for the Humanities.

Courses Taught:

Introduction to Islamic Studies (2007-2015); Ethno-Religious Conflicts in the Middle East

(2013-2014); The History of Arab-Muslim Philosophy (2013-2015); Islam in Russia (2014);

The History of Tatar-Muslim Philosophy (2003-2014); Interfaith Relations in Contemporary

Russia (2013); Cultural Studies (2003-2008); Religious Studies (2003-2008)

2 In Russian Federation the University Diploma with distinction is given to students whose

GPA is 90% or higher.



Russian (native); English (excellent); Tatar (native); Old Tatar (Arabic script) (read and

translate); Bashkort (read and communicate); Arabic (Elementary level)

Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies:

Central Eurasian Studies Society Executive Board Member 2015

Fulbright Scholarship 2010-2011, Visiting Scholar - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,


CESS Member 2010-2015

The Prize of the President of Republic of Tatarstan for supporting of young researchers in the

field of the “Humanities”, 2004.

Short List of Publications:3

1. Almazova L. The positions of Muslim Scholars in the Volga-Ural Region in the Context of

Islamic Ideologies of the 20 th and 21st Century//Islam and Citizenship Education. Eds.:

E.Aslan & M. Hermansen. Wiesbaden, Springer, 2015. Pp.: 259-273.

2. Almazova L. Religious Resurgence in Contemporary Tatarstan. Chapter 16.4 in the

textbook History of Tatars 1917-2013. Ed. by Gallyamova A. Kazan, Kazan University Press,

2014. (In Russian)

3. Almazova L. Muslim Trends in Volga-Ural Region (beginning of the 21st century)//Journal

of the Kalmyk Institute of the Humanities Russian Academy of Sciences Volume 2, 2014. (In


4. Almazova L. The Phenomenon of the Kazan Mosque Schamil: Sufi Origins of Healing Prectices//Islam in

the Multi-Cultural World: Islamic Movements and Formation of Islamic Ideologies in the

Information Age. Ed. By D.Brilyov. Kazan: Kazan University Printing House, 2014. – Pp

253-272. (In Russian)

5. Almazova L. Islamic Education in Contemporary Tatarstan//Islamic Education in Secular

Societies Ed. By Aslan Ednan, Rausch, Margaret. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles,

New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. - Pp. 267-289.(Eng)

6. Almazova L. Muslim Educational Revival in Modern Tatarstan in the Course of Millennial

Historical Development//History of Education & Children’s Literature, Edizioni Universitа di

Macerata, Italy December VII 2-2012. –pp. 33-48. (Eng)

7. Almazova L. Traditional and Non-traditional Islam in Volga-Ural Region: Polemics and

Argumentation in Contemporary Religious Discourse//Social Conflict in Different Semiotic

3 Total number of publications – 60.


Systems. – Kazan, Kazan Federal University Publishing House 2012. – pp. 117-127. (In


8. Almazova L. Shangaraev R. Islamic Education in the Republic of Tatarstan: History,

Current Situation and Innovative Processes. Kazan: Iman, 2012. – 114 pp. (In Russian)

9. Almazova L. Contemporary Religious Discussions in Volga-Ural Region: What Muslims

Do Not Agree Upon // Islam in Multicultural World. Collection of Articles of the First

International Forum. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2012. – pp. 79-96. (In Russian)

10. Kamaly Z. Falsafa Islamyia. Part I: Falsafa-i ittikad. Allah Gadalate. (Philosophy of

Islam: Creed) Translation, Introduction and commentaries by L. Almazova.- Kazan: Tatar

Printing House, 2010. 319 pp. (In Russian).

11. Almazova L. Ziyaaddin Kamali: Transformation of Religious Consciousness. Chapter 16

in the Textbook: The History of Muslim Thought in Volga-Ural Region. Kazan, 2009.

(Second edition - Kazan, 2010). (In Russian).

12. Almazova L. Some Tendencies in Contemporary Muslim Thought Development. Chapter

18 in the Textbook The History of Muslim Thought in Volga-Ural Region. Kazan, 2009.

(Second edition - Kazan, 2010). (In Russian).

13. Almazova L. Teaching Islam in Volga-Ural Region //Teaching and Studying Islam in

Eurasia. Ed. by M.Mayer. Moscow: Humanitariy, 2010 - pp. 68-124. (In Russian)

14. Almazova L. Islamic Revivalist Movement (tajdid) and Some Tendencies Towards Muslim

Thought Development in Contemporary Russia//Papers of International Conference “Islamic

Studies in Contemporary Russia and CIS: Achievements, Problems and Perspectives”

February 19-20, 2010 KSU, Kazan. (In Russian).

15. Almazova L. Philosophical Concepts of Muslim Intellectuals in Contemporary

Tatarstan//Scientific Notes of Kazan University. Kazan: Kazan University Printing House,

2010 (In Russian).

16. Tukhvatullina L (since 2009 - Almazova L.) (2003). Human Dilemma in the Legacy of

Tatar Theologians (end of the 19th and early 20th centuries). Kazan: Tatar Printing House,

2003. - 206 pp. (In Russian).


Session II

Brigitte Maréchal


Beyond the speeches on the citizenship, how political Islamism has it forged the radical

imaginary of young Europeans at the time as of years 2000 and beyond: resources and

relationships to the contexts

The summary

Beyond the great concepts which nurture the speeches of the rupture and on which is already

mobilized some research, other speeches or practices, with appearances sometimes less clear-

cut, anre however likely to build, upstream, directly or indirectly, of the distance, the

separation, the mistrust and even of the distrust with regard to others, and singularly of the

non Muslims European. This article aims at specifying contours of this discursive compost

which is likely to contribute to legitimate later on more radical speeches of violent rupture. In

particular, it will aim at seizing how, within or around the European Muslim brothers

movement, some speeches appear sometimes more paradoxical than those which are regularly

publicly held up around the construction project of a modern and European citizenship.


MARECHAL, BRIGITTE is Professor at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL,

Louvain-la-Neuve). Trained in Political Sciences, Islamology and Sociology at UCL, she

obtained a certificate from Institut Francais d’Etudes Arabes de Damas (IFEAD-Syria, 1998–

1999) and was post-doctoral fellow at International Institute for the Study of Islam in the

Modern World (ISIM, Leiden) in 2007–2008. She is director of CISMOC (Centre

Interdisciplinaire d’Etudes de l’Islam dans le Monde Contemporain at IACCHOS Institute),

holds the Chair Baillet-Latour “Contemporary Islams” (2015-2018) and she is responsible for

the continued educational program “Religious sciences: Islam” since 2007. In 2015, she wrote

the report of the debates established in the “Commission Marcourt”, composed by the

Executive of Muslims in Belgium, experts and academics to make propositions to the

government of the Belgian French speaking community in order to improve the education

programs for the Islamic leadership. She has published extensively on European Islam.

Among her publications: with C. Bocquet et S. Van Den Abeele, Musulmans et non

musulmans en Belgique : des pratiques prometteuses favorisent le vivre ensemble (Fondation

Roi Baudouin 2015), with C. Bocquet et F. Dassetto, Regard et relations entre musulmans et

non musulmans : entre ajustements et tensions réciproques (Fondation Roi Baudouin, 2014),

The Dynamics of Sunni-Shia Relationships (co-edited with S. Zemni, Hurst, 2013), Islam

belge au pluriel (co-edited with. F. El Asri, PUL, 2013), Les Frères Musulmans en Europe—


Racines et discours (PUF, 2009), The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. Roots and Discourses

(Brill, 2008). She is also the co-author of Adam et l’évolution—Islam et christianisme

confrontés aux sciences (Academia/Bruylant, 2009), Relations et co-inclusion—Islam en

Belgique (L’Harmattan, 2007), Le suicide offensif en islam (Maghreb-Machrek review, 2006),

Muslims in the Enlarged Europe—Religion and Society (Brill, 2003). She has also been co-

editing the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe (Brill) since 2009 and is director of a collection

“Islams contemporains” at Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Mail: [email protected]


Mark Sedgwick Abstract:

Islam and Politics in Denmark

Mark Sedgwick

Although Denmark has a large and growing Muslim population, and although immigration,

Islam and integration are major topics on the Danish national political agenda, there are few

Danish Islamic political organizations of any real significance. A rare exception is Hizb ut-

Tahrir, which rejects the Danish national political system and calls for a world-wide Islamic

state. It is not, however, taking any significant steps to promote this objective, and may be

best understood as an identity organization rather than a political one. There are individual

Muslims who are active in political life, of whom the most notable is Nasser Khader, a

member of the Conservative People’s Party. Khader is in no sense an advocate of an Islamic

state, however, and is best known for calling for a legal ban on the burka in 2009. He is in fact

associated with the so-called “Islam-critical” tendency within Danish politics.

Despite the absence of Islamic political organizations of any real significance, there are signs

of strong political views among Danish Muslims. The earliest of these was reactions to the

now famous cartoons published in Jyllands-Posten in 2005. Although objections to these

cartoons were stronger outside Denmark than inside the country, it was Danish Muslim

organizations that first drew international attention to the cartoons, notably the major national

Islamic association, the Islamisk Trossamfund. The Islamisk Trossamfund is not a political

organization, but during the “Cartoon Crisis” certainly expressed positions of political

significance. Another indication is the number of Danes who have recently traveled to the

Middle East to join he so-called Islamic State, estimated by the Danish Security Intelligence

Service as at least 115, perhaps not a large number in absolute terms, but significant in terms

of the size of Denmark’s Muslim population.

The absence of significant Islamic political organizations despite the signs of strong political

views among Danish Muslims, presents something of a paradox. On the one hand, it might

reflect the success of Danish counter-radicalization initiatives, which include the so-called

“Aarhus model,” according to which a range of existing social, educational and policing

agencies are used to deliver pro-active interventions aimed as individuals who have been

identified as at risk. On the other hand, it might reflect the broader phenomenon whereby

radical Islamist politics in Europe presents the reverse of one important pattern associated

with previous iterations of radical politics. In previous cases, open and legal engagement in

radical causes was greater than covert and illegal engagement, as the psychological model

developed by Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko in 2009 would predict. At present,

however, covert and illegal engagement seems to exceed open and legal engagement. This

may present an unrecognized problem, as it is widely accepted that one effective way of

minimizing covert and illegal activity is to move the political issues in question into a regular

and open political process.



MARK SEDGWICK Vestre Strandallé 85, 8240 Risskov, Denmark

Email: [email protected]. Telephone: (+ 45) 22 73 23 20


Aarhus University, Denmark

o Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies “with special duties,” Department of

Culture and Society, 2011–.

o Coordinator, Islamic Societies and Cultures Research Unit, 2012-15.

o Associate professor “with special qualifications,” Department of the Study of

Religion, 2009-11.

o Associate professor of Arab history, culture and society, Department of the Study

of Religion, 2007-09.

o Coordinator, Arab and Islamic Studies Unit, 2007-11.

American University in Cairo, Egypt

o Associate professor, History Department, 2004-07. Awarded tenure 2007.

o Assistant professor, History Department, 2001-04.

o Adjunct, Department of Arabic Studies, 1999-2000.


University of Bergen, Norway, Department of History, PhD 1999.

University of St Andrews, Scotland, Department of Arabic, 1991–92.

Oxford University, England, Honor School of Modern History. Worcester College. BA,

1981; MA, 1986.



Scholarly monographs

Western Sufism: Origins and Development, 833-1968. New York: Oxford University

Press, forthcoming October 2016.

Muhammad Abduh. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009.

Saints and Sons: The Making and Remaking of the Rashidi Ahmadi Sufi Order, 1799-

2000. Leiden: Brill, 2005.

Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the

Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Paperback edition,


Edited volumes

Making European Muslims: Religious Socialization among Young Muslims in

Scandinavia and Western Europe. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Islamic Myths and Memories: Mediators of Globalization. With Ulrika Mårtensson and

Itzchak Weismann. Farnham: Ashgate Press, 2014.



Islam and Muslims: A Guide to Diverse Experience in a Modern World. Boston:

Intercultural Press, 2006.

Sufism: The Essentials. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2000. 2nd edition,


Translations and re-editions of above books

Didd al-'alam al-hadith. Riyad: Markaz al-fikr al-gharbi (Forthcoming, Arabic translation

of Against the Modern World).

Modern Dünyaya Karşı. Ankara: Hece (Forthcoming, Turkish translation of Against the

Modern World).

Muhammad Abduh: A Biography. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2010

(Middle East edition of Muhammad Abduh).

Naperekor sovremennomu miru: Tradicionalizm i tajnaja intellektual'naja istorija XX

veka. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2014 (Russian translation of Against the

Modern World).

Islamul şi musulmanii. Bucharest: Editura Niculescu, 2010 (Romanian translation of Islam

and Muslims).

Contre le monde moderne : Le traditionalisme et l'histoire intellectuelle secrète du XXe

siècle. Paris: Dervy, 2008. Foreword by Jean-Pierre Brach; postface by Thierry

Giaccardi (French translation of Against the Modern World).

Protiv modernog sveta: tradicionalizam i tajna intelektualna istorija dvadesetog veka.

Belgrade: Ukronija, 2006 (Serbian translation of Against the Modern World).

Breve introducción al sufismo. Salamanca: Sígueme, 2003 (Spanish translation of Sufism:

The Essentials).

Il sufismo. Turin: Elledici, 2003 (Italian translation of Sufism: The Essentials).

Le soufisme. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2001 (French translation of Sufism: The Essentials).

Major articles, by topic

Religion and politics; terrorism and jihad

“Anti-Colonial Terrorism: Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood to 1954.” In The Oxford

Handbook of the History of Terrorism, ed. Carola Dietze and Claudia Verhoeven.

New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2015.

“Jihadism, narrow and wide: On the dangers of loose use of an important term.”

Perspectives on Terrorism 9:2 (2015), pp. 34-41.

“Sufis as ‘Good Muslims:’ Sufism in the Battle against Jihadi Salafism.” In Sufis and

Salafis in the Contemporary Age, ed. Lloyd Ridgeon. London: Bloomsbury, 2015,

pp. 105-17.

“Something Varied in the State of Denmark: Neo-nationalism, Anti-Islamic Activism,

and Street-level Thuggery.” Politics, Religion & Ideology 14:2 (2013), pp. 208-33.


“Jihadist Ideology, Western Counter-ideology, and the ABC Model.” Critical Studies on

Terrorism 5, no. 3 (2012), pp. 359-372.

“Impact of Counter-Terrorism on Communities: Denmark Background Report.” With

Lasse Lindekilde. London: Institute for Strategic Dialogue, 2012.

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“Inspiration and the Origins of Global Waves of Terrorism.” Studies in Conflict and

Terrorism 30 (2007), pp. 97-112.

“Al-Qaeda and the Nature of Religious Terrorism.” Terrorism and Political Violence 16

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“Sects and Politics.” Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions,

vol. 6 (2002), pp. 165-73.

Islam in the West

“Muslim Minority Rights in North Western Europe: Theory and Practice.” Bern

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“Neo-Sufism in the 1960s: Idries Shah.” CISMOR [Kyoto] 8 (2015), pp. 52-73.

“Sufism and the Western Construction of Mysticism: Echoes and Silences.” In

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“Families, Governments, Schools, Alternative Spaces and the Making of European

Muslims.” In Making European Muslims: Religious Socialization among Young

Muslims in Scandinavia and Western Europe, Mark Sedgwick, ed. New York:

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“Islam in Christianity: Religious education in the Danish Folkeskole.” In Making

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“Neo-Sufism.” In Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements, Olav Hammer

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“Sufis as Mythic Bearers of Esoteric Tradition.” In Constructing Tradition in Western

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“The Reception of Sufi and Neo-Sufi Literature.” In Sufis in Western Society: Global

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“European Neo-Sufi Movements in the Interwar Period.” In Islam in Inter-war Europe,

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Religious typology; Islam and modernity

“Islamic and Western Esotericism,” forthcoming in Islam and Christian–Muslim


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“Modern and Islamic Icons in Arab-Islamic Popular Historical Memory.” In Islamic

Myths and Memories: Mediators of Globalization. Itzchak Weismann, Mark

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“Is there a Church in Islam?” ISIM Newsletter, no. 13 (December 2003), pp. 40-41.

“Sects in the Islamic World.” Nova Religio, vol. 3 (2000), pp.195-240.

Sufism in the Middle East

“Islamic Mysticism and Neo-Sufism.” CISMOR [Kyoto] 8 (2015), pp. 40-51.

“The Making of a Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century: Shaykh Ahmad al-‘Alawî (1869-

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“Saudi Sufis: Compromise in the Hijaz, 1925–40.” Die Welt des Islams: International

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Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2003, pp. 77-106.

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“Traditionalist Sufism.” ARIES: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, vol. 22

(1999), pp. 3-24.

Translations and re-editions of above articles

“Occult Dissident Culture: The Case of Aleksandr Dugin” (2011) forthcoming in Varieties

of Contemporary Russian Anti-Westernism: Historical Sources, Ideological

Foundations, Organizational Expressions, Andreas Umland, ed. Stuttgart: Ibidem


Sufiyan sa'udi: musalaha miyan Vahabiyan u mutasufa dar Hijaz 1925-40." Ayeneh

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“Saudi Sufis” (1997).

“Guénoncu geleneksellik ve Avrupa İslamı” In Avrupa'da Müslüman Öznenin Üretimi -

Fikirler Bilinçler, Örnekler, Martin van Bruinessen and Stefano Allievi, eds.

Istanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık, 2012, pp. 253-80. Turkish translation of “Guénonian

Traditionalism and European Islam” (2010).

“Neo-Sufism” (2012) reprinted in Sects, Cults and New Religions, Carole Cusack and

Danielle Kirby, ed.s. Abingdon: Routledge, 2013.

“Al-Qaeda and the Nature of Religious Terrorism” (2004) reprinted in Russell D. Howard

and Reid L. Sawyer, eds, Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the

New Security Environment, Readings and Interpretations, 2nd edition. Boston:

McGraw-Hill, 2006, pp. 187-206.

“Existe-t-il une «Eglise» en islam?” Prologues: revue maghrébine du livre [Casablanca]

34 (Summer 2005), pp. 40-43. Moroccan-French translation of “Is there a Church

in Islam?” (2003).

“Traditsionalizm v Irane” in Volsebnaya Gora [Moscow], vol. 9 (2004), pp. 115-26.

Russian translation of “Traditionalism in Iran” (2002).

“Dinin Sosyal Hayatta Yeri: Osmanlı Sufiliğinin Doğası.” In Osmanlı Toplum, Güler

Eren, ed. Ankara : Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 1999, 2000, pp. 446-50. Turkish

translation of “The Place of Religion in Social Life” (2000).


Rüdiger Lohlker Abstract:

Islamic State, Caliphate and Modernity

The Islamic State or the IS-Caliphate is the most recent form of a longer discussion among

Muslims how to establish a kind of sovereignity in the context of a world of nation-states.

Taking the IS-Caliphate as a starting-point the embeddedness of this concept in modern

Islamic discussions will be analyzed. The most important questions will be: Which problems

are imagined to be solved by this concept? Are there alternative ways of conceptualizing

solutions to these problems? The framing this questions are discussed in is the breaking of the

set of problems arising from being stuck in a colonial/post-colonial situation.


Lohlker, Rüdiger

Professor Islamic Studies, Oriental Institute, University of Vienna (Austria), 2003-

Head of Training Course for Imams and Mosque Activists „Muslime in Europa“, University

of Vienna, 2010-

Teaching experience at the universities of Giessen, Göttingen, Kiel (all Germany), working at

the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen (Germany), Bibliothèque

Générale et Archives, Rabat (Morocco)

Research fields:

History of Islamic Ideas, Islam and the Arab World Online, modern Islamic movements,

Jihadism, Islamic Law

Selected recent publications:

Rüdiger Lohlker, Jihād in Ottoman Damascus, in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des

Morgenlandes 105 (2015)

Rüdiger Lohlker, Syrian Electronic Army: propaganda warfare and cyber espionage, in

Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies 9 (2015)

Rüdiger Lohlker, Theologie der Gewalt: Das Beispiel IS, Vienna: facultas/wuv, 2016

(Theologie of Violence: ISIS as a Case Study)


Bacem Dziri Abstract:

Unity, solidarity and strength are elements of attractiveness which are appealing muslims not

only with the advent of the so called Islamic State. Daeshs knows how to exploit this deep-

seated desire for its recruitment of foreigners, but is also forced to deal with the lack of the

unity-promise. On the other hand there is a tension between the non-participation and the

need for solidarity among some Salafists, as to be shown by the example of the German

scene. After all these paradoxes should be used to make the counter-narratives more



Since 2015 Scientific Assistant at the project 'Hessian Muslims for democracy and diversity'

of the Centre for Intercultural Islamic Studies at the University of Frankfurt and Researcher

at the Institute of Islamic Theology at the University of Osnabrück

Since 2011: Postgraduate at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn and

fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation with a thesis about the Intra-Islamic pluralism

Since 2010: Master of Asian Arts with a foucs on West- and South ASia and Islamic Studies,

Associate at the Cencter for Intercultural Islamic Studies at the University of Osnabrück.


Session III

Dounia Bouzar

Abstract :

Méthode expérimentale de déradicalisation : quelles stratégies émotionnelles et cognitives ?

Résume :

La méthode de déradicalisation expliquée dans cet article inclue une approche émotionnelle

pour déconstruire l’embrigadement relationnel et une approche cognitive pour déconstruire

l’embrigadement idéologique. Comme l’embrigadement provoque une rupture du jeune en le

plaçant dans une vision du monde anxiogène et paranoïaque, l’approche émotionnelle consiste

à le sécuriser, afin qu’il retrouve d’abord une partie de ses repères affectifs, mémoriels,

cognitifs, notamment avec l’aide de ses proches. Comme l’embrigadement a pour objectif

d’éloigner le jeune du monde réel pour l’installer dans une illusion permanente, l’approche

cognitive - opérée avec l’aide des repentis - consiste à amener le jeune à se rendre compte du

décalage entre le mythe présenté par le discours radical (par exemple régénérer le monde en

possédant la Vérité), leur motif personnel (par exemple être enfin utile ou aider les

musulmans) et la déclinaison réelle de l’idéologie (devenir complice de l’extermination de

tous ceux qui ne pensent pas comme eux).


Dounia Bouzar

Telephone number: + 33 (0)6 60 07 81 67

E-mail address: [email protected]

Main skills:

- Study, analysis and follow-up of the radical and fundamentalist line, the process of

religious radicalism and sectarian mechanisms of mental influence :

- construction and contains of radical line,

- indoctrination’s stages on boys and girls,

- detection’s indicators of radicalization’s behavior,

- construction of warnings procedures, of supporting and follow-up procedures,

- recruitment on « jihad ‘s groups »,


- indoctrination reversing process experiments.

- Anthropology specialized in religion : analysis of the understanding, the interpretation ,

the assimilation and the implementation of the religions by men or women, according to

contexts and periods ;

- Specialized expertise on French Muslims, and their ties with Islam (connections to the

religion, the loss of cultural identity and secularism impacts on Muslim’s moral

development, bypassing environmental standards…)

- Management support of the religious diversity within companies and institutions, in three

points :

- corporate team bonding : the efficiency is guaranteed by diversity only if the joint work is

protected ;

- safety issue: how to make the difference between a rightful claim which reveals to be a

cult’s freedom, and a religious manipulation who aim to introduce a conflict and a

dysfunction within the company

- fight against discrimination : estimate an individual beyond the stigmatizing

representations of the public opinion

- Former educator of the « Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse en Centre de jour »

(Judicial Youth protection)

- Creation and hosting of an integration’s workshop;

- Creation, editing and hosting of a district project (“Contrat Local de Sécurité) at the

«Théâtre du Lien» ;

- Creation, organization and responsibility of four humanitarian international camps of 25

young persons having justice issues.

Current status

- Director of the CPDSI (Prevention center of the sectarian drift linked to Islam), charged

by the Ministry of the Interior to equip anti-radicalism squads of the French prefectures1

- Founder and researcher partner of the BOUZAR'EXPERTISES cabinet2

- Qualified personality at the « Observatoire National de la Laïcité » ( National observatory

of the secularism), nominated by the French Prime Minister, the 19th September 20143


- Nominated « Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur » in April 2014 ( The “Légion

d’Honneur” is the highest French distinction)

- Auditor at the 58th session of the « Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale »

(the National defence institute)


- Nominated « Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques », in 2009 (It is an award

for those who participate actively in the expansion of the French culture in the world)

- Two prizes from the « Académie des Sciences morales et Politiques » for her books «

Quelle éducation face au radicalisme religieux ? » and « Laïcité = mode d’emploi » (This

Academy’s role is to describe scientifically the life of French people in order to propose

data to the French government)

- Former qualified personality of the « Bureau du Conseil Français du Culte Musulman »

(2003-2005) (It is an association which represents the French Muslims).

1 / 2 www.bouzar-­‐ / 3­‐de-


Last researches

A study-intervention «Une nouvelle forme d’embrigadement des mineurs et des jeunes

majeurs dans le terrorisme », (A new shape of the indoctrination of young persons into

terrorism) realized with Christophe Caupenne, for the CPDSI, the CIPD and the MIVILUDES

(2014)4 ;

A study-intervention «Gestion de la diversité des convictions et neutralité » (Management of

the religion’s diversity and the neutrality), with the Centre Bruxellois de l’Action

Interculturelle et du Centre d’Egalité des Chances, (2011-2013) (A belgian association which

fights for the equality of opportunity);

A study-intervention with « la HALDE » (An independent association helping discriminated

people to gain recognition of their rights) and 10 French companies: « Quelle gestion du fait

religieux dans le monde du travail? » (How to manage the religious practice within the

company?) (2009-2010);

A research on the prevention of the religious radicalism, conducted among 50 professionals

from the “Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse”( Judicial Protection of the Youth), from the

“Education Nationale” (French Department of Education), from the “ Jeunesse et Sports”

(youth and sport association), from the “Conseil general” (regional council), and from some

associations, (2004- 2006) ;

Researchs with the « Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Sécurité Intérieure (IHESI) (the National

defence institute) « Etude de 12 associations implantées dans les banlieues de Lyon, Lille et

Ile de France utilisant les références musulmanes dans le domaine socio –culturel-politique»,

(Study of 12 associations implanted in the suburbs of Lyon, Lille and Paris, using the Muslim

references in the political ,cultural and social domains) (2002 à 2004) ;

Diploma certificates


2001 : License and Master's degree in science of the Education, diploma with honors

(University of Lille III);

2002 : Master's degree of urban development and European integration ; diploma with honors

(University of Marne la Vallée, Paris);

2006 : Doctoral thesis on “L’importance de l’expérience citoyenne dans le parcours des

musulmans nés en France sensibles au discours de l’islam politique” (The importance of the

citizen’s experience in the journey of French Muslims, feelling concerned by the political

speech about Islam ) (University of Paris VIII), diploma with honors and jury’s praises, (

Olivier Roy, director ; Pierre Bonte, director ; Catherine Delcroix ; Moustapha Diop ; Didier

Gazagnadou, examinator)

Major publications

LA VIE APRÈS DAESH, published by l'Atelier, October 2015 ;

COMMENT SORTIR DE L'EMPRISE "DJIHADISTE"?, published by l'Atelier, April 2015 ;


October 2014 ;

DIVERSITÉ CONVICTIONNELLE : Comment l’appréhender ? Comment la gérer ?, with

Nathalie Denies, published by Académia Bruxelles, October 2014 ;

DÉSAMORCER L’ISLAM RADICAL : Ces dérives sectaires qui défigurent l’islam,

published by l’Atelier, January 2014 ;

COMBATTRE LE HARCÈLEMENT AU TRAVAIL. Décrypter les mécanismes de

discrimination, with Lylia Bouzar, published by Albin Michel, November 2013 ;

LE GUIDE PRATIQUE DE LA LAÏCITÉ, Une clarification par le concret, under the

leadership of Jean Glavany, published by the « fondation Jean Jaurès », December 2011 ;

LAÏCITÉ : MODE D’EMPLOI. Cadre légal et solutions pratiques. 42 études de cas,

published by Eyrolles, October 2010 ;

LA RÉPUBLIQUE OU LA BURQA : Les services publics face à l’islam manipulé,

with Lylia Bouzar, published by Albin Michel, January 2010 ;

ALLAH A T’IL SA PLACE DANS L’ENTREPRISE ?, with Lylia Bouzar, published by

Albin Michel, December 2009 ;

L’INTÉGRISME, L’ISLAM ET NOUS, ON A TOUT FAUX, published by Plon, October

2007 ;


2006 ;

ÇA SUFFIT ! published by Denoël, 2005 ;

MONSIEUR ISLAM N’EXISTE PAS, Pour une désislamisation des débats, published by

Hachette Littératures, 2004 ;


L’UNE VOILÉE, L’AUTRE PAS, with Saïda Kada, published by Albin Michel, 2003.





Samim Akgönül Title: "Political Islam, Islam in Politics, Politics in Islam : Turkey's experience"


Since the beginning of the Turkish Republic (1923) "Religiosity" has been always at the

center of the political movements, in one way or in other. While during the first decades of the

Republic, Islam has been taken into consideration as compulsory criterion of Turkishness but

not as behavior norm, after 1950's Islamic behavior has been step by step became one of

the main political struggle. Political Islam entered in the Turkish political agenda in 1970's

and after a long societal transformation became the main political current in 1990's. After

2000's the current has been enriched by other aspects of the social and economic life. This

paper will try to follow the evolution of political islam in Turkey for the last 15 years where

the country passed from one extreme to another"


Samim Akgönül, PhD (2001), Historian and Political scientist. Associate Professor at

Strasbourg University and researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research.

He teaches also Political Science at Syracuse University and International Relations at several

Turkish Universities.

He studies the evolution of minority concept as well as the religious minorities in Eastern and

Western Europe, especially non-Muslim minorities in Turkey, Muslim minorities in the

Balkans and Muslim communities in Western Europe.



Steven Merley Abstract:

Political Science v. Investigations- How Best to Understand the Global Muslim Brotherhood

This presentation will contrast Political Science and Investigations, the two major modalities

for understanding the Global Muslim Brotherhood., As perhaps the only trained investigator

working in this area, I will first present my experiences with political scientists working in

this field, examine the criteria for selecting the appropriate modality, and compare the

"toolsets" of both approaches. Second, I will explain the concept of the Global Muslim

Brotherhood, apply the above selection criteria, and provide real world examples illustrating

the necessity for the investigative approach. Finally, I will propose a means by which the two

modalities can come together to provide a more useful picture of the Global Muslim



Steven G. Merley

Global Investigations & Research

- Investigator, researcher, and intelligence analyst with over twenty years experience in the

investigation of complex and covert networks of individuals, businesses and


- Author of numerous public and private investigative and research reports and featured

speaker at events sponsored by the US State Department, the European Parliament, and

the British Parliament.

- Operator of an intelligence digest that has been followed widely by US Government

entities, including the FBI, Justice Department, and numerous military agencies.

- Traveled extensively in the US, Europe, and the Middle East.

Chief Analyst

Kronos Advisory LLC

Juni 2013 – Heute (2 Jahre 11 Monate)

Responsible for analysis of the global networks of the Muslim Brotherhood


Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch

June 2007 – Heute (8 Jahre 11 Monate)

Editor and sole writer for an intelligence digest covering the daily activities of the Global

Muslim Brotherhood.


Senior Analyst

NEFA Foundation

Juni 2007 – Juni 2010 (3 Jahre 1 Monat)

Gathered and analyzed intelligence on the the global Muslim Brotherhood networks; wrote a

series of public and private reports

Investigative Researcher

The Wall Street Journal

Januar 2004 – September 2005 (1 Jahr 9 Monate)Deutschland

Worked closely with the German Bureau Chief providing background research, interview

preparation, source location, and fact-checking.



1992 – 2000 (8 Jahre)Albuquerque und Umgebung, New Mexico

Participated in a wide variety of criminal and civil investigations


Ronald Sandee Title:

Influence and Threat of al-Qaida and its shifting from Pakistan to Yemen


Ronald Sandee studied History and Middle Eastern Studies at the Radboud University in

Nijmegen. He is currently working as an international security consultant and counter-

terrorism professional who is recognized by Western governments as a top expert on al-Qa'ida

and Affiliated Movements. Sandee worked for more than a decade in the headquarters of the

Defense Intelligence and Security Service (DISS/MIVD) in The Hague. During that period he

held various high-ranking positions, including Senior Political Strategic Analyst for Terrorism

and Organized Crime, and Senior Counter Intelligence Analyst for Terrorism. He left the

DISS to become Director of Analysis and Research for The NEFA Foundation (2006-2012), a

nonprofit research institute devoted to exposing the organizations and individuals who plan,

fund, and commit acts of terrorism, with particular focus on radical Islamist elements. In

recent years, Sandee has spoken at numerous conferences and seminars, and briefed different

parliaments and government institutions in Europe and the United States. He currently is chief

Global Jihad Analyst at Kronos Advisory.

A critical look at the Dutch counter radicalization strategies since 2005

The murder of Dutch Filmmaker Theo van Gogh in 2004 was a turning moment in the

Netherlands. A religiously motivated murder in broad daylight in Amsterdam shook the

country and created the establishment of a new government body what is now called the

office of the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV). The NCTV

became the leading body to counter radicalism in the Netherlands and developed a counter

strategy that was hailed abroad as an example for other de-radicalisation programs. The

program tried to push back the main Salafist centers in the countries but led to an

underground of young radicalized Muslims. In late 2013 the Dutch were surprised that tens of

young Muslim men had left the country to join the fighting in Syria. While the focus of the

government was on the Salafist centers the Muslim Brotherhood in the Netherlands took

advantage of situation and presented itself as an alternative to the Salafist centers.



İştar Gözaydın Title and Abstract

The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey

Abstract: This paper describes the politico-religious landscape in Turkey and the relationship

between the state and religion, and it evaluates how the balance between secular and religious

forces— and between the Kemalist elites and new emerging social groups— has changed

since the AKP came to power in 2002. Turkey remains a place of sharp regional, class, and

cultural differences, and these unresolved tensions are part of the contemporary Turkish

political landscape that reveals to be an ascending governmental inclination towards

authoritarianism and sharply deepening social polarizations. Thus the paper aims to explore

several regarding issues as how AKP’s success can be explained; development of a “religious

market” that competes over the meaning and proper role of Islam in Turkish society;

probability of a “creeping Islamization”; impacts of 2015 general elections; current major

sources of radical Islamist violence in Turkey; and global implications of Turkey’s domestic

& foreign policies.



Gediz University, İzmir tel: 0 232 355 00 00/2404 (work)

Faculty of Arts and Sciences tel : 0 212 292 87 85 (home)

Department of Sociology tel : 0 532 441 09 66 (mobile)

Seyrek 35665 Menemen İzmir email: [email protected]


Gediz University Faculty of Arts and Sciences: professor of law and politics in the

Department of Sociology (July 2015- )

Doğus University Faculty of Arts and Sciences: professor of law and politics in the

Department of Communications (September 2012- May 2015)

Sabancı University: instructor on law (fall 2012)

Doğus University Faculty of Law: professor of law and politics (February 2011- September


Istanbul Technical University: professor of law and politics in the Department of Humanities

and Social Sciences (April 2006-January 2011)


Istanbul Technical University: associate professor in the Department of Humanities and

Social Sciences (November 1999 - 2006)

Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Architecture: associate professor in the Department of

City and Regional Planning (1997 - November 1999)

Bosphorus University Institute of Environmental Studies instructor on environmental law

(1996 - 1997)

Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Architecture assistant professor in the Department of City

and RegionalPlanning (1994 - 1997)

Union of Local Administrations in Marmara Region legal consultant (1993-1994) Istanbul

University Faculty of Law research assistant in the Administrative Law Department (1983-



Gediz University: chairperson of the Dep. Of Sociology (august 2015 -)

Doğus University Faculty of Arts and Sciences: dean (2013 June- February 2015)

Doğus University Faculty of Arts and Sciences: associate dean (2013 May)

Doğus University Faculty of Law: head of Administrative Law section (February 2011-

September 2012)

Istanbul Technical University: chairperson of the Department of Humanities and Social

Sciences (1999 - 2002) (2005-January 2011)

Istanbul Technical University: Social Sciences Institute ESST (European Science

Society Technology) Graduate Programme Coordinator (2002)


Istanbul University: LLD (1992) (dissertation topic = Religion and State in Turkey:

Presidency of Religious Affairs)

New York University School of Law: graduate study (MCJ: Master of Comparative

Jurisprudence) (1987) (paper on = Employment Discrimination Against Persons with

Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) : A Prediction of the Supreme Court’s


Georgetown University International Law Institute Certificate Study on the U.S. Legal

System (1986)

Istanbul University Faculty of Law Undergraduate Degree (1981)



2009 LLP/Erasmus Personnel Mobility Program (teaching mobility): London Metropolitan


2008-2009 Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London: Research


1-8 August 1998 Salzburg Seminar Fellowship : “Human Rights Under an International Law


1997 Simavi Award for Media Performance (for the daily program on Human Rights in

Acik Radyo – a local radio station in Istanbul 94.9)

1986-1987 Fulbright Scholarship


- International Comparative Study of Social Assistance Schemes (1993-1994) (as a

national academic expert) a project run by Social Policy Research Unit of York

University (Great Britain), and financed by European Community and OECD. 2

participants each (one as an academic expert, one as a government representative) from

24 countries participated in the project. Personal reports and analytic reports submitted

were published in two volumes by OECD in 1996.

- EuroFEM - Gender and Human Settlement: “A Women’s Perspective in Urban Planning

in Turkey” project run in cooperation with Dr. Sibel Demirtaş. A term-report was

submitted to the meeting in Aosta, Regione di Valle d’Aosta - Italy, and final report shall

be submitted to the International EuroFEM Conference in Hämeenlina - Finland on 10-12

June 1998.

- “Enforcement of Judiciary Decisions Given by Administrative Courts” (16 November

1999 - 15 November 2000) (as the senior counsellor) a project designed by Helsinki

Citizens Assembly - Turkey and sponsored by the European Union.

- “Mediterranean Annals”, a project run in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Faruk Birtek for

IPALMO (Istutio Per le relazioni tra l’Italia e i Paesi dell’Africa, America Latina e Medio

Oriante) National report on “Social Security System in Turkey” was submitted to the

Institute in October 1999.

- “The Europe of the Regions: Strategies and perspectives in the View of the Forthcoming

Enlargement of the European Union (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,

Romania, Slovakia and Society, a project run by the Austrian Institute of East and

Southeast European Studies on behalf of the Committee of the Regions of the European

Union (COR). Report on Turkey was submitted on October 30, 2001. See


- “Application of Administrative Court Decisions by the Administration in Turkey”, a

project designed by the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, Turkey and financed by the

European Union (as the senior counsellor). (2000-2004)


- “Laic Practices in Daily Life”, a Project designed by Helsinki Citizen’s Assembly –

Turkey and supported by the European Commission and Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Association. (2009-2010)

- “Secularism in Turkey” (as the project co-coordinator with Ayşe Kadıoğlu), a Project

designed by Istanbul Policy Centre in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Stiftung


- “Assessment of Religious Services Provided by the State in a Socio-economic Context as

an aspect of Social Policy” (as an advisory working group member), a Project designed

by Helsinki Citizen’s Assembly – Turkey and supported by the European Commission


- “V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy)”, a Project run by University of Gothenburg and

Kelogg Institute (as country expert: Turkey) (2013).

- “Compulsory Courses of/on Religion in Turkey's Primary Education System: where the

citizens and the state meet”; a Project run by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, Turkey and

supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (as expert research

coordinator) (September – December 2015)

- “Human Security & the Issue of Trust in Public Institutions in the Balkans & Turkey”; a

Project run by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, Turkey (hCa ) and supported by the

European Commission as a part of hCa grant contract (no: 2015/351-549, date:

28.11.2014) with the European Commission, to conduct and realize the Project entitled

“Cross-border Citizens' Network for Peace, Inter-communal Reconciliation & Human

Security” (as expert coordinator for regional research); (november 2015 - may 2016).

- Changing Structures of Islamic Authority (CSIA): country expert for the Project financed

by European Research Council and carried by Oxford University Department of

International Development.



1. Müslüman Toplum, “Laik” Devlet : Türkiye’de Diyanet İsleri Başkanlığı (Muslim

Society, “Secular” State in Turkey : Directorate of Religious Affairs), Afa, Istanbul 1993 (last

name: Tarhanli) (in Turkish)

2. Belediyecinin Basucu Kitabı (A Handbook for the Municipalities) (co-authors : Dr.

Ercan Eyüpoglu and Fikret Toksöz), a publication of Union of Local Administrations in

Marmara Region, Istanbul 1994 (in Turkish)

3. Türkiye’de diyanet (Religous Affairs in Turkey), Yeni Yüzyil Books no. 19, Istanbul

1995 (in Turkish)

4. Bir Toplumda Birarada Yasamak için Akilda Tutulmasi Gerekenlere Dair El Kitabi (A

Guidebook for Legal Issues to Keep In Mind in order to Live In a Community), a publication

of MESS, Istanbul 1999 (in Turkish)


5. Diyanet : Türkiye’de Dinin Tanzimi (Diyanet: Regulating Religion in Turkey),

Iletisim, Istanbul 2009 – 2nd.ed 2016 (in Turkish)


1. “Amerika Birlesik Devletleri’nde Kanun Koyma Faaliyeti, Kanunlarin Hazırlanması,

Görüsülmesi Konularinda Yabancı Ülkelerden Örnek Uygulamalar (Legislative Process in the

U.S.)”, Prime Ministry State Planning Organization Publications, Ankara 1983, 2-13 (in


2. “Sinemada Sansür Üstüne (On Censorship of Movies)”, Idare Hukuku ve Ilimleri

Dergisi (Administrative Law Journal), year 4 (1983) no 1-3, 123-132 (in Turkish)

3. “A Tool to Enforce Social and Economic Policy in the U.S.: Government Contracts”,

Milletlerarasi Hukuk ve Milletlerarasi Özel Hukuk Bülteni (International Law Journal), year 8

(1988) no 1, 50-58

4. “ A New Base for Discrimination : AIDS”, Milletlerarasi Hukuk ve Milletlerarasi Özel

Hukuk Bülteni (International Law Journal), year 8 (1988) no 2, 333-356

5. “A.B.D. Yüksek Mahkemesinin Kararlari Isiginda Din Özgürlügünün Düzenlenmesi

Sorunu (Establishment Clause in U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court)”, Idare Hukuku

ve Ilimleri Dergisi Dergisi (Administrative Law Journal), year 9 (1988) no 1-3, 299-321 (in


6. “ Uyusmazlik Mahkemesi Kararlari Isiginda Kamulastirmasiz El Atma (Expropriation

in the Judicial Decisions)”, Idare Hukuku ve Ilimleri Dergisi (Administrative Law Journal),

year 11 (1990) no. 1-3, 41-47 (in Turkish)

7. “Il ve Ilçe Meclislerine Iliskin Bazi Notlar (Some Notes on Provincial Councils)”,

Hukukçu, no 7 (January-February 1993), 11 (in Turkish)

8. “Laik Türkiye Devleti’nde Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi (Directorate of Religious Affairs

in Secular Turkey)”, Bilgi ve Hikmet, Kış 1993/1, 96-113 (in Turkish)

9. “Hak Arama Özgürlügü (How to File a Case in an Administrative Court)”, Dikkat

Haklarimz (Beware of Your Rights), Helsinki Citizens Assembly Publications, Istanbul 1993,

49-53 (in Turkish)

10. “Din ve Inanç Özgürlügü (Freedom of Religion and Belief)”, Haklarimiz (Beware of

Your Rights), Helsinki Citizens Assembly Publications, Istanbul 1993, 93-100 (in Turkish)

11. “Inanç ve Din Özgürlüğü (Freedom of Belief and Religion)”, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

(Social Studies Journal), volume I (november 1994) no. 3, 8-33 (in Turkish)

12. “Devlet ve Demokrasi (State and Democracy)”, Din, Devlet ve Demokrasi (Religion

State and Democracy), Istanbul Mülkiyeliler Vakfi Bilimsel Sempozyumlar Dizisi: 9, Istanbul

1995, 66-70 (in Turkish)


13. “Sehircilik Mesleginin Hukuki Temel ve Sorunlari (Legal Basis and Legal Problems

of a Profession: Urbanism)”, Bayindirlik ve Iskan Bakanligi ile belediyeler, year 9 (1995) no.

25, 4-7 (in Turkish)

14. “Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi: Kimin? Niçin? (Presidency of Religious Affairs: Whose?

Why?)” Görüs, no. 26 (June-July 1996), 60-66 (in Turkish)

15. “Mekan ve Ötekiler (Space and the Others)” (co-authors: Sibel Demirtas ve Bülent

Diken), Defter, year 9 (summer 1996) no. 28, 39-43 (in Turkish)

16. “Varoslar Kente Indi: Içimizdeki Süphe (Periphery Moves to the Center: A Suspicious

Matter of Fact!)” (co-author: Sibel Demirtas), Istanbul, no. 23 (october 1997), 82-87 (in


17. “Official Secularization Process in Turkey: Presidency of Religious Affairs”, in

Rikard Larsson (ed.), Boundries of Europe?, Forskningsradsnamnden / Swedish Council for

Planning and Coordination Press, 98:6, Uppsala 1998, 139-142.

18. “Fictio Legis Neminem Laedit (A Legal Fiction Harms Nobody) True? or False?”,

cogito, v. 16 (fall 1998), 211-215 (in Turkish)

19. “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin Devleti”, (The State of the Republic of Turkey)

Görüş, no.38 (january-february 1999), 18-261. (in Turkish)

20. “İdare Hukukla Ne Kadar Bağlı?: İdari Yargı Kararlarının Uygulanması Sorunu (To

What Extend does the Administration is Lawful? : problems in application of administrative

court decisions)”, İzmir Barosu Dergisi, 67 (april 2002) 2, 33-52. (in Turkish)

21. “Türkiye Hukukunun Batılılaşması (Westernization and Law in Turkey)” in Modern

Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Ansiklopedisi (Encylopedia on Political Thought in Modern

Turkey): vol. 3 – Modernleşme ve Batıcılık (Modernisation and Westernism, İletişim

Yayınları, İstanbul 2002, 286-297. (in Turkish)

22. “Bir Ulus Oluşturmak: Ulusal Kimlik ve Tarih Yaratma Aracı Olarak Sinema (To

Construct a Nation: Cinema as an Instrument of Creating National Identity and History”,

Tarih ve Toplum, vol.:38, no. 227 (November 2002), 15-21. (in Turkish)

23. “‘Şarkiyatçılık’ teması üzerine çeşitlemeler ve birkaç soru (Variations on

‘Orientalism’ and a few questions)”, Virgül, 64 (july-august 2003) 28-30. (in Turkish)

24. “İdari Reform mu Dediniz? (Did You Say Administrational Reform?)”, İstanbul, 46

(july 2003) 127-130. (in Turkish)

25. “Yurdu Düşlemek” (Dreaming Home), Toplumsal Tarih, 144 (december 2005) 32-34

(in Turkish)

26. "A Religious Administration to Secure Secularism:Presidency of Religious Affairs of

the Republic of Turkey" Marburg Journal of Religion, v. 11, no.1 (june 2006) http://web.uni-

27. "Rape, Prostitution and Law in Turkey", in Evil, Law and the State: Issues in State

Power and Violence (edited by İştar Gözaydın & Jody Madeira), Inter-Disciplinary Press,


electronic book - ISBN: 1-904710-08-5 http://www.inter-

28. “Adding Injury to Injury”, in John T. Parry (ed.), Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives

on State Power and Violence, Rodopi Press, Amsterdam / New York, NY 2006, 59-69.

29. “Turkey and the EU: An Awkward Candidate for EU Membership?” (book review),

Democratization, volume 14 issue 4 (August 2007) 754-755.

30. “A Concept of Virtual Reality: ‘effectiveness’ of urban planning in Turkey”, in

Gürcan Kocan (ed.), transnational concepts transfers and the challenge of the peripheries,

İstanbul Technical University Press, İstanbul 2007, 261-285.

31. “Turkey: A Women’s History,” in Bonnie G. Smith (ed): The Oxford Encyclopedia of

Women in World History, v.4, Oxford University Press, 2008, 255-258.

32. “Diyanet and Politics”, The Muslim World, v. 98, issue 2/3 (april/july 2008) (A

Special Issue on the Precidency of Religious Affairs in Turkey: Diyanet) 216-227.

33. “Türkiyeli Yeni Kuşakların Değişen Müzik Tercihleri ve bir Örnek: Dini Popüler

Musiki”, (Changing Music Tastes in Turkey: the case of Religious Popular Musics) Aralık,

no 2 (2008) 30-43 (in Turkish)

34. “Religion, Politics and the Politics of Religion in Turkey”, in Dietrich Jung &

Catharina Raudvere (ed.), Religion, Politics and Turkey's EU Accession, Palgrave-Macmillan,

October 2008, 159-176.

35. “Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı,” in John L. Esposito (ed): Encyclopedia of the Islamic

World,, Oxford University Press, January 2009

36. “Londranın Tarihini Sinemayla Yazmak (Writing London’s History by Films)”,

Kebikeç, 28 (2009) 193-2009 (in Turkish)

37. “The Fethullah Gülen Movement and Politics in Turkey: a chance for Democratization

or a Trojan Horse?:”, Democratization, vol. 16 no. 6 (December 2009), 1214-1236.

38. “ Bülent Tanör”, in Ertekin, Sona ve Madra, Ömer (ed.), Açık Kitap, Açık Radyo 94.9,

İstanbul 2010, 138-“139. (in Turkish)

39. “ Haklarımız”, in Ertekin, Sona ve Madra, Ömer (ed.), Açık Kitap, Açık Radyo 94.9,

İstanbul 2010, 332-333. (in Turkish)

40. “Durkheim Sosyolojisinde Dinin Tarihsel ve Güncel Olanakları” (with Nazlı Ökten

Gülsoy), Sosyoloji Dergisi, (in Turkish), 3.set/21, İ.Ü.E.F. publishing, İstanbul 2011, pp. 1-


41. “Why to Read Durkheim Today? (with Nazlı Ökten Gülsoy), Sosyoloji Dergisi,

3.set/23, İ.Ü.E.F. publishing, İstanbul 2011, 123-135.

42. "Tuba Ağacının Feyizli ve Velud Üç Dalından Biri: Ziya Gökalp Düşüncesinde Din"

(in Turkish), Ziya Gökalp, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Ankara.


43. “Ahmet Davutoğlu: Role as an Islamic Scholar Shaping Turkey’s Foreign Policy” in

Nassef Manabilang Adiong (ed.): Islam and International Relations: Diverse Perspectives,

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, August 2013, 50-59.

44. “Cumhuriyet ve Dinin Düzenlenmesi” (in Turkish), Altüst, June-July 2012, 40-41.

45. “Religion, politique et politique de la religion en Turquie”, cahiers de l’obtic,

décembre 2012-n.2, 4-8.

46. “Kürtaj ve Yaşam Hakkı” (in Turkish), Altüst, February-March 2013, 49-51.

47. “Hukuk Neye Yarar?” (in Turkish), Altüst, January-March 2014, 38-39.

48. “Bourdieu and Religion”, (in Turkish ) cogito, no. 76 (spring 2014), 389- 401. (in


49. “Management of Religion in Turkey”: the Diyanet and Beyond” in Özgür Heval Çınar

& Mine Yıldırım (ed.s): Freedom of Religion and Belief in Turkey, Cambridge Scholars

Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2014, 10-35.

50. “Turkey”, in Oliver Scharbordt (ed. in chief): Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, v. 7

Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2015, 579-591.


1. “Kentlerimiz sinyal veriyor: Yeni bir hukuk yaratmanın zamanı (Cities in Alarm:

Time to Produce a New Legal Body)” Yeni Yüzyil, 31 December 1994, 20 (in Turkish)

2. “Cehennem gerçekten “başkaları” mı? (Is Really Hell “the Others”?) Yeni Yüzyil, 31

January 1994, 17 (in Turkish)

3. “Meşru Hukuk Devleti Her Birimiz için Elzem”, (Law is a Must for All), Zaman, 21

Aralık 2015, s.21. (in Turkish)

4. “Demokratik Toplumun Aşil’i Diyanet” (Diyanet: An Achilles’ for a Democratic

Society), Birgün, 4 Mart 2015. (in Turkish)

5. “AKP ve Diyanet”, (DJP and the Diyanet) Cumhuriyet, 3 Nisan 2015. (in Turkish)


- “Gövdeye sızan devlet: Bu gidişle misyoner pozisyonuyla yetineceğiz”, Diken, 21 Nisan



- “Sahi bu milletin inancı belli mi?”, YüzdeOn Mecmua, 9 Mayıs 2015,

- “Mesele hukuku insan hakları bakışıyla sorgulayabilmek”, Diken, 14 Mayıs 2015,



1. “Devlet toplumun ahlaki isleri ile ugrasmaz (State Should Not Bother with Ethics in

Society”” (interviewed by: Kemal Basar) Varlik, no: 1034 (november 1993), 49-52 (in


2. “Tarih ve Sinema İlişkisi Üzerine (On the Relationship between History and Cinema)”

(interviewed by: Emin Alper), Tarih ve Toplum, vol:38, no. 227 (November 2002), 15-21. (in


3. “Türkiye’de Din Yükselen bir Olgu (Religion is a Rising Value in Turkey)”

(interviewed by Neşe Düzel) Taraf Daily, 20 December 2010. (in Turkish)

4. “Current political situation in Turkey” (interviewed by Luca Perego), Radio Radicale,

Italy, 1 November 2011,

5. “In Turkey's largest city, Istanbul, a pioneering project has been launched to make its

mosques more women friendly: Dorian Jones reports”, BBC radio 4, 10 Haziran 2012,

6. “Tensions Rise Between Turkey’s Government, Alevi Minority”, Dorian Jones: 13

October 2013.


7. “Caleb Lauer: secularity/laicité and diyanet”, Monocle – London, 29 October 2013

8. “Jacop Trumpy: Erdoğan er allerede en diktator” Dagens Naeringsliv, 27 May 2015

9. * “Academic Gözaydın: new Parliament should be able to work to correct AKP’s

wrongs”, (söyleşiyi yapan: Yonca Poyraz Doğan), Today’s Zaman, 15 Haziran 2015.


10. “Perseguiçao a imprensa pelo governo da Turquia deve aumentar, diz ativista”,

(Patricia Campos Mello), Folha de S.Paulo, 5 november 2015.


11. “There is no turkish opposition now”, (Kristýna Tamchynová), The Institute of

International Relations Prague (IIR )website,



1. “Ulusal Bütünlük Içinde Metropollerin Özerkligi ve Bütünlesme Sorunlari (Problems

of Local Independence and Integration of Metropolitan Cities in a National Integrity)”, paper

submitted to the International Colloquium on “Metropolitans : New Life Styles, New


problems, New Solutions” organized by Marmara University Department of Public

Administration on 23-24-25 September 1992 at Tarabya – Istanbul (in Turkish)

2. “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Diyanet Islerinin Düzenlenmesi (Regulations on Religious

Affairs in Turkey)”, paper submitted to the symposium on “Religion and State Relations”

organized by Bursa Ilim ve Yardimlasma Foundation on 3-4 April 1993 at Bursa (in Turkish)

3. “The Evaluation of Non-Identical Twins from a French Mother: The Turkish and

Italian Administrative Judiciary Systems Reconsidered”, paper submitted to the International

Symposium on “Turkish-Italian Relations in History” organized by Ankara University on 24-

26 September 1993 at Ankara

4. “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Diyanet Islerinin Düzenlenmesi (Regulations on Religious

Affairs in Turkey)”, paper submitted to the symposium on “Religion, State and Democracy”

organized by Istanbul Mülkiyeliler Foundation on 3 June 1994 at Istanbul (published: İstanbul

Mülkiyeliler Vakfı Bilimsel Sempozyumlar Dizisi 9, Din-Devlet-Demokrasi, İstanbul 1995,

66-70) (in Turkish)

5. “Sehircilik Mesleginin Hukuki Temel ve Sorunlari (Legal Basis and Legal Problems

of a Profession : Urbanism)”, paper submitted to the Symposium on “Duties in Urbanism”

organized by World Urbanism Day Permanent Committee and Gazi University on 7-8-9

October 1994 at Ankara (published : Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı ile belediyeler, yıl 9

(1995) sayı 25, 4-7) (in Turkish)

6. “Legislation as a Basis for Strengthening the Role and Contribution of Women to

Urban Policies: Official Report of Turkey”, Proceedings of OECD High Level Conference:

Women in the City, Paris 1994, 310-341.

7. “Mekan ve Ötekiler (Space and the Others)”, co-paper submitted to the Symposium on

“Urban Design and Micro-Milieu” organized by Mimar Sinan University Department of City

and Regional Planning on 16-17 May 1995 at Istanbul-Findikli (published : Defter, yıl 9 (yaz

1996) sayı 28, 39-43) (in Turkish)

8. “Official Secularization Process in Turkey: Presidency of Religious Affairs”, paper

submitted to the International Symposium on “Boundries of Europe?” organized by the

Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research on 8-11 1995 at Istanbul

Swedish Consulate - Swedish Research Institute (published: Larsson, Rikard (ed.),

Boundaries of Europe, Swedish Counsil for Planning and Coordination of Research Report

98:6, Uppsala 1998, 139-142)

9. “Din ve Devlet Islerinin Yeniden Düzenlenmesi ve Kamu Hizmetlerinin

Sunulmasinda Esitlik Meselesi (Is State Providing Equal Public Services to All Religious

Groups? ”, paper submitted to the International Symposium on “Reregulating the Religion

and State Relations in Turkey” organized by Cem Foundation on 26-27 March 1996 at

Istanbul (published : Din- Devlet İlişkileri ve Türkiye’de Din Hizmetlerinin Yeniden

Yapılanması Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Cem Vakfı yayınları:2 Bilimsel Toplantılar Dizisi :1,

İstanbul 1998, 195-200) (in Turkish)


10. “Kentsel Koruma ve Yenilemede Hukuksal Aksakliklar (Legal Problems in Urban

Conservation) paper submitted to the Symposium on “Urban Renawal” organized by Mimar

Sinan University Department of City and Regional Planning on 4-5 April 1996 at Istanbul (in


11. “Hukuki Yapisiyla Güneydogu Anadolu Projesi ve Bölge Planlamasi (A Legal

Evaluation of South-Eastern Anatolia Project and Regional Planning)”, paper submitted to the

Symposium on “National Regional Planning” organized by Gazi University Department of

City and Regional Planning on 17-18 October 1996 at Ankara (in Turkish)

12. “A Matter of Virtual Reality : the “effectiveness” of urban planning in Turkey”, paper

submitted to the International Symposium on “Spatial and Social Regulations in Middle

Eastern Cities” organized by Ben-Gurion University, Department of Middle Eastern Studies

on 8 - 9 June 1997 at Negev, Israel

13. “Kentsel Haklar : Hak Verilmez Alinir! (Urban Rights : Rights Are Not to Be Granted,

They Should Be Demanded)”, co-paper with Sibel Demiras submitted to the Symposium on

“Urban Policies” organized by Chamber of Urban Planners on 6-7-8- November 1997 at

Middle Eastern Technical University in Ankara (in Turkish)

14. “Yönetimde Seffaflik Üzerine Notlar (Notes on Government in Sunshine)”, paper

submitted to the International symposium on “Preparations for an Administrative Procedure

Act” organized by Prime Ministry on 17-18 January 1998 at Ankara (in Turkish)

15. “bana gerçeği söyleyin doktor : sağlıkta bilme, karar verme ve uygulama hakkı (tell

me the truth, doctor : right to know, to decide and to apply in health issues)” commentary in

panel discussion organised by Yapı Kredi Cultural Center in the context of ‘Tuesday

Meetings” on 24 february 1998 in İstanbul (published : Yedi Fiil, Etik ve Hakla (Seven Actb,

Ethics and Rights)r, Yapı Kredi Yayınları , İstanbul 1999, 139-157 (in Turkish).

16. “Sokrates or Antigone?” paper submitted to the symposium on “Living at the Edge ;

Modernity, Gender and Etnicity” organized by Mimar Sinan University Department of

Sociology on 2-4 November 1998 at Istanbul (in Turkish)

17. “Kural ve Istisnası (Norm and the Exception)” paper submitted to the symposium on

“Law and Ethics : What are the Issues and Approaches to a Resolution in Turkey?” co-

organized by Istanbul University School of Law and Istanbul University Department of

Philosophy on 7-8 October 1999 at Istanbul (in Turkish)

18. “Legal Mentality of the Late Ottoman Elite” paper submitted to the workshop titled

“Legal Education and Legal Knowledge in Meditterranean Societies” at the 1st Meditteranean

Social and Political Research Meeting organized by European University Robert Schuman

Center for Advanced Studies on 22-26 march 2000 in Floransa, Italy; see






19. “Environmental Concerns in a Planning Process”, paper co-authored with Aslı Ogut

Erbil and presented at 14th AESOP Congress: Planning at a Turning Point, Brno - Czech

Republic 2000, (Book of Abstracts 72).

20. “Environmental Concerns in the Planning Process: a case study in Turkey (Beykoz

Municipality – Istanbul)” paper submitted at the 3 rd European Urban and Regional Studies

Conference titled “A New Europe? Urban and Regional Economies, Cultures and

Governance” on 14-17 September 2000 in Voss, Norway

21. “Imar Mevzuatina Karsilastirmali bir Bakis : Bes Bati Avrupa Ulkesinin

Uygulamalari” (Planning Laws in 5 West European Countries : A Comparative Survey) paper

submitted to the Symposium titled Society and Architecture in Planning Law organised by

Turkish Chamber of Architects and Engineers on 13-14 October 2000 at İTU Taskisla –

İstanbul (published : İmar Hukukunda Toplum ve Mimarlık, TMMOB Mimarlar ODASI

Genel Merkezi Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi Mimarlar Odası Bursa Şubesi,

2002, ISBN :975-395-522-7, 90-95) (in Turkish)

22. “Women in Modernization Process in Contemporary Turkey”, conference at

University of Michagan, Ann Arbor organised by Women’s Studies Center on March 19,

2001 (paper co-written with Ozgur Sevgi Goral)

23. “Law, Rape, Prostitution and Feminist Movement in Turkey”, paper (co-written with

Ozgur Sevgi Goral ) submitted to the Women’s Studies Program 7th Annual Conference titled

Women and the Law: Legal System/Legal Fictions organised by Marquette University,

Milwokee – Wisconsin on March 22-24 , 2001

24. “Liability of a Geotechnical Engineer in the Turkish Legal System” paper submitted

to the XVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering held

in İstanbul on 27-31 August 2001 (published in Proc. XVth International Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 27-31 August 2001, v.4, Balkema Publishers,

Lisse/Abington/Exton/Tokyo 2002, 2737-2744)

25. “Author Meets Critics” A critical paper for Stephen Kinzer’s Crescent and Star :

Turkey Between Two Worlds presented in a special session in Middle East Studies

Association (MESA) meeting held on 18-20 November 2001 in San Fransico.

26. “Türk Modeli Laikliğin 21. Yüzyılda Geleceği (Future for Turkish Model Secularity in

the 21st Century)”, a paper presented in a panel discussusion in the Congress titled ‘Relations

Between State and Religion : Various Models, Concepts and Experiments’ organised by

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and held on 10-11 October 2002 in Istanbul (published : Devlet ve

Din İlişkileri – Farklı Modeller, Konseptler ve Tecrübeler, Konrad Adenauer Vakfı, Ankara

2003, ISBN: 975-7968-47-1, 139-141) (in Turkish)

27. “Hukuk Neye Yarar? (What Law is For?)”, a paper presented in the symposium titled

"To Think with Rights’ organised by Izmir Bar Association Center for Human Rights held on

12-13 October in Izmir. (in Turkish)

28. "Constructing a Secular Nation-State: An Administrative Tool of the Republic of

Turkey - Directorate of Religious Affairs", a paper presented in the conference titled Ninth


Annual ASN World convention 2004 "Nation, Identity and Conflict : A Cross-Disiplinerary

Convention" by Association for the Study of Nationalities held on 15-17 April 2004 in

Hartman Institute, Columbia University, New York.

29. "Rape, Prostitution and Law in Turkey", a paper presented in the conference titled

"Evil, Law and the State" held on 14-17 July 2004 in Mansfield College, Oxford.

30. “Justinian, Alfonso and Napoleon : Mediterranean Milestones of World Law”a paper

presented in the conference titled The World History Association 14th Annual Conference

“Mediterranean in World History / Africa in World History”, 27-29 June 2005, Al Akhawayn

University, Ifrane-Morocco

31. “Hukuk’ta Özgürlük Kavramına Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu’nun Katkıları” (Contributions

of Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu to the Concept of Freedom in Jurisprudence) , )”, a paper presented in

a panel discussusion in the Workshop titled ‘Discussions on Knowledge, Ethics and Freedom”

held on 9 December 2005 in Istanbul Technical University, İstanbul (published by İstanbul

Technical University Press: no. 1625 in 2006. ISBN 975-561-285-8)

32. “A Secular State and a Muslim Socıety? An Insight Into Politıcal Islam And Turkish

Politics”, a paper presented in the Workshop titled "Political Islam or Islamic Politics: An

Insight into Theory and Praxis of Islamic Discourse" in European Consortium for Political

Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops held on 25-30 April 2006 at Intercollege,


33. “Any Means of Reconciliation? : Transforming The Undercurrent Crisis Between

‘Secularists’ And ‘Pro-Islamists’ in Turkey into a Capacitated Democracy”, a paper

presented in a panel discussusion in the 20th World Congress of the International Political

Science Association (IPSA) held on 9-13 July 2006 at Fukuoka, Japan.

34. “Türk Hukuk Mevzuatında Dini Kurumların Yeri ve Uygulama (The State of

Religious Institutions in the Turkish Legislation and Its Implications)”, a discussion paper

presented in the international conference titled Religious Institutions and Education in the

Process of European Union organised by ISAV (The Foundation for Research in Islamic

Sciences), and held on 17-19 November 2006 in İstanbul.

35. “Freedom of Religion and the State – the Turkish Case”, paper presented as a keynote

speaker at the international conference titled Turkey in Europe – Religion, Politics and the

Politics of Religion organised by Copenhagen University Danish Institute for International

Studies on 17-20 January 2007 in Copenhagen.

36. “Administrative Regulations on Religious Services in Turkey”, a paper presented as an

invited speaker at the international conference titled Future of Shari’a:Secularism in an

Islamic Perspective organised by Emory University School of Law, 26-30 January 2007 in

Atlanta .

37. “'Mobilizing Religious Sensibilities by Music: Politics? Marketing? Both?”, The

European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) “Religion and Politics: Conflict or

Cooperation” workshop, 7-12 May 2007, University of Helsinki, Finland.


38. “Secularism and Laicité: Two Concepts in Turkish Politics”, 10th Annual Conference

on Conceptual History: Transnational Concepts, Transfers and the Challenge of the

Peripheries, 30 August-2 September 2007, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

39. “Making Religion Through Secular Legal Tools: The Case of Republican Turkey”, a

paper presented at the international conference titled The Politics of Religion-Making

organised by Hofstra University, 4- 6 October 2007, in Long Island.

40. “Politics of Religion in Turkey: The Republican Times”, a paper presented as an

invited speaker at the international conference titled Islam in Turkey Today organised by

Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, 2-3 November 2007 in New


41. “Politics of Religion in Turkey: The Republican Times”, a conference as an invited

speaker at the University of Bergen, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies on 30

November 2007.

42. “Interactions between Transnational Religious Alliances and Globalization: the Case

of Gülen Movement” a paper presented at the Ninth Mediterranean Research Meeting,

Florence and Montecatini Terme, 12-15 March 2008, organized by the Mediterranean

Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advance Studies at the European University


43. Invited discussant at the Conference titled A Different Approach to Debates on

Political Islam: Micro-Level Studies and organised by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Department of Middle Eastern Studies on 2-4 June 2008, Beersheva, Israel.

44. Invited speaker at the Conference titled Religion and Democratizations organised by

Democratization journal-Taylor&Francis at London Metropolitan University on 17-18 April

2009, London.

45. Invited speaker at the Conference titled State Management, Control, and

Institutionalization of Religion organised by Northwestern University Buffett Centre's

Keyman Program, 30 April - 2 May 2009, Evanston - Chicago.

46. “Religion as Soft Power in the International Relations of Turkey”, a paper presented at

the 60th Political Studies Association Conference, Edinburgh, 30 March-1 April 2010,

organized by the Political Studies Association.

47. “Global Public Goods and Role of Religion in International Relations”, invited paper

presented at the Religion and Global Governance Conference, Trento-Italy, 13-14 October

2010, organized by the Policy Planning Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the

Province of Trento and the Institute for International Politics Studies (ISPI).

48. “Türkiye’de Devlet-Din İlişkileri”, invited paper presented at the Symposium titled

“Changes in Turkey: in memorial to Prof. Dr. Erol Güngör”, Ankara 6-9 December 2010,

organized by Gazi University.

49. “Religion as Soft Power in the International Relations of Turkey”, a paper presented at

the Conference titled “Whatever Happened to North-South?” organized by IPSA


(International Political Science Association) – ecpr (European Consortium of Political

Research) on 16 – 19 February 2011, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

50. “The Making of Turkish Alevi Religion”, a paper presented at the workshop titled

“Globalisation, Secularisation and Religion – Different States, Same Trajectories?” organized

by ecpr (European Consortium of Political Research) on 12 – 17 April 2011, St.Gallen,


51. “Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi ve Laiklik”, invited paper presented at the Religion and State

Relations Symposium: for the initiation of the Doğuş University Research Center for Religion

and State Relations and Secularity, Doğuş University Faculty of Law, İstanbul 13 October


52. “Religions and New Perspectives for Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean?”, invited

participant at the Euro-Mediterranean Region: religions and new perspectives for dialogue

Conference, Trento-Italy, 20-21 October 2010, organized by the Policy Planning Unit of the

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Province of Trento and the Institute for International

Politics Studies (ISPI).

53. “Religion as Soft Power in the International Relations of Turkey”, ECPR (European

Consortium of Political Research) sponsored conference titled “The Postsecular in

International Politics”, University of Sussex, 27-28 October 2011.

54. Crisis and Critique Conferences: Transformation of Islamism in Turkey, a conference

organized by Sakarya University, scientific committee member and chair of session titled

“Islamism and New Discourses”, 2-3 November 2011, Sakarya University.

55. “Regulating Religion in Turkey”, invited paper presented at the “The Balkans

Transformation in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from the Baltics to the Mediterranean”

conference, 16-17 December 2011, Doğuş Üniversitesi, İstanbul.

56. “Accountability and Appointment of Membership”, invited speaker at Cycle on

Human Rights Institutions: Turkish Independent Human Rights Institution in line with the

Paris principles Seminar organized by European Commission TAIEX with cooperation of

Turkish Ministry for EU Affairs, 19-20 December 2011, Ankara Plaza Hotel.

57. “Din ve Vicdan Özgürlüğü Bağlamında Laiklik İlkesi”, invited speaker at New

Constitution Workshops organized by İstanbul University Law Faculty, 4 February 2012,

İstanbul University Law Faculty.

58. “Laiklik ve Din Özgürlüğü”, invited speaker at Contemparary Life Discusses the

Constitution Symposium organized by Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Association, 25 February

2012, Kadir Has Üniversitesi, İstanbul.

59. “Role of Religion in Turkey’s International Affairs in the Balkans”,speaker and

convenor (co-chair: Dr. Ana Devic) at the 13. Mediterranean Research Meeting organized by

European University Institute on “Ethno-Confessional Mobilizations and Secular

Nationalisms in the Balkans and the Middle East: The Myth of Religious and Secular

Nationalisms as Antipodes”, 21-24 March 2012, Montecatini-Terme.


60. “Religion, Politics and the Politics of Religion in Turkey”, keynote speaker at the

Istanbul Spring School: Islam and the Non-Muslim Other: Doctrines, Attitudes, and Practices

organized by The Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) ve The

Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), 26-30 March 2012,


61. “Laicité and Diyanet”, invited speaker at the 26. Abant Meeting on “The Framework

of the New Constitution”, 9-11 March 2012, Abant.

62. “Regulating Religion in Turkey”, invited speaker at the Embassy of the Kingdom of

the Netherlands, 4 April 2012, Ankara.

63. “Regulating Religion in Turkey: Diyanet”, invited speaker at İstanbul Şehir

University, 19 April 2012.

64. “Secularisms and Development of Modernities: the case of Turkey”, invited speaker at

the ENGLOBE (Enlightenment and Global History Marie Curie Initial Training Network)

Summer School: “Development as a Parameter of Global History” , 19 June 2012, Université

de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (

65. “Regulating hate speech legally”, invited speaker at the “Discriminatory Discourse in

the Media: Experiences” Panel Discussion organized by Hrant Dink Foundation, October 11,

2012, Sabancı University İstanbul Policies Center, Karaköy-İstanbul.

66. “Religion and Politics in a Changing Turkey”, invited speaker at the CTS

WESTMINSTER FORUM on Monday 15th of October, 19;00 pm. hosted by Emma

Reynolds, MP and Shadow Minister for Europe at the, British Parliament, Westminster,


67. “State and Religion in Turkey”, invited speaker at the “Real Siamese Twins of Turkey:

Religion and Politics” Panel Discussion organized by Boğaziçi University BUTİK, Boğaziçi

University South Campus İbrahim Bodur Hall, 22 november 2012.

68. “Secularisms and the development of modernity in Turkey in the framework of

religion, politics and politics of religion”, LUCIS (Leiden University Center for the study of

Islam and Society Conference: ‘State and Religion in the Republic of Turkey’ invited

speaker, 30 November 2012, Leiden-Holland.

69. “Kürtaj ve Yaşam Hakkı (abortion and right to live)”, invited speaker at Doğuş

University Human Rights Conferances II: Right to Live, 10 December 2012.

70. “Promoting Religious Freedom and Peaceful Coexistence”, invited participant at the

international workshop promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration

with ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale), 11 February 2013, Palazzo della

Farnesina, Rome.

71. “Religion, Politics and the Politics of Religion in Turkey”, invited speaker at Freedom

and Unfreedom in Turkey: Religion, Society, and Politics conference organised by South East

European Studies at Oxford, European Studies Centre - St. Anthony’s College, University of

Oxford, 9 March 2013, Oxford.


72. “Rethinking Diyanet”, co-organizer (with Prof. Dr. Ayşe Kadıoğlu), opening speaker

and moderator of the Diyanet in Turkey workshop organized by Sabancı University Istanbul

Policy Center, 6 June 2013, Istanbul Policy Center, Karakoy – Istanbul.

73. “Cool and Muslim: urban practices and cultural representations in Istanbul”, panel

moderator at Changing Imaginations of Istanbul: From ‘Oriental’ to the ‘Cool’ City workshop

organized by DFG Emmy Noether Research Group, 7 November 2013, SALT Galata,


74. “İstanbul: Müstesna Şehrin İstisna Hali”, opening speaker and panel moderator, 9

November 2013, IFEA- French Anatolian Research Institute Beyoglu, Istanbul.

75. “Religion, State and the Citizen”, invited speaker at Religion-Freedom-Tolerance

conference organised by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für die Freiheit, 14 November 2013,


76. “Freedom and Religion: Experiences from Turkey”, invited speaker at Freedom and

Religion: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Prospects for FNF Engagement expert round

table organised by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für die Freiheit, 15 November 2013, Baku-


77. “Rethinking Secularism”, co-organizer (with Prof. Dr. Ayşe Kadıoğlu), opening

speaker and moderator of the Secularism in Turkey conference at Sabancı Üniversitesi

Istanbul Policy Center, 22 November 2013, Istanbul Policy Center, Karakoy – Istanbul.

78. “A Body for Evangelical Muslim”, paper presenter at Religion, Democracy and Law

conference organised by London Metropolitan University, 15-16 January 2014, London-

United Kingdom.

79. “Religion, Laicité and Secular Ethics in Turkish Politics”, invited speaker and

moderator at the workshop organised by Okan Üniversitesi, Tuzla Campus Senate Hall, 10

april 2014.

80. “Diyanet Alevi-Bektaşi İlişkisi”, invited speaker at the International Symposium on

Current Issues in Alevi-Bektaşi Belief organised by T.C. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart

Üniversitesi Uluslararası Alevilik-Bektaşilik Güncel Sorunları”, 16-18 April 2014, Çanakkale.

81. “State and Religion in Turkey”, invited speaker at the conference titled Jornada de

Turquia organised by Casa Turca de Barcelona at Paranimf de l’Edifici Historic de la

Universitat de Barcelona’, 6 May 2014, Barcelona.

82. “Role of the Diyanet”, invited speaker at the conference titled “Legal Identity of

Religious Groups in Turkey” organised by Norwegian Helsinki Committee/Freedom of Belief

Initiative at Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus, 30 May 2014, İstanbul.

83. “Religion as Cement and the Role of the Diyanet in Diaspora Policies”, invited

speaker at the international conference titled “Making “Turks abroad”: Turkey’s new diaspora

policies in Western Europe” organised by Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), Sabancı University

and Stiftung Mercator Initiative on 7 July 2014, İstanbul.


84. “The Diyanet and Its role in Diaspora”, invited speaker at the international conference

titled XXVIII. Convegno Annuale organised by Italian Political Science Society (SCSP), 11-

13 September 2014, Perugia/Italy.

85. “Toplumsal Yapılanma ve Otoriterleşme (Social Structuring and Authoritarianism)”,

invited speaker at the conference titled “New Approaches in Social Sciences” organized by

Faculty of Economics Alumni Association in memoriam of Prof. Dr. Cavit Orhan Tütengil, 6

December 2014, İstanbul.

86. “The Management of Religion in Turkey”, invited speaker at the Turkey Institute

Forum - hosted by Nick de Bois, MP at the British Parliament: 15 December, 2014 Thatcher

Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, London

87. “İnanç Özgürlüğü (Freedom of Belief)”, invited speaker at the conference organized

by Gray Thought Group, 20 February 2015, İzmir Gediz University.

88. “Demokraside Hukukun Üstünlüğü (Rule of Law and Democracy)”, invited speaker at

the conference organized by Intercultural Dialogue Platform, 20 February 2015, İzmir.

89. “Vesayet ve Siyaset”, invited speaker at the conference organized by Freedom and

Democracy Platform, 20 March 2015, Ataşehir Mariott Hotel, İstanbul.

90. “Türkiye’de Din ve Devlet: Religion und Staat in der Turkei”, invited speaker at the

international conference titled “Perspektivenwandel durch Migration?: Transformation of

Perspectives through Migration?” organized by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – forum

internationale wissenschaft bonn – Orient institut İstanbul 4-6 May 2015, Bonn/Germany.

91. Moderator at Parliamentary Roundtable (Closed Session) titled “Gender-Sensitive

Humanitarian Action”, Istanbul Summit 2015: Women as the Beneficiaries and Actors of

Humanitarian Action, 9-10 May 2015, Istanbul.

92. “The Development of Political Corruption in Turkey: When is Corruption Harmful?,

UN 24th Session of Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice – Social Justice:

Combatting Corruption from the Perspective of Equal Opportunity, 22 May 2015, United

Nations Vienna – Conference Room M07.

93. “European Court of Human Rights – 62649/10 no. Dogan and Others/Turkey”; expert

witness, 3 June 2015.

94. “Radicalization: Relations Between State and Religion?” invited lecturer at Summer

School on Human Security and Civic Resistance, 5-11 August 2015. Prishtine and Prizren –


95. “June 2015 General Elections and Turbulence in Politics of Turkey”, invited speaker –

Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security (RUSI) & CEFTUS (Centre for

Turkey Studies), 1 September 2015; Whitehall, London.

96. “Recent Developments Regarding the Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights in

Turkey”, keynote speaker at the 33. Covering Turkey program on “A Report on the Rule of

Law and Respect for Human Rights in Turkey Since December 2013” organized by

Medialog Platform, The Journalists and Writers Foundation, 8 October 2015.


97. “Din ve Devlet İlişkileri Ekseninde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihini Okumak”, invited

lecturer at Social Sciences Camp (SOBİKA) organized by Gediz University Gri Düşünce

Topluluğu, 11 October 2015, Gediz Üniversitesi-İzmir.

98. “Religious Truth Claim and Pluralism= Sociological and Legal Point of Views:

Turkey”, invited speaker at the Conference titled “Religious Truth Claim and Pluralism” co-

organised by Eugen Biser Foundation, Munich-Germany and German Embassy, Ankara; 15

October 2015; German Embassy Summer Residence, Istanbul.

99. Ensuring Child and Maternal Health - Key to Universal Health Coverage: Keynote

Speaker at the 12th SEA Regional Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological

Association joined with the 2nd Annual Conference of TAI; Mahidol University, 24-26

November 2015; Bangkok – Thailand.

100. “Compulsory Courses of/on Religion in the Primary Education System: Policies and

Legal Regulations in Republican Turkey”, invited speaker at the Round Table titled

“Compulsory Courses of/on Religion: Legal and Pedegological Perspectives

/Implementations, 5 December 2015, Amnesty International – Istanbul.

101. “Matters of Democracy, Freedoms and Possible Transformations: A Look on Hizmet

Movement”, Keynote Speaker at the “Transnational Religious Movements, Dialogue and

Economic Development” Conference organized by Torino University - Dipartimento di

Culture, Politica e Societa'; 10-11 December 2015, Turin-Italy.

102. “Turkey and the 1980’s”, invited speaker at the Project “The Uses of Art” carried by

L’Internationale, 8-9 February 2016, Ghent, Belgium.

103. “Religion and Politics in Today’s Turkey”, invited speaker for a public lecture in the

context of Project titled Changing Structures of Islamic Authority (CSIA) financed by

European Research Council and run by Oxford University Department of International

Development; 25 february 2016; Oxford, UK.

104. “Diyanet and the Recentring of Traditional Islamic Learning in Turkey”: invited

discussant for a workshop in the context of Project titled Changing Structures of Islamic

Authority (CSIA) financed by European Research Council and run by Oxford University

Department of International Development; 26 february 2016; Oxford, UK.

105. “Confiscation Laws”, invited speaker for the Conference co-organized by the Centre

de Recherche des Droits de l’Homme” (CRDH) of Paris 2 Pantheon-Assas University and

Geneva Academy in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights; 3-4 March 2016;

Geneva University, Switzerland.

106. “Religion in Turkey: From the ‘Management of Religion’ to Where?”, invited speaker

for the Public Program in Köken Ergun’s Young Turks exhibition at Garage Modern Arts; 12

March 2016; Moscow, Russia.

107. “Mobilizing the Youth for Gender-Equality: the Project ‘She4All’”, invited speaker

for the United Nations 60th Commission on the Status of the Women: Empowerment of

Women in Decision-Making Positions; 18 March 2016; New York, USA.



• “Tuşlarda Bir Kelebek : Toshiko Akiyoshi (A Butterfly on the Keys : Toshiko

Akiyoshi)”, Yeni Yuzyıl, 13 july 1996, 19. (in Turkish)

• “Çürümenin Zarafeti (Elegance of Decadance)”, Milliyet Sanat Dergisi, 497 (1

february 2001), 12-13.

• “Bir Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bibliyografyası Üzerine Çeşitlemeler (Variations on a

Bibliography of Gender)”, hayalet gemi, 63 (november-december 2001), 11-13. (in Turkish)

• “Onikinci Gecenin Marifeti (The Magic of the Twelveth Night)”, hayalet gemi, 65

(march-april 2002), 49-50.

• “Sesimizi Duyurmaya Açık Bir İmkan : 94.9 Açık Radyo (An Open Facility to Make

Our Voices Heard : 94.0 Açık Radio”, İstanbul, 42 (july 2002), 80. (in Turkish)

• "Babalar ve Çocuklar (Fathers and Offsprings)" Virgül, 64 (september 2004), (in


• “Gezgin Ozanlar Terennüm Ederken (As Troubadours Sang)”, Aralık, no 1 (2007) 10-

14 (in Turkish)

• “Tılsımlı Adalar: Galapagoslar (Enchanted Islands: Galapagos)”, Virgül, 131

(November-December 2009), 64-65 (in Turkish)


• Cemil Kavukçu, Three Stories, epsilon, İstanbul 2004 (Turkish to English)


Modernity, Modernities, Modernization; History, Politics, Law and Society of Turkey;

Religion, State and Society; Human Rights with a special focus on religious discrimination;

role of religion in international relations


Turkish (native), English (fluent).


Date of Birth: 5 April 1959

Place of Birth: Istanbul

Gender : female

Marital Status: married to İskender Savaşır - no children


Hobbies: cinema; literature; music (special interest on Western classical music and jazz)

Radio program production

Producer and performer of the daily radio show titled “Our Rights” aired at Açık Radyo

(Open Radio) – FM 94.9 / Istanbul from November 1995 to May 1998; co-producer and co-

performer of The weekly radio show titled “Men, Women and Rock’n’Roll” from May 1996

to November 1998; producer and performer of the weekly radio show titled “Music in Space

and Time” November 1999 – April 2003; music consultant to 8 sectioned TV documentary

series titled “Paths of Literature: spaces in writings of living Turkish authors” produced by

Turkish Radio and Television 2 (broadcasted by April 2003); producer and performer of the

weekly radio show titled “Sound in Space and Time” April 2003 – (since April 2009 on

Johann Sebastian Bach); co-producer and co-performer of the weekly radio show titled

“Spirit of the Laws” November 2012-April 2014).


Moshe Ma'oz Title and Abstract

“Al-Haram Al-Sharif/The Temple Mount and the Emerging Muslim-Jewish Religious


Senior Israeli security personnel, Israeli and Palestinian political leaders, rabbis and imams

have been warning for years that the Jewish-Muslim conflict over Temple Mount/Haram al-

Sharif could trigger a devastating worldwide religious war.

Few, however, have paid much attention to the underlying processes propelling the parties

inexorably towards impending catastrophe: growing Islamic anti-Semitism or Judeo-phobia in

the Arab and Muslim worlds on the one hand, and accelerated Jewish Islamophobia in Israel

and the Diaspora on the other.

These destructive trends, which feed off each other, have intensified sharply since Israel's

capture of East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in June 1967. Israel's triumphant return to

Jerusalem's religious heartland sparked heady euphoria in the Jewish world, and deep trauma

amongst Muslims.

The anti-Semitic wave gathered momentum the more Israeli governments and extremist

Jewish groups were perceived as undermining the sanctity of the Haram and the status of East


Parallel to the growing Islamic Judeo phobia, radical nationalist and religious messianic

trends were developing in Israel, especially among Jews in the national religious movement.

The more radical among them advocate the building of the Third Jewish Temple on Temple

Mount on the ruins of the existing mosques. In the meantime they insist on the right to go up

onto the mountain and pray, in violation of Israeli government agreements with the Muslim

Waqf, which administers Muslim Holy places, on the Haram.

Nevertheless, on several occasions the Arab side offered Israel a way out of the Jerusalem

dilemma based on divided sovereignty and agreed arrangements for the holy sites.

Most importantly, in March 2002, all 22 Arab states backed the Saudi peace initiative offering

Israel peace, security and normalization of ties on condition that it agrees to the establishment

of a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital. Unfortunately,

only a few groups of Jews in Israel and the Diaspora have accepted the Arab/Muslim peace

initiative, and have preached for a Jewish/Muslim peaceful existence in Jerusalem and



Born in Tel Aviv, 1935; Matriculated Secondary School 1952. Military service in the IDF,

1952-1955 (special service 1979-1980, rank: colonel).

B.A., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1958, in History of the Middle East and Arabic

Language and Literature.


M.A., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1961, in History of the Middle East (Major) and

International Relations (Minor); studied also Turkish and French.

D. Phil., (Ph.D) St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, England, 1966, in History of the

Middle East.

University Teaching:

Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1968 to the present: Lecturer (1968), Senior Lecturer (1969),

Associate Professor (1972); and Professor (1982) in History of the Middle East. Professor

Emeritus 2003-.

Other University Positions:

Chairman, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Hebrew University, 1971-75; Director, The

Harry S Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University, 1975-

78; Chairman, Dept. of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Hebrew University, 1983-86;

Director, The Harry S Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, 1992-98.

Senior Fellow, the Truman Institute, 1999-

Fellowships and Visiting Professorships:

Wolfson Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, England, 1970-71; Fellow, Institute

of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, 1978-79; Visiting Scholar, The Woodrow Wilson

Center, Washington, D.C., Summer 1980; Visiting Professor, Columbia University, N.Y., Fall

1976; Visiting Professor Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Fall Semesters, 1976 and

1981; Fellow, Netherland Institute for Advanced Study, Wessenaar, Holland, 1982; Middle

East Studies Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1986-87; Visiting Scholar,

Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1987; Member in a

Joint Working Group on Israeli-Palestinian Relations, Harvard University, 1995-1999;

Visiting Scholar, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Summer 1996, and The

Norwegian Institute of International Relations, Summer 1997. Visiting professor, Colgate

University, Spring 2000; Brandeis University, Spring 2003. Senior Fellow, United States

Institute of Peace, Washington DC, 2003-2004. Visiting scholar, Middle East Institute,

Washington DC, Summer 2003; The Rabin Fellow, James Baker Institute, Rice University,

2004; Senior Fellow, US Institute of Peace, Washington 2004/5. Visiting scholar, Harvard

University, 2007; Senior Fellow, The Truman Institute, Hebrew University, 2008-. Lectures

in numerous professional conferences and seminars in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and


Adviser to the Israeli Government: Assistant-Adviser to Prime Minister Ben Gurion on Arab

Affairs in Israel, 1960-62; Adviser to the Knesset Committee for Foreign Affairs and Defense,

1977-79; Adviser on Arab Affairs to Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, 1979-80; Member of


Advisory Committees on Arab-Israeli Relations to Prime Minister Shimon Peres, 1985-86;

and to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,


Joint Academic Projects with Palestinian Scholars:

Since 1986, participated and initiated dozens of joint research projects, seminars and


1998 – 2003 Chairman, The Research Center on the Arab Society in Israel 2003 - 2005 Co-

Chair, Jewish-Islamic Dialogue, at Israel’s President’s Forum.


The Landau Prize, Mifal HaPayis, Israel, 1987.

The Tzetzik Prize, Tel Aviv University, 1996.



1. Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine 1840-61. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1968

(266 pp.).

2. Modern Syria: Political and Social Changes (Hebrew). Tel Aviv,1974 (107 pp.).

3. Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank. Frank Cass, London, 1984 (220 pp.); Enlarged

Hebrew edition, Tel Aviv, Reshafim, 1985 (240 pp.), Arabic Edition, 1996.

4. Asad, The Sphinx of Damascus: A Political Biography, Weidenfeld, London, New York,

1988 and 1990 (266 pp.), Hebrew edition, 1988, Chinese edition, 1992.

5. Syria and Israel: From War to Peacemaking, Oxford University Press, Oxford (280 pp.)

1995. Enlarged Hebrew Edition, 1996; Arabic Edition, 1998.

6. Middle Eastern Minorities: Between Integration and Conflict, The Washington Institute

for Near East Policy, Washington DC, 1999 (111 pp.).

7. Syria: Toward Arabism and Back, (Hebrew), The Open University, Israel, 2008.


1. Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period, Jerusalem, The Magnes Press, 1975 (585


2. Palestinian Arab Politics, Jerusalem, The Harry S Truman Research Institute, 1975 (146


3. Syria Under Asad (with A. Yaniv) Croom Helm, London, 1986 (273 pp.)


4. From War to Peace: Arab-Israeli Relations 1993-1995 (with R. Rubin and J. Ginat),

Sussex Press, UK, 1994 (244 pp.)

5. The Palestinian National Movement: From Confrontation to Reconciliation? (with

6. B.Z. Kedar, in Hebrew), Ma’arachot, Tel Aviv, 1996 (423 pp.)

7. The PLO and Israel 1964-1994 (with A. Sela), St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1997 (310


8. Middle Eastern Politics and Ideas (with I. Pappe), Tauris, London, 1997, 230 pp.

9. The Golan Between Israel and Syria (in Hebrew). Ma’ariv, Hed Arzi, Tel Aviv, 1999.

10. Modern Syria from Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East (with J. Ginat and O.

Winckler), Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 1999.

11. Jerusalem: Points of Friction – And Beyond (with Sari Nusseibeh), The Hague, Kluwer

Law International, 2000

12. Middle Eastern Minorities and Diasporas (with G. Sheffer), Brighton, Sussex Academic

Press, 2001.

13. The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: Oslo and the Lessons of Failure (with R. Rothstein

and Khalil Shikaki), Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2002.

14. The Meeting of Civilizations: Muslim, Christian and Jewish, Brighton Sussex

Academic Press, 2009.

15. Muslim Attitudes to Jews and Israel, Brighton, Sussex Academy Press, 2010.

Articles and Monographs:

1. “Local Government Among the Arabs in Israel” (Hebrew), Hamizrah Hehadash, 12, 1962,

pp. 233-240.

2. “Syrian Urban Politics in Tanzimat Period,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African

Studies, University of London, Vol. 29 (1966), pp. 277-301.

3. “The Jews in the mid-Nineteenth Century Syria: A Community in Transition,” Proceedings

of the XXVII International Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor, 1967.

4. “The Impact of Modernization on Syrian Politics and Society During the Early Tanzimat

Period” in W. Polk and R. Chambers (eds.) Beginnings of Modernization in the Middle East,

The University of Chicago Press, 1968, pp. 333-349.

5. Palestine During the Ottoman Period: Documents from Archives and Collections in Israel.

The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1970, 52 pp.

6. “The ‘Ulama and the Process of Modernization in Syria During the mid-Nineteenth

Century,” Asian and African Studies, Vol. 7, 1971, pp. 77-78.

7. “Syria (Al-Jumhuriyya as-Suriyya).” Middle East Record 1967, The Shiloah Center, Tel

Aviv University, 1971, pp. 489-503.


8. “State and Society in Modern Syria,” in Milson (ed.) Society and Political Structure in the

Arab World, N.Y., 1973, pp. 29-88.

9. “Attempts at Creating a Political Community in Syria,” Middle East Journal, Autumn,

1973, pp. 389-404.

10. “Changes in the Position of the Jewish Communities in Palestine and Syria, in mid-19th

Century,” Studies on Palestine under Ottoman Rule, M. Ma’oz (ed.), The Magnes Press,

1975, pp. 143-163.

11. “Soviet and Chinese Influence on the Palestinian GuerrillaMovement” in A.Z.

Rubinstein, Soviet and Chinese Influence in the Third World, New York, 1975, pp. 109-130.

12. “The Role of Islam in Syria,” New Outlook, May 1973, pp. 13-18.

13. “The Military in Syrian Politics Since 1966,” in H. Shiffrin (ed.), Military and State in

Modern Asia, Truman Institute Studies, Jerusalem, 1975, pp. 91-105.

14. “Syria Under Asad: New Domestic and Foreign Politics,” Jerusalem Papers on Peace

Problems, 1975, 26 pp.

15. “Egypt Eyes the Middle East Conflict” in A. Levi, The Arab-Israeli Conflict,Tel Aviv,

1975, pp. 77-83.

16. “Homogeneity and Pluralism in the Middle East: The Case of Lebanon” in W.A.

Veenhoven (ed.), Case Studies on Human Rights, The Hague, 1976, pp.181-208.

17. “The Image of the Jew in Official Arab Literature and Communication Media” in M.

Davis (ed.), World Jewry and the State of Israel, Arno Press, New York, 1977, pp. 33-51.

18. “America and the Holy Land During the Ottoman Period: Sources for Research,” in M.

Davis (ed.), With Eyes Toward Zion. The Arno Press, New York, 1977, pp. 65-78.

19. “Hafez al-Asad: A Political Profile,” The Jerusalem Quarterly, 8 (Summer 1978), pp. 16-


20. “New Attitudes of the PLO regarding Palestine and Israel” in G. Ben-Dor (ed.) The

Palestinians and the Middle East Conflict, Tel Aviv, 1978 pp. 545-554.

21. “Intercommunal Relations in Ottoman Syria During the Tanzimat Era” in O. Ukyar and

H. Inalcik (eds.), Social and Economic History of Turkey (Ankara, 1980) pp. 205-220.

22. “Communal Conflict in Ottoman Syria During the 19th Century-Political and Economic

Factors,” in B. Braude and B. Lewis (eds.) Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, New

York, 1981, pp. 91-105.

23. “Israel and the Arabs After the Lebanese War,” Jerusalem Quarterly, Summer 1983, pp.


24. “Muslim Ethnic Communities in 19th Century Syria,” Asian and African Studies, 1985,

pp. 283-307.

25. Palestinian Nationalism - The West Bank Dimension, Woodrow Wilson Center,

Washington, D.C., 1985, 41 pp.


26. “Israeli Positions Regarding the Palestinian Question,” Problems of International

Cooperation Viertel Jahres berichte. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. March 1985, pp. 21-28.

27. “Israel and the Arabs: The Challenge of Peace” Political and Economic Trends in the

Middle East, Shireen Hunter (ed.) (CSIS and Westview), 1985, pp. 59-64.

28. “The Process of Making Peace,” American Arab Affairs, Fall,1985, pp. 50-58.

29. “Missed Opportunities for Middle East Peace” (with Emile Sahliyeh) The Brookings

Review, Summer, 1986, pp. 25-31.

30. “The Emergence of Modern Syria” in M. Ma’oz and A. Yaniv (eds.) Syria under Asad.

Croom Helm, London, 1986.

31. “State-Run Terrorism in the Middle East: The Case of Syria” Middle East Review, Spring

1987, pp. 11-16.

32. “Hafez al-Assad” in B. Reich (ed.), Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East,

Greenwood Press, N.Y., 1990, pp. 51-64.

33. “Syrian-Israeli Relations and the Middle East Peace Process” Jerusalem Journal of

International Relations, No. 3, 1992, pp. 1-21.

34. “Changes in the Position and Role of the Syrian ‘Ulama in the 18th and 19th Centuries,”

T. Philipp (ed.) The Syrian Land in the 18th and 19th Century, Stuttgart, 1992, pp. 109-122.

35. “The Jewish-Zionist and Arab-Palestinian National Communities: The Transposing

Effect of a Century of Confrontation,” J. Spagaolo (ed.), Problems of the Modern Middle

East in Historical Perspective: Essays in Honour of Albert Hourani, Oxford, 1992, pp. 151-


36. “Democratization Among the West Bank Palestinians” in E. Kaufman, S.B. Abed and

R.L. Rothstein, (eds.), Democracy, Peace and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, L. Rienner,

Boulder, 1993, pp. 213-244.

37. “The PLO Regional Arab Politics” in A. Sela and M. Ma‘oz (ed.) The PLO and Israel,

op. al, pp. 97-119.

38. “Syria: Creating a National Community” in L. Binder (ed.), Ethnic Conflict and

International Politics in the Middle East, Florida, 1999, pp. 77-91.

39. The Palestinian Refugee Problem and the Right of Return (co-author), Center for

International Afairs, Harvard University, 1998, 38 pp.

40. “The Oslo Agreements: Toward Arab-Jewish Reconciliation” in R.L. Rothstein (ed.),

After the Peace, L. Rienner, Boulder, 1999, pp. 67-83.

41. “From Conflict to Peace? Israel’s Relations with Syria and the Palestinians” Middle East

Journal, Summer 1999, pp. 393-416

42. “Changes in Syria’s Regional Position vis-a-vis Israel” in M. Ma’oz, J. Ginat and O.

Winckler (eds.), Modern Syria, Sussex Academic Press, UK, 2002, pp.257-271.


43. “What South Asia can learn from the Middle East Peace Process,” in Moonis Ahmar

Karachi (ed.), The Arab-Israeli Peace Process, Lessons for India and Pakistan, Oxford

University Press, 2001.

44. “The Palestinian Refugees and the ‘Right of Return’: Problems and Solutions” co-author,

Harvard Univesity, 1998, 38pp.

45. “The Oslo Peace Process: from Breakthrough to Breakdown,” The Israeli-Palestinian

Peace Process: Oslo and the Lessons of Failure (with R. Rothstein and Khalil Shikaki),

Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2002.

46. “The Future Israeli-Palestinian Relationship” (with Ghassan Khatib) Middle East Policy,

Vol. VII, No.2, Feb. 2000, pp.90-112.

47. “Damascus vs. Washington,” Inventing the Axis of Evil, New Press, N.Y., 2004.

48. Can Israel and Syria Reach Peace? The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy,

Rice University (2003) 42 pp.

50. Washington and Damascus: Between Confrontation and Cooperation, The U.S. Institute

of Peace, Washington DC, 2005

51. “After the Lebanon War: Can Israel Build Trust with Syria, Lebanon and Palestine,” in

E.G. Corr, J. Ginat and S.M. Gabbay (eds.), The Search for Israeli-Arab Peace,“ Sussex

Academic Press, 2007, pp. 169-179.

52. The Shi‘i Crescent: Myth and Reality, Brookings Institute, Washington DC, 2007.

53. Syria’s Regional Policies: Aggressor, Mediator or Peacemaker. The Century

Foundation, New York, 2007.

54. “Muslims, Jew and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” The Israel Journal of Foreign

Affairs, Jerusalem, Vol.3 No. 3, 2009, pp 15-21.

55. “Israel’s Peace Agreements with Jordan and Egypt, A Comparison,” 30 Years After-

The Middle East Peace Process Revisited, ed. Hassan Barari, Amman. 2009.

56. “The Israeli-Syrian Conflict: The Role of Stategic Ideological and Psychological

Factors,” in Alfred Wittstock, editor, The World Facing Israel – Israel Facing the World,

Frank & Timme, Berlin, 2011.

57. “Quo Vadis Syria,” in The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 2011.

58. "The Role of the Temple Mount/Al Haram Al Sharif in Deterrioration of Muslim-

Jewish Relations", Approaching Religion (on line), Vol. 4, No. 2, 2014, pp. 60-70.

59. "The 'Arab Spring' and the New Geo-Strategic Environment in the Middle East",

Insight Turkey, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2012, pp. 13-23.

60. "The 'Arab Spring' in Syria – Domestic and Regional Development", Dynamics of

Asymmetric Conflict, (7) 1, 2014, pp. 49-57.


61. "A Third Intifada Or A Political Process?", The Jerusalem Report, September 21,

2015, pp. 6-7.

62. "A National Or Religious Conflict? The Dispute over the Temple Mount/Al Haram Al

Sharif", Palestine-Israel Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, & Vol. 21, No. 1, 2015, pp. 25-32.

63. "The Failure of Uprising in Syria" (in Hebrew, in print).


Alessandro Cancian Abstract:

The mystical and the political in modern Shiʿi Islam: Islamic government, revolution and the

case of Sufism in 20th century Iran.

It has become commonplace in the public discourse and in the media to identify the roots of

late 20th and early 21st century political Islam in the rise of Khomeini’s ideology of the

Islamic Government (wilāyat-i faqīh) and its success in the establishment of the Islamic

Republic of Iran. Such a commonplace enables popular yet ill-informed pundits to explain the

sudden and largely obscure rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria resorting to an far-

fetched contiguity of the latter with Khomeinism. While there is a temporal connection

between this phenomenon and the Islamisation of the political discourse in the Middle East, a

closer scrutiny of the political, social and historical circumstances that made the elaboration

of Khomeini’s theory of an Islamic government possible, shows the absurdity of such a


In this presentation, I will offer an overview of Khomeini’s view on the Islamisation of

politics and compare it with other views on the same subject as formulated by different voices

within modern Shiʿism, namely those of prominent modern Shiʿi Sufi masters. In doing so, I

will demonstrate how not only all of these views are a world apart from Salafi-inspired

theories and practices of political activism, but also represent a counter-discourse, carrying

within themselves progressive elements entirely absent in the forms of violent activism

currently under the international spotlight.



Researcher and Lecturer in Islam and Religious Studies


Date of Birth: 08/20/1975

Place: Torino (Italy)

Male, Italian.

Research Associate, Unit of Qur’anic Studies, Department of Academic Research and

Publication, The Institute of Ismaili Studies (, London



- Ph.D. (Dottorato di Ricerca), Anthropology, University of Siena (Italy), 2005


Cultural Anthropology of Muslim Societies, Anthropology of Religion

Dissertation: La Hawza ‘Ilmiyya e la formazione dell’élite religiosa nei collegi teologici dello

sciismo duodecimano. Elementi dottrinali e indagine di campo (The “Hawza ‘Ilmiyya”.

History, Doctrines and Field Research). Grade: “Ottimo” (highest grade with honors).

- M.A. (Laurea Specialistica), History of Iran, Ca’ Foscari University at Venice, 2000


Religious History and Literature of Iran and Persianate Cultures; Shi’ism, Sufism and

Zoroastrianism between Iran and South Asia.

Thesis: Alcune note sul primo capitolo del Dabestan-e Mazaheb (Remarks on the first Chapter

of the Dabestan-e Mazaheb). Grade: 110/110 with honors (magna cum laude).

- B.A. Oriental Languages and Cultures, Ca’ Foscari University at Venice.


Persian language and Literature, Arabic Language, Islamic Studie

2001-2003, enrolled in the traditional curriculum in different Islamic subjects (Jurisprudence,

History, Grammar, Logic) at the Madrasa “Zaynabiyya” and Madrasa “Imam Khumayni”,

Sayyida Zaynab, Damascus.

1997, 1998, University of Tehran, Persian Language training at Dehkhoda Institute, advanced


1995, High School Diploma at Liceo Classico (Grammar School in Classics) “Giacomo

Leopardi”, Pordenone, Italy. Grade: 50/60.


Islam, History of religions, Iran, Sufism, Shi’ism, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Muslim

Philosophy, Sufism and Zoroastrianism in India, Persian Language and Literature, Dialogue

Among Civilizations.


Research Associate

Unit of Qur’anic Studies, Department of Academic Research and Publication, The Institute of

Ismaili Studies (

London, UK

2010 – present



Introduction to Islamic Civilisation

Islamic College for Advanced Studies (Middlesex University), London, UK

2010 – present


Islamic Mysticism

Islamic College for Advanced Studies (Middlesex University), London, UK

2014 – present


Social Impact of Sufism

Islamic College for Advanced Studies (Middlesex University), London, UK

2014 – present


Islamic Studies

Doctorate in Professional Studies, Middlesex University


Anthropology of Muslim Societies

Graduate Program in Islamic Studies and Humanities

Institute of Ismaili Studies, Department of Graduate Studies

2011 - 2012

Project Development and Public Relations Executive

Foundation for the Dialogue among Civilizations (President Seyyed Mohammad Khatami)

Geneva, Swiss, 2007-2010

Research Assistant of H.E.

Mohammad Javad Faridzadeh


Ambassador of the I.R. of Iran

to the Holy See, 2005-2007

Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Research Network (GDRI) “Shi’ism

and Sufism”, established by the French Research Council (CNRS) in 2013.

Co-investigator and visiting scholar, British Academy funded Research Project of the British

Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) and the British Institute of Persian Studies


“Clerical Authority in Shiite Islam: Culture and Learning in the Seminaries of Iraq and Iran”



Project Director and main investigator: Professor Robert Gleave, University of Exeter, UK

Other: Free lance translator, interpreter and instructor, Persian and Arabic Language at

various institutes and centers (details on request).


Reviews Editor

Journal of Shiʻa Islamic Studies (



- Shīʿi Mystical Exegesis: Sulṭān ʿAlī-Shāh’s Qurn’anic Commentary and Sufism in

Iran (19th-20th Centuries) (Working title, forthcoming, exp. 2016).

- Hawza. La formazione dell’élite religiosa nello sciismo duodecimano: elementi

dottrinali e indagine di campo (updated version of the doctoral dissertation, in print, Jouvence.


Edited Books:

- Approaches to the Qur'an in Contemporary Iran (forthcoming, exp. 2016)

- An Anthology of Qur’anic Commentaries: On Ethics, (with. Nuha Al-Sha’ar) in


- L’Iran e il tempo: una società complessa, Jouvence: Roma, 2008.

Papers, Articles and Book Chapters


- “Overflowing Knowledge: Visualising Authority in Sayyida Zaynab’s Ḥawza

ʿIlmiyyas”, in R. Gleave (ed.), Knowledge and Authority in Shiʿi Islam (forthcoming 2016).

- “Islam, Unbelief and Wilāya: Early Modern and Modern Iranian Shiʿi Sufism and its

Approach to the Boundaries of Faith”, in Giovanna Calasso e Giuliano Lancioni, Dār al-

islām/dār al-ḥarb: Territories, People, Identities, Brill (forthcoming, 2016).

- “Translation, Authority and Exegesis in Modern Iranian Sufism: Two Iranian Sufi

Masters in Dialogue”, in The Journal of Persianate Studies, 7 (2014), pp. 88-106.

- “Continuity and Change in Theological Higher Education: Shīʿi Ḥawza ʿIlmiyyas and

Catholic Seminaries in the Face of the Challenges of Modernity and Post-Modernity”, in

Islamochristiana, 40 (2014), pp. 75-88.

- “Incontro con il maestro della Neʿmatollâhiyya Gonâbâdiyya, Nûr ʿAlî Tâbandeh

‘Majzûb ʿAlî Shâh’”, in Giovanni De Zorzi (ed.), Con I dervisci: otto incontri sul campo,

Mimesis: Milano, 2013, pp. 155-172.

- “Politica, religione, mobilitazione urbana e violenza in Iran nei secoli XVIII-XXI:

Casi di studio”, in, Storia Urbana, special issue on Iran: identità, politica, organizzazione

territoriale, n. 131 (2011), pp. 53-70.

- “Patina, essenza o genere letterario? Il paradigma della povertà nei collegi teologici

dell’Islam sciita”, in G. G. Filippi (ed.), Il concetto di Uomo nelle società del Vicino Oriente e

dell’Asia Meridionale, Cafoscarina: Venezia, 2011, pp. 41-54.

- “Qualche riflessione su Europa, Oriente e Islam”, La Porta d’Oriente, rivista di studi

sugli orienti, 10, (2011)

- “Shi’ism”, in A. Classen (ed.), Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms - Methods -

Trends, 3 Volumes, De Gruyter: Berlin and New York, 2010, pp. 93-104.

- “Islamic Philosophy”, in A. Classen (ed.), Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms –

Method - Trends, 3 Volumes, De Gruyter: Berlin and New York, 2010, pp 46-56.

- “Image of Man, Image of God. The Case of Shi’ite Gonābādī Sufism and its

Approach to Human Dignity in Modern Iran”, in A. Melloni, R. Saccenti (eds.), In the Image

of God. Foundations and Objections within the Discourse on Human Dignity. Proceedings of

the Colloquium at Bologna and Rossena (July 2009) in Honour of Pier Cesare Bori, Lit

Verlag, Berlin, 2010, pp. 263-284.

- “La fondazione della hawza ‘ilmiyya come ‘luogo del sapere’ nello sciismo

duodecimano”, in La porta d’Oriente, 9 (2010).

- “L’esegesi dell’acqua nel sufismo sciita: il caso del tafsīr Bayān al-saʽādat di

Sultānʽalī Shāh Gonābadī”, in G. G. Filippi, I fiumi sacri, “Indoasiatica” 6 (2009), pp. 69-103.

- “Tradizionalismi asimmetrici. Filosofia, politica e azione sociale nell’Imam Khomeini

e in Swami Karpatri: note di antropologia politica”, in La porta d’Oriente, 8 (2009), pp. 62-



- “Una disperazione militante. Il paradosso della teoria imamita del potere temporale nel

tempo dell’occultazione dell’Imam”, in A. Cancian (ed.), L’Iran il tempo. Una società

complessa, Jouvence: Roma, 2008, pp. 63-121.

- “Regimi filosofici: l’insegnamento curricolare di hikma e falsafa come diaframma tra

giurisprudenza e gnosi nella madrasa imamita”, in F. Gobbo, (ed.), Processi educativi nelle

società multiculturali, CISU: Roma, 2007, pp. 41-82.

- “Uno sguardo orientalista sul sufismo “tradizionalista”. Alcune note su Against the

Modern World di Mark Sedgwick”, in La porta d’Oriente, rivista di studi sugli orienti, 2

(2007), pp. 89-94.

- “ʽE il terrore lo precederà’. Intorno a rigore, collera ed ermeneutica delle tradizioni

imamite su Ghayba e Zuhūr”, in M. Marchetto (ed.), L’Ira degli Dèi. Le maschere di Dio: l’ira

del cielo, dèi terrifici e angeli sterminatori, Indoasiatica, 4 (2006), pp. 97-122.

- “Il tempio come mesocosmo nel Dabestān-e Mazāheb”, in A. Panaino, R. Zipoli,

(eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea,

held in Ravenna, October 2003, vol. 2, Classical & Contemporary Iranian Studies, Mimesis:

Milano, 2006, pp. 23-31.

Convening of Panels and Conferences:

- 2-5 August 2016, University of Vienna, convenor of the panel ‘Shi'i Eschatologies

across the Millennium: 900-1900’ at the Eleventh Biennial Iranian Studies Conference.

- 2-4 September 2013, London, convenor of the International Colloquium “Approaches

to the Qur’an in Contemporary Iran”, at the Institute of Ismaili Studies:

- 3 August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey: convenor of two panels on Qur’an in Contemporary

Iran at the 9th Biennial Conference of Iranian Studies: http://www.iranian-

Selected Public Lectures and Talks:

- 2 December 2015, Dante Alighieri Society, Montecarlo, ‘Walāya sciita e i Fedeli

d’Amore. Fenomenologia dell’amore spirituale tra oriente e occidente’ (Shiʿi Walāya and the

Faithful of Love: Phenomenology of Spiritual Love between East and West’).

- 29 September 2014, King’s College, Faculty of History, ‘Religion and the Intellectual

History of Early Modern Iran

- 22 october 2013, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Divinity, Islamic Studies

Seminar, ‘Shiʿi Sufism in the 19th Century : A Neglected Intellectual Tradition’. –

- 1 March 2012, Paris, IISMM-EHESS, series of Research Seminars of the CNRS

Research Unit “Monde iranien et indien”, Nouvelles recherches sur l’histoire intellectuelle et


sociale du chiisme à l’époque moderne et contemporaine (XVIe-XXe siècles), « Exploring

Shiʻi Religious Higher Education. Main Issues and the Constitution of Visual Research »

- 5 April 2012, Paris, IISMM-EHESS, series of Research Seminars of the CNRS

Research Unit “Monde iranien et indien”, Nouvelles recherches sur l’histoire intellectuelle et

sociale du chiisme à l’époque moderne et contemporaine (XVIe-XXe siècles), « Shi’i Sufi

Tafsir and Authority. Reception and Perception in the Case of Sultan’ali Shah’s Bayan al-

Sa’ada »

- 10 May 2010, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, “Shī’i Tafsīr Classification and

Sulṭānʽalīshāh’s Bayān al-saʽāda”, Qur’anic Studies Lectures.

- 8 March 2008, 3rd series of conferences “East within West”, Tariqa Burhaniyya,

Rome, “Lo Shaykh Sultān ʽAlī Shāh [XIX sec.], eponimo del ramo Sultānʽalīshāhī dell’ordine


- 31 March 2007, 2nd series of conferences, “The Ways of Sufism”, Tariqa Burhaniyya,

Rome, “Macrocosmo e microcosmo dell’Imam secondo il sufismo iraniano”.

- 8 November 2007, Gregorian University, Rome, “Antropologia religiosa dello

sciismo. Tra dottrina ed etnografie” (Religious Anthropology of Shi’sim: in between Doctrine

and Ethnography)

- February 2003, Sayyida Ruqayya Institute for Religious Studies, Damascus, Syria,

“Anthropology and Religion: Islam” (in Persian).

Published Translations:

- Ruhollah Khomeini, Il governo islamico, o l’autorità spirituale del giureconsulto, Il

Cerchio: Rimini, 2006 (translation of Khomeini’s Wilāyat-i faqīh, hukūmat-i islāmī).

Book reviews:

- S. Manoukian, City of Knowledge in Twentieth Century Iran: Shiraz, history and

poetry, in Journal of Shiʿi Islamic Studies, 6/1 (2013), pp. 109-114.

- N. Kermani, The Terror of God. Attar, Job and the Metaphisical Revolt, in Journal of

Shiʻi Islamic Studies, 5/4 (2012), pp. 494-497.

- L.Capezzone and M. Salati, L’Islam sciita. Storia di una minoranza, in Journal of Shiʿi

Islamic Studies, 5/3 (2012), pp. 361-364.

- A. Al-Azmeh, Islam and Modernities, in Journal of Shiʿi Islamic Studies, 5/2 (2012),

pp. 207-213.

- D. Thurfjell, Living Shi’ism. Instances of Ritualisation Among Islamist Men in

Contemporary Iran (Expanded version in English), in Journal of Shiʿi Islamic Studies 4/3

(2011), pp. 355-360.


- D. Thurfjell, Living Shi’ism. Instances of Ritualisation Among Islamist Men in

Contemporary Iran, in La Porta d’Oriente, 2 (2007).

- M. Sedgwick, Against the Modern World. The Secret Intellectual History of the 20th

Century, in Religioni e società: Rivista di scienze sociali delle religioni, 3(2006), pp. 123-4.

Encyclopaedia Entries:

- “Gonābādī, Reẓāʿ-Alī-Shāh” in Encyclopaedia Iranica (commissioned, forthcoming in


- “Jalāl Āl-e Ahmad”, in Reference Guide to World Literature (third ed.), St. James

Press, Washington, 2002, pp. 22-4.

- “Plagued by the West”, in Reference Guide to World Literature (third ed.), St. James

Press, Washington, 2002, pp. 1457-8.

- “Qurratulein Hyder”, in Reference Guide to World Literature (third ed.), St. James

Press, Washington, 2002, pp. 491-2.

- “Tahar Ben Jelloun”, in Reference Guide to World Literature (third ed.), St. James

Press, Washington, 2002, pp. 115-17.


Research grant (British Academy, with Massimiliano Fusari, 2009-2010), £5000 in the

framework of the project “Clerical Authority in Shi’i Islam” for the project Representing the

Iconography of Knowledge within the Syrian Hawzas: Interaction between the Visual and the


Research Grant (University of Bologna, 2005), € 7000, spent for a research leave on Shiʿi

mysticism at the EPHE, (Sorbonne, Paris).

“Raffaele Pettazzoni” Research Fellowship in Religious Studies (Accademia Nazionale dei

Lincei, 2004), € 10.000.


I have a sound command of Persian and Arabic, written and spoken. Furthermore, I have full

command of English, speak French at basic level and I can comfortably read and translate

from Spanish, French, Latin, ancient Greek.


Member of the Society for Iranian Anthropology (SIRA).

Member of the International Association of Scientific Collaboration for Iranian Studies

Member of the International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS)


Member of the Scandinavian Society for Iranian Studies (SSIS)


I am interested in the intellectual and religious history of Shiʿism, Shiʿi Sufism, the

anthropology of Islam, the anthropology of contemporary Iran, Shiʿi and Sufi (and Shiʿi-Sufi)

exegesis of the Qur’an, comparative philosophy, Muslim mystical philosophy, and the

dialogue among civilizations.

As an historian of religions with a background in anthropology, I have developed a hybrid

methodology that enables me to work with due competence both on the historic-textual and

the contemporary-behavioral sides of the Muslim world, with particular reference to Shiʿism

in Iran. I am also involved in research on interreligious and intercultural dialogue at a broad

international level, as testified by my cooperation with the Foundation for the Dialogue

among Civilizations, founded by former I. R. of Iran’s President Seyyed Mohammad


Besides cultivating my hobby of perfumery, on which I am taking tuition from the worldwide

acclaimed “nose” Roja Dove, I am currently developing an interest in the history, philosophy

and practice of perfumery in the Muslim world, with a focus on perfumery terminology in

Persian classical poetry.


- Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi

Directeur d’études, Theology and Exegesis of Shiite Islam,

École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sections de Sciences Religieuses

Sorbonne, Paris

[email protected]

- Todd Lawson

Professor of Islamic Studies

University of Toronto, Dept. of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

[email protected]

- Robert Gleave,

Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies

University of Exeter, Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Exeter, Uk

[email protected]

- Ambassador Mohammad Reza Alborzi (on behalf of Seyed Mohammad Khatami,

former president of Iran)

Foundation for the Dialogue among Civilisations,

Place du Bourg-de-Four 9, Genève, Suisse

[email protected]


Elmira Akhmetova Title & Abstract

State and Religion in Post-Independence Malaysia: 1957-2016

This paper attempts to study the relationship between the state and its dominant religion,

Islam, in Malaysia since 1957. When Malaya obtained independence from the British in 1957,

Islam has been expected to play a declining role in state affairs. The Constitution guaranteed

Islam to be the religion of the state, while religious freedom for non-Muslims should be

assured without any discriminations and Malaysia should be considered a ‘secular’ state.

Since then, Islamic affairs remained under a state responsibility and Malaysia has been hailed

for decades as an oasis of moderate Islam. Within last few years, however, some young

Malaysians began answering to call of Jihad from the Daesh fighters. The paper accordingly

endeavours to underline the main factors for a decline of moderate and enlightened attitude of

Islam in Malaysia. It suggests the politicization of Islam in the government affairs, combined

with the simultaneous authoritarian tactics in policing opposition as one of the main factors

for decline in religious freedom. The last part of the paper discusses the external reasons for

an intensifying role of political Islam in Malaysian state affairs by highlighting the impact of

globalization, the global ‘War on Terror’ and mass media on wellbeing and security of

Muslim communities.


Elmira Akhmetova, (PhD), Department of History and Civilization,

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Mobile: +60 193 309619

Dr Elmira Akhmetova, a Tatar scholar from Russia, is an Assistant Professor at Department

of History and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Before joining

IIUM, she served as a Research Fellow at International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies

(IAIS) Malaysia, studying history of Islam in Russia and current political developments,

which are reflected in her monograph, entitled Islam in Russia: Historical Facts and Current

Developments (IAIS Monograph Series). She obtained her PhD from IIUM in 2014, where

she did a research on Pan-Islamism in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century. In 2005,

she joined Centre for Islamic Studies (ISAM), Istanbul, Turkey, as a visiting scholar, working

on the project entitled Musa Jarullah: Career, Scholarship and Impact. She has published a

number of academic articles, book chapters and monographs on the issues of Islamic history,

interfaith dialogue, Islamic political thought, peace and civilisational studies.


Session V

Mohammed Ilyas: Title:

What measures are effective in countering violence and promoting de-radicalization?

Over the last fifteen years’ governments have sought not only to understand radicalization but

also ways to de-radicalize those that have been radicalized. Consequently, de-radicalization

models have gained considerable currency and become part of counter-terrorism strategies of

many governments. However, these models have received criticism from Muslim

communities, frontline practitioners and academics.

In this paper I will detail measures to counter violence (foreign fighters) and promote

deradicalization programs. To prevent the acquisition and acting upon extremist three

simultaneous processes need to take place: 1) A trusting partnership between governmental

institutions Muslim communities: 2) An understanding of both ‘push and pull’ factors

involved in some Muslims turning to extremism and violence: 3) Development of platforms to

discuss the discourses that foster environments conducive for the ‘push and pull’ factors to

emerge. These processes will not only create spaces for de-radicalization programs to be

developed, which incorporate the concerns of Muslim communities but also be accepted.

Although the paper will address the aforementioned points in the context of the UK, but the

recommendations that I forward to best to tackle violent ideas and promote de-radicalization

programs are applicable in different contexts.


Dr. Mohammed Ilyas

Department Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology

University of Liverpool

Bedford Street South

University of Liverpool

L69 7ZA

[email protected]


My research focuses on global terrorism and hate crime. I am specifically interested in new

modes of terrorism, gender and militancy, gender-based crime in conflict zones and inter-


Muslim hate crime. Currently, I am researching into ISIS recruitment of European families

and trafficking.


October 2005 - September 2011: Goldsmiths University of London, UK

Course: PhD: Jihad in the West (supervised by Prof. Chetan Bhatt: LSE). ESRC

Scholarship: Pass

October 2002 - September 2004: Cranfield University, UK.

Course: MSc: Information Technology: Pass

October 2001 - September 2002: University of Essex, UK

Course: MA: Cultural studies: Pass

October 1997 - May 2000: De Montfort University, UK

Course: BA Honors: Sociology and Leisure Studies: 2:1


August 2015 - Present: Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology: University of

Liverpool, UK

September 2013 - 2015: Visiting Research Fellow: Middlesex University, London,


I research into new modes of terrorist violence, international militant

groups and smuggling and gender-based violence in conflict zones.

October 2010 - December 2013: Researcher: Goldsmiths University of London, UK

Project: Violence and subjectivity in a global movement: jihadi

trajectories in the UK and Spain (funded by European Commission -

Marie curie and Australia Research Council Large Grant)

October 2008 – September 2010: Researcher: Goldsmiths University of London, UK

The experience, imagination and vocabulary of Muslims in western

societies (funded by Australia Research Council Large Grant)

October 2005 - September 2010: Visiting Tutor in Sociology: Goldsmiths University

of London, UK


May 2015 - December 2015: Wall Street Journal: Britain’s ISIS women


August 2014 - Present: Women’s Voice: Social media and ISIS recruit of Western

Muslim women and families

May 2014 - December 2014: Open University and Queen’s University Belfast:

Attitudes to Death for National, Ideological and/or Religious Causes

March 2014: BBC Newsnight: Radicalisation in British Prisons

January 2014: BBC Panorama, Jail to Jihad

December 2013: Channel 4: European Jihadists

Media work:

June 2015: BBC Three Counties Radio: Radicalisation and families travelling to join


June 2015: BBC Radio Leeds: ISIS recruitment of Western Muslims: men, women

and families

April 2015: BBC Radio Berkshire: British women and families traveling to join ISIS

March 2015: BBC South News: British foreign fighters and ISIS

March 2015: BBC South News: The Internet and British Muslims joining ISIS


Visiting Lecturer: May 2015 - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of

Social Work (Muslim politics and Europe, militant groups and technology, gender

and war, researching militant groups)

Visiting lecturer: November 2011 - Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Department

of Intercultural Studies, Kyushu University (international conflict, research methods,

academic writing and presentations)

Journal Reviewer: Journal of Terrorism Research

Organisation membership:

British Sociology Association (BSA)

International Sociological Association (ISA)

Radicalisation Awareness Network – (RAN Derad): European Commission

European Expert Network on Terrorism Issues (EENeT): European Commission


Hodri Ariev

Title & Abstract:

Islam Against Islam

Doctrinally speaking, Al-Qur’an states that Prophet Muhammad was sent down as a mercy

(rahmah) of Allah to all creatures. So his presence should bring and give mercy for everyone.

Related to this statement, Prophet Muhammad explained that he himself is sent down to

perfecting best character. These two important messages are like two faces of a coin, the one

can’t be separated from another. An effort to establish mercy of Allah must be done in

accordance with best ways, must not annoyed whomsoever. Even dakwah, should not be a

coercion and only a way to delver and to inform religious messages. Any coercion in religion

is forbidden in the Qur’an. Unfortunately, these important and tolerant messages of Islam are

destroy in the hands of Muslims themselves.

At least there are four factors where radicalism and terrorism branch out, i.e. world political

and economic constellation, cultural diversity, and hermeneutical weakness. These four

factors are intermingle and smartly used by terrorists to justify their violence actions. Global

political constellation and economic asymmetry provide a reason for their terror actions, while

at the same time they claim that their actions are based on Islamic teaching. On other side,

their hegemonic and superior orientation courage them to do cultural cleansing simply the

said cultures are has no Arab origin. They justify their terror actions by interpreting Islamic

messages shallowly, even mistakenly. Thus, all peace lovers around the world should be hand

in hand against these terrors.


Name: Hodri Ariev

Date & Birth Place: Jember, November 17, 1970

Address: South of Karangharjo Traditional Market, Silo, Jember 68184

East Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Cell phone/WA: +62 811 351 289


Undergraduate Specialty Islamic Law Postgraduate Specialty (MA) Philosophy of Tasawuf

Postgraduate Specialty (Ph. D.) Islamic Studies (on Ph. D. These research process)



- Chairman of Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum (An Islamic Boarding School), South of

Karangharjo Traditional Market, Silo, Jember 68184, East Java Indonesia

- Chairman of East Java Branch of Majma’ al-Buhuth al-Nahdliyah

- Member of Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Pesantren Association

- Lecturer at Annuqayah Islamicate Knowledge Institute, Sumenep East Java

Activities & Works

Speaker at some National and Regional Forum, especially themes on Political Islam,

Radicalism and Terrorism, Islamic Philosophy and Tasawuf.

Among Others:

[Together with C. Holland Taylor and Prof. Ratno Lukito] Principal Authors of The Illusion

of An Islamic State: How an Alliance of Moderates Launched a Successful Jihad Against

Radicalization and Terrorism in the World’s Largest Muslim-Majority Country, Jakarta:

LibForAll Foundation, the Wahid Institute, Maarif, 2011.


Dele Ashiru Title & Abstract:

Political Islam, Boko Haram and the Illusions of an Islamic State in Nigeria


‘Dele Ashiru

Department of Political Science

University of Lagos

[email protected]

234-802-627-4712, 234-814-155-9588

Political Islam refers to the belief that Islam as a religion has a guiding political doctrine and

clearly stated injunctions about how state and society should be ordered. It involves the

avowed commitment and dedication to the establishment of an Islamically ordered society

based on the principles of the Islamic law called the Sharia. In a historical and analytical

manner, this paper examines the emergence, activities and agitations of the Boko Haram sect

in Nigeria. The paper observes that rather than the establishment of an Islamic state, the Boko

Haram sect harbours ethnic, social and political grievances against the state which compels it

to carryout insurgency and terrorist activities. It argues that despite its claimed desire to foist

an Islamic State on Nigeria, its insurgent posture, terroristic inclinations and the wanton

destruction of innocent life and property of both Muslims and Christians represent a total

negation of the dictates of Islam as a religion and thus cannot achieve the Islamisation of the

country. The paper concludes that the fragility of the state, its lack of capacity, rampant social

and economic exclusion of a majority of the people, ineptitude of the political leadership,

wanton corruption and the mismanagement of the State’s resources by a coterie of individuals

and the attendant consequences of poverty, unemployment and mass illiteracy in the Northern

part of the country are actually the roots of the quest for political Islam in Nigeria.


Surname: ASHIRU

Other Names: Nosiru, Oyedele

Place of Birth: Lagos, September 20th, 1971

Nationality: Nigerian

Marital Status: Married

No and Ages of Children: Two, Twelve and Seven Years


Contact Address: Department of Political Science,

University of Lagos, Akoka,

Lagos, Nigeria

Email Address and Phone Nos: [email protected]

[email protected]




Home address: 7, Ogunnoiki Street, Olojojo Busstop,

Oworonsoki, Lagos.

Educational Institutions Attended with Dates:

University of Lagos 2006-2013

University of Lagos 1998-1999

University of Lagos 1991-1996

Methodist Boys High School, Lagos 1987-1989

Sari-Iganmu Secondary School 1982-1986

Academic and Professional Qualifications:

Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science) 2013

Master of Science, Political Science (Distinction) 1999

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Political Science

(Second Class) Upper Division 1996

West African Examination Council

(Advance Level) 1989

West African Examinations Council

(Ordinary Level) 1986

Academic Honours Won:

Best Overall Graduate Student


Department of Political Science

University of Lagos 1999

University of Lagos Postgraduate Bursary Award 1998

Working Experience:

Lecturer l:

Department of Political Science

University of Lagos 2013


Basics II – Nigeria (USAID)

18, Temple Road

Ikoyi, Lagos 2002-2004


University of Calabar and University of Ado-Ekiti (DLP)

Folu Educational Services Nigeria Limited,

99, St. Finbarrs College Road, Akoka, Lagos 1998-200

Current Research Interest

Political Islam, Religious Fundamentalism and the Political Economy of Development

Academic and Administrative Experience:


University of Lagos Staff School

Board of Governors 2014


University of Lagos Students’ Union

Election Petitions Committee 2014

Visiting Scholar

Department of History

University of Texas at Austin 2011-2012


Staff Adviser

Faculty of Social Sciences Students

Association (SOSSA)

University of Lagos 2009- Till Date

Member Editorial Team,

Centre for Black and African Arts and

Civilization (CBAAC)

36/38 Broad Street,

Lagos. 2006-2014


International Conference Local Organization Committee

(LOC), Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization

(CBAAC) 2005-2014


Department of Political Science

Conference/Seminar/Workshop and

Public Lecturer Planning Committee 2006-2013

Examination Officer,

Department of Political Science

University of Lagos 2006-2008


Examinations Committee

Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Lagos 2006-2008


University of Lagos Committee on the

Review of the Students Union Constitution 2006-2007


Sub-Committee on the Review of the

University of Lagos Students’ Union Constitution 2006-2007

Course Adviser:

Final Year Students 2005-2007


University of Lagos

Students’ Union 1995-1996


Federation of Oyo State

Students’ Association 1994-1995


Membership of Professional BodiesMember,Nigerian Association of Political Science



Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)

Academic Research Experience

1. Ashiru, ‘Dele (2013) Political Islam: Fundamentalism and the Politicization of Religion in

Nigeria, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Lagos: School of Postgraduate Studies, University of


2. Ashiru, ‘Dele (1998) The Politics of Self Succession in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis

of Generals Ibrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha’s Self Succession Bid, Unpublished

M.Sc. Thesis, Lagos: Department of Political Science.

3. Ashiru, ‘Dele (1996) Political Transition in Nigeria: An Appraisal of Ibrahim

Babangida’s Transition Programme (1985-1993), Unpublished B.Sc. Research, Lagos:

Department of Political Science.

Academic Publications

1. Ashiru ‘Dele (Forthcoming) Political Islam in Nigeria: Fundamentalism, Boko Haram and

the State, Amherst, N.Y: Cambria Press

2. ‘Dele Ashiru, (Forthcoming) The Nigerian State, NEPAD and the Challenges of

Development in Nigeria, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Bayero University,


3. ‘Dele Ashiru (Forthcoming) Insurgency, Terrorist Inclinations and Political Stability in

Nigeria, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, South Africa: University of


4. Ashiru ‘Dele (2015) Foreign Aid and Development in Nigeria, Lagos: UNILAG Journal

of Politics, Vol. 3 No 1

5. Ashiru, ‘Dele (Forthcoming) Political Islam and Social Policies in Africa: The Nigerian

Example, African Institute of South Africa, Pretoria

6. Ashiru ‘Dele (Forthcoming) Between the Ikwanul Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood) in

Egypt and Jamaatul ahli-sunnah li Dawati wa jihad (Boko Haram) in Nigeria: Political

Islam and Democratic Consolidation in Africa, African Journal on Conflict Resolution

7. Ashiru ‘Dele (Forthcoming) Decolonizing the Curricular: The Education System and the

Imperatives for Development in Nigeria, Academic Staff Union of Universities, Abuja

8. Onuoha Browne and Ashiru “Dele (Forthcoming) “Contextualizing Insurgencies in

Africa” in Asia Journal of Global Studies, Vol 5, Nos 1-2


9. Ashiru ‘Dele (2013) Democratization and the Politics of Self Succession in Nigeria in

Maurice N. Amutabi and Shadrack W. Nasang’o (eds.) Regime Change and Succession

Politics in Africa: Five Decades of Misrule, New York: Routledge

10. ‘Dele Ashiru, (2011) “Book Review” Akin Alao and Rotimi Taiwo (eds.) Perspectives on

African Studies: Essays in Honour of Toyin Falola, in Journal of African and Asian

Studies, BRILL, 10 (2011) 387-396

11. ‘Dele Ashiru (2011) “Illiberal State, Oil Expropriation and Environmental Degradation

in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region” in Toyin Falola and Adams Paddock (eds.)

Environment and Economics in Nigeria, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis


12. ‘Dele Ashiru (2011) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Development

Paradigms in Africa: A Critical Appraisal in Akin Alao (ed.) Politics, Culture and

Development in Nigeria: A Festschrift for Gabriel Olatunde Babawale, Lagos: Centre for

Black and Africa Arts and Civilization (CBAAC

13. ‘Dele Ashiru (2010) “Chieftaincy Institution and Grassroot Development in Nigeria”

Tunde Babawale, Akin Alao, (eds.) The Chieftaincy Institution in Nigeria, Lagos:

Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) and Department of History,

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife.

14. ‘Dele Ashiru (2010) “The Youth, Political Participation and Democratic Consolidation

in Nigeria” in Wakili,H, etal (eds.) The Nigerian Youth, Political Participation and

National Development, Kano: Centre for Democratic Research and Training, Bayero


15. ’Dele Ashiru (2009) “The Judiciary and the Democratization Process in Nigeria” in

Sarafa Ogundiya etal (ed) A Decade of Redemocratization in Nigeria, Sokoto:

Department of Political Science, Usman Dan Fodio University.

16. Duro Ajeyalemi and ‘Dele Ashiru (2009) “Education and Democratic Governance in

Nigeria: A Symbiotic Relationship” in International Journal of Multicultural Education,

Lagos: Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Volume 3, No 1.

17. Ashiru ‘Dele (2008) “Book Review” on Kenneth Omeje (ed) (2007) State-Society

Relations in Nigeria: Democratic Consolidation, Conflicts and Reforms, London: Adonis

& Abbey Publishers Ltd, in Unilag Journal of Politics, Rainy Season (2008), Volume 4,

pg 25-265.

18. Adelaja O. Odukoya and ‘Dele Ashiru (2007) “Federalism and the National Questions in

Nigeria” in Remi Anifowose and Tunde Babawale (eds) Nigeria Beyond 2007: Issues,

Challenges and Prospects, Lagos: Department of Political Science, University of Lagos,

pg 75-105

19. Tunde Babawale and ‘Dele Ashiru (2006) “Funding Political Parties in Nigeria” in

Money, Politics and Corruption in Nigeria, Abuja: International Fund for Electoral

Support (IFES) Nigeria, pg 68-77 Conferences Attended with Dates



1. 1st International Conference and Doctoral Colloquium organized by the Faculty of Social

and Management Sciences, Bayero University, Kano on the theme, Development in

Africa: Perspectives, Issues and Trends between the 16th – 19th of November, 2015

2. International Conference on the Decolonization of Western Sahara organized by the

Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) with the theme Towards the Liberation of

Africa’s Last Colony between the 2nd – 6th of June, 2015

3. National Education Summit with the theme Towards a Liberating System of Education in

Nigeria organized by The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in collaboration

with NAAT, NASU and SSANU, 27th October - 1st November, 2014

4. Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) Conference Coordination

and marking Exercise (Government) between the 25th – 27th of August, 2014

5. The 4th Annual Africa Unity for Renaissance Conference organized by the Africa Institute

of South Africa, Pretoria between 22nd – 24th May, 2014

6. Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) National Delegates Conference held at the

University of Ibadan between the 16th – 18th of May, 2014

7. Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) Syllabus Review Workshop,

held at The Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, April 14, 2014

8. Academic Staff Union of Universities Zonal Leadership Training held at Olabisi

Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye between the 28th – 30th of March, 2014

9. Academic Staff Union of Universities National Delegates Conference held at the Benue

State Universities between May 2012

10. International Conference on Nigeria at 50 organized by the department of Political

Science, University of Lagos between 15th – 17th June, 2010

11. Conference on “Industrialization, Urbanization and Development” Organized by the

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, 15-16 November, 2000

12. Two-day Workshop on “The 2003 General Elections and Democratic Consolidation in

Nigeria, Organized by the Department of Political Science, University of Lagos and

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Excellence Hotel Ogba, October 29-30, 2003

13. Two-day Seminar on “ The Quest for Democratization: Military Governance and Trade

Unionism” held under the auspices of the Fredrich Ebert Foundation, University of Lagos,

6-7, 1995

14. The Obafemi Awolowo Foundation Dialogue held at the Nigerian Institute for

International Affairs (NIIA), Lagos, November 1996

15. Conference on “Constitutions and Federalism” organized by the Friedrich Ebert

Foundation and the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) University of Lagos, 23-25 April,



16. Conference on “The Role of Nigerian Labour in West African Integration” Organized by

the Third World Forum, Nigerian Network, Lagos 24-25 April, 1997. I was a facilitator at

the Conference

17. Conference on “Devolution of Powers in a Federal State” Organized by the Friedrich

Ebert Foundation, Lagos October, 14-15 1998. I was a Facilitator at the Conference.

18. A National Workshop on “Nigeria Beyond 2007: Issues, Challengers and Prospects”

Organized by the Department of Political Science, University of Lagos in Conjunction

with the Ford Foundation July 19-20, 2006. I was a member of the Local Organizing


19. International Conference on “Global African Spirituality, Social Capital and Self Reliance

in Africa” held at CASA Del PAPA, Qiudah , Republic of Benin, Organized by the Centre

for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) in Collaboration with the Pan

African Strategic and Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG) November 4-8, 2007. I

was a member of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).

20. Two-day International Conference on “Urban Violence, Ethnic Militias and the Challenge

of Democratic Consolation in Nigeria” Organized by the Institute for Media & Society,

Lagos, April 24-26, 2002. I was a member of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

21. International Summit of African Agencies and Organizations involved in the Management

and Promotion of Arts and Culture in Africa, Lagos August, 2008.

22. National Workshop on “Cultural Rejuvenation for National Integration and Sustainable

Development in Nigeria”, Organized by the Centre for Black and African Arts and

Civilization (CBAAC) Lagos, 17th -18th April, 2008

23. International Conference on “Teaching African History and Culture to the Diaspora and

Teaching Diaspora History and Culture to Africa” Organized by the Centre for Black and

African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) in Collaboration with the Pan African Strategic

and Policy Research Group (PANAFSTRAG) held at Rio De Janiero, Brazil, 10-14th

November, 2008

24. National Conference on “Chieftaincy Institution in Nigeria” organized by the Department

of History, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife in conjunction with Centre for Black and

African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC), April, 9-10,2008

25. International Conference on “Nigerian Youth, Political Participation and National

Development” Organized by the Centre for Democratic Training and Research,

Mambayya House, Bayero University, Kano, August 5-6,2008

26. National Workshop on “Civil Society Index Launch” Organized by the United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP) and Action Aid Nigeria, Abuja, June 9-10, 2009.

27. Two-day Summit on “The Youth and Positive Engagement towards Sustainable

Development” Organized by the Ijebu-East Local Government, Ogbere, Ogun State, 16-

17 October, 2008.




Playing Football, Table Tennis and Games


1. Professor Tunde Babawale


Students Affairs Division

University of Lagos

[email protected]

2. Professor Browne Onuoha


Department of Political science

University of Lagos

[email protected]

3. Professor Duro Ajeyalemi

Department of Curriculum Studies

University of Lagos

Lagos, Nigeria

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