




Research and Academics

q Ayushi Jain, BA (H) Psychology

Semes te r - I V r ece i ved a

certificate of participation in

the Sixth Global Leadership

P rog ramme in Bangkok ,

Thailand AUAP (Association of

Universities of Asia and Pacific)

from 25 August 2019 to 1

September 2019q Ayushi Khandelwal of MBA IB

Semester-II and Neha Garg of MBA Finance, Semester-II

• Won business p lanathon

competition at Xuberance

organized by IIS (deemed to be

University) on 18-19 October


• Stood second at Business Plan

c o m p e t i t i o n b y t h e

Department of Science and

Technology on 28 February

2020q Anjali Jain, Shreya Shil,

Somya Dube and Nisha of BCS Semester-III have cleared CS Foundation June 2019

q Aditi Jain, Parul Tailor and

A a s t h a J i n d a l o f B C P

Semester-III have cleared CA

Foundation June 2019

q Aishwarya Sharma, Chetna

Chittlangia and Sezal Garg of

BCP Semester-II have cleared

CA Foundation in November


q Aashima Sharma of BCS

Batch 2015-18 has cleared CS st

Professional 1 groupq Bhanushi Bagh of M.Sc.

Zoology Semester-IV received the Best Poster Presentation Award paper titled “Health Consequences o f Ear l y M a r r i a g e a n d Te e n a g e P regnancy in Ind ia” i n N a t i o n a l S e m i n a r o n Ado lescen t Hea l t h w i th emphasis on Diagnosis and Tr e a t m e n t o f d i s e a s e s organized by S.S.Jain Subodh College of Global Excellence, Sitapura on 11 January 2020

• Cleared CS Executive both


q Daksha Khanna of B.Com. Hons. Prof. CS Semester-VI

q Bhanvi Gahlot, Deboleena Gupta, Khushi Sharma, Poorna S ingha l , Sa lon i Dhoor ia , and Spand i ta Saroliya of Semester-VI of ACCA accredited Programme, B . C o m ( H ) i n A p p l i e d Accounting & Finance have cleared December 2019 exam of ACCA

q Anushka Agarwal of BCP

Semester-IV has cleared CA

Foundat ion in November


• Won Consolation Prize in Essay

Writing Competition organized

by Income Tax Department,

Jaipur on 19 July 2019



q Harshita Sharma , Radhika Rathore of BCA Semester-VI, J igyasa Agrawal of BCA S e m e s t e r - I V a n d S w a t i Agarwal of BCA Semester-II won first prize at PowerPoint presentation organized by DST Rajasthan on 27 February 2020 on the occasion of Science Week Celebration. The theme of PowerPoint presentation was 'Changing Technologies for Better World' and the title of t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n w a s 'Developing Virtual Labs for Physics and Biotechnology using Blender'

q Harshita Sharma Bhoomika Sharma, Megha Shekhawat, Radhika Maheshwari, Jyotika Sharma and Manasvi Veer of B . A . B . E d . / B . S c . B . E d . (Semester-VIII) have qualified the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) December 2019 conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi

q M s . K a r u n a A g r a w a l , Research Scholar, Department of Zoology received Second Best Poster Presentation award for the paper titled “Role of Ant idepressants in Male Reproductive Toxicity - A R e v i e w ” a t N a t i o n a l Conference on Changes in L i f e s t y l e I n f l u e n c i n g Adolescent Health organized by S.S. Ja in Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur, Rajasthan under the Auspices of Indian

• Received a Certificate of

Apprec ia t ion in an Ora l

presentation at the 14th India-

Japan International Conference

on Sustainable Development

G o a l s ( B I C O N - 2 0 1 9 )

organized by Biyani Group of

Colleges, Jaipur, Rajasthan on

23 – 25 September 2019

• S t o o d T h i r d i n P o s t e r

presentation award at National

Seminar on 'Opportunities and

New challenges in Life Science'

organized by St. Wilfred's P.G.

College, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 5

October 2019

q Kajal Sangtani, BCS Semester IV stood second in Essay Writing Competition held at ICAI on 16 November 2019

q Ku s u m R a n i , R e s e a r c h Scholar, Zoology

• R e c e i v e d B e s t P o s t e r

presentation award at National

Conference on 'Changes in

L i f e s t y l e I n f l u e n c i n g

Adolescent Health' organized

by S.S. Ja in Subodh P.G.

College, Jaipur, Rajasthan

under the Auspices of Indian

Society for the Study of

Reproduction and Fertility

(ISSRF) on 28-29 September


Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on 28-29 September 2019



q Neha Saxena (Research Scho la r, B io techno logy ) received a Cert i f icate of Apprec ia t ion in an Ora l presentation at the 14th India-

• R e c e i v e d b e s t p o s t e r

presentation award paper

titled “Consequences of poor

menstrual hygiene in rural

areas of India” at National

S e m i n a r o n N a t i o n a l

Conference on Changes in

lifestyle influencing Adolescent

Health organized by S.S. Jain

Subodh College of global

excellence, Sitapura on 28

September 2019

q Manjyot Kaur o f M.Sc . Zoology, Semester-IV

• R e c e i v e d b e s t p o s t e r

presentation award paper

titled “Health Consequences

of Early Marriage and Teenage

Pregnancy in India” at National

Seminar on Adolescent Health

with emphasis on Diagnosis

and Treatment of diseases

organized by S.S. Jain Subodh

College of global excellence,

Sitapura on 11 January 2020

q Laveena Jain of BCP Semester-V cleared her CA Inter 1st and

nd2 group and in May-June 2019 attempt and has entered into CA Final level

q Noopur Mundra o f BCP Semester-II has cleared her CA Foundation in November 2019 and bagged All India Rank 36

Japan International Conference on Sustainable Development G o a l s ( B I C O N - 2 0 1 9 ) organized by Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur on 23-25 September 2019

q Nitya Chandrayan & Rashika Jain of B.Sc. JWT Semester-VI won First Position in a poster presentation titled “A Study of Wi ld l i f e P ro tec t ion Law Towards Jewellery and Fashion Industry and its Effects on Society” organized by Biyani Group of Colleges on 23-25 September 2019

q Saloni Gupta of Semester-IV sthas cleared CS Executive 1


q Sneha Rani of BCS Semester-II has cleared CS Foundation Exam in December 2019

q Pa r u l A g a r w a l o f B C P Semester-III has cleared her

st ndCA Inter 1 and 2 groups May-June 2019 attempt and has entered into CA Final level

q R. Deepthi of BCS Semester-V sthas cleared her CS Executive 1

nd& 2 groups in June 2019 and h a s e n t e r e d i n t o C S Professional level

q Shilpa Chopra, Research Scholar, Zoology received Best Oral Presentation Award for paper titled “Assessment of protective role of Quinoa aga ins t sod ium f luor ide induced skeletal deformities in

thmice fetuses” in 14 India-J a p a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l



q Shibani Gupta (M.Sc. Zoology, Semester-IV) Received best poster presentation award p a p e r t i t l e d “ H e a l t h consequences of early marriage and teenage pregnancy in India” at National Seminar on Ado lescen t Hea l t h w i th Emphasis on Diagnosis and Tr e a t m e n t o f D i s e a s e s organized by S.S. Jain Subodh College of global excellence, Sitapura on 11 January 2020

q Shefali Parashar and Ankita Kanwar (M.Sc . Zoo logy Semester-IV) received the Best Poster Presentation Award for the paper titled “Infertility and A s s i s t e d R e p r o d u c t i v e T e c h n o l o g i e s ( A R T ) Techn iques” a t Nat iona l Conference on Adolescent Health organized by Subodh College, Jaipur on 11 January 2020

q S a k s h i P a t e l ( M . S c . Microbiology Semester-II) bagged Second Position in National Essay Competition on the topic "Re-emergence of Viral Infectious Diseases and their Control” organized by Microbiologists Society, India on 31 December 2019

q Shruti Garg, Isha Agarwal, Nimisha Agarwal, Niharika Agarwal, Shagun Arora, Arushi Jain, Yashasvi Goyal

Conference-2019, Biyani Shikshan Samiti, Jaipur on 23 September 2019

• R e c e i v e d b e s t p o s t e r

presentation award paper

titled “Health consequences of

early marriage and teenage

pregnancy in India” in National

Seminar on Adolescent Health

with emphasis on Diagnosis

and Treatment of diseases

organized by S.S.Jain Subodh

College of global excellence,

Sitapura on 11 January 2020

Shweta Khandelwal and Arshdeep Kaur of Semester-IV o f A C C A a c c r e d i t e d Programme, B.Com (H) in Applied Accounting & Finance have cleared December 2019 exam of ACCA

q Vaisha l i Bagda (M. Sc . Zoology Semester-IV)

• R e c e i v e d b e s t p o s t e r

presentation award in National

Conference on Changes in

lifestyle influencing Adolescent

Health Organized by S.S.Jain

Subodh PG Autonomous

C o l l e g e , J a i p u r o n 2 8

September 2019

q The following students have cleared the UGC NET 2019 (as per the information available) :

• Akriti Kumari, M.Sc. Zoology

• A r c h a n a G u p t a , M A


• Arti Sankhla, M. Sc. Home

Science, Foods & Nutrition

• A b h i l a s h a S a xe n a , M A




• Avesta Verma, M.A. Sociology

• Ishita Sharma, M. Sc. Home

Science, Foods & Nutrition

• Manjyot Kaur, M.Sc. Zoology

• Nidhi Sharma M. Sc Home

Science, Foods & Nutrition

Copyright Achievers

q Design title –Royal Tutelary and

authors of the work are IIS

(deemed to be University),

Ms. Nitya Chandrayan (B.Sc.

Semester-IV) student, Dr.

N e e r u J a i n , A s s o c i a t e

Professor, Department of

J e w e l l e r y D e s i g n a n d

Technology on 04 February


q Design title – Hanging ORB and Copyright authors are IIS (deemed to be University), Ms. Rashika Soni, (B.Sc. Semester-IV) student, Dr. N e e r u J a i n , A s s o c i a t e Professor, Department of J e w e l l e r y D e s i g n a n d

q Design title – Magnificent

Duchess and authors of the

work are IIS (deemed to be

University) , Ms. Roopal

Pathak (B.Sc. Semester-VI )

student, Dr. Neeru Jain ,

A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r ,

Department of Jewel lery

Design and Technology on 09

January 2020

q Design title – Imperial Door

and Copyright authors are IIS

(deemed to be University)

and Ms. Devyani Rathore

( B . S c . S e m e s t e r - I V ) ,

Department of Jewel lery

Designing and Technology of

IIS on 5 December 2019

q Design title – Golden Hen and Copyright achievers are IIS (deemed to be University), Ms. Roopal Pathak, of B.Sc. Semester-VI student, Dr. N e e r u J a i n , A s s o c i a t e Professor, Department of J e w e l l e r y D e s i g n a n d Technology on 9 July 2019

q Design title – Imperial Butterfly and Copyright achievers are IIS (deemed to be University), Ms. Nitya Chandrayan of B.Sc. Semester-IV student, Dr. Neeru Ja in , A s soc i a te Professor, Department of J e w e l l e r y D e s i g n a n d Technology on 8 February 2020

Te c h n o l o g y a n d o n 2 7 December 2019

q Design title –Neelkanth and Copyright achievers are IIS (deemed to be University), Ms. Roopal Pathak (B.Sc. Semester-VI) student, Dr. N e e r u J a i n , A s s o c i a t e Professor, Department of J e w e l l e r y D e s i g n a n d Technology on 26 November 2019



Sports q Diksha Jakhar

• Runner up at 6th Olympic

National Games 2019-20

organized by student Olympic

association, Rajasthan on 16-

17 November 2019 and were

selected for international

basketball tournament to be

held at Malaysia

• First Position in Shanti Devi

M e m o r i a l B a s k e t b a l l

tournament (Manthan 2019)

organized by Balaji college of

engineering and technology

Jaipur won a cash prize of Rs

11000/- organized on 6-7

October 2019

• Gold Medal and a cash prize of

Rs. 2000/- in Inter-college

basketball tournament held at

Swami Vivekanand Institute of

Techno logy f r om 25-26

February 2020,

• Gold Medal at Rajasthan

College of Engineering for

Women Basket Ball Women's

Tournament held from 17-18

January 2020

• Secured First Position and won

Gold Medal, Certificate in

Open National Inter College

Sports Competition Vanquish-

2020 in various games such as

Long Jump and 100-meter

Sprint, organized by Global

Institute of Technology on 1

March 2020

q Hanshu Shekhawat secured Second position in Jaipur District Khelo Rajasthan Judo Championship and Open State Judo Championship and won S i l ve r Meda l s . She a l so represented IISU in All India I n t e r U n i v e r s i t y J u d o Championship from 22-24 December 2019

q Harshita Sharma secured Gold Medal, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 500 in various Open National Inter College Sports Competition, such as Spardha 2020 organized by JKL University on 31 January to 2 February 2020 Annual Sports Fest organized by Rajasthan College of Engineering for Women on 16-19 January 2 0 2 0 , ( Va n q u i s h 2 0 2 0 ) Organized by Global Institute of Technology on 1st March 2020, Pravah 2020, organized by SKIT University on 26-27 February 2020, Jaipur

q Khanak Makhija secured First position in State Championship Korfball Tournament. She secured Third position in Korfball National Championship and Khelo Rajasthan Basketball Championship on 19-23 July 2019

q Neha Choudhary

• Selected as a Coach of Jaipur

Basketbal l Team in State

Games of Rajasthan held at

SMS Stadium from 3-6 January




q Purvanshi Gupta secured third position in ROHAR- Marathon Run under 5 km organized by Rotary Club Jaipur Crown on 19 January 2020

q S n e h a P u k h r a m b a m participated in various shooting C h a m p i o n s h i p , n a m e l y R a j a s t h a n s h o o t i n g Championship, North Zone

q Rajeshwari Singh secured First Position and won Gold Medal, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs 500/- in Open National Inter College Sports Badminton Competition, VANQUISH-2020, organized by Global Institute of Technology on 1 March 2020

• Participated in Maharana Pratap

Basketball Championship held

at SMS Stadium, Jaipur and

secured winners position from

30 January – 1 February 2020

• Participated in the 70th Senior

State Basketball Championship

held at Rajsambandh from 31

October- 3 November 2019

• Secured third position in Open

National Inter College Sports

Competitions such as Shot Put

& Discuss Throw 'Zeal 2019'

organized by RCEW, Jaipur on

16-17 January 2020q Neha Choudhary & Sumit

Kumar i secured Second Position in U-19 Senior Handball District Championship held at SMS Stadium on 12 December 2019

• B r o n z e m e d a l i n 4 t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l K a r a t e

Championship held on 27-28

July 2019 organized by Indian

Martial Art Sansthan at Gold

Souk Mall, Jaipur

Shooting Championship and N a t i o n a l S h o o t i n g Championsh ip . She a lso participated in First and Second Indian Trails held at Kerala

q Sunena Choudhary received a certificate for participation in 63 rd Na t iona l Shoo t i ng Championship Competitions (NSCC) in Small Bore Rifle & Pistol Events held at Bhopal, Kerela on 1 January 2020

• Gold Medal in India Open

Karate Championship held on 2

October 2019 organized by

Indian Martial Art Sansthan at

World Trade Park, Jaipur

q Tanya Bangard has received the following awards:

q Barkha Gupta, Sunaina C h o u d h a r y a n d S n e h a Pukhrambam participated in West Zone Inter-University Shooting (W) Championship organized by Manav Rachna University, Faridabad from 12-15 November 2019

q Vidisha Khaitan was selected as the SOA (Student Olympic As soc i a t i on ) O f f i c e r b y Rajasthan Student Olympic Association on 13 November 2019



q Jayant i Rana, Harshi ta Sharma, Bhavika Khatri, Ramta Ch ippa , Sh ivan i Rathore secured First Position and have collectively won trophies, medals, certificates and a cash prize in various Open National Inter College Sports Competitions Vanquish-2020 organized by Global Institute of Technology and Pravah 2020, organized by SKIT University, Jaipur

q Jayanti Rana, Bhavika Khatri, Vinita Rathore, Ramta Chipa, Shivani Rathore, Harshita Sharma, Suchi Nahata, Smriti Airon and Khushboo Gujar participated in West Zone Inter-University Volleyball (W) Tournament organized by Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara from 20-23 October 2019

q Meenal Maharwal, Sakhi D a s o t , S a l o n i R a t h o re participated in West Zone Inter-University Tennis (W) Tournament organized by IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur from 13-16 December 2019

q Neha Choudhary, Sumit Kumari , Diksha Jakhar, Karishma Sharma, Priyanka Ranawat, Saroj Choudhary, Khanak Makhija, Mamta Tanwar, Kumkum Choudhary and Priyanka Tanwar secured Second Position and have collectively won trophies and

q Neha Choudhary, Sumit Kumari, Priyanka Ranawat a n d M a m t a T a n w a r participated in 3 on 3 Basketball Jaipur District tournament on 1 October 2019

q Neha Choudhary, Sumit Kumari , Diksha Jakhar, Karishma Sharma, Priyanka Ranawat, Saroj Choudhary, Khanak Makhija, Mamta Tanwar, Kumkum Choudhary and Priyanka Tanwar secured Fi r s t Pos i t i on and have collectively won trophies, medals, certificates and a cash prize in various Open National I n t e r - C o l l e g e S p o r t s Competitions such as Zeal 2019 organized by RCEW, Manthan 2019 organized by Shri Balaji Shiksha, Lakshya 2020 organized by Poornima University, Jaipur

medals in the Student Olympic games organized by Students Olympics Associat ion at Poornima University, Jaipur on 16 and 17 November 2019

q Neha Choudhary, Sumit Kumari , Diksha Jakhar, Karishma Sharma, Priyanka Ranawat, Saroj Choudhary, Khanak Makhija, Mamta Tanwar, Kumkum Choudhary a n d P r i y a n k a Ta n w a r participated in West Zone Inter-University Basketball (W) Tournament organized by ITM, Gwalior from 15-18 December 2019



q P o o j a C h o p r a , N e h a

q P o o j a C h o p r a , N e h a Choudhary, Sumit Kumari, Dikha Jakhar, Karishma Sharma, Priyanka Ranawat, Saroj Choudhary, Khanak Makhija, Mamta Tanwar, P r i y a n k a Ta n w a r a n d Purvanshi Gupta participated in All India Inter-University Netba l l (W) Tournament organ ized by Annamala i University, Chidambaram 13-16 February 2020

q P o o j a C h o p r a , N e h a Choudhary, Sumit Kumari, Chetna Gujar, Nitika Rathore, N i sha Ja in , Lucky Tak , Kanchan Jakhar, Ishika Jain, Ragini Parekh, Rinku Chopra, Raksha Pareek and Kritika Sharma participated in West Zone Inter-University Handball (W) Tournament organized by LNIPE, Gwalior from 22-25 December 2019

q P o o j a C h o p r a , N e h a Choudhary, Sumit Kumari, Chetna Gujar, Nitika Rathore, N i sha Ja in , Lucky Tak , Kanchan Jakhar, Ishika Jain, Ragini Parekh, Rinku Chopra, Raksha Pareek and Kritika Sharma secured first Position and have collectively won trophies and medals in the S tudent O lympic games organized by Students Olympic Associat ion at Poornima University, Jaipur on 16 and 17 November 2019

Choudhary, Sumit Kumari, Chetna Gujar, Nitika Rathore, N i sha Ja in , Lucky Tak , Kanchan Jakhar, Ishika Jain, Ragini Parekh, Rinku Chopra, Raksha Pareek , Kr i t i ka Sharma and Purvanshi Gupta secured Second Position and has won trophies and medals in the Senior District Handball Tournament held at SMS Stadium, Jaipur

q Cadet Pallavi Khangarot attended EBSB 2020 Camp held at Delhi and participated in a cultural Programme which

q Pooja Chopra, Chetna Gujar, Nitika Rathore, Nisha Jain, Lucky Tak, Kanchan Jakhar, Ishika Jain, Ragini Parekh, Rinku Chopra, Raksha Pareek a n d K r i t i k a S h a r m a participated in the Senior States Handball Tournament 2019-20

q Sumit Kumari and Khanak Makhija secured Third position and won trophies and medals in Basketball State Games of Rajasthan held at SMS Stadium from 3-6 January 2020

q Cadet Purvanshi Gupta attended All India Vayu Sainik Camp 2019 held at Jodhpur from 5 to 15 October 2019 and r e p r e s e n t e d R a j a s t h a n Directorate in 12 Bore Skeet Shooting and secured 4th position all over India




q Kunjam Kharana won Second

prize in the Social Canvas

Compe t i t i on conduc ted

throughout India in FLARE

2019 organized by NSS IIT



q Nidhi Tater was honoured by Rajasthan Jan-Manch Hospital on 7 April 2019 for her hard work and dedication in order to save the birds injured during Makar Sakranti

q C d t . K h u s u m K a n w a r attended AFA Dundigal from 18-30 June 2020

q Sneha Shrivastava won first prize in the XIV State Level Inter University Patriotic Solo Song Compet i t ion he ld on 24

was part of PM Rally from 18-29 January 2020

q Radhika Kasera, Pranjal Sharma, Nidhi Tater and Ritu Raj attended the National Integration Camp held at Vivekanand Global University, Jagatpura from 27 February-4 March 2020, organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India

q Cadet Ritu and Cadet Muskan

attended PVSC – II held at Kota

from 15-24 September 2019

q Nidh i Ta te r r e ce i ved a certificate of appreciation PETA, India for her invaluable work in order to help and save animals in need

September 2019 organized by NSS Units of IIS (deemed to be U n i v e r s i t y ) J a i p u r t o c o m m e m o r a t e N S S Foundation Day

q 4 0 s t u d e n t s o f N S S successfully completed 50 hours Swacchata Summer Internship under the guidelines from the Ministry of Youth A f f a i r s a n d S p o r t s , Government of India from 4 -12 July 2019

q NSS in collaboration with

Mahila Shakti Atmaraksha

Prashikshan Kendra, Jaipur

Police organized a Self Defense

Camp in the University campus

from 16-25 January 2020 in

w h i c h 2 7 5 s t u d e n t s

participatedq NSS Units of the University

organized a Blood Donation camp on campus in which 102 units of blood were donated on 2 October 2019

q Good Weave in association with Bachpan Rahega Bachpan and the NSS Units of IIS (deemed to be University) Jaipur organized an Intra Collegiate Quiz Contest on 29 January 2020 in which Ivana Shrivastava, Surbhi Rathore, Ayushi Raj and Deepa Batra bagged First position and Garima Jain, Yagya Sharma, Tanya Agarwal and Saloni Kandoi won Second Position



q Ishita Sharma, of M. Sc. Home Sc ience, Foods & Nutrition Semester-IV

• Stood First in Recipe Contest

held at Santokbha Durlabhji

Memorial Hospital, Jaipur on

15 December 2019


q Alisha Asija, Riya Bansal and Riya Sharma

• Winners of B-plan competition

and received a cash prize of Rs.

3000/- in Lakshaya organized

at Poornima university on 22

January 2020

• Secured Second position in B-

plan competition in Xuberance

organized at IIS (deemed to be

university) on 18 October 2019

• Winners of TechStars startup

weekend Jaipur and received

incubation worth Rs. 1 lakh

organized in Manipal university

on 7 - 10 February 2019

q Akanksha Meena, Angela Binoy, Aqsa Al, Ayushi Yog, Chandrika Jajoo, Deepika Parmar, Garima Israni, Ishita Meharwa, Jahanvi Rathore, Jayshree Rathore, Komal Tiwari, Kriti Tanwar, Megha Sharma, Pr iya l Mathur, Sanjana Gaur, Sejal Kumari, Suhani Jain, Yashika Vijay stood First in Intercollegiate Nukkad Natak 'Kasturi Hiran' Competition at IISU 21 January 2020

• MIR (Miss Iconic Rajasthan)

Best walk 2020 in Modeling

Competition organized by

Faspire- Faspro, Jaipur on 8

February 2020

• Won Second Prize in Poster

Making Competition held at

Santokbha Durlabhji Memorial

H o s p i t a l , J a i p u r o n 1 5

December 2019q Manya Gupta, of B.Sc. Fashion

Design Semester-III bagged Second runner-up position in Nurture Nature, Paint ing competition organized by IICD, Jaipur held at Jaipur National University, Jaipur on 25thh September 2019

q Yashasvi Joshi and Ms.

Akshitai Dangayach of B.Sc.

Fashion Design, Semester-V

bagged Second runner-up

position in Rajoyal (Rajasthan-

royal) organized by Graduate

Fashion Fiesta, National Trade

Fair Organization, an event

organizer, Jaipur held at Birla

Auditorium, Jaipur on 12

September 2019 q Yashvi Soni of BCA Semester-


• Second Runner up in Miss Pink

C i t y 2 0 1 9 M o d e l i n g

Competition organized by Mr.

V e r m a E v e n t s a n d

Entertainment, Jaipur on 18

November 2019



q Aadya Sharma won First prize

in the Debate Competition

BIOCHROME 2020- Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology

AQUA REGIA 2020- Maharaja College- University of Rajasthan

q Bhavya Puri, Labdhi Jain,

Amisha Kumawat, Preksha

Jain, Surbhi Mayaen, Manvi

Singh Chauhan, Aditi Jain,

Riya Khandelwal, Vibhuti

Poddar and Bhumika bagged

First prize in Western Dance

Competitionq Aanchal Gautam, Aart i

Meena, Aditi Sharma, Angela Binoy, Ayushi Yogi, Aqsa Ali, Gar ima Is ran i , Jahnav i Rathore, Komal Tiwari, Mansi Chaudhary, Megha Sharma, Priyal Mathur, Sanyukta P a p r i w a l , S m a r n i k a Shekhawat, Yashika Vijay stood First in Inter-collegiate Street Play Competition

q Ay u s h i Yo g i , S m a r n i k a Shekhwat, Aarti Meena, Aqsa Ali, Priyal Mathur, Megha Sharma, Jahnavi Rathore, Mansi Choudhary, Yashika Vi jay, Aanchal Gautam, Garima Israni, Aditi Sharma, Angela Binoy, Sanyukta Paperiwal and Komal Tiwari stood First in Nukkad Natak

q Aanchal Gautam, Aart i

Meena, Aditi Sharma, Angela

Binoy, Ayushi Yogi, Aqsa Ali,

q Aarti Meena of Semester-VI)

stood Fi rst in Panchkadi

competition held at on 22

February 2020

q Priyal Matur, Aqsa Ali, Megha Sharma, Akanksha Meena, Chandrika Jajoo, Suhani Jain, Aarti Meena, Ayushi Yogi, Mansi Choudhary, Garima Isran i , Jhanv i Rathore , Yash i k a Vi j a y, Aanc h a l Dwivedi, Komal Tiwari, Mili Sharma, Ange la B inao , Sanjana, Khushi Mohan, Pragya Maheshwari, Deeksha stood First in intercollegiate Nukkad Natak competition performed on 'Ulta Chashma' at IIT Jodhpur on 22 February 2020

Gar ima Is ran i , Jahnav i

Rathore, Komal Tiwari, Mansi

Choudhary, Megha Sharma,

Priyal Mathur, Sanyukta

P a p r i w a l , S m a r n i k a

Shekhawat and Yashika Vijay

bagged First position in Nukkad

NatakIGNUS- IIT Jodhpur

q Nandani Choudhary, Tanvi Singh Gurjar, Manvi Singh Chouhan, Vibhuti Poddar, Aditi Jain, Bhavya Puri, Surbhi M a y a c h , I s h i t a G u p t a , Bhumika Jhanwar, Shreya Chalana, Kiran Choudhary, Shraddha Sharma, Lawanya Sharma stood Third in Fashion Show “Anta rang” on 22 February 2020



q Diya Shekhawat and Disha Sharma secured Second Position in T-shirt painting

q Divya Kakani and Sunidhi

Kothari secured Third Position

in T-shirt painting

q Radhika Ramdev- stood 3rd

position in Live Sketching

q Sunidhi Kothari, Hiteshi

Bagrecha, Radhika Ramdev

stood First, Second and Third

respect ive ly in Charcoa l


q Nitya Saxena won Third prize

in Intercollegiate Mono Act

C o m p e t i t i o n a t A m i t y

Univers i ty, Ja ipur on 16

October 2019

JU RHYTHM – JECRC University

q Aakanksha Meena, Aarti

Meena, Aditi Sharma, Anchal

Dwivedi, Angela Binoy, Aqsa

Ali, Ayushi Yogi, Chandrika

Jajoo, Garima Israni, Jahnavi

Rathore, Khushi Mohan,

K o m a l T i w a r i , M a n s i

Chaudhary, Megha Sharma,

Mili Sharma, Pragya Asawa,

Priyal Mathur, Sanjana Gaur,

Suhani Jain, Yashika Vijay

stood First in Intercollegiate

Nukkad Natak Competition

International Conference on Re-thinking Theatre, Dramatics and Sustainable Studies - Amity University

MAHAVEER YOUTH FEST (MYF) 2019- Mahaveer College of Commerce

q Manv i S i ngh Chouhan ,

Vibhuti Poddar, Shubhangi

Jain, Surbhi Mayach, Aditi

Jain, Amisha Kumawat, Tanvi

Singh Gurjar, Sonia Verma

and Labdhi Jain secured

Second position in Group


q Aaditi Golecha of B.Com. Hons. BSG Semester-VI won First position in a Fashion Show held at JECRC University on 8 January 2019


q Saagrika won First prize in Aamne-Samne Competition

q Radhika Rathore and Prerna Fatnani stood second in Brainbench Competition

q Nishtha Bhargava, Prerna Fatnani stood second in Web Vision Competition

q C h i r a n s h i M a t h u r a n d Saagrika stood second in the D4U (Dance) Competition

q Chetali Shah and Harshita

Sharma stood second in Bits

A n d B y t e s ( S o f t w a r e

Presentation) Competition

q Jigyasa Agrawal and Palak Jain won First prize in Taal

q Seha Jain stood First in Thru-U r - E y e s ( P h o t o g r a p h y ) Competition



ONEIROUS - Manipal University

q Jaishree Rathore, Saagarika,

Ashmita Agarwal, Riya Jain,

Tanvi Gupta Honourable

Mention for their startup idea

'Mech on Wheels' in Startup

Weekend on 2 February 2020

q The students of the IISU Theatrical Society (Aqsa Ali, M e g h a S h a r m a , P r i y a l Mathur, Suhani Jain) stood First and got certificates and cash prizes in intercollegiate AD-Mad Competition on 20 October 2019

q The IISU Theatrical Society Team (Aakanksha Meena, Angela Binoy, Aqsa Ali, Ayushi Yo g i , C h a n d r i k a J a j o o , Deepika Parmar, Garima Israni, Ishita Meharwal, Jahanvi Rathore, Jayshree Rathore,Komal Tiwari, Komal Yadav, Kriti Tanwar, Megha Sharma, Nitya Saxena, Priyal Mathur, Sanjana Gaur, Sejal Kumari, Suhani Jain, Yashika Vijay) stood Third in the Intercollegiate Nukkad Natak competition on 20th October 2019

q Seha Ja in and Nishtha Bhargava bagged First position in Spectrum Competition

Mosaic Flair – MNIT, Jaipur

q Mili Jain, Firdos, Meesha

Gupta & Nancy Jain bagged

First position in Fashion Show

on 6 February 2020

q Anjali Bhardwaj bagged First position in Paper Presentation

q Aadya Sharma won Second prize in Debate Competition

q Vi b h u t i Po d d a r, S n e h a Madan, Surbhi Mayach, Shubhangi Ja in , Soniya Verma, Aarti Meena, Amisha Kumawat , Manv i S ingh Chauhan, Aditi Jain and Saloni Khandelwal stood First in Dance Competition

VEETHIKA 2020- University Maharani College, Jaipur

q Mili Jain, Nancy Jain, Lawanya Sharma, Meesha Gupta, Firdos Qureshi, Tanvi Singh G u r j a r, Ta n y a S h a r m a , Bhavika Khatri, Chiranshi Mathur, Shreya Chalana, Sunidhi Sharma, Yashvi Soni, Shalu Asnani, Mansi Bhati and Divyanshi Gupta stood First in Fashion Show

q Pallavi Joshi, Riya Periwal, Tanishka Acharya and Gouri Pareek won second prize in Costume Designing

q Aditi Jain, Vibhuti Poddar, Manvi Singh Chouhan, Aditi Jain, Bhavya Puri, Chanchal Tanwani, Isha Gupta, Sejal Kumari, Tanvi Singh Gurjar, Surbhi Mayach, Ishita Gupta and Labdhi Jain won second prize in Western Group Dance


q Pratika Yadav and Tanu Yadav bagged Second position in Paper Presentation



q Sanyukta Papriwal, Riya

q Saniya Panwar bagged the f i r s t p r i z e i n D o o d l i n g Competition

q Prachi Chandna and Pratibha Singh bagged second and Third positions respectively in P h o t o g r a p h y ( O n l i n e ) Competition

q· Nitya Saxena, Mili Sharma, Sanjana Gaur, Isha Saxena, Deepika Parmar, Chandrika Parmar, Vritika Bhabhai, Sambhavi Pant, Jaishree Rathore, Tanvi Sharma, Ishita Meharwal, Harshita Singhal, Sanskriti Sharma, Varsha Gainot and Saumya Jaiswal stood First in Stage Play

q Prachi Jangir and Simran Choudhary stood First in Graffiti Competition

ZEST'20 MYSTIC MOSAIC - St. Xavier's College, Jaipurq Chanchal Jakhar, Chandrika

Parmar, Deepika Parmar, Isha Saxena, Jayshree Rathore, Komal Yadav, Lavi Rathore, Madhvi Agrawal, Mili Sharma, Nitya Saxena, Sambhavi Pant, Sanjana Gaur, Sanskrit i Sharma, Varsha Kumari Gamot, Yashika Vijay stood First in skit 'Kurbat' and won a cash pr ize of Rs.8,000/- certificates and trophies at I n t e r - c o l l e g i a t e s k i t Compet i t i on i n Xav i e r ' s College, Nevta on 18 January 2020

Sharma, Aanchal Gautam, Aarti Meena, Angela Binoy, Ayushi Yogi, Garima Israni, A q s a A l i , H a r s h i t a Khandelwal, Komal Tiwari, K r i t i Ta n w a r , M a n s i Choudhary, Priyal Mathur, Jahnavi Rathore, Shivani Rathore, Vashika Vijay and Smarika Shekhawat stood s e c o n d i n S t r e e t P l a y Competition

Research and Academicsq Dr. Aditi R. Khandelwal,

Senior Assistant Professor, Depar tment of Bus iness Studies

q Tanishka Acharya stood second in Fashion Designing Competition

• S t o o d F i r s t i n P a p e r

P r e s e n t a t i o n t i t l e d

"Environmental Accounting &

D i sc losu res o f f i nanc ia l

Performance in India" in 14th

India Japan International

q Surbhi Mayach, Aditi Jain, Manvi Singh, Isha Gupta, L a b d h i J a i n , S a l o n i Khandelwal, Pragya Gaba, Disha Sharma, Shivi, Bhavika, Bhumika, Shubhangi Jain, Sneha Madan, Sanjhi Dixit, Bhavya Puri, Ishita Gupta, Vibhuti Poddar, Tanvi Singh, Annanya Sharma and Amisha Kumawat stood second in Group Dance Competition




• Delivered a talk on Moodle and

E-content in Workshop on

MOOCs, e-content and Open

E d u c a t i o n a l R e s o u r c e s

scheduled from 7-12 October

2019 at University of Rajasthan

on 12 October 2019

Conference on Sustainable

Development Goals of United

Nations to transform our world

organized by Biyani Group of

Colleges on 23 -25 September


• Completed ARPIT Refresher

C o u r s e i n C o m m e r c e

conducted by SRCC, New Delhi q Dr. Alka Kataria, Assistant

Professor, Department of E n v i r o n m e n t a l S c i e n c e r e c e i v e d G l o b a l Environmentalist Award at the Third International Conference Global Initiatives in Agricultural and Applied Sciences for Eco-f r i end l y Env i ronment i n Tr i b h u v a n U n i v e r s i t y , Kathmandu, Nepal on 16-18 June 2019

q Dr. Amita Sharma, Senior Assistant Professor, Computer Science and IT

• Invited as a Resource Person in

Fa c u l t y D e v e l o p m e n t

Programmes on Internet of

things from 9 – 19 October

2 0 1 9 i n G o v e r n m e n t

Engineering College, Bikaner

0n 19 October 2019

q Dr. Anubha Jain, Associate Professor, Computer Science and IT

q Ms. Amita Sharma, Assistant P ro f e s so r, Managemen t Studies has completed 16 weeks Annua l Re f resher C o u r s e i n M a n a g e m e n t organized by ARPIT, SWAYAM

• Delivered a Lecture on “IoT” &

“Google Open Office Tools” in

UGC-HRD Refresher Course on

“Advancements of Science &

Technology” scheduled from

29 July – 10 August 2019 at the

University of Rajasthan on 9

August 2019

• De l i ve red a Lec tu re on

“MOOC” in the UGC-MHRD

Workshop on “MOOCs, E-

content and Open Educational

Resources” scheduled from

7–12 October 2019 at the

University of Rajasthan on 7

October 2019

• Invited as a speaker in TEST-IT

Africa 2020 International

Conference to be held on26-

28 May 2020 at Johannesburg

and Capetown, South Africaq Dr. Anju Singh, Assistant

Professor, Department of F i n a n c i a l S t u d i e s h a s completed AICT approved, ARPIT, SWAYAM -16 weeks online Refresher course on Data Analysis for Social Science Teachers



• Invited as a subject expert in

ICAR sponsored two day

N a t i o n a l Wo r k s h o p o n

"Prospects of enrollment and

evaluation in Home Science

and Agriculture Education", at

the University of Rajasthan on

18-19th November 2019

• Completed 16 weeks' online

Annual Refresher course on

'Concerns in Educat ional

Research and Assessment'

organized by ARPIT, SWAYAMq Mr. Ashish Tambi, Assistant

Professor, Department of Environmental Science

• Resource Person in State

Consultation workshop on

“St rengthening of Water

Qua l i t y Mon i to r i ng and

Surveillance in Rajasthan”

organ ized by Water and

S a n i t a t i o n S u p p o r t

Organization (WSSO), Jaipur in

collaboration with CSIR-NEERI

and UNICEF on 4th December


q· M s . A r c h a n a K u m a r i , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Home Science

• Resource Person in a Training

session on Microbiological

Water Qual i ty Test ing of

Drinking Water for PHED

Chemists organized by Water

and San i t a t i on Suppo r t

Organization (WSSO), Jaipur

on 16 September 2019

q Dr. Ashmi Chhabra, Assistant

Professor, Department of

A d v e r t i s i n g & B r a n d


• C o m p l e t e d 1 5 w e e k s '

Certificate course on digital

marketing offered by University

Business School, Punjab

• C o m p l e t e d 8 w e e k s '

Ce r t i f i ca te and FDP On

m a r k e t i n g m a n a g e m e n t

offered by NPTEL-AICTE

• C o m p l e t e d 1 6 w e e k s '

r e f r e s h e r c o u r s e i n

management organized by

ARPIT, Swayamq· Ms. Anusha Bardia, Part-Time

Lecturer, Department of A c c o u n t i n g & Ta x a t i o n Qual i f ied Tutor Exam of Professional Paper t i t led F i n a n c i a l M a n a g e m e n t conducted by Association of C h a r t e r e d C e r t i f i e d Accountants (ACCA), U.K. in August 2019

q Dr. Ank i ta Chaturved i ,

A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r ,

Department of Accounting and


• Received Best paper award in

Technical Session I (Finance)

for the paper titled “Attitude of

Borrowers towards the Credit

acquisition from Cooperatives

i n I n d i a ” a t N a t i o n a l

Conference on Emerging

Trends and Scope in Banking

Sector with Special Reference



• Received Best paper award

(Second position) in Technical

Session IV (Entrepreneurship,

Technology, Production and

Operation) for the paper titled

“Impact of Socio-Economic

Fa c t o r s o n I n v e s t m e n t

B e h a v i o r o f W o m e n

Entrepreneurs” at National

Conference on Emerging

Trends and Scope in Banking

Sector with Special Reference

to the Present Indian Scenario,

o rgan i zed by Schoo l o f

Management and Commerce,

Poornima University, Jaipur on

19-20 April 2020

• Received Best paper award for

t h e p a p e r e n t i t l e d

“Environmental Accounting

Disclosures and Financial

• R e c e i v e d a n a w a r d f o r

“ Te a c h e r s w i t h H i g h e r

Potential” at International

Conference on Emerging

Global Merging Trends and its

implications in Social Economy

organized by HLM Group of

Institution, Delhi in association

w i t h G l o b a l R e s e a r c h

Foundation, Delhi on 18 May


to the Present Indian Scenario

o rgan i zed by Schoo l o f

Management and Commerce,

Poornima University, Jaipur on

19-20 April 2020

Performance in India” at 14th

I n d i a n - J a p a n B i l a t e r a l

Conference on Sustainable

Development Goals of United

Nations to transform our world

organized by Biyani Group of

Colleges, Jaipur on 23-25

September 2019

• R e s o u r c e Pe r s o n i n a n

I n d u c t i o n P r o g r a m m e

conducted by the UGC-Human

R e s o u r c e D e v e l o p m e n t

C e n t r e , U n i v e r s i t y o f

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 12 & 13

March 2020

• Completed 12 weeks' course

on Basics of Digital Marketing

organized by Devi Ahilya

Vi s h w a v i d y a l y a , I n d o r e

SWAYAM on 10 November


• on Data Analysis for Social

Science Teachersq Dr. Chhavi Jain, Sr. Assistant

Professor, Department of Management Studies

• Completed 15 weeks' course

on Digital Marketing organized

b y P u n j a b U n i v e r s i t y ,

Chandigarh SWAYAM on 9

November 2019

q P r o f . C . R . B i s h n o i , Department of Economics

• Completed AICTE approved 16

weeks online Refresher course

t h• Resource Person in 113

O r i en t a t i on P rog r amme




q Dr. Geetika Vyas, Senior

q Dr. Deepak Singh Rajawat, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry completed 16 weeks' Annual Ref resher Programme in Chemis t r y o rgan i zed by SWAYAM from September – December 2019

t h• Resource Person in 112

O r i en t a t i on P rog r amme

conducted by the UGC-Human

R e s o u r c e D e v e l o p m e n t

C e n t r e , U n i v e r s i t y o f

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 4 & 13

December 2019

q Dr. Gargi Saxena, Senior

A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r ,

Department of Home Science

has Completed 12 weeks'

Fa c u l t y D e v e l o p m e n t

Programme on Dairy and Food

P r o c e s s a n d P r o d u c t s

Technology organized by

N P T E L – A I C T E o n 1 6

November 2019

conducted by the UGC-Human

R e s o u r c e D e v e l o p m e n t

C e n t r e , U n i v e r s i t y o f

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 10 & 11

February 2020

t h• Resource Person in 107

O r i en t a t i on P rog r amme

conducted by the UGC-Human

R e s o u r c e D e v e l o p m e n t

C e n t r e , U n i v e r s i t y o f

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 14 March


A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Depa r tment o f CS & I T delivered a talk in a Workshop o n Te a c h i n g - L e a r n i n g -Evaluation for Faculty Members of HEIs on 7 November 2019 o r gan i zed by Teach i ng-Learning Centre, Centra l Un ivers i ty o f Ra jas than, K ishangarh f rom 4 – 14 November 2019

• Invited as one of Panelist in

Symposium on Probiotics

organized by SDM Hospital

and IDA, Rajasthan Chapter on

21 August 2019

• Chaired a session in CME on

“Clinical Nutrition” at CK Birla

Hospital, RBH, Jaipur on 20

April 2019

q Dr. I la Joshi , Professor, Department of Home Science

• Delivered a Talk in CME on

“ N u t r i t i o n i n C h i l d r e n”

organized by the National

Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry

of Ayush, Govt. of India, Jaipur

on 15 October 2019

q Dr. Gaurav Bagra, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting & Taxation invited as a Resource Person in two day Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology at Gaur Hari S i n g h a n i a I n s t i t u t e o f Management and Research, Kanpur on 10 & 11 January 2020



q Ms. Isha Sukhwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science

• Received Second Best Oral

Presentation award for the

paper entitled “Estimation of

Anti-oxidant Phytochemicals

and Shelf Life Study of Food-

Based Mix” i n Na t iona l

c o n f e r e n c e o n N e w

Innovations in Home Science

and Fashion Field organized by

Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule

University, Jaipur on 16-19

January 2020

q Dr. Lata Shahani, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology received Second Best Poster Presentation award for the paper titled “Role of Ant idepressants in Male Reproductive Toxicity - A R e v i e w ” a t N a t i o n a l conference on Changes in L i f e s t y l e I n f l u e n c i n g Adolescent Health organized by S.S. Ja in Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur, Rajasthan under the Auspices of Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on 28-29 September 2019

q Dr. Mahima Rai, Associate Professor, Department of

• Completed Refresher Course

on Teacher and Teaching in

Higher Education for 16 weeks'

through SWAYAM

q Dr. Mahak Gulati, Part-Time Lecturer, Department of F i n a n c i a l S t u d i e s h a s completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher Course on Data Analysis for Social Science Teachers organized by ARPIT, SWAYAM Portal

Management (HRM & IB)

• To p p e d t h e c o u r s e o n

“Marketing Research and

Analysis” organized by NPTEL-

AICTE from August-October


• Won the Best Paper Award

titled “Employability and Skill

Development in India: A

Review and Future Directions”

at the International Conference

on Innovation and Emerging

Trends in Global Economy:

Opportunities and Challenges

and Advanced Research and

Techno log i ca l I s sues i n

Management, Commerce,

Economics, Education, Gender

Studies, organized by Kanodia

College, Jaipur in association

w i t h I n s p i r a r e s e a r c h

foundation on 16 -17 August


q Dr. Mani Bhatia, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting & Taxation has completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and Research M e t h o d o l o g y



q Dr. Manisha Patni, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry presented a Paper on the Topic “Thione-Thiol t a u t o m e r i s m i n f i v e -m e m b e r e d h e t e r o c y c l i c compounds: A theoretical study”, in the NOST Organic & B iomo lecu l a r Chemis t r y Conference jointly organized by the Roya l Aus t ra l i an Chemical Institute (RACI), The National Organic Symposium Trus t (NOST) and Roya l M e l b o u r n e I n s t i t u t e o f Technology (FRMIT) from 6-8 November 2019 at Melbourne, Australia

q Dr. Mitali Gupta , Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Accounting & Taxation has completed 16 weeks Annua l Re f resher Course on Data Analysis For Soc ia l Sc ience Teachers organized by ARPIT, SWAYAM Portal

q Dr. Meha Saxena, Assistant

Professor, Department of

Management Studies has

completed AICT approved,

ARPIT, SWAYAM -16 weeks'

online Refresher course on

Data Analysis for Social Science


(Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM on 16 February 2020

q Ms. Neeraj Bala Khanna, Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Physical Education received a

q Dr. Neha Sarin, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies has completed 12 weeks' SWAYAM Online course in Financial Accounting organized by Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC) on 10 November 2019

q Dr. Neha Singhi, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi completed AICTE approved ARPIT, SWAYAM 16 weeks'

certificate for contribution to t h e “ R e s e a r c h a n d Development in Physical Education” in International Conference on Role of Multi-D i s c i p l i n a r y S t u d i e s i n Env i ronmen t P ro tec t i on organized by Narain College Shikohabad

q Dr. Neeru Jain, Associate Professor, Department of Jewe l l e ry Des ign ing has Completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and Research M e t h o d o l o g y (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM

q Dr. Neha Mathur, Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Management Studies has completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and R e s e a r c h M e t h o d o l o g y (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM on 16 February 2020



• Workshop on IPR Management

at JECRC, Jaipur on 18 March


• Workshop on IPR Management

• Chaired a Technical Session in

t h e 4 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Conference on Information

a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n

Technology for Competitive

Strategies in Udaipur s on 13

December 2019

online Refresher course on Ritikaleen Hindi Sahitya

q Dr. Nivedita Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of HRM & IB has completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher Course in Management organized by ARPIT, SWAYAM Portal

q Dr. Neha Tiwari, Associate Professor, Computer Science and IT

• Delivered a Talk on “Advanced

Search and Data Collection

Features on Google Search” in

the UGC-HRD Ref resher

Course on “Advancements of

S c i e n c e & Te c h n o l o g y ”

scheduled from 29 July-10

August 2019 at the University

of Rajasthan on 31 July 2019

q Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology was invited as a Resource Person in

• Workshop on IPR Management

at St. Xavier's College, Jaipur on

25 March 2019

a t V i v e k a n a n d G l o b a l

University, Jaipur on 27 March


• R e f r e s h e r c o u r s e i n

Advancements in S&T at UGC

HRD Centre, University of

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 31 July


• N a t i o n a l Wo r k s h o p o n

Awareness of IPR at SRK Patni

Girls College on 30 March


• R e f r e s h e r c o u r s e i n

Advancements in S&T at UGC

HRD Centre, University of

Rajasthan, Jaipur on 2 August


• DST and RSBB Sponsored

N a t i o n a l S e m i n a r i n

Biodiversity Conservation at

K a n o r i a P G M a h i l a

Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur on 17

January 2020

• Workshop cum Tra i n i ng

P r o g r a m m e o n I P R a t

ASSOCHAM on 20 August


• D S T S p o n s o r e d I n s p i r e

Science Camp at University

College Mangalore on 14-18

November 2019

• Na t iona l Workshop and

Tr a i n i n g P r o g r a m m e o n

Geographical Indication Filing

and Awareness at SRK Patni

Girls College on 1 February




q Dr. Payal Mehtani, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology has topped the NPTEL Online Certification in the course Accreditation and Outcome-Based Learning

q Ms. Prachi Goswami, Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of German

• Completed 15 weeks' Annual

Refresher on Teacher and

Teaching in Higher Education

organized by SWAYAM on 16

February 2020

q Dr. Preeti Agrawat, Assistant Professor, Department of P u b l i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and Research M e t h o d o l o g y (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM

• C o m p l e t e d 1 2 w e e k s '

SWAYAM Online course in

Financial Accounting organized

by Consortium for Educational

Communication (CEC) on 10

November 2019

• Completed 16 weeks' Annual

Refresher on Pedagogical

• C o m p l e t e d B a s i c o f

P h o t o g r a p h y 8 w e e k s '

SWAYAM CEC course on 16

February 2020

q Dr. Preeti Sharma, Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Management Studies

Innovations and Research

M e t h o d o l o g y

(Interdisciplinary) organized by

SWAYAM on 16 February 2020

• Completed 16 weeks' Annual

Refresher in Management

organized by SWAYAM on 16

February 2020

q D r. P r i y a n k a M a t h u r, A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , Depa r tmen t o f Zoo logy r e c e i v e d B e s t P o s t e r presentation award at National Conference on 'Changes in L i f e s t y l e I n f l u e n c i n g Adolescent Health' organized by S.S. Ja in Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur, Rajasthan under the Auspices of Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on 28-29 September 2019

q Dr. Princy Thomas, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies Qualified Tutor Exam of Professional Paper titled Strategic Business L e a d e r c o n d u c t e d b y Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), U.K. in December 2019

q CA Priya Jain , Assistant Professor, Department of A c c o u n t i n g & Ta x a t i o n completed 16 weeks Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and Research M e t h o d o l o g y (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM on 16 February 2020.



q Dr. Raakhi Gupta, Professor, Department of Chemistry

• Presented a Paper on the Topic

“Concer ted vs S tepwise

mechanism of [2,3]-Wittig

rearrangement of allylic ethers:

DFT & CASSCF calculations”, in

t h e N O S T O r g a n i c &

B iomo lecu l a r Chemis t r y

Conference jointly organized

by the Roya l Aus t ra l i an

Chemical Institute (RACI), The

National Organic Symposium

Trus t (NOST) and Roya l

M e l b o u r n e I n s t i t u t e o f

Technology (FRMIT) from 6-8

November 2019 at Melbourne,


q Dr. Rani Rathore, Associate Professor, Department of English has completed 16

q M s . P r i y a n k a S o g a n i , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Depa r tment o f CS & I T received Cert i f icat ion of T r a i n i n g o n A t t a c k Methodologies in IT & ICS, p r e s e n t e d b y N a t i o n a l C y b e r s e c u r i t y a n d Communications Integration Centre Industrial Control Systems by U.S. Department of Homeland Security on 29 February 2020

• Elected as Secretary, Central

Zone in the Executive Council

Meeting of Association of

Chemistry Teachers (ACT),


q Dr. Rimika Singhvi, Associate Professor, Department of English

• Presented a Paper t it led

“Narratives of Displacement:

Precarious Citizenship in Aruni

Kashyap's Creative Imaginary”

at International Conference on

Precarious Lives, Uncertain

Futures organized by University

of Rome, Tor Vergata, Rome,

Italy on 29-31 January 2020

• Appointed as an Observer by

A s s o c i a t i o n o f I n d i a n

University for the All India

Inter-University Tennis (W)

Tournament 2019-20 which

was organized by ITM, Gwalior

• Chaired a technical session in

Po s t e r P r e s e n t a t i o n o f

International Conference on

Physical Education and Sports

S c i e n c e ( I C P E S S ) 2 0 2 0

o r g a n i z e d b y M a n i p a l

University, Jaipur on 10th

January 2020

weeks ' Annual Refresher Course on Women and Gender Studies organized by SWAYAM

• Special Guest in 6th Student

Olympic National Games

o rgan i zed by Ra j a s than

Students Olympic Association

at Poornima University, Jaipur

on 16th November 2020

q Dr. Renu Shungloo, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education



q D r. R o o p a m K o t h a r i , A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , Department of Management (HRM & IB) has cleared the ACCA Financial Management paper organized by ACCA on 22 August 2019

• C h a i r e d a S e s s i o n a t

International Conference on

Connections/ Disconnections:

Literary Traditions, Continuities

& Disruptions organized by

MELOW & Punjab University,

Chandigarh on 21-23 February


• C h a i r e d a S e s s i o n a t

International Conference on

Cu l tu ra l Trans la t ion and

Gender: Performatory Ethics of

a Translator organized by

Caesurae Collective Society &

Dungar College, Bikaner on 13-

15 September 2019

q Dr. Ruchi Nanda chaired a th

technical session in the 4 International Conference on " I n f o r m a t i o n a n d Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies" in Udaipur scheduled from 13-14 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 o n 1 3 December 2019

q Dr. Ruchi Goswami, Associate Professor, Department of J o u r n a l i s m a n d M a s s Communication was invited as a R e s o u r c e P e r s o n i n International Media Educators C o n f e r e n c e o n 2 7 - 2 9 September 2019

• Completed 16 weeks' Annual

Ref resher Programme in

Chemis t r y o rgan ized by

SWAYAM from September –

December 2019q Dr. Seema Singh Rathore,

A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , Department of HRM & IB completed 16 weeks' Annual R e f r e s h e r C o u r s e i n Management organized by SWAYAM

• Received Elite Certificate in 8

weeks' Faculty Development

Programme on Metals in

Biology organized by NPTEL –

AICTE online Certification from

July-September 2019

q Ms. Sheetal Chitlangiya, A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Fine Arts

• Received First Prize and Cash

of Rs. 11,000/- in 18th Annual

Art Exhibition 2020 organized

by WE – A group of Indian

Contemporary Women Artists,

Chandigarh on 3 March 2020

• Participated and received a

cash award of Rs. 25,000/- in

International Women Artist's

Camp at Jawahar Kala Kendra

8-13 March 2020

q Dr. Ruchi Singh , Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Chemistry

q Dr. Shi lp i Chakravarty , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Foreign Trade Management



q Ms. Shilpi Saxena, Assistant Professor, Department of B u s i n e s s S t u d i e s h a s completed 8 weeks' Certificate C o u r s e c u m F a c u l t y Development Programme organized by NPTEL

q Dr. Sucharita Sharma, Senior A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of English has Completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher Course on Women and Gender Studies organized by SWAYAM

q Dr. Surendra Kumar Agarwal, A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , Department of Mathematics

• Chaired a session in the

Nat iona l Confe rence on

Climate Change: The Impact

on Biodiversity and Global

Health Security organized by

D e p a r t m e n t o f B o t a n y,

University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

from 20-22 December 2019

• C o m p l e t e d 1 6 w e e k s '

Certificate course in Supply

Chain Management f rom

Consortium for Educational

C o m m u n i c a t i o n ( C E C )

SWAYAMq Dr. Shilpi Rijhwani, Associate

Professor, Department of Botany

• Completed 16 weeks' Annual

Refresher Course in Management

organized by SWAYAM

• Completed Postgraduate

Diploma in Higher Education

from IGNOU in February 2020

• Completed 12 weeks' course

on Thermodynamics: Classical

to Statistical on 10 November

2019 Under SWAYAM program

organized by Indian Institute of

Technology, Guwahati

• Completed 12 weeks' course

on Thermodynamics: Classical

to Statistical organized by

NPTEL Online Certification

from July-October, 2019

q Dr. Trapti Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

• Completed 16 weeks' Annual

Refresher on Pedagogical

Innovations and Research

M e t h o d o l o g y

q M s . S w a t i P h o p h a l i a , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Jewel lery Designing has Completed 16 weeks' Annual Refresher on Pedagogical Innovations and R e s e a r c h M e t h o d o l o g y (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM

has topped the 8 weeks' Online Refresher Course organized by NPTEL, SWAYAM through MOOC

q Dr. Vandana Sachdeva, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies

• Completed 10 weeks course

on LaTeX and secured A+

grade on 4th December 2019.

This course was organized by

t h e I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f

Technology, Bombay



q Dr. Vijay Singh Rathore, Professor, Department of CS & IT

(Interdisciplinary) organized by


q Dr. Varsha Goyal, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry has completed 8 weeks' Faculty Development Programme on Metals in Biology organized by NPTEL – AICTE

• Inv i t ed as a Speake r i n

Internat ional Conference

organized by SmartCom 2020,

Bangkok, Thailand in January


• R e c e i v e d B e s t P a p e r

Presentation award for the

Pa p e r t i t l e “ I m p a c t o f

Dig i ta l izat ion of banking

s e r v i c e s o n C u s t o m e r

Satisfaction” at I C M I T - 2 0 1

9 International Conference on

Management & IT Evolving

R e s e a r c h Fr o n t i e r s i n

Management and Computer

S c i e n c e o r g a n i z e d b y

I n t e r na t i ona l S choo l o f

Informatics & Management

Technical Campus on 11-12

April 2019

• R e c e i v e d H o n o r a r y

Appreciation by GR Foundation

at Bangkok, Thailand on 24

January 2019

• Invited as a Keynote Speaker at

National Conference organized

by AICTC 2019, Bikaner in

November 2019.

• Chair a session at International

Conference organized by

ICTCS-2019, Udaipur, Jaipur in

December 2019

• Chaired a session at International

Conference organized by

SmartCom 2020, Bangkok,

Thailand in January 2019

• Chair a session at International

Conference organized by

ICDLAIR-2019, Ja ipur in

December 2019

• Invited Speaker and Chaired a

session at Brunel University,

London, and Delegation visits

to 5 universities for seeking the

collaboration of IISU with

those universities on 19 to 29

Feb 2020

• Invited as an Advisor at

National Conference organized

by NCICT, Jaipur in March 2019

q M s . Va i s h a l i A g a r w a l , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Accounting & Taxation

• Received Best Paper Award in

Nat iona l Confe rence on

B u s i n e s s P r a c t i c e s a n d

Innovations in Technology

o r g a n i z e d b y B h a g w a n

Pa r s h u r a m I n s t i t u t e o f

Technology, Delhi Approved by

AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India,

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh

Indrapras tha Un ive rs i t y,

Accredited by NBA on 6

December 2019



q The following staff members of Department of CS & IT have completed the Refresher Course on Teacher and Teaching in Higher Education for 20 weeks through SWAYAM Portal :

• Dr. Neha Tiwari

• Dr. Priyanka Varma

• Ms. Babita Sharma

Books Authored/Co-authored/Edited/Reviewed

• Completed 16 weeks Annual

Refresher Course on Data

Analysis For Social Science

Teachers organized by ARPIT,

SWAYAMq Ms. Vyoma Agarwal, Assistant

Professor, Department of Home Science completed 15 w e e k s ' S WAYA M O n l i n e refresher course in Education (concerns in educational research and assessment)

• Dr. Aastha Saxena

• Dr. Anubha Jain

• Dr. Ruchi Nanda

• Dr. Amita Sharma

• Dr. Astha Pareek

q The following staff members of Department of Journalism & Mass Communication have completed the Refresher Cou r se on Teache r and Teaching in Higher Education for 16 weeks' through SWAYAM Portal :

• Dr. Abhishika Sharma

q Dr. Geetika Vyas, Dr. Amita Sharma, Dr. Astha Pareek

q Dr. Gyanesh Soni, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics published a book titled 'Opt ica l and Mechanica l Properties of PMMA/SiO2 C o m p o s i t e T h i n F i l m s ' p u b l i s h e d b y L a m b e r t Academic Publishing

(Senior Assistant Professors, Department of CS & IT) jointly published a book titled "Anu in Web Land: Web Designing through Conversation Theory" published on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Other Achievements q Dr. Astha Pareek, Senior

A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Depa r tment o f CS & I T r e c e i v e d C e r t i f i c a t e o f A p p r e c i a t i o n ( O f f i c i a l Ambassador) in AU Bank Jaipur Marathon organized by AU Bank on 1 February 2020

q Dr. Himangini Rathore Hooja, A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r , Department of Psychology w o n t w o S i l v e r M e d a l s (Rajasthan Team) in Clay Pigeon Trap Shooting and Clay Pigeon Double Trap Shooting at 63 rd Na t iona l Shoo t i ng Championship Shotgun 2019 organized by National Rifle Association of India from 16 November - 25th November 2019, New Delhi

q CA Priya Jain , Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting & Taxation, Invited



• Received Elite Certificate for

the 8 weeks' NPTEL online

course on Computer-Aided

Drug Designing

as Chairperson at Natcon Committee at All India National C o n f e r e n c e “ P r a k a r s h” organized by ICAI on 30-31 December 2019

q Dr. Sreemoyee Chatterjee, A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , Department of Biotechnology

• Was selected from the North

West Region in the National Bio

Entrepreneurship Competition

2019 organized by Biotechnology

Industry Research Assistance

Council (BIRAC)/ Centre for

C e l l u l a r a n d M o l e c u l a r

Platform (CCAMP), Bengaluru

q Dr. Vijay Singh Rathore, Professor, Department of CS & IT

• Was a Member of Indian

Higher Education Knowledge

D e l e g a t i o n t o C A N A DA

(Toronto) led by Prof Anil D

Sahashtrabudhe, Chairman,

AICTE, & Dr. B.L.Rama, Advisor,

AICTE along with 10 Delegates.

Inst i tut ions v is i ted were

University of Guelph (Toronto),

Un i ve r s i t y o f Wa te r l oo ,

Carleton University (Ottava),

Indian High Commission

(Ottava), Minister of Education

(Ministry of Ontario, Toronto),

Ryerson University (Toronto),

Seneca College of Applied Arts

& Technology (Toronto) ,

Mohawk College (Hamilton),

York University (Hamilton), etc.

from 20-30 May 2019q Ms. Vyoma Agarwal, Assistant

Professor, Department of Home Science

• Awarded Best Singer in a

singing competition organized

by Modicare Limited on 14

February 2020

• Invited as a speaker for

Interactive Radio Counselling

(IRC) of IGNOU at the All India

Radio (AIR) Jaipur, on the topic '

Importance of Breakfast’

• Invited as a speaker in Jayshree

Periwal High School to speak

on the topic 'Healthy diet for

children' on 27 September


M.Phil./Ph.D. Awarded

q Mr. Gaurav Bagra, Department

of Commerce

q Ms. Mehak Gulati, Department

of Commerce

q Ms. Tanvi Vijay, Department of


q Ms. Monisha Ra j Soya l ,

Department of History

q Ms. Reena Anand, Department

of Library Science

q Mr. Jivendu Prasad Karna

(M.Phi l . ) , Department of


q Ms . Sh i l p i Chak r ava r t y,

Department of Management



q National Workshop on “Textiles Conservation” held on 20-21

q FICR International Conference on “Rising Threats in Expert Application and Solutions” held on 17-19 January 2020, organized by the Department of Computer Science & I.T

q 20-day workshop on Fresco techniques organized by Department of Fine Arts organized from 5 -25 February 2020

q Nat iona l Conference on “Biodiversity Conservation for a Sustainable Future” held on 1 1 - 1 2 O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 , organized by the Department of Botany

q Nat iona l Conference on “Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Global Business Management” held on 27-28 September 2019, organized by the Department of Business Studies

C o n f e re n c e s / S e m i n a r s / Workshops /Faculty Training Programmes organized at the IIS (deemed to be University) in the Session 2019-20

q Workshop on “Emerg ing Online Business in India” held on 4-10 December 2019, organized by the Department of Commerce & Management

q Nat iona l Conference on “Advance in Food Sciences, Processing and Safety” to be held from 13-14 March 2020, organized by the Department of Home Science

September 2019, organized by the Department of Fashion & Textiles

q IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur, organized the 95th AIU West Zone Vice-Chancellor Meet, 2019 on 11 and 12 December 2019. The theme of t h e m e e t w a s “Internationalization of Higher E d u c a t i o n a n d G l o b a l Rankings”. Hon'ble Governor of Rajasthan, Sh. Kalraj Mishra, along with the dignitaries from UGC, AICTE and esteemed Vice Chancellors, Directors and Registrars from 94 different un i ve r s i t i e s o f Gu j a r a t , Maharashtra and Rajasthan g raced th i s momentous conference.

q Workshop on “Google Cloud G. Suite” held on 9-10 August 2019, funded by the Centre for Research Innovation and Training (CRIT)

q IIS (deemed to be University) Sports Board organized the AIU West Zone Inter-University Tennis (Women) Tournament 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 f r o m 1 3 - 1 6 December 2019. Hon'ble Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, Sh. Ashok Chandana, g raced the Tournament . Around 25 Universities from all the Four States (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan) of West Zone participated in the same.


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