Page 1: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+



Zadar, 26 - 27 September 2016

Page 2: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.

In cooperation with European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) from Belgium and European partners from

Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, United Kingdom and Iceland, GONG organised a two-day training – youth

bootcamp held in the IMPACT center in Zadar.

The training gathered about 40 young people (between 17 and 35 years of age) and an international

group of trainers. It was devoted to digital democracy, and focused primarily on listening to the voice

of youth on the topics of mobility and the future of the Erasmus+ programme. The training was held

as part of the Digital Ecosystem for e-Participation Linking Youth (DEEP-Linking Youth) project, and was

entirely delivered in English. Apart from the presentations and theoretical backgrounds, the training

methods included practical exercises and discussions based on participants' experiences and video

production, to support expressions of opinions and suggestions provided by the young participants.

Ten videos were prepared during the training.

The Digital Ecosystem for E-Participation Linking Youth (DEEP-linking Youth) project reference number:

562257-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD, is funded by the European Commission through

Erasmus + programme (Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform). The project is lead by the European

Citizen Action Service (ECAS), and the partners are Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and The

Consultation Institute (TCI) from United Kingdom, Civil College Foundation from Hungary, ProInfo

Foundation from Bulgaria, GONG from Croatia and Citizens Foundation from Iceland.

Page 3: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.


Monday 26 September 2016

10:00 - 11:15

Introduction to youth participation

Introduction to the training, participants and objectives, expectations from the event

Forms of civic participation

Youth impact on public policies

Sharing experiences with decision-making processes

11:30 - 12:30

Digital democracy and participation

Digital democracy and youth – on line youth participation

Digital literacy of youth and forms of internet usage

Problems and inappropriate speech in the digital space

12:45 - 14:00

Learning mobility of youth

Forms of youth learning mobility

Participants’ mobility experiences

Erasmus+ programme

14:00-15:30 Lunch break


Video production – youth voices

Youth voices on learning mobility

Steps for successful video production - tips &tricks

Video production, development of ideas and storyboard for learning mobility

Page 4: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

10:00 - 12:00

Video production

Video production – final touch

Review of video materials

Tips and tricks for success in dissemination

12:15 - 13:15

Challenges and opportunities of digital democracy

Presentation of the Digital Ecosystem for E-Participation Linking Youth (DEEP-linking Youth) project

Making an impact on the decision making process - Future steps

Challenges of digital democracy and its reach

13:15 - 14:30

Evaluation and wrap-up

Participants' feedbacks and evaluation

Opportunities for further cooperation

Page 5: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.


The Bootcamp and the training were organised by GONG, a Croatian civil society organisation, in

cooperation with Croatian experts and partners from the EU. The goal of the training was to support

young participants in expressing their proposals in the area of youth mobility, prepare them for the

production of digital content and teach them how to express their thoughts and influence the

decision-making process. The expected outcomes of the training included feedbacks and proposals

from youth and video content on mobility issues.

To achieve these outcomes, the training focused on the following key areas and topics:

- Forms of civic and political participation of youth

- Digital democracy and youth

- Youth mobility through the Erasmus+ programme, volunteering and other similar programmes

which enable learning or working mobility.

The introductory part of the training consisted of participants and trainers getting to know each other,

and an agreement on the approach to work. To make the work enjoyable, the following rules were

agreed upon: listening to each other, mutual respect (including the respect of other people's attitudes

and opinions, and being on time at the sessions).

Saša Šegrt and Assya Kavrakova presented the DEEP-Linking Youth project, a part of which is the

Bootcamp in Zadar, and trainers Martina Horvat and Domagoj Morić introduced the participants to the

topic of civic participation and its various forms.

Introduction and warm-up (ice breaking games):


Participants throw the ball to someone whose name they know (or they try to guess it). After everyone

has received the ball once, the process is repeated respecting the same order, with participants trying

to pass the ball as quickly as possible. The third and final round follows the same process,only in

reverse order.


Participants were asked to position themselves in the room according to the following rules:

- taking position towards different cardinal directions depending on where they come from;

- taking position along the line (0-100%) depending on how much they have travelled, and

(later) depending on how much experience they have in participating in decision-making


After the introductory activities,the trainers introduced the participants to various forms of civic

participation. This was followed by a discussion about the different forms of participation in which the

group members took part.

More information about youth participation in the decision-making processes can be found in the

recommended literature linked below (in Croatian):

Page 6: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.

- Research on political literacy of high school seniors conducted by the Institute for Social

Research in Zagreb, GONG and the GOOD Initiative

- Students' Councils publication by the Croatian Youth Network

- Publikacija Law on Youth Councils in Practice by the Croatian Youth Network


This session consisted of two presentations, a discussion and an on-line opinion poll.

Krešimir Krolo from the University in Zadar delivered a presentation entitled'Participatory Culture and

Youth Participation in Digital Media Environment – from theory to data'.

The pdf of the presentation will soon be available, and additional information on e-participation of

youth can be obtained through the following academic papers:

- Facebook Friends as an Indicator of the Social Capital Structural Dimensions of Youth in


- Usage of Internet Social Networks and Participatory Dimensions of Social Capital of Youth –

The Example of Facebook

- Typology of video gamers in Croatia: some socio-cultural characteristics

Elisa Lironi from ECAS delivered a presentation entitled Potental and Challenges of Digital Democracy in

EU. The presentation's aim was to explain to the participants the basic concepts linked to e-

democracy, such as e-participation and crowdsourcing, and to showcase some examples of e-

participation in Member States and at the EU level.

After her presentation, the participants joined the online poll on digital participation where they were

asked different questions about their online presence, how they interact with decision-makers and in

which EU policy fields they would like a crowdsourcing experience.

Page 7: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.


This session consisted of two presentations and an interactive exercise used to provide an opportunity

to exchange opinions and suggestions on the Erasmus+ programme and the issue of learning mobility.

The young participants discussed various advantages of participating in mobility programmes,

including the following:

Opportunities to learn new things and develop new competencies while learning how to cope with

new situations; intercultural learning and development of soft skills, including cooperation and

communication skills which are important for future career success.

However, the participants also discussed the challenges, which include difficulties getting their

credits/degrees recognised after returning to their university, financial problems finding appropriate

accommodation (particularly in EU countries with higher standard of living) and problems related to

increasing the level of information about the positive sides of Erasmus+ programmes among


Gaffar Rampage presented the experiences of the Erasmus+ students from the perspective of the

Erasmus Studenats Network (ESN), and Rafaela Burmeta spoke about the experiences of the University

of Zadar organising and involving youth in the Erasmus+ programme. The International Relations

Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+ video', which invited the

students to share their experences with Erasmus+. Two videos received awards – one by a local

student who went abroad, and one by a foreign student who came to Zadar:

1. Video of the University of Zadar student who participated in mobility programme in Portugal

(Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisbon):

2. Video of the student who participated in a mobility programme at the University of Zadar:

Page 8: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.


The introductory presentation of video production was delivered by Guy Degen, and additional

support and tips were provided by Ivan Radović.

The workshop introduced the participants to different types of online video content production.

Special emphasis was placed on the simplicity of video production and the availability of video-making

softwere, and the participants were introduced to the use of mobile applications for video material

editingand easy-to-learn production techniques.

After the theoretical introduction had been provided, the participants were divided into small groups,

and proceeded to produce 10 video materials on the topics of mobility and the Erasmus+ programme,

supported by the trainers when necessary. The videos presented both the advantages and challenges

of participating in mobility programmes, as well as improvements proposals.

Guy Degen's notes on digital production are available at, while his presentation in pdf

format is available at

More information about online video production can be found at the following links:

- A series of useful articles on using mobile phones to make video materials:


Page 9: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.


The participants expressed a high level of satisfaction for the training, particularly with the opportunity

to express their opinions and suggestions through video production.

The participants also expressed their proposals related to facilitating the youth participation in

learning mobility programmes. These proposals highlighted the importance of being informed about

mobility opportunities and their advantages, the need to reduce red tape and ensure additional

financial support to enable all young people to participate in mobility programmes, as well as the

importance of addressing open issues (e.g. having their credits recognised upon returning from


Results of the questionnaire on participation in the Erasmus+ programme:

Out of the total number of participants, 13 took part in some form of learning mobility, and 8

took part in the Erasmus+ programme or previous programmes (Erasmus and CEEPUS were

mentioned by three participants). More than half of young participants who participated in

the Erasmus+ programme also took part in other mobility activities, primarily international

tranings and exchanges. Apart from the Erasmus, participants described the following forms of

learning mobility: volunteering camps, education trainings, youth exchange programmes,

exchange of members of youth organisations (travel through Youth In Action, PrePlay

programme, Salto Youth trainings, conferences, study tours, volunteer camps). Two young

people mentioned that they had applied for a mobility programme, and expect to participate

in the programme soon.

Young participants who took part in the Erasmus+ programmes had more information and a

generally positive personal experience concerning the impact of mobility on the development

of personal competencies and independence. Their motivation for participation included

meeting new people and new environments, learning how to handle new unknown situations

and active usage of foreign languages.

Youth who did not participate in the Erasmus+ programme listed the following reasons for not

participating: extensive administrative requirements, lack of information (about the

application process and opportunities), difficulties with credit recognition upon returning from

abroad, lack of financial resources, the need to engage in student jobs, and the fear that they

would not manage to be abroad alone.

Most young participants declared to have average knowledge about learning mobility

opportunities for youth. Their main sources of information are mainly internet and their

friends (word of mouth), and this is particularly true for those who had prior mobility

experiences. Internet sources most commonly quoted include their faculty website, the

website of the Erasmus + programme, and the websites of the EU institutions and ESN.

Page 10: BOOT CAMP REPORT DIGITAL DEMOCRACY AND YOUTH MOBILITY · Office of the University of Zadar organised the competition 'Best Erasmus+

DEEP-linking Youth Boot Camp Zadar

26.-27. 2016.

Proposals to improve the e-learning mobility programme (particularly the Erasmus+

programme) are correlated to: (1) higher financial support; (2) better quality of information,

and (3) reducing bureaucratic obstacles.

Youth stress the importance of information (including the information about the opportunities

and conditions for accessing available EU funds), improved visibility and usefullness of such

activities. They proposed a more intensive campaign with a more personalised approach,

potential widening of the scope of ESN activities, introducing the alumni network or similar,

and highlighting the human aspect and interaction to compensate beaurocratic complications.

They also suggest a more proactive approach by the faculty in promoting mobility, as well as

the support in identifying institutions and companies for internships and working mobility.

More information about e-participation of youth in the decision-making process, as well as additional

information about project activities, can be found at the website of the DEEP-Linking Youth project

As part of the project, a digital competition will be launched. More information is available at

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