Page 1: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

Weather ForecastFair tonleht and Sunday; nomul

trinpeniturn. lllcb yr«U;rda)’. K2;

low 58. Low UiU mornlii); 31.

Six. Irri.'ratcd Oonntics in Idnho

Today’s ^ r . News


VOL. XVII. .N‘” . 2'.’—.■) Civ.vrs. TW IN KAIJ-S. IDAHO. S.\Tnn)AV. .MAV a, 1!M] OK PIC JAL L'Ot.'NTY NliW.SP.VI’KH



'Child Slayer And Victim

Midwest Reorganizes Squad& Searching:

For Bandit

CHICAGO. Ifiiy 5 Threppuwcrfu! nnns of the law com* bltictl toilay In new plaiiii for.In. calfon and ciiplurc of John Dll- llnter In CHlcaf;o. wliilc ncromi Ihp ocean BrlUali offlcor* Invrstl- £ttUa a rtporl Ihul Vht iJcsiKrado Wfl.-i tt pDwnijcr on the niennifr Dijctipiui of York.

TtiP nhlp )" itiii- til r.rcenock. Kcotlanil. today.


lo of Itic Duchc'iid ofViirltUxJay fMIcnl tn fll/iclosi- nny Irucp of Jdlm Dlllinj;pr, Amrrlca‘/i moat notorious banilll.■ Thi! capuiin nrtlercd a cnmpMe ncnrch ot cvury nibln, nil plnccn wlierp a sLiWftway mlfilil ho con- ccalrd. and ovtn ttie crcWji qunrterii.

,. Np puaflcni;cr listed on nhlpbourd aJitfu'iTCil DltltnK' it's ilr.ieriptlon, an<i thtrc- wiui nuilnjcf of lil» jirc.ioncc nnywhcrc.


Senator Pojio Presents New

Measure for Settlement

Of Metal Issue

»V HAIUtV \V. FUANT/ .'ASHINGTON, May ft il'.lli-

iV'fl. J.v.ic*T. rope. D.. lihlio.

Mclvin I'urvln, ClilcaRrt chief of tlir bureau of InvesliKotlon of the dtparlmenl on<l dircclor of tho ficarch for DllllngtT nlncc he irscapcd March 3 from Jail al Crown I'oint, Ind.. rcfiiaed to why. ,t!ie outlaw wan IhouKhl route to E5uropc.

WJille. Uic . transoceanic search <li’Vctop«(t. federal ajTcnta, police and state’s attxirney’n offlccro per- ftclfd ft new onranlziillon of thclr •'Dllllncer nquad*.''

.(Continuod on Pa{(o 3, Column-!,)

l e m R K■ t t o

Obsorvancq of • National Fcto

Will Begin With Progrum

Here Tomorrow

Obnervcnee of national music •xveck In T\vln Falla wlU gel un-

' dtrfvay tomorrow with a radio

il public /lervlce at thfl Flrat ifetliodlBt Epticopal church at 8, p. m., It was announced' today by 'Mri), D. L. Alexander, general chairman.

.Central invltntlon In bclnj: « • t4n(l«(l the public to nltend all events, commencing with tomor­row'wvenlnc'd concert, wlpcli will Iw’ tflvcn by a maji.icd choir of 7fl'\-oleea under the Ctrccllon of

. Mfji. U. N. Terry. AdmL-«lon to all program.! will bo free. 11 b Htrew^ by the commlttoeii In charge. .

Oiilw Contrtbutfl .........: MaRlelawi', KiwaaLi. RoUry

and the Bu.slnea» & Profcaalonal Women’s cluba have contributed the funds to defray the omn. n'ectmwry expense of the wecU’J prosTams. ll ># cxp5als\«l. cind ncveral women'n and high school club.i urc lenillnf; Iheir coopera-

di'.Hlirncil to oatnbliiih t fiice (if !*•'*' “Hv"' circulation but reci>itnl/.lnf; worlil iimrltPl tllHpnrltli'H In the value (If the yullow nng whllo nu'tiils.. Tlip bin. now .-xtonnlw-ly nliid k-«l with a vinw lo action ivl tin next Hrxiilon of conjrri'ii-r woiili roiilt In n Inrj:,' adiiiiion nf jiiivvi ‘ ' inetiiry rc:uTv.-;i of ihi

intry. bul ivoUl I:0!it for Ihlit oprrntlon by

nuthorlzlnj; lltc purcbiu;.- ;it tint murliel prlci- iind ;iol at any artificially llxi:d ruUo..—The quc.s- tlnn of ratio luui bren >n< of tlir bij; ntumbllnir blockii in front of nllvcT k'i;l;ilnlion,

Iti-dniiiptlon IbuilH rtwlmptlon of Hilvcr ccrtificatps

would Iw on the ba.ilii of iin amount by welcht of Kllvvr cfiuivftlcnt In value on the world silver niaritcl ut llic tljiic ol ri- di-rming.

Senator Popo'/i plan HouRht lo ri'concllc many Olffcrencro cif Opinion dcvolopi'il durinir consid­eration of the varloun nllvcr blllii •fciro till- c<unrtiltlce on ngrlcul- ire anil forc.itry.It would uvcrl the poxilbllity ' n Diiildcn ’TlotKl". of .iillvur Inlo

Ui« United SUtca Irciuiiirj' by ilniltlng purchaacfl to ICl,000,001) ounces monthly, outnlde of ttio lunount puixhast'd ' pursuant to tlie London confcrcnce ngrecmcnt

111 other cxtnllngr QCln..■■...'•Sa.W'hTbl AcUon • - .

Senator Pope «iald lhai Ula plan does not require any Inter*


Asserts Change of Leadership Needed to Prevent Extinction

. Talent for the munlctti events is helng supplied from neighboring townfl and communUiea, aa as by Twin F»Un artlsUi.' JdonJay 'cvenlng'fl Offering will (Continued oa Pugo Column Ij

i l t O N B L K : PLO

Declares Income Tax Charge

' Arose from Campaign of . ■ ' ‘Vllllfication”

; PITTSBURGH. Pa.,' May 5 (U.r.|, —Political retiillftllon waa blamcfl hy Andrew W. ilellon today for n trand Jury h«arlrig which open# Idomlay oa his Income Uix record.• “Had I not been a member ot the eablnet of U>o laaj three ’ mlnUlratlorui, I would not nov the-object of th!" cxlraortllnary procedure.”-he aald.

“ ThT‘PUU'burfJ'~J'n‘‘«c>««‘~onfl' of iha'wealthlest inen In . the na­tion and Bccretory of Iho trenaury under Harding. Coolldgo iiaa Hoo- vcr,: apoke of a “lonff campaign of ■vlllLClcatlon." Ho aald he want- ei) ko be cleared "of ih-e unwar- ronted cKargc*. which the attor­ney central ho* seen Xll to bring. Bgalnat- me.". MHIon declared ho over-paid his Wcome tnxcfl In 1031. Attorney Genetttl Homer 8, - Cummlng*. however, alleged they were under­paid and' inatructed- Dum- bauld,-. federal attorney here’, to

tat the,lP3l tjoc-return to

PtcrelAry of ‘ the ___bt! directed lo iMuc

cnU'R lia.n<Ml on silver now bi'li) horcftfter n'equlred until nueh

time a.1 Uic npiounl 'of curri.-iicybailed on • nllver In circulation ..... ..........shall be equivalent In fiicc value! ivl'uinlli' hrlm’ini; word' from (Continued on Pnse 3. Column.l) Iciiptoni.

Itiinimm ncjroliatlons npprarcil to hiivo brcii ne:ir conclusion liint niclit. mime persons even licUcvirtl; tla-y had b-.-cri completed, h-t i.p- p.UL'nt1y thi-y wirrc fniirtrato<l by tlmlJIty of tlio l:Ulnapcr.i,

IN-nr SlnylMff Each pii!uilii(; hour n'vlvod Ivtin

that iilic might, I)< dead. It wa:i 10 dnv;i nr,o ih iit »hc wa« kldnuprd by, ft darii man an nhc.wiis return- Injr home from uchool.

Tho ln.ll two niKbtii, it wan learn- til, her father drove Into the deiicrt In tlio hope thnfkidnappra would comply with their promlaeii to nina him lin A dealpjiutcrt hignway and arurnge for tho colleclUm of $35.- 000 ninaom money. This .cour.n.t wfts’ outlined In a noto lliibira tr- coivi-U an hour iiftor hln dsitjihlvr dlMppenred.

Authorllleri who .wlth<lrcw from the c.vie'la;il Tuesday after Uer- nabe Itobloa relunicd from Siiswni, Mc.xlco, where he wn.n said to Imve contacted'the Wdnnpcra. intimated they would renew an active Invoiill- gallon unlwis tho child wiin relcaii- ed iiliortly,'Twelve federal ni;rtit.s. illrccled by Joaeph Dimn of Ixri AngelcB. were ready to taltr iii> the cold trail.

GirF^eath Feared As Deadline Expires

Release Time Passes B I IWitK-No;Message— ----

. From Child I f ^ l ^ G E R S

TUC.SON, Arl/-. May f) dMn - Tlio ,te Ilf Juii.r i5-ycur-old

kldnapwl jVrl7.<inu_helrrii»^ ’.rcmnln- ed wrapped' In iiiysler>- (miny. hourn alter Ibe Umc nd lor lu-r rc- had paiiiicd.

.. KAN- KHA>;CI.^CO, Cat,- tlir i:, H, rhluilliiT of C( m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l <

polntinent when the kldnaprr.i fail rd to deliver tll<! ;;lrl t<i her nrief ntrlcken pai enUi. Mr, and Mrs. Ker niimio Robleii.

Indicatlonii liati ptiinted tn th. cliikl’ft iiurrender late yc.iterd;

It night but the iil(':lit p


British Author Says Belgian

Monarch Was Killed for

Opposing: War

NOTTINGHAM. Rngiand, May r.I!i—Lieut. Col. Gruhum Seton

Hutchition, f o r m e r army Itrlll- gence of/iccr lUid Internationally known author, revived today ro- ports llinl King Albert of Belgium did not fall from a mountainside to his death but who murdered. .

“I know the fActii," said Uutchln- non In a speech lo tho Writers’ club, "Tho ntory about his death was about the blffpcjit piece of non- senao put over on Uic world in nix monUit.

”U Wan put over by planned per- Jiir>'., I asccrlnlned llin l there were no hniisen on-lhc Ulni. 'a body or his Imnd. Ho wa.1 tapped on the bncli* of the head. Thla Is known In Cel« glum and nobody dare/i npeak of bls.dcath in Belgium today.

"King Alt>crt wnn opposed to war and would not participate In tlia deviltry of war dr- fcnnelens Germany. Ho wa.i n great unifying force between the Walloon ond Flemish aecllon.n of Delglum."


LONDON*. Mny 5 .(I'.n —Tlie of UvuL Col. Graham


Orcanization W ill Cooperate

With Municipality for

K,s„''s;;i A„n«»i Driveof.Uelgium did not dU-occldcnUlly ■ —----.......... murdered evoked great, AciivitJi's of Twin Falla’ new

Liondon and Pftr!■,In many quartern iuigei'. eapecklly ni embassy, where It v

Belgian embanay mny any," Hutchi­son declared at Man.iflold t<xlay. "I have the evidence In m y poSats- ilon- andlt-ls-eTldenee-substantlal enough to prove the my slate- menu are true."


aH OEoftllL DOWNS, Ky,

M it6 (HP)— Oa%'alcado, lilted

01 thi) favorite. in the Ken-

,ttiok>vderby, swept to victory

here tliis afternoon in tho COth.prcseat the, 1031 tax ■ return lo , , , ,the federal gnind Jury for rovlow. running' of-lhO tu r f olouic.

projectfl np'provcd ftl n inceUng &{.UV8 Junlur orKfttvttaUon’s bcvtir lQtdlrcctora.ln.Oic.BudleriWfgenorcomp.iny offlcea liml evening.

I^s t Wc<*k In May Following dcclslon of tho Jun­

ior Chamber lo Sponsor thla year's clcan-iip campnlpfn, It wnn Jointly decide<l with city offlclau that the last Wfclt Jn Way be desig­nated an Clenn-Up Weclc. .

Mayor' Duncflft McD. Johnaton assured the Junior Cliamber of complete co-oporation In Mhe clcan-up compiilgn, nnd prcdlctcd that through these combined ef- fortfl the drive aJiould prove un- u.iually nucccasful. •

The ninyor iilao approved the Junior Chnnvber'a alrctl TriarWng ,^Coatlnue<] on Fnge 2, Column 8)

• who inplal

IVakL i iir thc fln it four montit.'i of Uil; Vfur the t.-(l<T;il roiu-rvr twiid 11' urar.ahi.wud.,uuii—activity in thi Uilllnl StutL-!l ri'ilclR-d 81 lu-j lConllnur?d on Page Z. Coiiit

j P f i i m wT A K E ilL


p('r;ioii:i iui:ioclate<l with him in hl.i long -ttiJuslrlal ea- I'c'cr lui hi'Ori of the Anicrlc.-vn Car and Fo»ndr>' company, and hl!i !diorl pomiMl life in the

ilway.i referri'it n

I that. If d.'ctod. li.- I ' llic <ifficc of the (;ov

cajillol. L’xdi'pt wlipn 11 n-(iuire my pri'.ii'in'c

jiiiih.T locikc'd lit I iKilltlcal .inmiincr.'-otiipr. iicrntch.-il their I ---------- ■ Ho iir>:i-*l riupjxirt of "r

1,1 an,I w.'nt back to "iw;.-,. 1'A,-my WiU Turn Over Three iv c iiicn i m hi,, cura,:.-.n.'ioltiliunii." Hut the I'ri'iii- i 1, . lo r.'h:ibllllntc the natlc

•did hi nil 'om out „.ir j KoutCS tO OlViluns at nouncisl ■'contlnulnj:tit :iald ctnicr.-i.i t Mwlntirlit Mntwlnv .....................................iibout tiiroliKh. Y

■ithout flJii'l apiiinpri: ti(mii by the ;itat<' li'f;iiiliiliir,'; ;:a that "inonej'iM capital ilgltii: liu

O . M M N

FlfiNI COifOfflfiKhtiNew York Committeeman Seen

onH.iii Dominant Factor in N.aminp Chief

lUtr.'i■ j (Coalintied on Pai;-


Relief Work Started After

Tornado Leaves Trail of Death and Injury '


TUUSA. Okla.. May r> — ■our pi-nion-T wi-rc dead In iiorlh- m Oklahoma toilay an public of- icialfi and citl;-..-n.'i r.-ntore<i <ir<ier

<if a tornado which liincii nlcing a 70- iji^-ing a <lorni pcr-

illpprd I

Tiiree Alnuma, a feu

The rourlh victim eil north ot Nowata

ilate line.

killed ni<fr

with the proiipi>ct that williln a nliort lime private eonccrn.i will oe earrylni; nil the airmail again.

Tho flrjit routes to bo taken ov­er are the Krw.irli-Oakland, Salt I-alie Clty-Scattle and Seallle-Ssn Diego nervice.q. Unlte<l .Air llnc.i will handle the jier\’lco.

Morn Nc*t \Ve<-k ---------

Tte ,lip.Tlmr« ix-jDcail, of Four-Ycar.Old Boypect« to roleiue fteveral morel , ,rmitea 'In private carrier,-! during I Unavolduule, OffiCCrs the weelt uiSier the , temporarj'I Dctcrroine'

“""''j — ■ imcfHl Dcalb of Kichard Rile, :

which iieverni daya iigo.

The <lcpartment n

The eail:nd hln

Negro, all'Of

A-c r>r>, of No-

drew T.ncket, wife, Annu. or,.

Cindy I’ftknanl Al.'iiima.

Mr«, Carrie U> ivaLa county.

Tulna irounty commijisioncn met with the eounty welfare organlM- tlon to plan relief work and re­building of homo,I in the Ainum.i- Unlon liolWKil diiitrlct.

aeccptancc of the low bid of tlie Uranlff Alrxvnyn.ofOklahomaClty for the Chlcnco-Dall-i-’i route vl.i K.miKw City. Wichlla, Ponca City and Oklahoma City. The HranKf bid wa;i C2.r> ccnt/i a mile compar­ed wlUi -tn ci*nLn prevloiLiiy paid.

The return of the airmail to M I f private handn marks the actual

lend of tho monl controvenlal era ,i. 'in American nviiitlon which mart- ‘"‘ l/«l last February with cancellation

m f all nrlvnti! contracla on col- .. chariJCfl. A dor.en army air

pilotn have been kilU-d in tho

Dcalb of vear-old Jion Hilc. r.23 Ma taut nichl w,' 11 had In

If Mr- Kny ast. here

'ntlri'ly .iceldental, ‘ linr.i


ifter invcntigatinn lnt< ciim.itancen whicll hlottetl out the Ilf.; of Ihi! youngater a.'i he ran acros;i the ntreut in front of a car driven by ^la/Ici-. W, 2lm-

. Funeral wrvices will he l9,ld at 2' p.- m. tomorrow at tho brake mortuary. wlUi Rev. William Ua.*ill Young officiating.' Sur\'lvora In­clude the p.'jrcnUi: anlster. Patricia.' 12: tho ;;ranilparenl.i, Mr. and Mr.i. ................Wlliton Kile: five uncles, Lloyd. I!l-| whether itlion T...'-. T7U,.- .mrrESTS k a r i .y iii.siN<i

MAN A T JlZ y U T H Sl'rCIliK j — ^eam, BIRMlNGHAtr. Ala,, Mny Si interment will bo In Twin Fall,

H.v c. U’li.sox WASin.VOTOV. Mny r. 1.1

ChariM Dewey Hllle.i of New ' Vorli and a niy,iterioua block of Hi.'i Republican national cnmmlttj.-e ' '-otr.H appear tixlay to be domin­ant in the eampaign to .'.elect a .'lucce.’i.'ior (o Chairman Everett Sander.i.

Sanders will resign the chair- miinnlilp June .'i before a com* mltleo niW'tlng in Chicago.

Confualng Uic situation are re- porLi that:

1, Thi! Mlllea votes will be <Jant I for former Senator Jnme.i E. iWaL-Mp of Indiana,

•2. The HWr.-* %-otes will riecl \a the chalrm.mship Charle.i lX*wey llilles. himself.

Detcmdne Cliale*'

A/woclated with Hilles In hir........plan to eontrul the aelectlon olilay I Sanders’ .luccensor le J. Henry

Ilorahack, wily Connecticut com­mitteeman. These two, with Vice Chairman Ralph B.WIiliams. Ore.. jirobftbly wflTaa^e wlvi shall gi-l the Job.

If powerful cotiHCjalonal Ro- publican. have theSnway there will be no chairman fcoscn next month.

Pre.i.iurc In »>elng, cxert«d lo postpone the clectkm until 1030.

lit until next year and not depends

nlmosl wlwlly on HlUe-i-

Unwilling to arLte m. to go to work In-a Uikery. -MorrLn Tant. 13. nbot himself ear­ly today. Ilia condition Is critical.

Foes 'Trying to Scuttle NRA, Johnson Thunders

--CObUMDUS.-O.i-Mny 5-<i:,i;t; —Refoverj’ Admlniiitrator Hugh 3, John.'ion told a ma!« meeting at the Btiite fnlr stadium here thill cnemica of the Blue E.igle have launched nn organised ef­fort to rcuttle the whole nation-' al rccovcry progmm.

But in iipltc of the.-! cffortfl, ho dt'clarcd Inst tilght, the NRA han not yielded to enemlc.1. He denied that I'rcsldcnt Roose­velt liad modified the recover)- program In rcaponso lo attacka upon It.

"It In being’ nald now." John-' non declared, ’'thut the program ia dcll'beralaly tclng wealitcned by tho administration ta answer

•to thenc-atbxclct.- It-brnotbclng- wcaltened.’’

JoluiHon called for a united .■inil powerful aupport of the re­covery campaign against the enemlcii who necK "to scuttls Uie whole rccovcry program, make the Blue Engle walk the plank, hoist the Jolly rogcr on the ship o( fltato ood oall back to the good old plmcy that brought the craah of 1020."

Tho Qddreoa waa a partial an­swer m criticism uttered by

.Bjieal(«ibi a t the U. S. Chamber, of Commerce convention at Washington, who wcrc,^quot^d by Johnson oa saying Umt the cmey.'cncy woa over.

.-•metcry.n;whr.l Into Street

Oris Cryder, ' deputy sheriff, ealipil tci the ncepe of the accl- d«mt which occurred iit about S:CO p. m.. ntnteft thut Zimmerman wna driving eaal on Main avenue and Uial the child had been given n penny by hU father with which to hiiy aomo candy. ?tomermaH (Continued on Page 2, Column 31

Eastem-TongsmenJi- Demand Feud Halt

SAN FRANCISCO, May J5 (L'.l!> —Tho Intervention of a powerful ca-iterTJ tong, the On Lcong*. soothed ruffled Orlentala _ln Pa­cific coast Chltuilowno today nl n Ume when ftulhorlUes and tl)*! Chinese Pcace society feared n new and bloody long feud waa ntx)Ut to breolc.

The On LcoBga informed an­other nAliotltUIy known -group, the Hip Sings, tbat tho latter would bo held responsible for any bloodshed or property damage -re- BUlllng from a dliORrcement wllh

PitUiburgh 301 001R. H. 'e1

Bonton .....000 000 050— B 11 2Chlcngo ....000 001 300— 4 13 1



Detroit ......100 000 410— G 11prerae Court Judge Edwird J.

................... ....................................Glldriek todiy pooh-poohed,.New York ’ 32U 310 JOx—10 12 2 1 clally. at Malta Kftnef poo-popfl

_ __ _ -- '*---

•Ther.- i.i Junt .m ll»-I>iiblicun party." ne s.iid, -'aii:l t,h;it i,i Ihc young Itrpulilican.-i all ovi-r tile country with a n(-w otil- kxik, a new spirit and cleaner, higlKT iwUllcal idcahi,

" If they can take charge of tin- party and dlv<irce It from Uie economic and financial infiucncci iCunllmifd on Page -. CoUnin ' )

A R iD lIiG . CALLED !N-CUBAOpposition Leader Summons

Revolution to Insure .

Honest.ElccLioa.— —

By LAWRENCE 8. HAAB. ■_(Copyri|iht,40M,-Uiill«lJ’f«^>---

HAVANA, May C aiW ~ /Afl- open cull, to armed' in*urro<'lion agnln.Hl the gDvcmment woji mnd#'- todny by Antonio Culteras, niont •• inftuentlaJ opposition political flgxire In the country.

Gulterft.1, in a bitterly phnuned ^itcment miide through thellnlt- I Prens-hU firnt since the f.-ill ' the Grau 9an ilortln govern* .

menlr-Hald armed revolt was the only means of Insuring honest ;l<^tlons._______ Elmi Revolution___________

Patriotic Cubana, he announced,. ,-i- organizing for a revolution which they Intend to effect r if It means armed Intervention by the United States,

•'Wo are being, ruled by the UnIt<.Hl Stales government r through a weak government," said. "The pro»pcct Li Ihal the American emhoMy will Influenci- electlonn to make mire ot a go\-- ■mmenl that will bo amemitlo Amcrlcon Interests. -'

•'I am for deproiwlon rather than American rule, and for.arm-1 cd Intervention if It.must.comu to th a t ’’

GulteraA waa secretary of In­terior In th « ‘RoVcnvm«nt Rft--

Grau San ' Martin, which . never waa recognl*etl «>y tho United Stales.



NEW YORK, May B iIlP.i—An - artistic furor raging over the • newJy lartued Mothrr'" day pnnt-.' ago alamp pointed acrlfuuily to­day toward orjfanlzed action for copyrijsht lawt to prated art crcatlonfi.

The American Artists Profea-' j „ alonal league awaited Poatniafl--.-:-: : ter General James A. Parlcy'a..i'-'' reply to It* stinging telegrtphlo attack upon Uii> threo-centtf:;''. Blamp reproduction, of James. ' '■ McNeill WhlaUor's famous por­trait ot hla mother.

I t charged that the..*t»m7>-K,. honoring.:. -Americon mothen.jV,^.,

'damages,' Uie - reputation of vtbC. great artial. ....................... '■ ■■i'i

In the stamp version lhe-plcv.;> lure and fl»pery background<(,';jj the famUlaffinutcrpifcewaste-.jf nu)ved and thoteclof Whistler’s

,motHerwet^elImlhated. A.vii»e,_r of flowers wumlded. . .


N EW tO R lt 'M ay

R. H. E.Oeveland ..001 000 000— 1 7 3Wnah..........015 003 OOx— 0 l l 1

, R .H : 'EChicago ....on 010 010— 4 0 3Phlladel......000 101 J7*-10 9 S

. .••-.R. H. B........ ............... ......................... .. 81. UuS», .-TOO 630'OOl-W 10 2

the Lul Konff family aMoelntlon.ilIoaton — 030 lOx—13 18 2

a ^ n i t l£o»-Fl«U(^. c tho B e ttjr ';^p '.'e ‘

and this FaT*mou&U Uoa for BooD

Page 2: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

PagB Two


Obscmnco of National Fete

, W ill Begin With Program Hero Tomorrow

(Coollnued from Para Osa) prea«nt«l nllhcFlrslChrLiUan

vliurch when the UtUe Symphony orclicfllni,'under Uj(T.<iircc{Ion"of Charlc.1 Shirley, a*slfitc<i by Mw- O. I>. Duvall, fwprtuio, nn'd Jamcii lU'yjwliln. bnsao, will t-lve n jiro- KTum of cinjfllcal nnd acml-claAii-

-itirrTiTuSTE:At tho Mmo pincc an<l hour

TucjKluy nljjht, the mcn'n wn. cluljfl of the clly ori) .iponsorl^ir a program whleh will Include the Aiblon GIpc club, unJcr the direc­tion of Norman MeCurty, brouahl by till" KlwanU club: lUo Kimber­ly band club, sponnnrcd by th<- MnKlcliinft’ club; «n<l the Utihl malr cborun, c<mlrlbution of the RoUiry club.

BuJiI, J-IJcr Jotii On Wcdncjkljiy. talwil of Bulil

anil of l^ller, will oppcur alao the FlrBt ChrUtlan church 8:15. The Buh! aecUon, under the direction of Mrs. W . A. Cray, .will Include vocal and Irutrumen- ial numl>era. wltA ,Oral S. Lwke, Mrs, W. H. WrlKht, Mm. A. I* KIrchcr, Mrs. Plekrell, and Mrf. I, M. Itittcrnon. vlollnlnl iio Uie contrlbutlnc artlatfli and tha^ll-

lection win provldo vocal, '

News in BriefTinailfrs of l)« n»nln( 1

lirina (o itiln Of|«rllnc ih" |;ui«r by iclriilioii.. Th.

To Merl SI.,

Mcnibrrii of the liri'Uircii church’wlll hold [he regular tiumth- ly buiilne** merllnc Monduy cvi'. nliii;.

(iluirdUiiin t i Twin I'alln Caiiip Fire nuanl-

lan»' iiji.wclallon will nuTt iil the SVaahtnjrtnn'-JirrwiI—n t^ 'j 't .— m ' Mrmilay,

Shuui« liiijirovrjm-ntMr.i, K. J. St<-jik.-n, wlw ur

■WpnT^iir^,:.‘v.;i:,,;.' \i'ririT'ii'.







Hlrumentul aaa WiiloUlnj.' nurrf' ticrx, with Ura. .Quy H. Hhtarer. Mra. L. ,C. GUJlLnn. Mrs. lUy L- Shearer. Mra." E. A. Uecm. ilr#- Davla. Mni. Gcort’o KrharOt. 31m - rUch one] Orea .Alll«oa on thn projfrajn. ...

Open Air ConcortTliursday aflcrnoon'Ji event will

cbtiilat of an'open air T»and con­cert under tho direction of J. T. Balaljrldse, high achool mualcol Inalnictor. I t I* expeetcd that there wUI bo 80 In tho band, which baa Jbecn under opeclal trainlnK for thla event and for the otate muelcal conteaL In the c\-cnlnff, tho f^trla' Rlec club, uh- der the direction of ilJao Helen Parrott, will present a c^nccrl.

DeconitJona for athc proaento- tlona havo bcca (uul^ed by A- ^ViUcm Pec^, chairman of the Twin Falla floral -company for Sunday; Girls Kcscrvea for Mon* dny: llanJall Floral company for Tuesday: McT club for Thuroday; and Trl-C» for tho radio atudlo brondcasls.

Tbo radio prcacntaUona will be at 8:30 Sunday jnomteff;' with matlnoe concerta Monday, Wed' neoday and Friday from i t< <:4B p. m.

:) lIllnulH H. U ITutor, father of Sheriff

E, F. Prut/.T .md ..f Tvrry I'rat.T, returns today fn,m rillm<.r.-, Ill,, whi-n; hn ujK’nt thu wlntvr.

l-VIIoMnhlp IlDiir Aiiiiiiuiii '-<1A IIJK-Cial afleninun f.llowiihiji

nervloi- will bo hrid Siimliiy iit J J>. m. a\ Uii-Twln Falla I'ourii/iuiir.- noiipt-1 church. Il.'v, Anlca Kni'a. dale. Uulil, will preach.

To I'marh lleroi Ucv. Ira L. Tnic of .VarUiwi-jit

Narircne collej.v, Nampa, a band of Bpccbil worker/i, will b<i a t thu Oiurch of lli^ Nazai Sun.lay. cvmlnj: for ni>rclal ii lce.<» a t a i>. 111.

rrli* DivDrai iKVSfiv------Suit for divorce Juiii Uv-n fili-d

In dlalrlct court by WIllU'L.-on llarberL iiKalnnl Mm, Judith Frances JlarU.Tl, clmtKlni; crui-I' ty. The couplo married at Sac-

imcnlo. Calif., Kept- lOi-j, I., IJunn hi atluriii'y fur thu


L PLAN FOR r S K O r f E BSenator Popo Presents Ncw_

Measure for Sottlmont

Of Motol Issue

■ '(Continued ftwn Papo One) to the currcncy baaed on frotd.' lie e-xplalncd to tho United l»rc«a.

•■At that time Uie. secretary,of the treaaury would be directed to liifluo a proclaanation dcclarlnR lliat allver la a part of the mono-

-•tory ■bttflin for-tJwalofr'canTncy and credit on parity. In amount l)y value with C^ld. and thaX ht'nccforth alt currcncy of the United SUUa flhall 'bc recdem- nWo In to per cent of cold and no per cent of allver. ■' "The flecrolary of thfl treasury

'would maintain alsblllty of tin nllver price by purchanea of aalc." of nllver and j;old from the monC' tary ntoclc. Kedcmptlon, of ccrtlfl- oatea would bo In tho welRht of KOld, an provided by cxULinp law Ilf the dale of rc<lrjnptlon while i.lie weight of nllver would bo In tin amount aufflclent at prevull- Inp market ratefl to bo cqulval' ont la value to uuld Kold."

At tho UoapltjilRufloell ■ McCauley. Uulil, and

Emanual Hochhnltcr. Filer, have e.ntered tho hoapltal to underRo operations..airs. Elmo Kerr. Twin Falta, and ilra. H. R. Dailey, Twin Falla, wore tli8mln.ied following operation/!. Kenneth Loe, OaJtley, a medical patient waa aliio dl»- mlMcd.

Klcifner Ilottmw• FranS^ Klcffacr la home from

Pocatello whcro he and Mra. Kief- fnw were called by the acrlou.-i illncfis of JJarbara Jo lOnjr, tlielr imuiddauchter. and dnuKhter of Mr. and Mm. aarence KUiff. The child haa been nufferini: from pneumonia. Mra. Klcffncr ren ' ed a t tho chltd'a beOnlile.

Lcaque or'Nations’ Flffurca

Revcil Swift Progress

In ^ m c a

(CoDtlaufta from Pat'o One)of llie lfl2H avrraj:.’ imd rioiir li. tlir peal! reached In tti<’_»ipi'Ci^u-tlv(ruplunrii'yeur'uf7iir'.................

The i;aln waa l>ellcvc<l. aj.'iiln to place IhelUnlted Stalcn In the lead in the r>'Covtr>' drive and to hsv«

Indu-itrlnl nctlvlty, .Stutlatlci the extent of the recovery in otli^r uretlonn of the wnrld for the flmt four monlhfi nf thl.i'year arc uval!al)Ii‘.

Full Efferl Uiiluiuiui Full cffccLi of I ’rcaldont III

velfii recovery drive on bualnoi livlly are nut expectrd for : time aail credit for the [iromotlon f;f incroanciV doiiiMtlc "iuJtlvlly In likely to be art Increajilnj.'ly Import­ant jvi>Ulical

A/uierlltin* In iiome llepubllcun (]iiartcr!i tliat the bujilne.ui rci since the nummtr of 1032 wail _ lomftlle" and would liuve opcurrcd dr.iplte the Rooaevelt recoveiy pro- Krnin with lla lillllonii of new ex- pemlltiin-n ore met wltli ilie reply iiiatth-ITeKlil-'nt Jia.inotyct pletcil lie proKnim and tha

iipllnlimi'nt-1 c;uin(il he d • period,o flliurt II


linpresaive ■ Services ‘ Honor

Physician at Residence

In Jerome

JKllOMi:. May 5 (Howbl)—Im- prc.'Lilvc funeral nervfceii for Dr. ■John F, Schmerahall. phyaleian; wht»-rfled-in-hl« Twln-h'nllH-offlco WedneHday, were lield In the yard at the family home here yrjiterday aflertioon. Hev. O. L, Kemlnll, Buhl, former J fTOme pnnlor, nreiildivl, A limlo i|tiiir'let"iiaii)fniree numbcra,

I The mrj;o Kri'Up of relative.-) and I friend.i which were fn'ouped In the I yard during the .-ii'rvlcea Uteluiled n ] number of Twin'Fallii doctora,, FIciral orferln(;a were unuaually profuiie,

Vlrjjl! .1. iialherl, Irvln Itob-Tnon, O. rt. iVlcraon. U. U*. Wllllimison. Arthur L. 1‘yle and K, M. Bniujrh acrved uH pall benrerK. Honorary pull 1>c(ircru were O. I- Thorenon, A- il. niirtahom. (t.iA. Uluhtip, Lef Johnsun, C. \V. Cer6oUi and Dr. C. F. Zeller. ..

Interment wua In Jeromikji'^me- tery under direction of tlie Wldte mortuar}-. Twin Fall.i.

Anti-Crime Bills


Altoroey rraiik K. Net.eker, aliuvr, U-dlrretlnjT lliii j,'‘ivrrn- meiifii ca«i! uciilnut llie UVIr-' tun Ktrrl rnmpiuiy, liivolvliip drflaiiefi of .VUA hi eimipanj' ejjipUiji- vlrftlonii. Nrl)r\ii'T tr- n-iilly rei>ri-«'iil4 1 drfenduntnIn alrtnall coiilompt eaiiefi iiiiJ »xon their aeyilttal.

BORAHOEiiSPassed by HouseW^HHINCTON, May fi ir i’i - , mg

. W’llliiun ir, ,\ViHKlln. iihove; and I'liiite'|M-moiml Irlend of l‘i throat ullniefil In .u .Miiiihalton. hoxplLiL lid huJ luHU) aJUiiK 'fur

Death of Four-Year-Old Boy

Unavoiilnblc, Officers


Seen Today

Thonuia ScorettTliomaa, Jr., Twin Falla

entrant In the atate muiiic tcat.bcinfr held at Pocatello thla week, ucored averaf.’n In a barl' tonn horn contcat and waa tle<[ for tbal ponltlon by cntranLi from Idaho Falls and Ruxburjr, at thi ?oncIiisI<m of Uie first iliiy'J cvcnLi.'lt wa.1 learned here today

Ftu'torv OpfiwtlBtr


Ivorco <!nint«l Here l>f re<- of divorce lui.i been

fn-anied hy JudRc W. A. llab- cficU In dlntrlct'court to Mra.' Mudalynne from Clarence P. Hacldnaon, on j;rounda of aband-

^ . onmmL The couple marrird Jan., ROME (tli:) — Kevlval of Uie; , 3 1020 ut Boulder. Colo. The World Economic conference • haa <yd not pul in np-

Boviyol. of Economic Session

Awakens No Sympathetic

Scliocs at Bomc

Itopulrs and lhatallallima Imvc been mad© at tho Twin Falhi Matroao factory, rvcenlly dam- oj-e<l b y ‘ fire, Jt waa alaled to­day Jjy A.' C. ^Jowen. proprietor. He. naya tho Joaa waa not, aa creat

flr.1t enllmaled, permlttinK..... to procecd with mattreu.1maklnp. wool carding and fuml- tijro upholatca-ln'g.

iUfH Infent DtitrlctAnother Kwarm of bcM mode

ItJi apponranco In'Twln Falln to­day, centerln}; an attack oh liio hvnt of \\’niy'a cafc m the Per- rlnc holri building. I I waa ; Uilnl nwarm wldch ban vbltit! the .bu.'ilne.i.-J dlnlrlct .Jately, havInK appeunsl two weelin

d ajiother ye.itenlny.

(Continued from Paun One) d not nee tile Ullc boy na he ished acroM the atreet. he aald. ■le victim wun knocked alxiiit 20

feet. Crydcr e.nttniated, and l!i bellcvoil Ui Uuvn Utllr\l !n-Jlanlly.

The father !i;iw the accldrnl. Zlmmi-rmah n.Ml.ileil in removlni: the child to hin car and ac piuiled the boy and the pa to the' ho-ipltal.

On account of appronchlnp darknea/i, vUilbllliy wiui poor at the time of the accident, Zimmer­man nnld. Offlcera eatlmato that Zimmerman moppe<l hlii machlm within a distance of 50 feet.

Zimmerman re.ilderi at 400 Sec­ond avenue north- He in employee) an a aervlce man at a local ala- tlon. I’revlouiily he wnn with 11 local department ntore.

Penciled letter fn)m Henry C, Uiiiioreaux. /.)nn<r Twin Falla rwldcnt no\e realdlnc iil ilMi.’j Diamond avenue. Oallliind. Cal.: "In (ipnilni: my Twin Falla Tlml.'i thlji a, m.. I found my old irlc-nil, T. K. liaeliman'ii picture, whii will try for Contfre'iii. I would like to help him. but !

Hrr doi;! I wliili him

News of Record_________BicUu!__________

Mr. and ifrs. Ceorno Doyle 1 the par«ntn of a oon. bom F.. day at tlio Montooth maternity lionie. • ,

. A 1 _j


FILLMOJIH-Funeral nervlce; for Mra. Eleanor Stearics Fill-

wlU W hvUl Sunday nt '.I at the Liittcr Day Salnl;i

lubemacle. Interment wilt be in ■■ Tivlii Falb cemetery. Friend.'i

./ view the body at the Twin Falla mortuiiry until tomormw

thi'i!iucci';is." , , . New deiitiil pre- p:initlon la the Twin Fiillii drujr

It 111 Hal-For (adv.). lapinliliih, ; II po'

: IT ISniportant 0 MADR IN TWIN I-'Itn prli'ii.-lpat c(m:<tltuenl hi no- curi:<I lociilly. Name of the miiniifucturera T:i the 13al-For com)iiiny, IVin Fall.i. The name, 11 Iji learned alandn for "balanc­ed formula." , , , Youth who <le- chireji beea iniuit have a yen for I'lcycleii. (or anolhctr Hwarm vIsHcij til'- hiiulne.'i.'i «eet!o<i ve;i- tiTdaj, and laiidnl on lila EjIIk- In front of the Idiilio theatvr, II wan unly a week or no a|;o that .g-almllac-.nwiioii-lnfcalcd


. of I'ldinlnliilratliyoti-crlme billii,

Wllliln nn hiiiin the Houne pa.wd three of the mra/iiiren, which would HtwiRthen J u i i t l c e department nK/'ntii In the federal drtvo ai;aln/il erliin', I ' I I ,

One of the f)lll,-j maUnii it a feci; ^lal i.ffrnMr In kill nr anji.iult frd- ■ral iij:enL'!. Another /'.Iri-nKlhen- III.' iiall.kldnaplni; act’ by “pre-

imlnc itiat liliinapiTii luivc vln- led ihe law when their vlctlmn e niteilnc more than a week. The

,;1’n line;

. pDiViT whei: :• lined In t


I kldiiaiilrii; alteinptn.

Seeking,'- 1934 Nominiilion for

Governorship of Idaho

In Priiimry Vote


arr>m Will IJ.i Ouesl Ncwapai>cr. carrier boy.i of Twin

Falla will bo jrueata of Joe-K’a Itnxy thcatrr at a nhowlnp of Frank Duck’a -.Wild CnrKo." Monday cveninj:. After Uio per- formimcii they will be tr<-i»t«l to

cream' imd cake by Howard Si>eer, at SiH.'cr’ji cafe.

Itound Over TodayJack Brewer, char^cd wllh the

commLi.ilon of a alatutorj'uffenne.bound over to await trial In

dlntrlct courU following a h.>ar- Injr before Probate'Jud^e Guy I- Klnnoy thia momlnf. HLi T)onda were fixed Ip tho amount of J5..*I00. E. L. naylwm appeared

the defendant’fl attorney.

liwnltcncd any aympathcUc echoca In Italy.

Soml-offlclul opinion here U In­clined to the view that world con-

•} fcrcncea in jjeaeral and economic world conferencca. in particular

II havo left no plcoaant memoriea iimonfTj the natlona reprcacnted.

'• They have* not led to,any definite result, and la eome caaea even have appravalcd the altuatlon.

i Official elrcl6a here point out ' Uiat thene .world confcrencea too

oflen arc BUffgcated by one naUon, -or another, for reaaoha not entire­ly free of ncif Intcrcat Such tactlca, It la Stated, are common and oome-

■ times incvlUible in poUllcal cir­cles In ull countrlea: but the opln^

---jon‘hero'ln'that‘Tio-uBer«l-parpoBc' dan"b«'fenlne(l at present by

j qulc-iclnff In such propo.rala.

’ Rhode Island Bans 1 : Nudism in State( -frRQVroi3NC?„;i. i..dur-T-Roff- , ,tP WJUlnmit founded the colony of

•Ilhcide laland aa a land oflibcrty. tMt tho Blalc appwcntty doesn’t ‘ iDtcnd ’to Interpret the ;founder’a

:■ eeatJmaitii aa- a welcome to .NudlatA. ■'

.• biU paaacd by the senate would Ririko nudlffm In any form a crlm-

,/J im l offenac,

A. J.

.Son ArriNTs Mr. and Mra. John 1

rocclved a telegram th inp tellln;: of the blrUi to Dr. and Mra. ItobcrL K. Mad- dock; Honolulu. Mra. Maddoclc wiui formerly Ml^a ^Vtnnlfrcd llayeji. Dr. Mivddock la a member of the leproay lnve.itl;rallon bure.iu con­nected with the public health dc- partnjent In IJonoUilu.

DaneinK School Clow«Mlaa lijirbam. Talnl anrinunee.'i

that her r.cho<il of danclnp clojied lodB>v.MlB3 Taint i i -leavtap -the Iftiit of thin month for the coJml wherf ahc plans to ntudy at the llowman achool of danclni;. l»''' AnctlcR. and with Zunfretla Mor- rinon, SeatUe, danclnjr teacher, during the flumnicr. She wilt r*- tun i'to Twin Falta nejtt Septein- tXT to open Ijer .ichool atTiln.

Join* Company HtaffMra. Amy Villa han joined tho

local staff, of tho Idaho Power company In tho capacity ^ home economist, and after tho middle of the month will have T«.-ln Falb BB headijuartM In demooalratlng

Pacific Finance Corjxiratlon of California va. Fiwt National banlf of Twin Falln and G. D. Tlromp-

r, neeklnp recovery of SI.100.33, claimed U) reprcacnt

iccount of failure of chcckn to clear thrvuj:h the Salt L-alie branch of the Fisleral He- iier\’(! hank, at the tim< of cloilnf: of the, kmk here Dec. lfl.1I. Jiinica It- tothwell jind Har­ry I’ovi-j- ate attomeyji for the pUilntUfii-

Knlbpell ............MKan.ia,t City......,WMlle.i Clly........ .MINew ' 'ork.......’i:Pocatello ........ r,-JPorlland ........... f.<Salt i jik e ......... Franclaco . ..M TWIN FAI.USWilliiiton..........Yellow.Hone ... . M

ileclrlcal appamtu.T to women, in conductlnj; cooklnp achooln, ap- pearlni: before p-ouprf and other- wi.-'e aaiii.iUnt; in the cnlar;:wl line of Ihe coinpany’a producta. She

•ill re.ikle, 'While here, at the ome of Mr., anil Mra, E. K. fvall.

Mr.i. Villa, is former pre.ildent ;h'e Uuilne.M and Profeaiilonal

Wonien'fl'club nt Ilolai

Commilfeo .MM-taMembers of the Twin Fallal

County Com-Hojr Control iLi.-wcla- lion board of dlrector.i met nt tho ifflco of thn county aRcnt here

thla afternoon to offlcerii, Followlni; ihLi, II waji expecUil that tho dlrcclora of the two eommunltlea Into which tho coun­ty haa t>c<o dlvkJed. '-would meet wJth the directors of the Wheat Allotment .iiaoclallon to take up the Btudy of farm record booka which Will b«. rcc[Ulrc<l to be uned by the 1,700 mcmbe'ri of tho two unlta In thla countj-.

Chase Extcndetl to Incluilc

Scarch of Vesccl on

High Bean

(ConllnuH from Pac» One) ■Uiui.h iruy." wen' -a!cal«ni:d the Hi'iirch. A .ViiecUlJircenal v oiil/lltc'd fur I h ^ uflS Inchidlntr machine i;un.'i. oliol>:un.'i. tear kuh Ixjiiili.i. hund-j:renadeii und bullet­proof Kederal anenlii who havi' .nlfted for ;iix weckii Ihrouch. ni.-tro[>oman underworld haunla

home and ih-- home-owner I i.'ilnK hlf homo for unpal' ixea": and declared that "ii. mn la )il(;/;er than hla party.' ddlnc that "political patnmaj," c-lonc.'i to the parly and .ihould

be dl;il,rlbulc<l t<i tlioae (iilallfie l, each cou^ily beinf; cntitltd to lui Iiilr ahan- l)aa<-ti ujxin party vote."

Injeclliic a new nnii- Into thei'ainpalKn. he iiald that InCereiit

•trnfre 'TiTceiftryTITO’nnRr lion fee of ifi per •lefleiency Jii.dcinent on mortirai;


Salea of motor vnhicle llcenae:* in Ihia county totalled neariy S30,- 000 druhu: April, Il waa repiirled to­

by J, D. I;arriliart. ecaiiity iiit- -r. and fee cidl.clor. rel>rrHrnlc'd a;ilr .if Ihe follow-

in)f llcenaea: ir>7l) pa;i!;en/;er cara; 112 private truck;!; l^il farm ;nicka; conii.ieiclal Iriielut; 1 lealer'.'i licemir; 1 motiireycl.-; four :hauff.ur«; nnd IM trailer. .

Fi-i;i rolleeted amounted In 102.70, hrlncinf: total collections nr the year to May 1. to S90,I»77.TO,- Tola! niimlH-r i.f vehlcle.i re,;la-

iered in the county, up to the flr.H ontli, aa rui'orled t>y ISarii-

I'KttltV TUCtr.MI'll.SUOim\EMOLTTH, E n ;■ 1 a n d

May r, if.i!)_Fr<Hl Perry,’ rreat- rat of Kn.'Tland'n nelnien am malniiuiy of the defending Davl: Clip team. t<Klay def.-ate l J»rl, Craw'ford, Au.'itrallan ace. final of the Jirltlah hatxl tennia champlonahlp.

I'erry won in ;itnil(,'ht nc


VIKW llKFItlGEKATOIWA three day iilanvlnjr of eloc

trleal retrlKcralor.s and olhei iKUi.n-hold <<iulpment will tie con ■eluded thla evening In tho huild- hi): ailjolninj: Ihat of ihe Idaho power comp;iny. Spc-clal mualc will be aupplled thla cvenlnjf. l^irge crowda have vlalted the' rx^ liTbit, ivliich ia apon.'iorcir’ liy 'nineloca i'al,-r.i-

__ClllCiV£iU.V-\S--\CQLrtTEU__CTIICACO, May fi il’ ID-All 17 ■fendanta In Chlcaj:o'a $2,000,.

000 •racket conspiracy trial were found hot (rullty by a Jury thl.t aflernoin after HO houn delil)cra. tion.

Ar,scrta Change .of Lcatiers

In G. 0. P. Ranlts Needed

To Halt Extinction

tlnurrt fmm I’Kir* One) avo <lomlnated It recently, r can Imvc a lUpubllcan

N w l I,iiiderKhl]i ranli and flic of Ihe Ilo- party are atlll loyal and

Hi a majority of Ik-puhll- lii thill '(rountry If ylven the

proper leadcrnhlp."Other Itopubllca nj: .Sandera" r

Ihcrc li

then w party.



Miiliirilay, May

Orjnniiation Will Cooperato

'With Municip'ality for.

Annual Drive

(Continual from I’a;;o One) plan und It waa nirree<l that much of IhiH pruject could be completed tn—conjunction-wilh-ihe-ernerui—clean-up cainpal(;n.

Diiulily Important "Thl.- la the firm Itme In nev-

eral vear.i that the peoiile will ■ 7.--rV??e-nr rater 7i,lfy TidnTr— tipirll of a f,a-niTal cleiui-up,'' the nayor explained- "No doubfmbch tan bo' nccomiillalied ihia year in he way of palnllnjr, rcpalrinir, inil In jiiakln;: many other Iin-

,irovementa Lhilt will add to tho ircneral appearance of the city,- '.hat reaiioa thla year'a clean-

•111 be doubly important, und the city will lend every aaaliitancu poaalble."

While Iheiie two projecla of tho Junior Clv.imlw'T tif Convn\crct wore definitely undrr way. aeveral other civic underLiklnp nf Breat- er acope Were unilrr advlnmfnt In anticipation of ihelr belnjr an­nounced nnd pul lalo operation • In the near future, offlccrn ataied.

the mri'tlnj: la-nl nl(;ht il tiecidrd that a final wind-up

In Uu! muintiershlp drive would be launched early Monday 'morn- In;;. durin;; whlcli all youn^- j

turn 1 any one mi

The'indepemlent ( roup demi ‘

a hL'i a

mplPt ahtftderahlp. Woalenieri

iUKt:«itinj; rM>nieone'from the weal la a mcana of brin/jin;: in itren/rUi from tliat wcilon. Re­publican iienatorn from the farm ntalea Inaiateil that adequalo at­tention be jrlven Uie afrrlcultural Inlereaui.


TK,\('UKI5. KII.U-:!)STUTTGART, Germany, May

d’.l’i-One teacher and aeven pu-lh plla were killed today and iievenil In •lii'ra wrlotlaly Inliired when ■hooS at Wlnlcrlxich


m illL . May r, (Special)— nuby i\ambrld(;e, prcaldent of the local aenlnr hlj;h achool Girl Uc.iervc cluh ciitertalnc<l mcmbcra of the H<'aer\'e cabinet and,their advlnor, Mi;ia Faye Norrb, ut a 7 o'clock

i dinner ut the Mike KumbridRc----- Monday evening, Jono In-....... niece of Mias Norrla. who lavhdtin/; from Wcalon, Ore., wan at-

MAfO.V IIFAII.S SO l’TJI MIA.M!, Fla,. .May 5 <f.l:i -Th<

navy dirigible Jilacon left IIj mf»arini: at Opa-I»cka biuMc io<lay to joia the /leet for.maneuvera In thf vicinity of Guantanamo.

One-lhlrd of the 0,0011,000 farmn In thia country are dcvotcil to cot-

prmluctlon, '

FidlMvinc the dinner Huby Kam- t.TldKe preiilded Ut a lipfclal bual- ne;;a iieitalfin. Plana for a apeclal I 0 c o j: n 111 o n aervlce for Klria who iiri- to receive Girl. Keaervc rlnfja for thia year were made. Can- dldateji for rlnfr lu.nora arc I;ol!i Miller, Jeanic Mercer, lluao Ku- cera. ilarel Kintr, Hiith llaldeman. Ituth Van Patten, Fluby Mercer. Mnxlnu Hardin, mxlne Kelly. Gladys Paricer, Heliyf llrook:

PUTINEEEEC'Stngger” System Decreed in

Operations of County

Job Progrmn

Ilotatlim of FERA workmen wlU- be ;jut Into effect Monday, it waa revealed thia aflerticKm la the po%t- Inj: of the IliitJi ut headrjuartera. Half the men on the rollfl will work ne.-st week. wlUi the remainder

the weekalaled by Uob H. manager.

Mcanwlule arran;:cmenb

following, it


mil Monday when chceka will be tiijued to THI men workera, 30 wo­men, 20 adminlatrntara, iind nino offlco worker.i. It wu» aUiled by Itjiymond F. Grnvco. uaslatnnt dia- buralnR officer.

The amount of the payroll to be illiilrihuted Monday will bo 58.- cb4.cri. ho nail! thla afternoon._.I^roieni_ni;alnni_thE..3tii|;fftrInf;____>f workera la aald to have been vot- .si at a Kalherln)' of men- in tiic dty park yealerday iiflemoon. It

-tiM>-itriieil-thnt-n-telegrniii-wna-art-—" • • dremied to l-renklent 1100.^611 Ui luicertain If auch a ayalem waa-be- inir univeraally adopted.


Page 3: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

SntiirJny.,-ifgy li, l!)j^ -j'IDAHO EVENING TIMR S. TWIN FALT^. IDAHO Pago ThreS


W f i E O MMat* -Harl-Socond -Oholoo to

. Win; Kentucky Hopes

'On Bazoixr

. By STUAriT CAMEIION Vnltrd Praia S|>ortn Rdltor.

CHimoHrta- d o w n s , i<y„ May. fi mn>—The gaycnl Kentucky <1erl>y-crowd fllncc the wir^iwArm-

p Ihla cloMlc course today 11 U) tf

______ a's pnthoroughbreds.■ ,W«nU)cr «na cloudy with -tore' Cfifll for •!l(iht ahower*.• 35veryihlnp w u ofrcrcd Unit

illaUncl favorite, the fleet CavaloaJc, a claae second choice, n well baUncod field, and n trememloui lon^ nhoL

An ^unexpected; biit thrilling part ox Tbcvnterli^njent was a olatle fire laat nlR it Uiat for a llmc thrcttlenM 'the cntlrn dtrby fleW, l)Ut only one entry waa. In «ctual daaffer. Howard, a lonR nhot. _nad acvcral other howti

lu rr Into the main enelonurc.■ -Mnta 'jrort, one of the favorites, waa In a stable only 200 feel from The one 'on <l|o. She was not uppreclabjy -dUturbed by the commoUon «f Louisville firemen flChtbg the flame). All horses Iti'.Uie doomed bam.were saved. Damage u-as *70.000,

' 00,000 Fans Tho crowd,'tolalllnfT'CO,000. In­

cluded -the usual tens of tlMU* luindfl .or “puys named Joe" nnd was seasoned with such natlon< Ally famous f!;rurcs as Fostmaater General Farley. NRA Director Johnson, Kentucky povemor LAf* foon, atars of atajre and screen. Including Mac 'West. Clark Gable, Horry and.^Vin Rofrers.


o i S E C i i P i o eC i E R W i S

(Mrs. Isabel Doilfce Sloan's j^reat colt. Cavalcade, was a firm 2 to 1 fttTorltc, This stalwart brown flon of LanceRiiye out of Hastily, finished sixth on tho list of moncy-wlnnlnp Juveniles In 1033. winning two qf his eleven starla, and ha.') -bfcn condlUohed perfect­ly 'for today's test at a mile and


a ln

fUly from the DlxUuia stalslo of Chttrlea T. TUher. Winner o f five of her eight racea-In 1033. this ' ' .......... ' ued krown flllyfor

a the derby winter booli

l i B E L L O E F E A l CHEERS I B G U E

It’s Colorful Scene at Kentucky’s Famed Derby

New York Rivals See New

Ohaticcs' With Loss by

Star Twfrler

NEW YORK, May ilUll—Tho first defeat of Carl Huhbell, tho Giants’ ace s o u th p a w , , today atrcngthcned tho hopc.i of other National IcaRUe contcnder.n ‘

■take tho chnmplona In' early season race.

Hubbcll received hh ncl-birek yesterday after winning three attnlRht when the Plrnten won 4 to 3- They pounded oilt 12 hlLn.• The Chlcafio. Cuba itunicil 'Jiiclc thT^'»t<)h"Bi‘iiveii ..................

i(v gkokcf: k ik k .se:vLOUISVILLIC. Ky„ -Jlay !i

flUli — (illnl Julcpa. beautiful women anil thorouRhbrod race horaea n h a re d honors at Churchill Downn toda^

The battle-cry of the Kay, care-free crx>wil of r-0.000 which came fnini the four comcri of Amcriwi wa-i: “Wo want i

colorful attire made ii diizr.llnir Uicltgrounil.• Thorou(;hbrec] race hor.'ic.i. tnilnwl to a rar-ir c<1kp, await­ed the call of.-b^wlti and sad- dlfs” U) send thorn on n mile nnd a quarter journey In quest of the monl covetctl of all turf

wc«ka w favorite.

.................... Guyregistered his fifth consecutlv. 'Ictory. Tho score wan fl to 1- y

i)ome-run-by-Baxt«(>-Joislan-pra> vented a shut out Dolph Cumllll hit a home run for the Cubs

^ Cards \Vln Sixth

The St. Louis Cardlnrils :endcd their wlnnlnp ntrealc to six' games behind the seven hlln

■ GroM raelng fans,' the Coloncl E- R.'. 'Bradley entry of 'Daiaar. 'a flily, and .Blue Again. Actually, tho 0 .to a odds were on the ohoncea of 'tho filly, for Bradley had n6 notion of sUrting Bluo Again. Tiio'colt was entered aole- ly ftfl protection agnlnst an unto-

Sard, actldent to Baxnar during ,e -tilght Bradley rauat have his

«Jlor»'£n'the dert)y.' vThe derby, over l ' i mllM, will

tio'; hm am’ .the sixth •race of 'to- <Jay> prDgram. 'It Is tO 'dJarfat allaiil'.5 p.,m., central standard

•tltfta It,cftrrics a'p^lre'of 530,000 %dtl 'hioJfe . ■ ‘

Twin .Pftljs, Bilhl BosU to

^augural South Idoho

' ' ■ ‘ Team .I&tcho3 ,

'• lilnVfl nrJUts of seven aouth trni’ Idaho golf club will open the JB34 -JntcrcIub-compeUtlon-{omor- row !n‘ the Inaugural matches of Uh>-Soutficm Iflaho Golf nasocla- tlbn'n schedule.• TwinT*^...'coUHtry'club and Clear Uxlte^-onuntTy.'elub,at Buhl wlll-t«:ho'sta'T(ir.'Uieopener«.;


ntipert; co an lT y 'dnib B lu« BndnuW.^ ‘ ,

with' onan'uncoment o't: team lea'dera ti«m Hhe'otber .five clubs n\^ady,made, tho Tirta' rolls' couri-' tiy'club this afUmbon announced lh&t;Dewey Hotehlnooii wilt cap­tain 'Uic Heds and Jimmy Wlntcr-

•'htflerwin 'leall tho ■Blub*. •...... ,Tho-.-"B8W>ol«Uon--mfttdhen -are

i^h^uled'at three wtek Intermts,' and' win cu1mUi)|t» In JJie Douthcm Tdobo cbamt>l00Bhlp Ih'^Septotnber.


home run for the vPhllUe.i. whllo Joe UcdwlcU did lllcewlsc for tho Cards. • • •

Van ilfimgo pJichetJ the CfwlJ' lyn Dodgers to a C to 3 vlctorj- over'the Cincinnati Rc<!a. Tony Cucclnello contrlbutfO alwmcrun.

3Jabc Ruth' and Lefty Vernon Gomez collaboroted to give the New York Yankees a 3 to 0 vie- tory over the Datrolfngero. Go- mo* yielded thrto hits while Ruth banged out hi* fourth home

Dnnnui DofcAted Scoring two runs In the third

and fifth Innbgs, the Boston Red Sox defchtetf the'SL l,oula Browns 4 to I. Bob Welland pitched for the winner®.

Although ’outhlt 0 to S.. tho Cleveland Indians niUlod In tho last twp Innings ot ' flcore four runs, and defeated the Wanhlag- ton Senators O'to 3. l-loycl Brown was the winning pitcher. He op-, poacd Earl Whltehlll oniJ -UuB«oll. ■

.Chicago-at ■PWlntlclpbi.a, waS'poatj>oncd'4)cCai^ p t rwlny ^

OUo Declares W ar On Howe Drugging

COLUMBUS. 0„ "May 5 tlU!)— Ohio racing, commlwlon de­clared war on the practice of ufllnp ilnigs or stlmulonta on race horaea.' All tracks have been ordered to provide. "acgregaUon’' atnlla In, whlcK homes will be given' oaliva ti^ta. .Saliva ..opeclmpno will ijent Jo . state:, laboratories analysis.: Thc'commlsslon will rovoUo, aicMiso'Qf tfny.^lner

nruuUful Women__KVntuckv'n old aloi;an—lan.lof "i)c.iutifiO women iinil“ horiH:a"-wiLi rcvlvod In all iUi glory. This, the first derby .slnec repeal, promised to the mofll Rlamorou.n since 1028, RolRh Count's year. The boys have fresh monvy and are ^ e n d ^ a^l lotting freely.

Tho derby ta a rich man's race IhLi year. The prire of approximately S40',tf00 won't mean much to any of the owti- era except AIcx Gorrfon, Scotch trainer and owner of Kir Tliomas, the Kentucky maiden which enjoyed u big play In the winter ■book. Sir -niomas

E P O N C H E S O i G l l Y

Blond German Pounds Tommy

Loughran to Defeat in

Crucial Bout

o f ‘'doplng" a horse. Tho.revoca llooiwill.bc cffMUve In oll.sUtcj offlll8ted,-’Wllh' the National Aoso cIatlon.oi-Ipi.clDg. CommlMlona.

^ ^ l l N G S

Guy Bush. -Ciftis—registered his flfUj coDSecutlVB victory.

IjttXy Vernon -Oomer. Baho Ruth. Yiinkdes— 'Ontcz Wanked Tlgflra' with 'three' hlla; 'Ruth' hit

. hlB:7blirth^ome run.. S ill •Wnlker, -Caitllnats-pltched U»: Cardinals to tl\elr aUtlj



TJcv Yark'.'.’.;;:.:;..?.!!' '- '4'Chicago ........ :.......ll 6PIftAargh ....... . 8 Bati'to iils '....... 8 '7 'Boston _________ 7 7BrooW>u -----7 8Philadelphia ...»... t 10Cincinnati ..... 3 12


New-York ____aevelaad Detroit Boston"WashiHgtoa ... .-Philadelphia-St. Loufa">._:____Chleaffo

NKW YOHK. May G JIU!) — .Wnltcr Neuwl, tall, Jjloml chomlst from Wcatphalla. Ocrmiuiy. en­tered the scramble for Prlmo Camera'a heavyweight title by pofindlng out a 10-round decUlon over Tommy L o u g h ^ , of Phila­delphia, atj Madison Square Gar­den last night.• Ntuflel's margin ; VA-'< decUiivc, although the Judgerf" disagreed, and Referee Arthur-.Donovan de­cided the VerdlcL Ho traUed Philadelphia dancing •ma.iter n tho ‘rbg throughout. Ncuscl seven rounds, [according to Unlt«l iPr<fl»; while Tommy took three. f ' ■

There ocWyip '■NduacT'ral

and. . . . 6 m^.°lbuS?

ed .a wild swing in Uie opening round • and sllppisi to the floor. Lbughraa did likewise In the eighth.'Loughnin won the-, fifth. aLxth

and ninth rounds.’In'tho fifth he speared tho German' with lefts tad 'Yights - to' the -faco .and eont In a couple, of'whlstJlng upper­cuts. TVjmmy continued thla work In‘Uid next [frame..,'

- ' > In llad 'Shape' .

NeuseJ opened ^''bcdy attack in the'Seventh, and'Ibe'Phllad^IpHlan was III luia shape c ii ibell. 'Ile kapt ifter'lils man .lo tho dghth. Tommy Tallled..ln. the'ninth, and had :the;Ccrmari’« bead bobbing with upMrtuta; Nouael eamo back strong In the final-xound.

A-crowd of 12.000 w ne to Iha.curtaln-'lUted on taxing at tho Garden after a of nearlytwo aidnthi. '

pounds beftvlor.'tlwio" ‘

.Miiclc S.1-H victory Mack Gitfnor, ^C.aviilcii<lc';i

Jockey, lia/i been rliiln;r f‘T 20 yeura and won every important stake race In Anivrirji iwccpL the derby. Jlar<l luck Jilwaya overtook him. He wan up on Col, nradli-y'a Blue Ijirlcjipur In' 1D20 when ii muilily truck npollcd hia chiuico to win. In 11I3I hLi mount. Liberty Limit- H , hrokc down 'in th-> Tiack atrotch.- "I got thn horse to win with tht;i time, ami I ilon't think mu<i: niln or IlKlitnlng can atop him," he «iil<l.

A Negro nwlpp navcd Sgt. Byrne's place In the derby. At

_l£L-2!?._Icajnlaulcii-l)efoni_ck-3:_ ing thne for drt'by cntrlcM. Sgt. Uymn-liiuin't bi'cn c.ntoroil. A newspaperman hurrlinl to the barn where Sgt. Bymc .wan quartered nnd couldn't locate the o^vnc or trainer. lie hunt- led the Ni'Krii nwipe to the racing sccrctary'ii office, iind had him sign hl.n "X" on the entry blank.'

Col. Cmdlcy offered to l>et Clm.i, T. l-'lsher 510.000 that Ilia fitly. Baxaar, woufif flnl/rh ahead of the Detroit •uutomo* tile man'a filly. MaUi Hurl. Ciih Bradley'a offer ntlll waa iegglng hlo 'morning./

Shcllcnback W ins 2C3rd Tilt

And Stars Shako O ff Long

Strciik o f'i

The Jln.-<It.V (;iill4><l I*r

whic:t .io»cni e>l <inl( .Shelli'nbacli'a nh')Ul<lcrr>-aft'

cran Holly\v<MHl pltchpi V I'aclflc count league vlctorlcn w.-i« llflcil li)-

•1th ItJi rli'piirtiiro Holly. wi-xl nWik off ItH loHlng strealc.

H1ielli'nb:ii;k won hia 'JOl'mi ime In coaat Irugue companion 1C first-' wi-i'k of th<- cam]ial»:n

Oakland, Thcruafler hn h; 'nrpmin-


PhilHca, Red Sox Outfield

Stars Top Bnttinff Roll

In Mnjor Longues

NKW yOUK. May 5 (IM'l—KUiai Allen, 30-ycar-old outfielder whom Manager Jimmy Wilson of thf Philadelphia Phllllpa maneuvercr away from Uie St. Loui.i Cnrdinali Juat before the aeason oponod. leadi the National league In hitting United Pre.w figures Includln), games of Thurstlay, ahowed today

In' 13 gnmc.f. AJJen iinn hIL JO time.i In B2 tries,at bat for averngo of .385. - In second plact Mel Ott, Giant's out/lcldcr, wltl .333.

Itcynold* Totw AmerlcjiiiCarl Reynolds, Red Sox outfield­

er. leads the offennlvo in the Amer­ican leaguo with 23 hlLn in 51 tlmea at bat for nn livemge of .<ni. Out­fielder Joe Vosclk of the Cleveland Indians, la in second pincc with .4il

-pltUburgh lead the Notional leaguo In tenhi batting with .287, 10 polnt-i aTicnd of tlie second placc Bt Louis Cards.

Boston, with : .280 leads thr ..merlcnn league. Washington is second with .278.

nu.ih I^d-i 1‘ltcliernGuy Bush of tho Chlcago Cuba

set tho paco for Natlonnl league pitchers with five victories and no defeats.

Al Thomaa of Wnnhlngton, Char­les "Red " Ruffing of New York and Oral Hildebrand of Cleveland shar­ed first place honors In tho Amer­ican league with tlirec vlctorleji 0 defeats,Zolio Bonura of Chicago and

Jimmy Foxx of PhllniJelpijjA shar­ed home run honora In the Ameri­can' league with four each, while Chuci{ Kloln of ChlcagQ and Mel Ott of Now Yor'k. with -fllx each, led the Dthor'olreult.

• 'n ^ atoughrw.v,,

TROWKBS TO PKHTOinvt Harness horMs a^ain wUI poifnd

tnick-ln Toronto aft«r a I n ^------- '- - ijn Ju ly 10,

. attiga.a^ae7-

iirncuitylUuT ClUl)

llliiiikH SeulN— nurhl3'olrt:nm(!“n«lll-\Ta!T-TnT much nil dljiplay ycatcnlay when he Hliut out.the San l-'rancL-tco Senl.i with m-vm hits. Tlic vctcriin npUbalk’r’n-mounU u-orlt gai lU\r.i a' i5-0 win for their fiMt 'Iclnry in four aWrt-n agalnjit the

.Sm1,i. Ttip SUira c(ilU-<;tr<l 11 safe- tle-1 off nibS'jn. 'Mtlllii nTi-I finhlei

•I/1S AngHca made It three ou of four a[ tlie MUiiilon lltdn by winning a mound duel between Garland and Young Wayne bonio. Ciirlimd xviui r('tumc-l victor when thi- Argcl.'i c.-ime frtim bclilnd in tho cloning Innings of a -1-3 game,

‘lirmmen. . ..Lou Kiupal. u. league veteran.

WM in fine form last night to twlfl SacnimenU) to Its fourth Btralght win over Oaltland, KoU' pal gave only five hllfl while Sacramenlo had ten off three O-aliland pltchora. The Senatorsncoretl ;. inning.

The Porlland-Seattle g;(r pojlp«nc<l.


NKW VORIC, May 5 (l'.i;i—Jw Savoldl, Notre Diune. defeated MarahHlI niackatock. Atliuita: Abo Colonum, Ciillfornla. thcew Joe Komar, Chicago; Dale Rainey Texas, won from AnOy. Ra.'whler, Univeriilty rt>f‘ IrtdinHa:' Hans

Slflake. Germany, nml , Willie Davis, Plortda (dreW) Ulo NardI, Italy, defeated Andy Melxncr, DBlIa.n: Max Martin, Colunibus, O., defeated Tom McMnnus. Iri- land: llenmati HIclcman. Tennes­see and VanUa-Zclczniak. Ru.vila (drew).

Country Club Will See Golf Activity

with the fft!rway» nnd'greens In topnotch condition, merobem at the Tu'in Falls countrj-. club will turn out tomorrow cn ma.-we, Er­nie Schnelter. club pr ' predicted thls nftcrooon..

Use of a band of nheep to ellml- nato dandelions and shorten fair- way graos h/un-put-the llni™ In the best ehnpe of,the. Schneltcr dcclar-

Tho activity "of the ranlc-nn J.'fll'e among ibo membership will 1>e In Bdaitlon‘ t&. the opening inter-club match. • • •

Garibaldi LosesBrowning Match

DFrtROIT, May 5 Jinii' — Jim Browning, , Verona, Mo., threw GIno Garibaldi, St. Louis'(42:07); Charles 8track..New York. thiW, Roy, TloWoll. (11:14); Soador Szabo threw Ollff Olsen. (18:291: Boland KirohmeVcr' threw Joe Motteney, (1Q:0B). •' ,

In d^4ea i;M cA t &^ke4.;Fboae

2, flnit: I-'ll.T N.., lIMcT. third.

Chinning—,'iS tli rir;il; HlihJ, iwond; ui>iii;>lrr, tliir

Hi'lay -I-'llrT Ni>; 1‘. flr;.t; Hai ni-n, (lecond; Wlllowdalv. third.

.lUNlOIt HOV.S f,0 ycl, d;iJdi -Myn>n ncui.iett. firs

I'Iniiiant View: Buhl, aocniid an KIliT No. 1. third.

100 yarti da»h -Mynm l>»;wr l finit, I’leaimnt Vi.-w; Mr.wanl Hti< ik>n, iiccond. Kller No. 2 ; Howar Dyht.'. tlilrd. llnivirn.

Staniilng broad. Jiiiht> r, frci In,—Klmer Clutr-. Itnc-T.-'ni Junior Knclrion. Tfiihm, iwi-ond; run Dti:i/ii'U. third. Plcaimnl Vlrv

Chinning- :i:i t i n Tuellor, Kllor Nti Hall. IlanKcn. ia-(


Southorn Idaho B:iaeb;ill Loop j

Swing.^ Into Second 'Week

Of Giimc.'i Sunday

• MI1!< . 'J. flnit; (idl')rjul; Iji •j i’.lit

Running broad Jump- 12 ft. in.--An«i Dana. Buiil, firnl: 1' Klinev,;r..I-:ilcc.i?i'_L’ i;LOtid;.jUyin a<Mlvi>y, Wlllowtitilc. thli-.!.

Hop, stop un<l Jump -2K ft. l-i; in.—Jilmi'r Cluti-. Rogfrnnn. first Aron Dana, Buhl, nrcnnd; Hlllli Kevan. Twin Knilii. third.

High Jump— i fL' A in.—Klnn CUite, Rogenioii. f l r a l ; Ferris Sweet. Park l-;»in-. aecond; Alfi Itirrigor. Wlllow<la1o, |l)lr<l.

Ball throw-- Otl.n Boyiston, Twin I'allu. first: Dalo Oould, TII.t No

second; Junior D.avlii, Wiiiou-- dale, ihlnl.

Shot jiut-.-2.’> f t R in.-.Marflha)) Cammnck, Union, f ln t ; Carl Kalr- child. Buhl, neconcl: Junior I>avl;<, Willowdali-. thlrtl.

Polo vault— Huhl. first: TSvin Falls, nccond; Wlllowelale, thlnl.

Relay—Twin Fnlln firnt; Filer o. 2, second; Willowdale, third.


.10 .yartI diiah—Ilnsel Walker, Tu’ln Kails, flriit; Anmibeile Harsh- barger, Wa.nhlngton. nccond; Edna Eflllnger, T;nloD, third.

100 yard dauh—AnniibclIc Harsh- barger, Wanhlnyton, flrnt; Hazel Walker, Park Ljihp. iiccond; Jose- phlno Boyd. Rogcraon. thini.

Baseball Uirow—Botty StJillagfl. Sunriysldr, flnit: Mnxine Krelgh. Washington, nccond; Joyce Jonlrn. Elmwood, third.

iSlifit put—27 ft. IV. in.-Mar- Jorlo Rayl. Twin Talln.'flr;it; Ada Johnson. Buhl, nccond: Carrie Cau­dle, Willowdiilc. tiilrti.

High Jump—I'llcr No. 2, first; Buhl second;''XVIllo\vdnle third,-.-

Relay—Filer No, 2. first; Twir Falla, nccond; Hansen, third.

JUNIOR OlltI.S fiO yard danh—Cettv Strawscr,

Buhl, first: W ilniuth McInt>Tc, Hansen, second; Marjorie Blajitock. “ Her No. 2. thircl.

100 yanl daoh—Twin Falla, flrsl; Flier No. 2 Sfcond; HollLster. Uilrd.

Chinnlng—nullI, flrat: Flier No. .wcond; HoIIIatcr. third.

'Shot pul—Vorlii Mitchell. Buhl. flr:it;'MnrJorlr Blnatoek. Filer, sec­ond; Joycc Hllflltor, I'llcr No. 1 third.

High jump—Klennor Jamhton. Her No. 2. fim l; Adrianna Ijmt-

Ing.. Hollister, nccond; I'loMle E.i- llnger, Union. Uilrd.

ItascbaJI throw—110 ft. 11 In.- Buhl. first; Virginia Anno Cliaae. ■Union, second; Hanntn. Uiird.

Reliiy—Twin Falla .. first; Filer 0. 2, second; Holllfltcr, third.

r .h ;e .Los Angeles 001 002 OJO— 4 o 0Mi.isions .....010 200000— 3 0 1■ Batteries; Garland tuid tV. Campbell; O«bomo and ritrpat- rlck. • .

R-H.E.San T. _--...000 000 00(N-'0 7 0 Hollywood ..001 220 00?;— 5 U 1

Batteries; Glbnoa. Malla; Gitb; Icr and'Woodall; Shollen'baek nnd Bassler.

' •n.TT. E.Oakland___000 000 001— 1 5 'Sacro. ....I.-.000 70001X--8 JO .

BatUrles: Sollnnen. Dougiu, «gt> and TUlmoadl; Koupal «nd

Wirt*. - • • ,.••..Seattle .at Fortlaad, fo$iponSi,

!-';arly iK'aMnn Iniili'r.'Oilp in 1»HI: ,vl:ilon3 ot the Southern Mahi: ischrill league la expected to lake deflnlle turn tomorrow a« 11k

eight te:unii In tlie circuit i.wing In- I tiri-oml gatiic.-i Ilf the iicasnn. Th-- (ichecTMIe:

KAkTKltN niVISKIS llurIevnlD.Tl(i,

■ HaielUin at Paul.P.ockland at Rupert.

WRSTKItN DIVISION - Ulin)KTly :il KiU-r.Wrti-lell al Ruhl.Gooding at Hansen.


WALI.A WAM.A. W.uih., May (Special) — Whitman collegc'n

Ml.vilonarlea captured their fiec- ond conference win over College of Maho here y.-nterday. n to 3.

Errors played an’ Important pnrt In thi;. scoring of botli

ore - R, H. K.C./r;r I. . fi(H)fl01 2(10 • 3 8 0 Whitmnn . 0(VH;tl (lOx -11 II a

IJatlerleii; Thonip.-ion nnd H>ius- ton. Oillr-gi: of Maho; Doran and Dudg.;on. Whilman.

Beavers, Idahoans- Play Double Bill

COUVALLIS. Ore.. May (Spe­cial l-t'niverilly of Idaho anil Oregon State college b/Lieball •Mna were lo play a double bill i?re thh afternoon.TJJi- lin l i;nine bclwrcn the lw»

conference learns wan called off ile.rilay In thp firnt Inning l>e. ixo of rain. Tho Beavers held early 3-0 lead ut the time.

Miller Wins Title Bout by Knockout

LOUISVILLE, ICy.. May r> JlUt) •Frcdily • Miller, feathcru-eisht

rhamplnn. 121, Itnocketl out Paul Darw. 124. Cincinnati, (C), title bout.


Billy, Harry, Ted, Roy and 'Archlc Slierman, bnitheni. nlliirc distance runncrji.Harry and In Uic recent HoaUm A. A. miirothon, fln- lahlitg 18th and S.'Stb. r«pcctlve1y.

llEDS WE.VT1N'llEfJCINCINNATI — The Cincinnati

Reds nrcmpprted'to'hBVff dropped SI78.000 from nd<-« nie operation of the-clubln 1035.'’ —

jfiiclul. ll.iW,- win-. .M.-<'t (•h:iiiil)inli of the noutil-

anne>;i.(i ihc in- ■r;iti rJay by de- ;ji-m ihe jioulh I' Hr;ivr;i iicor<>d flr:.l placc. it;t c.r Fder high

lUs. FlPcr jird with

10; Wrndelt Twin I-'iillJi and

7; Hiigerronn 0; :i r'lrrn' anil I-'rultland 3; eh ancl‘ j.-rt)m>- 2 -IR; Griuul- I'ayelle and IfJiierl 2; Em-

Itlclifii^id 1.■■ High Kenrrm irullviilunl nenring honora K>:nnaly. Boise speedster,

, 11), Malnord. Burley star, next wllii 7 l-Ti and McConncll, ding, fullowc-d clD. e on Ills heclfl

ind Millard, liolh of the iiouUi ccntml ,-rc picked In n Jump-off il the c.imliined dlntrlcts it<< ci>mp<'tltkin. In alt l.H cMeej't Ihe relay,-flnit I jilac- winners will com-

,, • ulalc champlonship.i. In •, Burley'a flrst-placc Win- enlc-r.

arl'-a:ir.I <la;ih—ICennaly, 'Boise,

Allen, Glenns Ferrj-, second; ■n. Fller.'thinl; ParLsh, Bur- iirlh. Time. 10.1 iiw;ondu.

I'Ji) yanl daah—Kenn.aly, Boise, It; Cantlon, Filer, second; Hel-. . Co-Hltng. third; Goffey. Em­it. fiiurtli. Time. 23.3 seconds. . 1 (1 yard high hurtllea—Shank, i:r. flral; HewlLU Boise, (iccotld:

Biihl. fourth. Time, 17 seconds,yard low hurdles—Zollinger,'

ond; U'o.),!, Boise, thinl; Andcowil, ,- Fnilthind, fi.urth. Time, T" ‘ 'ond;:.'

<10 yard dash-Corey, Mountain Home, flrnt; Plxloy, Boise,-seccad; Ij)ng, Twin Falls, third; ■ Reagan, Cno'lUig, fourth. Time, 53.4 'Inn'IC-

hSU ynnl run • Kuykendall. *tVta l''all;i. fir;it; Arrk>la, Boise,’socoRd; Hay. Wi-I.'ier, third; Rcnlaw, Buhl, fourth. Time. 2 mim lO.S eecotida.

Mile run -Shaw. Nampa, first; . .MjiV'-.t. Wriflcr. /ipcpnd; McC/oy, Rupfrt. third: Stevens. Richfiold. fourth. Time. •» mln. nt.2 SMorid*.

Poll- vault—ICerpa. Buhl, fliiitj Price, Wendell, second; 8cbmllt„ Nampa, nnd Crockett. Twin FalB, tied for third. Height, U feoL' ••

.^hot put—McConnell. Goodins’, first; Rich. Filer, nccond; Bermeftr sola, Mountain Home. thlril:'Dlri'ai; Nampa, fourth. Dlatonce, ’40'fttt 2u Inchon. • ■ ' t

High Jump—Bennett, •Rom-Bll. Duval. Nampd, TlccTuwr, Jbrtifli*. Malnord, Buhl,'and Millard, Diet* rich, lied for first. Height, STodtva.

Rronil Jump—MaJnord.Bufjey, first; Prewitt. Hagcrman, nccond; Crane. Grandview, third; Mallon, "nvln Fall.1, nml Coffey, Emmett ' tied for fourth. Dbtance,,50 re«t 7 ' Inehr;;,

'.DLxu.i-Qunplwn. Nampa,,-fl^t; Rirh. FilcT. iiccrtnd; McCoriniill. . Gooding.-thlnl;'' ndu.-tlon„'WoIi8»,.' fourth'. DldUince. 127 feet. ■

JavelIn~T. 'Sinter. rUcr.' 'flrBt; . Prewltt,'nng(.‘rmBn..S(<torid: Ko' fC, ,• Fniitland.' third;, Shaddy, Woapfc ■ fourUi. DlstanCe.'ICO Jcfct.

Half mile relfly^DurIcy;''/ll'it; -; Twin Falls, nccond: Payeltc, tlilhl. .• Time, 1 minute, 30.0 ncconda.Boise relay team, .ran .accoBtI:biit'. was dlsquallflctl for brcakisc:.! lane).

RICH llAIlNKSSrPROQWik^J.v SVRACUSE-Thcrp wHlTwtiift--

days <if trtitUng uod'.pa'cln^ .nciHi:':' here this.year,-aturtlng oilAugurt' - 2S. More, ,S 4 0 ^- ln puriWfcr will -hi:' tip'tt5r th\)-«*miirt;*r

Special ' r r M ton 'AtiUcDoir.J' GiMM.nad .WlndiUdOi; '

No\aarse’fbr .. . G a t ■“

rhan» ,M 0 6 n ^ -

' ewrfytWttfe- lo f '& b tB i ..

Come Out to Twm

: O E O Ras W A E S iW r n s ’EXU-BOQItj} ^


TWIN SPRINC. OHzcmDr Bonneftve

Page 4: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

I*ag6 7onr IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. TDAn.O Salnr.lay. >fuy W m \

t e l e p h o n e ;j8

ruU X^ned Win t

J^ibllihed »lx l>Arn

E alrM u ficrnml CIhk

__ g M'lulrtil'ljy Ib;s bB.publlnhrd w«fK!y, pkfiaR pUftOAnl to hrci>n

or iiy or'hr

I ' . ,H IT 'S


“M U S IC H A T H C H A R M S — ”

* 'Music week, opening in 'lu 'in Falls tomorrow, i; not designed so much for the ])le:isure of tlie par ticipants in the several coneert.s and choniscs, as for the goneral jjublic, which is i)c‘ini^ nrgctl to attend

. the' events. “-vMusic is the one common (lenonmiaLor of man­

kind. It brings comfort and satisfaction when all else is. chaos. Weddings, funerals, inauKnu-utions all re­quire a suitable nyasieal note. Armies m.arch to the strains of martial beat; and man in all his activities, in'wo'rs'hip, at the dance, in sorrow or ha|ti»jnoss,_ re­lies upon music to bring him comfort, as did primi-

iive man before him.■'.-Since'.inusic is the univei-sal language, it is aj)- pWpriate tliat a week t)e devoted to ijaying it trii iite^«njoying it, and in demonsti-ating it. That is the •pUriiose of nftisic week in Twin Fjdls. And it will he a'suecess if ’music lovers all, participate in llie sched

• .iil^d'events.


.Death of William H. Woodin, former secretary the United States treasury, removes a figure whose national reputation was extremely short-lived.

Raised from conij)arative obscurity by President Roosevelt to the position once held by Andrew Mel­lon', Mr. Woodin had the distinction of being known to. the American peoj)le for liis personal timidity on the one hand, and for his publicized ability as a

com])oser on the otlier.To the nation he was more of a character than an

im))ortant public official; and by many he is credited •with'having been a better comi)oser than a'treasury

secretary. .'H is'death is to be deplored, for it is asserted that

.its occurrence Thursday might have been avoided had Mr. Woodin not ignored healtli ordei's during, thc'time of the banking crisis early in the Koosevelt.

a^itiinistration. , •................................... .•^e-was-an-induKtrialist ljeforeJie_waS-gm‘nj.)ul)jic

office in March, 1933; and there is no discounting•■ 'r-^th^acl- that^ie-ha< i- tile-H l)ilit•y- t^^-H{UninIst■ er-t•hy•

, office to which tlie President api)ointed him. Hut while he was secretary of the treasury in name, President Roosevelt during W oodin’s term, \vas the

actual authority>: • In making this sacrifice, Woodin ])erft)rmed a puh- lib service, and permitted the Pi'c-sident to assume

• \ authority over his head, a thing whicii a different type of person would iiave not countenanced. Roose- >^lt'm ust have sensed this, and iuid tliis thouglit in

.. riiind, when lie chose Woodin, a nominal Republi­can, to direct the nation’s finfmcial system at one of t][ie most crucial periods in history..• W oodin was loyjU, brave and proud. He was’tlic gVeat pereonal friend of the President’s, whom he called "Governor.” H is official record, whiie not outstanding, is distinguished in that he proved .his

. Svillin^ess to do his'pari when called upon, at the expense of submitting to the more dominating per­sonality of his .superior without complaining.

H T S T O R Y Of 'Twin Falls Ciiy & County

As CleaBcd from Flics of TJw Times

15 Years Ago

Wilbur Cox of hcIid.i Itullvidiiiil licIiolai'MlllJ

........... A'lille Curry JirJiooI iiclilov-•cil hiKhetil nvrni|;c,-In lli'

iniinl report nf clclilli frnidn worl< Twin Falla coiiiily.Uaillng’l n (11 V I (I u a I avcraci.'.-

Ciix, K7 T-D jRT'ccii: 07 r,-V per

Cccll IC. Glalt. 0(i per cc M. TImiii, OC -1-U per c

Mnrlc brady, HO 1-3 piT cc

Tlinl Ulo '^vln Kalin couiily frull crop W1L1 cut In hnlf by froitn of 'he liuil l\v(. nljrhl.1 b Uic I'Milmni f local fruit men t-xl.iy. Apricut ciichM ntlil nwi:cl cllrrrli:!! I'uflei il the Jirunl of the Iniw. Thu ICai

Frull CDihpijiiy pincc.’i llit ilatniii; it 50 per m il.


(Ity 11. JL Jttillcr. Ill U

SnnOjo' Trilmnr)

1U0IS15--T11R nnnounccn

Frnnli L. Stcpliim of T\vli Uial he would iti-cU the rrpublli

ilmition wnn not uncxpccU-J; Jn /ac! U

lonK jiiuil “

Idahoan. Is 'Assigned'to Dircct

Federal Bureau by .New'

Iclccs Dccrcc

(My K-\I,rH U’. OI.M.STEAl))WASHINGTON—A uliort thnc

I'rr.Hldcnt nooBCVclt IsaucU an xoeulive' .inlvr'carrylnir'llie In- omiitlon that the mlmlnUtrallon ontrol o f the U. S. »;urcau of rilncn would l)c iriuiifcrfcd to the I'partiiir nr- of-thc~ intenorr -To • rA'.inicn who froijurnt the White loiinc, this onlcr wan not 1m- ■ortftnt cnouKh to mcrlfpreii) nt- L-nllon. To Idolw, It Li Ijlff.nuwn.An iw n as the order was rc-

-elvcd .by Secretiiry of the .In­terior IcUc.r he oMlffncJ (he ta«k • if runnlnp the bureau to Woho'ii P, A. Wijltrrji, firnt awl/itant roc-' elnry of the Interior. Wo hhnll ■xpect to nee Idaho mlncii Kd much .f.-<l.Tal ftttentlon hereafter.

Walters' ItnowleJBe of Idaho •1! and hl.i control of the bur-

fiicllllie.'i iihould be of iM il vnltio to th( alAte-


that liLi frlcndii had gmvv. tlerit,,iinil the delay In believea i many ,'<iuarl,cra to Iniv'c done hlrdeflnilo ,l)urni|' ........

’ormer attorney general !a;i il winter wa.T recanled a ilte hope of republleaniiir ir. Ill' l.i alnwal unlvenuill.

rr«pected iiml ncliji/ ^ d ' for ' 111; many qunlltfi-ii whicfi nArri have made him the "loKicnl' dati'/for jTwemor. He Iwui v 'lth illiillncllnn In the li'),'t and with iiuccenji nj^utlomcy «en- enil, He luinn’t an emmiy In tli party.

Dut all winter and .Mprln ' he ha hiui refused any deftn

... jddltlon, Finch of the Unlver.ilty of Idaho, ichool of mines h.-iii been recom­mended by Senator Jnmen P. Pope l-> rcplaco Hcott. Turner os .di­rector of the bureau. Unofflcua :ommcnt fr»m official Boourcen indlwiteii that the dean, bi'ftfthe

•d'mdnt l"P of nppIlcanti:.Hj». r>innr»'*I nf

rnt 1 whether he li-natedwould run. And he haj

men who might, have . . him by what they termed dilatory tacllc.'i. IIUi announcc-ment. too, a dhuippolnlment; It wu.i loo dl fled amt nun-cummlttnl to

!tc who feel that thl;i l.i a i (I fl -liti-r. Whether Sli-phan will

the 7ire and r.ciil that tliey it In the campaicn rcmaina I

narlcrm Nut AnNetH Then, ton; 'ne luin aliened wit:

him and particularly active In pro iiolinR hl»-candlducy-a. Kroup wh' rp not iwirliciijarly aiwtu lu hlr

In the wider flelil of the crnera lion., wbeq, lie miinl campalfi

for the independent vole.If thin xceni!! like too much ntreii I Sleiihan’ti liandlcnp«. Jl nmnl be

remembered Ihnt hla ailvantape. iwrtn-nm-pnlcnrnnd snmr.-

" ■ ’ - It laAVhl'l

c been too ndbCllltl

ucli eHli

News Behind S The. News

You May Not Know T/iat—


No one can read of the kidnajiing of a child with out wondering what he hiinself would d i^ if his. own youngster were t;iken by kidnapers.

The parents of a kidnaped child nuLst be In about as soul-trying a position as human beings are ever forced to occupy.

Shall they follow the instruction.s of the kidnap- 1 . ers,’ pay what they ask, and Uiist to luck that the ' - child w'lll be returned unharmed? O r^hall they noti- ; fy the authorities at once and try to have t;ie kid- i napei-s captured— praying, meanwliile, that the ciiild i comes to no hann?i A peculiarly tragic conflict at once ari. jes between

the natural impulse to protect a child at all costs in d the duty to get the ])olice on the trail of the kid­napers without delay.

. As soon as officei's learn that a child has been stolen, the news is'broadcast from tlie tops. Iiv raost cases this is a mistake.

By making public this news, tlie police simply I i warn the kidnapers that the law is on their trail,

i They thereby diminish the chances for a surprise which would land the criminals in their not; they

• also create an added hazard for the life of the child : 1 in the kidnapers’ custody.I'f •--The kidnapers-discover that the police'are' after ; • them, and that their^chances of negotiating private- i : ly with the father of their victim are nil. .|,I . ;For in this case, as in so'many othere, the police ; 1 seem to preceed on the theory that cnminals never ; ! read the news])aj)ers.; In justice to the victims and their relatives, it ! ; .would seem that the smart tiling w’ould be to keep

the news of the crime secret as long as there is a ; 'f chance that anything can be gained by such t ictics.

Police work can't alw’ays be done pro])erlv in the :.|^glare of the.fiondliglits. -

IJV .MAI,U)N((,'cip.vrlcht, l»;il, l>y I'aitl .Mulloii)

WASillNnTON’—3clenli!iln ivhi -im around th.* world trylnjr to re- :onl ecllpaeH c!f the min ahoulil hiir. ry to WoJiblnKlon ImmedlKtely.

.Sunny Jim Fnrloy iit In ooo iiuw which la phenomejliil. The jxinl- miiator jieneral tm.i iiialnlnlni><l his i:ood imture’ wllbout intorrupllnn for many yMrn, even Uirou/;h. tlii' nlrmall me is. - What hiui ilarJ<ene<i hl.'i heumlni: cnuntrnanec now l.’i a rurloiis Incident ln:ilde th« .NewD e a l.--

Farley fireil a cer!aln\ht)ld-ovcT eriipliiye nf Tlir- pmilotrice dep.irt- meat .several Weelia ii|:o for what h» conidilcTi'd cdod and iiuffiKlerii reujionji. The enn>loye w;i!i not only


It I'arley 1 lU-publi-

i> too ileiV n,'

he flre<l had be(

tih J(i.- n to a <Ie-

tr. I 'arli'y I that Ihe appointed

m tlie ircii.'iury de- rialary nf al«>ut 57.-


KISCAI. rilKNZV 'i-iny Wall atreM nnuirl felln« worlieil lhem--'i-lvc;i Into

••y the la:il few diiyii trj'lnc 1 find the anawer to the Ireiuiury new (■l.iblll.-jitlon fund myrilory.

They »iu;ipcet further doilar d( valuation, more };oId or nllvcr biij iHK’. po.nlhly' federal hacUiai; tc

Thrre i; that expla rci'onl fru

i)iu .iN f;^ :u .Thil departnieiil

I>1TII II iKxhlvr II h,sl nilllocer

lilt Im eaphiml. AjipIv Ihe hiKher-li alinul the polllleaL effe

The nReiit« art trylnc to m;i1i play !.>• «»rMtnot thr real e> the fedenit ac ul(ii.r. They c police 111 in;iny

I K'eiienii .itslde that 1>I|. In a eell iii>w If IH would ei><ii>- and eltv pnlle.-. eliic aeeu,rd of a KrundHtand

Illlt.V IMS

. in ;i1>e

Util Yea.

or iliilil,

:■ .iiKljJi'.

weekly nin(;a7.lnc l.n n InK a nallon-wldc poll le two cpicjilionri: Do you i .■e the pollclea of the N I duriii;: its firnl yea im dill you..vole for in t electlun?

dn Innliil that he h ■ fire and force than hl.s de ora filvo him credit for, ani!

th.'tt he'wiirrnaUe a iKUverful ftp- peal. All .of which rrmainii to hi

•In llic final hUukkIi-'.Mav Have Compelltlnn '

lere are two othrr poMlblllllc;i •lorlril horizon which u walchlnir With In-

’reriley Home of Caldwell, k'cmenl ncem.i tn ho gain- II hit of alrent;th, IhoitKb iiielf treati »|uc;illoncra

.1 quietly nmiijied evn,itnn. ■fi blir itdvanlaRe


JKllO.MB, Ainy fi (Special) — nrty pcrJionfj Interciited In health nrl: In J^romo county attended II! dinner nerved hy membem

Iho Melhodlnl LadiM Aid Tiirmlay evenlnp nt. Uie church‘dlnln/T hall TfthleJt w<*r<s trimmed w llli. bou' quet« o f' limcn (ind Irb, nnd a ;hi'ee-ci>urno ' dlnnbr wn« • iicrvc<l.. Men.' lyilH' nridceniani chnlnnivn of' lhe cwiiity hrnlth counoll,. pro- ildetl over the tneftlnfr- .Spealirni if Ihi; evenlnfr Included Mlfln Catherine Athey. Uolne. iiecretnr>' If the alntc untl-tuhcrculo.nb nn-io- ■iatlon: Dr. Khvooil T, Ucefl. Dr, Hopper. IIar<-lton: Mr«, Dcino McMahon. Mni. P. H. UcverldKC, Fre<l Reetl. H. Maine. Shoun, Mrn .Mabel Keed and .Mra. Nellie Hob.

'Iti! Intrnuii, Hnrel- rida Oabom, Apple­

ton, prize

problrrrcK.irded a,’a cjindidacy

atlcal: Holdcn'-'i aa a vir- Jilnly.Othrni.tlentloiietl

iQlhcr :iame.i"ure :iiientloneil by KroupajbPirc'jind there: UVE; Grt\-

•4ttiam. merclmnl, and D. 0. Ha(;u. ‘ 8llomcj'_bQLli.o£-aoliic. wid boUi

klentlfled with republican libeml- Lim: Ortnivld C/illatiah 'of 'Wallace (nelf-rijniovijd from lUr race mid yet peralntently dincunjied): Tcirn 'men. Pocatello nttomey,

Tliene nnmea are fmiuently men­tioned, but. not with the empha-iis of the olher three.


•‘> :o f wh.liTu: to

meelln(j the Iruiuc :ovemmcnt l.i ro- ■ code to the limit.

;he 1h> irltet.;liem halniv

lie fact that none o' ihew utrp:. lii leeded, none of Iheni ii<>und,n lnj;lcid

but Ihen why diil the Ireamiry take It.i Koid prom and prepiir-j.lla.iiUi- hlllr-iliim fund for action at thi; time?

rUKNCII (iOU)The ino.' l iiallsfactory whl«pcrr<l

explanation i.H that the trraiairy diil It becnuiio of France. .Inaideriih; been expcctint; France to i;o Kold at any lime, at Icaat to the tent of deilnrlnr: a p)!<l embai

;porta to nun sold coi

e Infor atlon . Indltrle.1.

Advrate«I tho May ... ................... ...

,foulc| be much more serlouii'than they were.

When France r Ivc/i up the koIcI uponRe, there nre bound to be

ilher ili.y wli.-n. one lilt uixn jriKlil for .snlvinj; all our c •rnt econiimic i)ro1)U‘ni;i, Hald h

"What wo ni-d now l.i lo al.anrb en niillli.n un.-m(.loycd and to itiuiulate the ca!>Ual puxin Inihm-

"All rlj;ht, li’l'H iitart off by put- inc the t.'ii million violator.t .>f

...! Wall Klrret xpmi.I I ’ WedncHday Trra-

n • retary Morj:entli!iu \vii> .. * I-arh hOMietime la the :

j luid that Ileraimr Itnrii ,,1- cet the treasury Job.

tliau panwd It tiff >l<«. ; iiiiworih)’ Ilf fnrninl di

th.’ While UaUHP buiKl ulxi).


- Jail., cunatruction

n Impartla

The NRA ri'crnlly wrote a_,Nrv ,,,. flCnKland niyim mill onlerlnj; tin

rni-I **'.:,,^:j':ak-le: •■»oroV' replle<l the mil. .j,ii.,; people, "wr can't do thui." "Why

' • — queried the NRA. Thu -ivaa: "We r had o

2 Delegates Named

han JiJiil completed thmiiRh flflrrn .•itateii of I

id iKiulhwe.’ t. Me reportji ntroniriweritnKonljim rxi.-iln a/jalnal Prof. | con'

TufTAcII for reanotui that lire noljF-dl quite evident. Prealdent Hoose-jchoflivelt luui,virtually.............................. ...The K tv Deal 1* b


JKROMK, May r. (Special) — tHiiiilneafl and I'rofcnalonal Wn-

i,„|.lmen'a cluh mot with Mrs. Julia (htniFaddifl WednemlBy cvenlnR.

•ii'iDfr ..............................buslncBti hour. delcKateu tfllcteJ to attend the fltnlc lUon to be hold nt Idaho June 3. i and 5. DelcRatei



cnmmlttee 1 make plann fi pre-.ichooT ro

■ftd their henlth

Reisl. ^


:a! nun

: In

ippolnl jr pulUnjr or imd-up. The

compo.lcd of F. 0 Payton Hurt,. imtJ

Burdick,- A- proRnuii cnnpoacd of Mm Dot- M. A. Kelly, both.of id Mrn. W. IJ: Jelllson, I appointed. Mus- ■n were provided by

KNS1GN« VISIT nURLBV. May'5 (Speclal)-En-

il Ti Uubcn E, WaKnUiff, nccom- lanlcil by two fellow en.itjyna from hn U, .S. S. OUI*homtt wcrc.rccenfr

brcaUfaBl Rueijln of Mr.'iuid Mrn.C.' F. WllHon.. Theji« boyn aro on n fur- louKh and arc drlvtnR lo Wl.iconnln and MlcblKan. Eiwlpi Wa(T»Uiff •ttended hiRh ncliool here and was

prc.• ident of hla ne.nlor ctnn*. He wftB frrnduated from ' the Naval Academy nt Annnpolla InJit. year.

c. E. ritonuCF-s ri-\v ICIMBERLY, Mtvy 5 (Special)

—MemberH of Uic .Kimberly Sen­ior Chriatlon Endeavor eonducled their regular ' monthly aervlcc Sunday night n l the ChrUtlan ihurch-. Thf piuy, "The Prodiml ion." funlurud the proffratn. The

;t monthly mecUnsr, - ----

chances of HCcurinK Uie appoint­ment are lui Koo<l.or better than •

■any other, ilemilor Pope lit con- ferrini; w im the powers that bo In the matter and has hish hopes of jrclllnft tho Job for Idaho. It theae plans worlj out the bureau • of mlnca will become thoroushly Idaholsed. llii--hftl rack* • wUI L-roan and croak under ten p»l* Ion hatii: lla official flower, will be, miicebrush. and maybe a couple of tncU rabblt.1 will browac along the curblnfT.


cT!i In the............... whfch hail been (i)>on- ,.red by Uuhl Klwanla Club In tlw-;

hl«h Jichool were iinn<)unccd nt lhc noon day luncheon meetlnp-Wed- , neaday. Sevenlcen nludcnlJi from • the varlou/i Uoparlmcnb, In tho ?chCTol--nubmllt<Hl- :EacIi'iitudent wati Klvcn a numbe/ and; ho piipiT.n were judged on.merlU done. , 'Seven prlse-1 were awarded 1/t the

followlnK order: first. Uo;ie Kuc«ra;- jnd, Boyd , Cliambertaini third,' ;

m« Orctory; foiirlb, Mary'^Jf-' chijpumiirrirth:Tnfvmc •Alien:— h, Carrie Miracle; iicventh. '

niUbSlurll.ilir— -------- :--- ;•F lnil prlr.e waji Jir. In merchnri- •

ill.’io donated by C, C. Andcnron I company, iiecond S7.50 in mcr- indlm’, Buhl hardware: third,’Sd 111, Dr. F. W. MncManu.1; fourth, ‘

S.'i In mcrchiindliic.; flflb.' m-aann tlckcl lo Bnnhury •

ilntorlum: nl.\th, J3 In mercHan- ' •ne. Merrick hardware, and aev- , ith, $.T in nierchnndbe, J. C. Pen­

ney compimy.

Jerome Civic Club Elects Directors .

JKIIOJU':, May 5 (Spccial) urlnfT the buiilne.'W hour i\t- Jc- iiue Civic club Tuesday After- ion, Mra, George Glllcuplc, Urn.

Itny Smith, and Mrs. llaro’ Tatiuii'were elected dlrectorn .of ■ ' Ihc club board for the enflUlng ,-car. Mrn. L. M. Zug " ’M • |n ■ diarge of the program, which In-•• duded numbera by Mina .NcU. . BrecUlnrldgc on Uic piano; Dor-.- ‘hy Turner, a reading; _ Mrn. lue Sugg in two vocal wloo', ; coinpaniea by Mrn. 8htrley ;

Johnson Pierce. Tea wiu .nerved 35 gueiU) and niemberfl Qt»Uio i '.lo'of the nftornoorv ,Ho8le#ae.i ! re' Mrfl. II. S.''Grech. Mra.

Kfttherlno Arpa, Mrn. J, H. Whtftt.-.' croft, and Mrs. Georgo Bucklcy. , Mm. Green and Mrs.- R. K. Stiep- » herd poured at.- the .tea table, •. which had for centerpfeco pilrple . Irlo nnd yellow tulips. .

Ohio wa.i


luj Viriuaiiy no open crlUc* imd Mra. Lola CrldKcman. Mlaa in aong. will be May 2i. ew'Dcal la bound to be popu- Frmiqea Halbert la altemato. .Re-1 public la Invited' to ftttend. Baya. long HS Uie money liwlfl ror 'fn'idimcnlfl wero aerveU to-.8. Marlin M ouh, uccrrt^ry..,

Muylm you don't »e« nnylhlng uaaecmlj- nbout lltUo John Ulro ftr.ral4-bhig about Central (uirk with hln toy tin hoo. Dut In Notv York lf« ngulnst the Uiw. tuid becawo of It Mw. Blra and her aon \vcr«'f»ont, to Jail ,lJiibIo to pay n *2 n n^ the and her ion «cr\-c(l .

, a. four-hour Kntenco. They’re ahwvn ut the epot where the arm t looU placp.


Page 5: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

^a tnn loy , .^Fny f,, l,Oni roAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page F ive .

^ o c i e t o i /‘Senior' G. R. Members'

Feted at BreakfastTill- Lt/o:! Sllill ■

..v.Tl.y Twin I ’Hll-i liiir

III llu- ciglilli

___ J ‘'1 ill l>urn1i1111(1 .v.'liiU.', ilic I'ciitcr

o f t li; inlilc ni wliidi 'i(

wcrt‘ st;ilC(l> in ihc Oiii in i’ rtim i 'of dwiw^iic hci

('nirc- rtcimrtfitcnt. •MlB^ Hftchel'Roberts am) UIbs

Hcirn Mlnlcr, aenlor Bpon*or*. pntl Mln.1 lonemarie MltiRcr, Blue Trinnf,'Ie nponsor. wfrc faculty KHMta. Helplnp wlUi arrnnRo jiiMita.werc Mrsi Frnnkle Bam- liiirl/.Oirl nMinrvc necrctAry. anil KL'ntral brcttltranl Chairman. Mls.t I'cnrl U-iic lina Mrs. Helen Pipes Non-In, u Conner. Girl Reflcrvc.' Mlnfl .Alice Jenn. Oinmlon pre- nidcd at.the ppoKmiiiwhleliIrnceil till' hl.itory.of the "Arsoay'B" voy- ncc. Mina Efllber Slnek t/ild of. '•The L.-»unchinfr/' MIm Barborn

~ Young.-••Tlie Jolly Crew": Mbn Jctiri SmwU. - "TJie S ln r r y C&uraci” Mian jjary D. Smith. "The FlKirrehratl." Mins Betlc Morehouoc, ;‘.'The- Lone Nifihl Watch," nnil ’Mliifl •• Emy Lou SmlLhi -"Into -Port.". Ijldiiea Juno 'Andrew and'Ncdra Klchlnii pave

. mtmlcnl-■ niimbtra ■ ond MIbsca Kirsnbcth CnCTcron, Tercaa Hanl- ciityimti”E<mh Clark, rcBillncn.■ Purple ‘cintl white, the nenlor color*. Vcre carrlcil out li

Kiirhiih!.-.! Af;;.Hv” u\v III- .snt Ilf liiiili sHic.i>] .Id'

K'hoiil filrl a.siTVi's >vi nmiuil lij'fiiUfnsi for kj-ii

- C a l e n d a r -

-flo\ t the r

Ttvlfl raJIa Ouipi<?r. No. Sit, Order ot the Eaatem Star, will

:t Tuesday, lla y 8,'nt 8 p, temple,

Wiimnn'fl mlJislonnry aiwocia- tlon of the United Brethren church win meet nt thn homo of Ml', nnd Mrn. N. J, NuRle, <51 Main avenue wcRt, Thur»lay af­ternoon.

* * #Tlio May nieclLnK of Tu-ln

Fall.i Council of Parent* tmd Tcachtrs hfin been ponlponcd from ilon<loy. ifny 7, the rrp.' uUir. meetiaff .time. And has Jwcn tenlftUvoly /msI for Tue.i- Ony. Miiy 15. •

. # * . # •. Tito Motfter'a dny tea at which membwa of tlin'Ml.-uijonary ihs- clety of tJie PreJbj-terlan church will entertain their dnURhtera wlH Ixr irlven Thar.'idny nt 2:30' p. m. A speclnl program hu been prepared.

Kiich of • the pjc«U received . a coroaRC boilquet. Mlaa Mtnger re- celveU a fflft from the senior

, Klrln. Ml*8 Emy Lou .SmlUi. Procrart favors were In the Io na , at n j;1rl In a cap and Eown. . ;• Cocnniutcc' chnlmcn were; In- vltntlonit, Bette' Morehouse:

• (lecoraUonn, MIm Minnie Mac I’ryor: menu. Mlia Frances Erb- Jubl; .favosa. .MUa Miiry O. Sinlth; pruffTttjn, Wla* AJice lUven. •

KL\I>KJW)AUTEK •crxK>F-s w m i p ic n ic

The last day of school iftibul' Ije ft party/ So members of -Mri W. F. Zllkey's klndcrffarten.clniL. visited the fiah hatchery In the momlnR-, plnycd snmes for an hour In Harmon park, and then hnd n picnic luncn;

Thursday nftemoon mothers of tho children visited the klndcr- fTorten to- nee them at their retruUr work. A n s p e c ia l

imbers Mr.i. Holen Thonetz


UNITKD CilUItClI ritOGIlAM Openlnc Pmifram for Miuile WMl

Sunday evenlni;. M c t h o d la t KpLicopal church. 8 o'clock.

Kev. Wllltnm liasll Youns. prc-

prelu<le. hvmn.i Felltr. MiirKaret Wllwiii I'<

ConcrcButloilal sinKlnff. liymi

Extensive Program Revealed in j jidinfj!

Report of Work During Pftst Year

•\ _ ----

Mrrt. 'U'. IV Hnney. prc.ililrnt I'arent-Tcacher nanoclatJon Council i~, „ ,

port i,!ri; i . r S

iierlpluro rrailins, Itcv. W. U.

CIIIUSTIANW. I-:. Anilcr.-Kin. ii.ijitcir

fiM5 11- m. .Sunday school, I-'r; SUck. Buj>crlnlendcnt.

10:43 a. m. .Mornlnj:Supper and seiiiic

Jpct: -Thr Ml,«lonary.-'3;(H) p. m. A ciinvenllnn of ilrlr.

>,'.\tcfl of Younir People's orK.iiiSzi- el^ht --wuthcrii M.ili'j

luntlrs. 0:30 p: n

;30studio -

HclnrJch.,-Edna Hlnt2,. Jrla.Cood- -; miin; .'MJirgnret-’ahown -and Jeon . ClftrU -iwrved. • , •. . ,

.n iM V .Tb.H KA lj,' .MUSIC WEEK-I'KOOItVMS • '

, ■ .Mombsffl'of BualncM nnd Profpi- alohal ^VoJ nen•fl ehib-wlll cooncrott with ; Wufljo Wfok observation nt

. ‘hrlr,Tne<‘HnKMqn(luy,cv.cDlnL:'.bolh ,»./ nUcoOiinco I t iv repilur music

:.v.'eqk,i>ro{rrom und’bV prcsentlric orio ijr Itiolr own Inter. The bilsl- hcM ■ ncetifig' hufl - been called at 7:30.p. m. ttt thc’Jiome.of the presi­dent, .^ l a ^ c r J o Nr,vn)n; Durlnif Ji recoas.'thc jrrooib Wm' littend 'tjio

--- «onpfl|;K>Mh'«>-IJttlo -Symphony or­chestra -.yycn nt the Chrlflllan

llQrr'^ir,Chftr^ahlrTeyf ■Followfpp the crincert Uiey wTll

return to MUs Nowlon'a home whcrn Bajfp‘8 ope?a. ’ The Hohcm- liin.GlrV roVleweil ond Illus­trated..Mlii.IzeUii McCoy ivlll j;ivc t deacrfptkjn of Uie qomposw'B lUo. Mra, Gcnoyltvc OwJi:hl will tell the ninry of, thft ppura, Mm. Marparct j f’ecli bnn. nrr«9f;ed q program ofi flomo of tho beat Imown arias and' choruflC3,.wblch:wJll be Bunjr on 11- histrttlJoDa: -’ ' ' . ; * .

• - #•- CUUUCU CUltiS •

HAS BVENINO PNCNICT-Wirty./lva- members of the

YounR, Afitrrled ! People'* claw of thc-Flrot ChrUUan churljh motored to'Shoaliono'fails evening for a welner. ftbil mdmhmallow roaat. C. P, RowICA .teacher of the clwui. nc- ci)i»pah'lc<l Uicm.-FolliiwlnB: thero- fmihmunt -liour, the group gatlier- c<I about tho-cai.ip fire to spend tho evenlnff-ulhglnff, - Mrs. Iva Ding- maB.;'chulnnan of the soclnl com- mltteo, WM Jn charge. •

.. Betty ..................................Ostrander arid JimroyTomllnwere celebmteiL -The , throe 'blrthiliiys I MF.N'.S CM SS

«/lf?rw u Ahirfaf

idlnc In welfiirc work thnuiKl the school!', and the eervlnp of hot lunche.n nnd other welfare worl made po-islble thmuRh funds sccur I'riim the local Community Clicst Projects were tho sponsorlnR of th( p lay^und activities last summei and the clinic work carried or throuRh the round-up chalrmar

• local units, which hna re 1 n complete health pro

Kram. -i»- U'lde Cooprratlnn

The Council.htiB ecioptrftlfd will 10 Natlonnl Itecovery udmlnLitni- iin. Oiimmunlly ChMt, Aiwioclntec: hnritle.i tmd with the Anll-TuhrT ilosia Lencnc by having iicllvt •pre.«nlatlvea In each orcnnlrji-

lion. It has nsnl.ited In library ex- ttn.ilon. .Thi’ Council whb the only rcanUatlon In the city .to Kfi ovei 30 per cent in tho sale nf tlclte r .r the 1‘rrsidenfA hall, |. MslM under emrrjency activl-

trc.i Uic report stated that tl(o Council hail supported the follow* Ln(T bllln: cblldrcn'.< butrau and vo­cational aiil bill, fedenil aid for .whool.T. molJon picture control bill, food and drug act. and the uniform

ircotic net.. Aided Amerlpnniwtlon

The group nlim hns a repreaentn- tlve in tlie Americanisation nchool ilf the city, was Instrumrntnl In forminj: a Citlr.cns' Council for the Prevention of War. In. represented on Uic CampFlrcGuardlans’ coun­cil and luia a icprcientnUve on the county, healU) council,• Weekly radio pn>gramn, alternat­ing Parent-Tcacl\er aducntlon sub-' Jectflwlth ItJcal contrlbutlpns, have: been broadcast. |

As a project for the comlnp the group hopcn li

Prayer. Rev. G- L. Clnrkr" Silver offering for church col-

lections.Otlerlcry. "FoJiUifie tor Orgao

nnd PlMio," Demarest. Mrs, C. H. Sllnson. organ: Mlis Jo.sepblne Throckmorton, piano.

Chorus. "GlorlA" from the 12lh. .Masa., MosJirt. .

Vocal Mlo. •The Ix>rd In My Llghl." Allllnen, Mis-n Clarice .Saunders.

Hallelujnh Chonis, UnndcKBenediction. Rov, It- P. Doug-

I.U1.1.IMstlude, Mr.t- W. IC. An.lerron. Choir Director. Mr.i. U.. N-


riltST RAITIST R. I*. Dougiajis. paatrir , a n.' m.i Sunday .v.hool.

George Warberg. superintendent. Classes, for all iige*. Mrn. B .' r’ Holt’s clnns will provide tJie opet tng prggrnm.‘ 11:00 B '.m . MornlnK worshi] Subject: "Thn Church n t Work, A recognition Bervlco for nll'oi fleers anil appointive leaders n the church.

0:45 p. m. Young People's meelInp.

8:00 p. m. Evening, wor.^hlj Regular nervlce.\ although man will cooperate with the evenln

il the Methodl.-it Kpi: copal church.

;00 p. m. Mid-week aervlCB.

.( K'n-'I.«:00 p. m. Union mtvIco ;

Meth»dlat ICpbcopal church* _S ;1 0 . iw-m-Ol.urch -.f- -ilio • Al Sermon relcii.iNl frtirn liTKI nl

Subject: "Join Y

, iIon<!ily

will (

c iim ic ii OF TiiK N.>zAiti':NB

Smith, paator , Sunday nchool,

Lllwlllcr, superlnicndcnt, '. . . ___ _ . . . . . . . —:ry oul|Sunilny School With o. Heart.

recreational work and to hold a| ll;00 a. m. Mom:ng. wort Cltlrenn' Council before the atiiteiSermon topic:'"Steps to Sane convention in Pocatello this month, i cation,'' There will be «f«

^ ---- ■' " '*^2;0(f'to 3:00 p. m, "The f...... -..... .................... .......................................... ..ibtho Gospel Hour,*' of K'

thLi summer. r»ch of GIVF-S AMUSING DINNF.K . iSpcclal program- ------tf)e HmaJ|:}!onorerf ,R7Jc.ilji,-r«;elv«J a tiny , lighted birthday cnkoft gift. Jimmy Tomlin, who .....not Ijcen absent during th? entire term, received rinotber, g ift.''- •

Children 6f -thc kindergarten in- chjder Betty Jenn Jiobln»ni,;t'hsl- din Butler.-Mnrlon Merrltljr Jim­my Ttomlln.' Jlnrtlia . Ostrander. George Tork. Jnno Thometc, Jlm^ my.lllnton.' ilaida.Jcanno Hutch- ln-v>n, ftAd-Junior McCullough.

YOUNO MyfillCrANS _ _____-W llj . OlVB RKCITAI.

TnvlniHf>B tvor . in-<itfvi orously oil thcV listened nnd dlscun-Tlhe p ta n S ^ c ltn J .ln l^ h M -AifTtnF^rKUTifenTToril.enaw^^^for” he p iano......

...rga'rct U WattH.-ls presenting John 'Ranm unRc r> and- Murray Nortii.Sunday a l A p. m, ’in her studio on FourUi ' nvcnun East. John [n Uic Hon of Aft. nnd Mrs. , 0- Rnsmus-ip-n and Jjurr.iy Uni nc of Mr,' nnd irni. C. A'. North. Mli O. P, Duvall. wlII,-;oaslBl wltU _ ffroup ot vocal nolai. She wJJJ be nccDmpnnied by her daughter, Mias Harriet Duvall and by Murray

Vfgli cling the


i lrm ^r.i'o t tiie hfen'.i cliuta « f , mMMgi the Methodlflt church proved them-1 Grejt Siilvutlon. - selves original and amusing, hosln i ■,7:00 p. m. Young at.the dinner lit which they cntcr-imeetlng. tained for their wives, mothern and ■ A:00 p. m'. Eventnj; aen’lc: Bweethearts at the Methodist Epl-i-,Hnppy singing with the orchentr-i. copal-churoli liiaj evening.- They tRcvvIm U.-Thie of Nnmpa wlth cjimc In-dlnguLiea, many of which. a -band of slngeri were ftlmost ImposAlhle to pcne; y/ with us•^. -- trate. ^ave charge of the aervlce.

Following the dinner Uicy ehoael s-OO p m Wedne.i>!.iy evening. jury from among Ihelr jruests to'vi-e will have the fjev. Earl X .alt at the trial ot-.Uc. Bite vonus'pounds o fN am pa Mnih -us and

■ ',?- fA_T*’-S:?“ ?^ ’''?-‘!- ' .'?'--^-".'^->-m,havt.thc-annuBl.0Durch lJip-3lfh)>B. chewing, candy vig; ,

North.* ■#- ,# •


itra. 'H. C. Rclnkt, and H'rs.Edgnr Ehlera becamo members of Lutheran. Lndlea' Aid itoclety at ft meellrig held Thursday' after-1 from noon In the church-parlors..Pol-1nchool. lowing ft iihort bUBlness meet- ing, n progmm ot mu.-<lc, flinging nnd tributes to mutherTi wna prc-

.ilcd. Roll call reapowiea wcn ftlso trlbutea to mothers. Mra. El­ia Glance, hoatMS, acn'cd-refrcflh- "> t* . ■

ible to agree up<m n'ver"- Dr, Orrin IMllej wan chalr-

of the prograH committee.


Mrs. Howani J. Read cnterta.I an Intimate gniui . .. ■Jtcniay afternoon ;it an JnXor- al tea. honoring. Mrs. Jesse

Rainsford' Sprague, New York, la n gucflt at the home nnd 'ilra . George Spmgi waa assiBled. In^trym g by daughter. MlM Margnrct

Rend, and by MJss' Deity PeJivey, who ia visiting her parents, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur ’ J. Pcavcy. sr.. from the Albion State normal


'•UverlttStliig Punishment" in the subject of the U~wn-Scrmon ' t< be rend In all Churches of ChrLit, Sclenllflt. Sunday. Way (!.- '• ■

T)ie Golden Text .Ifl from Genenls l«r23:. -Shull not th

of friends Ju<l>co of nil the earth do right r The foIICFwing poflJiago <r«m the

LesMn-Sermon Ui from the Btblo: •'Remember, A- pray taee, who ev­er ■ pefished.. being innocent 7 , or where were the rlgnteous. cut off? Even aa 1 have neen. they that plow Iniquity, nnd now wick-


Complete, Dtngmhuned MarlUn

Martin Sew Included


Slip it over your head and tie II around- your 'waist—well. It will look siim.'eren If It isn’t—i j;uu nrfrcadyfor a^thl'ng tho day

may brlng youi'W'Edlth-atops in for a :f<5W'jnomcnto to .tell you nbout the brldffo la^. nlght, or Johft ahauid happen hoOWMo-luncheon, you •atc.iooklnK.yoUi:-preUKst — and knqw It .,O f jJOurje.yuB ' mode It of.ft.>>comfojr'couon'>..... —by. the, way, do'you o lM i« try I priflt.beforo a;min:<jr,'.ln,lhe;.ihop

. Pottcm .0302 may;. , bd ordered • only In aiies H , :o. -a8, 20, 32. 31 ' 3B,- 38, <0, <2, and 4-i;'SlM 16 re- .tiulres 2j4.ynjd5 30 Inch ftibric.-

• -Send FlPTraN- C E m ’g in colna ■ or ^ m p j ,-<cobfl ‘prtferred) for EACH' ilA IU ANriTAB’n N .pat­tern. Bli'«ure-fo nmto.plalaly your NAME. ADDRESS, the STYLE

-NUMBER &nd-.SIZB -of CQch pat­tern-,

, ORDER YOUR COPY OF TllE NEW MARfAW M ARTm SPRING PATTERN BOOK — a praeticaJ Spring aewlagffuide, offering atjm- nlng model! for all occaalau for grown-ups, Junlorv - snd young- oters, and for tbo woman wno needJ alendorUins- Kaes. PRICE OF.'NEW BOOK. P r F T E B N CENTS, BOOK-AND PATTERN


■.OCNTS- :

• Send ywf 'bftfw, to-’T W 'Jd«» a^'enln«,.Ttaiea, ^A lt«n i I>ej)art-

.-i--. •' -"-j


Honoring Mra. J . D.tJrT, Mrn. D- L. Alc.'uwder enterUlned at an ut- tractive I o’clock luncheon a t ’thc Park houl 'today.-'Cucata ‘were .neated nl seven tahlea for .which Tnllamnn. rosea,in bud bo.’ie.i mail6 dftlnty centerpIecM. Mra. Roy Dlasmorc. Ware. Mass., who In th( house ffucat of her alstor Mro. Wii' lion U PoaBcr, was .also an- honoi jruMt. Mr. and Uxx Q m ro Jeav. Ing Twin,FflllB.noon to make their home In'Boise, Following the lunch con Uic gueata .spent the nftemoon at bridge. ; . , • ,

* - *PAST. MATRONS . . . . W ILI..GIVE ri*AY

Plana for a. play which menl- bers of Poat Matrons’ clu^ will present nV P«ri.MntronB’ night nl the Order -of tho -Eafltim Star .neetlng-May 32 were Vnadc at a club meeting lojit nlghU "Mrs. Ernest White wna-hostcM at her homo on -E/ghth. avenoe, north, She-woB.iiwlaledJla-Beh'ing dain­ty :. refreshment" -by '.Mrs, -E^b MbrehouBe. . Fifteen’ merobcra- tended.

BinDS STUDIED . ' / .IN QUTROOB ME?TLN0 ,, Tawiisl group of .the Cn.nip, Fire Girts met Jn thD olty-pnrk'yestcr- <fny'(X/temtMB'^or fln hour^ot'birt! ■atudy .and obaervnUon,- The,group completed, plans.for <t candy nalc Wedne»d;iy, May 0. GerUudo Mad­ding, whoso birthday is noxt-w< ■- aerved' refrtahmenl*'. Gamca .wplayctl- • , ,

B f ^ m e r W i l l H e a - d

R a t a r y a t . J e r o m e.JEROME. May. tTtapeclal) —

George Bremer was elected presi­dent of the Jerome Rotaiy eli * at tho luncheon meeting ' Tuesday. noon nt Tom’a caje., l. S. Gfevlng waa named vice presi­dent; Dell .................

;• held

H. A. atreed, tirasurer: Dr.' C. F. Zeller hnd H. L. Abramson, directors. • Dr. Finlay. Shoshone, gave 0. talk on "Africa." Group alBglng woa'led by A.' L. Pyle, With Mni. H. A. Helai at - the pUino.

edne the fiomc" (Job



II. 5. Will, pastor 10:00 a, m. Sunday aohool. 11:00 a. 'm; .Momlnff worahlp-

Sermon - U>pic: . "ChcLit’a 'Wiiy." Mrs.. Charlea W. Ronk w ill fling, •Come Back l«. God.’' JuIIa Shep­herd will play a violin nolo.

No evening nervice as the church will njulst In' the Union gathering In recognition of Mua!c week nt the Methodist Episcopal church..

FOUItaQUARE OOSrr.L Fifth flwnue and ThlnJ <rtrcct ' ' ' 'coflt. Twin Falla

ni)3 Fifth street. FlierSunday, nchool at

Filer.' ' 11:00 a 1. Morning worship at

ift-Filer.- 3:00 p. m. At Twin Fnlla,

crhoon fellowship service. Rev, Ai^en Ragsdale ot Buhl, preach- ing- • • - • • ' '

<-.30 p, m. Radio broodcasl. ':' 8:00 p, nt. Evening-woniWp, atTwin rails.* ' , , : - _

■8:00 p. m.’ Tuesday n t Flier. Bl le- atudy and ;pr*_yei

Falls,* nibFe

uN rrK x T ju S r iin E N :•Rev. Bertha R. 01oVcr,.pantor lOrOO'o. pi. Sundoy acBoot,

Company.8:00 p.

WcineiKliiy,servtnce from this chu:


Wllllnm Ba.iil Your,„-. pri.nlor O:-*,"-. II, m. .Sund.-iy -ich.wl. T. K,

Wlllma. supctlntcn.knt. Clu-nr.i for 1(11 iigcs.

il:00 n, m. Mr.rninc,ilil|>- Jirme: 'Tlial Que.ii;.in of l-'or-

glvrnc.M." Sprcliil inunlc by cjn'lr, ThoRc having I/onlcn fnvolrpfi

a.-iUrd to bring them for flniil tJibiilatlon.

C:13 p. m. Young People's meet­ing. Tlic high «clu>ol le.igiie will mert for a d'lclnl hiilf hciuf. De­votion service will be comluctcd by Ambrose Rviinn.

.^rOO. p, ni.' JIvfnI/itr worihlp. Sacred concerl by eomhlnr<l choirs

;lty under <llrpct Mrs, U. N, Torry, Opcnlm cfri of Mu.?Je n'/'.-k,

SlOO p. m. Mid-week ;i 'cilnesday.

n ilS T rKK.SIlVTKItlA Rev. C, L, Clark, piint.

30:00 a. m. Sunday all di-partmenLi. E. Buperlntemlrnt.

11:00 a. m. Mornin Specialtuiles." Recngnlitng the Pre;(l>y- terlan seniors In high school. Solo,

l"Out of- the Depth.1," C. E.,Grieve. ■.--0:30 p. m. Young Pcople’n meeting, 1«1 by Mb.i Hurh.-»r« ■■ ig. Topic: "C!ux>nln

Hanilcl Al I.iK-llii AllnbiTi-y, Wcndc-ll ciulnt. Armour Andrr-i-n, 1) Ai\!i|T.ion. Wll.ion Andrews, Miirtha

Flrini Hailey. .K<lna Ilaldwl vain ■Barnett. Klehar.l Ho EloIno Becltslend.-fJrace lirll nia BL-nnctt. F^lwanl Bertie.Jorlff' Joiiephlne Birch. Eula Mae Marie Brennen, Ain Urtalterlioff. f?uth Unfc. Uclly I-: leen Brown. Uoyd Bniwn. I>ougli Brown, CJrahnm Hrowne, .Mar Biickmiuiler, Tlieoni Hollc Hums.

Mnurlco Cnpps, Ollvln Ch.ijmiiii William Chllilern, Helh Clark, Kv

Cowglll, Uircc Cox. Dor]

Cllftcin OaifiM. l-'Inronce Davlrtot letn Oavln, Cnrmen DcWllt. Mii,> m DO.-U. Jean Dougkm. ililnt unn, Roncor Dykman.Herbert I->lwunl.i, IJctly i-:>nci

Ick, Morris Empey. Clmrles Flclcl.\ Arthur Frnnlr.

Agne-1 Freund, Emm«.lt (Jlbb, Rr.j Glklu. Dale Gilbert, I’rliicllla Glp-

Ih l>.tVrme Cocrl' liter Grayblll. LewI.i Cut-


Work."0;30 p: : m. Friday evening

Mcn'B club.i:30 p. m- Thursday, Molher’i

Day tea. The .Missionary Bocletj members cnterUlnlng their daugh tors. Special program.


Rcv.\ V. E. Newman, rector 'Schedule of flcr%'Ices:Church nchool at 0M5 a, m. Holy Communion ind scrmf

1 the first'Sunday of the moni at i : n, m-. ..

Morning prayer nnd -sermon c the third, fourth and fifth 3u) days at 11 a. m.,•Evening prayer, nnd sermon.t

M u s i c C o n t e s t a n t s

G i v e C l u b P r o g r a m

UUIIU May .’> (Special)--Mr D, Ji. Sluivrr wan honlrss to

imbers of .McCollum club at _ o’clock eovcrcd-dlsh luncheu Wtdncadoy. In the absence of the pnnWcnt. Mr*.' V’/;inac}t,Ixsllo Stroud prcalded at . leeting, A number of gnmea ■ere .conducted by. the ho.itesn

and'her aMtBtanU ■'An. election jfflccra will be held nt the ni nectlng June-0. at,the home o( Mrs, Clifford Stroud.

Wlnnem of the muBic contest ,Cho will represent tho Buhl high rchool at the aUtc contcst nt i'oditr.llo,- were guest ArUnts at lhc-lui)cheon. Rnuna I>ou Wright,

prano. Rotxrl Klrcher, luirilone. Id -JiinicB' U’righl. bnfls. eacH ivo.a-vocal .lelection, which will i.Bung nt the.content. Lornlne

. .•.i2ler lilaycd the plnno accom- lanlmenta.. Mombera of tho Buhl club are planning a one hundred per cent delegation to the Intcr-cIub meet­ing, which Is to be held a t .’nvln FallB next Thursday, Miiy 10, when they meet with cluba from Idaho FiilM. .PocaloHo and FJIcr.

MlMlon Group.Mcetn ro. Ray Bishop, president of

.. . Christian Missionary society, wns-^hoste.ia to the group at a I o'clock oovered-dlah-luncheon Wednesday- Twenty membcra re- ipond«<l to roll call with a word :or. Mother's day; The three gue.tts were Mrs. Titus, Mrs. Glanders nnd Mrs. Gellelt Mm. H. 'Si Riper led the derotlonal Btrvjco oftcr which ft special Uothcr’s day program of music a» presented. The society will le^t June C with, M’rs. Nj-jnon.

p e / jc r ib e a

I d ^ o . H e a l t h W o r k

, ----- , BURLEY. Moy 6 -fSpeclal) —11:00 • It - m; - Olomtng ‘-worlihlfi. U iq— ,j,Bn 00 ftttcnd«l' the .Health

6oi»i,-»eh'lce. Sermon,toy.'lhc; pM- t6r,'?Toplc‘i',"A Place-Callcd ,Cat- vhry.’’- r -

7:00: f„ -ra. Young Peoople’f mceltog. Christian, Eadcttvor, led by Ruby. Buchanan. ;

7H0 1., th. .Evening worship. Pralso service. Serrooa i>y R«v. Mrs. Cherry Clnrk..'•7:30 p. m. Wc^lnesday; pritycri lervlce.


-■"a : W. BttrticsafpMtor-,10:00 a. m. Sunday .school:. ’

•U:00 a. m. Morning ,'worahlp.' 8:00 p, m. Evening »cn/ice. . 8:00 p, m. Wednesday. Pmycr

ervlee.Rev. and Mrs, Holman, mipply-

Ing the pulpit during paator’fl »b- lenct.

ST. EDWARDS____Reml S. Keyzen poatoi

Kev. 'D. -Buoto, oosutasc pastor---- -------- - • Sunday - service*: Jitnuet-.Jit. 8

Nd.Ohioan haa ever keen elected'and 10:30 *. m. Hoty hour-»t rIc«prMidont, altiwugh «lx nallv«;4.'p..m. ‘ ion5 ,hava served nx prwildpnt nti Week day »en-lcrs: M ms

tiie Unltcd'^tate^' . l7:iC'a.:Si.

____.;ij • banquet' a t ' the ’ KaUoniUbold -May, day. •■,TJn>s<i present repreaenteii . the Couodi. Rotsr- laijs, ^Vomen•s club, Amcricsn- ■LcglM .American Legion Aux- lllaiy,' B. P. W. and other orgaif- Ijatlons. The' banquet was in charge of- Mrs. Entma C Davis, .chairman oC the Cnasia, ^County ttBiUth.council.

G..E.'Dcnman wna toastmaster. Mn,’ Davla gave a detailed report of her activities oa county healUi nBrao.- Mr*. MargucriU Buchanan. C o^a " raunty 'Bupertntmdcnl ' of Bcbools. told of the need ot health work In. tho county schools nnd

iflf -Iho ^eed for county aupported boalth-officers.„ bewia' Willlama, state commis­sioner, of publie wtlforc. waa thb tT i»in npeaker. of tho oveclng.'Hel «>oke of the Uork of- the atato' deportment of public welfare and tta'abortage of funds in connec- Uon-wUh the work.- He gave a history of the ebild.heatlh move- ment and .the ptogrant fnr Jdaho. He- takS of the' national health ebnfertew. called by Secretary of Labor-FrnnMB'Perklnfi which ho

nniond. irder. Jen

Hayden,Wlllla Hclmn. Paul Hcnnon. U-.nU-r Hlntr, Lila Marie Hollialcr, Ix'C Rue Hollman. Billy Hollon. Kather­ine Hoover, Wallace Hopkin.i. Pearl Houw. Normii lltibhcll, SnKlo ilui-Uier, R u b y Huff. Mitchell H c n t , Jr.. Roliincl- liutchlnnon, Uliilne Hyde.

Alice Irish-Hi-len Jayne,i, Ruby Jayne.i,

K:ilherine Johnnon, Jean Jono.-'.Mary Iv.iwai, Virginia Kerlln, Bill err. Mlldrid Kinder. Mary i.,ou

..Irkman, Naomi Klrkmnn. Theron Knight, Lloyd Kuykendall. I^jwcII Kuykendall,

Jack LaCliapelle, Lydia I-ipp. i ICennoUi L-irkln, 'Duanl I.nrkmtt, Lnrin Ijiughlln, Paul Leighton. | imrKrxiiiJ:iiav,^T(iri;nri't-T7>w<

Ludwig, Emmett Lydr

C R O IA P P L A U O S l y m E V E N !

eorgi* ArllM. iliid l.,ordtuj iMg ill II Mcriip Inmi •'Tho I-M- of KothHchlld." openlnft

II III'- Urphruiii .Suiid:tv for u : iirri--day run. .Vrllw lulmlrun, ‘ iln-ady mmilHTrd In 'tlirt mil- loni, lii;ve lii(-rr.i>vxl trMiiend- lU ly IhTJUiM' of tilt- rxcrptlon-

l(<itli •elilid." I I l» CNirgr ArllM t gr<-:il<-«(. Tlirrr ult|-<K) ililMlght nhow tnnlght. '

3pcct,i:ors Pleased

Jir.'jcd by Wnalungton

School Pupil.-;

FeltG i r l s i n T r o u s e r s

D i s p l e a s e N a t a l

nd idxl

arjorlNellie Mae MeBrldc. : McCauley, Blrdella McCIi McCllman.1. Dorln McDonald. .,mci- •ina McNeeley, Gilbert McRlll.

Robert .Miigel, Hartilil Mupiffin, Ronald Mallon, Hurel Mnlone. Miir- dn Mayo, Witnda Miller, Bnrbnra Minnlck, Mock. G e o rg e Moore. Richard Morrh, Duano Worrfson. Bemfce Morse. Thelma MO.-UI. Ronald Mullins, Joe Murat-

ichl.pouglan Nelson. Walter Nichol- m. Lota Nordllng.Paul O'Leary, Eileen Olnon, Er- at Ostrom, Ellen Owen.Anrf Penvey. Vernon Peterman.-

Howard riiibbn. 'Jamea Prlcbe. Marie’Priest.

Bliuiche lUindnll, Kenneth Riiy- . irn, Harold ReacL .Alice Reed. Fern RrlnboJd. RU\iard Reyntildri.

Rice. Bnld rtlcliartlB. Rob RoI>ert/:. Ruth RoJiertn, .leimn'- Roblnnon. Lucille Roby. Wllhurt Roy, Wilma Roy,.,

George Salladny, John Snvage, Ruth Schwendlman, Donald Sealey. Marie Seam, Elalno Seaton, Lft--

nn Bhamp. Frances Sheneberg- Jullft Shepherd; Kenneth Slier- Ro.iemiiry Sinclair. Invln Slat-

kin, Kenneth Slover, Harry Smltli, Maxino Smith, Shirley Jane Smith, iVflyno amlUj, Jfao-Sonberff, Hnr- •lotte Stansberry, Edwin Stephens, Lola Stevens, Pearl Stokesberry., Dorothy Strain. Robert Sutcllff. I

Harry Taylor. William Taylor.' Tommy Tebben, Jean Thomas.. Joyce Thompson, Jenn Thomson. Davis Titothmnn, Art Tr.mmer.! Virginia Tucker. Eloiae Turner, i Wayne Turner. ’ ,

Emma UpdegraXf. 'Arthur Vallton, Maxine Vanco. Grace Waldman, Dbrothy Webb,

Betty June Wegener. Grace Wells, I Billy May White, Ray Widoberg, I Marj’ Bllle %Vllcox. Lee Willlama, Ajhor Wilson. Jr., Billy Wilson., Robert Wilson. .

■Betty Yarbrough. Junior Young.

I.AUY.SMITM. Natal.<r.i:i — a alrinK of be:nln and a shorfkllt pri.ia as the height of feminine finery for moat young Zulu girla;

prc;>enlcil \)j Uiiiili. I pc„r,.|| a liuny LadynmiUi street’I in thu Innir trouiu-m once affected by f.:arlx>'H Ocrmiin rival.

Thl young Zulu liellc won fined Sl.lT.. and now the .N'nllbnaJ parts, on the Rand hn.n <I(^eldeU'*that:ft• lH4mniorat.fcr-^'umiauioj»ppcftrUn. publlr In Rhortn or'slacks. . I t -hu., nukod for police action ajTainal,

vindlng c hy progingtoii nclml Htiiiieiiui. i leliool lawn yeiitenlay «fl

greeted by spectati nmg and nicely <ltme It Clrl» fruin ilie fourt)


All the chllilren of tl I»-iirrti in a grand in firrt number. Other iriilk (lane econti

glrla(lag drill,, boyn: A. ..I'ourtli. fifth anil iilxth graden: numbers bv .ichool orchestra, dl- r<'ctP-J by Gunt.iv Fleethner; ilancc. •’Wedding, of the I’alnted Dollii." fourth, fifili and aixtb grade glrla; tumbling’ act. fifth and i.lxth grade boys; farmer nong, second grnde t-oya: "Nnrclnsus" dance. flfUi and .ilxth gr.-><ln -glrl.i: mlliUiry drill, fourtii. fifth nnd slxlh grade boy.i; nelcctlon.1, first grade rhytlim band: May pole dance,

Vlgorn Frrtlllier lor U>vn(i and nhrublieo’- al»o gnrdeti frrllllr-rr. I'honr. I'll, 'nvin Falls andlr«, Co.—Adv.

COW INFLICTS IN.IUHV - IIA/.KLTON. M:iy 4 (Special)—!!

The young .-ion of'Mr, an<l Mni,' U- E. i'lxik- niiffercd'n fractured ;1clt,. a m T.ieiulay morning when ft ccr\t'* jmhlH-d him agnlnst u manger- • '

s p e c i a l ! :

I Any Sedan or Oonch Top' ' Dcck ■

No. 1 noublo Tfxlurc '$5.90

j l^oss Top’ Sc Body Works

I Tentn. Awnings, Auto Topi (Haul. Body Work ' ..h

uni* 2M-J 2h(I A%H. So.,


S e e k s W i f e a t 1 1 2OMAHA, Neb. m'.> — William

Everltt, Who recently celebrated Ills 112th-J)lrthday here. Is aUll looking .-Qi-,n wife.The search now la In ta fourth year. Everltt. a carpenter until hla retirement a few.- yearn

A-aa jilted at 100.

Mfttio from Cli.illcnge Delicious Thrcc-Flavor.

Brick Icc Crciun with .



' AT ALL LEAJlUia F O 'O N I^ S ! . '. . .

“ • l a




And Continuing Through-Thursdayl vj l \ .

Inlsrosllns and varied’ programs cach cvcalnj provided by local andtalent without ftdmiseion ■chorpi. . ;

Wnlch tho. news columns for complete progranu, llnw and p)a,c^1 ■

A “Real Musical Treat! ,v >

Page 6: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l



,TOtE3 c iASH inr.i> iiATns

Each Insertion, per lino ,05~ (Forflrnt31nJicrtion.i)

Subsequent iMcrtlons.

__^Irnct, even’ Insuc. joch_____insertion, per Una..—. .02

No o<lji tJikea for 1cm thoo 3 llscs. MinimumCtUTRe ---------- ^5

A ll adj muol bo onlrrrd“ rsFirhCiTarnriiearoT----


New Today

•SIIOI’ KQUH'MKNT 2.*J lb, Trli>-Hammer. 170 Ih.

tinvll. DO 11), vlBc. No. 1 Clmm- plon TCniery Grlnilrr. :!0" Crca- eatf Banil Saw, No 4, Tuyere Iron. InrRe I-’orKC. No. 1 Tiro Shrlnkcr. No. 20r Cliamp^nii Post Drill, HP Motor and Bomc Aniall Itiuid luol.i timt go with thLi outril, prlccil lo fiell complete for qulclj cu.iti 11.1I0 J300. Call phono 1200 or uddri'M 1S8 wmnut St.

W ANTED m is c e l l a n e o u s ;

OISDELIGHIEOA' Today’s Late News in M arkets a n d F inanee

WANTKI) Wlirai- uml oaUi rn.Ic- for b^liy cliiiks, HlirKiT }un1ltyJiiilcliLT:^ _ _ _ _ _ _

' WA:?r"Tq »t;Y “ ,t-ik-i vaii

U’ANTnO-rurnlill.lmlstrrlhl:.~wltiilcnrrc/a * Uruii-y l-'u

KUUNnUUK WANTKO—Cash_iaitl-_for _uaal --furnlturiL__co;iL

;e.i. hrullnK alnvrji und clrcli- ro. 1‘lioiie 3. Moon'u.


i ' ClItC-AOO I.IVKSTOCK l ‘ CHICAGO. May 5 d'.I'i - Hc(;: . I 11.000. Supply mrnjjor. dctimm 'n;irr..w: tniirkrl nominally iitr:idy

r' odd lol;i at 53.70 downward; rout r:iaul_liJi3..-Slil5:_ahlppcra-_licj! i;n(ini-: holdovm 1,000.

Outlie 200; caUv.i f^0:'coinpar' [ed I-'rlilay Ift.n


N. Y. STOCKS : m m M

CillCAGO, Itiiy

vi-lKhly Hct'I liil

itnK iij) !ii:i ,

Lconj;,iDf .fiOc lil;;!R'r; Rtrlclly to

;iroicr 10ncmT>0'*T5T' fenuir'*11 ll>:hl .'itcrm 2.VM-: .C<>m cl



\VANT!':i) - Uiwn Mo«tm I Tin.l. Will c;ill for iind d.dlvc- .lixiri-'M nrpuir Shim, Mu!U-e, S, flumu 2J8H.



! .ANOrHKtl SCMMON.S KO» i*i:iu.irATi()N

In tJi-' Dl.nrifi Coiiii uf the Kiev eiilh -hi.llclal Dlntrlct of llie

, .Slut.' of iiiah.i Irr^iid for the C..UI1IV of Twill Fall.1.

hlclirr unri all <1 harely slMily to lull at dfcllnc;

, /r.I’i—Shorlji lie jcrnin pit

y lifter nn early declUiu •3 roue Ic- net K7iln« u{

cent a SuKliel aa nr“ b^7iirnr-?n7jr“ i?poiTs:

‘v l» ' ' " I hlRhcr

; elo.'j when the Iup 11.

lal ,;onj; ia IV:

•10c up; veA 1 Slirrp 4.0( l.i;it woel! «

, 2,'.e hiKher; con»ldcrf<l;

. .•■,0.7;lirlteriii,:h.T, :

pmp;ir.'d TriiJiiy I InmD.i rtlronjr Id I

' ■ Wo nc«l n • cattte for ou I ’ar):.

W a n te d — ExperienccO wall rcM. No other need Iipply. Speer'i

1 Corrco Shop.

■ Natum l javc. Dunrla 52.00■ Vita Tonic M,30, complete. I

cutn 20e. Mm. Ucamer, i-'.y 2t\d■'Atc. No. Phone CDO.

LOST — CooJ-llfe. rit.i-blllei ,Cm y horae. weljjhl iihoijl l.'.Of DrantlotJ wine kIiuu on one hip. Ca: V. L. ICllnr. Jeromi-. Howard,

-- BUNSATION OK CKNTUKY!sure fuat irrowlnfr Dcnutiful Chl- neao Elm, Ioj-kc nlzc. above 12 feel, SS o n ly , pri'jiald a n y who re. NORTHPLATTE N U H SKni>:S, North riiitle, Nob, r

___ monci' cojiyln/; nwnca,auurcnaco for majl order flrniii. Homo Jijmre lime, experltnco un- neccsattrj'. No cjinviwalnp, write OlnCI-E A D V E R T I S 1 N G. -101 Broatlwuy. ‘Jew Yorli.

MATrillCSSKS n j^roverrd. Clean wool ciirtled. 20c •ft^Vanhed and cnrdea .10c, Furnl- lure upholslcrlnp. Twin Valid iIatCreJi.1 Factory. 61-W,

-- . , W. M, nuZEI.L.


May July ..

, . . , Sept. ipcd l.niiilis ',2fi-3.'lc C'orii— ;o(l -shcop . 2.VM): May .. loll'ellppod lnml;n 1 July ,, Ihl. !«M.n)n; woo:-' .Sept. . i; for May'Oal.'w verli'B bulk woolcd ‘ M»y - S10.3S. ,

Alaska Juneau ..........Allied Chnmlcal ........Allb Chalmers _Anierlmn_Cnn’Americflh fUiillator .....American SinclUnK ... Amcrlciin Telephoni;... AmcrlcuR Tohucco B. Anaconiln Copper ......


Alch., Top. * SnntJ Atlantic Itcflnlni; . Auhurn Motor/i ..... nalUmore & Ohio . HendU Avlulloii ... Huthlehejn Steel ...Bonlcn Co..............

!• Co |C. M. S. P. * Paclf Ctiri’fller Corj)........

NEW fVOIUt, Mrj- 0 ili United Smtea Steel commoi a lone )Ul- of other rcprcscntfl' Uve sloeka were driven to new lows for the year In a period

'^~vy"5iinne —


SPOT CASH PAIDf( t{ Used FUT7iitur> and Slov, (lert A. Sweet. Phnne 1205.

ill kinnl j HR. wirlow lined

CAnBi;/lBTO/lS, C nrh i/fe lo r piirtH nnd ^^^vlee R G. H. Motor, Service, 230 Shnahone St. W-. twin Fulls. ,

• SO U T H SAN nuNCTSCO, , !May r> d'.l'i -HoKii; Camimrcil i Friday: IWlclicr;) ni-wlly lC-20c lower. t<ip and liullt RDOil-chylcc 175-203 Ih, S4. few J3.n0: mfil. cood S3,Gr> lo jn.TS; Kood-chulce 210-233 Jli. S3.7:.: 237-278 It). S3,r>0; pacHIn;,' lOc lower.

.................... .j1k)vc

nefcndant;You are hereby noll/lrd iiiiplalnt han born flli;d ii )U In thp Diiilrlol CdUrt loventh Judicial Di.'ilrlcl

______.ate of lilalio. In :ind for the

POE 8ALE-MJ3cellaneou« 1 ‘v t’"'byTllrecleluo app"'^^ C.llle: C<)mpai<-<i liisl Krldny:the »ald complnlnt wltliin twenty isieer.i lo i:.-2.’;c hlRher »i 120) .Inyn of the .ner\'!cc of Ihb I'l'ol'': 'usui K'""' ">• JonR nummon.i; and you are further yearlliiir .itcc-M JS.40. -top, new nntlflrd that unle.itryuu 110 ai.prur'hlKh for in3< to date; .six Io«'l:i j

. . and plead to «alcl complaint witliia .!H0-1033 Ih fed $0,2,’,; few loatl» i ^ a^nl'-'-d] iiie time lierehi npeciriccl, the plaUi- $(! lo SU.l.'ii n.-v.-ral lu;id>i me i . i ; V ' f' ;c!i.. will Like tudi;mciil»Kalnit you fairly cood SSO-IOTO lb. fed 45.00 |

' a)i prayed In nald compliilnl. , to fat (jfivxn'rn aliiicnt; fcw^ v,Vou are further notiflnl that hv me<l, fed holtcm S4: com, 53,75; ■ i;'/ '-.

I)l,^lnll/r« complaint pinltlff .icckn eowi ir.-2.'>c lower iwo.Insdf* '■judKiiicnt a^alnat^ tSie ilcfendant liGt; lb Krja;;rrs_33.7:i. com.-jnfd. j ‘-•


Sept........’i7',(. 571,:. r,liIJixrley—

Miiy . 1 0 -10 -to July .....10 lO ’-i -10

C.VSIl <ilt,\lNCinCACO, May H'l

Kraln:Wheat: No naleii.Corn; No. 2 mixed iialnly white) No, 3 ml

■ yellnw IS; nlil -IS’

FOR SALB-Summer Cabli I3aker Crrek near Eonley Hot Sprinpi. Phone H. Wendell,•• O, liox B.

FOR SAUli — Another carload ’ Miirwco Knlnomln»- In hulk—

buy wlint you need and hrlnc bsclc hnl you hAVo left. We loan you bruah free. Let iia eathmite the nterlal you will nci-d, or If you ant a p;ilntcr wc have neveral on

our lint will) will bo nl«d U) jjlve you u price on your work. UOON’C.


y naycf Special Matin/; Haby CH on lime piiyment, 3f <ii lien mwtcnr )irT T !t1, b.iln 20. Only a few more hiitc;i natclieo<.


, LOST—Between TM.-ln Falla )ini] RoBcmon. tflll . ilpht and rear 11- cenno plate No. CR-ll-SO, lP3f Leave nt Times office.

. TAKEN UP — B ro w n hnme. Smooth mouth, one cruokcd foot. OwT^er mny huve winic by cnlllnK 3 ml. No.. i,i w.. of Five Point and paying for thla flilv.


; GET CENUINE CRAZY CRYS' TALS and drink your way li. IffiALTH. H. J . SchwlUcr, The nnwleifrli Dealer. 723 Muln Ave„ East. Twin Kalla,


WANTED-Woma; • liou.v:work. Miiat In- c willing to work, Ncii npply. Uonrd 11ml r wjiKo, Hox -17S, Tim

mpntent nr ■ other net >m and fa I Office.


SI’KCIAL KOH .SA' Cara wnnhed 7r.f,'Arr( Jco Station.

WANTED TO RUV—1000 cam wreck. Fnrmern’ Auto Supply

Uaed Pnrlfl Dept. Phone ;225-'"


SPECIAL THIS WKEK-Natu nl permanent 52.00. Mra. neimie 155 2nil Avc. No. I ’honc CfiD-


roR SALi: OR TnADi-: -- m Chcv. coupe. Priced rl[;lit, Hoato Apt. No. *.

ClassifiedD irectory


E X P E R T WORKMANSHIP — ■ rius-Rcal fxaUier and other lop

<lUAUty Rwlerlnln ivt cnailHtent , J-*alr-PpJce.i. all ro Into

■every Job, Twin Kalin Shoe Re* , palrlnp, 132 Sho.ihono West


.FOR SALR-.\vrNDsimJLD7ND ; door Kln.ia. Auto tops and cur-

:taln repair, canvaa anil canviui •repairing?. Thomotz Top & Body .Woriu.. Uack or Dancelaad.

FOR SAI.K-- I 2 pounds, J

nei!B, Ceorjlo 01J-I.JIan.iea.

^prlnj: fryer.--. 11.


HARY CHICKS and Cuntoi Hatching at reduced pricea nov Rlj:i;erfa Qunllly Hiitchery, 4: Muln Ave, S, Phone 22.’iJ.

II«ye;i Riihy ailelt l ’rlce:i Reduc­ed, jUter May 10, SpecUil MallnK only 8e. Regular mnllnK« (not prepaid) 5U.30 per 100. White Ia'c- Iiornif, Redn. Harretl Rock.i. Alno nnine each wrek to let out llucally) on ulmrea. Huyc.i Hatchery.

Sale.i 7<-78: qu<

widow, for thi of Klve H u n d re d ami no/lOO lyt.c

00.001 Dollar.-!, with hitcrc.H at fl per cent per annum an provliled jj,7'i I l>y the proml.'fiorj' first mort|;a(;e| ^,iv. note, plufi a reannnable attorney 1 n, fee. a.-i In 11.1I1I note pwvldcd, ami cull^mr neclui the fon'cto.'uire of a real e,-i* 1 tul<> mort/;a|:e nltachfd to ■•mid, complaint aa an oxhlhlt and the' forccloiiure of all Hsllt. title and. p.,,,,.,. intereai of the defenilant Ida'V. [Rider in and to tllc followlnc de.-t» criWvl rvAl in Tivln Fulhi.County of Twin Fnll.-i, .SWte of Ida-


I $3,r.O; fhmils 1,

; Steii

dairy 1 lower I

•fairly Rcod \

■ Kood j-r,.;odd I

-,1. S3 t<Ix)r.iU)ly i'-no: few 380 lb S-l.-'-O.p; Comparc'il licit Fridny

iite.'idy after mtyit <n

•wit:I.11I. Twenty-.<1110 ..(21) li

Block OneHimdn.vl Four flOi of the City of Twin Kalin. Twli Falla County, Maho, and I' have iii'.ld iilx)ve (ieiiei-|lH-d ))ri> perty Hold pnrnuant'to law anc for Ills co;it.-<..nnd ilLnburne Dienl.n In IhCn action li

-WITNl-:.SB-my I- f :.ald District Co

I'dlKhtly finrled: K'> id choice eli ■; Icmic nhnvp'Ssmpclr-Talrly^Bood I 123 Ih. woolcd ewes 5-I.2.'i.

I o<;d k s i.iv,KSTOt;K I OODEN, May fj (i:.i:i--(USDA) !,-Hok3: for week, ateady; alc 'top y3:M-oft'S}hnlcc'meil. wel|:ht

md and the-jteal-drtvclnai-'ibulU beiiL kinds SZS.Oir l Uilii I'lth (riv mixed wcIrMh ann Rniilcn S,i.25

■ ■',to SS.-IO; pacliliij; flows $2.7.1- FRANIC-J.,KMtTH,—idmvn, rit of the iJltilrlct Co

CAStl WHEAT PORTLAND. Ore.. May 5 ,'l'.i:i

-R ljr Rend niueatem hard whll. 72‘i ; dark hard winter 12 pn cent 77; darlt hard winter. 11 pel tent 72; Jioft w!|ite 70'v; wentcn while 70'-; northern nprlnj; 701', hard winter 70>'i; we.-itern rei7OU.

%VOOLBOSTON, May iIU'i—Demand

f<ir_wool_ today,. cuutlnued_p tlciilly nil. PrIcrM are non owUiK to th.- little inictinir devclup.'i. Quotntlona with a


. 733, I

pnian .ind Cliapman, inievii for I'lalntiff.

Reiilillni; at Twin Kalla. Idahi.,

SIIM.MO.N.S’I the Dl/itricl Court of the Elev­enth Jiidloial Dhitrlct of the State of Idaho. In and for Twin Kalla Countv.

Till-: PACIFIC SAVINGS ANiV LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corp­oration. I-lalntlff,

Ohio Delaine fine eomblnf; 33-35 cenU). .irreii-'R'. .Halfblood Sl-S.l. Thrce-eljiliths lili’.od .3ti-38. Quiir- tcT-hJrm( Tcrrltorj' imided ntrlclly alaple fine ccmhlnir 8-I-80 cle:in. Halfblood HI-SS, II •.•lj;hthH-7f:-«0.-»i(iarler-l)loml-71-73

Cattle; foi .ileady withheavy cow«: bulk f:.«)d .•itecrn Sl-'OAUand heifer:! 54.25 to J.'>; com. .mil NEW YORK, Maymed, 52.50 to rned. and rcwI gtiRTir futuren cloned 1 to 2 puint-jcows 52,.')0 lo J3: lower i:riu!«n Spot l,.)2. May 1.52-..’53,52,23 downward to $1 and un- ju ly a,5G-.57. Sept, l.G3-,ti4. Dec.

bulla Jl.W to 52.73; cuin. j.70. jnn, 1.70.,71, Murch 1,70-W choice, vctilcriv $3

Sheep: for week, reeelplii 00.• S.W, Klve doiihlen Idaho nprlnRcm HO lb, 510,15. 50 h


. Bnlrn Ions,

fo r Sale—SEEaJS & PLANTS CLARpflCE ?, I-’lCCK and EVE­LYN M. PECK., husband

McCall Certified Blue Ta^ Run- ■t Seed. Nonr hotter. Phone l-4n.

H. B. LonK,

5S.S3; ! 50.73,i

SAVE MONEY by buying bulk iredn thin year. Wc have a full line Rberhart * Hunui, 248 Main SouUi.

10 ftODW.

FOR SALH-Non-Cortlficd Run- tt fiee.l polator.n rai,--e<i from cer-

tlflc-d ni-e<l, price reammahlo, D, IC; Rankin, nn HiRhway 101 West

, CHARLES K, COSTELLO and MAUDE K, COSTELLO.!i 11 a b and and wif. ----itiRscnMANN CO., IV i»rei)-n

-cor|K.rali.)n. T llK B O ST O N STORE, u forelRTl corporalli ail unknown owner.-i, and all i

icr of Filer..ami Coi non * .\rach. Co.. a II Si Buhl Feed Jt- lue 1

Twin Kiilb! Count Stale of Idaho, purllcularly di ncrlbed a.i followji: lyoLn Foti: teen. Kiflecn and Sixteen (M, 1 IH) In Block Eltchly (SO) «f Bui

:0 Iha. Sl.75-53.8: 52,23-53.30; llKhl 53.50; paclllnj; 1


roiiTi-\Ni) i.iVt:sT()CKPORTLAND, Ore.. May 3 <UW

w n rn —Hop; Compared week apo, H U G O , , , 30c lower; early top

'.t.i X4: late hulk 170- ; 223-3.’iO Ibn, ll-,;htn 53,25- a| S2.50-53.73;

,,lj;s 53-53-.25; feeders 5.3-53.10. \

Cattle: O.inimred wVek »K0 markel utoady; vealer.-i 3()c-SI and lower; two load.-i !»27 ,llj,^otccn 50.10; two lol.'i experlmenlnlly fed Iiteeni Sii.13; b\i1k crftln fed

THI-: STATE 01- IDAHO aen.b f KreetlnKs to Clarcnco S, 1‘eck <»ul tV,- * m I 3 -LJcvelyn M, l-eek, huaband and wife. IChiirlea K Costello un-! Maude K.|5^.7.'.; bull"-5J..5.53.3.,. few lead CoMtello. hu.'ihiuid nnd«-ife, 31ufr<.,S3^n''-53^: „fi>rlv "PHlrachinicnn Co., a foreign eorimra-1 50,50; lut top 5b with bulk of Hon, The Boaloa Store, a forclimiofrerlai: 5H; 5j , ,corpomllon. all unknown owneiT.,! -Sheep: Compare:! week .aRO, and all unknown clalmanUi of that;-■'Prlnjr V ” .cerUiln real property lylnfT nltuale I >>ulk aorled nprlnj; lambs 58-58,.3;

• bcln,: in 'nein Kall.i County, com. to me.l. IhrowouU 50-5.,Cp;- . .. . “ ' y II, >1—1„ »7. hlitll

at Etna, ntnndlnff bealde th(.......... Sicily, waa U-lieved by the

flprlnjT«r» SP,38-; „nclenta lo be the cldmncy to the • JC.50 to jjiaekamlth fotRP of Vulcan, the

pod of,fire, iind It wan from Vuleaii Hint the word "volcano" waa coin-


. crlhed ii , l-'lfteen anil Slxt

. 'Block ElRhty (80) 1 I alto, the a'

i:o6d 77 Ih. shorn lirmb.-\ S7; bulk craiiiiy lamba $5-56; yearllnRn and aRed welhera $3-$3; clipped ewe.i Sl,.->0-53; wooled ewc.i to 54.

lick load oruncd:n»iiplalnl ha.


KOU SALf. Mwwveh eetrlc r.inRi-. AllC ICI.-ctrie w,i.-\h- •. White enrimel Ice Ixi:;, Willon

ruj: Itxt2, Wiltim rue Ilx l5. Wril- InR'deiik and chair. Inquire after 0 [>, m.. -412 Main North.


FOR RENT—Three room mod-ern fumlahed npL Bimgnlow Apta.

FOR RENT-2 room fumliiheilapt., for couple. 730 2nd Avc. No.

tvincT- Slate of tihiho, jiArtlculMly dc-> ................ /..II.,,,..- L..L1 Fourteer

H, 13, 10) li I Buhl Town

U)ll/if(T'tlmt' a 1 f)EN\’i:it M\’KSTOCKfiled aKaln.ili DENVER. Colo., May 5 .r,l;<~

................ . ......Court of the I Cattle: Recelpta 3.5.. niBrkel-iEleventh Judicial Dlatrlcl of thc,'ilcady; beef atcers 55-57.30; cows State Ilf Idaho, In and for Twin and heifeni $3-S5,75;-enlven 54- FaHn County by the above named 157.50; feedcW and ntockera 53- l>liiintlff. anti you are hereby di-155 7.'.; hull.-i 52-$3.25. reeled to api>ear and pleiul lo the! Hors: Hecelpls r.W); markeU .laid cnmpliilnl within twenty diij'a , n'uiilnally weaker; bulk 52.83- of Die nervice of thl.'i :iumaiona; and . 53.1.5,you are further ni.lificd Unit unlcua Sheep: rccelpb 12,000; mostly you ao appear and plead to nald" ideady; bulk and Cjillfomla nprtnj compliilnl wiUiln the time herein i lambs 510.35-510.50; bulk Colo- npeclfied, the plaintiff Will take i rado fed wooled lamb.1 510-510.13; jiiilj;monl iiRiilnsl you an prayed in ' frelRht piiltl: few choice held

complnlnt. jhlRher; 1 load lot choice fed shorn



D. REYNOLDS,; 22Q Sautb Main Street.



WEDDINO ANNOUNCEMENTS . awJ cfllltaff catila^eognvod or • prtatBd. iSaay correct ityle*-to v'chon#*' .«Vnm, O i l t t Itt* B:»»-

lUtaB' Tim»- otncp, 2B&- Mnh

FOR SALE— Ariiennle of lend , r orchanl apriyin): In any inian- tity, .^reen wire, and -creen dm.rn In .Standarti uirrn. U^ywv. of the deadly fly. Moon'a I’alAi * Funil- lure Store. Phone 5. y

R M £ - ^ A L ESTATE

FARM FOR~RENT~Do you havo 550 which you will p;vy for pomieiudon of 80 acre farm? 20 ttcrcii, In alfalfa which h.-in been watered :md In rocmI shupe. 28 aerea of Rmln, aome .ipud RTound. Phone 210. Schmitt * Whipkey, Coodini;.

That -laid action iir bnuiRhl by he alxive named plaintiff aRUinat he above named defendants. Ixith mown anti unknown, and each nnil >11 of them, to quiet Title lo Ihr

Ili.ea anil real entale net forth e COMPLALVT in nald action, herelj


ml e claimsalt! ile-tnle or inlereiil thei

fendantii. U.lh kn known,.anil each and alt-of them adverae lo the redd plidntiff, to the fdllowlnR deiicrilic l preml.-'ea ntlu i\ted In m IvJ covmty of Tft'ln Fnlla. Slate of Idaho, and particularly drncrlbed as follown, to-wfl: Lotfl Pourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen (14, 15. 1C) in Block EiRhty (80) In Buhl Townslte.

WUne.-ui my hand and the seal of the aald District Court, thlfl 27th day of April. 1034.


lamba 50, frelRlit paid.

Amusement Parks See ,Good Season

CANTON, 0, I|'.l!i-E.iatcm Ohio nmu^fcmcnt piirk?.,»ftcr. five, years of ntniRRle. now anticipate their fiMt normal aeannn since 1020.

nf mnjor eiialem ' (hrk.1 are RetilnR rr.wrin for n b.-\nner

.............. openlnRs scheduledom now unlit Me,morlal day.At leaat four lonR eatabllahed nusemenl parks, after five year:

Iwnet with bankruptcy troubles, whlih openited on a part time ba-

recent yearn, or were Inae- have emorjred from IorhI tnn-

Rleri and rire planning n eomeback Ihtayear.'

Coc; ColaCoir-inerclal Solvents ......Coniinon & Southern ......Con. on of Delawure ....Com PnxlueLi .................Du Pont do Nfinoura ......EaaUnnn Kodak .............Electric Auto Lite.............ICieclrlc Power & LiRht .


.nernl Motors ..........Gooif>-Crtr Tffti Interantionar Harvefltei International -TelephoneJohns Miinville ...........Kennecott Copper .......Lf>ew'/i Inc ...Montgomery Ward .....Nash Motors Natlonftl mlr>- Prodi New York Central .i’AcUanI Motora ......

Puhllx .

:tn .

.. 13%„.. 33ti .. 34--U

- 32.S.- 20U .. lOH ,,•10%

I’ennii R, R.J. C, Penney Co.-.........Pure Oil

Corp...................Radio ifelth Orpheuxn-. Reynolda Tobacco B, ,.,Safeway Slorea ...........Sears Roebuck .............Shell Union Oil ...........SImmon.i Co.-Socony Vacuum ...........Southern Pacific .........

,nl Drands .......Standard Oil,of Cullf. .

ird Oil of N. J. . Corp. .

Trann-Amorica .............Union Carbide & Carbor Union PacificUnited Aircraft .......Unltetl Corp.U. S. Steel, common ,...

tier_nroa._;cm union ........ :...;lnRhou«c Electric V. Woolwortlj Co.

.. 45?;

.. 40-

.. 30%

., 30

. . Y. -Cima EXCHANGEAmerican Super Power .......

■ 1 Service.'common .......rie -Borid & Share ...t..,' 1-

Fonl Motor, 1-Vl....................Swift and Co............ ........... 1'UalLcd_Fouadera_____________:


(Furnished by sudler, Wegener and Company)

-'und, Inv................................ J2,2l•'und. Trust. A ...... .............. 54.625lome Ownera...... 5100,375-5100.30■ed Farm ItorL .,..S102.2S.;si02.37r.

SILVER rUTtlRES NEW YORK. May 0 d'.l!)—-Sll- ;r futurea closed S to 24 points ,Rhor. May 43,10. June 43.1S,

July 43.20, AUR. 43.37. Sopt. 43.33. Oct. 43.70, Nov. 43.85. Doc,

.00, Jon, 44,12. Fob, 44^6. Mar. 44-40, April 44.45. Sales 86 lota.


Sliver 42!.; lcftd-54.35.

iC H M N :

B t fE iiA OVfiiit Texas Holdlnffs • Submit

To Dciimnds for Hlgbw&y

Through County

choflRO. today.Gloom apread _ . . . __ --

dal community -wheui the house paaaed by -a blR- majority the Fletcher-Raybum. atock •exclanee reffulntlon bill. Traders however looked, to the (leiwto for modlfl' cation of the act. but the list wai In a seaaitlve position, and when floor tradcra «ouRht to unk>ad prleea broke sharply. -

Salea approximated «,70 .00 0 flharea npilnat 504,000 shares Jaal Salurday.

Dow Jones preliminary araa showed Industrial 08,20. off 1,00. raUrwid-^B.OS'Off 1:00, utUI- ty- 23,10. off'-0,48, •

M o i e

ilVERRELlIntcxJ(5ation Chnrffo Quoahod

BecauH Belendast Had Pad On and

KANSAS CITY, Kdn, dUIi-Any symposium of jurisprudence fo: younjr lawyers should Include Uu case of KtttuaiClty. ICan.. vs. John M. Losey, defondant Lofley bellevea.

Loaey, an Insurance aatwiman. na brou;;ht Into court on a charfc

nl InloxlcoUon.Lout Calendar

_ .‘forc calling his case, Judpe Leo Dudy had been at a losa In set- tlHR another caae for contlnuancf becauao he had mlsplaccd hl« cal-

idnr memomndum, The Judpe ..impled over his papers and finally called Loscy's case.

Leamlnir the defendant's ( pillion, tho Judpe naked If ho also I«\jBed oul' b\s5lnt!ui out bMalncM cardn'that had cdlendara on the backn of them... .Loaey.ftOBWercd In.-lhe affirmn.; tivc and handed one In the Judf;e. The JudRo smiled, circled n dilte on •‘le canl und cnlle<l outi

•'Defendant rtLicharRed."Tlmt. Jaw aludcnta. Is the way to In a vordlet'fdr A eileflt."



(Furnished by Sudler, Wegcnor and Company)

Meiy dellv.; ‘Jl.40-51.43. OcL dc- iv., 5L4C-51.05.'


PoUUoca; .n rm ;' Lone Isiwid 51.05-53.23 , bbl.; nouUierrt 53^5- 55 bbl.; Maine 51.13-53.25. hid.

da 51.00-52 bbl.


-jes; (old sioelO Supply llbenU; demand and tmdlnc slow; market aboufateBUy: Idaho 'Russeto 51,43- 51,53: ;.omblnntlon prwlo 5i;30.' U. S. No. 2 '51.25; ■ ItlnncJQta Cobblers ,51.10-51.20. '. ' , ..

New-stock; Supply liberal: de- nnd and tmdlng slow: nuirkct Cftk; Louisiana Bllsa Triumphs

BftckB per hundredwcIfrHl 52.30- 52.40.

Arriviiln 71, on truck 243,‘ship- ii'entfl 760.


SARITA. Tex. iltm—The Walled ICInRtlom ot Kenedy soon will have Its first public highway.

For yeani, Inlcrcsta of the Klnc ranch. 1,200,000-acre • domain In nine south Texas counties, have kept the solitude of Kenedy county through re. lntnhce to efforts to ’ irce a highway ncron.i IL

Robert J, Kleberg, who sueeeed- etl Ilia father ns ranch mantiger.' op­posed the road, wlilch would .lavc resldenbi of Ihe'Lower.Rio Omnde 30 miles In traveling up the Ciilf

ft lo Houston, HIn oppaiition enmigh fw Wa'frVend, Senutor

Archie Pnrr, to defeat overymovc for the hlRhway,

. m il Dcfr«t«] • S LegWativc action was sought lo

..tec Ulrough-tho rood, A ,1)111 pnaaed the'house'of the state legla- latiirc. but >voa defeated In the ■nnte. ;Thut action coat I»nrr votes, hla

friends of the Lower Rio Orahde volley aald. Next time the .hill mlRhl go lhroi|Rh despite .parr’s ippoaltlon.'Considering these things, the

Klebcrga Indicated they had mth- give the land than have It Uk- •away froni“ them;—They-an*

...unced they, were ready for the rond lo be built.

Tlie Klebergs liiivc enjoyed the oulltude of the county. It la tho inly one Iri Texas without debts and .Its Ittxe* ar<» the loweaV, There

.population of 0.6 per .iquarc — Its 1,333 sq>


—Butter: 02 acore 20;-01 score 10',i: 00 score 10., •lJgffa:'--.-LarRc.-16»a: :njodlum 14',;: amall 11 li.


Butter; Extra 21, down, I ’.i; prime firsts 20. down l ’/4:'atand- nrd.i' 10, down a*- under grades •IB. down 2.

Large and -medium cgga un- ehimgwl, • Small 'cRgs; crindled clean c.\trns 14'^, down W.,

“ ' ' ^cincAoo’CHICAGO, •May'’5-aUU-i-Egtr«:

jnarket. aWady: . rccoljlta’', 30.884 -cases; cxmtt'firstB’. •1UV4: 'fresh, graded-firsts •16: cinrcnt w elpta

dirtlHs IS'-i'; che cka •i3U'..Blitter: Market' cmV;' receipts

.13.033 tubtf; extCT flrals (OO^Oli^J 33’m-23'4:- -/Iratfl • (88-80'la)-.2Sli-, 22V:. Beionda (86-87'i)' 22>4: ixtfus (52). 23"^.;, specials ;>4;

alandanJa 23-’; ; cent ' (SO) 23: •eiwu (88) 221^: • . • ' I

f'!; ' L o c a l ' J

•The fdnowltig . teMlc6r-.Uorts aw wrrected.-lflaOr I v ^ IcKiho Eveclflr .« P « ^Mnt. • the .avorapi ■, pricej ;paW.. a?* cordtoi to ,the^,be«t:livaflabl«' to- forroafion; TblB prtee* aw t(j-cliiuj|rB''wtUwut-rabtk>0'i>y'‘O«»— 'dealers, boweref; Eeadtr* lire ,Uif- od ta '«BtCta‘Uia BBUonar-marketa wirti which .'theB«.''IocaI-'m&rlttt* wUl-rlM and fall.

b u v in o r iu c E S .

DlcklFedenitlon .........'•..

nwuu Market unchnnghl. .

U. S, G,.N. No. la..„..U.:S. C.SmaUIledsNo.lB---Small Reds No, 2JI.......

t ill l FeodaBrOD, 100 )b s .--- ...Bran, 600 lbs.M-ii.-;.,Stock Food, lOO:ib»...Stock-Food, MO Jb9.^

*>ouRfy ... Colored 1«M. AiA'io -OU ,lb.n..;.'.13c Colored hcnS, over Bt^'Jbs.’....‘....llcUght hens ......... .'......................BoLeghorn 'hens,


,;J1,75 , «l.dC

. «1.SC




Potaum .’Market unol^fred.

Uo'.lKh ■No. 2*.bum........... .

' .^edute . Butterfat. .....


Eega, uagroaed.

Cholw* light butchenr. -160 to- •210 -pounders ............ — 43.00

overweight'butcher#, 210‘to'2t»-pounders :_____ ____ -?2.K)-<

Overweight buUhera, 360 to

Inderwelgat butchers. 126 .to '160 pounders ........._____ ...$2.50

• a c k in f f aowa. good,.250 • .'pounders, up ...;....... ..........W.OO

....K to 50

Poultry GrUelfyArouses Ensr^and

LONDON (Uni-Moaom'effR pro­duction. mcUiCKls.raay. J»'.bannod. In Britain on the grounds of<cruo2- ty. :■ ■■ The hen today Is being develop- r<l Into an egg machine, {uid -lho ‘baliery" tfyatem of poultry,fomi- Inf; Is arousln}( wkleapmd coo- troveray. This iij’stcm Involves con-< finemtnr o r the 'henr o s ' ^ n -nii'' tho ogg-layiDg nge b reuch'cd,.'In-tt amall cage, 'yhcre. .Just cnouQrh

la.provldirf-tn-aUtw—ll-.‘~r-tho •loni around. Here. It.spcndo

rost tif Its life, the lengtH of Li Ibnlted-by tho‘laytoff. cnpaclty of the>hon.'..Aas6on’ as Its p i» iductlon-'MlH beloW^hc.;iconoralcriglire It IB dlacarded:/.'

T I M E : T A B L E :

Schwlulea •bf;',j>,aMnnger, • truliis and-mbtor 'stagM'PiuslnR' througli TwIn.Fttlls daCy-nw-as'follow's. ■ ■

•May 1.1934 - ‘ OHEQON- SHORT U N E

'Eastbottnd ‘ Wo..Be4,-aiTlvos '......•..-..;'6:S<5-n, m.No. £72, a r r l r e s S ; 3 0 ' . p .- m.

/-iWrtlbouBd.. • . •No. C71,’ arrives 11100 a.-miNo.'6M, arrlvu .•..■...:.-....'l;aO p.-m.

'. Dfltlpy KxwpfSundaj'' '. ■No.two. lo Wetls.’lv .'- ......^ p.-m:No..340,rtrom Wells, ar. 2»10;p. tn. • -UNION PACmO OTAOES

• ; . •:. Ewvuxmt*-Arrive# T....,;.-...... :...;,-....-li3iw'm.Leaves ..............,-l:M n.^in.

LeAvcs - ...0:20 p. I

Leaves .,., AfHveij... Leaves Arrives'.., Leaves ..

..'.'lilO a. m.


..‘fl;52.p. jh.

NOnTHtVeSTCRN tiTAOES : .EiUttxwad , -•• Bm<irf-HoteI.»:90,:p.^ni.

-Twc^'irAiiJS'JXBOHe-, ~ •

___vcb’...,‘ (AyrhTb'atiKittljtjm^Ciatp^ «T )y

,.s«(Uthbj)tma.,____ ____ ____________ 6:3fl',p. nll^vM3{<bJhilm'ar3:30-l)'.'-c4'.)

niilo for « miles. ..

Five thousand' sllkw-orzns. muat at 123 poimda of mulberryJr

• - - nugh sllk fo- -

.Mon may be lueii In Teoaa. but they don't hold uU .the nwn> Jobn. I'retty Tleren John- son hua b«en immed mnnugnr of - tho lirtm-nsvllle munirJpal aljport, Unit -Jvoman to 'hold Hiich a pbnt in the Xone Star■(ate. Iler© she U. ,hoI8f r X T ‘• tnHiMjuirl, pllniV lleeciM berwelt,.

DEPOSrrORiJ TO 'Ocr MONEY N0CAL-E3. Arlr. ra>:^Neariy a

qunrtenof a million dollAw wiU'bc relumed lo d«poaltors ,of th« funct ' NogiOea . National' bank, whlth closed in ;Novmbcr, 15SL Bb(juW thC' IRLwdljUrnowtrfore, congrei* becomeTTlaW.'nm-tMUn- her of Oommciw hero ?uui reported

, ;---DEAtERS-JN— H ^ ij’ '• ;-,

• W IT ED STAW 3 p 6 vCTNMBNT B0>rD3'

..... __:ljDA Iia .M U N IC I]^gON l)S-- .--- ..-U _^---------

‘ ■ iD A no .i^Y iT n 'jc ^ .’ p ^ i ^ R p ^ p ; ? ^

'■ ■' ' ^ ' R A w ' F U T ^ t o ' ' • • ■ ;

' LOClA i:'ANn'U 8C T »? ^ ’oihtI»jDfi^^AT PWOBS ■ ,


' SU0LER, WEGENiER '& G O .^ INC.'•yirtfNatloiijU BAnU.BnlMlnj.

...UotoO ’ ;'<••' ■••' ■ Ptione UOO <aabo '■- tW C ’S 'B D M W O .. , .- " ' , ' ,

-.TWIN-VALLS • -CHONEOlO^r ® AHO • V• r^. . . E.wW, McROBBRTB,.

Page 7: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

Siilnn lay , Miiy .1, ,in;H m AHO LIVENING TWIN FAL1.S. IDAHO ' Piit'c Suvcli

- r a r a . o u E i o O T w o ^

^ 2 T A (£ op TH 2.■ ROCK/MOUNrAlN SIACM-TA/L D E I f t



By Williaoj Tergvsta OUR BOARDINO HOUBE


r A Y ^ o a , T s y A S , 'HAD 25 INCHQS OP AA/Af ^

IN H o u a s ! sef>r. /93/

A q u e e n 6 £ e

CAN LAY 1 7Vl//C£' ■ ■■ OWNHE^C

i : ..

Mule dccr )n the correct name ol' Uie n n to i ' i i r f i i ln T o w n throuch llJi home ranBCun the blaclt*lall, TMe' name ^nulft'fleer la npproprlate. beciiujw of the lari;e mule-lllce eur/i. hut to call tho animal n bliick-taJl In confufllnff,''nlnce only ihc tip of the tall Is blneU. . ,i..:

P o p u l a r i i i v e n t i p i i r-:

HOhlZONTAL - I £zUts.' SWlittt.l* the

lOBtrumoiit lQ . 'th# plcturs!'. ’

iOLttvlL- . ' jJFJiOil;,of trail-


HProixiiea br :

IETIit.flr«t prec*. tfcal'exotnplo- ;

ol.lh'ls' In*lru-' monl’ '>ma pal>, opted ---

ITAtj.'lnfcctloui 320m ^hotlciKO. • • tnhctlW.

IBQnTln'.' 33 il«h,-:0E«a’8koI«{on; 38 Colleciion of JlEinlckl.21 Male honorbee. 37 Feminine SJfllBhl.- ■ . pronoun. ■ SSNefUitlre. ' 39 Onager. :5MU\e. .. . PrWi'ltlon. srSintet <3 Durden.'2SGolf teacher. .45Vallne. jorkflnlto' • «Note In scale.

ftrilcle. • iTSpurloun.31 lL.'WBa;nri( :<D ICniAlBh coin.' dca'erlbe'd br 51 Modern mujlc

Hf'Oer^iln.'In- '.boj;.' *: , ■ ventor'—" In'CJ'To o'tttc.18CI. 61 CpllUlon.

Ad*ww to I'rCTloiiii.l'utxIo'

ill UklM.'; • •. 67 MoiStrtf wStc- ' tria iDitru-.'

meols use — In place ot transmitters.'


1 Capable, of,' b«lns ex-

. platnea, 20rean.JMortlae (oath. 4B«lioliI.STlUe.

CTe.PWP. :7T<TRlTa at-- ■ teiiUo'n W'. •'

, i Kntu'ral pcWer ;9

wooU. lawioB. , .U Bepetuion*, of (he samo tiounUa.

i3-vi«or;i I':; ICUelorc.'.'IR Stepped ut>on.

'10 To BMve. ■sV'Btm'.' •37 Leic bone. SHIiUtirJraiXa.30 AfiernooB • meal*.34 Optical.situ. 55 Koftdsomo.,35 .Mobammcilaa

.njmph. ,^OQuantlir of

Hme.*Z I'eiSat digit.44 Cooipoilllon

• for-one voice. ^CLoorcui.: ,*GM«te courUsy

tlllr. .45 Diamond.SO Knock.M Dower. •. propcrtr. 'MCredlLCSStup!




y o u 'v e h e l p e d YOUR-p ELT t o ’ ALL TH' b r a n d s US CUJ'tS IN Th«5


•-TEN VEAs-RS; j- ' '

By Aticm

HAVE A CA'RE^S^'R, 'p,



• A N D YOU Wll^L NOTE, O N th e " u p p e r SHELP; THAT 1 AM STOCKED


_Q 'E_&HAV.!M .S.


/ P A S T E ,

t- t- a - A - D - r ^

0 L - D

H E L P - Y O U R S E U


W ASH TUBBS_____________________


^ t -


/ < 3 0 0 D < ^ O S H ' W H E N \ / ' T H E V 'v e S E E N O N E

BRUSH ^ T R O K S , t h e v v e s e e n i t a l l I p e o p u e ABE GHjesR .

W A S TIS J ‘ T I M E , m T C H IN '. A B A R N P A lN T S P ..


PA IN TER A INT s o ' Q U E E R — W H W r'S ' '

G>LJ£GR i s T H A T THEM ’S T H ' V E py


Th ' s a m e j o k e ,o r pi£c.E OP MUSIC,Twice' \ IN ONE EVENIN'. .

\ t







AKwei-L'.THeRe'j OMG . . . ABOUT 0ei>«i HCROES.POOWER.


oooothiwg \JER. WE'RE } Hi!; lam e; y ■

^ ..........



WHAT'& tv«. •

MKvrea ■


.VROTEiSOR, ABOUT 6\V\.yovo 'PLWV6 — AM’ THty'oqF0R60TTIN -WWC l ‘« AUVit - TH' BUM«> __________

J ' ^

OF A\.\. THSTHooevnvtss




? O A, OT COUR&t . COQA'-COMt ,R\&HT >Vb'. - I WAMv yoo TO

B y Martin


OLO FAvJOP.’lTt'b AViO PLAV5 WE U6tO TO tM.^oy )


-fMO ‘zKi .CORft- 00 VOU REWEVVBEtl "Wt CHft.P WAO ^PPtAHEO "OOH CA«u3‘,“. "ofl.otuyi.\. AMO MW..V>,yOB"P.MO "OlO

f, vovwr W A S "H\c.


" lU -WE .'‘w\oow iowss-J' ^


QAviVOwwriw lu ‘.y&HO*.lCMASntf



AVJRIGHT ALLEY-, OL 'P-^-C rAON OVER HERE VJHEQE we c a n j- '/ ,uA»,c* crtkirr nn.xiA^.i _ ^


VA c an 't ovj


By to d U




•Twawa CMAWCE9, pec momths


. ,B t B loner .


' * ME.-.UE L o o S . } y= “ NOT?®FRA N K:» JD E A W E T T ') - A T ^ D IA 1 .» W 0 .^ - -

Page 8: BORAH DEMANDS / TRANSOCEANIC CHASE HOUSE … · m.-rcc ir.rrtliijr l;'al time. Uo(i;ji.'yi’lt npin-nr«'(l

' Page E fg h t^ IDAnO EVENING THIES. T m N FALLS. IDAHO • Sfliurjay^yfay'5;':)9:i4^'*

Rescue of 101 From Arctic Ice Wastes Writes Epic of Heroism in Northland

County Snpcrintcndcnt Give:

Outcome of ElccliJna in

Conunon Districts

.llntrlcl:Ilc.'iultn of r

Iho S3 comino.. ...........................of Ihc counly wrrr aminuticcil, <‘'"-

liopf, coutily .Kupcrlnlcnilcnl nf i:",'"' , miljUc InBtnictiDfi.

J/utlni; wnn carrird on tJCl one rlifllrlcl. No.

— niT-Tnimrncl.Tir-miTOiyt'r'T,i~\v,ti oj.I.carr.l tu carry un tlu- ballol- Ijiir. w

All Iht! otlicr (lliilrict.i Iho TOln»!n«« JW.n WT iiiUl'i vvMch will i-ntillc Uirm la nlur''In tlip 1,'oiirnil iichdiil fund, iind a lew Vdtcrl Itii- maximum of 13 inllla for connal unil hlf;h kl-IiiwiI

* F^'r/Untrlct.i williln rural hl(:l> ficbuul dl.ilricU till- mlnUiuiiii V/hic)l could l>c Votr<l wan two inlll.^; In ulhcr illnlrlclfi llu' mini- mum 1-1 thri'o mlllH.

Komltn Tul)uUitnl NajTifs Ilf Uic ncwly-clrtlnl

offlelalB. toKothrr with Uie miin- bcr of mills voted, fur Kmrrul und for Iilirti nchool |mrj>ofic-;i. and llio TMtilu ot 1»ard (ir|:nnlz.T tlon*i «ro Klvrn horo:

Sprlnjcvnlo itaryrilu nrosi-.THvo mill!! JfiUn Mulru-Jtanjp, rJirJf; C. \V’. .Sic/iJin. rli.vlr-

Ui-cjfi'r '-■'Mm , J. M.' I'i.iv.', eUirk.- I'.iur tnlll/i jii'iuiiil. Ini Tlftpfcr. chalniian: It. A. Ciirl< r.

Ulckcl -- 'Wlllliim 11. WrrrnT,Tlirco iiidlii K‘'ni'rnl. Vanci' Nay- Jor." cltrl!; Jainc.t 1C. SLihkit. chnliinaa,

: Ajiwlcnlr.jn- Jcotii Kunlud. Two . julll*-- Iti'tii'l'iil. A. E - ICimkrI, c)<Tlc; W. II. Shlnnrr. chalnimn.

El;uwo«l- L. E. J.willn, cl,Tit.TSvi)' mlll.n' Kenrrai. Cluudc Brown, chairman: J. C. Biikcr-

, AllrndulftAllrniInlc--011vcT Sltwart. Five ..........

inHUl' live mills paiiiiinf;Bcliool.'- J. ' P. Bcllvlll.-, cUtK Charles O'Drll. chairman.■H«BKnttlt-G. \V. Carter. Tw(

jnlllfl ccnernl. W. W, Powell. cJerU; C. W. autcUllnR, chiilnwn.

Cluver-Il- I.. Ja/;rl.i, clrrk.Three nillln and iwo mlll.'i, IJriinii Moyer, chiilrniiin: Wlllhun DIcr-

I<rai:tlcally ii hui;i- i'll iinl. iiinl Ix' of va.ll ailvanl:ii;i: Ic liu-vilan ti-:ulr. lltiliiiic AtlaiiHc anil I ’,k:IIIo Ijy a virtually Uu.'wlaii wati r rout.'.

In c!i!irj;c- of th-- r.\li''dlUi>:i V.'aa uttn Tulyi'vicn' rrhml'ii:

boiirdi-d iind palrlarchal v,:tc-r;ui uf tiy Ar<-llcr I'xplcinillcnia.

Sr(i'l>IlKlH Arr Itr-ril.-dtl>« Chrlviisidu ai< i.\u-



Ilf r.l (1rivr V

I Thi-lr flr.Mt tii;d( iimali colony of ad.'

•licr,ArteAlan—Jolm Noli. Elchltnllln

and five 111111.1: J. II. Wlllhlic,■ clerk; <3. A. nw lre , chairman.

Milner — L. J. Slolry. Tlirrc mllla XMicrnl. five hlRh iiohnol. Jobs White is cleric n. I>. Kidd, cHaii'mim. ‘

Mpiuranl Valley—Roy McBride. rtlUj'mJlh: ■‘E ith f mills ceneral.- Uireo ■ high, nchool. Curtin \v. EJower, clerk: O. 8. Butler.■■ Rock • Crti'k ~ S. A. WaSWn. •Cl»liTn«n, rrelcclcd. Three mllln Crnernl.' MsKi'H'i. 1-ursen. clerk; Ncphl Lars-n,“'Union— Ed-Tolbcrt.- chalrmnn.-

aclrntlMH wIiitcilM); on Diivldnff Inland, nm- of tin- Wfr»lu'»l r,n)i!i In Ihi' Avcllc. A innntli pasard. imil llun lniii<'nr> tralilr maiiaca of Ici' t)|.iLUi-d Ihi' way to that inland.

An alrplann had bei'n b:'i>u;:hl alone for ju;il auch an cnuTccncy. luiO on .S'-pl- I" tran.ifiT or iiboiit ^0 nirmtwra ot the I>JViil..ff laland

I) Ihf Chrlyiialiin


V in-Ju lb Entniiit Awarded, of trat;

Top Honors ,il Filer j Conaid.T/i a

Competition 1 'VayH-muan


J flchool. \V. Scott KH-wortM,

\Vojihltijftoii• WnsldnRton—aaude I*. Oliver, rtiafrmnn. Two mlll.i «enenit. \V.B. DeKlotz. clcrk; , I'red Ivalb- tedded /lelftch; , . n'lct of fi*,Pl.f(umnt. V lew-C, 12. Grieve,

Vcel«te<l. Three mlll» fcneral, livo hipll (Khool, K. M. Do's.iett. plcrk: Chnrleji \V. Kevan. .chair-

;ciicy. f i j x n . M.iy f> tSprcbl)-Twin utjoiit' ciuranla itt llic idale l-'uture laIand,i,v,r„KT« of Ameilca public «p-al(- ci>m*i|„|. \von flrat and thini

■■■'10““ pliici-.-. her,’ laM nl|;bt, wh,-n ei(;ht youlti; nirn npprared lx;(oro un

i([«-n nn-etlnir iipnna(ir,'d by the '■.I'llcr Cranj.v :uul Ic cul cli:ii>tiT of '• •• F, A.

nal,l Pl,Tce. IVln FallH, wn»„ - ......................... ,..v.„.,|i',1 flnit place ix.sltlon for hiaPnclflc. diacoijrno on 'TA-otKindc Hlnblllty

.McanwliUe, Ihu lee tlouod in. The ] „[ n„. American Karmer-'; Onr,Ion Jitralnlnir '-MKinca of llie Chelyiir.-, j,f,,pf.r,-;ror, Uo^;.’. wan a«on,l, with

£ z z z ,i-2 .n- ' n - j - M -hiKl lieen niaklnir an ohoppr'l Ice b<;foro • Ii<t

till* icc iwiclc. lu i uii Ituanl

Now Iheiv were 101 mrnl.-i ab the Cbelyuakin. re!iolv,-<l to ..... tlnue t h e i r pajuiaire exTtwurdl

ii|;h tlw Icirirkl" toward tbel



Take First- Plucc Here

Janiborcc Attracliii( 7

Mnyor, CfcmraiasiciTtcTO Expeci|

Dodlftnent'Will bd Ready

B j^o nd a x .N ij;} it____

Mi-rnbm of Knutl-13,.y Scout tn.op v.'iT'- wlnn,T.t. today of a rnn- t,;at lu'id by th,' clliitrlct comprla- Injr Twin Kall/i, K'iinbcrly and Han- acri und tolirn part In by in,ire than ^Qtl member!..

Till. tr,«>p rtir,'ct,'il by I-:. M. bo-i- tt, won 17 polnLi, tiklnt; flrnt

. iici! ill two eventii. Troop No, Gf>, nf which I-iwrencc I/intltn. TU’ln 1-Mllis In acoulmaatrr. wnii necancl

T vin__Kn! I '•__III W’ur__and

..'.Mountain • Vlew—E. D, Hnrt- man. Four mllln /rmenil. Fjn- Jnc lt Buuet . clerk; \V. I. Thlet- Ctn. chMmMvn.

I>opIar Hill—C, n. Shaf'f. Two mlllfl {fehel-nl, J. V. Gullcli. cleric; Henry Orthel, chnlrman.

■Syrinsu—S, 13, \VUIiiims. cleric, r ivc mills Keneral; one WrU Jicliool. L K. \Vej;ener, chalnnan; /loy Kllenwcrfid.

Wlllowdalo ~ II. K, IlarKcr, 'cleric. Rlx Kcncrnl; three hlnb V.Thofil-' Frank .Chandler, chair- )nan'; Frnhlc Barron.

CcOar Draw- A. SI, ilaxler. clerk, and Howard Laprny, Three Uiwl ii half mUIfl cenerni; two hi|:h 'iichooi; \V. J. Hlck/i, chaiminn.. — Karl AHrn', clerk;!icmir Haim, chalnnan; IJrnr/it IVti'Mon,

I.iirprneI,.ucerno-V. J, Svnnciira, chalr-

•mskn. five inlHs nnil oiie Gcorte T. Smith. Clcrlc; Itoa.i Diivl

Winter (,'10H4:n t), ...... . ......... ..She wiP within ii few niilcn o f: i,r,,i,|emr; ”

open water.of the Uurln); Sea. bull i„i!c'."i wer<- IC llio Ice-pack 1» which ah.- wa:i Sin- \ r't-cvr<- N" Tiielioi ' • an drlfllni; umlcT th,- Im- j,- i j j u i , . ' m,)Ii

,.riou« K«l.---< that ahrlelced ’ |„,Tlu/;’cto^"...e ice.rldirea, ' tlcf ;iupi-i vl/;ed the ,'veiil.

It Novfmher now; u ’lnter I.y virtue of his .•.iirce.'uiwn» cioainu down, 'v.-tl' i»kc \r.xr\ In n re,;lnnnl fon-

IVo ice-brealcera rii-,1 to puab ,, ,,, ,,t j-all l.ilce Citythidr way throuKh th,; pacic thut ^ , , , , . wiun cloalni: iiUmt tin- ChelvujiUln.! ' 'Th,'jf-|iad to turn bade, haffleil.

NilfhtH .’ItiKle Hideousl.lteriv^jy niontha pa.vipd In thin ijuKI.

wiij. The i.'ilndinc and ficreechlnj: -j-j,,. ntf'ht

tnl-'iJilonrra 'ly for adoption tjy

• nicht the financi. flitu-h.wl an.ri:'-' of the municlp.'.i'ty. Itol.n.;; and II.

of thi- brritklnK Arctic nlj:hl.-< hl,leuu.-<. .

it wa.i not until IVbniary that It livcujui- lUcil lh>' rvlriMlviin;;iip of the ice purlc ni!(;ht crush the iron rlhn of th,' Chdyuslcln.

On Feb.. in .ih,.- cii.Hiird h-r laat


5upirrnt,for \hvir vviipecllve

menta, Furlher cmaldenitlon will I),- piven ther.e today and Momlay. lie AJiiil.

Mnnilily UrporN Monthly rcl“>rL'i were lecrivcd

(Sp-'cial) --. from the clly weij:hnia;,!,'r, ;clHmi, wlikh <iperal,'d plumbinj; and rk-ctrleal in;:p',:[oi


iCWA School Closed!

Thia I

:• the I mtlni,-ink beneath the Arc

the CU’A elo.n ■houl h.Ta been In operatlcin

:'ince .Ian. T. 1P34. The laihJecUi ■If l>fii':<lii'epl!i(.'. ecomunlc-n, typ- inc. fihortliaml anil bu!iln,;i,s pra^- tli:,! were tauRhl by De V,>n Clark, an,! Mhi.i Kll.-.abrlli I’oul- lon. It'hnn ben held frnm 7 un- Ul 0 jii. Ill Ihn hlj;h nchtxd f,>r tiie la.'il Ih w,','lca. A r.iin,'.-;- lrr;i work hiia been con>]il, 1,<1 hi .aoli iiubjecl.

«r . llo>TH);pr. Tnt.t

id ihe city librai A total of lO.lfi: iKKilci ■

irculate-,1 duflnjr Uie monthn average of dally; la^ ooK.i wer,' add,-d, ami ivci ilalle.1 JSr.37.Th,' wel>;hma;i[er iMUed

lUlcet.i an<l i-oll.'Ct,-,! 53(>.!'H. TWr\y-:icv,-n eleclrirul iw

were uvV.r. with

cuno.itTte( In charce. ■ The event open, <! with n eoneerl Iw t weniiiK by li J5oy .^coiil band. direct,-d by .1, T. liainbrldce. The aevewl cnnlexta were h,-ld In-Uie hl^h .ichiiol j:ym- na.'tium and Included flrat al,l. ale. nalllnfr, k n o l ly ln K . nln/;lnir. O’Craiiy drill iintl >Uln the analce."


Tt/CvSON. Arlr iI'.1:j — Mma county ri'lli'f appejila are Increan- iii|.' aharply, 11 wa.i reported hero.

r his filmay tmt-i built liinl broken away fnm



Peep Creek -- Howanl Oaulf, clcrk. Three mill« general, Henry Kollmcyer, chulmian; W. I' ,VVi^iIncff.

park Lane—1-ee Klrknian, Four mllln: and one and n half inill/i.Ceorjie F. Ilnjubleton. clerk; I,K. Sweet, chairman, i.,

nofier.TOn—\V. W. Craner. KiKkt .mlllo general. C- A. Boas, clerk; 1 ,„,iV, C. R. Jcnnen. chalmu.n,

HIverton-C, M, Terry, chair- ' mon. ICljrht milin and five njlll/i.W . K. Hlbncr, clerk; D. H. K.ilt., 1U>.'«e\n>rUi-.Mrn. O, \V. Kalea,

.Three mll!.i and two nillln. W. N.Clbli,' cli'rk;' K. K, WalUer, ehalr- BJan.. -

. . . . Nortlivlew : Knrthvicw -- CharlcH C. HarL ElhM,' Uonur, clerk; l-awr.:nce

■, ^louteinek, chninnan.•‘ Superior '— .Walter Uobcrlaon- Six mllla and three Tnllla. Iliilph

.lU'nJlo. Clirk: Oacar Carl/ion." Iloune Creek — Mr*, lamina Diinn. Ffvii Tnilla and Uirce mills.Joseph Caudle, clerk; T, B, Fnu- nett,- chairman.: S .u n n y iJ iJ o — Hnlph Hunted, chnk'inan. Fo'ur mllln and two mlllB.‘ ''Mrn. Jero’ Uec^er. clcrk:K., J . Sorcnnon.

—’HMeTOh 'Vailey— C. ■ M, Scott,' chali-mon,*.'Seven mllla and five mlllK. Ted VV. EuflUi. clerk; N. It,Hunt,; accdrow—Emma Aiintln, Threo

ioUia And rivo mllla, Sclh Cuater.11. U. Tilley, chairman.

Ami with aprinj: cuiilnc whole Ice pack waa cert break up within a f,'W w,'e one plane carrl,'<l by the pa

tip of ,S 11for • p,)l,<r flyli ,

iia.-ioil on canipa niulppi-d for thnT-month .May In tin- Arctic, Ik - ne.M Birnh/ium. Jilratit.';phere flyer. heade<i ii party nf KlO with [ilanea an<l a dlrlj:lble. the latl< r only for uVm,iMl emerjr,-ncy uae,

SIiiHH riniieH for 1Ie,eue . Doj; leainji wrre kept ready, but proved a t ’all tiiii,','i helple;;N to brldj;e the cainiilanliv openln;; en-v- aanea la lUe floe, Al VlAdSvnriUik converced .leven plani’a and three pllotji. 30() nilien avray. At'Pelro-

Y.-t 10 women ami twn chihirei lone Ixirn Juat before the Clii'lyuii Iiin .'lankl we.-e ferried ncros,'!] tw, mi!c;i of open wiit'T In a IXKir'un, embarli,-.! ,in Ihe pl.ine. It returni-< aal,-ly to Ciipe Wfllen,

louder. Ill, llraeupil Nol iinlll April 7 wan amdhei

plan.- able l,> break Ihrounli, Thii limi- 11 wan Pilnt'i Kamlnln an, M,>lokn{f who c;irrle,l live m,ir, manionrd men to Cape Vnn Kar. m

Then fwm April H to 11 j.lane: at laat i-.itabllah-d alir.osi a ferrv an,I within two djiyn carrli-d u; more membera of tlie patty I, a.tfetj;.

On April U’. llie ia;;l of ilie ma rnoned men were laken off |,y Pi

f?oronln. VodojiUiiioff. am ' ■ boiiy Ilf r,'fuj:e,-:

by ;i doK- i:ay. The

aud two lr» ttie plutnbintr department,

Yoiith Weeit Theme Features Program

BUKU:V, May n (Special) — C, l- IJenman. !iu|>,'rint,-ndrnl of a.'lioolji. had rliar;;<: of the Youlh Week prii.Trajn al the m,:etUn: of the notary club Tueaday, Mra,

'Klla itoaecn-ma ami Calvin Wrijilit .-poke, Mehii lliilo «ave the read- iiiC Itoiiieo and Juliet, with which ;ihe won u prlr,e at the poetry aneakinu' featlval rrcnlly h<'ld in l ‘,K-alello, ,

Offlcera of the club for the eomlnir year were el.-cte.l, Th,-y are; l■n' ldent, llanihl Ueiirdorf; vie.- pnaldrtit. Geor|;o Di-njiian; dir.-e.torK. i . J, Uuntuir. U, \V, Dworahak, G, 1', Denmnn. K. C. Harlnw, It. H. Snyder. Hui-.)ld Deardorf and M. H. Klnf,', P. P. Howanl an<I M. H. Kinj: were .‘ielecte,! aa official drlei:



f- Selectman at 21. .ALBAJJY. N. H. (U'iri — ClydeiMoirUI., 21, wa* electcd jjelcctman .n

, alit. nwtiUift became tlSR-ahclr plane Into ihe -iD.Vlow • vote. HU-sDiotiier-l.i town'weather, they fqund that theytiiUdJlor and mcmbcr’of the «chool, were nurroiinde<i hv wdter - the ice

. 'toi-rt. Albany liaa 72 volara. j floo on which the jHjnwiiy had been i

racic plliit?! riinhi • world fniiii Mo croa,i the Atlantli

plane.n at Fairbanka. Alaa oiJiJn! ttreacaa fliKht from Nome. -

The famoun ice-bn-alier lvra.n;,li pU)ui;t\e<l Cor i\w Vnnamu canal t up the American we.M co.n to the re-icue.

Tlien on March r,. nearly after the Chelyuakin «a;/■car of a plane’.-i motor wi over the Ice floe.i. i i w Upldevnky and K^ochanic I'ctroff in the hi;; ANT-0.

Wonwn, Children SiivcJ When the flycni climbetl out

Itlp to Providence' till! c-onventkm In Salt u'lkc City. ; journey hoai,' to I A larfie de!rj:«tlon *of Uotarlana •am, r will be(;ln frot.i ■ and their wlve.i In expected to ut-

ti-nd Uie convontoln. •"

0 buy


a c B n a n H B a i ia ia B B B a a a B a a B a B B a a s B B a B B B B H '


SOPEN FOR b u s in e s s :



Which cnuaci I irily. V

to b.- leii

n-condl- tlom-d our plant and a,lded fireprfx'f improvemcntJi.

Slattrr*iw-i Itennvated uiicl ■Keeovorrd.

l-'iirnlturc rphaUlerhif;. - , , Wool CjinliiiK,

l " Hprlnfr rilled MuttrejiHen j,,,.


,I /Vvr, K, ‘ Phono 01\>’ m


You S-t-r-e-i-c-li Yoiir Dollars

Vhen voii buy a Union ?.I,>Ior uaed ear . . . Every dollar

(ivern much valucii here.


) Studebaker Scdnrlli:!» Huilson Sedan . 10:;H StudebiUier DIclatK Sedan .....................1U2P DeSoto Sedan l)t)djr<- fl Sedan .. 1U31 SHid'-baker Ulctal

•5125 . S'JCri...J200

. MLir.



l!i:n F.u-,1 Town .Svh'n IM l Chevrolet Sedan . .1921) Ford Tudor Si-Jnn.. tD2« t>oixl Cmipu .. .. .. ..1P32 fi'oid Cotlpc ............. j.iia1D33 Ford Tudor Sedan,, '31 licenac ................... Sril'.-i

J1C7 Chevrolc; Couj.c,•31 lleenni .................... S <5PICU'CPS ANIJ TKIICKS

:<i:iO Chevrolet Tniek.beet b,«lv ......................$1P0

10211 For,I Truck,new molor .................... $225

1D31 Ford ir.7 Truck,D. W.

-d :-.1 TVuck, l.'i'i

1!)3B Ford Pickup ...........$13\;i3\ Kovd I’lckuji ...........1030 Ford Pickup. ''' -SI llcciiae ................ ,,..517


I.ct Ua Care For Your Car:

Union Motor CompanyTour I-’OIU) Denier

..^- ...X n ln J ’iOlv Idaho

Now’s the Season

For Making Plans

W i t h t l ie r e t u i- n o f s p r in g : , t l i e a p ­

p r o a c h o f s u m m e r , a n d e v id e n c e s o f i m ­

p r o v e d c o n d i t i o n s g e n e r a l l y , t h e w h o l e

.w o r l d f e e l s y o u n g o n c e m o v e .

: i t IS t h e .t im e , q i n e w b i r t h , , , o f r e -

~ l j | r t l i ! . ,1 r i a . r e v i y a l o f q l d T o n g in g s a n d

t h e s t i r r i n g o f n e w d e s i r e s :

T h e s p i r i t o f m a h a n d w o m a n a g a i n is

y o u n g . Y o u l o n g fp i- 'n e w s c e n e s . , . f o r

n e w e lo ,th e s , . ; f o r r i e w s u i T o u n d i n ^ . A

t r a d i t i o n , o l d a s c i v i l i z a t i o n , W a r n s u s

t h a t i f w e d o n ’ t s h a r e i n t h i s n e w n e s s ,

w e \viii .™ f f e r . . f r o m a f e e l i n g o f - d e f e a t ,

o f b it te i- n e s s , .o f ' f i - u s t r a t i o n , o f o l d a g e

c r e e p i n g u p o n u s p i- e m a t u r e iy .

N o w - ife t h e t im 'e t o b u y s o h l ^ t l i l r t g ^ e w

f o r t l i e 'h o u s e . . f o r y o u r s e l f . . ; f o r

t h o s e a r o u n d y o u . N o w is t h e t i m e t o

p l a n a h e a d f o r a v a c a t i o n ' . , , f o r a t r i p , . ■

n o , m a t t e r h p ’.w i s h o r t a d i s t a n c e i t m a y .

b e a w a y f r o m H o m e , . , f o r a c a r , a b o a t '

o r p e r h a p s n e w f i s h i n g t e c i t le .

I t i s a s t i r r i n g t i m e ; a n d t h e a d v e r t i s e ­

m e n t s ^ a r e f u l l o f i n t e r e s t i n g n e i v s o f .

t h i n g s y o u n e e d . Y o u w i l l , f i n d i t p a y s

t o r e a d t h e m c a r e f u l l y — , t o b e s u r e o f

. s a t i s f a c t i o n t i> l .m a I< e ' .y o U r d o l l a r s g o

■ fa r t h e r ! : . ' : ’. ' ' . j.-

W ith B lit Tow ExccpUons A ll of T iy lrTolla ' Leftdinfr 1'

Mcrchantjj lAdvertiae RofriUarly in The/EVEHINO T IM ESn i


EVENING TIMES‘^Evening.Hourft Are Reading HoursV

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