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Hamiltonian geometry of compressible fluids

Boris Khesin

(University of Toronto)

(joint with Gerard Misiolek and Klas Modin)

June 11, 2020, Global Poisson Webinar

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Table of contents

1 Euler hydrodynamics

2 Geometry of Diff(M) and optimal transport

3 Madelung transform as a symplectomorphism

4 H1-metrics on Diff(M) and information geometry

5 Madelung transform as a Kahler and momentum map

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Arnold’s setting for the Euler equation

M — a Riemannian manifold with volume form µv — velocity field of an inviscid incompressible fluid filling MThe classical Euler equation (1757) on v :

∂tv +∇vv = −∇p .Here div v = 0 and v is tangent to ∂M.∇vv is the Riemannian covariant derivative.

Theorem (Arnold 1966)

The Euler equation is the geodesic flow on the group G = Diffµ(M) ofvolume-preserving diffeomorphisms w.r.t. the right-invariant L2-metricE (v) = 1



(v , v)µ (fluid’s kinetic energy).

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Application: Other groups and energies

Group Metric Equation

SO(3) 〈ω,Aω〉 Euler topE(3) = SO(3) n R3 quadratic forms Kirchhoff equation for a body in a fluid

SO(n) Manakov’s metrics n-dimensional topDiff(S1) L2 Hopf (or, inviscid Burgers) equation

Diff(S1) H1/2 Constantin-Lax-Majda-type equationVirasoro L2 KdV equationVirasoro H1 Camassa–Holm equation

Virasoro H1 Hunter–Saxton (or Dym) equationDiffµ(M) L2 Euler ideal fluidDiffµ(M) H1 averaged Euler flow

Sympω(M) L2 symplectic fluidDiff(M) L2 EPDiff equation

Diffµ(M) n Vectµ(M)) L2 ⊕ L2 magnetohydrodynamicsC∞(S1, SO(3)) H−1 Heisenberg magnetic chain

Remark These are Hamiltonian systems on g∗ with the quadraticHamiltonian=kinetic energy for the Lie-Poisson bracket.

There are suitable functional-analytic settings of Sobolev (Hs fors > 1 + n/2) and tame Frechet (C∞) spaces.

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Exterior geometry of Diffµ(M) ⊂ Diff(M)

Dens(M) — the space of smooth density functions (“probabilitydensities”) on M:

Dens(M) = ρ ∈ C∞(M) | ρ > 0,


ρµ = 1

Note:Dens(M) = Diff(M)/Diffµ(M),the space of (left) cosets ofDiffµ(M), with the projectionπ : Diff(M)→ Dens(M).

Fibers are π−1(%)= ϕ ∈ Diff(M) | ϕ∗µ = %.


µ %





horizontal geodesic





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Geometry of Diff(M)

Remark Compare “the dimensions” of the fiber and the base:

dim(M) = 1 2 3 ...

Diffµ(M) ≈ Iso(M) ≈ Ham(M) ≈ Vectµ(M) ≈ Vectµ(M)∧ o ∨ ∨

Dens(M) ≈ C∞(M) C∞(M) C∞(M) C∞(M)

Define an L2-metric on Diff(M) by

Gϕ(ϕ, ϕ) =



For a flat M this is a flat metric on Diff(M).

It is right-invariant for the Diffµ(M)-action (but not Diff(M)-action):Gϕ(ϕ, ϕ) = Gϕη(ϕ η, ϕ η) for η ∈ Diffµ(M).

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The Euler geodesic property for a flat M

Let a flow (t, x) 7→ g(t, x) be defined by its velocity field v(t, x):

∂tg(t, x) = v(t, g(t, x)), g(0, x) = x .

The chain rule immediately gives the acceleration

∂2ttg(t, x) = (∂tv +∇vv)(t, g(t, x)).

Geodesics on Diff(M) are straight lines, ∂2ttg(t, x) = 0, which is

equivalent to the Burgers equation

∂tv +∇vv = 0.

The Euler equation ∂tv +∇vv = −∇p is equivalent to

∂2ttg(t, x) = −(∇p)(t, g(t, x)),

which means that the acceleration ∂2ttg ⊥L2 Diffµ(M).

Hence the flow g(t, .) is a geodesic on the submanifoldDiffµ(M) ⊂ Diff(M) for the L2-metric.

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Geometry of Diff(M) (cont’d)

Theorem (Otto 2000)

The left coset projection π is a Riemannian submersion with respect tothe L2-metric on Diff(M) and the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric onDens(M).

Definition of the Kantorovich-Wasserstein (L2) metric

The KW distance between µ, ν ∈ Dens(M):

Dist2(µ, ν) := inf∫M

dist2M(x , ϕ(x))µ | ϕ∗µ = ν .

The corresponding Riemannian metric on Dens(M):

Gρ(ρ, ρ) =


|∇θ|2ρµ, for ρ+ div(ρ∇θ) = 0,

where ρ ∈ C∞0 (M) is a tangent vector to Dens(M) at the point ρµ.

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Hamiltonian view on a Riemannian submersion

Let π : P → B be a principal bundle with the structure group G .

A Riemannian submersion π : P → B preserves lengths of horizontaltangent vectors to P.Geodesics on B can be lifted to horizontal geodesics in P, and the lift isunique for a given initial point in P.

For P/G = B the symplectic reduction (over 0-momentum) isT ∗P//G = T ∗B.If P is equipped with a G -invariant Riemannian metric <,>P it inducesthe metric <,>B on the base B.

Proposition The Riemannian submersion of P to the base B, equippedwith the metrics <,>P and <,>B is the result of the symplecticreduction T ∗P//G = T ∗B with metric identification of T and T ∗.

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The Euler equation for barotropic fluids

v — velocity field of a compressible fluidfilling Mρ — density of the fluidThe equations of a compressible(barotropic) fluid (or gas dynamics) are∂tv +∇vv +


ρ∇P(ρ) = 0

∂tρ+ div(ρv) = 0,

for the pressure function P(ρ) = e′(ρ)ρ2.

Here e(ρ) is the internal energy depending on fluid’s properties.For an ideal gas P(ρ) = C · ρa with a = 5/3 for monatomic gases (argon,krypton) and a = 7/3 for diatomic gases (such as nitrogen, oxygen, andhence approximately for air).

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Barotropic fluid as a Newton’s equation

Theorem (Smolentsev, K.-Misiolek-Modin)

The equations of a compressible barotropic fluid with internal energy e(ρ)are equivalent to Newton’s equations ∇ϕϕ = −∇(δU/δρ) ϕ onϕ ∈ Diff(M) for the potential U(ρ) =


Equivalently, this is the Hamiltoniansystem on T ∗Diff(M) with H = K + U,where U(ϕ) = U(ρ) for ρ = det(Dϕ−1).

For v = ∇θ the equation descends toDens(M).


µ %





horizontal geodesic





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Other Newton’s equations in the L2-geometry

— Classical mechanics: U(ρ) =∫MV (x)ρµ for a smooth potential

function V on M =⇒ Burgers equation with potentialv +∇vv +∇V = 0.

— Shallow water equations: quadratic potential U(ρ) = 12

∫Mρ2µ =⇒

v +∇vv +∇ρ = 0

— Fully compressible fluids: potential U(ρ, σ), smaller symmetry group,larger quotient Dens(M)× Ωn(M) =⇒ v +∇vv + ρ−1∇P(ρ, σ) = 0 andthe continuity equations for ρ and σ

— Compressible MHD: smaller symmetry group Diffµ(M) ∩Diffβ0 (M);potential U =

∫Me(ρ)ρµ+ 1


∫Mβ ∧ ?β

— Relativistic Burgers equation: for ϕ : [0, 1]×M → M the action is

S(ϕ) = −∫ 1




√1− 1

c2|ϕ|2 µdt

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Alternative approach: semidirect products

Mantra: see the continuity equation =⇒ look for a semidirect productgroup.


For the group S = Diff(M) n C∞(M) with product

(ϕ, f ) · (ψ, g) = (ϕ ψ,ϕ∗g + f ), ϕ∗g = g ϕ−1

define the energy function on s

E (v , %) =



2(v , v) ρ+ ρ e(ρ)


Then the Hamiltonian equation on s∗ gives the baropropic fluid withP(ρ) = ρ2e′(ρ).

Similarly for MHD, a rigid body in a fluid, etc. See F.Dolzhansky,

D.Holm, J.E.Marsden, R.Montgomery, T.Ratiu, A.Weinstein, ...

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Hydrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

Theorem (Madelung, von Renesse)

The (non)linear Schrodinger equation

i∂tψ + ∆ψ + Vψ + f (|ψ|2)ψ = 0

on the wave function ψ : M → C on an n-dim manifold M, whereV : M → R and f : R+ → R, is mapped by the transform ψ =

√ρe iθ to

the equations of a barotropic-type fluid∂tv +∇vv + 2∇(V + f (ρ)−



)= 0

∂tρ+ div(ρv) = 0

for v = ∇θ.

It is regarded as a hydrodynamical form of QM.

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Madelung and his paper

E. Schrodinger ”An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms andMolecules” Physical Review, Dec. 1926.

E. Madelung ”Quantentheorie in hydrodynamischer Form” Z. Phys. 1927.

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Geometry behind Madelung

The Madelung transform Φ : (ρ, θ) 7→ ψ =√ρe iθ. More precisely:

For (ρ, θ) we have∫ρ = 1, ρ > 0 and [θ] = θ + C | ∀C ∈ R, i.e. we

have (ρ, [θ]) ∈ T ∗Dens(M).

For ψ we have ψ 6= 0, ‖ψ‖2L2 = 1 and [ψ] = ψe iα | ∀α ∈ R, i.e. we

have [ψ] ∈ PC∞(M,C \ 0).



The Madelung transform is

Φ : T ∗Dens(M)→ PC∞(M,C \ 0),

where(ρ, [θ]) 7→ [ψ] for ψ =

√ρe iθ .

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Madelung transform as a symplectomorphism

Consider the space of normalized densities Dens(M) and projectivizewave functions PC∞(M,C). Now regard (ρ, [θ]) ∈ T ∗Dens(M).

Theorem (K.-Misiolek-Modin)

The Madelung transform Φ : (ρ, [θ]) 7→ [ψ] for ψ =√ρe iθ induces a


Φ: T ∗Dens(M)→ PC∞(M,C\0)

for the canonical symplectic structure of T ∗Dens(M) and the naturalFubini-Study symplectic structure of PC∞(M,C).

The Madelung transform is a symplectic submersion to the unit sphere inL2(M,C) (von Renesse).

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Thus the Madelung transform maps Hamiltonian systems to Hamiltonianones: the Hamiltonian

H(ψ) =1






(V |ψ|2 + F (|ψ|2))µ

of the Schrodinger equation on (the projectivization of) C∞(M,C) forF ′ = f is taken to the Hamiltonian

H(ρ, θ) =1







ρµ+ 2


(V ρ+ F (ρ))µ .

on T ∗Dens(M).

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H1-metrics on Diff(M) and information geometry


For M = S1 and right-invariant metrics on Diff(S1):the L2-metric E (v) = 1


∫v2 dx =⇒ the Burgers equation

vt + 3vvx = 0;

the H1-metric 12

∫v2 + (v ′)2 dx =⇒ the Camassa–Holm equation

vt + 3vvx − vtxx − 2vxvxx − vvxxx + cvxxx = 0;

the H1-metric 12

∫(v ′)2 dx =⇒ the Hunter–Saxton equation

vxxt + 2vxvxx + vvxxx = 0

For any compact M the (degenerate) H1-metric on Diff(M) is given by(v , v) = 1



(div v)2µ and it descends to Dens(M)

The projection π : Diff(M)→ Dens(M) is ϕ 7→ ρ =√|Det(Dϕ)|.

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H1-metrics (cont’d)

What is the induced metric on Dens(M)?

Theorem (K., Lenells, Misiolek, Preston 2010)

There exists an isometry Dens(M) ≈ U ⊂ S∞r , r =√µ(M)

(an open part of an inf-dim sphere).


– This is the Fisher-Rao metric onDens(M) used in geometric statistics;– It has constant curvature, explicitdescription of geodesics on Dens(M),their integrability.


µ %





horizontal geodesic





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Summary of two metrics on Dens(M) so far

The Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric:

GKWρ (ρ, ρ) =


|∇θ|2 ρµ for ρ+ div(ρ∇θ) = 0

(depends on the Riemannian structure on M).

The Fisher-Rao metric:

GFRρ (ρ, ρ) =


( ρρ



(independent of the Riemannian structure on M).

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Newton’s Equations for H1-metrics

Step aside: the Neumann problemThe classical (finite-dimensional) Neumann problem is a system on thetangent bundle TSn with the Lagrangian given by

L(q, q) =(q, q)

2− q · Aq, where q ∈ Sn ⊂ Rn+1

and where A is a symmetric positive definite (n + 1)× (n + 1) matrix.This system is related to the geodesic flow on the ellipsoid x ·Ax = 1 andis integrable on T ∗Sn.

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Neumann problem (cont’d)

For the unit sphere S∞(M) =f |∫Mf 2µ = 1

⊂ C∞(M)∩ L2(M) take

the quadratic potential V (f ) = 12 〈∇f ,∇f 〉L2 = 1


∫M|∇f |2µ .

An infinite-dimensional Neumann problem: Find extremalsf : [0, 1]→ S∞(M) minimizing the action functional

L(f , f ) =1

2〈f , f 〉L2 − 1

2〈∇f ,∇f 〉L2 =




(f 2 + f ∆f


Consider the Fisher information functional on Dens(M):

I (ρ) =1





Theorem (K.-Misiolek-Modin)

Newton’s equations on Dens(M) with respect the Fisher-Rao metric andthe Fisher information potential is equivalent to the infinite-dimensionalNeumann problem, with the map ρ 7→ f =

√ρ establishing the


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Madelung as an isometry and a Kahler map

The Fisher-Rao metric on Dens(M) gives rise tothe Fisher-Rao-Sasaki metric on T ∗Dens(M):

GFRSρ,[θ] ((ρ, θ), (ρ, θ)) :=



ρµ +



Theorem (K.-Misiolek-Modin)

The Madelung transform Φ is an isometry (and hence a Kahler map)between the spaces T ∗Dens(M) equipped with the Fisher-Rao-Sasakimetric and PC∞(M,C\0) equipped with the Fubini-Study metric.

The (infinite-dimesional) Fubini–Study metric on PC∞(M,C) is

GFS(ψ, ψ) :=< ψ, ψ >


− < ψ, ψ >< ψ, ψ >


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Madelung transform as a momentum map [D.Fusca]


The semidirect product group S = Diff(M) n C∞(M) 3 (ϕ, a) acts onthe space C∞(M,C) 3 ψ of wave functions as follows:

(ϕ, a) ψ =√|Det(Dϕ−1)| e−ia/2(ψ ϕ−1).

(ψ is pushed forward by a diffeomorphism ϕ as a complex-valuedhalf-density, followed by a pointwise phase adjustment by e−ia/2).

This action– descends to the space of cosets [ψ] ∈ PC∞(M,C),– is Hamiltonian.

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Madelung transform as a momentum map (cont’d)

Theorem (D.Fusca 2017)

The momentum map

M : C∞(M,C)→ s∗ = Ω1(M)×Dens(M)

for the group S-action on the space of wave functions C∞(M,C) given by

ψ 7→ (m, ρ) =(2 Im(ψ dψ), ψψ

)is the inverse of the Madelung transform (ρ, θ) 7→ ψ =

√ρe iθ, where

ρ > 0, in the following sense: if ψ =√ρe iθ then M(ψ) = (ρ dθ, ρ).

Remark This might resolve T.C.Wallstrom’s critique (1994) ofinequivalence between the Schrodinger equation and its hydrodynamicform, requiring a quantization condition around zeros of ψ:consider the map ψ 7→ (m, ρ) for m = ρ dθ rather than ψ 7→ (dθ, ρ).

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Madelung and bouncing droplets?

Corollary: The Madelung transform provides a Kahler map, a strongconnection of QM and hydrodynamics.

Maybe this tighterMadelung connectioncould explain similarity ofbouncing droplets andQM?

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Beautiful pictures of pilot-wave hydrodynamics

(the image courtesy of E.Fort, FYFD website, N.Sharp, see also Y.Couderet al, J.Bush et al.)

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Several references

E.Madelung 1927 Zeitschrift Phys

V.Arnold 1966 Ann Inst Fourier

N.Smolentsev 1979 Siberian Math J

J.E.Marsden, T.Ratiu, A.Weinstein 1984 Contemp Math

T.C.Wallstrom 1994 Phys. Rev. A

V.Arnold, B.Khesin 1998 Springer

Y.Couder, S.Protiere, E.Fort, A.Boudaoud 2005 Nature

M-K.von Renesse 2012 Canad Math Bull

B.Khesin, J.Lenells, G.Misiolek, S.C.Preston 2013 GAFA

D.Fusca 2017 J Geom Mech

B.Khesin, G.Misiolek, K.Modin 2019 ARMA and arXiv:2001.01143

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