Download - Boris May 9


Boris May 9, 2013[Editors note: when name is spelled in all-capital letters, NAME refers to the legal fiction which the United States has created and certified via our birth certificates. YOUR NAME in all-caps is a corporate entity, for which we have been accepting the liability, whereas in reality, that NAME is there representing your estate, and the holders of the estate have an oath to the Declaration of Independence to act as fiduciaries for us; whereas they have actually been the beneficiaries.]

Boris talks briefly about his court case with the IRS. He was told that the matter had been closed. Thats not important; its done, it happened six months ago.[The transcript doesnt start until about 10 minutes into the interview.]

Heres the deal: both the infant, (which is our legal status; we are deemed incompetent to manage our own affairs, and we are wards of the state) and your status as an enemy of the state, are protection devices within the corpus (body) of this trust. The infant must be an infant; and to birth is to intentionally abandon an infant (so the birth certificate is really an abandoned infant estate). They hold it under conservatorship (Guardianship), they run it under presumption of death which creates a fiction of law over the estate, and when you do actually use the estate, its actually a purchase under the UCC laws under the Declaration of Independence because thats the [pledge?] of the host nation. The Declaration is our founding document and we havent been living up to the pledge and thats where weve been at fault. You actually purchase an estate- purchase means take by way of pledge an estate to use. Estates are just interests in property. The asset is the property of the United States of America Trust, and all the infants are in that trust. What you use is an estate with an inherent reversionary interest (The right to future enjoyment of land or property presently occupied by another) of (enemy of the state? Any estate? ) associated with it, to protect the assets of the trust from a man coming in from a foreign nation, hijacking citizens of this nation, to put them at war with the host nation. Its a protection device against Book 3, Article 15 of the Law of Nations, so where a foreigner [a stateless man] is extended hospitality by the grant of an estate has an inherent reversionary interest as an enemy of the state, the duties of the foreigner are spelled out there in Sections 104 to 110 of The Law of Nations. (134 and 135 also apply.) Then look at the Declaration. Since this is the charter document of the host nation there is an underlying assumption that you have agreed to the pledge: And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Re: reversionary interest; see IRS 26 USC Section 673

(a) General rule The grantor shall be treated as the owner of any portion of a trust in which he has a reversionary interest in either the corpus or the income therefrom, if, as of the inception of that portion of the trust, the value of such interest exceeds 5 percent of the value of such portion.

(b) Reversionary interest taking effect at death of minor lineal descendant beneficiary In the case of any beneficiary who

(1) is a lineal descendant of the grantor, and

(2) holds all of the present interests in any portion of a trust,

the grantor shall not be treated under subsection (a) as the owner of such portion solely by reason of a reversionary interest in such portion which takes effect upon the death of such beneficiary before such beneficiary attains age 21.

(c) Special rule for determining value of reversionary interest For purposes of subsection (a), the value of the grantors reversionary interest shall be determined by assuming the maximum exercise of discretion in favor of the grantor.

(d) Postponement of date specified for reacquisition Any postponement of the date specified for the reacquisition of possession or enjoyment of the reversionary interest shall be treated as a new transfer in trust commencing with the date on which the postponement is effective and terminating with the date prescribed by the postponement. However, income for any period shall not be included in the income of the grantor by reason of the preceding sentence if such income would not be so includible in the absence of such postponement.

It is the inherent ability of something to revert back to someone else. See Commissioner vs. Estate of Field ( :The estate tax is not based on the value of the reversionary interest of the decedent at the time of his death but on the value at the time of his death of the property to which that reversionary interest relates. It makes no difference how vested may be the remainder interests in the corpus or how remote or uncertain may be the decedent's reversionary interest. If the corpus does not shed the possibility of reversion until at or after the decedent's death, the value of the entire corpus on the date of death is taxable.

The reversionary interest is what must be gotten rid of. They are the future account receivables of the estate; i.e., a security. Give them back to the United States. You use it (the reversionary interest?) under 12 USC 95(a) part 2:

(2) Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of property or interest therein, made to or for the account of the United States, or as otherwise directed, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder shall to the extent thereof be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same; and no person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or in pursuance of and in reliance on, this section, or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder.

This is agreed to by the Comptroller of the US who runs the whole thing, because thats the one whos office was created as the result of this act, the 1863 Banking Act. 95B is the agreement by the Comptroller to everything the President and the Secretary have done since 1933.The Banking Act of 1863: (OCC website): "The National Bank Act, passed by Congress in 1863, created a new class of federally chartered and supervised banks. By law, the banks were required to purchase U.S. bonds to back the bank notes they would then be allowed to issue. If a bank failed, depositors would be reimbursed from the sale of the bonds.

More significantly, the soon to be reunited country would from then on have a uniform paper currency honored everywhere in America."

1863:The OCC is created. A new bureau was created within the Department of the Treasury to implement the new laws.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency would serve as the administrative apparatus responsible for controlling the issue of national bank notes and supervising the national banks."

[OCCs mission statement] The OCC's primary mission is to charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks and federal savings associations. We also supervise the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. Our goal in supervising banks and federal savings associations is to ensure that they operate in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with laws requiring fair treatment of their customers and fair access to credit and financial products.

(Caller relates what he has found in the Indiana statutes regarding the duties of the comptroller aka auditor; Boris focuses on the word assignment.)

Once you assign that obligation to the United States, it acquits and discharges the NAME from further obligation. The remedy is in 12 USC 95A part 2. Assign the property to and for the account of the US on behalf of that all-capital letter name, and the obligation is acquitted and discharged, automatically. As far as I know, that liability is transferred to the Secretary. But what you do is, for enforcement of it, you go to the Comptroller. Because hes the one whose office was created as the result of this act, the 1863 Banking Act. By that Act, the government bought everything youre ever going to do. Its up to you to set your affairs where you want to set them up. Just remember, everything goes into that trust. Thats the purpose of the Declaration of Independence. Everything goes into the Trust. You dont own anything; claims of ownership put you back into that enemy of the state category, which automatically puts you into reversionary interest(The interest retained by a grantor after transferring some of its interests but not all. A landlord transfers some of its interests when it executes a lease; the right retained is the reversion. Also called a reversionary interest.). This revests (to re fix, accrue) the usufruct (right and enjoyment of a thing or property vested in someone else) interest in them and takes you out of the tertiary (Third in place, order, degree, or rank.) usufruct position. Nature created the Earth, and Man, and gave Man the Earth to use; man creates society, which has usufruct over whatever man does. Man is the naked owner with respect to society. [Naked ownership is a term used in Louisiana, roughly analogous to the "reversionary interest" in common-law jurisdictions. Reversion, in the context of real property, means the return to the grantor or his/her heirs of real property after all interests in the property given to others have terminated. Reversion occurs when the property owner transfers a vested (absolute right to some present or future interest in something of value.) estate of lesser quantum than he started with. Reversion is also called "reverter."]Because we are ignorant, society creates nations, which also have a usufructary interest. Nations call that interest banking, and then religion gets mixed in, and suddenly we are left with a tertiary interest where we are taking everybody elses crap. The pledge in the Declaration is there to make us all the best we can be. The pledge is to each other, not to a nation, state, god or anything else, but to each other. Thats how we help each other. The natural environment of that world, that fictional world thats created as the result of that creates a purchase. You purchase an estate, which runs under international law, and it has to protect itself. How do you protect the assets of an estate while letting other people use it. You put layers of protection; the first is infant, and you keep that infant away from everybody, but theres always the possibility of a reversionary interest, because in a world of infinite possibilities, theres still the possibility that that infant could exist, even if only in someones mind. So the guys who are running the show are here not by accident, but by design, to extract that last little bit of impurity from gods children, so that they/we become golden for the Golden Age. 12 USC 95 applies to everything; a payment, a transfer, an assignment, or a conveyance. All you have to do is instruct them, and that is thru [garbled: sounds like international law] the Geneva Convention Article 5 [I believe he means Convention 4; ed]]

, UN Declaration of Human Rights Article 6 (Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law); (so, you dont need special privilege anymore.)

Article 7, no one shall be unequal before the law; You are going to set up the rules of the game before you start to play. You do that under the UCC, under securities; by gaining an interest and control. You do that by simply becoming the purchaser. (To purchase means to take by way of pledge.) The purchaser will gain control once he becomes the entitlement holder, he becomes the entitlement holder once he signs an instrument over and gives value to the instrument. He now is protected.

A protected purchaser is one who gives value, who does not have notice of any adverse claims in the security and who gains control of the certified security.

You give value by the very nature of who you are: you are the source, you are the energy. Everything you do is going to flow through that security, that name; and the future accounts payable and accounts receivable are the direct result of your putting energy into that name and using it. Without your use of it, it does nothing. You dont have notice of any adverse claims, because you can just get it; you dont have to go to a court to order one; you dont have to explain why you need it. (Went with the designation protected person because of contracts and the UCC.) When you come in under the UCC you come in as a person and persons are protected under the UN. Under the Geneva Convention, the inhabitants of the country who bring help to the wounded will be respected and remain free. And whos coming into the courtroom but an injured party, in a state of war?

[Host]: Thats why its so important to get some kind of international status because everybody is a stateless person

Right, and the host nation in its hospitality invited you, a foreigner, and they granted you use of an estate. Since the host nation operates with a charter document, the Declaration of Independence, there is an underlying assumption that you have agreed to the pledge. And it ends, and in support of this declaration and with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Well guess what they took, they took the fortunes. How? Because purchase means to take by way of pledge. We live in a 3D construct derived from our own imaginations. This world is practice for the act of creation. We created into this 3D realm by taking one of our ideas and put it down in the 2nd dimension on a piece of paper and you draw from the infinite possibilities from the 4th Dimension and you snag some of those possibilities and you shove them into your diagram and you experience it in the 3rd dimension, along with everybody else around you. So all these people have to do is sell you a way of thinking, and youll automatically create what they need to survive. So theyve enticed the whole world into believing theres war, poverty, disease. We create it for them, by allowing ourselves to be enslaved by someone elses mental prison; not understanding that theres a unique and infinite abundance in everything (because of the avid enticers who protect it.) The enticers avidly protect their creation from our ability to perceive it. Their creation is THE ASSETS OF THE TRUST. They keep you so occupied that you lose your way. This is the world Satan was given, to have dominion over, as king, and youre just one of gods children asking, what did I get myself into? We have to be refined. You dont just take gold out of the ground and use it, and it has to be refined. Till you get to .999 pure. But these guys are here to get it down to .000 impurities, which is 1, because were going into the next Golden Age, and all the Children of God must be golden for that age.

Host: Do you care about who is the lien holder on the birth certificate and matters like that?No. The stock market, the CUSIP numbers, the securities, the FRNs, the bonds and all that is evidence that theyve made beneficial use of the usufructary interest. Theyre the beneficial owners of it all. When I use that name, I dont benefit, they do! So we need to show them where us using it in this manner will benefit them. Because right now they dont have a way to get rid of their debt. Its causing problems; theyre losing their control and grip. Anarchy could be the next step for society.

When you give up that reversionary interest as your payment for being a ward, now you credit your social security account and it becomes a closed account. And It starts evaporating debt when it hits it, as well as all the derivatives associated with it, because of the nature of a debt-based system. We can cool down this overheated economy, which is the real cause of global warming. Its why theyre going to China for their loans, because its a new market. They dump it on someone else; but eventually they have to deal with it, and thats what wars are for. They get rid of the creditors, which is the people, in wars. Because when they die they can activate the insurance policies underwriting the birth certificates which (insurance policy) is really 12 USC 95A part 2. The debt gets returned to the source, meaning it gets zeroed out, which brings it back to god. Because theres nothing above zero; therere no profits; and all profits are false. You dont want your false profits; this is the secular version of accepting the Christ. What you do is you accept that the NAME, is the son of God, the state (?) and you will be absolved of all your sins as long as you give up all your sins to that name and, you follow the three golden rules; first, the Golden Rule, second, he who benefits ought to bear the burden; and third, all works are done in _____________s name for _______________'s glory. I dont care what the blank is, but its never for yours; because the benefit would also be yours. And youd bear the burden. The reason you do this is because of Corpus Juris Secundum, Section 166 of the Book of Infants: Anyone who meddles with the property of the infant without authority is liable to account thereafter. If you do not establish an entitlement position to use the assets of the infant, every time you use that name, no matter what its used for, you will be held liable for it; because you are the tort feasor. When you do the purchase under the pledge, you purchase the estate. If you dont assign that interest, UCC 501b states emphatically, you will be treated as holding the financial asset, even if you dont hold it. Were doing business as the all-caps name, via a UCC assignment. (Check or circle full assignment, not partial.) Do that to establish a public record that we can access anywhere. Or, if you simply sign, by deed, it should create a deed which associates itself with that title, which the state already holds; as are all titles. The federal reserve note is the evidence that theyve already made beneficial use of them. At the top of the dollar, it says United States of America, and thats the beneficial owner of the trust. The way we are doing it were nuking the debt and helping them by helping the wounded on the battlefield. Capitalism is a war of attrition; theres always wounded on that battlefield. The courts are full of them. Who needs help? OK, Ill accept that contract, and under 12 USC 95a. The obligation is then acquitted and discharged. Write a check on a closed account, writing s per 12 95a, and theyll never touch you again. But if you do, you hand it over to the Comptroller and tell him to enforce the law.18 USC section 8, the obligation of the United States; but you have to accept it first. Get the book, the Law of Negotiable Instruments, thats where they fed into the UCC. UCC 102D, I like to call the anonymity clause, the characterization of a person, business or transaction for purposes of this article does not determine the characterization of the person, business or transaction for any other law, regulation or rule. Which means, just because Im the person in this transaction doesnt mean Im going to be it in that transaction. Everything that hits that name will now be discharged. Thats why you probably want to set it up with the Secretary and inform the Comptroller when youre done. (Not Secretary of the Treasury, because all the statutes just say Secretary. In their definition, secretaryis just the one who takes care of business. Acknowledge that he has underlings, because he will assign the job. Youre coming in peace. Every time you use FRNs, its putting a lien against the trust, which creates a public injury, which we need to avoid that; and to do so, you have to have this way of doing things, and still be able to get what you need. All contracts have been purchased. They removed the gold and silver and they removed the title; they had to give you a way to operate and thats 12/95a. You dont need to place liens on people. You just deal politely with them and if they wont do it then you file a tort claim and send it to the Comptroller. He runs the show. You show them that they have the duty and its in 12 USC chapter 1: There is established in the Department of the Treasury a bureau to be known as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency which is charged with assuring the safety and soundness of, and compliance with laws and regulations, fair access to financial services, and fair treatment of customers by, the institutions and other persons subject to its jurisdiction.I might ask; do you not have a duty to discharge it to insure the safety and compliance of the law, and just because I didnt come to practice the law, but just to witness the fulfillment of it, what do you have in place of this NAME for me to use? Ask the Secretary, how do I get fair access to those institutions and other persons subject to its jurisdiction, if youre not using frns. Because you chose not to participate in the war. Once you assign the interest, its over, youre a protected person.

First you acknowledge that you are an inhabitant who wishes to help the wounded. You will be equal with every other person. Now accept the Declaration. Why not? After all, Im going to be doing everything it says in it. Why not pledge my life and my fortune to help everyone be the best they can be. Hey, they already set up a trust for me to do it in! Why dont I just accept it, and purchase an estate within that trust, and do what Im here to do. Its the equivalent in Biblical terms of accepting that the Christ exists.

7 USC 136 (d) and (s)

(d) The term animal means all vertebrate and invertebrate species, including but not limited to man and other mammals, birds, fish, and shellfish.

(s) Person The term person means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or any organized group of persons whether incorporated or not.

Agriculture d says animal including man; (s) means any personand does NOT include man. In the land of the dead you DO want to be a person because those are the ones with all the power. Establish your contract, mine will be under 12/95a and who are you to get in my way. In my contract everything I do, I do for the benefit of everyone else. The United States, which has beneficial interest in it, will take care of it all. If they say they wont do it, they commit a tort, interfering with a contract thats guaranteed under both state and federal law.[go to 54 min: equity presumes bargain, not gift] the US has bought into the contract.

In two Child Protective Services events, two mothers stood their ground by asking the police and the CPS, do you have the title to the child? Also, are officers peace officers or are they using their office for profit and gain. Registration certificate for you as a peace office and the investigators report for the collateral assessment, where are they? Is there any collateral damage, I need an answer. If they dont have an assessment for any collateral damage, is there any damage? No. Wheres the injured party. Barratry.

(Geneva Convention?... 15. Enlisting in foreign countries.

As the right of levying soldiers belongs solely to the nation or the sovereign ( 7), no person must attempt to enlist soldiers, in a foreign country, without the permission of the sovereign; and, even with that permission, none but volunteers are to be enlisted; for the service of their country is out of the question here; and no sovereign has a right to give or sell his subjects to another.

The man who undertakes to enlist soldiers in a foreign country, without the sovereign's permission, and, in general, whoever entices away the subjects of another state, violates one of the most sacred rights of the prince and the nation. This crime is distinguished by the name of kidnapping, or man-stealing, and is punished with the utmost severity in every well-regulated state. Foreign recruiters are hanged without mercy, and with great justice.)

12 USC 95a - Regulation of transactions in foreign exchange of gold and silver; property transfers; vested interests, enforcement and penalties

(1) During the time of war, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of instructions, licenses, or otherwise (A) investigate, regulate, or prohibit, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit or payments between, by, through, or to any banking institution, and the importing, exporting, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion, currency or securities, and (B) investigate, regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit, any acquisition holding, withholding, use, transfer, withdrawal, transportation, importation or exportation of, or dealing in, or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to, or transactions involving, any property in which any foreign country or a national thereof has any interest,

by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and any property or interest of any foreign country or national thereof shall vest, when, as, and upon the terms, directed by the President, in such agency or person as may be designated from time to time by the President, and upon such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe such interest or property shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold, or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States, and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes; and the President shall, in the manner hereinabove provided, require any person to keep a full record of, and to furnish under oath, in the form of reports or otherwise, complete information relative to any act or transaction referred to in this subdivision either before, during, or after the completion thereof, or relative to any interest in foreign property, or relative to any property in which any foreign country or any national thereof has or has had any interest, or as may be otherwise necessary to enforce the provisions of this subdivision, and in any case in which a report could be required, the President may, in the manner hereinabove provided, require the production, or if necessary to the national security or defense, the seizure, of any books of account, records, contracts, letters, memoranda, or other papers, in the custody or control of such person.

Go here for Boris comments: May 9, 2013Speaker: Boris Topics: Update Boris' Court Case, Big Picture of the System, Discharge, Reversionary Interest, Estate, INFANT, Person United Nation Protected Purchaser, UCC. Thank you Denny and Silvia for your research!Boris' Notes: First off, no one is "accessing" any "estate". The financial markets essentially are clearing houses for "liens" ... those liens are placed against the "estate" of the INFANT, which is "represented" by that Name/NAME we all use.

The (Capitis Maximus ) INFANT is presumed dead, thus the State is now "employed" to act as "conservator", investing and managing the "assets" of the INFANT, but forbidden to actually use those assets, but can "leverage" (license) them for "loans" which result in "maritime liens" against the "estate" under conservator-ship by the State who is also "guardian" of those "interests" or "estate".A "contract", since all "title" and "consideration" has been "re-moved" from "circulation", now exists as a "trust" and only "interests" are "exchanged" ... it is who has what interest that determines the "taxable value" or "income" from the "transaction".trust = contractcorpus = object of contractincome = value of exchangebeneficiary = one who should receive either corpus or incometrustee = one who should have gotten paid or representative of suchgrantor = owner of contract because the "rights" revert to the "estate" from which they originatedestate = interest in propertyproperty = registered infant (Boris added in the comment section: property = future interests of infant not the infant itself ... just a little fyi .... Bbirth = the act of a parent in exposing an infant of tender years (usually under seven) in any place, with intent wholly to desert it. [Birth Record = abandoned infant]the "presumption of death" serves as the means by which the State adminsitrates the estate under a conservatorshipthe infant estate is always a ward ... it the terms of use one negotiates for a contractual nexus - that needs to occurand in every contract, there are actually two trusts operating side by side as the trustee of one trust is the beneficiary of the second. People forget about this "duality aspect".You see that word "revert"? This is an "interest" of the "estate" and according to "tax law"

According to 26 USC 2037 (b ) the term "reversionary interest" includes a possibility that property transferred by the decedent:

(1) may return to him or his estate, or

(2) may be subject to a power of disposition by him,

but such term does not include a possibility that the income alone from such property may return to him or become subject to a power of disposition by him.

26 USC 673 - Reversionary interests(a ) General ruleThe grantor shall be treated as the owner of any portion of a trust in which he has a reversionary interest in either the corpus or the income therefrom, if, as of the inception of that portion of the trust, the value of such interest exceeds 5 percent of the value of such portion.Reversionary Interest Definition:Any interest, vested or contingent, the enjoyment of which is postponed.Seisin in law ."Livery" (or delivery) by "seisin in law" occurred when the parties to the transaction went within sight of the land to be conveyed and the transferor declared to the recipient that possession had been granted. This constituted however only an incomplete conveyance. (such as "birth event registration)The phrase "to sue one's livery" refers to the formal recognition of a noble's majority, in exchange of payment, for conferring the powers attached to his title, and thereby freeing him from dependence as a ward."Reversionary Interest" is the "payment" to be "exchanged" to "confer the power attached to the title" and "free from dependence as a ward"For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. - Isaiah 52:3Since the estate of the INFANT, the entity created during the birth event, has been probated, there is an operational presumption that "decedent" (INFANT) could return, and the possibility gives rise to what is known and described as "reversionary interest" and because the "estate" of that INFANT has been held under "conservatorship" of which the State is "guardian", all transactions regarding the "estate" result in a "de facto" (in actual practice and operation) "maritime lien" against said estate. Federal Reserve Notes are "de facto" or "in fact" maritime liens against the property and assets of the people of the nation. Don't take my word for it, go look it up. It is right there in the Treasury website.The "stocks, bonds, etc ..." being traded as the people in these groups like to chase via the CUSIP crap, are actually the result of the "monetization equation" regarding those liens in order to facilitate commerce as those "debts" have never been settled. As such, those liens remain attached to a "decedent's estate" and the only way those funds are "released" is by either A) a death certificate is issued (IE: via war, which the "liquidation" of the "delinquent creditors"; the people) or B) the "purchaser" of those interests settles up, which is us when we use the name because now a 'living man' or 'natural person' is using it, thus is either "purchaser" or "de facto nominee over the executor-ship of the estate"; either way, the "lien" becomes due because of that "reversionary interest".Once the "decedent" comes forth, or at least the one who "purchased" those interests, the entirety of the estate "reverts" to the "purchaser", including all reversionary interests, which amount to the right, duty, and obligation to settle those liens against the estate to release the assets contained within. It is that interest, reversionary interest, of which must be assigned to and for the account of the United States which will allow 12 USC 95a(2) to kick in and also cause the State to release the funds from conservatorship and credit the "memory" or "reputation" of SSN account so any "transaction" utilizing that account will automatically zero out; acquitting the debt (payment) and discharging the property from duty (under martial law) allowing the "law" to fall away.This is akin to the little old lady who gave 100% while the wealthy businessman gave 10% and while his actual contribution was much greater in quantity, the little lady gave 100%, uniting all jurisdictions and fulfilling the law, thus she was becomes an asset in commerce (by allowing for the fulfillment of contracts) by becoming a liability in capitalism (resulting no sin/debt for monetization (to make one salt of the earth or merchandise (chattel property))).Think Lot and his wife ... can you be "one righteous man"? or will you look back?It is the "last jot and tiddle" so one can finally "escape" "purgatory".The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them. - Ezekiel 34:27 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors - 1 Peter 1:18

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