
Pneumatics with Ethernet/IP for Advanced Diagnostics in Automotive Industry2 0 0 6 1

localdrive&controlB o s c h R e x r o t h U S

3 Applications

3 Aerospace Airbus Wings

4 Civil EngineeringPanama Canal

5 WoodworkingLinear Motion Components Add Precision

6 AutomotiveDestacker with Pneumatics, Servo Control and Linear Motion System—all from Bosch Rexroth

8 TechnologyMobile Hydraulics

Modular Load-Sensing Valves

9 View PointWolfgang Dangel, President and CEO

10 ProductsNew Products from Bosch Rexroth


drive&control local is the magazine for Rexroth U.S. customers. Produced by Bosch Rexroth U.S. Corporate Communications, Hoffman Estates, IL. Coordination: Negin Neghabat, Corporate Communications, Tel: 847-645-3728, Fax: 847-645-3728, E-mail: [email protected],

Chief Editor: Negin Neghabat. Graphics/Layout: Godfrey. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or copying, either in part or whole, requires prior permission of the local is dispatched via database using automated data processing.








2 0 0 6 1drive&controllocal

2 1|2006

21st Century Technology LeadershipTo reach our goal of 21st century technology leadership,we'll need some uncommon skills. We'll need to develophigh-quality, cutting-edge products. We'll need to excel inapplications engineering, putting our sophisticatedproducts to work in the field. But most of all, we'll needadvanced collaboration skills to work with our distributorpartners, machine manufacturers, and end users to craftsolutions that work.

This issue of Drive & Control Local is an update on ourprogress in reaching those goals. We worked collaboratively,for instance, with prime contractor Electroimpact, Inc. to create equipment thatwould manipulate the massive wing panels needed for the new Airbus A380 plane.And we helped the Panama Canal modernize its trademark lock system.

In product leadership, KVAL, Inc. found our Ball Rail® systems and ball screwsprovided the precision needed for its woodworking efforts. Our pneumatic controlsfor a DaimlerChrysler Corp. destacker are believed to be the first in North Americalinked to an Ethernet/IP network. Plus, our Rexroth M4 modular load-sensingvalves increase reliability in forestry, agricultural, and construction equipment.

I'm proud of what we have achieved. Nevertheless, as some of you may be aware,I recently announced my departure as President and CEO of Bosch Rexroth,effective at the end of the year. I am especially pleased that my replacement, BerendBracht, is a skilled executive who has extensive experience globally, including a twoyear tenure at Bosch Rexroth China, and more than 10 years of work experience atour industrial Hydraulics operation in Bethlehem.

I want all of you to know how rewarding and gratifying it has been to work withthe dedicated group of professionals I have found among Bosch Rexroth employees,distributors, and customers. I know you will keep up the good work we have begun,and continue to achieve the success we have enjoyed by working so closely together.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Dangel President and CEO, Bosch Rexroth Corporation

The new president of Bosch Rexroth Corporation,Berend Bracht, was Vice President and General Managerof our Industrial Hydraulics operation in Bethlehem, PAfrom 2001 until he became General Manager at BoschRexroth China in 2004. Berend started his Rexroth careerin 1991 as a hydraulic sales engineer in the TechnicalOffice in Munich, also working as Manager, Valves &Manifolds and Vice President and General Manager ofRexroth's Standard Products Operation.

1 Berend Bracht

1 Wolfgang Dangel

Servohydraulic Controller Deftly Handles Airbus WingsBuilding a set of Airbus A380 wings spanning almost as long as a football fieldinvolves a lot of precision, especially whenmoving individual wing panels from oneassembly station to another.

This task presented a significant challengefor Airbus’ U.K. manufacturing team andElectroimpact Inc. (,the prime contractor for the wing-assemblyautomation tools.

The huge size and flexible nature of asingle wing panel—up to 111 feet long and weighing 8,818 pounds—creates amotion-control nightmare when movingpanels to the four-story high assembly jigs for fastening. Using cranes didn’t work, sincethe wing panels become distorted whensuspended from the cranes.

To overcome this problem, Electroimpactdevised a manipulator to maintain the panel’sproper form and precisely control itsposition. Instead of cranes, an array of sixcoordinated servohydraulic arms engaged the panel along its entire length. Two of thesix arms control the panel’s vertical position.The other four act as slaves imparting aconstant programmed force on the wingpanel. When the positioning arms arecommanded to move up or down, the load-seeking arms follow along to maintainthe panel’s form.

Each panel-loader arm has four hydraulic-driven axes plus one passive axis, requiringsimultaneous coordination of 24 axes.Each arm has a servocylinder driving thevertical axis. A servovalve and Rexroth HNC100 servohydraulic controller provide close-loop control.

The servovalve and HNC controllerconstantly manage pressure on each side ofthe main cylinder. The transducer and loadcell couple directly to the HNC for highresolution and minimal communicationdelays. With a 4-msec scan time, the HNC

continuously monitors position and force,and seamlessly transitions between load andposition control. It proved to be ideal for theapplication, controlling position to 0.5mmand force to about 50 lbs.

The Rexroth HNC controller impartsseveral important system benefits, namely:• Reducing the statically indeterminate

problem to a determining one, letting the flexible wing panels move as if theywere a rigid part.

• Controlling distribution of force on thewing panel to control the panel’s shape andhow it is presented to the wing structure.

• Simplifying system-level PLC logic andposition-control instructions.

• Allowing direct access to all critical system components and providingservocontrol regardless of PLC scan rates or network speeds.The complete handling system for upper,

lower, port, and starboard panels has 22 arms(smaller panels require only five arms). Inaddition to the HNCs and servovalves, itcontains 154 directional valves plusassociated pressure regulators, check valves,pressure sensors, and flow restrictors.

With 22 HNCs controlling the critical axes,PLC speed is not an issue. Thus, a single PLC

runs the entire system. The HNCs and otherI/O connect to the PLC via a 400-meter-longProfibus network running at 500 kHz. Theunit also has a redundant, hardwired E-stop.

Thanks to a high level of automation, theU.K. plant can produce four pairs of wings a month, making it the largest and mostproductive wing-assembly plant in theindustry, according to company officials. p

Contact: Aaron WeidaE-Mail: [email protected]

1 Airbus A380 wing after removal from mainassembly jigs.

1 During wing manufacturing, six servohydraulicaxes move panels measuring up to 111 ft. longand weighing almost 9,000 lbs.

p Aerospace





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Unlocking the Canal’s Potential

A custom system Each new system includes custom

hydraulic power units using variabledisplacement, axial-piston pumps, custommanifolds, stainless steel reservoirs, hydrauliccylinders with customized base mountingattachments, piping, plus safety andinstrumentation systems.

Special features of the hydraulic cylindersemployed by each gate system are theirCeramax and CIMS (Ceramax IntegratedMeasuring System) technologies.

Advantages of CIMS include unlimitedstroke length, accuracy, ease of interfacing,and the ability to replace or service while the cylinder is installed. p

Contact: Louis PrietoE-Mail: [email protected]

In 1998, the Panama Canal Authority decided to accelerate its mission to upgradethe Canal to meet projected demandincreases. The goal was to modernizecumbersome mechanical systems andstreamline operation and maintenance.

One key area identified for upgrade in the $700 million project was the waterway’strademark lock operating system. Thesystem’s antiquated mechanical design was in need of a complete overhaul. As part ofthe modernization effort, Bosch RexrothIndustrial Hydraulics technology group was awarded a multi-year contract tomanufacture new hydraulic systems for the Panama Canal locks’ miter gates.

Hydraulic drives for lock operationThe Panama Canal is 50 miles long,

connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.The canal crosses the Continental Divide atan elevation of 85 ft. above sea level. Travelthrough the canal by an average ship requiresabout ten hours.

As each ship is raised or lowered in the 110 x 1000 ft. lock chambers, they are sealedin the lock on either end by miter gates.Rising stem valves and cylindrical valves allowwater to be transferred from chambers withhigher elevations to chambers with lowerelevations. Each has mechanical linkages thatconnect to small gate-like structures that canblock the passage of water through culverts atthe bottom of the chambers.

Previously, all of the miter gates, risingstem valves, and cylindrical valves had beendriven mechanically. However, over the lastsix years, Bosch Rexroth has systematicallyreplaced the antiquated mechanical drives of all 80 miter gates with hydraulic drivesystems—improving lock efficiency,functionality, and streamlining dailyoperations and maintenance.

Ships from all over the world travel through the Panama Canal every day. In an average year, more than 14,000 vessels oninternational voyages (representing approximately 4% of world trade) pass through this famous waterway.

1 Bosch Rexroth hydraulic power units operate themiter gate cylinders. Each cylinder is operated byone power unit.


4 1|2006

p Civil Engineering



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Door Systems’ Successes Hinge onAdvanced Linear Motion SolutionsKVAL, Inc., in Petaluma, California, provides automated equipment to rout and drill locks, hinges, and doorlights to manufacturers of wood and fiberglass entry and architectural doors.

7 Rexroth linear motion products have proventhemselves on KVAL’s CNC and non-CNC machinery.

“We focus on designing and buildingspecialized woodworking equipment,” saysJerry Kvalheim. “And we couldn’t do what we do without the quality and flexibility ofRexroth Ball Rail® Systems and ball screws.”

Over the years, KVAL engineers havestandardized on Rexroth products to create equipment that not only allows KVAL’s customers to handle and machinedoors without marring plastic-laminate orfine-veneer finishes, but also to perform avariety of routing and drilling operationswithout tear-out and chipping.

Perfect profiled railsThe rectangular shape of Rexroth profiled

rails has the inherent geometry and rigiditynecessary for KVAL’s larger machinery fordoors up to 4 x 10 feet and 200 pounds.

In Rexroth runner blocks, recirculatingballs contact a large surface area on the ball track—a design that ensures a high load capacity. The geometrical design andextremely smooth surface finish of theRexroth raceway result in lower friction to allow a 30% increase in dynamic load capacity.

Additionally, a foam insert in the runner block releases lubrication to the balls over time for 5 to 10 million meters ofmaintenance-free travel. “The lubricationsystem and advanced floating seal improve

the rail’s service life,” says Kvalheim.

Modular interchangeabilityJust as important as functionality for the

end-user is flexibility for the machine builder.Rexroth linear guideways and runner blocksare machined with such high precision thatindividual blocks and rails are interchangeablewithin their dimensional family.

Kvalheim says, “It’s great when rails andblocks are machined within tolerances thatmake them interchangeable. With Rexroth,any set of blocks or rails within a given

accuracy class will work together. In the field,this means runner blocks can simply bereplaced without having to replace wholeassemblies. This provides a tremendous costsavings and minimizes machine downtime.”

Demanding systemsKVAL also uses Rexroth SEM-E-S precision

ball screws with an adjustable split (preload)nut. This nut has a Dn value of 150,000,which allows a nut rotation speed up to 6,000 RPM to provide rapid, smooth motionfor demanding production cycles.

“The adjustable preloaded nut makes life easier for us,” says Kvalheim. “We canstock nuts, then order long lengths of screwto be cut to length and end-machined asneeded. This improves our turnaround and flexibility.”

In the field, the nuts can be simply replacedwithout having to order a whole new screwassembly. “Machine uptime reliability,flexibility, and precision are all critical issuesto our customers,” explains Kvalheim.“Rexroth linear motion products have proventhemselves on both our CNC and non-CNCmachinery. Now, they are fundamental to ourdesign habits and are simply an essential partof how our machines operate to providecustomer value.”p

Contact: Kevin GingerichE-Mail: [email protected]

1 The Rexroth ball screw provides rapid, smoothmotion for demanding production cycles.



p Woodworking

The High Production Technology (HPT)company ( hasincorporated Bosch Rexroth pneumatics with Ethernet/IP into destackers it built for DaimlerChrysler.

Destackers clean and shuttle blanks intomachines that stamp out body panels andinterior structural parts. Pneumatics workstogether with electromechanical actuators tomove and position parts. For instance, airknives help separate individual blanks from astack, and then gantry-mounted suction cupslift them onto a conveyor. The conveyorcarries the blanks through a washer, wherethey are squeegeed top and bottom, then onto centering stations that align them withstamping dies. Finally, the blanks are fed tothe first stamping station. This all takes closesynchronization to ensure efficiency.

“Bosch Rexroth 261 Series manifoldscontrol the pneumatics. The ISO 5599-2-typemanifolds use Ethernet/IP as a fieldbus to

Equally important, switched Ethernet does away with collisions that made thetechnology nondeterministic.

“Ethernet also lets DaimlerChryslerintegrate factory-level operations with itshigher-level office network, offeringadvantages in processing real-timeinformation and making off-site monitoringfeasible. And thanks to widespreadavailability, Ethernet devices cost significantlyless than their fieldbus counterparts. Thus,Ethernet offers an extremely attractive price-to-performance ratio,” says Finn.

Ethernet/IP interfaces are now common on PLCs, servo controls, and the like.But they have been slow to appear in pneumatic devices. One reason is that PLCs are inherently “intelligent.”Traditional pneumatics differ in that control is centralized and little, if any,intelligence is distributed outward toindividual components.

reduce costs, simplify the network, andincrease productivity,” says Joe Mitory,stamping project manager atDaimlerChrysler.

Ethernet/IP uses the existing top-levelcontrol and information protocols ofDeviceNet/ControlNet and TCP/IP fornetwork and transport layers. Ethernet/IPoffers the means to carry DeviceNetinformation over high-speed Ethernet.

“The allure of Ethernet stems from threefactors: performance, compatibility, and cost,” says Jay Finn, applications engineer atHPT. “While traditional fieldbuses haveprogressed from kilobit to megabit speeds,Ethernet is still an order of magnitudefaster—10 or 100 Mbytes/sec on the factoryfloor,” explains Finn. That’s increasinglyimportant as stamping equipment gets moresophisticated to handle a wider range ofblank sizes, materials, weights, and shapes, aswell as meet demands for shorter cycle times.

In a move to upgrade stamping operations, DaimlerChrysler Corp. has installed a system for handlingsheet-metal blanks that controls pneumatics over an Ethernet/IP network. It is believed to be the first suchsystem in North America.

1 A bank of Bosch Rexroth DKC EcoDrives usinghigh-speed SERCOS interconnections—whichallows for a clean uncluttered cabinet—control the crowding function that precisely positionsmetal blanks.

1 Destackers built by High Production Technology are intricate systems for handling sheet-metal blanks.They unload parts from AGVs, clean off dirt and debris, align them with stamping dies, and finally feed theblanks into machines that stamp out body panels and structural parts.

Pneumatics with Ethernet/IP for Advanced Diagnostics in Automotive Industry


6 1|2006

p Automotive

adjustments necessary. Mechanical machinesare also prone to wear and tear, requiringsignificant maintenance to maintain andreplace parts. What’s more, if the mechanicallinkages fall out of synchronization, it can be a major task to readjust the machine.Not only are mechanical machines costly to maintain, the time required for setup andchangeovers reduces productivity.

DaimlerChrysler’s Stamping ProjectManager, Joe Mitory, says, “Improved setup, faster operating speeds, improveddiagnostics all favor servo-driven systems in achieving the key goal we’re after, which is productive uptime.”

With servo control, wrenches andscrewdrivers are replaced by a touchscreen or computer keyboard. The operator simplysets new parameters; the servo control systemprograms the servo accordingly and monitorstheir operation. What once required hoursnow needs only minutes to accomplish.

In essence, servo-based control hides the mechanical complexity behindsophisticated programming and an easy-to-use HMI. The servo system canhandle a wide range of mechanical functions,electronically changing camming and evensynchronization timing. But because the lineshaft is electronic rather than mechanical,the machine never loses synchronization.

Servo-controlled linear actuators are usedto horizontally gauge and position blanksaccurately. Rexroth MKR belt-driven linearmodules move 16 gauging blocks into andout of position. MKR modules use a ruggedanodized aluminum frame and BoschRexroth Ball Rail® to provide the rigidity and accuracy when moving heavy loads.While the task could have been achieved withshort-stroke pneumatics, the linear modulesoffer a longer 24-inch stroke and moreflexibility in running both aluminum andsteel blanks. Plus, servo control means faster,easier setup and changeovers for new runs. p

Contact: John BridgesE-Mail: [email protected]

Intelligent pneumatics can simplify the designwhile improving capabilities and reliability.

But intelligent pneumatics can simplifydesigns while improving capabilities andreliability. One example on the HPT machineis its built-in diagnostics. Ethernet’s highspeed and data capacity let the 261 Seriesmanifold’s Drive & Diagnostic Link (DDL)continuously monitor supply-voltagetolerances on each valve’s electronics andsolenoids. It also watches for solenoid faultsand electrical short circuits.

DDL often recognizes problems well inadvance of failures, permitting predictivemaintenance. For instance, it can spot lowvoltages, indicators of potential power-supplyproblems, and detect a rise in current drawthat warns of impending valve-coilbreakdown. “DDL also means faster testingand commissioning, with fewer glitches,” saysDaimlerChrysler’s Mitory. “And, if problemsoccur, they are easier to trace and remedy.”

According to Mitory, “Diagnosticcapabilities are always important and, as

systems become more complex, we needhigher levels of self-diagnostics. Simplicitybegets reliability, and improved diagnosticseliminate surprises.”

Servo Control and Linear Motionby Bosch Rexroth

The HPT destacker motion is preciselycoordinated with the Bosch Rexroth Visual Motion (PPC) control system, usinghigh-performance IndraDyn L linear motorsand rotary servo motors achieving over 50 axes of control. The PPC offers severalstandard bus systems, including Ethernet/IPand ControlNet for uniform communicationto other machine control units.

The majority of axes are for the crowdingfunction, in which Bosch Rexroth compactMKD rotary motors with absolute feedbackand DKC EcoDrive drives precisely positionthe blanks before each is fed into the firststamping station. Servo rotary motors arealso used for vertical Z-axis movements, butin some cases a linear motor is also used.Conveyors use high-performance RexrothMHD servo motors with absolute feedback.

For the critical horizontal motion, thedestackers use water-cooled IndraDyn L(MLP and MLS) linear permanent magnetmotors driven by the company’s digitalintelligent DIAX 04 servo drives. Automaticmotor commutation permits the use ofstandard non-absolute scales for the verylong horizontal slide. Horizontal speeds of upto 300m/min and 20m/s2 are achieved duringthe destacking cycles.

The communication architecture uses the SERCOS standard fiber optic network to reliably interconnect the axes with theRexroth PPC controller.

The advantages of servo control over oldermethods of belts, gears, and other mechanicallinkages are widely documented in severalindustries. The drawbacks of mechanicalsystems are well known. Setup times for newjobs can involve hours of labor in physicallychanging gears, cams, or other parts,checking the new setup, and making any fine

1 Pneumatic-control valves plug into Ethernet/IP-equipped Series 261 manifolds. In addition, theBosch Rexroth Drive & Diagnostic Link providessophisticated monitoring of solenoids, circuits,and electronics.





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Engaged: The lever follows everymovement of the control spool.

Disengaged: The lever remains stationaryas the valve cycles. This generates less frictionand lower hysteresis for faster reaction timesand higher accuracy without requiringposition feedback on the spool.

Electronic Control“Intelligent” electrohydraulics bring

finer control, greater safety, sophisticateddiagnostics, and are easier to operate.Designers join electronics to load-sensingvalves in two principle ways: through external controllers or on-board electronics.

External devices, such as Rexroth’s RC family, use 16-bit controllers for open and closed loop applications and handleanalog and digital signals at both input and output ports. Pulse-width modulatedsolenoid outputs produce highly accurateproportional control with low hysteresis.The design withstands vibration,temperature extremes, water and dirt,and electromagnetic interference.

Electronic control can also be built into the valve, which offers several advantages, including:• Faster response and lower hysteresis

for greater precision.• Simpler wiring than with external control.• Off-load processing tasks from the

central controller.On-board valve electronics do not eliminate

the central controller, but they can permit asmaller and less costly one. On-board controlsupplements the main unit by executingCANbus commands and providing operatingfeedback. Ganged valve modules also act as asingle unit in the CANbus daisy chain,further simplifying wiring. p

Contact: Jonathan BrokawE-Mail: [email protected]

Modular Load-sensing Valves AllowSimpler, More Versatile Hydraulics

precisely control hydraulic-motor speed and cylinder position over a wide range of loads and conditions.

The M4 also has load ports, which caninclude a companion measuring port forsensing real-time flow and pressure. Optionalrelief valves on work ports protect systemsfrom shock, pressure spikes, and cavitation.

Three valve sizes accommodate flows of35, 53, and 105 gpm. Different-size M4 valvescan stack together.

All three versions offer open-center controlfor fixed-displacement pumps and closed-center control for variable displacementpumps. And each operates in manual,hydraulic, or electric mode as on/off orproportional valves. Hand-lever mechanicaloverrides on each valve section work withelectrical or hydraulic actuation in two ways:

Placing flow and pressure control in the samevalve simplifies hydraulics, allowing addeddesign flexibility and reducing the number of components and connections.

One example of the latest generation of valves is the Rexroth M4 pressure-compensated directional-control valve for medium- and high-pressure duty. Itsmechanical stroke limiters adjust to setmaximum flow. And load-sensing pressurelimiters on each port can maintain constantflow under varying loads. This ensures the valves deliver just the right flow to eachfunction, independent of overall loads on the hydraulic system.

In a crane, for example, hydraulics powerthe outriggers for leveling and stabilizing, aswell as extending, retracting and rotating theboom. For each operation, the valves

Modular load-sensing valves are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional monoblocks. The latest generation of load-sensing directional-control valves incorporates both flow and pressure control into sandwich-style units.

A single, variable displacement pumpsupplies the six-section valve thatcontrols various crane functions: • Main arm • Articulated arm • Telescopic cylinder • Open gripper • Close/lower gripper • Slewing gear.These functions must operatesimultaneously, yet with precisecontrol. The valves must handlechanging loads and flows even thoughhydraulic demands vary. In this case,variable displacement pumps hold an advantage. Fixed displacement pumps always deliver the same flow,regardless of demand. So, if a cranesits idle, all the flow dumps to the tank in an inefficient waste of energy.Variable displacement load sensingpumps, however, only provide the flow required by operations at thevalve. The pumps destroke to low-pressure standby until one or more functions engage. This improves system efficiency.

M4 Valves on a Truck-Mounted Loading Crane.


8 1|2006

p Technology



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Coming off a century most remarkable for itspitched competitive battles, many businessexperts are predicting that this century willbe more distinguished for its cooperativeefforts. This comes as no surprise to us.For years, we at Bosch Rexroth have beenfollowing a collaborative rather thancompetitive approach with customers andsuppliers. Now we are extending that modelto our distribution partners.

Manufacturers haven’t always had the bestrelationships with the distribution channelsthat sell their products. They always wanttheir channel partners to buy more, whiledistributors would rather not have productssitting on a shelf or in a warehouse.

For Bosch Rexroth, there are severalimportant reasons why we are bucking thetrend and seeking closer relationships withour channel partners. First, with the breadthof our product line—drive and controlproducts across almost every industry—wecannot reach all of our potential customerswithout their assistance.

Secondly, our most advanced productsoften need to be customized or engineered to achieve their full potential for providing

sustainable competitive advantage. Thus,our distributors have the opportunity to offer tremendous value to the customer.That’s why our first question to distributors is not, “How many sales engineers do youhave?” but “How many applications engineersdo you have?”

I believe this level of cooperation andcollaboration is unprecedented in ourindustry. We exchange information with our channel partners that manycompanies will not share even with their own employees, let alone another business.Some examples include:• Sharing of confidential information about

margins, profits, investments, and plans for the future.

• Access to internal inventory, order entry,order status, and collaboration software.

• Close cooperation in applicationsengineering.The last item is of particular importance,

since “applications engineering expertise” isone of our core competencies and is also one

of our clear advantages in the marketplace.In essence, we are giving our distributorpartners a share of the brand positioning we have built for ourselves over the pastseveral decades.

The benefit to customers is significant: theyget a technically-advanced consultant withindriving distance who can access a world-classproduct development and manufacturingorganization. The result comes in solutionswith engineering sophistication well beyondthe reach of most of our competitors.

For distributors, the benefits are equallysignificant: we have clear understandingabout how both partners add value for thecustomer. And while the industry has been in the midst of a rather lackluster recovery,our sales through U.S. distributors havedoubled since 2002. And I expect more of thesame: in order for us to achieve our ratherambitious sales goals ($2.5 billion in NorthAmerica by 2013), sales through distributionwill have to triple.

As a result of these cooperative efforts,we have achieved significant sales increases,gained market share, and had higher Rexrothcontent on machines. The secret to BoschRexroth’s success is that the depth and degreeof collaboration, information sharing, andmutual trust is unique. No other drive,motion, and control competitor is willing toprovide these assurances to their channelsand give them such a clear way to add valueto their customers.

We are totally committed to ourpartnership, which is why our distributors are partnering with a company knownworldwide for its collaborative relationships.It’s who we are. And, I believe, it’s the beststrategy for doing business as a technicalleader in the 21st century. p

1 Wolfgang Dangel, Bosch Rexroth President andCEO, says their distribution model is based on theidea that collaboration is stronger than competition.

A very unique approach in the market: Cooperation and collaboration as a vehicle for success.

A Strategy for 21st Century Tech Leadership:

Collaboration is Stronger than CompetitionBy Wolfgang Dangel, President and CEOBosch Rexroth Corporation

1 Bosch Rexroth distributors have exclusivity in their territories so they don’t compete with other distributors.



p View Point



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New Pump for Plastics Industry

The new A7VK axial piston variabledisplacement pump from Bosch Rexroth is specifically designed for high-pressurepumping of polyol and isocyanate used inmaking polyurethane. The feed channel isseparated from the drive work chamber to allow high pressure filling for highlyviscous fluid. The pump is capable of outletpressures up to 3625 psi (4500 psi peak).Good volumetric efficiency is achieved usinga robust internal rotary group and provenaxial tapered piston technology.

Precise metering of the pumpdisplacement can be adjusted from 0 to 28.1 cm3 using a manual adjustment with an integrated display in the handwheel.Once adjusted, the displacement can belocked to prevent accidental changes.

The pump has a double shaft seal madewith special material and a flushing chamberthat helps identify any inboard seal leakage.Internal parts are made without non-ferrousmetals for compatibility with polyurethanecomponents. The pump housing is alsotreated through a special process forcorrosion protection.

The A7VK, which can be used with or without a feed pump, offers a morecompact design than its predecessor model but maintains the same flangedimensions, drive shaft, and functions to make replacement easier. p

Contact: Kevin GingerichTel.: (800) 322-6724Fax: (269) 695-5363E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact: Aaron WeidaTel.: (610) 694-8300Fax: (610) 694-8467E-Mail: [email protected]

The compact A7VK pump uses a special designmaking it especially suited for pumping andmetering fluid for manufacturing polyurethanecomponents in the plastics industry.

Contact: Aaron WeidaTel.: (610) 694-8300Fax: (610) 694-8467E-Mail: [email protected]

Wide Speed Range inDual Ratio Drive

A conventional planetary drive is offered ineither a two- or three-stage configuration.The two-stage planetary drive can achieve a reduction ratio from 16:1 to 60:1 and a three-stage planetary drive can achieve areduction ratio from 66:1 to 215:1. The GFT 45 T2/T3 is both a two- and three-stageplanetary drive in one compact package. Itstypical application is to propel construction,agriculture and forestry equipment. Thedual-ratio drive functions as a two-stagedrive for low-ratio (high-speed) operationand the third stage can be engaged for high-ratio (low-speed) operation. The GFT 45 T2/T3 is capable of a maximumintermittent output torque of 45,000Newton-meters (33,188 foot-pounds) andmaximum output speed of approximately150 rpm.

There are four major advantages with theGFT 45 T2/T3 dual-ratio design. The first isthe wide operable speed range allowed byutilizing two reduction ratios. The second isthe ability to offer two different reductionratios in the same package size as a singlereduction ratio drive. The third is the abilityto shift-on-the-fly between reduction ratios.The fourth is the ability to operate in highspeed without the need for an externalcooling circuit. p

The GFT 45 T2/T3 dual ratio planetary drive has awide operable speed range.

Manual ProductionSystems (MPS)

A new line of manual productioncomponents from Bosch Rexroth simplifiesimplementation of lean manufacturingsystems to help companies reduce waste andincrease productivity. The new ManualProduction Systems (MPS) product linedelivers an impressive array of configurableproducts to create production systems for all industry segments. MPS is based onRexroth’s extensive line of modularaluminum framing components, combinedwith its proven, ergonomically-tested manualworkplace components. MPS adds newworkstations and accessories which make it easy to follow lean principles, such as one-piece flow, line-side parts stores, andwater-spider inventory replenishment.

MPS helps manufacturers adapt quickly as production demand dictates. All systemsare easily configurable and can be adjusted to any workplace requirements, thanks to the flexibility and wide range of thestructural framing components andworkplace accessories from Rexroth. ManyMPS components, such as completeworkstations, tabletops, flow racks, materialshelves and other accessories are ESD(Electro-Static Discharge) safe, whichexpands the application range of leanmanufacturing systems.

To speed design and implementation, userscan quickly design workstations and materialflow racks with MPScalc design software.MPScalc captures all critical parameters suchas dimensions, material type and quantity,and allows users to design a workstation withjust a few clicks of a mouse, calculate itsprice, and produce accurate 3D drawings. p

Create lean, ergonomic production cells fast andinexpensively.


10 1|2006

Contact: John BridgesTel.: (859) 254-8031Fax: (859) 281-3491E-Mail: [email protected]

ISO 15407-2 Pneumatic Valve

The plug-in style CD26-PL valve offers acompact valve (26 mm width) manifold systemwith flows up to 1.01Cv for use in a wide arrayof automation tasks.

The CD26-PL is a new pneumatic ISO plug-in valve manifold system from Rexroth.In accordance with ISO standard 15407-2,the simultaneous pneumatic and electricalconnection for the valve is done on the baseplate. The design concept is based on theproven CD01 modular system. The CD26-PLhas a width of 26 mm. The advantage of thisplug-in solution is the ability to exchange thevalves faster, easier, and safer. Adding to theflexibility of the line are manifold threadedports available in both NPT and ISO-G(BSPP). Valve functions include single and double solenoid plus unique double 3/2 valves, allowing two functions from thesame valve position, saving space and expense. Sandwich regulators are available for lateral and vertical stacking.

The new valve manifold system can be used in all areas that require standardized ISO valves, such as the packaging industry,automotive industry, for machine tools, and in the printing and paper industries.

The system is available in a multi-pin plugversion with a D-sub connector. Using thistype of connection, the CD26-PL can bedirectly combined with the BDC, VDS, andDDL bus systems from Rexroth. Available busprotocols include PROFIBUS DP, CANopen,DeviceNet, INTERBUS S, and ControlNet.Even an Ethernet connection via Ethernetprotocol is possible.p

Contact: Joe BiondoTel.: (847) 645-3600Fax: (847) 645-0804E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact: Kevin GingerichTel.: (800) 322-6724Fax: (269) 695-5363E-Mail: [email protected]

The CD26-PL pneumatic ISO valve features acompact size and multiple connection options.

Linear Motion Modules

Rexroth CKK and CKR Compact Modulesare now available in a 200mm wide extrusionutilizing two Size 25 Ball Rail® Systems for thelongest lengths, highest speeds, and highestpayloads in the industry. Ideal for pick-and-place systems in assembly environments,dispensing operations in the medicalindustry and material handling in thepackaging industry, these electromechanicalactuators now bring their trademark speed,precision and heavy payload capability tolarger applications.

The dual Ball Rail System linear guides,and in the case of the CKK, the Rexroth Ball Screw, ensure high system rigidity tomove heavy payloads or complex end-of-axistooling with extreme precision. The belt-drive CKR Compact Module uses a low-wear,steel-reinforced polyurethane belt withaluminum pulleys to deliver speeds up to 5 m/s over distances up to 10,000 mm—a best-in-class stroke length. The ball screwdrive version CKK offers a stroke length of 5500 mm—outstanding when ball screwprecision is required. The maximum load capacity for both models is 9100 kg,or 20,000 lbs.

The low-profile, anodized aluminumextrusion fits many applications, and therigidity designed into the extrusion minimizesdeflection. The dual Ball Rail guides produceextremely smooth travel. Convenientclamping fixtures make the Compact Moduleseasy to mount to virtually any baseplate orsurface. The combination of extended lengthand heavy load capacity makes these newmodules ideal for heavy automotive handlingapplications, transport tasks over longdistances, palletizing, box transfer and evenpharmaceutical dispensing.p

CKK and CKR modules come in new sizes for highpayloads and extended lengths.

IndraMotion for Handling

Bosch Rexroth now offers a complete andscalable gantry solution for handlingapplications. IndraMotion for Handlingincludes all the necessary hardware andsoftware components with predefinedmotion function blocks to run pick-and-place and loading/unloading machinery.Powered by Rexroth’s ultra-fast IndraControlL40 Motion Logic controller, Cartesiangantries with up to three linear axes (X, Y, Z)and three rotary axes (A, B, C) of motion canbe precisely controlled.

Configuration of the IndraMotion forHandling system is quick and easy. Theintegrated, prewritten IEC 61131 basedmotion function blocks require only a fewbasic parameters to be set before the system is up and running. Points are defined and“taught-in” with easy robotic programminglanguage using Rexroth’s IndraControl VEH 30 mobile WinCE HMI. The controlcalculates the optimum coordinated movesbetween the points.

Rexroth’s new IndraMotion for Handlingsystem supports industry-standard interfaces,including SERCOS, Ethernet and PROFIBUS,for easy integration into machines and plants.With the capability of blended moves,palletizing, safety zones, a hot-pluggableWinCE-based HMI and digital drives withoptional “Safety On Board” functionality,Rexroth’s IndraMotion for Handling is theideal solution for servo gantry applications.p

IndraMotion for Handling provides a ready-made servo gantry solution.



Bosch Rexroth CorporationCorporate Communications5150 Prairie Stone ParkwayHoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707

Telephone (847) 645-3600Facsimile (847) 645-0804E-Mail: [email protected]

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