Page 1: BotFinder : Finding Bots in Network Traffic Without Deep Packet Inspection

BotFinder: Finding Bots in Network Traffic Without Deep Packet Inspection

F. Tegeler, X. Fu (U Goe), G. Vigna, C. Kruegel (UCSB)

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CoNEXT 2012

Motivation Sophisticated type of malware: Bots

Multiple bots under single control botnet Distinct characteristics:

command and control (C&C) channel

Threats raised by bots: Spam Information theft (e.g., credit card data) Identity theft Click fraud Distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS)


Victim hosts

$2M-$600M revenue estimated for single botnet


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CoNEXT 2012


Complementary approach: Network based Vertical correlation (single end host) (Rishi,

BotHunter, Wurzinger et al., …) Typical behavior (SPAM, DDos traffic) Anomaly detection (Giroire et al.) Packet analysis: HTTP structure, payloads,

typical signatures Horizontal correlation (multiple end hosts)

(BotSniffer, BotMiner, TAMD…): Two or more hosts do the same malicious stuff

How to detect bot infections? Classically: End host – Anti Virus Scanner But: Requires installation on every machine


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CoNEXT 2012

Challenge and Solution Approach Existing vertical: Typically relies on scanning,

spam, DDoS traffic and requires packet inspection. Existing horizontal: Requires multiple hosts in

single domain to be infected. Also triggered by noisy activity (e.g., BotMiner)

Contribution: Vertical detection of single bot infections without packet inspection! Botmaster establishes C&C connections frequently to

disseminate orders. C&C connections show patterns. Use these statistical properties of C&C communication!

Core assumption: Periodic behavior!


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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology Basic machine learning approach:

Learn about bot behavior: Training phase (a)

Use learned behavior: Detection phase (b)

Training: Observe malware in controlled

environment Extract flows and build traces Perform statistical analysis to obtain “features” Create models to describe malware


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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology – Detection Phase Detection:

Obtain traffic Perform analysis analog to training Compare statistical features of the

traffic with models

During the whole process: No deep packet inspection!


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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology – Details Analysis performed on flows Flow is a connection from A

to B: Source IP address Destination IP address Source port Destination port Transport protocol ID Start time Duration of connection Number of bytes Number of packets

This information is easy to obtain in real-world environments!

Example: NetFlow


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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology – Details cont’d Trace: Chronologically

ordered sequence of flows. Represents long term

communication behavior!

Example for two dimensions: time and duration


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CoNEXT 2012

Distinguishing Characteristics Bot traffic is more regular than normal, benign

traffic!The lower the bar, the more periodic.


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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology – Features Use statistical features to

describe trace! Average time between two flows. Average duration of flows. Average number of source bytes. Average number of destination bytes. A Fourier transform to detect underlying

communication frequencies. More robust than simple averaging.


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CoNEXT 2012


Methodology – Models Example scenario:

Multiple binary versions of the samebot family generated traces

Example: time interval feature:

“Intervals of 8, 20, or 210 minutes are typical for this bot.”

Clusters with low standard deviation are trustworthy representations of malware behavior

Drop very small (one-element) clusters










Feature clustering…

20min 8.2min210minCluster centroids



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CoNEXT 2012

Methodology – Model Matching Compare a trace to the cluster

centers of a malware family model: 1. If trace feature “hits” a model:

Increase scoring value based on clusterquality

2. Take model with highest scoringvalue

3. If scoring value > threshold: Consider model matched

Some more math involved (quality of matching trace, clustering algorithm, minimal trace length, etc.)


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CoNEXT 2012

Evaluation Method is implemented in BotFinder

Six representative malware families

Dataset LabCapture: 2.5 months of lab traffic with 60 machines Full traffic capture – allows verificiation Should contain benign traffic only

Dataset ISPNetflow: one month of NetFlow data from large network Reflects 540 Terabytes of data or 150 MegaBytes(!) per second of

traffic. No ground truth but possibility to compare to blacklisted IP

addresses and judgment of usability.


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CoNEXT 2012

Execution: Split the ground truth malware

dataset randomly into a training set and a detection set

Mix the detection set with all traces from the LabCapture dataset

Train BotFinder on the training set Run BotFinder against the

detection set

Result summary: 77% detection rate with low false

positives (1 out of 5 million traces)

Evaluation – Cross ValidationTraining


Training set

Detection set


Train DetectRepeat experiment 50

timesper acceptance threshold


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CoNEXT 2012

Evaluation – Cross Validation


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CoNEXT 2012

Evaluation – Comparison to BotHunter BotHunter is an optimized Snort Intrusion Detection

System. It requires packet inspection and leverages anomaly detection.

Many false positives for BotHunter, typically raised by IRC activity or binary downloads.

Detection Results: BotFinder Detection Rate: 77.5% BotHunter Detection Rate: 10%

BotFinder outperformed BotHunter and shows relatively high detection rates and low false positives.



Experimental setup not

reproducing elements

crucial to BotHunter?


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CoNEXT 2012

Evaluation - ISPNetFlow Challenging to analyze as minimal information

(only internal IP ranges) is available 542 traces (from >1 billion traces) are

identified by BotFinder to be malicious On average 14.6 alerts per day


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CoNEXT 2012

Speed is sufficient for large networks: 3min for 15M NetFlow records (~15min of ISPNetFlow,

800MB filesize) Processing is dominated by feature extraction

Easy to parallelize

Detailed IP address investigation of raised alarms: Comparison of external IPs with publicly available

blacklists* Result: 56% of all IPs are known to be malicious!

The “false positives” show a large cluster of connections to Apple With whitelisted Apple: 61% of all raised alerts connect to known

malicious pages Strong support that BotFinder works!

Evaluation ISP NetFlow


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CoNEXT 2012

Bot Evolution Botmasters may try to evade detection by

changing communication patterns: Introduction of randomized intervals Introduction of large gaps between flows IP or domain flux (fast changing C&C servers)

Randomization impact: Randomizing individual

features does not significantly impactdetection

Lower limit!


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CoNEXT 2012

FFT Peak Detection with Gaps


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CoNEXT 2012

Anti-Domain Flux Problem: Fast C&C-Domain/IP changes

Problem: BotFinder can’t create a sufficiently long trace

Idea: Look at each source IP and compare all connections with

each other When two connections look very similar, combine them to

one! Inherently horizontal correlation per source IP!

Change of IP address

Trace “breaks”

Subtrace 1: A to C&C IP 1Subtrace 2: A to C&C IP 2


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CoNEXT 2012

How can one check that it is working? Split of real C&C traces and random other, long traces (from real

traffic). Does BotFinder recombine them?

“Low” overhead: 85% increase in the ISPNetFlow.

Large distance! Good!

Additional Pre-Processing


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CoNEXT 2012


High detection rates - nearly 80% - with low false positives and no need for packet inspection!

BotFinder shows better results than BotHunter.

61% of BotFinder-flagged connections in the ISPNetFlow dataset were destined to known, blacklisted host!

BotFinder is robust against potential evasion strategies.


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CoNEXT 2012


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