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“Identity Management is not only about control and keeping the wrong people out; It’s about building relationships and inviting the right people in.”Gerald Horst, CEO Everett

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dutch office

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This is Everett

IntroductIon by GErald Horst

Our world has entered the digital age: the Cloud, Bring Your Own Device, Social Networks, e-Business, Shareconomy, The Internet of Things, Mobile Devices and more is yet to come. Everybody and everything is digitally connected and the Individual Identity mattersmore than ever before. This new era brings important questions. Questions about identity, roles and security.

Employees do not only work inside the company walls anymore. They work from anywhere, at any place and at any time. The applications and devices they use may no longer come from within the company, or even be owned by their company. They come from partner companies, applications come from the cloud and employees like to use their own devices. It seems they come from anywhere and everywhere. How can we make sure the right people access the right information, applications or systems?

People live a large part of their lives online, every day. They connect to the modern web via a simple click, on any device they can use. Soon an average person will spend over an hour daily on Google, FaceBook or LinkedIn. Brick-and-mortar companies become cloud companies. Citizens, students, patients and many more benefit from a growing wealth of online services. But how do we make sure their privacy is protected?

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This is Everett

IntroductIon by GErald Horst

Machines become intelligent. Cars, refrigerators, coffee-machines and wearables already share information with computers about the people that use them and so The Internet of Things is born. How do we make sure this experience is seamless, while personal data remains protected and under control of the individual?

E-commerce is thriving. Traditional companies are reinventing themselves online and most new companies and start-ups are web shops or an online services affair only. The customer is always online and connected, becoming more and more demanding. They expect to be recognised and have a customised shopping experience. Easy, personalised and on-demand. How do we make sure a customer can be viewed as one, across all channels, devices, and systems? How do we give the customer the experience they expect?

Recent headlines show us the sheer scale of hacking, spying as well as the significance and impact for our privacy and our economy. It is our job to keep that digital world safe and secure.

Everett is all about Making Identity Matter.

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We believe in an Identity enabled world. Our Identity Solutions manage the identities and access of people and things and the relationships between them. And provide the right access for the right reasons, enabling the right interactions at the right time.

You can count on us to consult on, design, implement, apply and support your Identity Solutions. Whether you want to increase security and comply with policies and regulations. Or when you want to simplify business processes and reduce the operational and development costs of IT. As well as when you want to personalise services, across organisational boundaries, devices and things. Enterprises, institutions and organisations benefit from our three practices:










Based on the experiences we have gained, and the best practices we have built over the 15 years of our existence, we can lead you and your organisation to achieve the desired business results. We help our clients across Europe from our offices in Nieuwegein, London and Rome.

This is Everett

about EvErEttsIncE 1999

E‘Wehelptobuildvaluablerelationshipsandmanagerisk by Making Identity Matter’.

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early adopters




EvErEtt, tHE namE kEEps us focusEd.

Everett M. Rogers (March 6, 1931 – October 21, 2004) was a communication scholar, sociologist, writer, and teacher. He is best known for originating the diffusion of innovations theory and for introducing the term early adopter. Rogers proposes that adopters of any new innovation or idea can be categorised as innovators (2.5%), early adopters (13.5%), early majority (34%), late majority (34%) and laggards (16%), based on the mathematically based Bell curve. These categories, based on standard deviations from the mean of the normal curve, provide a common language for innovation researchers. Each adopter’s willingness and ability to adopt an innovation depends on their awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.


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Founded 1999

Numberofemployees 50+

Clients 100+

Everettservices Enterprise Customers, Large Institutions and Service Providers


Identity Management & Access ManagementIdentity Relationship ManagementPrivileged Account ManagementAccess GovernanceStrong AuthenticationIdentity-as-a-Service

This is Everett

about EvErEttkEy data

TheNetherlands Wiersedreef 5-7 3433 ZX Nieuwegein [email protected] +31 (0) 30 659 2255

UnitedKingdom 288 Bishopsgate EC2 M4QP London [email protected] +44 (0) 20 8133 2778

Italy Via dei Castelli Romani 22 00040 Pomezia (Roma) [email protected] +39 (0) 6 9105828

This is Everett

about EvErEttoffIcEs

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rAt Everett we have our own dictionary. It contains the words we live by, in order to achieve one goal; Quality Results. These words in our dictionary guide us - they are our compass and touchstone. These words keep us focused, so that we may provide our clients with the best solutions available today.

This is how we do it.

our dIctIonaryour GuIdancE

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specialist| ˈspeSHəlist| nounapersonwhoconcentratesprimarilyonaparticularsubject



leading |ˈlēdiNG|adjective


trustworthy |ˈtrəst ˌwərT͟Hē|adjective

able to be relied on.

enjoy|enˈjoi| verb [ with obj. ]takedelightorpleasurein(anactivityoroccasion).

team |tēm|verb [ no obj. ](teamup)cometogetherasateamtoachieveacommongoal.

This is how we do it.

our dIctIonaryour GuIdancE

quality |ˈkwälətē| noun (pl. qualities)thestandardofsomethingasmeasuredagainstotherthingsof


result |riˈzəlt| nounasatisfactoryorfavorableoutcomeofanundertaking.

This is how we do it.

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uk office

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‘Identity Management is about creating a custom experience for each and every user.In that way we are the Savile Row of IAM.’ E

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This is how we do it.














Being a specialist not only means being focused on a single subject, you have to be more than simply ‘good’, you have to be outstanding. To make absolutely sure of this, we invest in training, knowledge management and continuous development of our expertise. As the specialist we are, we have developed our own Everett Academy; a modern training facility for our professionals to learn and update their skills through self-paced and instructor-led training.

Sharing our knowledge and expertise is in our genes, something we love to do and also feel proud of. Our team members blog, write articles and are frequent (keynote) speakers at seminars and conferences.




Every single Everett person is Making Identity


This is how we do it.

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This is how we do it.














This is how we do it.

We have been around since 1999 and, during a critical time, developed a company specialised in Identity Solutions. Our expertise has allowed us to be a company that is of high value to our clients. We have the bandwidth to deliver across all of Europe. We lead in our capability to advise and deliver solutions that are fit-for-purpose.

Our market research is conducted by our Vision Board. This group of senior employees is elected annually and represents sales, management and delivery. Eight times a year the Vision Board comes together and discusses changes in the market, both from supplier and client perspectives. The Vision Board executes detailed solution analysis and advises Everett’s management team on go-to-market strategies and strategic partnerships. This way of working guarantees new ideas and fresh views on market demands, business trends, the state of technologies, and from that the best Identity Solutions possible for our clients.

Identity projects are not daily business for our clients, but it is for us. We feel the obligation to help our clients in the best possible way. We therefore have to lead them through relevant possibilities, options and solutions for their specific Identity Solution needs.





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This is how we do it.

In our industry it’s about trust and to be trusted.





representatives and advisors to our engineers and










This is how we do it.

We are in it for the long run. Estimations are going through a thorough process with advisors, engineers, management and sales involved. And our word is solid. Not only our written agreements, but also the verbal promises made by our team members. If we agree to start as soon as possible, starting without having exchanged final signatures can be discussed. If we work with a fixed budget, we never surprise our clients with an extra bill. If we agree upon ‘pay when satisfied’ we make sure our client is satisfied. We want to trust our clients and want our clients to trust us as if we were one of their own.



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This is how we do it.









This is how we do it.

For everyone in Team Everett there is room to develop their capabilities and work on projects they can excel in.

We aren’t a ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ company. We try to have fun during our work. While we develop solutions, lunch with each other at the Everett Headquarters and during our training sessions in Rome, London or in The Netherlands.

We also have fun together outside work due to a formal and active Employee Social Association fully funded by Everett. Social events with family and kids, celebrating our company’s anniversary and enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner with partners are as important as the social events we have with our clients.

We continuously share knowledge with our clients about business trends, innovations, products and solutions that are specific to their needs and of high value to them. These inspiring events are never complete without some fun and relaxing elements such as cooking together or teeing off with a 3-iron.




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This is how we do it.





Cutthroat behaviour isn’t tolerated and our





This is how we do it.

When we join forces with Clients and Strategic Partners we seek out those with the same values, the team members help each other to achieve greatness and create a stunning, inspiring and efficient working environment.

At every project we start with a kick off meeting. During this meeting roles, methodology, processes, milestones and deliverables are key subjects. However, more importantly, we make sure we meet and get to know the people we will work with; our clients’ stakeholders, team members and partners. We understand that when we are able to work on our relationship and work together as one team, we will be more efficient, have more fun and achieve better results.

We have and promote a culture of asking for help and feedback, helping each other and giving unsolicited feedback; we hold each other to a high standard of motivation, discipline, self-improvement, leadership and responsibility. Our core company assets are our people and the knowledge and experience they have built so we maximise that asset together.





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italian office

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This is why we are proud.


Everett is truly enabling TomTomtodeliverourclientsaseamlessonline





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lEt’s play.

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tHE namE kEEps us focusEd.

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