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Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology This is an Open Access artcle distributed under the terms of the Creatie Commons

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REFERÊNCIAANSELMOiLIMA,c Wilma T. et al. Rhinosinusits: eiidence and experience: a summary. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology,c São Paulo,c i. 81,c n. 1,c p. 8i18,c jan./fei. 2015. DOI: em: Acesso em: 17 out. 2019.

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Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;81(1):8---18

Brazilian Journal of


Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience. A summary

Rinossinusites: evidências e experiências. Um resumo

Wilma T. Anselmo-Limaa *, , Eulália Sakanob, Edwin Tamashiroa,André Alencar Araripe Nunesc, Atílio Maximino Fernandesd,Elizabeth Araújo Pereirae, Érica Ortizb, Fábio de Rezende Pinnaf,Fabrizio Ricci Romanof, Francini Grecco de Melo Paduag,João Ferreira de Mello Junior f, João Teles Juniorh, José Eduardo Lutaif Dolci i,Leonardo Lopes Balsalobre Filhog, Eduardo Macoto Kosugig,Marcelo Hamilton Sampaiob, Márcio Nakanishi j, Marco César Jorge dos Santosk,Nilvano Alves de Andradel, Olavo de Godoy Mionf, Otávio Bejzman Piltchere,Reginaldo Raimundo Fujitag, Renato Roithmanne, Richard Louis Voegels f,Roberto Eustaquio Santos Guimarãesm, Roberto Campos Meirellesh,

VictorRodrigo de Paula Santos Nakajiman,g, Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valeraa,Shirley Shizue Nagata Pignatari g

a Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilb Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazilc Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, CE, Brazild Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazile Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilf Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilg Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilh Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazili Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Santa Casa de São Paulo (FCMSC-SP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilj Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazilk Hospital Instituto Paranaense de Otorrinolaringologia, Curitiba, PR, Brazill Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazilm Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Braziln Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Available online 24 November 2014

Please cite this article as: Anselmo-Lima WT, Sakano E, Tamashiro E, Nunes AA, Fernandes AM, Pereira EA, et al. Rhinosinusitis: evidenceand experience. A summary. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;81:8---18.

Corresponding author.E-mail: [email protected] (W.T. Anselmo-Lima).© 2014 Associacão Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rightsreserved.

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Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience 9


Rhinosinusitis (RS) is an inflammatory process of the nasalmucosa, and it is classified as acute (<12 weeks) or chronic(≥12 weeks) according to the time required for the evolutionof signs and symptoms, and according to the severity of thecondition, as Mild, Moderate or Severe. Disease severity isclassified through the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (Fig. 1), from0 to 10 cm. The patient is asked to quantify from 0 to 10 thedegree of discomfort caused by the symptoms; zero meaningno discomfort, and 10, the greatest discomfort. Severity isthen classified as follows: Mild: 0---3 cm; moderate: >3---7 cm;Severe: >7---10 cm.1

Although VAS has only been validated for Chronic Rhi-nosinusitis (CRS) in adults, the European Position Paper onRhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS) 20121 also recom-mends its use for Acute Rhinosinusitis (ARS). There areseveral specific questionnaires for rhinosinusitis; however,in practice, most have limited application, particularly inacute conditions.2---4

Acute rhinosinusitis


Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is an inflammatory process of thenasal mucosa of sudden onset, lasting up to 12 weeks. It canoccur one or more times within a given period, but alwayswith complete remission of signs and symptoms betweenepisodes.


There are several classifications for rhinosinusitis. One ofthe most often used is the etiological classification, whichis based primarily on symptom duration:1

- Viral or common cold ARS: a generally self-limited condi-tion, in which symptom duration is less than ten days;

- Post-viral ARS: when there is worsening of symptoms fivedays after the onset of disease, or when symptoms persistfor more than ten days;

- Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS): small percentage ofpatients with post-viral ARS can develop ABRS.

The viral ARS or common cold has a symptom durationthat is traditionally less than 10 days. When there is symp-tom worsening around the fifth day, or persistence beyondten days (and less than 12 weeks), it could be classified asa post-viral RS. It is estimated that a small percentage ofpost-viral ARS develops into ABRS, around 0.5---2%.

Regardless of time of duration, the presence of at leastthree of the signs/symptoms below may suggest bacterialARS:


Figure 1 Visual Analog Scale (VAS).

- Nasal secretion (with unilateral predominance) and pres-ence of pus in the nasal cavity;

- Intense local pain (with unilateral predominance);- Fever >38 ◦C;- Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-

reactive protein (CRP) levels;- ‘‘Double worsening’’: acute relapse or deterioration after

the initial period of mild symptoms.

Clinical diagnosis

Signs and symptomsAt the level of primary health care and for epidemiologicalpurposes, ARS can be diagnosed based on symptoms alone,without detailed otorhinolaryngological examination and/orimaging studies. In these cases, the distinction betweentypes of ARS is mainly by means of medical history andphysical examination performed by medical generalists andspecialists, either otorhinolaryngologists or not. It is worthmentioning that, at the time of the medical assessment,patients may fail to report ‘‘worsening’’ if not asked specif-ically. The history of a duration of symptoms lasting a fewdays followed by a relapse is frequent. It is up to the assis-tant physician to recognize that, and in most cases, it couldrepresent the evolution of the same disease, from a viralARS to a post-viral one, rather than two distinct infections.Subjective evaluation of patients with ARS and its diagnosisare based on the presence of two or more of the followingcardinal symptoms:1

• Nasal obstruction/congestion;• Anterior or posterior nasal discharge/rhinorrhea (most

often, but not always, purulent);• Facial pain/pressure/headache;• Olfactory disorder.

In addition to the above symptoms, odynophagia, dyspho-nia, cough, ear fullness and pressure and systemic symptomssuch as asthenia, malaise and fever may also occur. The fewstudies on the frequency of these symptoms in ARS in thecommunity have shown great variability.5---7 The possibilityof ABRS is greater in the presence of three or more of thefollowing signs and symptoms:1

• Nasal secretion/presence of pus in the nasal cavity withunilateral predominance;

• Local pain with unilateral predominance;• Fever >38 ◦C;• Symptom worsening/deterioration after the initial dis-

ease period;• Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-

reactive protein (CRP) levels.

ARS symptoms have a characteristically sudden onset,without a recent history of rhinosinusitis symptoms. In theacute exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), diagnos-tic criteria and treatments similar to those used for ARSshould be used.1 Cough, although considered an impor-tant symptom according to most international guidelines,is not one of the cardinal symptoms in this document. Inthe pediatric population, however, cough is identified as

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10 Anselmo-Lima WT et al.

one of the four cardinal symptoms, rather than olfactorydisorders.1,8

Nasal obstruction is one of the important symptoms ofARS and should be evaluated together with other patientcomplaints. Although methods of objective evaluation ofnasal obstruction such as rhinomanometry, nasal peak inspi-ratory flow and acoustic rhinometry are rarely applied indaily practice in patients with ARS, studies have shown goodcorrelation between the symptoms reported by patients andobjective measurements obtained by these methods.1

Purulent rhinorrhea is often interpreted in clinicalpractice as an indicator of bacterial infection requiring theuse of antibiotics.9,10 However, the evidence for this asso-ciation is limited. Despite being a symptom that seems toincrease the chances of positive bacterial culture, purulentrhinorrhea alone does not characterize ABRS.11 Purulent rhi-norrhea with unilateral predominance and the presence ofpus in the nasal cavity have a positive predictive value ofonly 50% and 17%, respectively, for positive bacterial cultureobtained by maxillary sinus aspirate.12 Therefore, the pres-ence of purulent rhinorrhea does not necessarily indicate theexistence of bacterial infection and should not be consid-ered as an isolated criterion for antibiotic prescription.11---13

Reduction in the sense of smell is one of the mostdifficult symptoms to quantify in clinical practice and isusually evaluated only subjectively. Hyposmia and anosmiaare complaints commonly associated with ARS, which canbe assessed by validated objective tests and with subjec-tive scales that exhibit good correlation.14,15 It is importantthat these olfactory function tests go through the processof translation, cultural and socioeconomic adaptation to beused in different populations.16

Facial pain and pressure commonly occur in ARS. Whenunilateral, facial or even dental pain has been considereda predictor of acute maxillary sinusitis.5,17 The complaintof dental pain in the upper teeth on the topography ofthe maxillary sinus showed a statistically significant asso-ciation with the presence of positive bacterial culture,with a predominance of Streptococcus pneumoniae andHaemophilus influenzae, obtained by sinus aspirate.18 How-ever, in another study, the positive predictive value of theunilateral face pain symptom for bacterial infection was only41%.17

Several studies and guidelines have sought to define thecombination of symptoms that best determine the higherprobability of bacterial infection and antibiotic response.1

In the study by Berg and Carenfelt,7 the presence of twoor more findings (purulent rhinorrhea and local pain withunilateral predominance, pus in the nasal cavity and bilat-eral purulent rhinorrhea) showed 95% sensitivity and 77%specificity for the diagnosis of ABRS.

Clinical examination of the patient with ARS shouldinvolve, initially, the measurement of vital signs and physi-cal examination of the head and neck, with special attentionto the presence of localized or diffuse facial edema. Atthe oroscopy, posterior purulent secretion in the orophar-ynx is an important finding.8 Anterior rhinoscopy is a part ofthe physical examination that should be performed in theprimary evaluation of patients with nasal symptoms, andalthough it offers limited information, it may disclose impor-tant aspects of the nasal mucosa and secretions.1 Fevermay be present in some patients with ARS in the first days

of infection,19 and when higher than 38 ◦C it is consideredindicative of more severe disease and may indicate theneed for more aggressive treatment, especially when associ-ated with other severe symptoms. Fever is also significantlyassociated with positive bacterial culture obtained by nasalaspirate especially S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae.

Despite the limited data in the literature, in patientswith ARS, the presence of edema and pain on palpation ofthe maxillofacial region may be indicative of more severedisease, requiring antibiotics.9

At the primary health care levels, nasal endoscopy isgenerally not routinely available and is not considered acompulsory examination for the diagnosis of ARS. Whenavailable, it allows the specialist better visualization ofthe nasal anatomy and topographic diagnosis, as well as anopportunity to obtain material for microbiological analysis.1

At the assessment and clinical examination of patients,possible variations between geographical regions and dif-ferent populations should be considered. Climatic, social,economic and cultural differences, as well as diverse oppor-tunity of health care access, among other factors, maychange the subjective perception of the disease, as well aspotentially generate peculiar clinical features. The impor-tance of this variability is unknown from the point of viewof scientific evidence; more studies are necessary to detectthem.


There is worldwide concern with the indiscriminate use ofantibiotics and with the development of bacterial resistanceexists worldwide. It is estimated that approximately 50 mil-lion antibiotic prescriptions for rhinosinusitis in the USA areunnecessary, being prescribed for viral infections. When thepatient follows a more selective algorithm for antibiotictreatment, the benefit is greater, and it is only necessary totreat three patients for one to reach the expected result.20

Thus, there is a worldwide trend to treat ARS according todisease severity and duration.

AntibioticsMeta-analyses with placebo-controlled, randomized,double-blind clinical trials show the efficacy of antibioticsin improving symptoms of patients with ABRS, especially ifadministered carefully. They are not indicated in cases ofviral rhinosinusitis, as they do not alter the disease course,21

and should never be prescribed as symptomatic treatment,thus avoiding indiscriminate use that may contribute toincreased bacterial resistance.22

Clinical studies have demonstrated that approximately65% of the patients diagnosed with ABRS have spontaneousclinical resolution,23 and in some cases mild ABRS can resolvespontaneously within the first ten days;21 therefore, theinitial adjuvant treatment, without antibiotics, may be aviable option for mild and/or post-viral RS. The introduc-tion of antibiotics should be considered when there is noimprovement after treatment with adjuvant measures or ifthe symptoms are increasing in severity. Antibiotics are indi-cated in cases of moderate to severe ABRS, in patients withsevere symptoms (fever >37.8 ◦C and severe facial pain) andin immunocompromised patients, regardless of the disease

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Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience 11

duration, and in cases of mild or uncomplicated ABRS thatdo not improve with initial treatment with topical nasalcorticosteroids.24,25

There are no studies to define the optimal duration oftreatment with antibiotics. In general, treatment durationis 7---10 days for most antimicrobial agents and 14 days forclarithromycin. Amoxicillin is considered the first choiceantibiotic in primary health care centers, due to its effec-tiveness and low cost. Macrolides have comparable efficacyto amoxicillin and are indicated for patients allergic to�-lactam antibiotics.22,25,26 In cases of suspected S. pneu-moniae resistant to penicillin, severe cases and/or casesassociated with comorbidities, broad-spectrum antimicro-bials are indicated.

Intranasal topical corticosteroidsPatients older than 12 years with post-viral RS, or uncompli-cated ABRS patients with mild or moderate symptoms,24 andwithout fever or intense facial pain,25 benefit from topicalnasal corticosteroids as monotherapy. In addition to reliev-ing the symptoms of rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sinuspain, and facial pain/pressure,24 topical corticosteroids min-imize the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, reducing the riskof bacterial resistance.25

Studies have suggested that topical nasal corticosteroidsassociated with appropriate antibiotic therapy result inmore rapid relief of general and specific symptoms ofRS, especially congestion and facial pain,27---32 acceleratingpatient recovery, even when there is no significant improve-ment in radiographic images.30,31,33 However, the optimaldose and time of treatment are yet to be established.28---31

Although there are no studies that compare the effective-ness of different types of nasal corticoids in ARS, many ofthem, such as budesonide, mometasone furoate and flu-ticasone propionate have shown benefits.33 Their use isrecommended for at least 14 days for symptom improve-ment.

Oral corticosteroidsThe use of oral corticosteroids is recommended for adultpatients with ABRS who have intense facial pain, as long asthey have no contraindications to their use.34,35 Oral cor-ticosteroids should be used for three to five days, only inthe first few days of the acute event, and always asso-ciated with antibiotic therapy, shortening the duration offacial pain34 and decreasing the consumption of conven-tional analgesics.35 The evaluation after 10---14 days oftreatment shows that there are no significant differencesin symptom resolution or treatment failure when compar-ing isolated antibiotic therapy with oral corticosteroids.35

The few studies in the literature using oral corticosteroidsin the treatment of ABRS have shown favorable results withmethylprednisolone and prednisone.

Nasal lavageDespite the frequent use of isotonic or hypertonic salinesolution in the nasal lavage of patients with rhinitis and RS,little is known about its real benefit in ARS.

Randomized trials36 comparing nasal lavage with phys-iological saline solution and hypertonic solution showedgreater patient intolerance to the hypertonic solution.

A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled, randomized anddouble-blind trials showed limited benefit of nasal irrigationwith nasal saline solution in adults, in general, not demon-strating, any difference between patients and controlgroups. Only one study showed a mean difference ofimprovement in the time of symptom resolution of 0.3 days,without statistical significance.37

In another meta-analysis in patients younger than 18years with ARS, there was no clear evidence that antihis-tamines, decongestants and nasal lavage were effective inchildren with ARS.38

Despite little evidence of clinical benefit, the use of nasalsaline lavage is generally recommended in patients withARS. It results in improved ciliary function, reduces mucosaledema and inflammatory mediators, thus helping to cleanthe nasal cavity of the secretions of the infectious processes,and has no reported side effects.39

Chronic rhinosinusitis


CRS is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa thatpersists for at least 12 weeks. In specific cases, an isolatedsinus involvement can be observed, as occurs in odontogenicsinusitis or in fungal ball. It can be divided phenotypicallyinto two main entities: CRS with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP)and CRS without nasal polyposis (CRSsNP). Currently, thereis evidence to suggest that these two entities have distinctphysiopathogenic mechanisms.

CRS is a common disease in the population and studies onits epidemiological data are important to evaluate its distri-bution, analyze its risk factors and promote public healthpolicies. However, such data are scarce in the literature.Additionally, different definitions and the heterogeneity ofmethodologies used in the studies --- and, consequently, inthe results obtained --- make it difficult to compare data.

Clinical diagnosis

Several clinical tests have been developed for the clinicaldiagnosis of CRS, but in most patients it is based only onthe presence of sinonasal signs and symptoms, with a dura-tion of greater than 12 weeks.40---42 Sinonasal endoscopy andcomputed tomography (CT) are complementary examina-tions and help in disease classification. In both the CRSwNPand CRSsNP forms, the main symptoms are:

• Nasal obstruction41,42: Extremely subjective symptom. Itis one of the most frequent complaints in clinical practice,affecting approximately 83.7% of the patients,43 beingeven more important in patients with nasal polyposis. It iscaused by the congestion of sinusoidal vessels, resultingin local edema, followed by tissue fibrosis, and it sub-sequently only resolves with the use of vasoconstrictors.Although it is a subjective symptom, several articles in theliterature have validated nasal obstruction as an impor-tant symptom of CRS, using acoustic rhinomanometry andpeak nasal inspiratory flow.44

• Rhinorrhea: It can be anterior or posterior, and can varyfrom hyaline to mucopurulent secretion and is present in

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12 Anselmo-Lima WT et al.

63.6% of the patients with CRS. It may also be associ-ated with cacosmia, cough and hoarseness. It is a difficultsymptom to validate or quantify.43

• Olfactory disorders: Hyposmia or even anosmia is fre-quent, especially in CRSwNP, found in up to 46% of thepatients.42,43 It can be caused by an obstructive process(polyps), mucosal edema and/or degeneration causedby the chronic inflammatory process, with or withoutthe presence of nasal polyps,45 or due to local surgicalprocedures.40 There are several tests with excellent lev-els of evidence in the literature, which show olfactorydisorders in patients with CRS.15

• Facial pain or pressure: Symptom with variable preva-lence (18---80%).1 It is more often found in CRSwNP, inpatients with allergic rhinitis of difficult control or dur-ing exacerbation processes.1 Rhinogenic headache is andiagnosis of exclusion, according to the InternationalHeadache Society (IHS).1

• Cough: It is a frequent symptom in childhood, oftenunproductive, and may be the only manifestation presentin CRS. In addition to the usual symptoms, such asphlegm, pharyngeal-laryngeal irritation, dysphonia, hal-itosis, ear fullness, adynamia and sleep disorders shouldbe questioned.40---42 During the interview, it is important,in addition to the classic symptoms already described,to include questions about systemic diseases and predis-posing factors that may favor the development of CRS.Personal habits such as smoking, cocaine use, exposureto toxic inhalants, type of climate in the region wherethe patient resides and environmental pollution shouldbe investigated.

• Physical examination: Anterior rhinoscopy (with andwithout vasoconstrictor): it is of limited usefulness,except in cases of polyposis, when polyps can be visu-alized by the simple inspection of the nasal vestibule.However, it is important to describe signs such as hyper-trophic inferior and middle turbinates, septal deviationsor mucosal degeneration. It is worth mentioning thatthere are no pathognomonic signs of CRS.1,41

• Oropharyngoscopy: The presence of retropalatal muco-catarrhal secretion explains the symptom of postnasaldischarge, regardless of the color.1,41,42

Complementary examinations

Nasal endoscopyNasal endoscopy allows the systematic visualization of thenasal cavity (inferior, middle and upper turbinate), nasalseptum, in addition to the nasopharynx and drainage path-ways, and it can be performed with and without topical nasaldecongestants. The presence of polyps, mucosal degener-ation, secretion, crusts, structural alterations, scars andnasal tumors may also be observed. It can be performedat baseline or at regular intervals (e.g., 3, 6, 9, and 12months) to aid diagnosis, to supervise disease follow-up andpostoperative periods, as well as to collect material for sup-plementary tests.46,47

It is important to perform a systematic assessment ofthe nasal cavities, such as: examination of the nasal sep-tum, turbinates, visualization of the middle meatus, of thesphenoethmoidal recess and of the nasopharynx. It is also

necessary to verify the presence of crusts, ulcerations, sep-tal perforation, signs of nasal bleeding as well as secretions,and to exclude the possibility of associated polyposis andexpansive lesions. It is very important to perform the endo-scopic assessment of patients who are undergoing or havepreviously had surgery. The evidence of mucosal disease sixmonths after surgery should be considered as CRS. Anotherfactor to be taken into account in patients with previoussurgery is the recirculation of mucus by not including thenatural ostium of the maxillary sinus in the antrostomy.Nasal endoscopy is an examination of the utmost impor-tance to aid diagnosis, to supervise disease follow-up andin the postoperative period, as well as to collect materialfor supplementary tests.

Imaging assessmentCT is the method of choice for CRS; however, it is not thefirst step to attain diagnosis, except in cases of unilateralsigns and symptoms and suspected complication.

Bacterioscopy/sinus secretion cultureIndicated in cases refractory to treatment, and when thematerial collected is not contaminated. It is performed bypuncture of the maxillary sinus through the canine fossa andusing an endoscope, with the collection being performed inthe middle meatus.48

BiopsyIt is important for the study and classification of the inflam-matory state of the CRS and nasal polyposis and it isindicated for the differential diagnosis of autoimmune, gran-ulomatous diseases and to rule out neoplasms (especially inunilateral cases).

CommentsThe diagnostic investigation of CRS is based on the patient’snatural history, signs and symptoms, endoscopic examina-tion and CT. The latter is considered a main factor in theanalysis of disease evolution and in the decision for surgicalintervention. The multiple causes of CRS can only provokemanifestations in the sinonasal region, but one shouldremember that the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses mayreflect the onset of systemic diseases. The identification ofpredisposing factors and diseases associated with RS are ofthe utmost importance for adequate patient management.

Clinical treatment

Treatment with systemic and topical antimicrobialsThe increasing perception of CRS as a multifactorial inflam-matory process has been expressed clearly in the latestconsensus, i.e., it is not a persistent bacterial infection.49

This fact has led to a mandatory theoretical reassessment ofantimicrobial use for the treatment of this entity. Howeverin practice, unfortunately, it is not surprising that, this groupof drugs remains as a constant part of the drug arsenal usedin the everyday life of these patients, as well as persistentlyidentified among the different proposals for the manage-ment of this disease.50 This is possibly due to lack of bothalternatives and knowledge about the presence of bacte-ria in the paranasal sinuses of these patients as free form

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Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience 13

and/or biofilm. This main theoretical basis for the choice ofantibiotics also suffers from tools that allow the differentia-tion of the actual role of the bacteria found in the paranasalsinuses, as their identification alone does not mean the pres-ence of an infectious or inflammatory condition in responseto their presence.51 However, the identification of bacteriasuch as Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas at higher per-centages in patients with recurrent events (postoperative)continues to perpetuate the belief that they are part of theCRS pathogenesis. For the purpose of illustration and ques-tioning, in spite of the statistically significant analysis, itis noteworthy that in terms of percentage, the number ofpositive cultures in this study was high both in the groupwith poor outcome and in the group with favorable outcome(87% vs. 73%), and for these specific bacteria the absolutedifference was of 14% (39% vs. 25%).52

Recent studies have investigated bacteria as necessaryand accountable elements, depending on their interactionwith the host, to maintain the balance of the inflammatoryresponse. The topical use of probiotics and bacteria in anattempt to establish flora and biofilm inductors of sinonasalhomeostasis is an example.53

Over the past five years, there has been no new dramaticevidence for the use of antimicrobials in CRS. Neverthe-less, there is a recommendation for macrolide use in thelong term, for instance, in the absence of elevated serumIgE.1,54---58 Meltzer et al.,59 in a review article, concludedthere is lack of publications capable of defining a proveneffective proposal for the treatment of CRS, and empha-sized that, for as long as the different presentations of thedisease are not well defined, several treatments will followwith limitations in result interpretation and extrapolation.They also stressed that there are signs of increased inter-est in the development of research; however, the simplecomparison of current records of randomized controlled tri-als (RCTs) versus placebo, i.e., designs that are adequatefor the search of such responses at the National Instituteof Health (NIH --- does not allow the verifi-cation of this effort. (, more specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, ran-domization, prospective design, and study control arms arerequired for the study of antibiotic treatment in CRS.

CommentsThis is a warning regarding the frequent use of antimicro-bials and the importance of being able to differentiate themamong the therapeutic options for the CRS. Moreover, thereis not enough information in order for their use to be com-pletely discarded. It is necessary to find ways to identifythe exact patient who could benefit from the use of antimi-crobials in cases of unequivocal clinical flare-up and betteridentify the involved agents through culture and sensitivitytesting. The choice of extended antimicrobial use in CRSwNPcases, in which there is persistence of severe symptomsthat have not improved with multiple treatments, includ-ing surgery, and even so, without serum IgE elevation, stilllacks proof of benefit and its possible biological effects mustbe carefully considered when restricting its use. There is notenough evidence, in quantitative and qualitative terms, torecommend the use of topical antibiotics for CRS with andwithout nasal polyposis.

Corticosteroids in chronic rhinosinusitisTherapy with topical and/or systemic corticosteroids (CS) isa valuable resource in the treatment of CRS. This effect hasbeen more decisively demonstrated in patients with poly-posis. Although more evidence-based proof and studies arenecessary, these agents are considered an adjuvant in thefight against CRS in general, especially when used topically.Their systemic administration is suggested for CRS cases withuncontrolled symptoms, in which the aim is to decrease,even temporarily, the disease impact on the patient’s life.In these situations, it is recommended to use the lowesteffective dose for the shortest possible time to minimizethe potentially severe side effects.

Preoperative use in patients with surgical indicationAlthough there are differences of opinion, patients withpurulent CRSsNP can receive amoxicillin clavulanate 875 mgevery 12 hours or cefuroxime 500 mg every 12 hours pre-operatively for 7---10 days, and maintain the treatmentpostoperatively for 7---21 days. In some cases, fluoro-quinolones and macrolides may be prescribed.

In patients with CRSwNP, the use of oral corticosteroidsfor three to five days is suggested, maintaining the treat-ment postoperatively, depending on the extent of disease.Example: prednisolone 0.50 mg/kg/day. Irrigation of thenasal mucosa with saline (isotonic) and hypertonic solutions,with and without preservatives, is a classic and safe measurein the treatment of CRS and very useful in mobilizing sec-retions and hydrating the mucosa pre- and postoperatively.There is no evidence for their action as isolated treatment.49

Surgical treatment: techniquesSeveral surgical techniques have been described for patientswith CRSwNP and CRSsNP, refractory to medical treatment.It is worth mentioning that there is no gold standard tech-nique that can be applied to all cases. Due to the lackof randomized controlled trials, several aspects of surgicalmanagement remain controversial. The most important ofthem is the extent of surgical dissection. As a result, cur-rent guidelines, primarily based on case-series studies andexpert opinion, indicate that surgical management shouldbe individualized. The current trend in CRS with and with-out nasal polyposis (NP) is surgical dissection, extending asfar as the extent of the disease.1

The most frequent surgical approach is the endonasalaccess. However, some cases may require external or a com-bined access. Examples are lateral maxillary or frontal sinuslesions, or even in cases with a lack of reliable anatomicallandmarks for an exclusively endonasal approach. Regard-less of the technique and instrumentation used, there isclearly a learning curve in endoscopic sinonasal surgery. Itis essential that the surgeon has deep knowledge of thesurgical anatomy and undergoes previous training throughspecific courses to learn dissection of the nose and paranasalsinuses.

The surgical treatment of CRS has expanded greatlybecause of the use of nasal endoscopy. The image accu-racy provided by endoscopes (Optical 0 degree wide angle),as well as their angulations (30, 45 and 70 degrees),allow the visualization of all the details and recessesof the paranasal cavities. Moreover, the development of

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14 Anselmo-Lima WT et al.

other specific equipment and instruments for intranasaland sinus approach (e.g., dilation balloons, neuronavigatorand microdebrider) allows performing surgical proceduresranging from simple dilation of the drainage ostia to com-plete marsupialization of paranasal sinuses into the nasalcavity.60---62

Postoperative treatment --- topicalSeveral products have become available for postoperativetopical treatment. They can be used at high or low vol-umes with high, low or negative pressure.63 The capacityof the drug to reach the appropriate anatomical regionin the paranasal sinuses has been the subject of exten-sive research over the past five years. The effective topicaltherapy depends on several factors such as application tech-nique, postoperative sinonasal anatomy and fluid dynamics(volume, pressure, position). These combined factors seemto have significant impact on the effectiveness of topicaltherapy in patients’ sinonasal mucosa.64---67

The mechanical removal of mucus, antigen, pollutants,inflammatory products and bacteria/biofilms is the aim oftopical treatment. This intervention very often depends onhigh-volume positive-pressure solutions to supply shearingforces that can change the surface tension between liquidand air. However, the same approach may not be appropriatefor the use of pharmaceutical solutions that require prop-erties promoting complete distribution within the paranasalsinus, long time of contact with the mucosa for local absorp-tion and minimal wastage.63

It is considered very important to continue medical treat-ment postoperatively in almost all forms of CRS. Currently,it is recommended to use nasal saline wash and topicalnasal corticosteroids after sinonasal endoscopic surgery forCRS.63,68 The drug use directly at the disease site hasthe advantage of allowing high local doses and minimiz-ing side effects.64 The distribution of the topical solutionto the non-operated sinuses seems to be limited. Thus,sinonasal endoscopic surgery is essential to allow effectivetopical distribution to the paranasal sinuses.1 Postoperativedistribution is superior with high-volume positive-pressuredevices.65---67 Low-volume sprays and drops have poor distri-bution and should be considered as treatment only for thenasal cavity, especially before sinonasal endoscopic surgery.There are limited data on the exact amount necessaryto allow complete distribution. Nasal lavage with isotonicsaline solution may be used in the immediate CRS postopera-tive period, as well as topical nasal corticosteroids, whichmay be started two to three weeks after surgery, or aftercrust disappearance. There are no relevant data in the liter-ature to support the postoperative use of other nasal topicalagents in CRS.

Postoperative treatment --- systemicCorticosteroids (CS). After the surgical treatment of CRS,systemic corticosteroids (CS) can be used in basically twoways: in short doses, of between seven and 14 days, withdose maintenance for the entire treatment, or for longerperiods, using tapering doses.69,70 The primary role of theCS in this type of disease is to reduce mucosal inflammation,thus providing better surgical outcomes. However, use of this

medication is still avoided by many surgeons due to theirpotential side effects.Antibiotics. The purpose of antibiotic use postoperativelyis to prevent infection of the secretions retained in theparanasal sinuses immediately after surgery. If there is puru-lent secretion during the surgical procedure, antibioticsshould be prescribed, based on the culture and sensitivitytesting. Otherwise, antibiotics effective against the mostcommon pathogens should be employed.70

Despite the scarcity of literature data on antibiotic effec-tiveness in the postoperative period of endoscopic sinonasalsurgery, it is believed that they can improve symptoms andendoscopic appearance, if used for a longer period (at least14 days), but there are no conclusive data about the durationof these benefits. In general, penicillin derivatives, particu-larly amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and cefuroxime axetil arethe agents most often used.

Special aspects of rhinosinusitis in children


The clinical diagnosis of ARS in children is not easy to attain.Many symptoms are common to other childhood diseasessuch as colds, flu and allergic rhinitis. Additionally, thereare limitations and difficulties related to the clinical exam-ination in the pediatric population.

Most common signs and symptoms

Studies in children with ARS show that the clinical pictureoften includes fever (50---60%), rhinorrhea (71---80%), cough(50---80%) and pain (29---33%),71 plus retronasal secretion andnasal obstruction.72 In children up to preschool age, the painsymptom has a low prevalence, being replaced by coughing.As for schoolchildren and adolescents, pain as a symptombecomes more common.

Although there are not many studies, most medical pro-fessionals and guidelines recommend that the diagnosis ofbacterial ARS be clinical, based on the time of evolution(URTI symptoms for more than 10 days), the abrupt onset ofhigh-intensity symptoms (as early as in the first 4 days), orsymptom worsening after an initial period of improvementduring a URTI, known as double worsening. The follow-ing may be part of the signs and symptoms: high fever,profuse nasal purulent discharge, periorbital edema andfacial pain.1,72---76

Clinical examination

In addition to the abovementioned signs and symptoms,nasal endoscopy helps in diagnosing and differentiatingbetween viral and bacterial disease, enhancing the visu-alization of nasal secretion and the nasopharynx. Whenpositive for ABRS (purulent secretion draining from the mid-dle meatus), the diagnosis is confirmed. However, purulentsecretions are not always easy to visualize in children. More-over, despite the high specificity, it has a low degree ofsensitivity, as a negative test does not exclude the diagnosisof ABRS.

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Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience 15

Imaging study

There is a near consensus in all the most recent guidelinesthat the diagnosis of ARS should not be based on radiologicalstudies, particularly on plain radiographs.1,73,76

Viral processes in children often involve the sinuses. Chil-dren exhibiting symptoms of URTI with at least six daysduration of the clinical picture usually show signs of abnor-mality in all sinuses: maxillary and ethmoid, sphenoid andfrontal, in order of frequency. The opacification is nonspe-cific and may occur in viral, bacterial and allergic processes,as well as in tumors, or even due to sinus nonformation inparticular.

CT studies in children with a clinical picture suggestiveof ARS showed that even the most important findings showsignificant regression of alterations after two weeks.77 Indi-cations for CT in acute sinus conditions should therefore bereserved for patients who do not improve and whose symp-toms persist after appropriate therapy, as well as those withsuspected complications.74

Drug treatment of ARS in children

Most are self-limited, resolving spontaneously.1

Antibiotic therapyResults of meta-analysis suggest that the rate of improve-ment and resolution in ARS between 7 and 15 days isslightly higher when antibiotic therapy is used.78 For thisreason, it is believed that antibiotics should be reserved formore severe cases or when there are concomitant diseasespresent that could be exacerbated by ARS, such as asthmaand chronic bronchitis.1,73,75 However, there is no univer-sal consensus regarding antibiotic use in ARS. In general,amoxicillin (40 mg/kg/day or 80 mg/kg/day) is still indicatedas a reasonable initial treatment in most studies. Amoxi-cillin/clavulanate and cephalosporins are considered goodoptions against beta lactamase producers1 and are indicatedin cases of first treatment failure.

Similar to the recommendations for acute otitis media,in ARS there is also the option of a single dose of ceftria-xone 50 mg/kg IV (intravenous) or IM (intramuscular) forchildren who are vomiting and thus unable to tolerate oralmedication.11---13 If there is clinical improvement in 24 h,treatment is completed with oral antibiotics.75

For penicillin-allergic patients, there is some contro-versy among the latest international guidelines. Someconsider trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, macrolides andclindamycin good first choices1 in these situations. Others donot recommend the use of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazoleand macrolides due to the increasing resistance of Pneumo-cocci and H. influenzae to these drugs, and suggest aquinolone, such as levofloxacin, as an alternative, especiallyin older children, even in view of toxicity, high cost andemerging resistance.79,80 There are no reviews on the opti-mal treatment duration. Recommendations based on clinicalobservations have shown varied results, from 10 to 28 daysof treatment. One suggestion has been to maintain therapyfor seven days after symptom resolution.81

Intranasal corticosteroidsIntranasal CS for three weeks associated with the antibi-otic seems to have advantages when compared to treatmentof ARS in children and adolescents with antibiotic alone,especially in relation to cough and nasal discharge.28,35,38

There is also some evidence, based on a single double-blind,randomized trial, that in patients older than 12 years, adouble dose of intranasal CS as a single drug may be moreeffective in controlling the ARS than the antibiotic therapyalone.28

Recurrent ARS (RARS)Most authors agree that RARS is defined by acute episodeslasting less than 30 days, with intervals of at least 10 dayswith a completely asymptomatic patient. According to someauthors, the patient should have at least four episodes a yearto meet the criteria for recurrence.75

As in chronic conditions, one should seek to rule outsome causes of systemic origin. The investigation shouldinclude allergic processes, by performing specific tests;immunoglobulin deficiencies, with quantitative research,particularly IgA and IgG; cystic fibrosis; gastroesophagealreflux, and ciliary diseases.82 Pharyngeal tonsil hypertro-phy, even mild, should also be considered, since it can actas a reservoir for pathogens. Anatomical factors, althoughusually not relevant in children, should also be ruled out(concha bullosa, septal deviation, etc.). In these cases, CT,nasal endoscopy and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)may aid in the diagnosis of the obstructive process and ofmalformation.

The bacteriology is the same as for ARS and, there-fore, the treatment of the acute phase should follow thesame principles.83 Unfortunately, it is necessary to recog-nize that the frequent use of antibiotics at short intervalscan contribute to bacterial resistance. Prophylaxis withantimicrobials should be reserved for exceptional cases,usually those with confirmed underlying diseases, particu-larly immunodeficiencies.

The following overall prophylactic measures are recom-mended: annual vaccination for influenza and pneumococcalvaccine. In cases where allergic rhinitis or gastroesophagealreflux are associated, the frequency of acute eventsdecreases when the associated disease is treated. Severalstudies have demonstrated that immunostimulatory medi-cations such as bacterial lysates help control recurrent viraland bacterial RTIs, and may be an adjunct therapy in thecontrol of RARS.84

Particularities of chronic rhinosinusitis inchildren

CRS in children is not as frequently studied as it is in adultsand its prevalence has not yet been fully established. Itis believed that several factors contribute to the disease,including inflammatory and bacteriological factors, and thatthe pharyngeal tonsil is an important factor in this age group.Treatment is primarily with drugs, and surgical therapy isreserved for the minority of patients.

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16 Anselmo-Lima WT et al.

Clinical and diagnostic picture

The clinical diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis in children isstill considered a challenge, as it often overlaps those ofother common childhood diseases, such as viral infectionsof the upper respiratory tract, hypertrophy, with or withoutinfection of the pharyngeal tonsils and adenoids and allergicrhinitis. The most important signs and symptoms includenasal blockage/obstruction/congestion, rhinorrhea (ante-rior/posterior), ± facial pain/pressure, cough ± and/orendoscopic signs of disease. CT can show relevant changesin the paranasal sinuses.1

Imaging studies

Studies that have assessed the incidence of abnormalitiesin the paranasal sinuses on CT, obtained for clinical reasonsunrelated to the CRS in children have shown a percentage ofsinus radiographic abnormalities ranging from 18%2,3 to 45%,percentages that are similar to those found in children withCRS symptoms. This demonstrates that the significance ofan imaging study is relative and must always be consideredtogether with the clinical picture.


There are few studies on the bacteriology of CRS in children.Microorganisms that have already been found in aspiratesor intraoperatively include: S. alpha hemolytic and Staphy-lococcus aureus, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and M.catarrhalis, as well as anaerobic organisms such as bac-teroides and Brook I fusobacterium.85---87


Drug treatmentCurrent studies demonstrate that the treatment of CRS inchildren with antibiotics for a short period of time is notjustifiable.1 On the other hand, both nasal CS and salinesolution have shown benefits, and are considered first-linetreatments for this disease, with or without the presence ofpolyps.88,89

Surgical treatmentThe surgical approach should always be reserved for specialcases, i.e., children who have not responded to appropriatemedical treatment. Studies have shown significant improve-ment in the clinical picture and in quality of life, withoutnegative repercussions in relation to facial osteoskeletalsequelae.90 Unfortunately, the majority of studies sup-porting this recommendation do not have a prospective,randomized design. In general, the surgical approach, whenindicated, may consist initially of an adenoidectomy,90 withmaxillary sinus lavage.91 Surgery can be performed with orwithout balloon dilation,92,93 followed by paranasal sinusendoscopic surgery in case of symptom recurrence.94 Incases of children with cystic fibrosis, NP, antrochoanal polypsor allergic fungal RS, endoscopic surgery is the first option.Perhaps future studies comparing the different methodsof treatment with standardized symptom questionnaire,

pre- and postoperatively, can guide the best therapeuticapproach in pediatric patients with CRS.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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In the article ‘‘Rhinosinusitis: evidence and experience. A summary’’ [Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;81(1):8-18], which reads:

Wilma T. Anselmo-Limaa, Eulália Sakanob, Edwin Tamashiroa, André Alencar Araripe Nunesc, Atílio Maximino Fernandesd, Elizabeth Araújo Pereirae, Érica Ortizb, Fábio de Rezende Pinnaf, Fabrizio Ricci Romanof, Francini Grecco de Melo Paduag, João Ferreira Mello Juniorf, João Teles Juniorh, José Eduardo Lutaif Dolcii, Leonardo Lopes Balsalobre Filhog, Eduardo Macoto Kosugig, Marcelo Hamilton Sampaiob, Márcio Nakanishij, Marco César Jorge dos Santosk, Nilvano Alves de Andradel, Olavo de Godoy Mionf, Otávio Bejzman Piltchere, Reginaldo Raimundo Fujitag, Renato Roithmanne, Richard Louis Voegelsf, Roberto Eustaquio Santos Guimarãesm, Roberto Campos Meirelesh, Victor Nakajiman, Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valeraa, Shirley Shizue Nagata Pignatarih

a Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilb Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazilc Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, CE, Brazild Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazile Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilf Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilg Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilh Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazili Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Santa Casa de São Paulo (FCMSC-SP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilj Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazilk Hospital Instituto Paranaense de Otorrinolaringologia, Curitiba, PR, Brazill Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazilm Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Braziln Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil

It should read:

Wilma T. Anselmo-Limaa, Eulália Sakanob, Edwin Tamashiroa, André Alencar Araripe Nunesc, Atílio Maximino Fernandesd, Elizabeth Araújo Pereirae, Érica Ortizb, Fábio de Rezende Pinnaf, Fabrizio Ricci Romanof, Francini Grecco de Melo Paduag, João Ferreira de Mello Juniorf, João Teles Juniorh, José Eduardo Lutaif Dolcii, Leonardo Lopes Balsalobre Filhog, Eduardo Macoto Kosugig, Marcelo Hamilton Sampaiob, Márcio Nakanishij, Marco César Jorge dos Santosk, Nilvano Alves de Andradel, Olavo de Godoy Mionf, Otávio Bejzman Piltchere, Reginaldo Raimundo Fujitag, Renato Roithmanne, Richard Louis Voegelsf, Roberto Eustaquio Santos Guimarãesm, Roberto Campos Meirellesh, Rodrigo de Paula Santosg, Victor Nakajiman, Fabiana Cardoso Pereira Valeraa, Shirley Shizue Nagata Pignatarig

a Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilb Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazilc Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, CE, Brazild Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazile Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilf Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilg Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilh Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazili Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Santa Casa de São Paulo (FCMSC-SP), São Paulo, SP, Brazilj Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazilk Hospital Instituto Paranaense de Otorrinolaringologia, Curitiba, PR, Brazill Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazilm Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Braziln Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil

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