Page 1: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award NomineesBreathing Room One for the

Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen by Jordan Sonnenblick See You at Harry’s

by Jo Knowles Deadweather and Sunrise Shadow and Bone

by Geoff Rodkey by Leigh Bardugo Eye of the Storm by Kate Messner Spy School by Stuart

GibbsThe False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen Unchained by L.B. TillitFourmile by Watt Key What the Dog Said

The Ghost of Graylock by Dan Poblocki by Randi ReisfeldGuitar Notes by Mary AmatoLaugh with the Moon by Shana BurgLincoln’s Grave Robbers by Steve SheinkinLosing It by Erin FryMay B by Caroline Starr Rose

Page 2: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Young Adult Book Award Nominees

Alice in Zombieland The Girls of No Return by Gena Showalter by Erin SaldinBeautiful Music for Ugly Children Grave Mercy by Kirsten Cronn-Mills by Robin LaFeversBomb: The Race to Build and Steal I Hunt Killersthe World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Barry Lyga by Steve Sheinkin I SwearBoy 21 by Lane Davis by Matthew Quick If You Find MeBreaking Beautiful by Emily Murdoch by Jennifer Shaw Wolf No Man’s LandButter by S.T. Underdahl by Erin Jade Lange October

Mourning: A Song Crewel for Matthew Shepard by Gennifer Albin by Leslea NewmanCroak The Opposite of Hallelujah by Gina Damico by Anna JarzabDon’t Turn Around Out of the Easy by Michelle Gagnon by Ruta SepetysFracture The Paladin Prophecy by Megan Miranda by Mark Frost

Page 3: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 800"Trying to stay alive at Loon Lake felt like it was killing me already.“

Set in 1940 at a sanitarium in Loon Lake, Minn., Thirteen-year-old Evvy Hoffmeister has tuberculosis and feels abandoned by her family when she's sent to the sanitarium to be cured. Publishers Weekly (May 14, 2012)

Stony Nurse Marshall, dubbed Old Eagle Eye by Dena, assigns privileges when the girls cough up less bloody sputum and show signs of improving health. Yet death is always close at hand, and Pearl, who had the privilege of leaving the sanatorium for a day, returns happily with gifts of decorated paper fans for her friends, only to die in the hallway from "throwing a ruby," a hemorrhage. Many archaic medical treatments are used on the patients, including thoracoplasty, the removal of a rib to allow a lung to collapse and heal. School Library Journal (Sept. 1, 2012)

Page 4: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 800

Growing up in Wilmington, N.C., in 1898, a black boy and his family are devastated by a racist uprising. On his last day of fifth grade, a buzzard portentously casts a shadow over Moses Thomas, prompting his grandma, Boo Nanny, to warn: "You happiness done dead." Moses lives with Boo Nanny, a former slave who takes in white people's laundry, his Mama, a housemaid for wealthy whites, and his Daddy, a reporter and business manager of the Daily Record, "the only Negro daily in the South.” Daddy believes in the power of education, and Moses tries to follow in his footsteps by reading library books, learning vocabulary words and maintaining perfect attendance at school. When a mob of white supremacists burns the newspaper office and arrests his father, Moses becomes dangerously involved and discovers what it means to be his father's son. Kirkus Reviews starred (November 15, 2011)

Page 5: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 800

Sometimes, the greatest comebacks take place far away from the ball field.

Meet Peter Friedman, high school freshman. Talented photographer. Former baseball star. When a freakish injury ends his pitching career, Peter has some major things to figure out. Is there life after sports? Why has his grandfather suddenly given him thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment? And is it his imagination, or is the super-hot star of the girls' swim team flirting with him, right in front of the amazing new girl in his photography class?  Scholastic Press

Page 6: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 940Chronicles of Egg ; bk. 1

A stunning middle-grade debut--full of heart, humor, and nonstop action

It's tough to be thirteen, especially when somebody's trying to kill you.

Not that Egg's life was ever easy, growing up on sweaty, pirate-infested Deadweather Island with no company except an incompetent tutor and a pair of unusually violent siblings who hate his guts.

But when Egg's father hustles their family off on a mysterious errand to fabulously wealthy Sunrise Island, then disappears with the siblings in a freak accident, Egg finds himself a long-term guest at the mansion of the glamorous Pembroke family and their beautiful, sharp-tongued daughter Millicent. Finally, life seems perfect.

Until someone tries to throw him off a cliff. G.P. Putnam’s Sons

Page 7: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 740

In the not-too-distant future, huge tornadoes and monster storms have become a part of everyday life. Sent to spend the summer in the heart of storm country with her meteorological engineer father, Jaden Meggs is surprised at the strides her father's company StormSafe, has made with custom shelters that keep her family safe in even the worst of storms. At her exclusive summer science camp, Eye On Tomorrow, Jaden meets Alex, a boy whose passion for science matches hers. Together, they discover that her father's company is steering storms away from the expensive neighborhoods and toward the organic farming communities that are in competition with his bio-engineered food company, NatureMade. Jaden must confront her father, but when she does, she uncovers a terrifying family secret and must call on both her scientific knowledge and her faith to save the people she loves most from one of her father's monster storms. Walker

Page 8: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 710Ascendance trilogy ; bk. 1

THE FALSE PRINCE is the thrilling first book in a brand-new trilogy filled with danger and deceit and hidden identities that will have readers rushing breathlessly to the end.

In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king's long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner's motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword's point -- he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage's rivals have their own agendas as well.

As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner's sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together.

An extraordinary adventure filled with danger and action, lies and deadly truths that will have readers clinging to the edge of their seats. Scholastic Press

Page 9: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure: 580

A gun-toting stranger, a jealous boyfriend, a woman caught in the middle, and the likelihood of violence -- it all sounds like something out of the Wild West, but this novel is set in modern-day rural Alabama.

Twelve-year-old Foster is bereft without his father, killed in a recent accident in the woods. His family’s two-hundred-acre farm, Fourmile, “was something I was molded around, all I knew, the best of him and me and Mother.” Now, without his father, everything seems “still and quiet and lifeless,” and things get worse when his mother’s new boyfriend, Dax, shows up drunk and mean. But then a mysterious stranger comes into their lives and changes everything. He becomes a father figure for Foster, and together they fix the barn roof, paint the fence, get the old tractor going, and mow the fields. Gary even shows Foster how to shoot a pistol. But Dax is jealous of Gary and the increasing attention he seems to be getting from Linda, Foster’s mother.  Horn Book (November/December, 2012)

Page 10: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  690

Does an abandoned asylum hold the key to a frightful haunting?

Everyone's heard the stories about Graylock Hall.

It was meant to be a place of healing - a hospital where children and teenagers with mental disorders would be cared for and perhaps even cured. But something went wrong. Several young patients died under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, the hospital was shut down, the building abandoned and left to rot deep in the woods.

As the new kid in town, Neil Cady wants to see Graylock for himself. Especially since rumor has it that the building is haunted. He's got fresh batteries in his flashlight, a camera to document the adventure, and a new best friend watching his back.

Neil might think he's prepared for what he'll find in the dark and decrepit asylum. But he's certainly not prepared for what follows him home. . . .Scholastic Press

Page 11: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  670

On odd days, Tripp Broody uses a school practice room to let loose on a borrowed guitar. Eyes closed, strumming that beat-up instrument, Tripp escapes to a world where only the music matters.

On even days, Lyla Marks uses the same practice room. To Tripp, she's trying to become even more perfect--she's already a straight-A student and an award-winning cellist. But when Lyla begins leaving notes for him in between the strings of the guitar, his life intersects with hers in a way he never expected. 

What starts as a series of snippy notes quickly blossoms into the sharing of interests and secrets and dreams, and the forging of a very unlikely friendship.

Challenging each other to write songs, they begin to connect, even though circumstances threaten to tear them apart. Egmont, USA

Page 12: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  740

Thirteen-year-old Clare Silver is stuck. Stuck in denial about her mother's recent death. Stuck in the African jungle for sixty-four days without phone reception. Stuck with her father, a doctor who seems able to heal everyone but Clare.Clare feels like a fish out of water at Mzanga Full Primary School, where she must learn a new language. Soon, though, she becomes immersed in her new surroundings and impressed with her fellow students, who are crowded into a tiny space, working on the floor among roosters and centipedes.When Clare's new friends take her on an outing to see the country, the trip goes horribly wrong, and Clare must face another heartbreak head-on. Only an orphan named Memory, who knows about love and loss, can teach Clare how to laugh with the moon. Delacorte Press

Page 13: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  930

The action begins in October of 1875, as Secret Service agents raid the Fulton, Illinois, workshop of master counterfeiter Ben Boyd. Soon after Boyd is hauled off to prison, members of his counterfeiting ring gather in the back room of a smoky Chicago saloon to discuss how to spring their ringleader. Their plan: grab Lincoln's body from its Springfield tomb, stash it in the sand dunes near Lake Michigan, and demand, as a ransom, the release of Ben Boyd --and $200,000 in cash. From here, the action alternates between the conspirators, the Secret Service agents on their trail, and the undercover agent moving back and forth between the two groups. Along the way readers get glimpses into the inner workings of counterfeiting, grave robbing, detective work, and the early days of the Secret Service. The plot moves toward a wild climax as robbers and lawmen converge at Lincoln's tomb on election night: November 7, 1876. Scholastic Press

Page 14: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  Not available

"Tired of being obese and reeling from his father's recent stroke, thirteen-year-old Bennett joins the cross country team to find out if there is more to life than French fries.”

Bennett Robinson loves baseball, especially watching Dodgers games with his dad while munching on burgers and fries - the perfect "game food." Baseball even helped Bennett and his dad cope with his mom's death from cancer. But there's no way Bennett could ever play baseball. Bennett is fat, the kind of fat that gives you belly button sweat stains and makes it tough to get off a sagging couch. But on one perfect, baseball-watching day, everything changes. Bennett's dad is taken away on a stretcher, and Bennett doesn't know if he will live or die. Now Bennett has to move in with know-it-all Aunt Laura, who's making it her personal mission to Get Bennett Healthy - and take over his life. It's time for Bennett to step up to the plate. Because maybe there are some things he can do . . . like talk to a girl, run a mile, and maybe even save his own life. Erin Fry explores the issue of obesity with heart, depth, and humor in this unforgettable debut novel. Amazon Children’s Pub.

Page 15: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  680

“I've known it since last night:It's been too long to expect them to return.Something's happened.”

May is helping out on a neighbor's Kansas prairie homestead--just until Christmas, says Pa. She wants to contribute, but it's hard to be separated from her family by 15 long, unfamiliar miles. Then the unthinkable happens: May is abandoned. Trapped in a tiny snow-covered sod house, isolated from family and neighbors, May must prepare for the oncoming winter. While fighting to survive, May's memories of her struggles with reading at school come back to haunt her. But she's determined to find her way home again.  Schwartz & Wade Books

Page 16: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  520

Sent to a foster home after a beating from her stepfather, eighth-grader Carley Connors learns about a different kind of family life, first resisting and then resisting having to leave the loving, loyal Murphys. Carley is a modern-day Gilly Hopkins, bright and strong, angry and deeply hurt. She's torn between her love for her mother and her memory of the fight that sent her to the hospital, when her mother caught and held her for her stepfather. Her foster-care placement is terrifying. Mr. Murphy, a fire chief, and his eldest son Daniel don't even want her there, and Mrs. Murphy is just too nice. It is 4-year-old Michael Eric and his red-headed brother Adam who first break the ice. Slowly won over at home by the boys' open affection and Mrs. Murphy's patience and surprising understanding, Carley also finds a friend at school in the prickly, Wicked-obsessed Toni.  Kirkus Reviews starred (April 15, 2012)

Page 17: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  680

Robie is an experienced traveler. She's taken the flight from Honolulu to the Midway Atoll, a group of Pacific islands where her parents live, many times. When she has to get to Midway in a hurry after a visit with her aunt in Hawaii, she gets on the next cargo flight at the last minute. She knows the pilot, but on this flight, there's a new co-pilot named Max. All systems are go until a storm hits during the flight. The only passenger, Robie doesn't panic until the engine suddenly cuts out and Max shouts at her to put on a life jacket. They are over miles of Pacific Ocean. She sees Max struggle with a raft.

And then . . . she's in the water. Fighting for her life. Max pulls her onto the raft, and that's when the real terror begins. They have no water. Their only food is a bag of Skittles. There are sharks. There is an island. But there's no sign of help on the way. Feiwel and Friends

Page 18: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  600

Twelve-year-old Fern feels invisible. It seems as though everyone in her family has better things to do than pay attention to her: Mom (when she's not meditating) helps Dad run the family restaurant; Sarah is taking a gap year after high school; and Holden pretends that Mom and Dad and everyone else doesn't know he's gay, even as he fends off bullies at school. Then there's Charlie: three years old, a "surprise" baby, the center of everyone's world. He's devoted to Fern, but he's annoying, too, always getting his way, always dirty, always commanding attention. If it wasn't for Ran, Fern's calm and positive best friend, there'd be nowhere to turn. Ran's mantra, "All will be well," is soothing in a way that nothing else seems to be. And when Ran says it, Fern can almost believe it's true. But then tragedy strikes- and Fern feels not only more alone than ever, but also responsible for the accident that has wrenched her family apart. All will not be well. Or at least all will never be the same. Candlewick Press

Page 19: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  800

Debut author Bardugo has conjured up a treat with her first book in the Grisha Trilogy.

A tight bond is formed by two small orphans: handsome, competent Mal and tiny Alina, who never seems to do anything right. Jumping forward in time, the story follows the two friends after they have joined the King’s First Army—Mal as a soldier-tracker and Alina as a cartographer. Their land of Ravka is surrounded by enemies and divided by the Shadow Fold, a mysterious, magical darkness that seethes with flesh-eating monsters. After Alina discovers that she possesses a magical power, she is taken to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, magicians who practice the Small Science. Resembling Czarist Russia, the court swirls with deceit and extravagance, and although Alina falls under the spell of the handsome Darkling, she misses Mal grievously. Booklist (May 15, 2012 (Vol. 108, No. 18)

Page 20: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  740

Ben Ripley has always wanted to escape the ordinariness of his middle-school life and be a spy. But then Alexander Hale appears at his home looking like James Bond, wanting Ben to enroll immediately in the CIA’s top-secret Academy of Espionage, and immediately things begin to happen. There’s a beautiful girl, Erica, and multiple assaults on Ben’s life—including ninjas, assassins in the night, and bombs—and suddenly Ben isn’t so sure that being a spy is all that glamorous.  Booklist (March 15, 2012 (Vol. 108, No. 14)

Page 21: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  400 HL

Gravel Road Series

Ever since he was a little boy, TJ knew that he had to act out to get his parents' attention. Now, as a teenager, he starts skipping school to hang out with the Hillside Vipers. Then, after his father dies of a drug overdose, TJ is taken away from his mother and sent to a foster home. Miss Dixie is extremely caring, and, after a short period of struggle, TJ becomes close to his foster siblings and adjusts to his new school. After two years pass, his mother is clean, so he must leave Miss Dixie's home and return to his side of town to finish high school. In doing so, TJ is back on the Vipers' radar and forced to act like an aspiring member of the gang. Eventually, he realizes that his life is in his own hands and that his choices are his and his alone. School Library Journal (March 1, 2012)

Page 22: Breathing Room One for the Murphys by Marsha Hayles by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Crow by Barbara Wright The Raft Curveball: The Year I lost My Grip by S.A. Bodeen

2014-2015 SC Junior Book Award Nominees

Lexile Measure:  690

Ever since her police officer father was killed a few months ago, Grace Abernathy hasn't wanted to do much of anything. She's pulled away from her friends, her grades are plummeting . . . it's a problem. The last thing Grace wants is to be dragged into her older sister Regan's plan to train a shelter dog as a service dog. But Grace has no idea how involved she'll get-especially when a mangy mutt named Rex starts talking to her. Has Grace gone off the deep end? Or might this dog be something really special-an angel? A spirit? Either way, he is exactly the therapy that Grace needs. Bloomsbury

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