Page 1: Brewood CE Middle Academy ‘Be the Best you can Be!’€¦ · Killing, spraying, doing all things obscene, Out and about, cats are really quite mean! You think your cat loves you

Issue 10 Autumn Term 2019


Brewood CE Middle Academy

‘Be the Best you can Be!’

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12th November 2019

Dear Parents

At the start of a busy week I would like to bring you up-to-date with the

highlights of last week and outline what is to come.

Remembrance Day

On Friday we spent the day discussing aspects of ‘Remembrance Day’ as

part of our whole school themed event. We began with our traditional

Remembrance Service in Church. I attach the Order of Service as you may

find this interesting. It was a mixture of Bible readings, special poems,

prayers and reflection. A group of pupils (Form and Vice Captains and Student Council Reps) visited the National Memorial Arboretum last week and they delivered a short presentation to

the school on the memorials they had seen and the significance of these.

The Service was very poignant and we were glad to welcome a number of parents and

grandparents to be part of our congregation. Thank you to all pupils who took part in the

service and to Rev Phil, Miss Forbes, Mr Smith and Mrs Priestley for organising aspects of this.

For the remainder of the day pupils studied specific element of World War I and II including

Children at War, Women at War, The Home Front or the Holocaust.

All pupils have contributed to our display in school and have written ‘poppy’ poems or ‘dove

peace’ poems this week. Some of the other work which has been produced will be displayed

around school this week.

Sunday Service of Remembrance

On Sunday 10th November there was a special Remembrance Service at St Mary & St Chad ’s

Church culminating in the various community groups laying special wreaths at the war memorial

in the Churchyard. There was then a final parade through the village to the Royal British

Legion’s headquarters in Brewood.

A big thank you to Freddie our Head Boy and Eleanor our Head Girl who read special Bible

readings during the service. These were very challenging pieces to read but they did it so


Year 5—Weston Park Visit

Yesterday (Monday 11th) 5AS and 5EG visited Weston Park. 5JC and 5CF visit on Tuesday

12th. The focus is World War II—and life during the war (Anderson Shelters, rationing, ‘mock’

air raids and evacuation). It sounds a fantastic visit!

Year 5 Standon Bowers Residential

Year 5 are taking part in their first residential from Wednesday 13th until Friday 15th

November. We hope they enjoy the opportunity to take part in a range of outdoor activities,

develop their team building skills and have fun! We look forward to welcoming them back on

Friday afternoon.

Year 8 Author Visit—Grand Theatre

On the morning of Friday, 15th November all Year 8 pupils have a very special visit to hear

David Baddiel, the author and comedian at the launch of his new book at the Grand Theatre.

Every pupil will get a signed copy of David Baddiel’s new book. Thank you to Wolverhampton

Grammar who have paid for these.

Celebration Praise

On Thursday 7th we held our ‘Celebration Praise’ during which we awarded our first Merit

Certificates of the term. Thank you to all Parents who attended this event.

Forthcoming events for your diary

Wednesday 20th November—Year 7 visit to Warwick Castle

Friday 22nd November—Year 8 World Skills Show (Careers at NEC, Birmingham)

Thank you for your support

Mr D I Swift Executive Principal

School Calendar

Worship Theme


Remember that I command you to be

strong and brave. So do not be afraid.

The Lord your God will be with

you everywhere you go.

Joshua 1 Verse 9

Mon 11th Nov Yr 5 visit to Weston Pk 5EG & 5AS

Tues 12th Nov Yr 5 visit to Weston Pk 5JC & 5CF 6TW Parent/Student lunch

Wed 13th Nov 7KT Class Worship

Wed 13th-Fri 15th Nov

Yr 5 Standon Bowers Residential

Fri 15th Nov Yr 8 Author Visit

Tues 19th Nov 7KG Parent/Student lunch

Wed 20th Nov Yr 7 visit Warwick Castle

Fri 22nd Nov Yr 8 World Skills Show

Tues 26th Nov 7KT Parent/Student lunch

Wed 27th-29th Nov

Yr 6 Manor Adventure

Mon 2nd Dec Yr 5/6 Nasal Flu Immunisations

Tues 3rd Dec 7MD Parent/Student lunch

Wed 4th Dec 8SF Class Worship

Sat 7th Dec Family visit to London

Tues 10th Dec Yr 5 Star Dome

Wed 11th Dec School Christmas Lunch

Wed 18th Dec Christmas Church Service—9.30 am & 6.30 pm

Tues 24th –Fri 27th March 2020

Yr 8 Residential to Standon Bowers

Tues 5th-Thurs 7th May 2020

Yr 7 Residential to Whitemore Lakes

Fri 22nd-Mon 25th May 2020

Science Visit to Paris

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Brewood CE Middle Academy

Remembrance Service - Friday 8th November 2019 at 9.30am

Order of Service

*Entry Music ‘Adagio’ by Barber Film Royal British Legion – ‘Courage’

Introduction and Welcome Rev Phil Moon - ‘Courage’

Hymn 1 We will Remember

Reading 1 Remembrance Day – Read by Sam 8JD

Reading 2 The Poppy Appeal - Read by Brooke 8TC

Hymn 2 Amazing Grace

Reading 3 ‘In Flanders Fields’, (by John McCrae, May 1915)

Read by – Oliver 8SF

Reading 4 For the Fallen (by Laurence Binyon) Read by Lara 8MC Presentation National Memorial Arboretum by Mrs Priestley and Pupils Two minutes silence with slide show Everyone to stand for two minutes silence

Roll of Honour Read by Mr Evans, Vice Chair of Governors with Jayda 8SF, Oliver 8TC, Meg 8SF, Shaye 8MC, Asher 8MC, Olivia 8MC, Kieran 8SF, Logan 8MC, Isaac 8SF, Nelly 8SF, Lucy 8SF, Caroline 8MC.

The Last Post Recording

Reflection Rev Phil Moon – John 15 verses 9-13 School Prayer All

Prayers Read by – Amelia 8SF and Jodie 8JD

Lord’s Prayer and Blessing Rev Phil Moon

Laying of wreath at the War Memorial Rev Phil Moon, Mr Swift, Mr Evans, Governor and Brewood Grammar School Old Boys’ Association with our Head Boy & Head Girl

Small group singing The Call Exit music ‘Battle of Britain’ theme - Ross Goodwin

*Year 8 Worship Leaders will distribute the Order of Service booklets on entry to Church

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Remembrance Tree

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In memory of the Brewood Old Boys who gave their lives in two World Wars

World War I Captain William Bagshaw

Private John Bill

Private Edmund Cluett

Second Lieutenant Barnabas Davenport

Lieutenant Thomas Grosvenor

Private Frank Kingston

Captain John Willner

World War II Lance Corporal Joe Caddick

Sergeant William Mellor

Flight Sergeant Reginald Nash

Warrant Officer Ronald Saunders

Flight Sergeant John Smith

This is currently displayed in the Key Stage 2 corridor

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Daisy May in 8SF has recently

had a poem published in the

Young Teen Fiction anthology.

Daisy is an extremely talented writer and has a

passion for poetry.

Her poem using the theme of cats is below.

Well done Daisy.

Totally Cats

Cat are animals, who are a law unto themselves,

They love climbing on things such as

sofas and shelves.

Happily alone is how cats thrive,

This is what my pillow would say if it were alive.

‘Hey you cat up there being idle as a sloth,

If you don’t obey me I’ll push you off!

They are active at night and sleepy by day,

If you approach them however,

they wont want to play.

Winding up the dog, brings the greatest of joy,

They love nothing better than to sit and annoy.

Killing, spraying, doing all things obscene,

Out and about, cats are really quite mean!

You think your cat loves you. Don’t be deceived,

They’ll completely ignore you,

once you give and they receive.

Aloof, solitary, self-possessed and narcissistic,

Just ask the dog,

he knows they’re thoroughly sadistic.

But if you’re one of those who dislike all cats,

Then please think again,

you must be utterly bats.


Listen as the wind shrieks and wails, Listen as the night prevails,

Listen to the crunch and crack Of twigs as they crumple and snap,

Listen for the grunts and groans Of people as they cry and moan,

Listen to the endless greed Of mankind as they cry for more,

Wanting more.

They will die out one day And who will be to blame?

Them, of course. They are stupidly insane,

Listen to the roar and bang Of Mankind’s weapons,

Destroying the land. They try to save themselves

From this horrible mess, But they just don’t realise

And they can’t protest, They are making it worse

And what would really be best Is if technology wasn’t invented.

God wouldn’t be happy If you ruined his world,

So stop now, Before we all get hurt.

Listen to the tweeting of birds And the endless life

That has been deserved, Listen to peace and freedom across the world

No longer are the humans With their machines and bombs,

They put the world in an impossible situation, Now they have paid the price,

Their own extinction.

Samuel of 8JD had his poem published in Young Writers,

Poetry Escape book. Well done Samuel.

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Year 5 Planters A massive thank you to all Year 5 who have made a creative planter out of upcycled material. You can see from the photos how fantastic some of the upcycled materials are. Mrs Kimber Leader of Science

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Hello, my name is Stella Highfield and I am the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) here at Brewood Middle Academy. I have been working here for just over a year now and have built positive relationships with pupils, staff and parents. I also liaise with many outside agencies and attend forums in order to best support pupils. My working days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Occasionally these may change. For example, if I attend meetings or training. Day changes are made available to staff via the school bulletin. You can contact me by telephone on 01902 850266, if I am not available you can leave a message and I will return your call. Alternatively contact via email at [email protected] I believe that communication is vital to ensure

that we are working to the same aim, the pupils - their welfare and progress. I work with a team of experienced teaching assistants who are responsible for supporting pupils with additional needs. This may take the form of in class support or by undertaking interventions specific to the needs of pupils. Provision is tailored to best meet the needs of pupils, and is fluid and responsive to ensure the best outcomes for pupils. Motor Skills United and physiotherapy groups ensure we support the physical needs of some pupils in order that they can access the curriculum. These were recently observed by an Occupational Therapist who praised the positive work undertaken. Interventions are monitored regularly for impact. R2L at breakfast, and Lunch time clubs are further ways in which pupils are supported. They have the opportunity to enter school and prepare for the day and the lunch time club offers respite from the outdoor area, should pupils need it. As you may be aware, there is a focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing in the media currently. As a school we are raising the profile of mental health and promoting positive wellbeing for pupils and staff; both physically and mentally. I have undertaken training in First Aid for Mental Health, as has Mrs Cornes. We have shared information with staff at recent staff development meetings to ensure they can support vulnerable pupils at their time of need. Mentors work with pupils to offer support and guidance. As a school we have the support of counsellors, Educational Psychologist, TWC (The Whole Child), Relax Kids, Base 25 and we source support from other agencies as the need arises. We have created a Pledge to support Positive Mental Health. I have recently worked with Entrust to renew our Dyslexia Friendly Award and this has been successful. Dyslexia friendly strategies are embedded in school practice and this has been recognised. And finally, the most important views – a selection of comments made by some pupils receiving support from the SEND team.

“Working in room 9: I think it’s helpful for learning. It’s fun.” Year 7 pupil. “It helps me to build strength in my hands. It helps my legs and it is fun. I like room 9, it is quieter and I can concentrate.” Year 6 pupil. “I like coming to Breakfast club as I can have breakfast with my friends. I feel happier and I find it easier to learn.” Year 7 pupil. “I like coming to lunch club because I like everything in there and the people are nice and playful.” Year 8 pupil. “I like room 9 because I get 1:1 intervention. I go to lunch club every day to have a chat with Mrs Cornes, pupil M and others. “I like that you have somewhere to come to if you don’t feel too good or need to speak someone. It is perfect.” Year 7 pupil. “Intervention helps me to get my spellings.” Year 7 pupil.

Thank you for your support, Mrs S Highfield, SENCo and the SEND support Team Mrs Baker, Mrs Cornes, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Lewis

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LIBRARY NEWS Our Author of the month is Enid Blyton and in the Library, we have an exciting Quiz with a prize for the most correct answers. Everyone is welcome to enter so please pop in to the Library for forms and further details. Enid Blyton is one of the country's most famous children writers whose books have been among the world's best-sellers since the 1930s, selling more than 600 million copies worldwide. Her books are still extremely popular and certainly in our library remain a popular choice for our children. I would recommend a visit to the official Enid Blyton Web site, with lots of fun facts about this great children's author. See for more information. The library also stocks many of the Enid Blyton books so please visit us!. Open as always every morning and lunch-time breaks. After a record number of entries last month, the winner of the September Author of the month quiz was Holly 5JC and a Book Token is on its way to Holly. Well done Holly! Mr Bradley-Richards

School Librarian

Adverse Weather Conditions In the very unlikely event that we would make the decision to close the school due to adverse

weather conditions we would endeavour to con-tact you as early as possible. However, there is a ‘free to register’ service provided by Staf-fordshire County Council which will keep you updated in respect of a range of aspects. We

would urge you to visit to register to receive updates. Thank you

David Baddiel Author Event at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre

Year 8

We are looking forward to taking all our Year 8 pupils to a very special author event at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton on Friday 15th November. The event with David Baddiel has been arranged by colleagues at Wolverhampton Grammar School who have also purchased a signed hardback copy of David's new book, 'The Taylor Turbochaser', for all of our pupils. We know they will have a very enjoyable day and look forward to hearing all about it.

After School Clubs following half-term

The following after school clubs end at half term;

Monday netball - Wolves in the Community Monday football - Wolves in the Community Monday girls’ football - Mr Farnell

Tuesday football - Wolves in the Community

Tuesday netball - Wolves in the Community

Thursday dodgeball - Wolves in the Community

A new group of pupils will be invited to Physical Literacy Club on a Monday.

Archery continues as do Dance Clubs and Outdoor Gym/getting active club.


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Year 7 Visit to the National Memorial Arboretum Our leaders from each year 7 tutor group joined Mrs Priestley, Mr Evans

and Mrs Johnson to visit the National Memorial Arboretum. The visit was

very informative and really made you think of all the people that died in

wars for us. The trees were beautiful and some had been taken from areas

where the wars were fought.

When you walk into the grounds the

biggest thing you will spot is the big

memorial for the Armed Forces.

Everyone who died after world war two is

listed there. Some people were getting

quite emotional as they walked past elder

family members names and others.

As you walked into the actual structure

of it, you were automatically surrounded

by lots of names. In front of you there

was a wreath, and to the side were three

soldiers; two of them carrying the injured one. The structure was designed

so that when it is the 11th of November on the 11th hour, a sun beam shines

through the gap in the middle of the wall onto the wreath.

One memorial said ‘We will remember them today tomorrow forever’

I feel that ever since WWI

women's rights have got better

because of the land army. When the farmers left their farms to

fight for our country, the women had to look after the farms.

They proved that they are just as strong as men, and now

women's rights are just the same as men's.

We saw a memorial of the postmen that died. People decorated

pebbles with paint. They were painted in remembrance of the

postmen and were

painted by their family


In the middle of the day we went to go and learn about the poppies

and different colours you could get. We all tried to attempt to

build a poppy with one hand. But before we did that we broke the

poppy apart and learnt

about how many were

sold the first day in

1921 that was 9 million.

They first brought the poppies in France but later learnt they

could make them there self. After all that was finished we then

tried to put the poppy back together. When we had finished we

tried doing it with our eyes closed following by one hand with

your eyes closed. There is a purple poppy what stands for the

animals who died. And finally the white poppy stands for peace.

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I thought the journey on the train was really fun and educational it taught us about the meanings of the memorials and the soldiers that died for us. As we rode past each memorial it told us the name and the backstory to it or what it was about. As we explored, we saw a blue glass and other different shades. First of all we had no idea what it was but then we were told that the different shades of colours represented different shades of the ocean as the red represented the sunrise of dawn and the yellow showed the sunset. The memorial was about the Royal Navy and the man looking back was looking at the men that had died. In the middle of the day we carried out an activity with a poppy. We attempted to build a poppy with one hand. But before we did that we broke the poppy apart and learnt about how many were sold the first day in 1921 — 9 million! After that we tried to put the poppy back together. When we had finished we tried doing it with our eyes closed, followed by one hand with your eyes closed. After are poppy making activity our

guide Sandra took us to a memorial all about evacuees and there was a structure to show what it was like in the time of the war. We each had a

letter to spell ‘Remember Them’. After we had read our letters, we started a minutes silence. We all enjoyed the act of remembrance. We stood around a monument for young evacuees and all

said a poem or prayer. One of our poems was the famous ‘Flanders Field’. After all of our poems were read we had a minutes silence.

Rivver and Ella then put a poppy wreath on the monument. One Poem we read was: Why do I wear a poppy? I’ll tell you if I may, Because I believe remembrance is not only for one day. I wear it for the fallen, and for those falling still. For those who will come back broken in body or will, For all those marching proudly in the remembrance day parade. My poppy’s worn in gratitude for the sacrifice they made. Written by Form Captains, Vice Captains and the Student Council in Year 7

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Celebration Praise - 7th November 2019

Back in Time for Christmas On Wednesday 4th December children in year 5 are looking forward to going over to church for this 4-Front Theatre performance. Justin Time has built a time machine and is going back 2,000 years to the first Christmas, to give a special present to the baby Jesus. A second performance is being put on the same evening at 7.30pm. Adults £5 each, children free. With songs, silliness and a whole lot of festive fun, please do come and join Justin on his adventure! Tickets available from Reverend Phil on [email protected] or 01902 850629 or from Brenda Davies (01902 850854). Or in Church on Sunday! All welcome.

TT Rockstars Billy 8MC, Lara 8MC, Tilly 8TC , Maisie 8TC ,

Megan 8TC, Tia 8MC , Josh 8TC, Lily 8TC,

2nd Merit Awards Maya 5JC, Everleigh 5JC, Arun 5JC

1st Merit Awards Eden 5EG, Harry 5EG, Ethan 5JC, Evie 5AS, Esme 8SF, Henry 5JC, Darcey 5JC, Lexi 5EG, Gracie-Leigh 5AS, Arun 5JC, Harry 5JC, Isobella 5CF, Alexander 5JC, Jenna 5CF, Oliver 5JC, Everleigh 5JC, Thomas 5JC, Chardonnay 5AS, Jonathan 5JC, Jessica 5JC, Holly 5JC, Maya 5JC, Imogen 5JC, Matthew 5JC

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This week is very busy with Year 5 and 8 out on visits. We have decided not to celebrate Children in Need Day on Friday 15th November

We will celebrate Children In Need Day at Brewood on Friday 22nd November. Details from Brooke 8TC our Charity

Ambassador. Mr D I Swift Executive Principal

Brooke 8TC Charity Ambassador

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