Page 1: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation

Page 2: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

What is Islam? Islam

The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers of Islam called Muslims, articulated by the Holy Book, The Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophets described in Hadith, which are the reported ways of these Prophets.

Page 3: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Islamic Denominations

Page 4: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Speaker’s Demographics Name

Raunak Jahan, Runi for short. Religion

Islam of Sunni denominationCulture

Bengali born in Bangladesh but raised in Houston, TXEducation

Graduated from high school in Houston in 1999. Went on to medical school in Bangladesh at North Bengal Medical College. Worked as an

OB/GYN for 5 years post graduation to serve the indigent habitants of the slums of Bangladesh, who were deprived of proper medical care.

Current Employment Donation Clinical Specialist at LifeGift in Houston, TX.

Page 5: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Runi’s Cultural BackgroundAsian(other)Muslim2 Parent, 3 sibling household Celebrate religious holidays, birthdays, family

gatherings (dawat)Educational Background composed of college

graduates to professional degreesMen are decision makers, some respecting

women’s point of view, some not.Primary goals: Respecting all religious views,

obtaining full education followed by marriage.

Page 6: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Residence of majority family

50% (Mother’s side) live in Houston, TX

50% (Father’s side) live in Bangladesh

Page 7: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

My Family's Views on Donation Isn’t that against our religion?? Our body should go in the same way it was sent. I want to leave this world with what Allah (God)

gave me. I do not want to be chopped up. They will sell my organs for money not to save

people. Sickness is a type of repentance for sins, so even if

I gave someone my organs, if God chooses for that person to stay sick, no one can change that.

10% of persons I interviewed changed/avoided the subject and said they were busy.

I’m not poor, I don’t need to sell my organs. Oh! Donate, isn’t that against the law?

I will not be provided full treatment if I am in a critical medical state and they see I am a donor.

Page 8: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Images to illustrate my points…Women subordinate to men

Organ trafficking


True References

Does Islam permit organ transplant???Three conditions arise. One, it should not be damaging for the donor. If a donor dies just by donating his organ, in that case it’s Haram. Second condition is different. A person can live on one kidney. If I donate one kidney and the other person survives, both of us are saved. Then the third point is that you cannot donate your organs for the cause of money. If these conditions are fulfilled, then organ transplant can be done. -Zakir Naik

Page 9: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Bengali Infusion into Islam Growing up as a Bengali Muslim, I have observed how cultural tradition has affected how I follow

my religion and how some traditions divert away from the documented ways of Islam. These altered ways are being practiced without correction by many of the Bengali and Pakistani communities I observe everyday.

As a bengali muslim dcs, of the LifeGift Team, my role has become a focus of attention for my community since most of the people in it are minimally educated on the Islamic views towards organ and tissue donation, mostly manifested by their fear of sinning. Their many questions and comments have cleared up a fog of confusion in themselves as well as my own self, making a bridge between Islam and organ /tissue donation more visible, thus making people of my culturemore approachable with my occupation and its concept.

Page 10: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Rana’s Cultural Background Arab (Caucasian) Islam, Muslim (Most Arabs are Muslims but Most Muslims are

not Arab) 2 parent 5 sibling home College Educated and higher Celebrate most holidays, birthdays ect. God, dignity, family, self respect, honesty, education are

important. Reputation is very important. Contrary to popular belief the word Islam is derived from the Arabic word for peace and Islam gives specific rights to women to protect them from oppression. The Koran was the 1st book to say all men and women were created equal and not just all men are created equal. A few corrupt people stuck on their own agenda or culture have miscued the facts to cause the wrong perception.

Page 11: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Majority of family Live:

Rana’s immediate family lives in the USA: LA, Phx, and Ohio (Uncle) and herself in Houston.

Most all other family members live in Baghdad, Iraq.

Page 12: Bridge Between Islam & Organ/Tissue Donation. What is Islam?  Islam The monotheistic religion where Allah is the One and only God, worshipped by followers

Views on Donation: Islam respects and gives rights to the dead body as much as it respects

and gives rights to the living body. The debate over donation is still on going due to peoples own

interpretation and cultural views. Islam permits donation under specific circumstances. And as always Islam ensures the best for all members of society. Saving a life in Islam is a high honor.

Most Arabs say it’s a good thing but personally would not do it. An Arab Muslim is statistically more likely to donate then a Indian/Paki Muslim.

My family is in the medical field and it very taboo to talk about ones decision on donation, if you talk about it you will jinx yourself to die. And that view is shared in the Arab culture , as it is bad luck. Talking w/ my family about what I do they are very proud of me and think I am doing a great thing for society but donation is only talked in general terms.

I believe the younger generation of Muslims/Arabs (like many other races) are becoming more pro donation due to many factors in our modern society. As w/ any family, if you approach a family at the right time w/ respect and a true understanding of who they are then I believe you have a good enough chance as anyone else.

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