  • Understanding Biotechnology & its Applications

    Tulika P. Srivastava ([email protected])

    IIT Mandi B.Tech 2nd year 3rd Sem (Aug Nov 2015)


    Monday, Wednesday 11:00 AM 12:30 PMRoom #: A1-3

  • Why you are being taught this course?

    Technology of hope

    Applications in a wide range of fields to improve our life style


    Biotechnology industries

    are booming rapidly

  • What is the broad objective of this course?

    Broad objective of this course is to give an introduction to biotechnology and its applications in our daily life. This course will help you to get familiarized with various techniques that are used routinely towards this.

  • What is the Syllabus?

    Unit 1 (1 hr): Introduction to biotechnology and the history of biotechnological developments with major milestones.

    Unit 2 (3 hrs): Basic biology: Brief introduction to genes and genomes.

    Unit 3 (5 hrs): Introduction to recombinant DNA technology and its application to genomics.

    Unit 4 (4 hrs): Introduction to proteins and their products.

    Unit 5 (5 hrs): Microbial biotechnology.

    Unit 6 (5 hrs): Plant biotechnology.

    Unit 7 (5 hrs): Animal biotechnology.

    Unit 8 (5 hrs): Bioremediation and environmental biotechnology.

    Unit 9 (5 hrs): Medical biotechnology.

    Unit 10 (2 hrs): Biotechnology regulations and ethics.

  • Textbooks and References

    Text Book:

    Introduction to Biotechnology (3rd Edition) by William J. Thieman and Michael A. Palladino published by Benjamin-Cummings publishing company.

    Other References:

    Biotechnology for Beginners by Reinhard Rennebergpublished by Academic press.

    Basic Biotechnology 3rd Edition by Ratledge Colin published by Cambridge university press.

  • Credits Distributions for IC136

    Quiz 1: 20 %

    Quiz 2: 20 %

    Tutorial 1: 5 %

    Tutorial 2: 5%

    Final Exam: 50 %

  • What is Biotechnology?

    "Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to

    make or modify products or processes for specific use.

    Biotechnology is the manipulation of living organisms and organic material to serve human needs.

    Examples:Yeast in bread making and alcohol productionUse of beneficial bacteria (penicillin) to kill harmful

    organismsCloning of plants and animalsImproving rice quality

  • Biotechnology is drawn on

    Pure biological sciences

    (genetics, microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, cell biology, etc.)

    Knowledge and methods from outside biology (chemical engineering, bioprocess engineering, information technology, and biorobotics, etc.)

  • Pioneers in Biotechnology

  • Antony van Leeuwenhoek

    1675 Dutch tradesman Father of Microbiolody Discovered bacteria using a simple microscopeVan Leeuwenhoek's main discoveries are: the infusoria (protists in modern zoological classification), in 1674 the bacteria, (e.g., large Selenomonads from the human mouth), in

    1676 the vacuole of the cell. the spermatozoa in 1677. Van Leeuwenhoek had troubles with

    Dutch theologists about his practice. the banded pattern of muscular fibers, in 1682.[10]

  • Gregor Mendel

    1863 Austrian monk who

    conducted the first genetics experiments using pea plants in the mid 1800s.

    Often considered the founder of genetics.

    Mendel summarized his findings in two laws: Law of Segregation Law of Independent


  • Louis Pasteur


    French Chemist and Microbiologist

    Disproved the notion of spontaneous generation, describing the role of bacteria in spoilage (germ theory of disease) and the scientific basis for fermentation

    Created the rabies vaccine

  • Robert Hooke


    Invented the compound light microscope

    First to observe cells in cork






  • James Watson & Francis Crick

    1953 Englishmen responsible

    for the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA using X-ray diffraction data generated by Rosalind Franklin

    Watson and Crick base pairing

    Nobel Prize in 1962

  • Paul Berg


    Stanford University scientist who first developed recombinant DNA technology, a method for insertion of genetic material from one organism into another.

    Used for the study of viral chromosomes

  • Historical Development of Biotechnology

  • 1750 B.C.

    Origins of biotechnology emerge in methods of food production and plant and animal breeding

    Domestication of animal for use as livestock

    Selective breeding eg corn

    Use of bacteria to produce cheese (food preservation)

    Use of natural enzymes in yogurt

    Use of yeast to produce bread

    Use of fermentation for producing wine and beer

  • 1869 DNA is discovered in trout sperm by Friedrich

    Miescher, an eminent physiological chemist from Basel, Switzerland

    DNA was isolated, analyzed and recognized as a unique macromolecule

  • 1919

    The word biotechnology is first used by a Hungarian agricultural engineer Karl Ereky.

  • 1928 Alexandar Flemming discovered and purified antibiotic


    Discovered the mold Penicillium which inhibited the growth of bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus.

    Accidental discovery

    "When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic, or bacteria killer," Fleming would later say, "But I suppose that was exactly what I did."[2][5]

  • 1940s-1950s

    Widespread work is undertaken to investigate the structure and function of DNA

  • 1980

    The U.S. Supreme Court approved the patenting of genetically altered organisms.

  • 1980s-1990s

    A variety of GMOs and biotechnology techniques were introduced in fields from agriculture to medicine

    Recombinant DNA technology-extracts DNA from one organism for use in another, allowing more rapid and specific improvements in plants and animals

    Plant Tissue Culture-gains widespread acceptance as a method to quickly and cheaply produce genetically identical plants

  • 1990s

    First transgenic organisms (GMOs) were introduced in widespread agricultural production, particularly in the area of crops.

    Bt corn and soybeans are introduced offering natural insect resistance by the introduction of a gene from the bacterium Baccillus thuringensis

  • 1997

    Dolly was the first animal cloned from diploid cells, produced in Scotland

  • Late 1990s-Early 2000s

    Human cloning was outlawed in the U.S. and the first concerns over the use of human stem cells in research began to arise.


    All living things are composed of cells and their products.

    All cells arise from preexisting cells.

    All cells are basically alike in composition and metabolic activities.

    The function of an organism as a whole is the outcome of the activities and interactions of the constituent cells.

    What is a cell?

    Cell is the Structural and Functional unit of all organisms.

  • Basic Cell Plan


    Pro = Primitive, karyon = nucleus

    Contain neither nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

    Archaebacteria and Monera

  • Basic Cell Plan


    (Eu = true, karyon = nucleus)

    Contain double membrane nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

    Protista, Fungi, Plants and Animals








  • Cytoplasm Contents


    Fatty acids

    Proteins Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Structures

    Enzymes proteins that can catalyze biochemical reactions

    RNA ribonucleic acid messenger RNA (mRNA); transfer RNA

    (tRNA);ribosomal RNA(rRNA)

    Plasmids nonchromosomal genetic material (DNA)

    The cytoplasm consists of water, nutrients and important biomolecules necessary for metabolism, growth and reproduction. These include:











  • Animal Cell Plant Cell

    Cell wall: Absent Present

    Shape: Round (irregular shape) Rectangular (fixed shape)

    Vacuole: One or more small

    vacuoles (much smaller

    than plant cells).

    One, large central vacuole

    taking up 90% of cell


    Centrioles: Present in all animal cells Only present in lower plant


    Chloroplast: Animal cells don't have


    Plant cells have

    chloroplasts because they

    make their own food

    Plastids: Absent Present

    Plasma Membrane: only cell membrane cell wall and a cell


    Lysosomes: Lysosomes occur in


    Lysosomes usually not


    Cilia: Present It is very rare

    Differences b/w Plant & Animal Cells

  • All cells possess a plasma membrane

    Plasma membrane has phospholipid bilayer

    and embedded glycoproteins a. Isolates cytoplasm from environment

    b. Regulates molecular movement into and out of cell

    c. Interacts with other cells/environment

  • The nucleus is eukaryotic cells genetic library which contains

    most of the genes. Some genes are located in mitochondria

    and chloroplasts.

    The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane.

    Space between membranes is called the nuclear envelope (NE).

  • chromatin

    DNA and associated proteins within the nucleus organized into fibrous material.

    In a normal cell chromatin appears as diffuse mass.


    When the cell prepares to divide, the chromatin fibers coil up to be seen as separate structures.

    A typical human cell has 46 chromosomes, but sex cells (eggs and sperm, or gametes) have only 23 chromosomes.

  • The nucleus directs protein synthesis by synthesizing messenger RNA (mRNA).

    The mRNA travels to the cytoplasm and combines with ribosomes to translate its

    genetic message into the primary structure

    of a specific polypeptide.

  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

    Manufactures membranes.

    Performs a diversity of biosynthetic functions.

    Smooth ER looks smooth because it lacks ribosomes.

    Rough ER looks rough because bound ribosomes are attached to the outside, including the outside of the nuclear envelope.

    Rough ER is also a membrane factory.

    Membrane bound proteins are synthesized directly into the membrane.

    Enzymes in the rough ER also synthesize phospholipids from precursors in the cytosol.

    Enzymes of smooth ER synthesize lipids, including oils, phospholipids, and steroids.

    These includes the sex hormones of vertebrates and adrenal steroids.

    Enzymes in the smooth ER of the liver help detoxify drugs and poisons.

  • A center of


    warehousing, sorting,

    and shipping.

    packages proteins

    inside the cell before

    they are sent to their


    it is particularly

    important in the

    processing of proteins

    for secretion

    Golgi Complex

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