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Contractual Brief

“A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breach of contract and the company could face legal actions.”


A contractual brief would need you to communicate with your client a lot so that you can get to exactly where they want you to be.

Time Management

The time will usually be set for you by the client. With a detailed plan of how long to take on the specific pieces of the work. Anything over and legal action may be taken against you.

Technical Skills

You will need a lot of technical skill on this kind of brief as you are given the project management for you and all you need to do is the technical work.

Career Progression

This will progress your career through learning how to work within a contract.

Negotiated Brief

“This type of brief will be brought up if the co-operative brief given to the two of more media companies that are competing the project have any issues between themselves about the brief or anything they would like to clear up with the client. Through the negotiations the brief can then be changed in order to suite every party taking part in the production. This could be anything from changing the appearance of the product to changing the products content as well as keeping it to the guidelines set in the brief.”

This contract is slightly more flexible than a Contractual Brief. It allows the company that is producing the media to discuss with the client changes that could be made to the pieces of media that could make it easier to make or make the product better.

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There will be a lot of communication that happens in this type of brief, as the entire brief will be talked about until both parties are happy about it.

Time Management

The time management will also be negotiated by both parties, it will be a lot more flexible than a contractual one.

Technical Skills

A good technical skill for this kind of brief will be the ability to barter to get the product the way that you prefer it.

Career Progression

You gain skills in working in a business to get the best deal.

Formal Brief

“A formal brief is a detailed, specific brief usually aimed at a type of business and usually comes in a documented format.”

Formal Briefs are ones that are documented and will usually take place among businesses at a high level. This would happen because one of the parties may fall short on their end of the deal. This is used as proof of this.


There is not too much communication needed for this as all of the things that are needed to be done will be listed on the document.

Time Management

Time management will usually be strict due to the idea that everything is told to you at the start and is in a written format

Technical Skills

With a formal brief you will learn skills about documentation and sticking to the information on these documents.

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Career Progression

This will progress your career because it is an official brief that is able to be proven.

Informal Brief

“A informal brief which is very generalized, no time specified for completion or documentation, a very simplified and easy going brief.”

An informal brief is not usually documented. It is very laid back and will usually have little limitations in time or creativity.


There will be little communication in this type of brief. There will be the initial explaining and then after that there will be little.

Time Management

The time that you are given will be not specified and you will be able to do all of the work at your own pace. This is helpful for some people

Technical Skills

With this type or brief you will not learn many technical skills outside of that of your area of work.

Career Progression

This will not help you progress your career like other types of briefs.

Commission Brief

“A commissioned brief is usually privately funded by an investor and can be quite informal and well as formal, these briefs tend to provide minimal information other than what the client wants the final outcome to be and when they want it for and can be well payed but challenging.”

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A commissioned brief is one that has been invested with a huge payout. Usually these will be tough to complete but the money at the end of it will be worth the time.


This will more than likely be a formal contract due to the nature of investments. Due to this you will not communicate that much as a lot of the tasks will be pre-set for you and you will be told this via a document.

Time Management

Because of the nature of a commissioned brief, the time that you are set to complete this task will be shorter than a usual task and you will have to manage your time extremely well to complete the task.

Technical Skills

This would require numerous amounts of technical skill as I believe that this is one of the most challenging briefs that you can be given. This will range from managing your time well to creating your piece of work to a standard that is near perfect to the brief.

Career Progression

If you succeed in one of these types of briefs, the money and experience that you earn will be vital to the progression of your career further as it will allow you to fund other projects better and to help you manage your time.

Tender Brief

“This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.”

A tender brief is where different companies will pitch their ideas to the client. Then the client will choose from all of these proposals which one they prefer and they will usually stick with that one.


Communication will be vital to working under this type of brief. This is because the pitch will be crucial to whether your company will be working with the client or not.

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Time Management

Your time management whilst working in a tender brief will be important; however it will not be as important as working to other briefs such as a commission or contractual brief.

Technical Skills

A lot of the skills that you will be using to get the job will not be technical. However, once you get the job it will be all technical.

Career Progression

This will help to progress your career because it will get you used to working against other people to be chosen for the job.

Co-operative Brief

“Collaborative briefs can be fun and frustrating; these usually take place between two companies or individuals and sometimes can be of different professions. In these cases the brief is shared and there is little room for negotiation this brief can be challenging and hard to balance.”

A co-operative brief will be set to two or more companies to work together under the same brief working together to create a final product together. Both companies could work in entirely different types of media.


Communication is vital in this type of brief. As you will not know much about the other company, you will both have to communicate to create the final product. This may create complications or may help you to create the product to a higher quality.

Time Management

You will have to manage the time that it takes to complete this project between both of the companies. This could also cause some complications as both companies may worm differently to achieve the goal.

Technical Skills

You will need a lot of communication skills and also a lot of skills in the area that you work in. However apart from that there are not many other skills that you will need.

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Career Progression

This will help you because it will show you other companies and other styles of work. The companies that you work with may also want someone for a job that is higher up in the business than you currently are.

Competition Brief

“This is where a client can put their brief out so it can be accessed by all of the different production companies that are participating. It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best project and as an award they have it published.”

This is where the client will give the brief to different companies and these companies will then produce it. However, once it is created the client will then choose from the products to see which ones they prefer. This will then be published by the client.


Communication will be necessary for this. As you will be communicating with the client to make sure that your product will be better than the other ones. However you may not need as much as some other types of briefs including a co-operative brief.

Time Management

There will be a set deadline to finish this; therefore you will need quite a lot of time management to complete the task to the best of the companies’ ability. This will including setting a deadline for each part of it.

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Technical Skills

You will need some technical skills. However not as much as some of the other briefs as you will not be pitching the product to the client, it is only the product that is being judged and not the presentation.

Career Progression

This will help to progress your career because it will get you used to working in a competitive nature and get you to work to the best of your ability.

This is the client. They are called Game Jolt.

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The type of media that this is asking for is a game. It is a game jam where you will create a game within a small period of time

The game will be created in a 72 hour period.

The game cannot be an attack to any specific people/groups and it should be made within the law.

You will have to create the game in the short period of time. Any assets created outside of the 72 hour period are not allowed to be used. However there is no specific budget for the game.

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The target audience for the game is the people who will be at the game jam. This will be game enthusiasts and indie developers. However, they will also be played by PewDiePie.

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Valve is the client for this submission.

Source Filmmaker must be used to create it, therefore it is a film which comes over a few different categories.

There is no actual timeline for the creation of the clip. However it has to be submitted within a week of the opening of the submissions.

The target audience are people who use steam and play valve games, as they will be the ones to vote for their favourites.

There can be no advertisements in your clip.

There are not too many constraints to this as you are working on your own to enter a submission to get voted on.

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