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Brighton Surf Life Saving Club

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Following the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 27th September 2020, the Board of Management members were elected or appointed as follows:

Board of Management Position Member Meeting Attendance President Past President

John Cvetko Chris Parsons

10 of 11 Required Meetings 8 of 11 Required Meetings

Honorary Secretary Katrina Meehan 11 of 11 Required Meetings Honorary Treasurer Vince Cobiac 11 of 11 Required Meetings Club Captain Kevin Whelan 11 of 11 Required Meetings Vice President Bruce Hosking 8 of 11 Required Meetings Vice President – Junior Division Luke Verri 9 of 11 Required Meetings Vice-Captain Life Saving Services Will McNamara 9 of 11 Required Meetings Director Youth Development Lucy Burns

Greg Stock 10 of 11 Required Meetings 10 of 11 Required Meetings

Director Sponsorship and Grants Kathryn Casey 10 of 11 Required Meetings Club House Manager Brett Watson 1 of 11 Required Meetings


• Alexandra Cobiac attended 6 meetings as a guest to assist with the transition of Secretary role.

• Brett Watson resigned from his position on the 10th December 2020 • Patrick Cobiac, Alex Cobiac, Craig Caldicott and Troy Aberline were guest attendees for 1



Scheduled monthly meetings after the Annual General Meeting were held on or as close as possible to 3rd Wednesday of each month and as required. Actual dates of meetings held in 2020 - 21:

No. Monthly Meeting Notations 1 21 October 2020 Minutes accepted at 26 November 2020 meeting 2 26 November 2020 Minutes accepted at 16 December 2020 meeting 3 16 December 2020 Minutes accepted at 28 January 2021 meeting 4 28 January 2021 Minutes accepted at 17 February 2021 meeting 5 17 February 2021 Minutes accepted at 17 March 2021 meeting 6 17 March 2021 Minutes accepted at 12 April 2021 meeting 7 12 April 2021 Minutes accepted at 19 May 2021 meeting 8 19 May 2021 Minutes accepted at 16 June 2021 meeting 9 16 June 2021 Minutes accepted at 22 July 2021meeting 10 22 July 2021 Minutes accepted at 18 August 2021meeting 11 18 August 2021 Minutes to be presented at 15 September 2021 BoM meeting (held after this

AGM meeting)


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Club Office Bearers and sectional committees (other than the Board of Management) 20 – 21 Season JUNIOR DIVISION

Junior Vice Chairperson Jeff Owens Junior Secretary Faith Cunningham Junior Social Secretary Bronwyn Aberline, Ali Saunders Junior BBQ Co-ordinators TBC Junior Competition Manager Justin Fanning Junior Board/Shed Managers Heath Hanton Child Safety Officer Brett Watson, Nicky Morgan AGE Group Managers

• Under 7’s • Under 8’s • Under 9’s • Under 10’s • Under 11’s • Under 12’s • Under 13’s

Joe Raymond, David Floriani Lecia Wood, Gavin Nottridge Jeff Owens, Jacob Owens, Jordan Bowden, Fletcher Wiseman Ben Cornish, Anthony Elder, Heath Hanton Luke Verri, Sam Verri, Andrew Taylor, Troy Aberline Pat Maher, Todd Norman, Alice Corbett, Bridget Maher,Thom Whittle Neil Brown, Adrian Carbone, Lachlan Mollison, Chloe Bennett


Event Director John Cvetko Secretary Michelle Vincent BJC Sponsorship and Marketing Committee Kathryn Casey Treasurer Vince Cobiac BJC Finance Officers Richard Warren IT Co-ordinator MyBooking Manager John Cvetco Communications Steven Woodroofe, Sam Verri IT Timing/Recording/ Results Co-ordinator John Cvetko Swim Director Vince Cobiac Life Saving Services Co-ordinator Bruce Hosking Captain of Patrols Will McNamara Disabilities Swim Co-ordinator Billy Jackson Site Operations /Logistics Co-ordinator Troy Aberline

Tom Schouten, Robert Parsons, Peter Cockerham Equipment Officer Robert Parsons Council & Regulations Officer Scott Sandford Risk Event Officers: President of Club Council Regulations Co-ordinator Lifesaving Services Co-ordinator Swim Director

John Cvetko Scott Sandford Bruce Hosking Vince Cobiac

Registration Co-ordinator Faith Cunningham, Michelle Vincent Charity Teams Co-ordinator John Cvetko Photographer TBC Swim Merchandise Officer John Cvetko BJC Programmer John Cvetko BJC Graphic Designer Bridget Lampard Community & Traders Co-ordinator Ali Saunders Community & Traders Site Management on day Ali Saunders Sound & Public Relations Co-ordinators; Kai Ward Stage Activities Co-ordinator Kai Ward Channel 7 on day Representative Assistant Alana Hanton Marketing Officer John Cvetko BJC Be Active Grant Co-ordinator Vince Cobiac, John Cvetko BJC Be Active Co-ordinator Patrick Cobiac, Annabel Lampard Volunteers Co-ordinator Robyn Parsons Trophies Co-ordinator Michelle Vincent

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Chairperson Glen Millar OAM Secretary Julie Millar Treasurer Richard Warren Marketing Officer Sonia Green Sponsorship Officer Kathryn Casey Committee Member Colleen Slattery, Bev Young, Andrea Bodey, Judi Sweatman, Marc Spurgin, Sandi Carr


Executive Finance Committee Vince Cobiac, Chris Parsons, Richard Warren, Kevin Whelan Bank Account Signatories Vince Cobiac, Richard Warren, Chris Parsons Finance Officers/Tills & Banking Officers Richard Warren, David Burgess, Jim Brennan, Ted Clark, Kevin

Rowley, Liz Rowley, Alan Thwaites Uniform Shop Manager Nicki Morgan Uniform Shop Secretary Helen Burns Uniform Shop Committee Nicky Morgan, Helen Burns, Louise Stock, Vince Cobiac 7BJC Swim Treasurer Vince Cobiac Sculptures Treasurer Richard Warren


Sponsorships and Grants Officers Kathryn Casey, Neil Saunders LIFE SAVING SERVICES (INCLUDING TAPP)

Chief Instructor Ingrid Cobiac SLSA Assessors Ingrid Cobiac ARTC Trainers Ingrid Cobiac, Kylie Ellison, David Lucas, Libby Thomas SRC and Bronze Trainers Kylie Ellison, David Lucas, Ingrid Cobiac, Libby Thomas,

John Cvetko, Kevin Whelan, Amee Allison IRB Trainers Ingrid Cobiac

(Crew only) Craig Van Tenac, Robert Tanner First Aid Room Officer Will McNamara Patrol Captains Christopher Doyle, Amee Allison, Ashleigh Chappill

Patrick Cobiac, William McNamara, Sophie Burns Lachlan Mollison, Eliah Jackson

Nipper Patrol Safety Officers Luke Verri, Kevin Whelan, Greg Stock Vice Captain IRB Services Will McNamara IRB Maintenance and Transport Will McNamara, Ingrid Cobiac IRB Competition Coach / Team Manager / Publicity

Ingrid Cobiac


Club Assistant Secretary Alex Cobiac Club Records Officer Barb Staite Constitutional Officer Barb Staite, Alex Cobiac Memorabilia Committee Peter Cockerham, David Harry, Clubbie Martin Website Manager Katrina Meehan Photographic/Media Officers Sam Verri. Jo Beaumont, Alana Hanton, Troy Aberline, Neil

Saunders, Aise Dillon Newsletter Editor Sam Verri FaceBook Editor Sam Verri Registrar Michelle Vincent

Trophy Maker Rich Ryan Bar Managers Ray Write, Brett Watson BSLS Club Fundraising Stall Co-ordinators Nicky Morgan, Helen Burns, Louise Stock Sponsorship Tent Co-ordinators Kathryn Casey Sponsors Tent Duty Officers Kathryn Casey Sponsors Marquee Club Security/Signage Kathryn Casey Electrical Officers Steve Collaton, Greg Spurling

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Junior Registrar Michelle Vincent Supporter Members Coordinator Ted Clark


Licensing Officer TBC IT Manager (including fobs) Ryan Thomann, Security Officer (database & fobs) Katrina Meehan Security Officer (cameras) Will McNamara POS / IT Sevices Richard Warren Bar Manager Ray Wright Club diary & Function Coordinator Ali Saunders Bar Rostering Manager David Burgess Bar Training Officers David Burgess Keg Room/Refrigeration Maint Ray Wright Purchasing Officers (not alcohol) Tom Schouten, Robert Parsons Kitchen Coordinator TBC Building maintenance & cleaning Tom Schouten, Robert Parsons, Steve Collaton, Gavin Newton Gym Manager Mel McAinsh


Members Representatives Ali Baird, Fiona Starr Competition Committee Kevin Whelan, David Chappill, Will McNamara, Melinda

McAinsh, Kevin Watkins, Patrick Cobiac, Annabel Lampard, Luke Verri, Laurie Brett, Kathryn Casey, Steve Collaton

Vice-Captain of Competition David Chappill Head Coach Patrick Cobiac SLSSA Club Officials’ Co-rdinator Brett Watson Be Active Co-ordinator Patrick Cobiac, Annabel Lampard Swim Captain Patrick Cobiac, Annabel Lampard Board Captain Jebb Staite Ski Captain Wayne Jones Beach Captain Mel McAinsh Masters Captain Laurie Brett IRB Captain Will McNamara Boat Captain TBC March Past Coach Steve Collaton, Kathryn Casey R & R Coach Steve Collaton Lifesaver Event Coach Ingrid Cobiac First aid Competition Coach Ingrid Cobiac Surf Race Co-ordinator Des Staite, Barb Staite Surf Race Assistant Gail Donaldson, Bill Donaldson, Vince Cobiac BSLSC Immanuel Swim Coach Liaison Patrick Cobiac & Annabel Lampard


Youth Manager TBC Youth Male Rep TBC Youth Female Rep TBC Youth Social Coordinators TBC

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Induction Last Name First Name Induction Last Name First Name 1957 Stock Ken deceased 1991 Hosking Barbara

1962 Putland Norman deceased 1995 Staite Desmond 1967 Kimber Richard 1996 Knight Trevor 1967 Sweet Roger deceased 1998 Hosking Maxwell deceased 1968 Hancock Barry 1999 Openshaw Paul 1969 Donaldson William 1999 Watkins Kevin 1970 Donaldson John 2001 Staite Mark 1971 Rugless Colin 2002 Cockerham Peter 1972 Edwards Terrance 2002 Harry David 1974 Edwards Bronte 2002 McCloud Gregory 1975 Appleton Keith deceased 2002 Schouten Tom 1975 Collaton Stephen 2002 Wright Raymond 1975 Kappler Reg deceased 2006 Warren Richard 1976 Edwards Peter deceased 2007 Hosking Bruce 1976 Read Graeme 2008 McAinsh Melinda 1977 Trewartha Alan 2009 Bosley Steven 1977 Wallace Dave 2009 Parsons Robyn 1977 Vale Paul 2010 Martin Paul 1981 Bristow Ian 2011 Staite Barbara 1981 Cornelius Gerry 2014 Parsons Chris 1981 Lee Edward deceased 2014 Thomann Julie 1982 Caldicott Grant 2015 Jackson William (Billy) 1983 Hood John 2016 Baker John 1985 Archer Warwick 2018 Cobiac Vince 1988 Hardie Ronald 2019 Hilliard Christopher

1989 Caldicott Craig 2019 Wallace-Ward Dianne 1990 Stock Ian deceased 2020 Baird Alistair

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT The 20/21 season started with the hangover of COVID and the hope that we get through the season without losing the opportunity to train, compete, practice skills and have the fun we do when we get to spend time on the beach. For the best part we got to do the scheduled events, carnivals and importantly, ended the season with state titles across Nippers, Seniors, Masters, IRB and Boaties. We nearly got to do the full suite of Aussies, except for IRB’s.

Congratulations to the Channel 7 Brighton Jetty Classic Swim (BJC) and Patritti Brighton Jetty Sculptures (BJS) committees who also delivered some of the state’s largest events in this new world of COVID Management Plans. Sometimes timing and a little luck make great allies. One of the great outcomes of the BJS was the opportunity for the arts sector to exhibit and generate income at a time when the creative arts sector more broadly remains the hardest hit sector through this

COVID pandemic.

Recently Coolangatta Surf Club general manager Steve Edgar spoke publicly about his battle with "pandemic fatigue" in a bid to help others, his "simmering level of anxiety" and the impact on his mental health caused by lockdowns. While we didn’t have the same level of lockdowns here in South Australia, a level of fatigue does infiltrate, from managing restrictions and trying to keep the communication up to members in a timely manner and guiding our collective behaviours toward compliance. In some weeks it felt like we were meeting on the rise and fall of every tide to make sure we were ahead of the game on pending restrictions. Last year while capacity numbers were limited at 25-50% we took a position that our volunteers shouldn’t have to carry the burden and management of capacity compliance. We employed a security company COVID Marshall to shoulder that responsibility and I think all will agree it was great to simply enjoy the facilities and volunteer upstairs without having to worry about that.

I’d like to thank the Board of Management who leant into conversations quickly as regulations changed, jumping on calls, messenger chats and zoom meetings at short notice, and to you, our members, for following the guidance being issued. We intend to get through 21/22 in the same way. That’s it for COVID, enough said. Moving forward we will continue to adapt to changing situations as they arise, to maximise the opportunity we have to engage in our facilities, surf lifesaving, training, education, competition and socialising, as any given time or situation permits.

One of the things about testing situations is that it leads us to evaluate risks to the club and focus on longer term sustainability, and in that, to outline and determine through planning, where the club will be in the future.

Ahead of last year’s Annual General Meeting, the Board of Management commenced this process, evaluating the current position of the club, exploring what we want to achieve over the coming years, defining our culture, and articulating how we get to where we want to go.

This week sees the release of that document, the BSLSC Strategic Plan. The purpose of the plan is to share the collective vision of our club, define who we are and how we will continue to build Brighton as a great Surf Lifesaving Club for its members and in our service to the broader Surf Life Saving community.

Our vision as a surf lifesaving institution remains a goal of zero preventable deaths in our aquatic environment and the plan articulates our purpose “To provide an inclusive and enjoyable environment where we save lives, foster “Great Australians” from wherever they come, and build a strong community spirit.” This underpins our commitment to coach and develop our members and actively welcome new members and communities to our club.

While the plan was released this week, activities delivering against some of the strategic priorities identified within the plan have been underway throughout the year. Across the national surf lifesaving

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community, matters such as growing membership, pathways for development, access to competition and youth retention are some of the common themes which we are also addressing in the plan and at a club level. Locally we’ve called out that a strong coaching structure and committing to Age Group Manager Development are key to the development of our nippers, youth, and the results we achieve as a club.

We are very excited to have appointed Patrick Cobiac to the position of Head Coach, an opportunity and need which was identified through the strategic planning process. It was great to see the immediate impact of Patrick’s appointment. When we were thrown into a recent lockdown, Patrick had our nippers in a Zoom training session instead of simply missing out on Sunday board training.

In Chris Parson’s AGM report last year he wrote that there are many elements within a surf lifesaving club and that success occurs when there is a symbiotic relationship, with everybody supporting and encouraging the success of each other. This remains the focus of Brighton SLSC, support for and strengthening each other and all our divisions.

As we lead into the 21/22 season we look forward to engaging our members further in the club’s strategy, where we are heading and your collective roles in that. Our thanks to all the members who contributed feedback to the plan.

We often talk about our club punching above our weight in its contribution to the Surf Lifesaving Community and never more so than in the double barrel appointments this year of John (JB) Baker ESM appointed to the role of National President SLSA and his induction to the SLSSA Hall of Fame, while Kevin (Brakey) Watkins was appointed to the role of President SLSSA. The Brighton SLSC members couldn’t be prouder of their success and years of contribution.

Congratulations also to Ingrid Cobiac who was awarded SA Assessor of the year for the second consecutive year at this year’s SLSSA Awards of Excellence. Ingrid continues to be a lead educator in our South Australian community, this year contributing to many training and assessing activities, including the development of IRB skills at the Robe and Beachport SLS clubs.

Congratulations also to Steve Collaton who was shortlisted for Coach of the Year at the SLSSA Awards of Excellence this year.

Brighton SLSC’s contribution to the broader South Australian SLS services includes 28 members assisting the Emergency Operations Group, 6 Advisory Committee Members, 1 Legal Officer, 1 Risk Sub Committee member, 1 State President, 1 State Trainer and 1 State Assessor.

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Back at a club level I cannot stress enough the value, appreciation and importance we place on our volunteers in our surf lifesaving community. A Deloitte Access Economics report earlier this year, The Social and Economic Value of Surf Life Saving Australia, estimated that our national impact will generate a net benefit to the Australian community of $96.9 billion over a 15 year period. This means that for every $1 invested into surf lifesaving, a return of $20.20 is achieved. As one of the 314 affiliated Surf Life Saving Clubs, we contribute to that and it’s something we should all be proud of.

Participation in a volunteer activity benefits both the club and the participating individuals, with 25% of members who complete an award believing the training assisted them to gain or improve employment. It creates new friendship groups, contributes to mental health and 67% of SLS members are sufficiently physically active, which is significantly higher than the 45% within the general population.

233 individuals contributed 5,708 volunteer hours in surf lifesaving related activities and we also recognise and applaud the many hours in support activities which aren’t officially recorded, from BBQ’s, bars and maintenance crews to Nipper shop, committees, events and everything in between. It goes without saying that the more members participating in volunteer roles, the more enjoyable it is for everyone.

This year we see the introduction of a new award which will give nipper parents in the younger age groups an earlier opportunity to participate in and support the nipper program, while we also continue to be committed to delivering Bronze Medallion and First Aid training for our members.

In the following pages you will see reports of our success throughout the year and at the time of print we look forward to the upcoming Club dinner to celebrate in person the achievements of our members over the last two years, making up for the event we missed last year.

Thank you everyone for your contributions to our club in 20/21 and we look forward to getting sand in our toes in the coming season.

John Cvetko, President

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HONORARY TREASURER’S REPORT I am pleased to present the Financial Report for the year ended 30 April 2021.

The Brighton Surf Club recorded an excellent performance for the 2020-21 financial year given the closure forced on the club by covid during May and June 2020. During these months the bar takings were $410 as compared to the previous year of $20,074. The consolidated net profit before depreciation increased from $36,135.33 in the previous year to $78,515 in the current year. The cash reserves of the club increased by $9,707 during year. The highlights of the financial year are as follows:

• Bar trading profit $110,348 • Membership fees $59,710 • Grants and other associated income $105437 • Brighton Jetty Classic Sculptures $ 50,805 • Brighton Jetty Classic $ 23860 • Stand-up Paddle Board • Sponsorship of 6 Paddle Boards for youth • Sponsorship of two skis for youth • 2 Adjustable Dolphin Skis • 2 Second Hand Skis • 6 Dolphin Foamie Boards not yet delivered • 2 Dolphin Senior Paddle Boards • Training Manikin for IRB’s • Sponsorship of Unley Swimming Programs and the Immanuel swimming program • Sponsorship of the running program conducted by Mel McAish

Thanks, must go to the members of the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club who volunteer their time so freely and have helped make the year financially successful. In particular:

• The bar committee and volunteers who ran the bar • Volunteer bar staff the assisted at all the functions • The Boaties for the Sunday afternoon sessions • Dave Burgess for the Bar training • The money counters • The Nicky Morgan and Helen Burns and the Uniform Shop volunteers • The Kitchen and Nipper BBQ volunteers • The BJC Committee and the BJC Sculptures Committee and the Sponsorship Committee

who are associate with both events and all who volunteered to make the events a fantastic financial and social success



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Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. ABN 28 628 975 864 Financial Report – 30 April 2021

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HONORARY SECRETARY’S REPORT It is with pleasure that I present to you, on behalf of the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club Management Committee, the 69th Annual Report of the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club for your perusal, consideration, and adoption.

As a newcomer to the role it has been eye opening to get an overview of the various facets of the operation of the club and to be involved in it. It has given me a new perspective on what happens behind the scenes and the volunteer man hours it takes to operate this club. It is inspiring and humbling to be

involved in forming and shaping such a fantastic club.

I would like to start with saying thank you to Alex Cobiac for her preparation and ongoing support in handing over this role. They were big shoes to fill, and it was quite a daunting prospect. But Alex has always been available when I need her. Thank you again.

This role is also heavily supported by Michelle Vincent in the Registrar and Junior Division Registrar roles. Michelle worked tirelessly in the first half of the season to get everyone registered in a covid safe manner. This was no mean feat and at times incredibly frustration. Thank you Michelle for persevering, and thank you to the other members who helped in the initial weeks of nippers to coordinate the come and try registrations.

We all enjoy the social media posts and the monthly email newsletters. Thank you Sam Verri for managing the publicity and communications for the club. Thank you also to the numerous people who week after week put up their hands to take photos so that we all have photos of our cherished memories at the club.

Finally thank you to Barb Staite for all your help when it comes to the history of how things got done around here, and to Ted Clark for your amazing drive at getting Supporter Members this year.

Working with the members of the Board of Management has been great fun, and such an excellent opportunity to watch and learn from the experts. Again, I am amazed when I see how much time and effort the Board of Management volunteer to make this a great place for everyone to enjoy.

For those who like numbers…. We had 775 members for the 2020/2021 season. This can be broken down as follows:

Area Number Seniors – 15+ years 153 Juniors – 7-15 years 245 Life Members 54 Associate members including supporter members 323

We nominated the club for the SLSSA Awards of Excellence – Club of the Year and were not successful this year. However we had 3 club members shortlisted, including Steve Collaton for Coach of the Year, Ingrid Cobiac for Assessor of the Year and Sarah Matkivic for Lifeguard of the Year. Ingrid was successful in winning Assessor of the Year (2nd year in a row) for all the amazing work she does at club, state and national level for the advancement of life saving services. Congratulations Ingrid! John Baker was also inducted into the SLSSA Hall of Fame for his contribution to Live Saving at a state and now national level. We also had Laurie Brett and Robyn Brown awarded with the Male and Female Masters Summer State Championships Medal. Congratulations and well deserved.

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In wrapping up and reflecting on the season past, it really has gone by in the blink of an eye. But I hope in reading this annual report, you remember the amazing and fun things we have done over the past 12 months with a smile. Thank you again to all those who have supported the Club, the Board of Management and me. I look forward to another Super fun year ahead!!


Honorary Secretary

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Well, unlike last year, we managed to get through an entire year without having the majority of state and national-based competitions cancelled. Albeit the nippers having to put up with the coldest and windiest summer we have had for quite a while.

Well done to Luke Verri, Jeff Owens, and all the nipper cohort that again produced another fun-filled successful season. 184 nippers attending each Saturday and 85 competing at State Titles has us up in the Top 3 Junior clubs in South Australia. The COVID restrictions affected the juniors more than any other part of the club; however, Luke and his team worked through these challenges and made the best of what was dished up. While the success of our junior club in competition and the enrolled numbers continue to develop is impressive, what I am most proud of is the number of our youth that graduate from nippers and continue to come down every Saturday for nippers and Sunday carnivals to give back to the club as Age Group Managers. This, to me, is the accurate measure of the culture we are developing and aligns with Surf Life Saving Australia’s Mission.

“Surf Life Saving exists to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities”

Our youth, with the guidance of Greg Stock and Lucy Burns, had another fantastic year building on the success of previous years. With all clubs across the country talking about the

significant drop-off (14–17) year olds's we continue to grow this cohort (66 Youth). Our philosophy of creating great Australian’s, developing our own, having fun, and giving everyone every opportunity to develop and get the best out of themselves in competition and life-saving is paying dividends. We had so many great results throughout the year at the state and national level,

detailed in the youth report. I did, however, want to single out one result. Congratulations to Coco Carthy and Kalani Byrne, who won a bronze medal at Aussies this year in the 2 person R&R. This was a result of much hard work from the girls and their coach Steve Collaton. Steve had given up a massive amount of his time with the girls and the nippers, who also had a successful year in R&R. This hard work paid off with excellent results.

Like our junior and youth sections, the seniors are building and had a successful year in competition. It was so pleasing to be at a senior carnival and not fit under the club tent, a problem we haven't had for a few years. We had success in Board Riding (State), Champion Lifesaver (State), R&R (State and National), Pool Comp (State), as well as state-based beach and water carnivals. We also took our largest squad to Aussies (Youth, Senior, and Masters) this year. We didn’t look out of place and did our club and state proud. Thanks to Dave Chappill, who does so much in the competition area, it is very much appreciated, Dave!!

The boaties had another great year with 9 crews competing and 9 sweeps which is an outstanding achievement and shows the strength and depth of Brighton in this arena. We had

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another successful state titles in both master’s and seniors and The Broncos, who represented us at the ASRL National Championships. Well done to all the boaties!!

We also had another successful year with the IRB’s with an entire cohort of

competitors in Seniors and Masters, both old and new. John Cvetko is carrying on the tradition that Chris Parsons started of the President blazing away in the IRB on the cold wintery days. Well done to all those that braved the cold water and again did the club proud.

The club swim is still going strong, with 182 members swimming at least once throughout the year and 52 nippers completing the swim. Thanks to Des and Barb Staite, Vin Cobiac, and Gail Donaldson for all the coordination to make this event happen every week. It is great to have a weekly event that all clubbies can do together.

One of the benefits of being a 100% volunteer organisation is that all the monies generated through the bar, BJC, and Sculptures can be directed back into our members to benefit our members. This year, we purchased a rescue SUP, training manikin for the IRB through our youth development program, purchase/sponsor 6 mals for the youth, and two skis. We purchased outright 2 Adjustable Dolphin skis and 2 second-hand skis, 2 Dolphin mals and 6 Dolphin foamie boards for the nippers and a surf boat, as well as sponsoring the Unley Swimming (Craig Jones), Immanuel swimming program (Pat and Annabel), and the running program coached by Mel McAish and pay for the entirety all the nipper competition fee’s and subsidise state and national competition fees for all our youth and Senior members. Thanks to everybody who volunteers around the club. Your hard work is shared by many.

This year we had the following club members make development and state teams;

• The Bronco’s Danya Blyth, Alicia Montgomery, Di John’s, Regan Smallcombe, Kevin Brakey, and Chris Hildyard – Boats

• Patrick Cobiac – SA Reds Team • Lillian Woodroofe – Youth Lifesaving

Development • Clancy Cvetko – Youth Lifesaving Development • Taj Ward – Pool Rescue • Henry Miller – Pool Rescue • Brodie Watson – Pool Rescue • Courtney Bailey – Pool Rescue • Flynn Whelan – Youth Development • Henry Miller – Youth Development • Daisy Snell – Youth Development • Ellie Morgan – Youth Development • Sebastian Oliver – Youth Development

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All the activities we do at and around the club and beach help develop more lifesavers to protect our beaches and prevent drownings. Starting with our nipper program, we teach our kids the risk in and out of the water and how to look out for others. I was reminded of this during the year when I was

fortunate enough to patrol with both Matilda and Flynn for the first time. Like so many of you around the club, we are so lucky to spend this time with our friends and family, and it makes what we do so rewarding. Like the years previous, Brighton has punched above its weight in its role “life-saving services” and was well led in his first year as Vice-Captain Life Saving Services Will McNamara. We have 10 members who completed 150+ hours, 238 patrolling members who had a massive year completing 5 rescues, 1796 preventative actions, 5574 patrol hours at Brighton, and 8212 hours across the state.

I want to finish up by thanking everybody for their support this year, including the other members of the Board of Management that all do fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing you all next year at the lovely, lovely Brighton.

Best Regards


Club Captain

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VICE PRESIDENT JUNIOR DIVISION REPORT 2020-2021 was another successful season for Brighton with 184 nippers consisting of a wonderfully equal split of 92 girls and 92 boys. We had 85 competitors at States Titles this year and although slightly down in competitor numbers we still finished strong in 4th place with 228 points.

The weather was not on our side for the vast majority of the season, despite this our nippers showed great dedication on a weekly basis. We even had a day where we had 50-70km winds with squally waves, however our nippers adapted by bringing their boogie boards, and it ended up being the “best day ever” according to many nippers.

Our season started off with what has now become the norm, covid restrictions. Winter board training was a momentous effort to co-ordinate as only 10 people were allowed in a group for training. This meant we had to stagger starts and finishes, as well as make sure the groups were evenly split in age and ability. At one stage we had over 120 people including youth out in the water. Once nippers started Co-ordination of the Saturday afternoon dinning was required due to the restrictions on seating but we managed our way through, along with a whole raft of new measures to ensure nippers could run on a Saturday.

Kozzi Event West Lakes:

Before Nippers started and in between lockdowns, Surf Lifesaving SA held an event at West Lakes for Under 12’s and above. Under 12’s and 13s competed in a 800m swim and a 2km board paddle. Nelson Meehan finished 2nd, and Mitchell Carr 3rd in under 12s boards. Joseph Corbett, finished 1st in the under 13s swim with Louis Aberline in 3rd. The under 13s girls powered home with Holly Fanning 3rd in the swim and Holly and Annabelle Carr finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively in the boards. Holly’s combined score saw her come 2nd overall in the challenge.

Australia Day Mini Carnival:

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This year due to all of the cancelations of club events (Mid-Coast Challenge, Seacliff SPR etc.) Brighton Nippers decided to hold their own Australia Day Mini Carnival. Over 50 Nippers, 15 Youth/Seniors and 10 Masters were invited for an action-packed event of long-distance runs, surf races, board races and wades. Despite the chilly weather, everyone who attended had a fantastic time with ribbons awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in age categories. Hopefully we can make this a bigger event next season.


We competed at 4 normal carnivals this year and then States, which was held at Seacliff. Each of the normal carnivals were split with ages 8-10 in the morning and 11-13 in the afternoon. Due to this structure and the new volunteer requirements by SLSA we almost had to have one volunteer per 2 kids for each carnival which was no easy feat to organize and co-ordinate. Our nippers competed hard and fair and we achieved great results on the beach and in the water. Our swimming results were down on previous years which reflects the number of kids enrolled at Immanuel and Unley. Our aim this year is to boost our numbers in squad training and get the swimming placings higher across all age groups. The beach results improved with the help from Mel McAinsh, and the various guest coaches through the season (Mark Burns, Taj Ward and Hayley Openshaw). The results from boards also increased with almost every age group in the finals, most medaling, for board events. This shows that the dedication from the 35-40 Nippers who attended each board and iron training paid off in spades.

I wish the under 13’s who are leaving us this year to head to youth the best and hope to see you not only at training but on the beach under the tent lifesaving, helping out at Nippers and at competitions.

We had a great R+R team this year with Nippers competing in each age group. Coached by the great Steve Collaton (Collo) we had 3 teams each in the Under10/11’s and in the Under 12/13’s. In the under 10/11’s we had Mackenzie Verri and Zoe Aberline place 1st with Oskar Saunders and Jacob Keller placing 6th. In under 12/13’s we had Grace Norman and Nelson Meehan place 1st. These are fantastic results and next year with the continual build of numbers we hope to field a 5 person team as well.

Kathryn Casey built up a new March Past team this year. Previous years we had two March Past teams but numbers have dwindled to only one team this year. We placed 9th which whilst not in the top 6, was a great improvement over the previous carnivals where we have increased our placing each time. Kathryn would love to see more nippers out training with her this coming season.

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Brett Watson led our large number of official’s out on the beach with coaching and training. Many thanks to the core group off official’s who helped out at each carnival. Thanks to Richard Crowe, Matt Carr, Todd Pontifex, John Donaldson, Justin Keller, Hilary Whittle, Adrian Carbone, Troy Aberline, Julia Church, Brent Bunting, Judy Beal, Justin Fanning with a HUGE thankyou going to Brett Watson for his superb Head Carnival Referee role. Without these official’s we cannot compete. We also had a number of parents and youth who continually put their hands up for water cover help at the carnivals such as Fiona Starr, Bruce Hosking, Gary Cunningham, Nick Corbett, Katrina Meehan and many youth who put their hands up as well. I probably missed some names there, and If I have I apologize, your help was truly invaluable.

Our Perpetual Trophy winners for 2019/2020 were:

• Nipper of the Year 2020- Holly Fanning and Joseph Corbett • Des Staite Trophy 4pm swim- Delilah Verri, Mackenzie Verri, and Charlie Burns • Scott Hardie Trophy (Best overall performance at States)- Joey Corbet • Stuart Spier (Seacliff to Brighton 1st Nipper across the line) – Mitchell Carr • Champion Iron person – Holly Fanning, Joseph Corbett and Ben Maher • Champion Water (Most points at States) – Livi Meehan • Champion Beach (Most points at States) – Hunter Wood

I’d like to thank all the parents, youth and anyone else that has helped out this season. Co-ordinating such a large Nipper program requires a team effort. I’d particularly like to thank the following helpers and sponsors who without their constant contribution I may have pulled out the remaining hairs on my head; Michelle Vincent, Faith Cunningham and Justin Fanning for getting all the kids loaded into the SLSA system and then every carnival entering them in. Ally Higgs and Rebecca Carr for cooking the BBQ each week with bread supplied from Gregg Hardy (Bakers Delight Marion) and Brighton Foodland for the BBQ meat (and also the Meat Tray Raffle). Neil Saunders (The travel Mangers) for organizing the sponsors used each week for the Nipper of the day where we had “Jetty Rd Brighton Bakery”, “Jetty Rd Copenhagen” and “Jetty Rd Big Shots” provide vouchers for the kids. Ali Saunders, Bronwyn Aberline and Gina Norman for organizing the after states party. Pat Maher, Todd Norman and the water cover for their help with board training and iron training. Pat and Annabelle for their Coaching at Immanuel swimming and Craig Jones for his coaching at Unley. Mel McAinsh for the sprint and flag training.

I would like to thank the following AGMs who support and are the backbone of our Nipper Program:

• Under 13’s: Neil Brown, Lachlan Mollison, Adrian Carbone and Chloe Bennet • Under 12’s: Pat Maher, Todd Norman, Thom Whittle and Co • Under 11’s: Sam Verri, Luke Verri, Andrew Taylor and Troy Aberline • Under 10’s: Heath Hanton, Ben Cornish, Nick Wood and co • Under 9’s Jeff Owen, Jacob Owen, Fletcher Wisman and Jordan Bowden • Under 8’s Lecia Wood, Gavin Notridge, Doyle boys • Under 7’s Adam Keily, Erin Scammell and Luke Davis-Bishop

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Reflections: Where to from here? I’d like to say onwards and upwards. With a new Head coach this upcoming season I can foresee that our skills, and training will be increased and coordinated so that Brighton Nippers can reach their greatest potential not only in results but in bonding and team building. We have a great number of kids out on the beach who not only rock up with a smile but also with a great positive attitude. We will hopefully have not only a sea of future lifesavers but also a sea of competitors who like going to competition to have fun and achieve their best. Any clubbies who think they have something to offer the Nippers and program please come see me on the beach, start line or at the bar! LUKE VERRI Nipper President.

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YOUTH DIRECTOR REPORT What a fantastic season 2020/21 has been for the Youth at Brighton, we have again improved our performance and influence from the previous year.

As of December 2020, we had sixty-six Youth (U14 to U17) registered as Brighton Members; this is fantastic result!

We had a large group of U14’s complete their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) and the pinnacle of their training was a two day camp at Port Elliot. We presented each U14 SRC participant with their BSLSC Youth Jacket.

Club Youth Jacket presentation – Port Elliot – Oct 2020

In total we had twenty Under 14’s complete their training and are now proudly patrol our beach.

Brighton Surf Lifesaving SRC Squad Season 2020/21

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The youth group are a very social bunch which is why they are such great clubbies. The first social event of the season was a goals and pizza night. Here the youth sat down with each other worked through their goals for the season. The youth were beyond exciting when pizza and fruit platters were supplied. To end the night we played a fun facts quiz, where they found out some interesting facts about the youth, coaches and the adults helping out.

Goals and Pizza Night – January 2021

In February we held a Pre States Training Camp at Chiton Rocks SLSC. Over two days we trained in all water and beach events, with the main focus on improving our Surf Skills. A big thankyou to our coaches; Mel McAinsh, Pat Cobiac, James Cordner and Kev Whelan.

Pre States Training Camp – Chiton Rocks SLSC – Febraury 2021

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The highlight of the social activities was the Inaugural Brighton Amazing Race. There were 25 youth members, grouped at random allowing them to branch out of their friendship group. The groups set off using a staggered start, running around Brighton finding the clues and completing the activities. The first to return back to the club got their names on the nipper board trophy. Next seasons Amazing Race is already in planning and will be bigger and better.

Amazing Race- Brighton – March 2021

The 2020/21 season saw a large number of the youth group helping out with the nippers - both on Saturday’s and at the nipper carnivals. This was great to see as it provides the nippers with positive role models, potential mentors and shows a pathway after nippers. It was fantastic to see so many youth helping out with water cover and swimming in the Brighton Jetty Classic too.

With Covid-19 still interfering with our everyday life as well as being a very busy season there were some more social activities that were planned but unfortunately were not able to go ahead.

State Championships 2020/21

This season we had a number of new recruits in Keita, Courtney, Manon, Evie, Lola and Lucinda. All of our new recruits performed outstandingly at States Champs and many came away with their first medals in Surf Lifesaving. Courtney also went on to compete to her first Aussies at Maroochydore.

State Champs Day 1 - Club warmup

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As the below graph points out, Brighton Youth’s performance at States was fantastic and we achieved 3rd overall; this also highlights our biggest opportunity moving forward is in our Beach Area.

State Champs Results Graph provided by Pat Cobiac

We saw some fantastic performances with Brighton winning some key team events, which is always a good gauge of the depth of talent we have at our club:

1st U15 Mixed Cameron 1st U15 Female Swim Teams 2nd U15 Male Swim Teams There were some great performances individually across our team, the standout competitor throughout the States would have to go to Flynn Whelan, winning the trifecta in the water.

1st U14 Male Board 1st U14 Male Swim 1st U14 Male Iron

U14 Male Swim Final – Flynn Whelan – Gold Medal


BeachMulti Water

(Teams) Swim Board Iron Overall


Youth Discipline ResultsRank 3




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U15 Female Swim Teams - Gold Medal

Evie Armani, Lucinda Carr, Daisy Snell and Louisa Beaumont

Sophie Whiting & Lilly Jackson – Individual Beach Sprint

U15 Mixed Cameron – Gold Medal Lola O’Connor, Lilly Jackson, Jed Farrer and Henry Miller

Board Riding States Championships

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One event that is held each year is the Board Riding (Surfing) State Champs. This is great opportunity for the surfers amongst the ranks to show off their skills.

This year we had 6 Youth compete at Middleton; with standout performances in the U19 Shortboard by Bodie Ryan (Silver) & Mackenzie Stock (Gold)

U19 Shortboard - Bodie Ryan (Silver) & Mackenzie Stock (Gold)

State Pool Rescue Championships. Brighton came 4th Overall with a good turn out of the Youth Squad. A huge highlight of the weekend was Brighton Open Line throw gold medal Team, Taj Ward and Henry Miller coming within a hair’s breadth of the Australian and world record Line throw records in a time of 9.7 seconds. Taj, Henry and Brodie Watson have all been invited to join the SA State team for the Australia Pool rescue Championships later in the year.

Mixed 13-14 100 LC Metre Relay 4x25m Manikin Relay- Gold Medal - Henry Miller, Fraser Greig, Brodie Watson and Louisa Beaumont

Australian Championships

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Brighton Youth (U14-U17) had 14 competitors at Aussies which was held at Maroochydore, Mooloolaba and Coolum.

Brighton Youth Squad Warm up – Aussies 2021

We had some great performances with many competitors making finals. Flynn Whelan – QTR Final – Iron QTR Final – Board Final – Swim

QTR Final - Board Rescue Daisy Snell – QTR Final – Board

Semi Final - Swim Lilly Jackson - QTR Final – Board Henry Miller - QTR Final - Board Rescue Ellie Morgan - Final - U19 Swim Teams Final – Open Swim Teams Courtney Bailey - Final - Tube Rescue Final – U19 Swim Teams Mackenzie Stock - QTR – U19 Shortboard (Surfing)

Flynn Whelan doing some Media work – Aussies 2021

The standout performance for Brighton at this years Aussies was in U15 - 2 Person R&R

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Coco Carthy & Kalani Byrne achieved a Bronze Medal. The girls were coached by Steve Collaton, who was extremely proud of the girl’s performance. Coco and Kalani were very modest and gracious on their achievement.

U15 2 person R&R Bronze Medal – Coco Carthy & Kalani Byrne with coach Steve Collaton.

Congratulations to Ellie Morgan, Manon Van Den Broek, and Courtney Bailey on competing in their first year of IRBs, as well as Sumer Ryan and Emma Chappill, they all had a sensational season learning the ropes and were great members of the team. If success is measured in medals, they were very successful.

IRB State Titles - Brighton – July 2021

Last but certainly not least; I would like to thank the following Youth for their outstanding leadership this season.

Sebastian Woodroffe, Mack Morgan, Noah Saunders, Brodie Watson, Ella Saunders, Fraser Greig and Fraser Stock.

Each week when Saturday Nippers was been held, these dedicated Youth organised a session with Ryan (Ryz) Hart. As the Youth Coordinators of the club this make us extremely proud of this group of community minded young adults we are producing at the club….THANKYOU!

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Ryz’s Session – Sebastian Woodroffe, Noah Saunders, Fraser Stock, Brodie Watson, Fraser Greig, Ryan (Ryz) Hart and Ella Saunders.

Congratulations to everybody that helped make 2020/2021 such a successful and fun season, we certainly had our share of challenges with COVID-19 but we stand proud on our achievements.

We are really looking forward to seeing us build on these accomplishments, as we now enter a new phase at the club, with the appointment of Head Coach Pat Cobiac.


Youth Director

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COMPETITION OFFICER REPORT With cancellation of Senior State Titles, Aussies and Australian Pool Rescue Competition last season once training was allowed to commence again all competitors were well rested. Wayne Jones, Paul Vale, James Cordner and Pat Cobiac all assisted throughout the year with training in Ski, Boards, Swim and Iron person disciplines for the Youth and the Seniors. Beach Training continued throughout the year with Mel McAinsh

Board Riding Board Riding competition commenced State titles competitions this season on 17th and 18TH October 2020. All Brighton competitors excelled including: Nick Wood – Gold Open male Longboard Paul Edwards – Bronze Open male Longboard, Silver 40+ male short and long board Mackenzie Stock – Gold U19 Mens short board Bodie Ryan – Silver U19 Mens short board Champion Lifesaver A smaller contingent of Brighton competitors competed this year with enthusiasm. Lilly Jackson was 5th in U15 Female Champion lifesaver In U14 Male Champion Lifesaver Flynn Whelan was 4th, Noah Saunders 5th and Brodie Watson 6th. R&R R&R Competition was conducted at Port Noarlunga on 27th February with only 1 off senior team competing in the U15 2 person and with the experience of the year before and under the supervision of Coach Steve Collaton, Coco Carthy and Kalani Byrne won Gold.

Masters State Titles The Masters State Titles this year was again conducted at Christies Beach on 13th and 14th March 2021.

Training for this event was generally conducted under the watchful eye of Masters Board coach Wayne Carruthers and the Turtle pink rashies were out in force.

Many medals were received by Brighton competitors with the highlights being Gold medals in the following: Melinda Speechley 30-34yrs Beach Flags Sam Verri 35-39yrs 2km beach run Kevin Whelan 45-49yrs Surf Race Jeff Brice 50-54yrs Board Race Di Wallace Ward 50-54yrs Board Race, Iron person, Single Ski and Surf Race Julie Cummings 60-64yrs 1km beach run and Iron person Robyn Brown 65-69yrs 1km beach run, Beach Flags, Beach Sprint, Board Race,

Iron person, Single Ski and Surf Race Paul Vale 70-74yrs Board Race, Iron person and Single Ski Keith Reid 70-74yrs Surf Race

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Laurie Brett 75+yrs 1km beach run, Beach Flags, Beach Sprint, Board Race, Iron person, Single Ski and Surf Race

50-59yrs Female Board Rescue - Sharon Hall, Di Wallace Ward 70 + over Male Board Rescue – Laurie Brett, Keith Reid 110yrs min 2 x 1km NGS Beach Run – Julie Cummings, Greg Stock 150yrs min Female Board Relay - Julie Cummings, Sharon Hall, Di Wallace Ward 150yrs min Female Ski Relay - Julie Cummings, Sharon Hall, Di Wallace Ward 170yrs min Female Taplin Relay - Julie Cummings, Sharon Hall, Di Wallace Ward 190yrs min NGS Board Relay – Laurie Brett, Keith Reid, Paul Vale 230yrs min Female Beach Relay - Robyn Brown, Julie Cummings, Judy Carruthers, Di Wallace Ward 260yrs min NGS Beach Relay - Robyn Brown, Laurie Brett, Judy Carruthers, Ted Clark Brighton this year improved to be 3rd overall in Masters State Championships

Also at the SA Surf Sports Awards 2021 Laurie Brett and Robyn Brown were awarded Masters Male and Female Summer State Championships Awards

Senior States Competition After last years championships being cancelled one of our largest contingent of competitors competed over the 4 days of State Competition. This included R&R, Belt race and Rescue tube rescue on 27th February, Beach Events on 26th March and Water events 27th and 28th March 2021. Medal winners at Senior States included Gold Flynn Whelan – U14 Male Board Race, Iron person, Surf Race Leilani Snell – U19 Female Surf Race Open Female Surf Teams - Anabel Lampard, Leilani Snell, Sophie Heath, Ellie Morgan U15 Female Surf Teams - Daisy Snell, Louisa Beaumont, Lucinda Carr, Evie Armani U15 Mixed Cameron – Lilly Jackson, Henry Miller, Jed Farrer, Lola O’Connor U17 Female Board Rescue - Ellie Morgan, Courtney Bailey U19 Female Board Relay – Sophie Heath, Ellie Morgan, Leilani Snell U19 Female Ski Relay – Sophie Heath, Leilani Snell, Emma Chappill U19 Female Taplin Relay – Sophie Heath, Leilani Snell, Emma Chappill Silver Pat Cobiac – Open Male Belt Race Daisy Snell – U14 Female Iron person, Surf Race Lilly Jackson - U15 Female Board race Ellie Morgan - U16 Female Iron person, Belt Race Summer Ryan – U17 Single Ski Leilani Snell – U19 Female Belt Race, Iron person Open Female Rescue Tube Rescue – Anabel Lampard, Leilani Snell, Ashleigh Chappill, Emma Chappill U15 Male Surf Teams – Flynn Whelan, Henry Miller, Mackenzie Morgan, Felix Sandford U17 Female Ski Relay – Summer Ryan, Ellie Morgan, Matilda Whelan U17 Female Taplin Relay – Summer Ryan, Ellie Morgan, Courtney Bailey U17 Female Surf Teams - Courtney Bailey, Ellie Morgan, Matilda Whelan, Manon Van Den Broek U19 Female Board Rescue - Sophie Heath, Leilani Snell

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U19 Female Rescue Tube Rescue – Sophie Heath, Leilani Snell, Summer Ryan, Emma Chappill U19 Female Surf Teams – Courtney Bailey, Leilani Snell, Sophie Heath, Emma Chappill U23 March Past Bronze Sophie Whiting – U15 Female Beach sprint Courtney Bailey - U16 Female Iron person Ellie Morgan - U16 Female Surf Race Thomas Whittle – U16 2km Beach run Sophie Heath – U19 Female Belt Race Leilani Snell – U19 Female Board Race Emma Chappill – U19 Female Single Ski Larry Doyle – U19 Male Beach Flags U17 Female Board Relay – Summer Ryan, Ellie Morgan, Courtney Bailey U19 Female Double Ski – Emma Chappill, Leilani Snell Brighton this year improved to be 4th overall in Senior State Championships

Australian Lifesaving Championships With last years competition cancelled an increased Brighton contingent headed to the Sunshine Coast for the Australian Championships from 16th April – 24th April 2021. Vin Cobiac left earlier than most with a fully packed trailer. The club base of accommodation for majority of Brighton families at the Osprey was well organised by Neil Saunders and proved a success for before and after competition get togethers. All water events were conducted at Maroochydore and Beach events at Mooloolaba. Boats were at Alexander Headlands Youth Events were conducted over the first two days and the highlight on the first day was Coco Carthy and Kalani Byrne following up their Gold at states with winning the Bronze medal in U15 2 person R&R. Other highlights, Flynn Whelan competed well to progress to the final in U14 Swim finishing 9th, and semi-finals in Iron person and Boards. It was encouraging this year that Brighton was able to have teams in all the male events with Flynn Whelan, Henry Miller, Felix Sandford and Noah Saunders all competing. In Female events Lilly Jackson, Daisy Snell, Louisa Beaumont, Coco Carthy and Kalani Byrne all combined to have teams racing in the red cap. Masters competed on the next two days. Katrina Meehan finished 7th in the Ocean swim, 7th in Surf Race and 5th in Iron person. Laurie Brett ventured north this year in 75+ age group and won Silver medal in Iron person. Bronze medal in Boards, 4th in Beach sprint, 5th in Surf race and 8th in ski race. Seniors commenced competition with U17-Open events. Oscar Sandford and Pat Cobiac competed in the male area. We had increased numbers in the female competitors this year to enable teams in nearly all events. U17’s Courtney Bailey, Ellie Morgan and Sumer Ryan competed well in their events and were essential in U19 and Open team events. Combining with Leilani Snell, Emma Chappill,

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Sophie Heath and Anabel Lampard, Brighton had the best results in Female team events for many years. Emma Chappill, Sophie Heath and Sumer Ryan progressed to the U19 Female Ski Relay semi-final missing out on the final by one spot. Leilani Snell and Sophie Heath reached the semi-final of U19 Female Board Rescue. Emma Chappill and Sophie Heath competed in the final of U19 Double Ski. Brighton team of Emma Chappill, Sophie Heath, Courtney Bailey and Ellie Morgan finished 10th in U19 Female Swim Teams Final Brighton team of Anabel Lampard, Sophie Heath, Courtney Bailey and Ellie Morgan finished 8th in the Open Female Swim Teams Final. Best team results were: Courtney Bailey, Sophie Heath, Emma Chappill and Summer Ryan 6th in the Final of U19 Female Rescue Tube Rescue and Courtney Bailey, Anabel Lampard, Emma Chappill and Summer Ryan 4th in the Final of Open Female Rescue Tube Rescue This year we also had a competitor in the Board Riding championships. Mackenzie Stock progressed well through heats unfortunately lack of waves at Coolum did not allow him to progress to semi-final. March past this year was a combination team of Open ladies and U23 looking very resplendent in new march past uniform of red and white checks. State Pool rescue Competition State Pool Rescue Competition was able to proceed this year on 3rd and 4th July 2021. U11 to Masters ages compete at this carnival and therefore it was the first year for U11 and U12’s to train and compete in events not previously tackled. There was many impressive results across all ages with a total of 17 Gold, 8 Silver and 18 Bronze medals won in individual and team events. Most impressive result was Gold medal for Taj Ward and Henry Miller in the Open Line throw with a State Record time of 9.70 seconds, just a touch off the Australian record of 9.49. Gold medal results were: Taj Ward Open Male Super Lifesaver

Open 100m Manikin Tow Henry Miller U15 50m Manikin Carry U15 100m Rescue Medley U15 100m, Manikin Carry

U15 100m Manikin Tow Daisy Snell U14 50m Freestyle with Fins Katrina Meehan 45-59 100m Manikin Tow Danny Snell 45-59 200m Obstacle 45-59 50m Freestyle with Fins 45-59 100m Manikin Tow 45-59 50m Manikin Carry Open Line Throw Taj Ward and Henry Miller 30-34 Line Throw Katrina Meehan and Sam Verri 45-59 Line Throw David Chappill and Danny Snell

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U15 Mixed 4 x 25m Manikin Relay - Henry Miller, Brodie Watson, Fraser Greig, Louisa Beaumont

Open 4 x 25m Manikin Relay (composite with Grange) - Courtney Bailey, Ellie Morgan

Brighton this year was 4th overall in State Pool Rescue Championships

Taj Ward, Courtney Bailey, Henry Miller and Brodie Watson have all been selected to compete for South Australia at the Australian Pool Rescue Championships. Currently these championships have been postponed and rescheduled for 29-31st October 2021. Hopefully they will have the chance to compete for Brighton and the State.


Competition Officer

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SURF SWIM CO-ORDINATOR REPORT We started the season with a field of 81 swimmers the first week, and 72 the next week, our highest numbers for the season. Then COVID19 hit and we were in lockdown for swims 3 and 4. Swim 5 was cancelled due to a severe rain storm. Swim 14 was also cancelled because no IRB was available.

In all we held 12 4pm swims with 182 club members swimming at least once. 52 nippers participated and we averaged around 56 swimmers. The U14s are no longer part of nippers and so feature in the senior trophy lists.

Patrick Cobiac and Annabel Lampard completed another successful year with the Be Active group and also completed in most of the weekly swims. Thanks to our patrol captains and the IRB drivers for setting the cans every week and looking after our swimmers, and to all those members and parents who helped with water cover. Thanks also to Vin Cobiac, Gail Donaldson and Barb Staite for running the swims each week.

Weekly Surf Swim results Males Females

1st Patrick Cobiac 44 pts 1st Annabelle Lampard 62 pts 2nd Flynn Whelan 26 Pts 2nd Sam Verri 26 Pts 3rd Henry Miller 18 Pts 3rd Aise Dillon 20 pts

Seacliff to Brighton Long Swim

81 swimmers – including 29 nippers – braved windy and cool conditions for the annual Seacliff to Brighton Long Swim on Saturday 13th February. First over the line was Mitchell Carr (U12) and the next 6 were all nippers.

First across the line

Seniors Nippers Fastest Time

1. Aise Dillon 1. Mitchell Carr (U12) Patrick Cobiac 19:16 2. Fraser Grieg (U14) 2. Nelson Meehan (U12) Henry Miller 20:20 3. Dave Wittwer 3. Sutton Miller (U10) Flynn Whelan 21:23

Thank you to all the water cover including 2 jetskis, the Westpac Helicopter and LifeSaver 3. And the following in the 4 IRB’s: Lachlan Mollison, Mark Burns, John Cvetko, Clancy Cvetko, Neil Brown, Lee Winchester, Lil Woodroffe and John Fretwell. Members on boards included Heath Hanton, Kat Meehan, Jo Raymond, Louisa Beaumont, Alana Hanton, Ben Cornish and Fiona Hosking. (Apologies to anyone I’ve missed). Thanks to Rob Parsons for organising the large turning buoy, Bruce Hosking for organising all the additional water cover, and to Vin Cobiac, Gail Donaldson and Barb Staite for running the swim.

DES STAITE Surf Swim Co-Ordinator

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SURF SWIM AREA REPORT The 2020/2021 season presented a challenge for the swim coaches and swimmers who participate in our program. We are extremely proud of how our swimmers adapted to the chaotic nature of the season, with the many different difficulties that arose. Some of the changes our swimmers had to become accustomed to included pre-booking sessions, pool capacity limits and pool closures.

As part of our return to pool plan, Immanuel College, limited the Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club to a maximum session capacity of 24 people. To combat the session capacities, the Swim Program implemented a booking app, Punch Pass. With the Punch Pass app, swimmers could book sessions in advance to confirm attendance for each session, this enabled the program to manage the capacity

limits. We are pleased to report that this was successful, with the swim program maintaining attendance rates in excess of 80%. Our swimmers were very courteous of others, often sharing around sessions to ensure everyone had an opportunity to swim throughout season.

One highlight of the season was the performance of junior swimmers at junior state titles, with many achieving their swim goals. We also had several junior swimmer’s transition into higher levels of swimming by joining competitive swim clubs such as the Unley Swimming Club. We hope to have even more swimmers transition into competitive swim clubs in the future.

Whilst we managed to have high levels of attendance, sadly due to the session capacity limits we were unable to grow the program and develop new swimmers. One impact of this was our inability to assist members who needed help completing their swimming component of the Bronze Medallion Award. We hope that in time the capacity limits will be removed so we can once again assist members achieve this goal.

Finally, we are very proud of how the season eventuated as we continued to provide, a swim program that had a strong emphasis on facilitating swimming sessions for club members of all ages and ability. We believe we have achieved this due to a high number of members who participated in the program, even with such challenging circumstances. We hope that as restrictions ease, we will be able to increase the number of swimmers in the program and get new members involved.


Swim Area Captain / Coach

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We started our 2020-2021 season with a small and committed squad. Although we had to delay our winter training due to COVID restrictions, we still managed to get some challenging sessions into our legs. We ran short cross country circuits, stair sprints, short and long hill sprints and worked on bodyweight strengthening and core exercises. This very important training phase, was our aerobic, anaerobic and strength foundation for our next block of pre-season work. Once pre-season commenced, we were training 3 times per week. Beach sessions on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and a grass track session on Thursdays. This schedule continued

throughout the competitive season. A highlight for myself, was coaching our youth at their Chiton Rocks training camp on 19th-21st Feb. It was great to see all of them participate, whether they were beachies or water competitors. It is important to have the skills and basic knowledge for all events in Surf Lifesaving. If we are working towards gaining more points at State Titles, all competitors will need to help out in any event to achieve our club’s goal. Our program is open to all competitive club members. Currently, the majority of attendees are nippers, youth, u/17 and u/19. Our main focus for the 2020-2021 season was to continue with developing our younger members. Improving skills, sprint specific fitness, confidence, competition tactics, team camaraderie and understanding the importance of consistency. Our season was a little disjointed due to COVID restrictions, however we still achieved individual goals and improved results at Nipper and Senior States. Our point scoring results at Senior States: u/14 Female Beach Flags Lola O’Connor 6th u/14 Male Beach Sprint Keita Owuor 6th u/15 Female Beach Sprint Sophie Whiting 3rd u/16 Male 2km Beach Run Thomas Whittle 3rd u/16 Male Beach Flags Thomas Whittle 4th u/16 Male Beach Flags John Doyle 5th u/16 Male Beach Sprint John Doyle 5th u/16 Male Beach Sprint Thomas Whittle 6th u/19 Male 2km Beach Run Mackenzie Stock 6th u/19 Male Beach flags Larry Doyle 3rd Open Male 2km Beach Run Taj Ward 4th

I would like to thank Dave Chappill for his time and hard work when entering us into carnivals. It has been challenging to create relay teams due to our small squad, however Dave worked his magic and we succeeded with a few teams. Also, a huge thank you to parents, supporters and beach officials. We would not be able to compete without you. My most heartfelt thank you goes to our u/12 Nipper, Eden Brown and her Mum, Jo, for surprising us with such encouraging and positive support at the Senior State Titles. Eden had

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just won a bronze medal in flags at nipper states. She came along to motivate and help her fellow ‘senior’ training mates. This was a fine example of the ‘Brighton Clubbie’ spirit.


Beach Area Captain / Coach

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BOAT AREA REPORT This was another very successful season for Brighton. After being awarded the ASRLSA best boat club for the previous season we had a lot to live up to. The season started off with several disruptions due to weather and COVID-19 restrictions and the unfortunate departure of one of our Open Women crews, the Bombshells, to Glenelg. The traditional Robe carnival was cancelled due to a COVID shutdown prior to the event and uncertainty regarding whether people should risk booking accommodation. We needed to be more creative with our training with regard to COVID restrictions.

There were great improvements with all our new sweeps. Tom Murdoch and Sam Scaglione ‘Scaggs’ showed great improvement which came about by the extended hours they put in to sweep their crews. They are both now rated as S3 sweeps which allows them to compete in surf conditions. Tom Rolton has been sweeping the U23 Female crew for a couple of years and finally qualified as a competitive sweep and therefore rewarded by sweeping in his first State Championships, picking up a bronze medal with the Burritos. Carolyn Denton put in a lot of time with her development as a sweep and it won’t be long before Brighton can proudly compete with a female sweep.

Thank you to the Brighton Board of Management for allowing us to purchase a second-hand Perry boat to ensure that we now have a matching set of 4 boats. It was a bargain at $2,000 and is a fast racing boat. We donated the DKG, ‘Apples’ boat to Goolwa after many years of good service to us and outstanding results including 2 Aussie Masters medals for the Redbacks.

Crews that competed this year:

1. Broncos – Open Women and 120yr Masters 2. Guns – Open Women and Reserve Women 3. Beatniks – Reserve Women 4. Fossil Fuel – Reserve Women and 180yr Masters 5. Burritos – U23 Women 6. Dynamos – U19 Women 7. Ex-Presidents – Open Men and Masters 8. New Tricks – Reserve Men and

Masters 9. Redbacks – Reserve Men and 200yr



1. Sam Scaglione ‘Scaggs’ 2. Tom Murdoch ‘Oysters’ 3. Chris Hilliard 4. Ken Screen ‘Screeny’ 5. Tom Rolton ‘Rolts’ 6. Randall Brookes 7. Paul Martin ‘Clubbie’ 8. Warwick Archer ‘Arch’ 9. Kevin Watkins ‘Brakey’

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Masters State Championships:

Samantha Verri was the hero of the day by jumping in with the 120yr Masters Women’s crew. She had never rowed before and overcame the fear of surfboat rowing in tricky conditions for the club and was rewarded with a gold medal and valuable points for the club. Without Sam this crew would not have been able to compete. This is true dedication to our great club!

Results for the day were:

• 120 Female – Brighton Boltz – 1st • 140 Female – Brighton Guns – 4th • 160 Female – Brighton Beatniks – 2nd • 160 Male – Brighton Ex-Presidents – 2nd • 180 Male – Brighton New Tricks – 3rd • 180 Female – Brighton Foossil Fuel – 5th • 200 Male – Brighton Redbacks – 3rd

Senior State Championships:

We had 8 crews entered for the day at South Port. The Broncos were undefeated all day and took out Brighton’s first Open Women’s gold medal.

• Open Women – Broncos 1st • Open Women – Guns 5th • Open Men – Ex-Presidents 5th • Reserve Men – New Tricks 5th • Reserve Men – Redbacks 5th • Reserve Women – Beatniks 2nd • U23 Women – Burritos 3rd • U19 Women – Dynamos 3rd

ASRL National Championships:

The Broncos were selected in the State Team to compete in the Women’s Reserve grade and had Darren Hocking from Henley as there sweep after Chris Hilliard injured his knee. The Broncos were placed 2nd in the interstate competition and dominated most of their heats in the interclub but were unlucky in the surf and only managed 5th in the final. They represented Brighton and SA proudly.

Thank you to all the Boaties that have volunteered their time for the club in many ways. Running the bar on Sundays and ensuring an ongoing revenue stream for our club is significant as well as patrolling the beach.


Boat Captain

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This year was a big eye opener for me, taking on this new role as vice-captain lifesaving services with the added pressure of a pandemic. Thank you to everyone that helped me get through the season. We have had an interesting season this year with COVID-19 including density restrictions on patrols and still holding our Brighton Jetty Classic.

This patrol season we have progressed onto using the iPad patrol ops app for signing in and out of patrol. This new adjustment has worked relatively well with little errors with only myself adding hours for nipper training and various major club events.

This year we had 10 patrol teams with many new patrol captains stepping up and taking control of a team and many new SRC members come on board for patrols. We had several first aid cases and rescues during patrol and thank you to many non-rostered patrol members who helped with rescues/first aid out of hours. Once again, one of the safest beaches in SA.

This year we re-introduced penalty hours for all members not attending patrols or not attempting to find a substitute. This has helped with keeping up with the clubs contractual obligations with Surf Life Saving SA, to provide a minimum standard of patrol service. If these obligations are not met it can place our club in breach of our patrol contract. The flow on repercussions may be many and varied, including loss of championship points or ineligibility to compete.

We all need to do our bit to ensure the lovely, lovely Brighton is the envy of every other club on the coast.

The 2020-21 season Patrol Captains:

• Chris Doyle • Amee Allison • Lucy Burns • Ashleigh Chappill • Patrick Cobiac • Will McNamara • Sophie Burns • Lachlan Mollison • Eilidh Jackson • Kylie Ellison

Best Patrolling member of the season goes to Craig Van Tenac. Craig has once again stepped up this season by helping wherever and whenever he can. He is proactive in answering anyone’s call to fill in on patrols and was rostered on to multiple patrols as we lost key patrolling members during the season.

Congratulations to the top 5 member hours within the club.

1. Luke Verri 101 2. Craig Van Tenac 96.67 3. Kevin Whelan 87 4. Sam Verri 81 5. Lachlan Mollison 75.25

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This year we have stepped up with a few more state 150+ hours than last year. Well done to:

• Connor Jones 281.92 • Kylie Ellison 252.5 • Chris Parsons 247 • Bobby Tanner 179.92 • David Lucas 177 • Lillian Woodroffe 172.75 • Sarah Matkovic 168.31 • Ben Whiting 160.08 • Daryl Stanton 158.5

Brighton Statistics in brief:

Patrolling members: 231

Total patrol hours at Brighton: 5574.12

Total state hours by Brighton members: 8212.72

Rescues: 5

First Aid: 14

Preventative Actions: 1796

Beach Attendances: 22,874

WILL MCNAMARA Vice-Captain of Lifesaving SERVICES

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Aberline Troy 62 62 Byrne Kalani 27 27 Agar Amelia 26.5 26.5 Carbone Heather 24 24 Allen Sophie 31 31 Carr Lucinda 14 14 Alleway Clinton 0 0 Carruthers Judy 8.5 8.5 Allison Amee 33.5 33.5 Carruthers Wayne 4.5 4.5 Allison David 22.5 22.5 Carthy Coco 30 30 Allison Scott 21 21 Chappill Ashleigh 38 46.25 Allison Sophie 0 0 Chappill David 29.5 29.5 Armani Evie 26 26 Chappill Emma 27 27 Bailey Courtney 20 20 Chappill Lauren 21 21 Baird Alistair 25.25 25.25 chilstone hope 24 24 Baker Annabel 19.5 19.5 chilstone ivy 10 10 Baker John 28 109 Clark Ted 28.25 28.25 Baker Harry 14.5 14.5 Cobiac Ingrid 68 86.5 Baker Kate 19 19 Cobiac Patrick 27 27 Bambery Kimberly 4 4 Collaton Ben 5 5 Barlow-Jensen Amara 29.5 29.5 Coote Daniel 18.5 23 Batty Holly 0 21 Corbett Alice 8.5 8.5 Baulderstone Cameron 30.5 30.5 Corbett Nicholas 58 69.5 Beaumont Louisa 42.25 42.25 Cordner James 15 15 Beckingham Grace 10 10 Cornish Ben 48 48 Bell Stephen 5.5 5.5 Cornish Georgie 9.5 9.5 Bennett Chloe 27 27 Couch David 12.75 12.75 Blewitt Paul 15.25 15.25 Crozier Alyson 5.25 5.25 Blyth Dayna 21.33 21.33 Cummings Graham 3 3 Borgmeyer Emma 27 31 Cummings Julie 7.5 7.5 Bowden Jordan 12.5 12.5 Cunningham Gary 30 39 Brice Jeff 22 22 Cvetko Clancy 65.5 107 Brooks Randal 9 9 Cvetko John 41 41 Brown Neil 43.25 43.25 Dale Kevin 0 60 Brown Rachael 19 19 Danbury Sally 8 8 Brown Robyn 18 18 Davies Emily 27 27 Bunting Zoe 13 17.25 Davies Karen 27 27 Burns Lucy 45.5 53 Davies Rhys 16 16 Burns Mark 65.5 73.75 De Wit Jacob 0 0 Burns Sarah 24 24 Denton Carolyn 26.5 62.5 Burns Sophie 36.25 36.25 Dermody Tom 4 4 Butler Kane 0 40 Ditty Laura 11 11

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Doyle Christopher 40.25 100.25 Langham Annica 10 10 Doyle John 31 42.75 Leck Natasha 18.5 18.5 Doyle Larry 31 43.25 Lines Marshall 7.5 36.25 Edwards Claire 19.5 19.5 Lucas David 37.5 177 Edwards Jade 25.5 25.5 Maher Bridgette 14.5 14.5 Elder Anthony 34.25 34.25 Maher Christian 10.5 14.75 Ellison Kylie 15.25 252.5 Maher Patrick 45.5 45.5 Falster Robyn 11 11 Marks Kevin 0 0 Farrer Jed 5 5 Martin Paul 2 2 Foster Ellis 22.58 22.58 Matkovic Sarah 14 14 Fowler Anthony 36.5 36.5 McAinsh Melinda 3.5 3.5 Fretwell John 39.5 376.17 McFarlane Sarah 0 0 Gates Cherie 0 5 McKenna Amanda 31.75 31.75 Glancy Stefan 24.5 24.5 McNally Jack 14 20 Greig Fraser 29.5 29.5 McNamara William 50 77.25 Hall Peter 4.5 4.5 Meehan Katrina 34.25 42.75 Hall Sharon 7.5 7.5 Meehan Shaun 15.75 15.75 Hanton Alana 19.5 19.5 Miller Henry 33 33 Hanton Heath 39.5 39.5 Mollison Emma 30 30 Harkness Bonnie 10 10 Mollison Lachlan 75.25 99.25 Harkness Claire 18.75 18.75 Montgomerie Alicia 29 29 Harkness Eirenn 0 0 Morgan Ellie 32 32 Harrington Paul 56 56 Morgan Mackenzie 26 26 Hart Peter 22 22 Moroianu Marc 14 14 Heath Sophie 24.5 24.5 Morriss Amelia 25.25 29.25 Hebbard Darcy 25.25 25.25 Morriss Kerryn 27 27 Hilliard Christopher 0 0 Morriss Tamsyn 16 16 Hosking Bruce 23 80.5 Murdoch Grant 25 25 ignjic victoria 25.5 25.5 Murdoch Katie 27 27 Jackson Eilidh 16.25 16.25 Nesbit Ben 3 3 jackson lilly 21 25.25 NORMAN ALLY 14 17.25 Jevric Martyn 32.5 32.5 Norman Todd 32 32 Johns Di 23 23 Notridge Gavin 42 42 Jones Carolyn 7.5 7.5 O'Connor Lola 22 22 Jones Connor 20.25 281.92 O'Donohoe Delainie 6 11 Jones Wayne 4.5 51.75 Oliver Sebastian 27 27 Keily Adam 56.25 56.25 Orchard Toby 12 12 Lampard Annabel 31.5 31.5 Owens Jacob 8.5 8.5 Lancaster Brad 27 27 Owens Jeff 44 44 Langer Alex 24.25 24.25 Owens Jessica 26 26

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Palmer Marcus 16.5 16.5 Torney Deanna 0 0 Parsons Christopher 24 247 Trochsler Jannik 17.33 17.33

Pearce Roger 17 17 Van Den Broek Manon 26 26

Pearman Chris 24 24 Van Tenac Craig 96.67 96.67 Pretty Imogen 1.5 1.5 Verri Luke 101 101 Reid Keith 9.5 9.5 Verri Samantha 81 81 Rivers Colin 22.5 22.5 Visser Natalie 25.5 31.5 Rolton Greg 32.75 32.75 Walsh Helen 37 37 Rolton Thomas 34.5 34.5 Ward Bryan 18 18 Ryan Bodie 23.5 23.5 Ward Oskar 0 0 Ryan Summer 15.75 15.75 Ward Saffron 5 5 Sandford Felix 22 22 Ward Taj 35.25 35.25 Sandford Oscar 18.62 18.62 Watkins Ella 31.5 31.5 Saunders Ella 16.67 19.67 Watson Brodie 19 23.25 Saunders Noah 21 24.5 Whelan Flynn 25.5 25.5 Scaglione Sam 31.5 31.5 Whelan Kevin 87 108.75 Scammell Erin 30.5 30.5 Whelan Matilda 28 28 Silvester Gary 6.5 6.5 Whiting Benjamin 49 160.08 Silvester Gillian 3.5 3.5 Whiting Katie 30.5 30.5 Smallacombe Regan 10 10 Whiting Sophie 23 23 Snell Daisy 31 31 Whiting Stuart 31 39.25 Snell Danny 32 32 Whittle Hilary 12 12 Snell Leilani 29 29 Whittle Thomas 36.5 40.5 Speechley Melinda 23 23 Williams Terence 16 16 Staite Jebb 1 1 Winchester Lee 40.5 40.5 Staite Kelli 35.5 35.5 WISMAN FLETCHER 2.5 2.5 Stanger Gemma 12 12 Wisman Scarlett 0 0 Stanton Daryl 8.5 158.5 Wisman Shane 2.75 2.75 Starr Fiona 38 58.25 Wittwer David 29.75 29.75 Stock Evette 29 36 Wood Lecia 32.5 32.5 Stock Fraser 19.5 19.5 Wood Matt 23.25 23.25 Stock Gregory 42 44.5 Wood Nicholas 27.5 27.5 Stock Mackenzie 26.5 26.5 Woodroffe Charlotte 25 25 Strudwick Michelle 26.5 26.5 Woodroffe Lillian 68.25 172.75 Tanner Robert 57.92 179.92 Woodroffe Sebastian 32.5 32.5 Taylor Andrew 61.5 61.5 Wright Chloe 21.75 21.75 Thiele Simone 25 30 Young Ian 32.5 32.5 Thomsen Sofie 44.5 44.5

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TRAINING AND PROFICIENCIES REPORT As always, a busy season for the Education and Training Group. Without the efforts and commitment of our Trainers, Brighton would not be able to keep up with the changes to awards and the demands to upskill new and continuing members. Acknowledgement and thank you to Amee Allison, John Cvetko, Kevin Whelan, David Lucas, Robert Tanner, Craig Van Tenac and William McNarama for their continued dedication and involvement in this vital area of Surf Life Saving.

Over the winter period of 2020 all Bronze and Surf Rescue (SRC) Trainers and Assessors underwent significant upgrades. This was

conducted to upskill all trainers and to fully roll out the new format and course design of the Certificate II/Bronze Medallion course. It also highlighted the mapping and course flow for SRC to Bronze. These upgrades also saw a new award created to enhance water safety skills designed for under 10 nipper parents/guardians. This award, the Brighton training group will look to roll out for season 2021/22. These updates further enable us at Brighton to be on the forefront of award updates and help to format how we would run our skills maintenance sessions and training schedule for the season. Updates for Trainers and Assessors have continued over the winter of 2021.

This season an adjusted skills maintenance was conducted due to COVID 19. We were very lucky to have been able to conduct skills maintenance face to face using safety protocols and government guidelines. Some of our Advanced Resuscitation sessions were hit by a sudden lockdown and this saw them being rescheduled. However, on a whole everyone should be pleased that we managed to get everyone’s required upgrade completed including the majority of members' spinal management and tourniquets upgrades completed. Members would have seen a new award allocated to their list for this upgrade.

Due to assessor upgrades, it has seen Brighton left with only 1 assessor at this current point in time, with myself. The impact this had was Bronze/SRC wet skills maintenance was conducted on one day. Grateful the weather worked for us; I thank members for committing to this day. It was a huge turn out and a show of the dedication Brighton members have towards maintaining their awards. Behind the scenes, the use of the assessing app was improved. Although not perfect it did help in the documentation process and rapid update of members awards, something I wish to continue to use as our club numbers increase.

Award Renewable for Brighton Members for 2020/2021 were as follows:

• Bronze Medallion- 170 • Surf Rescue Certificate- 18 • Advanced Resuscitation Techniques- 37 • IRB Crewperson- 56 • Silver Medallion: IRB Driver- 35

Looking at our numbers we have had a slight drop in returning members completing their skills maintenance this season. Could be due to a number of reasons and the COVID times

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currently. We have had a significant drop in Advanced Resuscitation numbers, which is a concern and will be looked at and addressed entering next season.

On top of maintaining and upgrading awards we had many new award holders join our ranks. I wish to congratulate those members who gained awards this season. The 2020/21 season saw newly qualified members in:

• Bronze Medallion- 29 • Surf Rescue Certificate- 24 • Advanced Resuscitation Techniques- 4 • IRB Crewperson- 9 • IRB Drivers- 6 • Spinal Updates- 109

We congratulate these members and encourage them to bring their new skill sets to the beach next summer.

We had an increase in completed awards for Bronze, SRC, IRB crew and Drivers. I hope this continues next season to grow patrol numbers as required.

At Brighton we will continue to target members moving up in roles within lifesaving, offering education and training courses to those as required. There are a few courses offered by the state that we would love to get more members competent in them. Brighton saw 7 members achieve their Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue Award. Increasing Brighton’s capacity to assist in shallow water search and rescues.

Looking to next season, we expect to see a continued large number of youths across bronze and SRC with a hope to capture more senior members to booster patrols. ARTC will be a target area to increase skills across patrolling teams. And a trail of the course runs the Nipper Water Rescue Certificate to assist our Under 10 Nipper program.

Again, I thank all those a part of the Education and Training team and welcome them to the winter upgrades and conferences we undergo.

And a final congratulations to all those members who gained/ maintained awards this season and look forward to seeing everyone again next year. INGRID COBIAC Chief Training Officer

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Sponsorship and Grants are a main source of income for the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club and funds are directly re-invested into funding equipment and training materials and programs. In conjunction with our two major events, the Brighton Jetty Sculptures and the Brighton Jetty Classic we raise funds for the BSLSC and the overall result places BSLSC in a strong financial position.


Grant funding is offered by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Department of Recreation & Sport, Volunteering SA/NT,

State Government and Fire & Emergency, and Australia Post. There are also community grants offered by organisations such as, RAA and Australian Hotels Association.

The patrol tower was funded by a State Government Fund My Neighbourhood Grant of $150,000.

The value of grant applications lodged for the year is $71,938 and of this we have been awarded $11,938 and pending approvals are $55,000. We are not successful all the time, as there is limited funding available and the many Clubs applying for grants.


Sponsorship comes through companies and individuals supporting the BSLSC financially or “in kind”. We have a loyal and strong relationship with our sponsors, and this is the result of high level of communication and getting them involved in the Brighton Jetty Sculptures and the Brighton Jetty Classic. We are unique to any other SA Surf Club having these two events under our umbrella.

Patritti wines have committed $20,000 to be naming rights sponsor of the Brighton Jetty Sculptures 2022. This is an amazing acknowledgement of support for BSLSC from a local family business.

Finally, 2020/2021 was a difficult year for our sponsors financially and on the operations side. I am very proud to say most of our sponsors committed to continue to support the BSLSC.

I urge all members to acknowledge our sponsors back by supporting their businesses.

There are four categories of sponsors and support can be with cash or “kind in”.

Sponsorship Categories are:

• Major Partner • Corporate Partner • Key Partner • Community Partner

Major sponsors

• Channel 7 have signed on as naming rights sponsor of the Brighton Jetty Classic until 2023.

• Channel 7 created and screen the promotional advertisements for the sculptures and swim. The value of their sponsorship is $58,000.


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• Our relationship is with Channel 7 over the years have grown stronger each year and we are now fortunate that during our two major events we receive a high level of media and news coverage.

• Bank SA provide for marquee for the Brighton Jetty Sculptures, without this support the cost of the marquee would be $6,000.

• Foodland Brighton, Tim, and his team have supported the Club for many years and continue to do so.

• City of Holdfast Bay provides equipment and manpower to “bump in” and “bump out” all the exhibits for the sculptures. On the weekend of the Brighton Jetty Classic, they assist with the road closures and are “on hand” to assist when the need arises. The cash and “in kind” support is above $50,000.

SPONSORSHIP SUMMARY 2021 SPONSOR’S CATERGORY CASH IN KIND Major $31,600 $149,820 Corporate $11,000 $44,000 Key $9,500 $21,130 Community $3,000 $3,000 TOTAL $55,100 $217,950

For all Sponsors, please visit the Brighton Surf Club website. On the day of the Brighton Jetty Classic sponsors and VIP guests enjoy of day of hospitality in the Sponsor’s Marque. This is a popular event with our sponsors and is a payback for their ongoing support.

The Be Active Program provides an excellent training course for swimmers considering competing in the Brighton Jetty Classic. I would like to thank our members, Patrick, and Annabel for conducting the program for 2021. Funding for grant is from the Department Recreation & Sport.

Finally, a special thanks to our Brighton members and volunteers for the Brighton Jetty Classic and Sculptures events as these events would not happen without your dedication and support.


Sponsorship and Grants Director

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2020/21 SEASON

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Overview In September 2020, the Brighton Jetty Classic (BJC) Committee (the Committee) contemplated the potential risks of continuing with the event and the potential for COVID-19 restrictions and/or cases to cause a cancellation or limitation of events. The Committee chose to focus on delivering a scaled down event in order to progress a COVID Management Plan as well as minimising financial commitment and possible COVID-19 directions such as cancellation impacting the BSLSC. While the status in SA improved closer to the date of the BJC21, the Committee continued with the approved plan in the event the situation changed. The scale down planning included:

• moving sponsors into the club house • change of use of the sponsor’s tent for the main stage area • cancellation of the separate entertainment stage and marquee • a registration area with a focus on self-service • award of BJC trophies but no other prize giving • no DJ and public announcements based at the Jetty finish line • reduced the number of booked entertainers to the Navy Band and DJ Kai • a limited number of street stalls • no Home and Away Stars / limited Channel 7 presence • cancellation of the street market area and reduction in the number of food vans

The licenced zone was extended to accommodate the increase in area required under the COVID Management Plan for patrons and to limit access points. The Navy Band and DJ Kai demonstrated that we do not need a larger number of rotating acts to create a party atmosphere, with the Navy Band and DJ able to read the room and provide exactly what was needed for the moment. The event was well supported and one of the few organised competitive events that went ahead in the 20/21 summer. Wave numbers were down a little, predominantly in the 400m distance, but the overall event numbers were sound, with a significant growth from the Marilyn’s wave compensating for a drop in other waves. The Marilyn’s have already committed to breaking their existing record in 2022. Total registration revenue was just under $30,000 with the final audited results available in the annual report. After some variable weather in the lead up to the BJC, Sunday offered calmer seas and some sunshine. The event registration tent, start line, timing and finish lines all ran smoothly.


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7BJC 2021 FEMALE MALE TOTAL 400m BJC Fast Lap Invitational 19 22 41 400m BJC 65 123 188 400m Family Swim 2 9 11 1500m BJC 106 200 306 1500m BJC ELITE 6 9 15 100m Austkids 3 5 8 200m Austkids 14 12 26 300m Austkids 6 3 9 The Marilyns 288 288 TOTAL 509 383 892

Volunteers Considerable feedback was received at how the course, water cover, registration, start and finish lines were set up, managed and packed up this year. While a little more tweaking is required, we have struck the right balance with rosters and getting a good number of volunteers in each area. The old adage of ‘many hands make light work’ stands, and many hands also allow volunteers the time to leave their roles and do their own swims, watch their children swim and enjoy the activities of the day without being overly pressured. A large number of members doing short shifts remains the focus and approach for 2022. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make BJC21 one of the few success in a COVID summer. Of course there are those in leadership / organising roles that work the entire day, in the lead up and some days following and we thank them for taking on the responsibility to make all our event areas run so well. Sponsors Many thanks again to all our sponsors and the work of the sponsorship team to articulate the great value proposition that is being a partner in the Brighton Jetty Classic. All of our existing sponsors came back on for the BJC21 event. Thank you again to the Holdfast Bay Council who not only provide financial sponsorship but are a significant planning, infrastructure and manpower support partner. Their team and “can do” attitude always starts the day’s setup in a positive note. All of the BJC and Club sponsors are visible on the sponsor’s board above the lift in the main club room. COVID Management Plan The event required a higher level of scrutiny with specific zones barricaded to comply with the COVID Management plan. The street licenced area and the club house both required patrons to scan on entry, managed by WESLO security. Only registered swimmers were permitted in the BJC swim event zone. Volunteers were permitted in all areas and under the COVID plan and were not included in the patron limits count. Providing a separate event bracelet for volunteers made it easier for security to recognise volunteers coming in and out of zones and removed the need for scanning. The Marilyn’s had a separate COVID plan to cover their walk down Jetty Road and presence at the event. The large number of Marilyn’s always draw onlookers and a bottle neck occurred at the round-about making social distance somewhat difficult to manage. Strategies to mitigate this risk in 2022 have already been discussed, potentially including a larger barricaded exclusion zone to take in the entire round-about and the Jetty itself. The Committee will engage the Cancer Council to assist in the planning for this if required. While establishing a larger zone for the licenced street area worked well to manage the demand of the event, the location of entry to the zone was an oversight and caused a bottle

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neck. If a similar area and management strategy is required in 2022, the entrance to the zone will be on the esplanade at the northern end of the area. WESLO security did an excellent job adhering to the integrity of the plan, managing traffic and the club’s reputation. Succession Planning The chair of the Committee has stood down from the role but will continue to manage the registrations, swim staging set up and swimmer communication, using 2022 to bring new support into that area. The Committee have identified a replacement for the chairs role and are restructuring duties to make roles less onerous on individuals. Lessons for BJC2022 It is likely that some form of COVID Management Planning will be required for BJC 2022. The scale down of the 2021 event gave cause to re-evaluate what experiences add to the BJC and BSLSC on the day and the balance of resources required to deliver. The 2022 event committee is taking that on board as it plans for our next BJC.

JOHN CVETKO Event Director

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BRIGHTON JETTY SCULPTURES REPORT 2021 was a year of extra planning, problem solving and yet a year when the Exhibition surpassed all expectations. A new record was set for entries received, visitor numbers continued to reach 8,000 – 10,000 people each day according to Security Staff and local Police Patrols for the eleven days of the Community Event. 212 Indoor and Outdoor Sculptures were exhibited collectively in the open air and the two large marquees which were located on Bindarra Reserve. The visiting public showed its appreciation of the sculptors’ hard work by purchasing 38 outdoor and 62 indoor pieces and added to these were a large number of multiple sales and requested commissions to recreate the artists’ works. Invaluable support and assistance was provided by our Naming Rights Sponsor Patritti Wines, the City of Holdfast Bay and local police. Special mention and thank you must go to the Patritti Promotions Team who provided a great point of practical contact and interaction with a large number of the visiting public, via the Patritti wine tasting and product promotion marquee. A Special mention and thank you must go to the Council Events Team and Depot Staff who provided a great deal of practical support and indeed the Mayor of Holdfast Bay, Amanda Wilson who assisted in securing a number of large air conditioning units which helped a great number of local residents and regional visitors to enjoy their visit into the marquees with a good degree of comfort. The high number of sculptors registering to take part had a positive effect during the Exhibition; there were over $150,000 worth of sculptures sold providing approximately $40,000 for the community safety work of the Brighton Surf Life Saving Club. Vital funds that assist the Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club to continue to provide a safe beach environment for all users. In 2021 our Event again had the benefit of over 100 community-based volunteers to assist the visiting public enjoy our fourteenth consecutive year of this Event. On average each volunteer contributed eleven hours of their valuable time to assist in producing our most successful year yet.

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Brighton Jetty Classic Sculptures Committee

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CLUB HOUSE MANAGER The Club House Manager role has never been easy, and in the 19/20 then 20/21 season it was complicated further by COVID and the heightened restrictions imposed on our operations. We would like to start by thanking Brett Watson for taking on this role in 19/20 and the start of the 20/21 season. Due to unforeseen circumstances Brett needed to step down from the role in early December. Brett steered us through the worst of the uncertain times and for this we are grateful. The Board of Management did not have a succession plan for this role, and as such elements of the role were absorbed into the Executive team. There have been some great social functions at the club including:

• Nipper pre-season pasta night • The Life Member Pins awarding ceremony • Nipper states after party • Multiple Beer and BBQ festivals • The Gin afternoon • The wake for Rodger Sweet and some other small private functions

Given the restrictions the club has been operating under, the volume of functions has been reduced compared to prior years. However, this has given Ali Saunders a chance to step up into the Functions Manager role and she is learning the ropes as we gradually move towards less restrictions. Over Summer the bar was open for Friday bistro, Saturday nippers and Sunday sippers, with Tam’s Kitchen running the restaurant. Over Winter the Saturday night was instead a take away service for Tam’s Kitchen. The clubhouse would not function if it were not for the regular Saturday morning crew of Tom Schouten, Rob Parsons, Gavin Newton and Steve Collaton doing maintenance and cleaning. Plus we have Ray Wright ordering, stocking and maintaining the fridges, and Burgo managing the bar takings, bar staff and training. Not to mention all those who come to the club to do odd maintenance jobs as needed. This crew make it run so smoothly you don’t even realise what they have been up to!! The Board of Management will be looking for a new Clubhouse Manager for the 21/22 season and are happy to discuss the role with any interested clubbies. Clubhouse Manager

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Abbracciavento Marlene

Aberline Bronwyn

Aberline Louis

Aberline Troy

Aberline Zoe

Agar Amelia

Aitchison Allan

Alford Glenn

Alford Karen

Alford Zarlie

Alford Zedakiah

Allen Sophie

Alleway Clinton

Allison Amee

Allison David

Allison Kirsty

Allison Scott

Allison Sophie

Anleu Sharyn

Aplin Sean

Archer Warwick

Armani Evie

Armour Fergus

Ashton Chris

Atkins Jenny

Atkins Peyton

Atkins Shane

Bailey Courtney

Bailey Ken

Bailey Theresa

Baird Alistair

Baker Alex

Baker Annabel

Baker Annabel

Baker Harry

Baker Joanna

Baker Kate

Bambery Kimberly

Barlow-Jensen Amara

Barraclough Dave

Barrington Chloe

Barrington Jacob

Barrington Jason

Barrington Jennifer

Bartholomaeus Daniel

Bartholomaeus Helene

Bartholomaeus Lily

Bartholomaeus Lucy

Bartholomaeus Patricia

Bartholomaeus Sam

Batty Holly

Baulderstone Cameron

Beal Judy

Beaumont Eleanor

Beaumont Joanna

Beaumont Louisa

Beck Maryanne

Beck Tony

Beckingham Grace

Bedford Rosie

Bedford Travis

Bell Stephen

Belleli-Taylor Sarah

Bennett Chloe

Bennett Jan

Benson Lorraine

Biggs Georgie

Biggs Josh

Biggs Julie

Biggs Max

Biggs Molly

Biggs Will

Blakebrough Alan

Blakebrough Helen

Blewitt Michelle

Blewitt Paul

Blewitt Sienna

Blyth Dayna

Bodey Andrea

Boland Elaine

Borgmeyer Claire

Borgmeyer Emma

Borgmeyer Greg

Borgmeyer Tanya

Bosley Steven

Botterill Danny

Botterill Teddy

Botterill Thomas

Bowden Jordan

Bradley Shona

Brennan James

Brett Laurance

Brice Jeff

Brice Robyn

Bridgland Victoria

Bristow Ian

Brooks Randal

Brown Eden

Brown Finlay

Brown Lewis

Brown Neil

Brown Nicole

Brown Rachael

Brown Rhonda

Brown Robyn

Bunting Brent

Bunting Kim

Bunting Taj

Bunting Zoe

Burat Barbara

Burgess David

Burns Charlie

Burns Helen

Burns Lucy

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Burns Mark

Burns Peter

Burns Sarah

Burns Sophie

Butler Kane

Byrne Andres

Byrne Archer

Byrne Harvey

Byrne Kalani

Byrne Katie

Caldicott Craig

Campbell Salli-Jane

Carbone Adrian

Carbone Elijah

Carbone Heather

Cardie Cathryn

Carr Anabelle

Carr Lucinda

Carr Matthew

Carr mitchell

Carr Rebecca

Carruthers Judy

Carruthers Wayne

Carthy Coco

Carthy Glen

Casey Kathryn

Casey Nanette

Cefai Brett

Chalmers Ken

Chalmers Lisa

Chapman Joachim

Chapman Leon

Chappill Ashleigh

Chappill David

Chappill Emma

Chappill Katherine

Chappill Lauren

chilstone hope

chilstone ivy

Chilstone Janice

Christensen Trevor

Church Carys

Church Elizabeth

Church Isla

Church Julia

Church Richard

Ciampa Pippa

Clark Ben

Clark Danita

Clark Jo

Clark Ted

Cobiac Alexandra

Cobiac Ingrid

Cobiac Patrick

Cobiac Vincent

Cockerham Denise

Cockerham Peter

Collaton Addison

Collaton Ben

Collaton Stephen

Conaghty Sean

Conigrave John

Cook Dale

Coote Connor

Coote Daniel

Corbett Alice

Corbett Christie

Corbett Joseph

Corbett Molly

Corbett Nicholas

Cordner James

Cornelius Gerry

Cornish Ben

Cornish Callum

Cornish Evelyn

Cornish Georgie

Couch David

Cousins Evelyn

Cousins Roberta

Coverdale Xanthe

Craggs Charlie

Craggs Ethan

Craggs Luke

Craggs Rebecca

Creek Kirsty

Crowe Richard

Crozier Alyson

Cummings Graham

Cummings Julie

cunniffe Louis

Cunningham Bradley

Cunningham Casey

Cunningham Gary

Cvetko Clancy

Cvetko John

Dale Kevin

Dalling Harry

Dalpiaz Annie

Dalpiaz Anthony

Dalpiaz Jayne

Dalpiaz Mary

Danbury Sally

Davies Alis

Davies Asha

Davies Emily

Davies Karen

Davies Rhys

Davis-Bishop Isla

Davis-Bishop Luke

Davis-Creek Jasper

Davison Jack

Dawe Ivana

Dawson Sofia

de Dear Ian

De Wit Jacob

Denton Carolyn

Dermody Tom

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Dewar Craig

Dewhirst Craig

Dillon Alexandra

Dillon Andrew

Dillon Charlie

Dillon Edward

Dillon Madison

Ditty Laura

Dollard Kevin

Donaldson John

Donaldson Karen

Donaldson William

Donkersley Helen

Doyle Christopher

Doyle John

Doyle Larry

Doyle Lynne

Doyle Nicholas

Doyle Philip

Edwards Bronte

Edwards Claire

Edwards Jade

Edwards Jane

Edwards Neil

Elder Anthony

Elder Julian

Ellis Vicki

Ellison Kylie

Estrella Gabriela

Evans Chris

Ewens Calvin

Ewens Tessa

Exell Isobel

Eyers Archie

Eyers Harriet

Eyers Kym

Eyers Oliver

Eyers Tracey

Falster Robyn

Fanning Holly

Fanning Jack

Fanning Justin

Farrer David

Farrer Jed

Farrer Zoe

Fehring Anne-Marie

Fehring Bradley

Fitzgerald Noah

Floreani Clara

Floreani David

Floreani Jessica

Floreani Luca

Floreani Molly

Footner Simon

Foster Ellis

Fowler Anthony

Fox Audrey

Francis-Staite Barbara

Francis-Staite Kendall

Francis-Staite River

Francis-Staite Willow

Franklin Gavin

Fraser Ailishe

Freeth Liam

Freeth Louis

Fretwell John

Fulton Amaya

Gant Jo

Gardiner Danny

Garland Jorden

Gates Cherie

Gelven Tyson

Ginn Eliza

Ginn Greg

Ginn Hannah

Ginn Harry

Ginn Robert

Glancy Amanda

Glancy Stefan

Gold Diane

Gower Daryl

Grant Don

Green Lily

Greig David

Greig Fiona

Greig Fraser

Griggs Phillip

Gudgeon Timothy

Hall Peter

Hall Sharon

Hancock Barry

Hansen Isabella

Hansen Mads

Hanton Alana

Hanton Evelyn

Hanton Georgia

Hanton Graham

Hanton Heath

Hanton Helen

Hanton Jack

Hanton Luke

Hardie Ronald

Harkness Bonnie

Harkness Claire

Harkness Eirenn

Harrington Erin

Harrington Paul

Harry David

Hart Peter

Hart Ryan

Harvey Alexie

Harvey Penny

Heath Sophie

Hebbard Darcy

Hebbard Riley

Higgs Ally

Hill Chris

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Hill Christine

Hill (created in error)


Hilliard Christopher

Hood John

Hooper Aaron

Hooper Matthew

Hooper Noah

Horowitz Chloe

Horowitz James

Hosking Barbara

Hosking Bruce

Hosking Finn

Hosking Stella

Hough Damien

Hughes David

Hughes Gina

ignjic victoria

Inglis Peter

Jackson Eilidh

jackson lilly

Jay Samuel

Jerebica Frieda

Jerebica Lolita

Jevric Martyn

Johns Di

Johnson Cheree

Johnson Noel

Jones Carolyn

Jones Connor

Jones Courtney

Jones David

Jones Lorraine

Jones Sasha

Jones Sophie

Jones Wayne

Jorgensen Ross

Jung Ji In

Jupe Gary

Kavanagh Elsie

Kavanagh Lindsey

Kavanagh Stephen

Kay Roisyne

Keily Adam

Keily Amelie

Keily Lillian

Keller Jacob

Keller Justin

Keller Lachlan

Keller Sarah

Kent Rita

Kilmartin Charlie

Kilmartin Heather

Kilmartin Lily

Kilmartin Michael

Kim Seyun

Kinley Dom

Kinley Simon

Kinley Zac

Lammerse Vincent

Lampard Annabel

Lancaster Brad

Langer Alex

Langham Annica

Last Name First Name

Leck Natasha

Ledwidge Peter

Lee Edward

Lewis Kaira

Lewis Nicholas

Lewis Teagan

Lewis Zachary

Lewis Zalia

Lieber George

Lines Marshall

Love John

Lucadei Jane

Lucas David

Lyster James

Magnus Eleanor

Maher Anne

Maher Benjamin

Maher Bridgette

Maher Christian

Maher Madeleine

Maher Patrick

Manion Audrey

Marks Kevin

Markwart Emma

Marshall Charles

Martin Bernadette

Martin Knox

Martin Paul

Mathee Aaron

Mathers Jacqui

Matika Cruz

Matika Isla

Matika Joseph

Matika Tracey

Matika Zoe

Matkovic Sarah

Maunder james

May Brenton

McAinsh Melinda

Mccarthy Flynn

Mccarthy Sam

McCloud Gregory

McCrome Rankin

McFarlane Sarah

Mcgowan Jacqueline

McIvor Deb

McKenna Amanda

Mckenna Amber Becky

McMahon Jackie

McMahon Peter

McNally Jack

McNamara William

Meakes Buzz

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Meehan Katrina

Meehan Livi

Meehan Nelson

Meehan Shaun

Metanomski Evan

Metcalf Robert

Milburn Harrison

Millar Glen

Millar Julie

Miller Cameron

Miller Chris

Miller Henry

Miller Sutton

Mitchell Allan

Mollison Belinda

Mollison Cameron

Mollison Emma

Mollison Lachlan

Montgomerie Alicia

Moon Maxie

Mooney Saoirse

Mooney-Doe Vicki

Morgan Ellie

Morgan Keeley

Morgan Mackenzie

Morgan Nicky

Morgan Robin

Moroianu Marc

Morriss Amelia

Morriss Kerryn

Morriss Tamsyn

Moyle Leslee

Moyle Ruby

Munro Robin

Murdoch Caroline

Murdoch Grant

Murdoch Katie

Murdoch Tom

Murphy Shane

Naffing Ngaire

Nayda Jill

Neary Jessica

Neary Sandy

Nesbit Ben

Newrick Ayla

Newrick Jacob

Newrick Kimberley

Newrick Rachel

Newrick Talia

Newton Gavin

Nguyen Tam


Norman Gina

Norman Grace

Norman John

Norman Oscar

Norman Todd

Notridge Gavin

Notridge Isabella

Notridge Phoebe

Notridge Sarah

O'Connor Anthony

O'Connor Lola

O'Donohoe Delainie

Oliver Sebastian

Oniszk Zenon

Openshaw Paul

Orchard Nick

Orchard Toby

Owens Jacob

Owens Jeff

Owens Jessica

Owens Samantha

Owuor Keita

Paech Anissa

Palmer Marcus

Paris Allan

Paris Jenny

Parsons Anna

Parsons Christopher

Parsons Robert

Parsons Robyn

Parsons Tenielle

Payne Emma

Payne Keeley

Payne Marissa

Payne Stephen

Peacock Heather

Pearce Roger

Pearman Chris

Pezzetta Charlie

Pezzetta Georgie

Pezzetta Rose

Pezzetta Steven

Pezzetta Tomson

Ploenges Bryan

Poel Anne

Pontifex Anna

Pontifex Ed

Pontifex Max

Pontifex Todd

Pretty Imogen

Prosser Charlotte

Pyrah Charlie

Ramage Andrew

Ranck Diane

Ranson Warrick

Raymond Finn

Raymond Joseph

Raymond Maggie

Rea Paul

Reid Keith

Relf Alice

Relf Isabelle

Rhodes Eve

Rhodes Ian

Rice Audrey

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Rice Mia

Rivers Colin

Roberts Gillian

Rogers Matt

Rolton Greg

Rolton Thomas

Rothe Kym

Rothe Mary

Rowley Elizabeth

Rowley Kevin

Rudd Lua

Ryan Archie

Ryan Bodie

Ryan Jack

Ryan Jonty

Ryan Kathryn

Ryan Katie

ryan Richard

Ryan Summer

Ryan William

Sandford Felix

Sandford Jayne

Sandford Oscar

Sandford Scott

Saunders Alison

Saunders Ella

Saunders Helen

Saunders Liam

Saunders Neil

Saunders Noah

Saunders Oskar

Saunders Trevor

Scaglione Sam

Scammell Erin

Scammell Fred

Scammell Willow

Scherer Bryan

Schilling Yvonne

Schouten Tom

Schultz David

Screen Kenneth

Scrivener Benji

Scrivener Kimberley

Scrivener Paul

Shaw Aasha

Shea Eden

Sherlock Valerie

Silvester Fang-Chi

Silvester Gary

Silvester Geremy

Silvester Gillian

Smallacombe Regan

Smart Gregory

Smith Pamela

Snell Daisy

Snell Danny

Snell Leilani

Sparkes Ollie

Speechley Melinda

Squires Jacqui

Squires Michael

Staite Desmond

Staite Jebb

Staite Kelli

Stanger Gemma

Stanton Daryl

Starr Fiona

Stewart Ian

Stock Evette

Stock Fraser

Stock Gregory

Stock Louise

Stock Mackenzie

Stock Meredith

Stoddart Glenn

Stone Neville

Strudwick Kathy

Strudwick Michelle

Strudwick Robert

Strudwick Sarah

Sweatman Judith

Sweeney Declan

Sweeney Harry

Tanner Robert

Taylor Andrew

Taylor Giaan

Taylor Louis

Thiele Simone

Thomann Ingo

Thomann Julianne

Thomann Ryan

Thomas Elizabeth

Thomas Julie

Thomas Simon

Thompson Barbara

Thomsen Sofie

Thomson Stephanie

Thomson Stuart

Thwaites Alan

Thwaites Lesley

Timmermans Theodorus

Torney Deanna

Trimboli Jennifer

Trimboli Luca

Trimboli Robert

Trochsler Jannik

Trochsler Samuel

Vale Paul

Van Den Broek Manon

Van Tenac Craig

Venables Debbie

Venables Kiana

Verri Delilah

Verri Luke

Verri Mackenzie

Verri Samantha

Vincent Michelle

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Visser Natalie

Von Bertouch Terry

Vowles Judy

Vowles Michael

Wagner Lupe-Piano

Wallace Faith

Wallace-ward Dianne

Walsh Helen

Walters Bryant

Walters Mary

Wang Janet

Ward Bryan

Ward Curtis

Ward Evelyn

Ward John

Ward Kai

Ward Oskar

Ward Paul

Ward Saffron

Ward Taj

Warren Richard

Watkins Ella

Watson Brett

Watson Brodie

Watson Calum

Watson Stewart

Webber David

Wenzel Marco

Whaley Paul

Wheatley Jill

Wheatley Leigh

Whelan Flynn

Whelan Kevin

Whelan Matilda

Whelan Rebecca

Whelan Sebastian

Whiting Benjamin

Whiting Katie

Whiting Sophie

Whiting Stuart

Whittle Hilary

Whittle Thomas

Widdrington Darrin

Williams Christopher

Williams Cole

Williams Terence

Wilson Chris

Wilson Patrick

Winchester Lee


Wisman Kylie

Wisman Scarlett

Wisman Shane

Wittwer David

Wood Bailey

Wood Hudson

Wood Hunter

Wood Isla

Wood Lecia

Wood Matt

Wood Nicholas

Wood Sophie

Wood Taylor

Woodroffe Charlotte

Woodroffe Jasmine

Woodroffe Lillian

Woodroffe Sebastian

Woodroffe Steven

Wright Chloe

Wright Eamon

Wright Raymond

Wyers Jasper

Young Beverley

Young Brian

Young David

Young Ian

Young Marilyn

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CLUB OF THE YEAR NOMINATION Question 1 – Tell us about the Club

In the 20-21 season, Brighton had 793 registered members. Of this, Brighton had 192 junior members, 143 members in the Under 14 to Under 21 categories with the balance being senior members, master members, life members and social members. There were 200 proficient members engaged in Surf Life Saving Activity.

Like many organisations navigating COVID, 2020 was difficult year for the club, closing our doors for a number of months and then managing a restricted return to activities in our winter training program activity and club house operations. During the initial restrictions, the Board of Management (BoM) made the decision to disconnect all but board and allocated emergency personnel access cards, limiting access to the club to ensure compliance with state regulations to mitigate potential reputational and financial risk to the club and SLS.

Such is the spirt of the local community, many members found themselves at a loss in being unable to engage with what for many is a central focus of their life routines. A sense of community ensued with clubbies checking in on some of the older and frail members, keeping each other’s spirits up.

As a 100% volunteer club, our services are managed by the members with rosters and the added flexibility of members stepping in and helping as required on any given night. When the facilities reopened, the role of COVID Marshal, ensuring compliance with registration, seating and congregating regulations brought new challenges to our volunteers. While some 50 members undertook COVID marshal training to maximise our training and service opportunities, there was a considerable responsibility in the role, managing and limiting access, directing patrons to be seated, managing number limits and being accountable in the case of police inspections. The management of this function quickly started to cause concern and angst amongst those with COVID marshal responsibility. Recognising the concerns and stress amongst our volunteers, the BoM took a lifesaving approach of no danger to self or others and engaged an external security partner to provide a COVID marshal across our club at key times during club trading. This continued through to the end of the Nipper season.

While taking this step meant additional cost to the club in a year of declining revenue, we believe it removed an unnecessary and uncomfortable burden and stress from our volunteers. This approach sits squarely with making it easier for volunteers to contribute to the SLS movement and protecting and enhancing the brand as an organisation that protects and supports its people.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (2.4,2.5,3.1,3.4,4.5)

COVID impacted on our ability to engage as normal in that club environment. As restrictions eased, we stepped back into gear, and now in hindsight are proud and amazed with what we’ve been able to achieve. It also caused us to reflect more about risk and as a club we are now strategically revaluating what makes BSLSC align to the strategic direction of the SLS community.

Question Q2 – What has been achieved?

BSLSC has two major community events which contribute broadly to Adelaide’s sport and arts calendar, with both events key contributors to the clubs lifesaving and nipper / youth operations budget. Both events worked through a myriad of state, health and police planning,

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risk and compliance frameworks, formulating COVID management plans and being able to deliver the essence of the events, notwithstanding some minor risk based amendments in an environment where cancellation was as risk.

The 2021 16th Channel 7 Brighton Jetty Classic Swim (7BJC) event finished with an amazing 892 participants, in part reflecting the surf and ocean swimming community’s revelling in an opportunity to engage in their passion amongst a season of swim event cancellations, both in SA and across Australia.

The 2021 12th Patriiti Brighton Jetty Sculpture (PBJS) event grew again, breaking previous records with 212 pieces of art submitted. Now lauded as one of the premier arts events in South Australia, this event increasingly brings broader communities in touch with the SLS community and grow the community engagement brand value of our organisations. Police estimate a passing crowd attendance of 10,000 + people per day on average during the event. This year the Brighton Youth actively participated in the event set up as a core team working together.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (2.3,2.5,3.1,3.4,4.1,4.2)

Brighton committed to is patrol service delivery, delivery on its SLSSA contract obligations in its entirety, as well as passing the seasons audits. Given the frequency of beach goers in hot weather, we also ran numerous hot weather patrols & weekday evening patrols, all supported by our existing pool of volunteers.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (1.1,1.2,1.3,2.5)

Brighton oversaw 72 new award recipients, 109 Spinal updates, 7 members gaining SM Aquatic Rescue and stepped in to assist other clubs at the last assessment of the 2021 season (Glenelg). Our collective female members hold 449 award and the male 477.

Brighton members achieved 5,708 patrol hours at Brighton Beach and also contributed 1990 hrs to the State EOG and 906 hours in support of SLS events.

Brighton had zero drownings, performed 3 rescues, took 1793 preventative actions, conducted 1 searches, had 3 shark alarms and completed 14 first aid cases.

Brighton continues to punch above its weight with 29 of its members contributing to the State’s EOG in JRB, Duty Roles, REC, Heli RPAS and Surfcom. This year an additional two trainees joined the ranks, training in Surfcom and JRB, with two female members now on the RWC training roster.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.5,3.3,4.4)

Brighton supported the state IRB training program. A plan was mapped out to travel to Robe to assist in completing IRB crew training and while there to start IRB Driver training for Robe and Beachport. When drivers came to complete training in Adelaide, Brighton supported the clubs with equipment and IRB’s to ensure they could complete their training without the burden of trekking gear and boats 00’s of kilometres.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5,3.2, 3.3, 4.4)

Question 3 – Why and how it has made a difference, and to whom?

In our life saving community we strive to deliver a group of volunteers that respect the SLS institution, and the role we have on the beach. Our goal is high quality training, skills maintenance and patrol service. This permeates through our volunteers to further support;

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· State’s Emergency Operations Group

· regional clubs with training and resource and,

· our contributions to officials and SLSSA events.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.5,1.6,1.7,2.1,2.2,2.5,3.2,3.3,4.4)

Our ability to navigate the risk of large events and deliver both the 7BJC and the PBJS led a sense of normality back to our community.

We received accolade from artists involved in the PBJS thanking us for the opportunity to present and sell work where there had been none in 2020.

Within the 7BJC, The Marilyn’s and Cancer Council SA had the platform to raise over $170,000, bringing the Marilyn’s fundraising to over $670,000 since the 7BJC / Marilyn partnership began 10 years ago.

These two events contributed 16 days and some 200,000 visitors to the area, supporting local cafes and shops, reinvigorating the local economy and going a long way to build back the loses from closures in 2020.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (2.3,2.5,3.1,3.4,4.1,4.5)

Question 4 – What is the ONE lesson that your club can teach and share with all other SLS clubs both here in Australia and Internationally?

Brighton is structured as a club that is 100% volunteer run with no paid staff. To succeed as a volunteer operation, addressing the needs, culture and value to our members is a critical driver to how the business is positioned.

Regardless of the volunteer status, to succeed with this model, a commercial approach that recognises and rewards the volunteers is critical. Those rewards generally manifest in the way we present programs to support Nippers and Youth, provide the club as a facility to our members, provide training and development opportunities, create a safe and inclusive environment and the personal satisfaction (reward) the volunteer gains by participating.

Today most families are time poor and volunteer fatigue is becoming more prevalent. We don’t have it right yet, but we are on the way with understanding that there is a limit to what is possible with a finite resource. As a club we need to ensure we are finding ways to achieve our goals without an onerous burden on our volunteers.

As with nippers, when competition is no longer fun, Surf lifesaving loses them. Volunteers and nippers are not dissimilar. Volunteer commitments are always more successful and sustainable where the engagement of volunteers provides friends an opportunity to engage together in a duties / social mix.

A successful approach seeks to make the volunteers contribution easier and enjoyable, identifying better practices and efficiencies in the roles. This approach is a critical reinvestment by the club to its volunteers. We need to invest in improving our practices and resource ourselves to evaluate what we can do to protect our volunteers from overloaded.

The growth to a successful volunteer enterprise is incremental, starting small, building interest through opportunities that provide volunteer’s personal reward. Giving people opportunities to learn and grow in a safe and structured environment while serving the community is often the sound building block to this sense of personal reward.

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We recognise that people have different ways they want to be involved and contribute to the club and engage them personally to identify this and open pathways to get involved.

Throwing volunteers in at the deep end can be fun sometimes but it’s not an approach to building a sustainable volunteer base. Invest the time to develop small training templates and structured bite size learning opportunities. Identify people who can use these simple tools to mentor new volunteers and show them the ropes, even if it’s a task that only takes 10 minutes to learn.

Start succession planning and putting together the materials you need to support volunteers into new roles. The more complex the role, the more you need to invest in those tools.

Do it right and you’ll get it back tenfold with longevity and passion.

Question 5 – What are your plans for future development and continuous improvement?

As stated earlier, COVID led us to think more broadly about risk and the inputs which make a SLSC strategic and successful. There are a number of key programs currently under way spurred on by the evaluation.

BSLSC maintains a club result focus. Research and evidence show that building an expectation of elite athlete and personal results at a young age can be detrimental to future personal behaviours and sporting results. Improvements in performance of nippers and youth are best extracted through the catalyst of enjoyment, gained through participation and collaboration with others in an achievement.

This underpins the way BSLSC is building to train its youth, supporting young resilient people who work together and celebrate collective goals and achievements, giving everyone who wants to compete an opportunity, and supporting them at whichever level the perform.

Developing the coaching capability across the various areas of the club to ensure we can deliver against that development methodology with consistency and excellence is a current priority.

This approach extends to our nipper development program where we are currently designing Age Group Manager Training, Induction and practice guidelines to ensure consistency and excellence from U7’s to our youth program, year on year. This long-term investment in our AGM’s development seeks to provide the AGM with tools to deliver their activities and provides framework by which to progress nipper learning and participation.

The club has working to imbed a role focussed on developing a strong pipeline of new officials, lead continuing development of existing officials and coordinate the officiating requirements across all SLSSA activities for the BSLSC.

The Chief Instructor has established a program to identify and train Bronze, IRB and ARTC instructors and assessors to continue uplifting the programs we can offer and deliver to our members and share training opportunities across interested Holdfast Bay Clubs to support all clubs to build the SLS capability.

BSLSC is launching a new way of welcoming and on boarding new members from the 21/22 season. It works to be more inclusive and break down the barriers many new entrants feel coming into what can be a daunting environment of different roles, language, acronyms and personalities.

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Knowing who we are. Great organisations lead great behaviours by example. BSLSC is reviewing its code of conduct applicable to the membership in general, AGM’s and Nippers. BSLSC is investing in articulating the values of the club and its programs, seeking to build accountability of everybody to build a fun, inclusive, diverse and open environment for all members. A focus of the program is setting the scene to have tough conversations early and calling out behaviours which do not meet the organisations cultural standards.

SLSSA Strategic Plan (1.4,1.5,2.1,2.4,2.6,3.2,3.3,4.3,4.4,4.5)

Building works is being mapped out for staged development over coming years with an expansion of toilets to support increased access for females and the provision of disabled toilet / shower facilities on the ground floor to support off beach disabled access. Other stages including gym and storage improvements.

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