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British DramaAnalysis of gritty crime based drama.

Genre History from the 70’s Onwards

Drama from the past has always been relevant to the political situation at the time. Margaret Thatcher rein from 1979-1990 set the tone for many script writers. Dramas at this time had a tendency to show the stories of people forged from the entrepreneurship, unemployment, economic upheaval, dismantling of the welfare state, and Thatcher’s seeming insistence on “Victorian values”. This was most apparent from the works of David Hare and Howard Brenton. After the delightful Thatcher reign which came around at the start of the 90’s era. During despite Thatcher era being over the after shocks of her destruction was still be felt. Northern Ireland had tensions growing which continuously confronted Britain. From this many new writers emerged to address this issues.

Gritty British Crime Films

Ben Drew aka Plan B Features in: The Sweeney, ill Manors, Turnout,

Kidulthood/Adulthood, Harry Brown and

Plan B has featured many gritty British drama films. HE has become a real pioneer for the scene as from past experience he knows the lifestyle that many of these characters play. He is an except British talent, with his talents including writing and producing music, acting from a young and to add to this he is know directing. He produced ill Manors in 2012 which was an album that was the music for the film. The film is respected highly for being true to todays gang culture upon the streets of London. Plan B is someone who as really defined modern violent British dramas based on crime.

Adam Deacon Adam Deacon has pretty featured in every drama that

includes any form of drugs, violence, sex, filthy language and tracksuits.

One of Deacons star performances was the two part drama Kidulthood/Adulthood, this is one the most recognised dramas with people my age.

Adam plays a key role as a character called Jay, he is desperate to be taken seriously be a ‘big man’. People can relate to him in sense perhaps that he does more and more wrong from his kidult days and progressively more serious in adult in hope that things will come good for him.

Adam is another one of many actors defining modern British drama staring in: ill Manors, Comedown, Passer By, Kidulthood/Adulthood (obviously), Payback Season and Shank are a handful of examples

Other Doing The Brit Way Ashely Walters Noel Clarke Ray Winstone

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