Page 1: BRQ., THE HatsUNITED STATES J. J- EUPKESS COMPANY GIVB every possible facility for the safe and transmission of , 2Ioner Valuable Packages, Tarccls, Good, and Merchandize Of every


EUPKESS COMPANYevery possible facility for the safe andGIVB transmission of ,

2Ioner Valuable Packages, Tarccls,Good, and Merchandize

Of every description, on reasonable term.Pkixcital Offices Sew York, Buffalo, Cincin- -'

rati, Tulcdo, Chicago. Dayton, lndianopolis, and allthem.-.IIc-r towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid-- .die and Western States, connecting at St. LouL-wit-

tochard-on'-s Missouri Kivcr Expres. II. KJPP.Jalyr5,lS25.-Tl-n- 3 General Superintendent.


(Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY Co,)53 ITain tt, Old Stand, SL Louis, ZIo.

Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China,IMPORTER, Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham

. Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Lookicg-glas- -,

Britannia Ware, Ac Ac, with a great variety of. Fancy Mantle and l'arlor Ornaments, direct from the

lotteries and Manufacturers.J2fNow arriving and iu store, a full oek of tue

above line of goods, which is offered to the Trade atreasonable rates. An examination is solicited. - -

fT-O-n hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade.' " N. B. Tackicf reeciTesFpecia! attention.

September 13, 1S55. vlnl5-6- m'

, '.


. Ilarasa ana Bcmeslic" Cigars & Tclacco.SOUTH EAST COBXEB, riKB--6IXOXZ--

CT.XiOTJIS, ISO."TTTEhaTC in store, aul to arrive, a very largeW assortment of the very best brands .of Havana

Cigars. We desire to call Ike special attention ofeasa buyer to our large stock, which we are deter-mined to fell very low for cash. Thy consist, inwt,f the following brands :

ITrer.tituae licguuas; umna jui.isi-- .Mi Destino do Newton doAntigacdad " do Victoria do - "

Bust&manto do Iberia - doCarnclia 1 do Espcnola doDelirante do BegAdcra do

'Saluadora do Lallonna doStafTaooui do Nensagcro da . '

Meridianaa do Emalacion doWashington do LaYoi doEl Sol : do Fortnno Londrcss;EmpcroNichalds do Fidelidad do .

Mcnsagero do Granadina doC&rventus do Pocahonta doReinas Sultana do La Flora do

' ElSoldelaDrimea do Doce Mescs doFigaro Cillindradosl D.B.CastanondoFVensado D. D. do J. Y. F. Fama doVdclaRama do Yigncra Plantations;T.L. do Vcllegss doMensagcro Trabucas; De la Crux Principes; 'Victoria do Barrios doLeght Guarfl Opera, Star doJ. L. Panetelas: Designio Prest. '


.--. OlaAxrcso Sugar Cano.

fTTIIE subscribers can supply aeed of lha aboveX valuable plant in limited quantities. It is put- -

vp in packages and sent by mail, post paid, at 2jrents per package. Having been raised by ourselves,we can vouch for its purity. We can also supply

' packages of seeds of the Ice Cream and OrangeWatermelon and Fig Tomato at 25 cts. each.

Address orders to, II. A ;TERUY, A CO.S7 4w t X .Council Bluff's, Iowa,


WILL be oJTered to the "highest bidder nt PublicWednesday, April 1st, 1857, .six

tundred town lota situated in Pawnee City Pawneecounty. N. T. Sale Commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M.

This Town site belongs to Pawnee county, as theCounty! Scat, and oSers great inducements to'thoenterprising and tQ capitalists.

Triors op saxk. Oae-thir- d Cash and the balanceea tiise. as may best suit purchasers

-- ,.: .By Ordertjf the Board.EZEKIEL W. FOWLER CounTyyJOHN C. FEAYEY. h, ,

. Commissioners,

Attest:- - 0,Q.THALLCIEE, County CTk.' Feb.25l 1S57. - v :; I-- 'r. . . ,37-t- f

- i c t ..--. Caution; r .

TITE public are hereby' noticed thai CEe-- " Thomasthrough false colors obtamel acrrtiflate

f entry of the S. Wrest fractional quarter and the8. East fractional quarter of Section numbertwenty-ve- ,

in Township number six, in Range number fif-

teen, East of the 6th Principfd Meredian in Nebras-ka Territory. . The above is claimed by and will bopatented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi-dence are forwaided to Washington Citv for hearing.

r . . . B. B. THOMPSON.Febrbary 26th,lS57. - ' " S7-- tf

F. DINGS k CO.,Importer cf, and kolesaU Dealer im

, . FaiiCF Goods.Masnfacturcrs of all kinds of Brushes.

S9 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) -

. . : - ST. LOUIS, Mo.


...: ':a. fJ! 7.. :


i Tfe Hcuiefrom BixfiniyiUcfoFL!Ki:arney, and from thence to California,

i' fit 1 nearest and. most

' ' " -..U"'i -

. .,Fi3::mQDnfGTd. 1 NJvOCNCE-t- d- theTiireling'ruMIo that they

dx. have purchased the entire interest in the Ferryacross the Missouri River at the City of Brown- -ville, Tvebrasta, .an cpea4 Jhe Season withtew substantial and commodious Ferry Boat

- run ct T'o'8 l ower, ucojuTan''C4U0&trWul secureccrtflia ptv-.i- go tt,".irxirncS "anl in' attkinds ofwentrtcr.A 1 reprexors cioioirassert noasungiy,cr for the purpose of. gaiaing caetoia aaraly,ut arejrovcrned Vy facts, when they say this is the bestcro?'kr cf the Missouri River in Nebraska, andwhen they say the rouTeTfc.m Brownville to FortKearney ard frca thence to (.ahfonna is the nearestfor evideiite iL-e-y 1 ur Aio .reader to the tDap of theCountry; and are warranted in saying it is tho mostpracticable roujs t pcrM:'uT experience, as well asthat cf hundreds of others who havo traveled it.---- We

claim therefor that this frosting juid route holdscut pecu'iavly fuvoriblo --iaiisooiaeat o persons

toCi.Ilfvrn:.8, and solicit their patronage. Not- -

i .,-.wV- . ...r,a Uu:fc4uroti6ssuttae4jierl'rrricsia Nebraska,' til Leinj regulated by Lcgishv

A ill VIA be ia readiness anl a hani on tho. h nt all hours r-- the eight. v,y: . ..

J.ct that, with our .facilities of Power,

r ibis tf weather will provest tr Iats fromf:-.U- regular tnps at al bor-rs-; tj T; 1

I NcTrh Cfc, 2sTA i: . ,

February 25th, Is 57. ) :

A Fi"-i



-- cmiiKG-.TumcC i

'OlIAIIA city! n. T

T-r- nj. attend f..:tl.f-Ilv'ac- 'd troiETtly to ill busiS ? re?! entrusted to there ia t!ie IcrTitoiial or

T .1 C.-r- ts ) the purchase cf lU and Uads, cnL.Uj !.;.! 1 toliecUcrs, &

cn-- c ia tie second etycf Henry Roctsncwrearly epposite the Western Exchange

I' ' k, i rtl.aui ftreeU '"' ' ."'i:s. Tit:sif - - ; -


' inform tho citi-Missou- ri,'. e rculd re?;that

' '. I t. ! and well selectedre: afurtuat.tivw--

: satlJj Territory.3 t : 1 f.,r iogs dwiv--;-v- at ' ird

- r river. . ,''. ."..r anied v ilh the casa.v ;ire




JOHN SIGERSON BRQ., -- rOiler for ale the coning Sprin?:,

50.C0O Ap.lo Trees, 2 and 4 years old,em- -

briu ing 175 varietier. Price 25 t 40 cents... ZjJiijo l coca l rees, irom oioo

rarcit'es, from 25 to SOc. i

2500 standard Pears, enil-racin- 4.1 varieties,' i price fron 60 to 75 cents.5,0 ODD warf Pear s, embraci ngJSS varieties, price

! f I each. -

- 5000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75 centseach. J '.

500 Apricots, Early Golden, Bada, Peach Apri-

cots, Largj Early, price 50 cents.f.?nt Oninpp. nsortcd 25 to f.Ocenfs.

... u500 Dwarf Apples, ID

500 White Grape Currant! u500 Black Naples u500 Cherry CuiTJnt-- -

500 Red Dutch Currant.500 Victoria Currants' ...15

"500 Whits Dutch Currants- -"

500 Large 111 Dutch Currants- - ... li!- -'

500 English Black""" ...12a2.000 ProliScGrecn- -

1,000 Houghton's Seedling" u

500 Warrington do 2) u

1.000 Salpher, do 2) u .

1,000 Ashton- - do 2.) u

500 Crown Bob do 25

500 Riflemon do 2. u .

2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries ID u- do 24 , u

1,000 Ohio Everbearing2.000 Large German Antwarp do 10 u

1,000 Red Antwarp" 13 ft

1.000 English Filberts 5) it

1.000 norse Chestnuts f.) u

5,000 Grape Vines, 2 to3 ydira eld 25 to 5 )150,000 Grapo Vines, 1 year old ""$5 $ 103 u

5,000 Dahlias assorted, each . . 25500 Pernios. . -- do - : ..'...55

10.000 Giant Ajparagus F.oots""$5 1005.000 Tube Roses 10 a ..

- 2,000 Yards Pink ..50ct3 ysrd. .

2.000 Hants Victoria Rhuburb.50c or $40 100

8.000 Wilmofs Early Red Rhubarb ""12c50,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties

$5 fc 10 per 2,000010,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing

Catalpa, Black Locust, Palionia Lnppriallis,Lombirdv Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar,Linden Wood, Sweet Gum, Elci, BalsamPoplar. Allianthus, Tulip Tree?, Upland Cy-prss- s,

Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American, Larch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye, Moun-

tain Asa, White Birch, Red Maples, varyingin price from 25 cents to $1,50, according tosize.

15,000 Evergreens, embracing .

Red Cedars, price each 50c to $2: White Pine ; do 50c to $1 ."

Yellow Hne do .' 50ctoJ2 ;

Balsam Fir, ' do 50eto$l '

American Arbtirvita 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,50.Chinese Arborrita3, 50e, 1,50,European Savin 50c, Tree box 50oNorway Spruce, 50c 75c, 100,White Spruce, $1.

12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, emt racing- in part as follows: ' :1 . . . , '

Snow Balls, each 37 to SI,Lylae, ach 50c; bpiras,"as3ortedr each 2oc;

..nardySoses, each 50:; - ; . -Monthly Roses, each oOcJ.'.

','. '

..Honey Suckles, asortcd, 25c, 50c $lj ' !

' Tyringiv Philadelphtu 25c to 50c; ' ' '

Rose Acasia. 25c to 50c; . j ".:

,' Privet for Hedges 2;;

Ellagnus 25c: Liburnum 50c; 'TamariX Amcana to 50c;Ribes (Jordoni 25e to 50c;Weepin? Mountain Ash 1,50:Whith Fringe Tree 1,50; ";

orsytaca oo to 1,U; t ;t (

Cornics Dogwood Silver Stripe-- Ms to 1,00L' DeutxaScabia 25c;Deutta Gracalib 50c

Weeping Birch 50c: 'MM sJi-'-- i

Magnolia AcuminotU 50c;' ; ' '' WccTlns: Linden 1,50; ' v.-- -. .' .. ..

Dvarf Box 50a per yard;' ' " '

'EbnoaiaroJ 50c '; ''AKheas, sorted, 25 to 50c - ; :

In offering the above Stock to our customersire beg to say it is superior in growth and quality toany heretofore offered; and ptrsons wishin a. supplycan avail themselves of furth information, by. ad-

dressing the undersigned at St; Louis. Cataloguesfurnished to all post-pai- d applications. '"

Respectfully, .. JOHN SIGERSON & BRO.Oct. 25,1853 .TlBl9ly'-i- - ...' k-

- .r



A NNOUNCES to the rublic that he r,rere,lII to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at shortnotice and reasonable terms. , ." "


He is also Agent fot 5 1 .1 rvA. B. IIOLLIBIRD &. CO'S., ;

Western - Foumdry.CINCINNATI, O., , .

r r.-- I.EE & LEAVITT'S a-- :: lilSaw ;" lllanufactofyV

CINCINNATI, 0.,, .,And is prepared to receive and 11 orders for any machinery manufactured or kept on hand, by theue estabusuments. . . v i a- ?dt !l--

Letters of enquiry, promptly answered, it..: ; c.i-J. iV REFFERBNCES-''

. Noelrlake 'ft Co.,' Browtivl!16, X T. Stiai MilLNuckolls & White, liocljpdrt, "Mo, " ... "James Lowe, .unacn -- ' :,V V '

. :vln31y, r- ErpwnTnic,- - June M, 1856

imW - HARDWARE : STOREv i J. E. WASn INGTQN, - r. o

UEALEii tSt , .

JTardicafifi Cutlery tind' Guns,l1 M .Iviitffa Side Mirln street,- - t'lVl S. .11

!AZ . su Joseph, Mo"V "rlA;: :L';'

TS OW rcclivicg "and opening a slock of nardJL ware and Cutlery adapted to the wants of Far-mers, Mechanics, end Merchicnts, and having piircha 3

ed American goods from Ma.aufacturcrs, fcnd iaacLiJpermanent arrargemeuts fcr the direcfeimpariaUcnot all niy loreign goods, togc tn sr witli a long cxrtenence in the Hardware business, ! shall cifcr stub induccmctts to purchascjs in this market, as ill insuirsatisfaction, and respectfully solicit a share cf pr tronaffe from the sce'Joa of country tri idin . t Si. Joseph. . , .

Hunts and Simmon's axcty.'

. .;' Augers," Mouse hell Anvils, ' J .

'. . ' CIiim;";,- - '."

. fcoud iox ice?,.. .

"; Spear i Jaclien'sanlButherVEIes, Pry Pans," ,

, "Ames d' RuTvland" shovel! i. spades, Coffee Mills,'.' Cut, wrought and liorso EliO'j'nails ' Seivos,

Cotton and MacUla cordage, '7-'.-".' Curry Combs,ostcnnoiui,s poctet knives, - x lanes.

Knives aniforks, ' ' ; J'oek?, '

urans, rines, ana pistoir,. .. ioitsr .

Shears, scissors and rasior?, - ' - ' Latck!, iHammers and Hatchet?f Screws,Speaf &J8Ckson's saw's, - A l5utts,

' Braces md Uitts,- - , : .i .:&e ii o ; ' )i . ..ALSO.-- . . .. . ! ;: 7

Building;, Hardware and .Gterpsri- -tCrS TOOLS -- '': -

; OF IiVERy.Di:SCI.LL?TION.' Dccl9,JS5-5.-.- ' ;' r' .' "

. G. & C.rTODD & CO.; - j

2To. 21, Xvr&Ftrtt or 7'fm' Street, St. Levi. (

- , nrPORTEKS AK9 Ui.KCTACTVB.tiKS (l ,a. L"

Iia i 1 1 ! : a. t.e.ri; aI sTNCLUDLNG Dutch Bolting Cloths, Mil Staaes,X aws, screens, uam3eLsic. Alio: t ..

PORTAELE : .'GRIST.?. 1 13XL1S,' Both Urrer and Lover Stcme Itannera-- ri ;

Of Strctclicd Xeatuer anttl Ralber ':.St. Louis, October i8,i&5fi. -- vlnl3-ly i

' V ."'1 '.;'f:GIlEAT:r. S.--l- J L;- -

MIRfOTOE'Fran 2emahd Agenct, in Ktrvsis to'thSf '

. Tncuth cf ili Kyoicay J?her, ""

. ..

'':.Kehra$tia. . j..".? '


THIS LINE makes oce trip per n cckr each tray,at the principal towns oa th'J Missouri

River. Goexl Hacks all tho way through, and goodhorses and nice young men for drivers. .h , ,5 . ;

-. . J ' , J. B. k W EENNET, Contractors.

Dec. ID, IsiS. vlnir-l- y . 'j i ; .


.cal;13sfpe igentPLATTSI'OUTli, X.tT.' '"i

AS now on band serc;-.i.- i rf.Inal.di town lots andalso Timber and l'Yilxie Cl i:a. wiich he will


Being jiginC tJc 'tie City ITa !t?niou.h, he willfurnh :: to thce ttiio wisu to Ule ic thn tnivnon che.iy ; : 4 r'Tr'jlo

vl' J. H. Brown,

J.k.Eeady'-Ilad- ClothingVARIETY, style, quality, price, and

EVERY Read r Made Clotbinr. i'-- t received .nd

for sale cheap, by HOLLliZULL & CO.

Hats and CipE.T ATEST style of nats anl Cups, anl of every

4 grade and pnee, are offered atIIOBL1TZELL-- CO'S.

Furniture. '

i a

pnDSTEAD?, Tables, Stands, IJureaus jn suon,JLj everything in the t urnituro line, can n


Stoves and Tinware.Parlor and Office Stores of various

COOK, and Tin ware, sitHOBLITZELL & CO S.

Hardware, Cutlery and Iron.LARGE assortment nt -


7ood and 7illow vare.BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, and an endless variety

ware, is for sale atHOBLITZELL & CO'S.


. Saddlery. ; - --'i

RADDLES, Bridles, Msrtingaies, Checks, and ev

O err variety cf goods in this line can be had atHOBLITZELL & CO'S. .

Mill : jSteam --Lumber.take this method of informing the PublicWE we have just put in operation on what is -

known asSonora Island, four miles above Brown-vill- e,

a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre-

pared to iaw all kinds cf Lumber on short notice,and in a manner, wo are Confident will give satisfac-tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the mainshore, for free me of our customers, .

. W. S. HALL &. CO. :


GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS,FRUITS and Shrubs, Grape and Cranbcry Vines,

Clover Seeds, B:rd seeds of all kinds, Ag-

ricultural and Horticultural Books, Implements, &c." Agents for all the best Rural Publications in theUnited States.:. '; .

S tore next door to Fos Council Bluffs, Iowa.vln26-l- y . .

THOMAS WILLIAMS.Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

BFiOWrt Y 1LLE, N, T. . ,

; Will praHice in theThird Judicial District in Nebraska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuitin the State of Jlissouru '

RElERENCES.Richard Brown, , Brownvillc, N. T.

u u 'K.Wr.Furnis,Dr. John McPherson, Tippecanoe, Ohio.

i . James Foster, ; ; - Oregon, Mo." : ; .

; (Jeorgo N. Miller, : Archer, N. T. ;


N6i.. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis.

WE are now in receipt of tho most complete andmagnificcmt stouk, everoffercd to tho Wcsterb

Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited tomake an cxaa ir ationi Jf our stock and prices.'; ,;

; , ' EDUi, JAJ1ESOJN & GO.--.

GRAPEEOC-T320)a- Catawba Grape .Roots,

old, for sale." Price $5 per hundred$ 40 per tuousand. ., - J. M. McCULLOUGH, 1

ov. 23tf 200 Main St., umciutatuv .. : i. . ., . 7 i i v . ; ....... . . . . .. . .


COLE'S YOYAGE OF LIFE,Childhood; Youth, Jlanhbod Old1 Agi,

Four splendid Litfo Engravings, from the Originalsm tne Uaiiery ot .tnq ppisgier msmuie. x iaus,15x23.,. Paper, 25 x33r r.r" . : r j. - ..'


Of five exeendon, involving an expense cf S20,000. . Artist's' proofs, 50. India Lettered, '$30.Plain, $20." ."-- ":".'-.- ' ' '


tm A prospectus containing a full description ofthe work, with testimonials from our first ARTISTS,our most eininemt, DIVINES, our most distinsruLshodSTATESMEN, the best accredited JUDGED. 01'ART, at home and abroad, together with the '

VOICE bFrjlE PRESS 1V' :;ui inis cny, ana aido oi tuo uiijub&ii iufopuiLu u.u,

',thority, i- - - ;C:THE LONDON ART JOURNAL; ' I

Will be forwarded on the receipt of. twopostage,stamps. .

' '' ' ''' j

i The Trade supplied on thd "mostLiberal Terms. ; f'

AtTro"rtiate and tasteful styles of frames, prepar-- ,ed expressly for this work, tit the lowest cash-rate- s

are furniihed nt pricuS varying from ?10 to $32 theset.; Boxing, packing and txirta?:e fiotn '$I t $2.Address tho; Yoyage of Lif Rev. A.B, WOLFE;' ;

vlnlltf ' ui'i ir ''?ingler Institute, X-- Y,

Pj'tti'inIICOCK.1. t. BEABDStEE. ' BEX. j(f,: p:JSL Hitchcock 'i po,x

Bet.-01i- ve andLocnst ctreets, St. LoukMoiMANUFACTURERS Grates.- -

o$ Cooking,. Heating, and

Z cf Zotzz pb:es of,Jewett's Pat-ent Cary Hou jh, ne and ;two horse .right and leftknji . , ,. , T . . ., ;



Levee,- - diave in store-An- d ;.to arrive tho .fullowi&gGoods, wliich they offer foe tala at Jho lowest pf icss.Til' i.J..i.' 1.:

' ..; vi!l!1000 hhdfa-ii,.toprime.N..5Q- boxes YeaB powdrs;

: ' l O.Sugtr; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda;tiiuu toiscwasugar. .. ...juu boxes sal era t us; )

SOO do If andcrush'd do; . ilia els Manilla. Cordage;500 do S. H. molasses: - - .300 do-- . Jute, .dot j i

0t) daplanUtiondo; 500 doa Majailla & Grasi100 tC3 pnmfr Rice; . . . Bed Cords;

10i)0 pksG, and B. Teas; 500 boxes. Raisins?lO'JO bags Ri coffee; . . . 25 bbls Almonds;100 do prim old. Gov 100 boxes Leni. Syrup,

truBcwnUia, coacc: SCO do ass'd Candles;luuu Kegs-aaiis- ; ? iuu lTcserrcd 1'ruits;lOODbexesPns.Olcine St 100 . do Meats;;- Fojilyftai; .- - -- lOO do , Tickles-...- , '

1 All nTIJ Qnnn. . 1 0(1 TT . . 4 t. .. , .

, m do SU? OaiiUei 100 do'.'l IpiiTe lil:xjo qo Jieuia . tio; r -- ao, jirana d Uner

50 do do PeaelieS:100 do Stirch; 30 cases ""'' Caxraccas

''300";'d LY mafd To-.''i- t'I ' Cheeolate -Ibwxro;. -- ji i .'--

. 40 do Wood bx'tdifch's;200

1 do Mo r.,do;..- - ' 50 do Sardines, quarter800 da Smoking "jdo; and liali boxes;- - , '

11.00 do Cuba i.Cicars; , & cases Citron:10 bblsMason'Jilk'ing;

iuu Dags i'eierji--f a utmegs; '

25 do "Alspicer " 5 do Indigo; j

S00 bbls k hf do Ma'cl.: f 150 dorB.'C.'Oysterr; I

500 boxes Glass; v 1503 reams Wrop. Latter100 bales-Batting:!,- ',

i. - n. and Cap Paper; f

ilOOdoi Painted Bu'kts; S00 bests Tubs, 3's-S-'s;

'" '' ' 'LIQUORS.---- ' M.-.f--

10 half pipes pure old 53 bbls Malaga Wine;" Brandies; ' J ' 100 bkts Dennis Champ.

100 cases do- - do dov 100 do Heidsick do:100 bbls Monon. Whis'y; 50 cases eld Md. Wine;

boxes Claret Wipe;ry aiierori - . tot, Jjouos, Mo. i

- June th, 185Si- - , 'w;EL G. HOIES & CO.,

Ko lG, MaU vStreet . St.. Louii Mo.A GENTS? or Strtal) Corh irid; .Wheat Mill

XL the "Queen of the South." This remarkidlo-Mill has been., kept stcureil to the inventor by caveat

recently, however, (June 27th, 1S51.) Lettcrs"l atent for the United States have been granted, se-

curing the invention for fourteen years. This Millhas sustained itself wherever it has been brought in-to competiticn with other Mills.r Jt was run agadnstthe othermakeof Mills of our City; at the Ohio StateFair, in 1850, when it draw a diploma as tho bestCorn Mill, an 1 was rewarded s fine silver medal. ,

Of these UlllsVe man ifacturo five sizes for corn,and three ex pressly for grinding wheat flour,. "

The pecnLir novelty of this Mill is, theuiderstone is the mnnin. stone, in all cases. There Is nolimit to the s;peed, and as speed is everything in grind-ing, it will out grind any upper grinder in the world,

Secondly: Dy this arrangement we are enabled toget grain into the Mill Trith a very small eye, ccise-quect- ly

we grind tearer the centre, and of ccarsawith les power than any upper runner can be rr;de.

Thirdly: C'ur Mill takcH any kind of grain withoutchoking. Wc warrant agali:1 1 choking in any anil allcases. This is a" great vi:x lion causing delay1 andtrouble in al! Mills where the upper stone is the run-ner. Of coarsa, we mean' Fnnll Mills; where' th mo-

tion must be high to do much business. ' ' ' '

Fourthly: Our Mills never take nnjury by runaingempty the ander stone not touching the uper cne,no injury ca:i be done. . This is au importatt advan-tage over all Mills whera the upper stone the run-in- ei.

; 1 i ' -: . ; - August 3, 1S55. 'H12tf(

--4 LLpersots iaowing t'jcm'elves indited td. the.x. trm cf Noel, Lieh. Err:-- jv, & Co., will findxfJr rccc-u- :3 ia tie Lard? cf O. F. Lake fcr c!l53-tj- -.

n,cr.d an uiimodiate stttlt-mea- i u roiaestcd--- " I

FeWSStbj'aZ. ' t7-- tf

. : r? - I


STOVES & TINWARE.". Oregon. 2VTo., .

pleasure in aVmotmcing the citizens ofTAKES tho public in general; thr.f he has- - on

hand the inost exteusive stock cf .Stoves and Tin-

ware, ever offered in this rc:.rkft. My stock cf Tin-

ware is of my own manufacture, and is lor sale atWholesale and Retail an St. Louis prices. . r

I would call particular attention to: tuj stock ofCOQXIX'O 8TO VES, comprising the ltiost improvedpatterns both Air-Ti?hta- nd Premium. j Among themmay be found Filly's Charter Oak, tho best atovo nowin use, the Asiatio Air-Tig- tt, Pioneer and prize Pre-

mium. Also ..... . ' , .

Parlor" & Box StovesOf various Sizes and Pat terns, which I will r


Particular attention paid to making end puttingup Tin Gutters, in tho town and country. " Also, "re-

pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term .Old copper, Brass and Fewter taken in exchange

for work or ware. - - AV: W. :WILLIAJIS,vl-n- 5 1 rti 2 ry'i - Orogoa, Mo. July br 1853. .


Ho, 1S3 Vine St., let.Four and TiU.;. Cincinnati, o.;. ; ,

, C. F. O'DRISCOIX CO. .r ,

"Jl Tanufacturer? and Oicrders in News, Book antOob1VJ. Type, Printing Pressa?; Cases, Gallic, c-- AcInks,' and Printing Mi.erial cf Eveiy Description.

STEIlEOTYriJiG 6! ill kindBooks, MusicPatent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings,Ac, c.Brand and Pattern Letters, jariouS styles,

Wnblesalo? Paper; . .Y areliouse.RRADER, U AKIIEX & CO.,

""T 711 OLE SALE Dealers in I'apcrs of every-- -' " --

Printing, Folio Post,- Book Paper, , n FlatCap .

Wrapping, rocldcap.' Manilas, ""-""- '' "--' Letter i Note, '

Colored Papers, Medium & Demy's, 'of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture,and for sale at very low prices. ' -

Cash for Rags and Rope, ' J -

BRADNElt, WARREN & CO.,x . No. 12, La Solid streer.

Chicago, June, 28th., 1355. ... vt-n- 4 -

0 . CHAHTER OAK. ' "

LIFE INSURANCE C03IPANY !nartford, Ct. -- Capital $200,000With large and increasing receipts sicurely investedunder thq sanction and approval of the Comptrollerof Publics Accounts. r ;

- . ", . i OFFICERS.ALFRED 6HLL, Pres't. JOHN L. BUNCE, V. P,

JAMES C. WALKLEIr Secretary,'nitrcTOKs.' ' 4 ' '

Alfred Gill John L. Banco, Wm. RConc, Jas. GBolles, John A.Butkr,'1 Noah Whcaton, N. nollis-- .ter,SamTCoit,Dan,l Phillips, C.

', BOAUD OT fiack."' ' ? V,' '

Geo: Beach, "Esq;., President f Phoenix Bank, '

D. F. Robinson, Esq., " u Hartford .''--.''

Hon. Isaac Toucey, late Attorney General U. S. ,Applications for insurance received by v. ' '

R.-W-; FURNAS, Agent.,DR. A. S. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex.



HTAAKES thB Ubertytaicfurraithecifiiiccoi I

JL Brownville and vicinity, thaCho has-oiiene- d aWATCH,. CLOCK & JEWELI1Y STOllEIn Oregon, Holt cbnnfyj Mo.' wlicre 'c will kecp'con-- i

stantly on hand"; arid tov sare!a goeid Vs3ortiaent.t'iGold and Silvet VaSchfi,CIJcksi ana Jewelry, w&icliho will sell extreuieljr! teyffrr CASH. rAlsa,; & : nilot of Yiolins, Accordeons,Silv'er,fcnd,I'latcd Spec-tacles, Gold Pens with Gold" and 'Silver, Silver Thimbles, &a. -- :, , - n I

He is prepared to repair atches, CIock3 and Jewelry,' of every d5smption, in the best manner'-an- d

on Uio most rcasonablo terms.? r ,

'FJvery lirtlcle boughtin hi estahlishmcrif.'is war- -raatedJo be what it is represented to beJ ;Wateh repairing warranted; foi; one v.. i.:c; ;:yJjrjC:.l

July 20, 1856. vl-nS- tf

' B. K. FEGBA3C. ", s. H. RIDDLE


AD rr r r s t



V r - .7T,"XIa iti3et Lr.Ttis, MoV :7o j

of Straw and Siikdlonpetsi"Importtrs and 'Wholesale dealers ln'llibboni

Silk Jdillinery,Flowcr3LTrimmingsi,- Lnacttaodsl Emtbroideries, ts, , ,.T... p.. a ,.,r f... t ..--

' ' 'rMerchants aEa'jlUiiners aro --particularly ln-yit- ed

to examine our.Htock, befaremaking their springpurchases, as we (relying, fully. on tie superiority ofnnr styles, ) intend to offer" ifiducemeuts equal, if not

September , ibao. vinla-o- i

;t ''TZevir 'Bii&wi&e Store." "vu;-- , ' ' 1Sigii of the-'Mill'Sav-


American German, English & I1 rtfndlr T I

' ; 1IAKD W AKIj AAU UuTLEltY.l'A'fi :ic'' ST. OSEPIi;' MO.

NOW receiving and opening the largest and mostvarieLarortmeut of goods in the aboye.djnfcjevct

offered in any market west of St. Lou'sMy stock cinbracea a full and Complete assoftmcat

of Cabinet and House BfiUdox'a Hiniwurejtools ot every description, .direct from the kicst

BpproTeeFinanufaeturers; agrfeult jral r

tural tools and implements, ip great variety, combin-ing all the recent and useful improvements for thpsaving of J. vast ameu'tl of Ifrher to tEe farmrng ccm-mnnit- y,

from whom Lrefpeetfully' refpoest o.cirefulexamination of thi3 department of my stock. ,.I amalso exclusive agent ior the sale of thT3 eeleWatcdSt. Loui3 Circular Mill and CrpsCut,Saw3, wbichIwill warrant, and fiJlali orders at ihe factary prices.Also a large assottrasnt of Guns, 'Rrfb?Sf"and Pistols,Iron, SteeLNa-il9,i:- f the Jbest brands: in 'a' word,my stoclfis very complete, which, fdr it3 quality andprice, I aid determitied to offer aswill command a liberal share of trade rem jthis audadjoining couniics. MyHTangtments for importingand ageBcies for American lIardH-- Mamfaeturer3,together with a long experience in the general Hard'ware trade, enables mt; not only to defy all eouipeti-lioa,o- ut

has convinced mo that the trad principle oftrade is cash sales mid small profits. 'J?: vin2.otf. ; 4. ,




Brags and Medicines- Maintrce t! Brownville, IT. T. j


rTlHIT findcTsigned respectfully begs leave to" informX'i the public that he haa.pqw in hand a com; let

assortment cf . everything,' usually .kept iiv DrugStores, which' he offers for sale, ExClasirely on aNew .System of ;rf I ;:j ,'-!:--.' i


'i If will be entirely fiireign to ihibeautifoT system,to fOJookJ' ?epaccounVvttoot"V'"c--'.- "

or' "remember fyr a few' days.". Come with theM Spoaltaifck ifyott -- ant anything ia th Drugline, y t... i r ., .- -. ' . , -

Prescriptions ComjoTuidei .at-all Hours, wilh.-" Acc-iracyJa- Dif?arcV .

Reracmbcr'the system I havfe adopted,' and mypocket and your feelings wilj net;si2Ter.; ;., Credit. illpotitiixlij not be givea, ualcss under cirouidstineej


p'ecnliar destitntion. - ' : '' 1 ! '.

, July l2,.JS5-l-- -t e'r.AS HOLLADAYi i

) .. - r--. ...... . .


highly ingenious and much needed invention formsan entirely new future in the manufacture cfWHEAT'and FLWr'Eyhe rnperior manner inwhich it performs its workMIilNDINa audUOLT- -LQ the Grain at. single op:ratioa, intq Sev9a.a:2"erent kinds of Coerr and feed ' ' -

4 r This bill roesestes advtritsgj3 to numerous to be I

enumerated i a Tiyadvertiseinen The proper way;fo tally appro Lite its great is to'seet it run. '

It i? In on dailr at- -

No. 313 Broadway, Ccmer Court 'ft., St. Iuj', Mo.

Slte and ConBtrv" 'Rights arnl Miils Fr'Klc.' '

- W,: Broadway an3 Cour!j2d Story. j


Fateiit;Foi;f able Mill.subscribers have entered into1 a partnershipTHE t'ae. rta cf need, Holal lrd & Co., to

manufacture the J. C.'Recd," Patent Portable GristMill and are now prepared to furr.ijh Null ".hose iawant cf a good Corn or Wheat Mill that f r dura-bility, simplicty and economy r excel any Mil in theworld. On tho late exhibition of the MechanicsInstitute in Cincinnati, a Gold- Medal was awardedthemforit.;: : ;!' ' .'

It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it issuperior to all other? for the most extensive MerchantMill, as It is for grinding tho Farmers feed by Uoriepower. , '.":,. . .

.Thefcbove M1II3 arc manufactured by the under-signed at tbeirshop in Cincinnati, O., where theycon bo furnished in any quantity afc?hort notice.

The above Mills warranted to perform as follows:3 'S in. diam.i per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Whea t, 0 0

30 " . u ,20... ..- -. lb . 250

!l '" " - 20 " 15' ' 20020. ; " A:.' " ''HJ..' ;' 8 - :150

As thi3 Mill tells it own story, it is unnecessary toquote from our numdrous recommeudations,reccivcd.

'." Fresli "Arrival cf . . : .

HlBWihGO.PpS!;!AT ROCKPORT, HO. v ' ' 1

THE subscribers would respectfully tender theirV their customers and the Public Gene-

rally lor their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicita Continuance of the same they are determinedto sell Goods as low if not lower than .any otherHouse vest of St. Joseph. Having just received aiirgo and wellselectcd Stock cf Spring and SummerGoods-- ; also a superior Stock of Family Groceriaswith Hardware, Glass and Queeaswafe, Furniture,SaddltryilA;ti,i&c.'Af:i ' .1 '

' 1 ") j ; ; Como'

trie abd all, ; i 1 :

. .. V , For well wo know;. .. 1 ;Again yonll call,y: - i We'll sail so lowj ,! Jk .r;;i;';r Of Goods the best, :

' : i; 'And profits small, 'We'll beat the rest,; ;

(..( And suit you all.Our Stock cf. Dry Goods. having been purchased inthe Eastern citicsj wtf flatter ourselves that we cansurpass our competitors in the low prices and goodqualities of our Stock, and .earnestly believe all willmako by calling and seeing" for thomselves beforepurchasingelscwherc. ..CAREY, JONES, & CO.

N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex-change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '56.



IS tOregon, Hult County, JIo.

."Has in. Store : ,

rure White Lead, 1" ' Window Class,Linseed Oil, ; ; .

' ;. .; Pulty,. .!Spanish Whiting, ...- f Caster Oil,. , .

Red Lead, ' 'Ex. Logwood,Lithcragc, ; ,v . Blue StenWhite Chalk, ' ; ,Alum,Ycnitian Red, ' ' Ground Ginger,Spanish .Brown,"'.: : ' ': Root do,Crcm of Tarter, , ; . Saint Louis Glue,rTartaric Acid, ; " ' " Paris Green,Sulpher Carb. Soda, ,1; Chrome do,Yinegar, , ; ,

:t . , do - yellow,

Turpentine,- - '." 'IronPaint,Sal Soda;.: '; .1 jvAiT 'i WThite Zink do.f!nn.-r!H- - ' Fish Oil,rQjt.':Td O.'il 'Jel i. Whale do.Borax; jt! Yir.Vi.vSfMcx.

Wrights' Pills, --

c: i

Linime'nt, A Champiati'ii'oy. ,.,! JYbl'. Oil .do, ' .. "- -' 'Jaynn's . 26,Morland's :do, i 0 7 7 :Irfudon'i ylu O'f .

Kenir p,nd Buaa do, . liad way's R; R.,' J ,Farrels 3oV. J ' - 'Davis Pain Killer,Xohdeh's doy! n0l!f 'JinFahnestock's:Yr.,!-.- ;i ;

JayVExrt,,TJ 0f) '. StoueV Cough Candy: '.on s uo, , iMc lane s Liver Pills. '

In addition to tho aboVd, I bavci tho largest Ftocscf Druggist and I hysicjar.s Shcpfurniturc, Chcmicals, Surgical instrument, and" I'atcht ,Mcdiciensevettoluired for salein this-Conntrv-

J . ' i

r.erchant3 and.. Physicians, of , Ipwa, Kansas, andNelrasia. afe respectfully, invited to give me a call."June7, lS5ii .t .," '

DAN.lCL 7.00K.


Machinists, rFcunders.and : r

MGffiEMlLLMSTrout SLree$f "West of Erajth,

, feNATJ A6, )5;

T7ou!J TtfrkrjtfuUyts&iii Uscjr friends andV V the public generally, that they are now pre-

pared iajwtfute ail. orders in their line, with prompt-ness. Having Jafely enlarged their shop and, withthe' increased facilities' they now po?ses.tiey'hope tdmerit. a continuation o tho liberal pitctnage hiihbas;herotofofe jteen- - extended to theSaw .Mill 'Engines cf "verprescriptionConstantly n Ja f'l": 'eoXaitiiv? of tbcrsash; ClrcuIar ana jluley. Ahll ucars and. every, dejeriptjapf( astings, warranted to be well made in "every particu-lar, ro ,rtrf-?f- i sr t.: :::::r:i ry.J. tA'if ..TSioy'have also-i- a' Uoilcr Vard Jittadhcd to theirestablishment, which enables .theni to oversee allwork in that line furnished by them, and are pre- -

tpf-Tex-l to work qn as titosoiiable teruia'as jtpythersuop in tho country. "

?. , i

Those in want of anything in our linewould dowell t give us a coll id cxamiatj or new patterns.

f. riJLEWi3-'-b t'Ji.'..t:j.".v- - Tnoi.J-.'CJTtTaoltftr- l j



C H E WI N G T O B A C C 0 il ,. hb ir CLASGOW, MISSOVHl r " "


for tha-Ter- Kb'eral patronage thatwe have heretofore received from our numerous

fciendsand customers, and while respectfully solicit-ing; it continuance of the same, pledging ourselves tosparof'noitiier pains nor expense to merit tho patron-o- f

the public, we beg leavo to announce thntWUiiam..I. Lewis has withdrawn frca our firm, andThosV Jl'Bartholow i3 admitted a partner from, the style of the nn remaining unchanged, andThat we li.ive secured the services' of Capt." GeorgeG. ' Davis who1 will hereafter act in the rapacity of

'TnA'Ei.t.8Aili:sirAH in.' connection with our. Mi".Bartholow; aqdj w3 dring the coming Season per-sonally wait upon our customers for the purpose ofsoliciting their orders. Ourstbck he'dover fromlast,year "of all Vo?cripiI6u3- - is unanimeusty larg. thequ-ilU- of .vrLic,h cannot fail ta-jrjv- ntira satijfac- -'

tion to consumers. c ' LEWIS i Br-.s- : t JGlasgow, Mo., January 6, 1S53. a ... s

Ste fel?.EIoto" r.Faclori' ' Harket Suar3,St.lJosepli,:SIoi ' J y ;

tVit.t.t iitr .m n.viJTUT? .- ii ivMA- - - v w - f r 4 t a

of (Prairie plo ws tX all sTkono"and two borso' flows anl Shotel-ploW- 3

Cultivators and Harrew!-Al- l orders (under Cve-han-dr- ;d

plows) filled immediately, Liberal discount towtolesabrpiifchalier. i i. t'.f rr r: n "' A


And - Freight- - xlgrents,) .slt.;;.i;i Y.I.: Z ...'.OW '.TUB ;l.t: ;

BALTIMORE ; AND .OHIO . RAILHOAD.No. 3, Olive Street, Ft. Lonis Mo. i

p 'j..u;.McFADiN .& co., .;FOR WARDING. QOMJIISSIQNl

' "ifierciiants, ;

No. 28 Levee, and 5G Commcrcial'street, I

; 'lc sf. XoniSj-'Mo.- 'Especial attention given to sales of IIEMPOrE,

Provisions, Flour, Grain, &.e. Consignments solicit- -co and prc-rantl- y aispftsed of.


Saddle. . and .Harncs3 Haker,East side of Main, bet. Francfs and Felix St., j

ST. 'JOSEPH, 'MO.' ' !

fHA'NSFUL fof pas( fivors, begs leave to icforrcrX. the public, that' tin has ju3t. returned from St.

Louis with as Cue an assortment cf materials aj haseb'cr.:ben purchased In that market. rV j :

His stock consists of a superior article: of SkirtingHarness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and" shp skins:fine grat morocco, beaaUlut arti- -

f.jJ? ' enameled lea 'her cf various LuesHe lias every variety of saddle trees, frora the 'real

X.ex:canaand Lnghsh, Ueard a and tmSiiiley a patI j i rn 1. it-- 1 z

.w... itpi.vj ri.iMV ..ij't-- yt.jquality, whip-Lashe- s, hames, traces, spurs, Ac. Halo,'cjacb, buggy: PencsvlvaEia, jankse-'ea- rt and

dny harness., c ' r '...'.-- .

".'. ; '

Ha has cot how, nor will 'ho "ksep any other thaiv

01 worKinen, ana in?trnctions 10 taein are neatness s ml strength. ls therefore, feels no hesi tation

!j'i:i saylcg tha't'liis ork wHl seldom bo equaled, 110

where sunossol,! . J ;:: - ' 1 1.' r, , .


ll ( U.xXJI 1,11 im illinium. . m ul,.iiiuu .u xcrp, kUiata-ti- a, utl- -


n. ivhittemobsV- k. . UUr.Tl.MOUS. ). F. CASTE.'!




1 ' (FIrii door above the Bank cf Missouri.)

J7"Casli paid for Furs and Deer. Skins."


" '' - -- CLATE3 LEE. ; -

Real 'Estate.--an- i .General Agency,- .031 AHA CITY, N- - T. ...'

. , ... Keferenccs. '.' J.ime3 Wright, Broker,' ' ! ' ' Na-n- r Ycrt,; ..Wm,A. Woodward, Esq. .

Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Go- v. of Ohio, Cleveland,Wicks, Otic and L'rowncll, Bankers, . " '.

Alcjott fc llorton, ".''Cd. Robert Cimhcir,.':;, St. IxtuLi,

James " "Ridgway, Esq.?r Crawforn and Sackett'' ' : '' ' Chicago. ;

Omaha City, Aug. 30,1335. :vln!3-l- y

,, JAJIE3 CAUGILL. . ., . CEO. W. CAUCltl..

, J. c CJ. W. CAIK.ILL,'.i'oriwAKDrxG aStd - commission --

AND MANUFACT UltER'S AGENTS,Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph,. 3Io.--.


of" Goods and ProduceGONSIQXMENTSand nil business entrust-

ed to ua will bo promptly and carefully attended toat the lowest rates. - -- ' : '

' - ' Ilcfcrences. v, '.';Tavlor & Shepherd, : St.


: R.'L.MeGheed; Co. i '; u, &. " uLivcnnore, Coolcy Co.,

-- ' Merchants Gencmlly, - St. Joseph.

BROWN '& CO.,No. TS, DIaia Steet, Si..Eouis; 2Io,


The clieacst and most extensive Fancy ?

Goods and Yankee Notions EataLlisk- -'' - inent in tlie "Western Countrjr.

in' search of cheap goods aro invi-ted to examine our stock of silks, dress goods,

shawls, white goods, Embroi lories, ribbons, glovesand hosiery, trimmings, furnishing goods and smallwares geno. ally, tcgether with 15,000 Parasolsof the latest and iuog&. fashionable styles, at manu-facturers' prices. ......' Cash buyers, c!o?e purchaser!, and prompt menwill find our stock, adapted to. their wants in everyparticular. A call from the trade is respectfully so-

licited. , '.'..' v , Ylnl2lf. August 2:?, 18 . .


JOHN COLIJOUX & BKOTIIEU,Sign cf the Padlock, ouo'd,.r below the Post'-- O 2ke.

,o-r- i ;ii;&T. JPSEPII, MO. c ; ,;: ,r .fVHOLESAl.E AND GET All. DEA1XK.1 rr,

'' VRB nbwreeoiving a fall'aod assortmenti cf all kind of Hardware and Cull jry, t whichthey irvite th&attcntion cf purchasers.1-- - Onr stcskhaving heq purokased cm tho lnot advantage- -

'ous toiius, wcare detcrinined to sell alsucli pricesas will be satJifiet'iry to buyers. :


;Do not Torgc to rave U3 a call before you purchase

(Ifliejvltlr6 or yon way regret. iUi ' '. ' .j.; !;




ER offered in fs t. Jeph,: which they intendoffering to the. Trr.d-- at prices which will com- -

pare favorably with th'istf of goods in St. Loaii We f

solicit buyers' tj.xaU and cfxamJac our stock before j

fhrvlr nr,.f-w-

Anions-- tho articles thcr't tier fsrsale arc.40 bales brown sheeting; I'O pi Vs fi.iu'l, all grades

5 bales osnaburg; 25U " .satinctfc??10 shirting, striped; 150 " ' tw'd.--i and cas'r.Jt

5 " cyliner bagging; . 5 bales seamless bags';400 pieces d:iid linsey: . 10 car-e-s;

li) cases bl'chcd shirting and sifting: 20 doi shawb;2 p.lif thfea plojt; green taackina'w blaaketij2i) scarlet "40 " blao it- -j

8 cases brown apd;h!eued'

drilling: 1G0 pair sad-dl- o

blankets. ,

Wholesale. Si Retail DGpatment.B. W. DOXSELU.. A. 1V SAXT0X.

'-- '.' DCNNELL- &"SAXTON. i"',"

Arrangement for Fall 'oG, Winter y57.i: t' - TllE PEOrLE'S STOUI5.-

' st:.-- , josepii. mo.: ' ' v.v !

Ker Goods' rec'd'by every Steamboat.Ifibrd orih'cra: Cheaper than ever.

arc prepared to ou;r Extra Ir.daccrhontLV.r this season and call attentioa ta our larsreStock. of . .

TRY: CtOI)9, '! : .".'vt ?:. v '



Hat3, Cav,.B.u al jTaocs, (sis hundred case?,)Groceries, a :y, HjrdwaM; Crock'ry Wapc Ac. .

":Cbfh pai)l for:iItnip,'ir..iciiveryf at all timj-i- .

ruputii'r dIT( and : TJphblstry'Of Great Variety.

At the Biinmr Famiture Wiirc Rooms of: ' HEN TON & TKLM13LE7 VO.i S;cond Sircef, Sijn of tt Chair an LtUad.TUT! ca&tintrc-r- l "liberal patromg?tf the citizens ofJi ,North Wcitt-r- Missouri, Xansw, Ne-l)r;v- ka

aad Ucttcrn Iowa, for all cf RlLh we foolthaHkful; has induced ns U increase our fAcIlitlcs fordoing business. IUvir-- lmilt last sprin?, a' vcrrUrge ManufacUry E.tsJii..hmcnt,6Dv Fta'ncis street,and hiiving cm.Iyd wuio of the very bit workmenin the Eastern ciLicM, we arc how determined not Utbo out done bvany other Furniture E.stalli,h;:ient intheMiisouri Nalh-Tn-iaantit-


styles and prws. Curtix--k ccn.iits in part cf Rose-wood, Walnut anl Mahgo-- y Bureau.-- , marble nndfvlid tops of every rtyk: exL-nsiorr- . eeutre, card, din-ic- g

arr- - aide-taV..h;- : B-j- case.?, Wa sta'adi,-W6r!- c

tiMes n 1 WradrJxn, SoU, 4Wdh, ottonvin's andfoototrK-jpringfja- t parlor chiiir?, rocking, taur-- t,elizabitly -- i?ir-? every rarie' y. Mahsonr, wal-ri- a,

verry ajidcnrla of every stvle andvariei. Spring, hair, vs, eottoiroirl shuck mat--,xntm, c, .tog:;iier'W:!Q ai; other irticl-- H ia m,r i

iin', usually kept ia a rnrniture ur;roj. .V.'osay then to a!r who miy want g'l Furniture-- , citherior r.ore., panorjer t r jom,gire ui a call and ex

lcaxe'jonr money here in place cf seadjng it t- - St'Louis aa iafmc-- article at the w.raalrri.c. ypa ea? get a jrvxl or.s hero at, ..' ' Our motto is tho cttih ?v?tei:i. wLi!i t.l.t.u . Itirrt"ia(;'!3ril!f i prt-fit- than o;ifi ir a'e'tjVIliihment cai!o where the jtc! it system i? Jif, - lh?ht;;hr.t vnee ' fjr soasoaed Wd- -

r - ! ' ' ' 'i

St. J?'?: h, Aug 3J, l v .

S.UBTABROOIXraizT) states r

" ViAilA t.;ill In. Tj--- ', . ' r


w i a ! a " - " ' a

. ','i.ajsc,rniiE sunscRinEUicaowin,;-- ,

JL nish Farmers and others witM.-- GRAIN SEPARATCK

for the present season. It jj unDCfUparticularly of the merits cf thee MieV7are too well knnwn throughout he .v ''1

cxtollm?: but the fact that tbi,..i. . .. v "rnrst. 1

are conunuing ro receire the prtmln, ,and County lair where they htro le-n.- U fsuSiciect to induco all those ia want if


chin?, j purchase or.c of ihcao. Z: hivi a practical rest o: ,,pf'.nit(.ricr..

with tli-- best of those nulla in Ilrlm i ; 'received the i.rXDf the leading

-. gnguUnralislj f t'wt v'S

I have a largo n amber cf tl;cia ci. la-- .j

'.he coming crop, made of mUcH ''tranted to do good work. .1 ' i-.',:machines within thelastycar, aid Davi nu'.3.'"ia warrjintin? them su;rior to ant? tn . -


.T 7 T ilamaiu ivuirga ntm5r cfCai'' Iinprovrd Clover llallers, '

patented in 1S51, which are gn-atl- sunerv.. .

patent of 1S41, being ia itself feider m.i

facturcd under tho immelit ijrvi.-- i (patentee, who hs penranently lx;,:c ;Q .11


The above cut rcprofnU my iDiiVt,.;lult

tor," and is d3iignod e specially fox the ftf3l..''use." .

Im also agent for Me Connick'j celt-tra-t J rr0ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined.

J. R. MOFFITTyPiqa,Sliani,Bn!j 0v



TTJIIERE may l found a larj asscrtr3V of COOKS A'S'D STATIONER

everything in their line, coLsistiug io pm,lows: . . ,

Histories and Biogra ph ie;',Narratives and Traveli, . "School Books,- " '

, Miscellaneous Wcrks, .L:ve3 of Eminent Pernors,

. Agricultural Works,Standard Pceti.-a- l Worki,

. Religious Work.',, . Song Hooks. . . ...

x . liillt-- ajj.LUyEin Hjaks.. - .. .

Novell and L:i,ht, Reading,.! 1 1 1 torh Y?nii s ' " .

, j ;T ilk R'ck.-'-, - , , V-- ji '

-- Paper, Pea'; and Ink,Cards and Gift Book,

' Toyj afld l aney i'rimcrs, -

Purtfi.rus and Albums, .

And a thousand other useful tad neceisir ui'j'sia the line. .;'; i

Alio, red, block" and b!ao INK., of onr onufactare, Wholes.ils and Retail, as chcar aj m n

had in St. Louis, and warranto! ff, thput np in quart, pint and half-pin- t botl!i; a

loar ana two ounco bottles. ' ' .

Professional men wishing alJU of ,'


;aw on mm mten bo supplied bore ai 20 per ; cent tborerli jh..TS priCT.'. we payt!ig all costs ir.d tjb'JUEi:';ii

at tne siiortest notiee. CJur aiTflntreaoat eajrwany STAND AilD JIOOKS printed ia ttted StatCS.v'.: i --

. i' ;.i 1'Call and sco our stock-'-w-- s iti niw hebrstniai

w.Hl srva our otutom-ir- s to Lcbsst of our ail:.O.ur priced, we aro sure will b4

..... . ...CiLUlLAf Council Bluffs, Iowr, Juno 11, yUS vlaJ.

'. Richardson's Missouii-.

'sT.Loris,"jns.,34our.L ;

BEG loavo to inform the 'pub'"(j;tTiV. t'i-- y Yntheir Expj osj Lire tii tbiij.lace. Ha-

ving complied with th? rui;Tna of ueir Csrrt:.and being fully organized, arc r prcparcltotr-j-ac- t

a-- , ; ') t y.j ;.. r.Gcueral ; Agcncj- - .Busings.::

The success which la. attca.le I the orir:5l I';. ;a- -

;r;r, is a guarantee 'tf the satisficli.. n ri'.Tj

crk. New Orleaa.. ,l"iil.vde!r.hi.. fW-- C

Cincinnati, Barlingtwi, LoalsvSIiscl: Iphis,' Pit tsionrgh and Bu.tfo,. ao;l ta alitt rPtown an J vil!iage ia tL6 Unitel SUtcEuri'j.,trnliA and 'California. ' ')."t; 'l,A will h puon Jin new steamer Cm-hs- ;

making weekly tripa' irvlseph, thcraconuectinx with cui d:iilj line t i ls'--

and oil pdnts InHefialf cf tLeii,Tthe ratr-jnag- c of the public U respectfully ....;!- -All busincij enfrdstec; to u. wf-lm-

K t wh'h the " T. I

anergetic and piti!!c attoiti.a' whi-.- b:i a'"J ;

eiiarueterized this Exprc s, atd 'inado it j.rii-mi-ii

in Wcstcra Ejrprw I'lsla?. ')7i'i:i . ; .5DIRECTOR;?. 1

: ,' ' '' --''St.'LT3i.!i i

EnwiTa) Mb.uv t. ; cms-t- . McC- -W: D. W. Beiward,- - ' 1

.To is' W. Toour.

B. F. BAlisr. Alton. U J. Pi.jfiT. l,ir..-.-i- i

; JCSEl'a.F.:R.lCU.iRBSON, --'f'i-S. M. GgAY, ScoV. . r 't 1

' V In?. - ilEVKT TTini.-r- . r,nml lr .

NOTICE. NOTICE2IcrcMnt3, Sport

noiiAcij i;GREAT. WESTERS EJHtirJl'M.-f-- r Shut :

listed.?, Fishing Taekie and SjVirtir.'-?- -l aratu.of every-?iuty- r W av J'o. l.'.;'"street, St. Louis, the si 'u of the Deer in tie

We keep constantly on harxl a full a"3crtnKr.t

- U.J-tlllg- , Ji;arcrct and Minnie K- -

Together with even . ''J "uaas, al?. and Wadding PiCar;, &c.: in fact, everything ct nnected wr.u the G- -

Tradij.Tiro II n ndred Drccch leading

.Riles of "- -

;patenr...N. i;. All kinds fcf- gun mrinl and Dt':s

In the forgcl, tiled ard tini.-'lio- HtJ.te.1 call and examine fioy:crsclTe b?ory

make your purchases, as expetiaacs is the c?--tr1

'guido. - X. i', 1 I ': ''.'"...ri7".0arS"r''','arnal!w!in-ant(dbyus- . ,rrfugu.' Tlrrl-- tr

'Prbvi3lcris.T7-- keep constantly --art trial, Flonri Crn I:YV Eicon, BaUcr,:acd cv-i- -y rarVrvcf"' ;. r. - - !itiEi.;rKLLj

aVT. 'JOSEPH'1 iJJJHBEE A''1 Siteef, iiar Cargill'i '

WV J.' TAYLOR, ILra6v.lTron lia 'J' S'uia-iil- tS nkaied i!.tcc

.' 1 mi, cr i new full'' ireratvi w -

.X modate pa trim aud frienlivith tb'!- -

aortmcat of. Pina Luaihrr evr of fed' iakct, cmtrinn? r.t,t ,i.T tn..' lino LuniVf ,"'.

White arl Y-ii.- lu r,'. . ..i.i.. .l.--e- lot'1bcit 'a?ortaient of Pino and Cottonwood E3

-- 'PoMar Siding, ic ; n 1 : -

uily prr '.ir;,-- ! to f 11 all orders in htiline, .;; 1

nu-;- , az.d vtir.ljiiiarlr dici:s lli-- Eat-'J- ..' I

brai!;a trid, f.j-1.- has thil irtk-Je- thy jrnas- - h;w-- . Ro sur td riv in m-.- n,!jr .,3lrMill, and in th- - lPd'-.-nri-iiiitv- of thaurf' !

iseph Bre.wory.

.iteerartta .' nrrv H0li

..x...,..,, -

r.Bundles' of Hood, Jlstcaaadize, .lMr,.ftn4TcrTdcEiripticci;jf Frn-b- t, sn rea-MMi-

3 t'l8,-)',:;cn- n , '. v'L"WlUk other rOSponitLl. CMl.fritK?',




"6 as 1 hv' asyrtu:it t-- f iKit S-.- anl .

tiaf H:ad, erer otTered- - in th' ark:, ' P10whih is direct frtrn Ciir.-iaiiit.-i laanafxtorieJ,- f

feaUsi Lin in. r vA.. ? 1 ' . 1

Dust Kiel :At4tbvncvY J? nkurassa crrr;. t: : .

l .'. U Uitwf.ll 111 n 3 .OF Mlln ... .. - f - l' , J,..As small proQts and quick sal, is Lis motto, he U t0 t;n2Jof tho pt, rIet Sut'mJ K rf I '"!a Street, Nebraska C:tv,wili U rLtlges.L.ieU to.ll Cco-iJe- rlng thifaulty c OeT.rriUry, tcnda-LP..f,-i, Suje learths

i.wwij.ur.juuaw-.- v "l"' a need tlieia. lie CiUers Lira! jlf thitl-- tor al. parts or tie 1 ertiVirv, I . r

Thac disused to rospcclhitn of sii3g,haycoa4tl ?;3"1 1 r 'ff-,-, f pt,f,1,-if'.'- t 7 -

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